GRIT | April 2023

GRIT | April 2023

Back in GRIT this month…. Just to add to everything already on my plate. It is all about accountability though. Keeping me on my toes, but also keepin’ it humble and authentic. 

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #1 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Reach for the Peach (Pyramid) F3 Finisher 5K steps
CONTEXT: “StoryAthlete Finds a Way…”
“The more you do, the more you can do”. A mentor said this back when I was 18 and juggling high school, marriage, teen mom, managing a motel and decided to take on a sales type side job. The concept means that we learn to adapt and play Life Tetris with our responsibilities.
That motto has stuck with me all these years and got me through many times of juggling responsibilities when I felt like I had no idea what I was doing or how I would get things done.
I have participated in GRIT sporadically throughout my entire 3-year SA membership. I jumped back in this month because… Holy F…. because I don’t seem to have enough on my plate at the moment?
I am organizing training courses for Reiki and Black Pearl trauma release technique. Tax sh*t and bookkeeping is weighing on me. I am in the midst of a heavy-duty deep healing certification course that is taking me through ocean depths of healing the past and upleveling my energy. I have amazing clients to work with and more booking in. Radio advertising that has proven a great ROTI. Home and family obligations. Let’s add in accountability to a team with a daily workout and context writing…
My brain feels fried and yet it certainly is not with all the energy healing work I have been doing.
I have a steps challenge going with Joe which is fun because I am dancing with fun music to get steps in every day. I did great for a week and tanked yesterday. But today is a new day. I will get things done in Divine Timing. I will find a way 😊

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #2 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- Charged with X-cessive Force
(12) Hand Release Pushups (12) X-Crossed RB Rows G2G (Optional): Spinal Mobility (Holy crap I did all of it!)
CONTEXT: “I Hunt My Audience…”
Men have such a fuck it or kill it mentality, but that is what runs their testosterone. I have kinda gotten used to the aggressive terminology within the SA GRIT community, but that does not mean I use it for myself as much.
I do not feel I “hunt” or otherwise “prey” on my audience.
Ya, I do put myself out there way more these days, but just as my authentic, and hopefully most of the time, Heroic Self.
Further than that, I have learned to balance my own attracting frequencies and the frequency of my business which is the most effective form of following the manifesting Law of Attraction.
I am super blessed that I have a spectacular list of clients and followers who are also on a personal growth path and seem to appreciate what I have to offer in the way of energy balancing services and mentoring with all my experiences and acquired knowledge in the energy healing realms.
I’ll leave the hunting to ethical hunters and moose steak dinners. I work on myself first and then attract my most ideal clients.

Jackie Rioux: image of text that says ’10:42 Wed, Apr 5 Samsung Health 6,422 steps You’ve achieved 101% of your step goal.
Joe Tedesco Jackie Rioux HUNT💪 😁
Jackie Rioux This is what I did today. Went to voice my radio ad and brought the boys some eggnog bread 😛
Eggnog debate on local radio 94.3 The GOAT | Ladybug Wellness Ep 36
Jackie Rioux
Eggnog debate 2. The Verdict on local radio 94.3 The GOAT | Ladybug Wellness Ep 37
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux that’s why the male bee continues to mate even after the female rips his head off……Focus.
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger I always have to laugh at FOCUS … I had a supervisor years ago that always said that to some people… I found out why.
F*ck Off Cuz Ur Stupid 😛
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger Oh and apparently ladybugs do that too.. lil necro’s

Day of GRIT: #3 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- Don’t Forget to Bring a Towel (Hub-Spoke) F2, 5K steps
CONTEXT: “I Embrace 37X Growth…”
Within SA GRIT this concept of 37% growth basically means we are doing a little each day, taking baby steps which doesn’t seem like much at all, yet over time, our efforts compound into this 37% growth.
I am always applying these analogies and concepts to my own life on an energetic level, integrated with my experiences as an energy balancing practitioner and a business owner.
Sometimes I feel like I am so behind in life, like I am no where near any of my goals, and everything seems so far away.
A mentor told me years ago to trust Divine Timing, that as soon as we take a step towards our life’s purpose, the universe will conspire for us. It will, and it does, feel like a world of synchronicity and miracles. Now I am the one always saying “Trust Divine Timing”.
Maybe we’re not really for the next level just yet. Maybe there is something else that needs to be in play first.
Flylady taught me the importance of just taking baby steps. So many inspirational leaders promote just keep moving forward.
I tend to try and see the whole staircase at once and get overwhelmed. But when I can just focus on the first step, then the next, and the next, I will soon reach the top or my destination or goal and it will seem like nothing at all in this compounded journey or growth when in reality, I have come 37% farther than if I had not taken that first step and kept going.
Trust Divine Timing and just know that mentors and information will come into my life as I am ready and when I look back on my life, I will be able to see the compounded efforts and the beautiful tapestry of my life.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #4 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Gravity Chamber F2 Finisher- 4MOD- Hip to Be a Square annnnd G2G (Optional): “Shoulder & Spine Mobility”
CONTEXT: “I Seal Up Energy Leaks…”
Of course as an energy balancing practitioner, I am going to have my own different perspective on anything energy. I seal up energy leaks? Oh hell ya I do. Well, most of the time. I am human, you know.
Energy healing is all about embracing and enforcing our energetic boundaries so we can be sovereign in our own bodies and energy fields. In Court of Atonement, we call this “energy encasements” and these can have “drafts and drains” which can leak our energy and make us feel out of sorts or lethargic.
Any time I go out of my own home boundaries, I try to remember to “shields up” my boundaries because there is some crazy sh*t out in our world and I don’t want that in my own energy field cocoon.
The full moon happens to be a great time for energy clearing and releasing low vibrations. Ever notice how the full moon brings out all the crazies and our first responders are run off their feet on those nights? Last night was no different. I heard sirens all night. I slept with my blinds open so I could soak in the healing and purging energies of the full moon.
I have been working my way through an intensive Court of Atonement certification course which is a rabbit hole like no other in deep energetic and spiritual cleansing. I have been sleeping so deeply this past week.
I hardly ever dream these days, but last night I had a really messed up dream. Sleeping is healing time, like a human defrag where our daily memory files sort into our long term memory. This can get pretty weird if you happen to remember dreams because sometimes our subconscious mind gives us messages in attempts to sort out life issues as well.
Anyway… In this dream, I drove my vehicle into a department store doorway, then realized too late that I went backwards through a car wash. My SIL Mike was there and just shaking his head at my stupidity, embarrassed for me. (My kids do that sometimes…).
I was so upset, completely embarrassed beyond belief and trying to get myself out of this predicament somewhat gracefully with onlookers staring at me.
Once I got out of the whole area, I pulled over on the side of the road crying over what just happened. I feel like I am supposed to set an example for everyone else in keeping it together all the time. To be a mentor and a teacher. I sure didn’t feel like it in that moment.
Then, realizing that I am human and the best way to get out of a bad situation is to turn it into a story and highlight your own failings before anyone else has a chance to turn it on you.
I called my fave people at the radio station and told them what I did… owning up and making a funny story out of it even though I was crying out of sheer embarrassment. I gave a shout out to the nice manager at this car wash and laughed at myself.
Pretty f’ked up dream, eh?

What am I learning from this?
~ Well, I did actually go into the radio station the other day to voice my next radio ad. I had to do several takes because I got so tongue tied on the “with subtle shifts” part of the script. I love my radio people because they can edit and make me sound professional. I wish we could do that in real life!!
~ I am human and even though I am a mother, grandmother, mentor, teacher, and energy balancing practitioner, I can still have days where I totally F up everything and embarrass myself.
~ Every day we wake up is a day to be thankful for, and a chance at a new beginning.
~ I have no idea if the car wash place in my dream was a real place, but if a manager at a place like this was ever nice to me in a situation like this, I would definitely give them a shout out. (Actually, maybe this was a twisted memory of a real life situation years ago where my antenna got ripped off in a car wash… hmmm…).
~ Better to own up to our failings right away and be able to learn and move on.
~ Always remember “shields up” when I leave the house.

Joe Tedesco: That dream isn’t that bad… kinda sounds like fun except the feeling like a like a fuck up part
Jackie Rioux: I am a very nice person until I am behind the wheel. Redhead road rage on anything that interupts my highway Zen. And I am the first one to bitch out stereotypical female drivers… so when I do a dumbass move, … ya I feel like a fuck up lol

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #5 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Globetrotter Tryouts F2 Finisher (4MOD) + 5K
CONTEXT: “I Control What I Can Control…”
My favorite quote ever:
God grant me the grace to accept the things I cannot change
and the power to change the things I cannot accept.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, Matrix Energetics.
I can control what is within my boundaries. I cannot control what is outside of my boundaries. I can change my perspective of anything outside of my boundaries.
In energy healing, I establish my respectable boundaries, then shift my energy to control whatever is in the way of me being my most authentic self and creating my best life.

Jackie Rioux: May be an image of text that says ’10:48 Today 6,293 steps 4.58 km 332 Cal
Jackie Rioux: Keeping up with most days 🙂
Calling My Shot Steps Challenge | Ladybug Wellness
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux the third line of that prayer is…. “And the Wisdom to know the Difference…”
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger yes, I know the original. This is the energy healing version. We are way more powerful than we are led to believe.
I love Raymon Grace’s philosophy as well. How do you know you can’t do something if you don’t try.
Wisdom to know the difference in this case could mean hidden beliefs holding us back on some level of consciousness.
So… I do my best to change anything I cannot accept.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #6 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza + 5K steps
CONTEXT: “I Give Back to Create the Future…”
Back in February 2020, it was weighing on me that I need to give back somehow, like a form of tithing, to show appreciation for my successful business and such amazing clients. I offered a free remote group energy balancing session on my Ladybug Wellness FB page.
I had such incredible feedback that I decided to offer it again on a more regular basis. Then the world shut down and I realized, omg! This is what I am supposed to be doing in offering a general “bulk” type session where I can address several clients/ participants at once. Well, three years later, this is still a popular session choice for many people. Its kind of a general energetic maintenance for those who would like to keep on top of their self care in this way.
Business-wise this is my “loss leader” in attracting all sorts of new clients and my business has flourished in this karmic exchange as well.
Participants in this free remote group do write in often enough to let me know how their lives have changed both subtly and profoundly, giving credit to this weekly group session.
This is my way of giving back to create a better future for myself and for others.

Jackie Rioux
Jackie Rioux: May be a screenshot of text that says ’10:24 Sun, Apr 9 Samsung Health 6,340 steps You’ve achieved 100% of your step goal. 3 Samsung Health 10:17a.m. Workout detected Automatically recorded 49 minutes of walking.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #7 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- Shell Shock O’Clock F2 + 5K
CONTEXT: I’m Persistent When It’s Inconvenient…
My high school friend lost her mom just days before Christmas. They are having a celebration of life next month in my hometown, which is a 6 hour drive from here. It is not really convenient for me to take off then as I have a practitioner retreat already planned the following weekend (my birthday weekend) which is an 8 hour drive in a different direction.
I have blocked my client calendar and have confirmed that I will show up to support my friend through this final goodbye.
I love long drives and I will get to see other family and friends for this trip, so I am making it a few days away.
The rest of life can wait til I return. Priorities, baby.
Jackie Rioux: screenshot text that says 12:31 Mon, Apr 10 Samsung Health 6,363 steps You’ve achieved 101% of your step goal.
Brian Trainum Yeah sounds like the right place to be Jackie…
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux its interesting that funerals, celebration of life, etc so clearly remind us how fleeting this world is and when it’s done, it’s done.
Especially for that person, it takes priority over everything.
No more To Do lists, no cleaning out the Inbox.
My co-worker just lost her Mom over the weekend and the Showing was today, all around Easter but this is when it happened and its being dealt with this week.
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger, ya… celebrations suck after losing loved ones.
My SIL birthday, April 9, passed Canadian Thanksgiving. Buddy Andy DOB April 7, passed Dec 13, grandma passed Dec 28.
So, my favorite holidays, Easter and Christmas, Thanksgiving are all screwed with memories. My mentor passed while i was on holiday in 2012. Came home to her funeral on my birthday.
We can get caught up in the dates, or just carry on and honor them regardless of convenience.
This celebration of life will be Mother’s Day weekend. But also, right in between my mom’s birthday and my birthday. So… celebrate one way and the other.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux that the challenge with loving others, often they end up leaving for good.
My wife is big on dates of love ones passing away, its the good and bad of what makes her tick

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #8 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Reach for the Peach (Pyramid) F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Know Word Choice Matters…”
Everything is energy and everything has a frequency vibration. I find in my work as an energy balancing practitioner that word choice matters in describing what a client needs to release within their balancing session. Anger, rage, wrath are all variations of a similar emotion, but they all vibrate and affect our energy differently. Sadness, sorrow, forsaken, are all variations of emotions as well.
When we work with energy, we are always working with what is activated in the moment. So to release certain emotions, sometimes we need to identify and acknowledge the corresponding vibrational word.
Other times we don’t need to know much and we can just go ahead and balance.
It is beneficial to understand the reasons behind why certain imbalances clear easily and other imbalances require knowing that word choice matters to bring the mind and body into peaceful balance.

Sharing Joe’s context for reference:
Joe Tedesco Day of GRIT: 9 of 28

METRICS: 5K + 4MOD Finisher
CONTEXT: “I Operate with Transparency”
I was reading Dennis’s context on this morning and he said something that stood out to me. Something I felt I did for a long time too…
He wrote this about sharing his journey in his emails, “I think you can also show too much struggle, for a few years I went on and on with my struggles from years ago in my newsletter and it came across as I was looking for pity. Social media has a fair share of those people. Thank God for my wife she constantly argued with me about it, she said come down from your cross we need the wood. Everyone gets it, now start writing about how you are coming out of it.”
I laughed when I read the comment his wife would make to him, “…come down from your cross we need the wood. Everyone gets it, now start writing about how you are coming out of it.”
That’s one of the reasons I used to struggle to write and share my story. It always came out with a sad undertone.
I mean, it was all truth based on where I was at in my life at that time.
But I would routinely get comments from people reaching out about the negative aspect and not really picking up on my overall message.
I guess that’s just human nature too. We like to latch on to the bad stuff. Like looking at car wrecks as we drive by.
Good or bad, I’ll share my shit.
It’s like my good friend Jackie always says… “I have no brain filter… always have the twisted view.”
Yep, me too Jackie!
Some will resonate, some won’t, and I’m good with that.
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco shine a light on that f*cker and turn it into your gift of assisting others to overcome their past as well.
Love this. Love the cross reference too. So relatable!

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: I Operate with Transparency
Following up on Joe’s context on how we can share too much struggle and not so much of the overcoming aspect of our journey.
Through my time in this SA community and participating in daily writings, I have realized that I had kept sharing the same old story. I was a teen mom, I busted my ass raising kids alone, I suffered through a toxic exhausting environment in what had been a good job at one time… blah blah blah.
Or, the other part is I how endured childhood sexual abuse, I was extremely naïve with no boundaries because… let me tell you all about all the times I have been violated, r*ped, coerced, betrayed and subjected to derogatory abuse. Cry me a f*cking river. Oh woe is me…
Does anyone want to continue hearing that sob story? Probably not. There are enough victims and drama queens out there and I don’t need to add to that melting pot.
No. Share the story once. Write it out with all the gory details. Then I will shine a light on that f*cker and I will call myself out on anything before someone else tries to judge me on my past.
Instead… let me tell you how I overcame that past. Let me tell you about all I have learned and how I have turned that pile of sh*t into the gift of fertilizer that has blossomed into the beauty of my life now.
Let me tell you about energy healing and specifically what I have looked for in spiritual and energetic imbalances that contributed to those patterns of the past. Want to hear about ancestral trauma patterns and miasma that can affect our lives now? Or how to get our deflated spirits encouraged to face another day? How about the scientific and biological connections in our every day world that can contribute to our imbalances, or to our own healing?
Let me introduce you to my extensive website that has been my inspirational outlet for 20+ years. This is my online corner of the world where you will find a plethora of information that you can use for your own self empowerment or book in appointments to work with me personally to overcome the tragedies of the past, where you too can be a thriver and an overcomer.
You will find ME being my authentic self with writings from my own thoughts, not some computer or robot generated disingenuous sh*t talk. I operate with transparency and a somewhat twisted view of life, because laughter really is the best medicine. Come join me and let’s take on this journey of life with gusto and enthusiasm by becoming our own Heroic selves.

Mila Sharma: You’re an inspiration Jackie 💗
Jackie N. Rioux: In good company!! I have shared your book lots 🙂
Mila Sharma: Jackie N. Rioux well if it can help others like you helped me then yes!!
Yvonne Marie Wittke: “The beauty of my life now” ….. Jackie you are an amazing person. What an overcomer you are! What a positive person and someone who can be an “ear” and an inspiration. May God bless you dear friend 🤗😘❤️ Love you!

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #10 of 28 April 13th
METRICS: 12MOL (FoF) Finisher- Don’t Forget to Bring a Towel F2 + 5K steps
CONTEXT: “I Can Deal With the Shit…”
Yeah, I can deal with shit…. But do I really want to??
A friend several years ago, owned a cleaning business. She told us an experience that relates to the power of words. Her go to phrase when people asked what she did for a living was “shoveling shit, just shoveling shit…”. Well, turns out her words manifested. She took on a clean out rental job, as this was a usual task for her company. She showed up at the location only to find that the tenants had left a nasty mess with dog feces and damages. So, she ended up “shoveling shit”.
This was a lesson to all of us to watch our words and I have taken this story to heart in watching my words in what I want to manifest.
I much prefer to live life and handle life’s challenges with “grace and ease”.
So, yup, I can deal with the shit, but I will turn it into fertilizer for my life’s garden.

Jackie Rioux: May be a screenshot of text that says Thu, Apr 13 Samsung Health 6,402 steps You’ve achieved 101% of your step goal. 3:02p.m. Workout detected Automatically recorded 44 minutes of walking.
Glenn Forman: Jackie Rioux True for oh soooo many people.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #11 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Gravity Chamber F2 Finisher- 4MOL + 5K steps
CONTEXT: “I Connect to the Burn…”
I had been just doing the minimum required daily workout throughout any of the months I participated in GRIT. Normally, there is one 5K day per week.
A few weeks ago, I “called my shot” in support of Joe signing up for a marathon. I offered to get in 5 K in steps per day. I have been wanting to get back into walking regularly, or dancing or whatever to have some fun for me kind of exercise. I started off sporadic in March as I was away and had company visiting too. Since March 26 tho, I have only missed 3 days of not getting my steps in.
I have a selection of upbeat tunes and have been dancing/ walking around my house every day. My legs and butt are feeling the burn a bit now, but I am getting more used to it every day. I bought some fancy boots to splurge on myself and my legs and butt are getting in shape to show off my boots. GO ME!!
Jackie Rioux: May be a screenshot of text that says Fri, Apr 14 Samsung Health 6,458 steps You’ve achieved 102% of your step goal.
Jackie Rioux: Laura Vita boots 😛 May be an image of boots
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux that’s a good burn- do you do your steps in those boots…….

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #12 of 28 SATURDAY April 15th 2023
METRICS: (FoF)- Globetrotter Tryouts – EMOM F2 Finisher 4MOL KB Press + 5 K Steps
CONTEXT: “I Know Laughter is the Best Medicine…”
We are on the last week of the 6 week Court of Atonement certification course. Since I have been there from the beginning and am a bit experienced, it seems that some of the new participants are apparently somewhat intimidated working with me. While I appreciate the compliments, I have been keeping it humble and letting them see some of the dark issues I have overcome. I also have been sharing two of my hilarious stories shared in my website.
How appropriate that today’s context is about laughter lol.
Sharing here so you can laugh along with me, or at me… Enjoy 😛

Jackie Rioux: I warned you….My Garlic Cleanse Adventure | Ladybug Wellness

Jackie Rioux: The horse story, and my own naivety…

Jackie Rioux: May be a screenshot of text that says Sat, Apr 15 6,326 steps You’ve achieved 100% of your step goal. & Samsung Health 8:53 a.m. Workout detected Automatically recorded 55 minutes of walking.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #13 of 28
METRICS: April 16th, 2023 Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: I Work Hard AND Smart…
I used to always complain that I busted my ass raising kids eons ago. I was in the rat race of a corporate hourly wage at that time. Fast forward through all sorts of education and leadership courses, I learned to amplify my skills and to work smarter, not so much harder – I had plenty of that in the former exhausting “Just Over Broke” capacity.
Through my time in this SA community and gleaning all sorts of useful information through our open-source forum, I have learned more about leverage in my business.
Although I have had a website for 22 years, I have now been adding more pages of information there to reduce so many direct questions from clients and followers. I have found ways to leverage my time and writing assets so that the clients that do actually book in are my own kind of “5%” cream of the crop type people that I really do want to work with.
This makes my life and my business so much more rewarding and, I think, prosperous as well.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #14 of 28
METRICS: April 17th 2023 12MOD (FoF) Finisher F2 +5K steps
CONTEXT: I Am a Problem Solver…
Some advice from a leadership conference years ago: Life is all about overcoming challenges. You’re either going into a challenge, in a challenge, or coming out of a challenge. It is the rhythm of life, just like the chaotic rhythm of a heart beat – and we never want to flatline.
The key to life is adaptability. My experiences in life have given me a toolbox full of skills to be an effective problem solver for most issues in my life. Get ‘er done.
For the things I cannot overcome completely by myself, I am thankful for a network of other effective problem solvers with which I can collaborate and get ‘er done as well.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #15 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Reach for the Peach F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Put in My Reps…”
Reps for me right now is getting 30 case studies client sessions done and submitted for my Court of Atonement certification course. I have 13 of 30 done as of this morning and receiving wonderful feedback from those ones so far. YAY!
My other reps is my steps challenge with Joe. I am committing to 5K in steps every day and have been keeping up with that commitment almost every day. Out of 23 days since March 26, I have only missed my target on 4 days. For me this is just a fun challenge, so I am not beating myself up for those 4 days, rather I am seeing the 19 days of continuous reps that are firming up my little chicken legs. (More like thunder drumsticks, but whatever…).
I am getting my reps in and making progress in a few areas of life.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #16 of 28
METRICS: April 19th 2023 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “Discipline Is a Skill Not a Trait…”
Oh hell ya discipline is a learned skill and not a trait because I sure as heck wasn’t born with it. I am kinda amused that clients and friends seem to think I get so much accomplished but I fully admit that some days I just stare at the wall in a state of dumbfounded freeze mode. I get just as overwhelmed as the next guy.
Then, when I get a hold of my errant brain that left on holidays without me… I can gather my wits, clear my energy, and get moving again.
Right now, my discipline is keeping up with a personal steps challenge of 5 K per day. I tanked the last 2 days and today is 5K in GRIT so I best get it done and get this posted as I have a Reiki 2 class to teach today.
Discipline is all about organizing priorities and executing the plan of action. This is something that I work on each and every day as I am a work in progress.

Joe Tedesco: Get to steppin girl!!
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux its all about getting the brain back on track 1% faster today than yesterday…..

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #17 of 28 April 20th 2023
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher F2
CONTEXT: “I Master Situational Strategy…”
Every time this context prompt comes up, I get a deer in headlights look. Apparently, I am a Master in some things I do, but I am more of a Jackie of all trades, energy – wise.
Honestly, I often feel like my nickname Scrat in that I just bump along in life and wing it for most things like road trips. I adapt and align with “whatever works” to get things done. I rely on my intuitive senses heavily and find that when I do that and trust my spirit guides to lead me along my path of life, I do tend to live in a world of synchronicity and miracles.
There are many amazing things in life that I just cannot explain logically but I can trust spiritually, if that makes any kind of sense here.
So, my version of mastering situational strategy is alignment with my intuition and Source and taking the higher vibration road of life.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #18 of 28 April 21st 2023
METRICS: (FoF) – Gravity Chamber F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Commit to Do Hard Shit…”
Thank God I love my chosen career path now as an entrepreneur energy balancing practitioner. Do I want to get up every day and tend to the every day boring necessities of chores and all the paperwork etc that comes with running a home business? Do I want to have difficult conversations or put myself out there to the world completely vulnerable and exposed?
Nope, not really. I love connecting with clients and living my passion, but there is always a flip side when I run my own business.
I need to address my own issues to set an example regularly for my clients and family. I need to keep on top of everything else as well whether I like it or not.
An entrepreneur must commit to doing hard shit because it is the only way. Analyze, adapt, pivot when necessary. Just get ‘er done.
A wise quote to live by: Zen and then the laundry.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #19 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Globetrotter Tryouts F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “My Emotions Are an Asset…”
This is another one of those context prompts that although I understand where CJ is going with his context, the phrase “My emotions are an asset” invokes a string of profanities from me right now.
All the work I do is all about finding the roots of trauma and then balancing and releasing low vibration energies and emotions. Ryan Fletcher said it best in his writing quite a while ago which I constantly defer to:
“Those who fail to control their emotions are massive liabilities. Uncontrolled emotion is the equivalent of being drunk. Irrational. Totally exuberant in a negative way. Caught up in their own drama. Have you ever tried to speak rationally to a drunk person? It’s painful. There’s no conscious thought. Just spewing of emotion. Everything they feel just bursts out. Visually, it looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. So, if that’s what’s happening in your head. All that chaos. How can we possibly be productive? Focused? Or strategic?”
I know too well this reactive state from in myself from years past. Those kinds of emotions were definitely NOT an asset. There is a definitive difference in the wonderful high vibration emotions of enlightenment, happiness, joy, etc. and the low vibration negativity type emotions.
While it is nice to feel the high vibration emotions, overall emotions are not an asset.
My asset is my intuition that forgoes emotion and relies on clairsentient knowingness to navigate my life.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #20 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza + 5K steps
CONTEXT: “I Commit to Move…”
I have been slacking on my steps challenge a bit this past week. I got all my certification case study sessions done and submitted. My next project is getting tax sh*t done and submitted in the next 5 days before my appointment with my financial advisor. I have been doing the bare minimum required for GRIT workouts, but not getting steps in every day.
I find it makes a HUGE difference to get moving with dancing and steps. I have more of a Get ‘er Done! Kind of attitude and although I despise paperwork and filing, my mood can be lifted and just dive in to get it done.
Got my steps in this morning and back at ‘er…. Let’s DO THIS!!
(And add a monthly appointment with myself to keep on top of this sh*t in the first place….).

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #21 of 28 MONDAY- April 24th 2023
METRICS: Helped a friend move allll day + 5K steps
CONTEXT: I Cede No Power to My Haters…
My best example of not giving away my power is a lesson learned from a friend years ago who got mugged on the way to work. Although pretty shook up, she did her due diligence in reporting and dealing with the police etc. Then she showed up at work. We were surprised she didn’t take the day off to gather her wits after that experience.
She explained that if she changed her day because of some dumbass who tried to ruin her day, then she had given him her power.
Harsh but poignant lesson I have always remembered.
Who has my power?? ME!!

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #22 of 28 TUESDAY – April 25th 2023
METRICS: FoF) – Reach for the Peach F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Answer the Call to Become Heroic…”
In this day and age where society is full of entitled lil sh*ts, I figure any day that we wake up and, more importantly, show up is a good day. Showing up is the key element that sets apart the 5% of the population that are actively taking control of their own life and narrative.
Any time we show up is answering the call to be heroic for ourselves and those around us. I may not always feel like showing up, but I do anyway because I would like to continuously become Heroic 😊

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #23 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Am Hyper Observant…”
When I first moved to Prince George, I had transferred with the post office. I didn’t have much for support from the kids’ dad to raise our 4 kids so I took on a second job in a nightclub as a beer girl for 2 years.
Looking back, I was SO naïve, like you cannot even imagine how naïve I was then. I was so oblivious to so much and probably a good thing actually.
I managed through that job and made some friends — who still tease me to this day of how naïve I was lol.
Yet, I did learn how to watch the crowds for any fights brewing and could alert security with my signal of tossing ice up in the air towards the floater doorman so we could contain issues before they started.
It was an interesting experience in my life and I learned to be somewhat hyper observant. Then there are still days that I have Scrat brain and miss details of something that should be important.
I am always a work in progress though and I seem to have more wins than losses these days.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #24 of 28 THURSDAY April 27th, 2023
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher F2
CONTEXT: “I Am the Stabilizing Force…”
When the going gets tough, the Tough get going. Earth energy is rising and has been steadily rising for many years. Many people study this Schumann Resonance phenomenon. Vibration is rising and not all humans can handle this increased pressure on our carbon meat sack bodies. Our energy is transforming into crystalline. This shows up as headaches, nausea, feeling ungrounded and out of sorts.
No one is immune to the process of nature. But we can balance our own energies and align with the earth frequencies to lessen the uncomfortable effects. As an energy balancing practitioner, I have been, and continue to be, a stabilizing force in this increasing unstable and chaotic world.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #25 of 28 FRIDAY April 28th, 2023
METRICS: (FoF) Gravity Chamber F2 Finisher 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Evolve the Machine…”
I am learning more and more about business assets and leverage, and I am more aware of opportunities to put this knowledge to good use.
I have had to get over my fears of talking on camera, making videos, and posting to my YouTube channel. I have added several more pages to my website on topics of interest to my clients and followers.
I have gained several more followers in the last two months, and a lot more feedback on my website content etc. It seems to have been well received and has attracted more clients for me.
Change, growth, movement, and adaptation are continuous elements in the evolution of my business and myself. Just like a well oiled machine, I continue to work on myself energetically to create the best life for myself and to encourage those around me to do the same for themselves.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux isn’t higher vibration better than lower ones?
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger yes very much. But it is coming in intense, Schumann has been off the charts numerous times.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #26 of 28 SATURDAY April 29th 2023
METRICS: (FoF)- Globetrotter Tryouts F2 Finisher 4MOL +5K
CONTEXT: “I Value Ability Over Experience…”
I am all about relieving stress. It’s just what I do in my business with energy clearing. A few months ago, I realized that it can be quite stressful to find good hired assistance service workers. Once I find a good one, I like to hang on to them dearly and promote them to my circles of contacts.
I finally added a page in my website to list my go-to people, those hidden gems that have proven themselves to have the ability and integrity to provide good effective service in their chosen field and skills.
This turned out to be a great idea as it seems many people have been visiting this page and hiring these wonderful gems as well. I think experience and ability go hand in hand but, integrity and ability will always be first choice.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #27 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Reflect on My Results…”
The past eight weeks have been intense for me in completing this Court of Atonement certification course. The material itself is not intense at all. The course is laid out well with a video, some reading and an exercise or assignment each day. The reason it was so intense for me personally is because I was away and had some other responsibilities going on in March and got myself 2 weeks behind everyone else in the course. I aligned myself with Divine Timing, did some manifesting work and got myself caught up quickly.
However, that is where things got intense for me. Court of Atonement is a spiritual and soul level energy balancing technique, so it is energy healing on a much deeper level of consciousness that anything else I have ever worked with throughout my healing and personal growth journey.
The progress through this course had me unexpectedly revisiting some past upsets, connecting the dots, and realizing just how those upsets had affected me and my life path in detrimental ways.
I am so grateful for having been able to work through these issues. I have met and connected with some amazing people within the course, and some new clients as well. I love synchronistic connections!
Another bonus in doing this deep healing work, is that it will bring up other imbalances that can affect my physical body and my life. Do you know anything about “mitochondrial cell water production”?. I didn’t. I do now. Mitochondria are the energy centers of the cell. Well, they need to be hydrated sufficiently and if they are not, you can get body aches which I have been experiencing lately. Apparently, that is an age-related issue. I had energy blocks in this process, thankfully now addressed and cleared.
I have been keeping up with my step challenge with Joe most days. Although I have had some issues with my phone not recording data properly the last few days. Keeping with this daily challenge and having my body consistently in this kind of motion has made GRIT workouts a little easier for me as well.
I have added more pages to my website, written more, organized more. Maybe not more, but more continuous. Taxes stuff has been an issue for me this year, but I had an appointment with my accountant the other day and that eased some of the pressure I have been feeling with organizing data and paperwork differently this year to accommodate my growing business.
Overall, a great progressive month.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #28 of 28
METRICS: Expect the Unexpected- Count-Up Workout F2 Finisher
CONTEXT: I Expect the Unexpected…
Yes, I expect the unexpected. This doesn’t mean I handle it very well sometimes. Today I am about fit to be tied. Just frustrated.
I do a weekly free Reiki energy clearing session as a client appreciation offer. I have been doing this for 3 years and it is wonderfully received.
Everyone around me seems overwhelmed with something going on, so last nights session was focus on this and astro influences such as Mercury Retrograde and full moon etc. I sent out lots of Reiki, lots of intentions and have been running clearing audios all night.
FYI, I wrote an article on Mercury Retrograde:
Today there was a global portal of light activation of sending energy and healing to the entire world and humanity. All sorts of good stuff. I have already had several messages from last night’s group participants saying they slept well and feel refreshed this morning.
So why am I fit-to-be-tied pissy today?
I think I dozed a bit last night but woke up about 1 am to a “person” in my room, not just a sensed presence. Young man shoulder length wavy hair. I actually yelled “get out” a few times, then didn’t sleep til 430 am, meaning I got about 3 hours sleep total. I got up twice to eat some cheese and nuts because my tummy was hunger hurting. Apparently, I didn’t eat enough yesterday?
I had done all sorts of bedtime intentions for the group and myself so I am kinda freaked out about “who” was in my room last night. Someone I know? Someone recently passed? Some wandering soul needing assistance in some way? I am NOT fond of night time visitors and that is why I do bedtime intentions for dream time soul work.
What else has got me so rattled? I tried to do my newsletter on Saturday. Mailchimp site keeps glitching and kicking me out saying session timed out, error pages, pages missing. Just piss me off OMG!!! I did their survey a few times with nasty messages, could not get through to live person. I even called this morning, only to get a sales rep on their support line. Apparently, support is only available thru live chat and email. “Live chat” is a bot sending email to support. FFS!!!!!!!!!!!
And all this glitching is only since I started paying for an account 3 months ago. It used to be free for 2000 email list, recently reduced to 500. So, because I have 750, I have to pay $30 per month. I have wasted time being frustrated with Mailchimp because it is an issue completely out of my control.
Mercury Retrograde is in full swing with triple whammy full moon and Pluto retrograde this week as well. Mercury Retrograde affects communications, electronics, and relationships with misunderstandings and planetary energy pulls that affect humans similarly to how the moon affects ocean tides. Best to have awareness and take time to rejuvenate. For me right now, this feels like a full-blown unexpected upset and no I am not handling this well. Lack of decent sleep is just aggravating me as well.
Time to go work on myself energetically and try to figure out wtf kind of imbalance is creating this reality for me right now. Or go crawl under a rock for the rest of today. Tomorrow will always be a better day.

**** Note: It is super frustrating when I get in a bad mood because I have all the added guilt and resentment of feeling like I should be setting an example for others in keeping myself balanced and positive all the time. Instead, I show you here my authenticity in allowing myself to feel frustrated and upset… but then I do “put on my big girl panties” and deal with life. I am looking into a new platform to keep in touch with my clients through… 



***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***