SLEEP: Techniques to Promote Restorative Sleep

Sleep time is healing time!

Before the advent of fluorescent lights, our bodies were used to natural diurnal cycles and sleep patterns. Humans, on average, require a good solid 8 hours of sleep per night. Shift work schedules, life’s responsibilities, and every day stresses can affect our restorative sleep patterns. Thankfully there are energy balancing techniques you can do for yourself to break non beneficial patterns and to promote a good night’s rest.

Sleep is kind of like the body’s defrag time. We set up a regular defrag schedule on our computers to clean out and reorganize files. In order to function properly, our bodies need a similar process nightly to clean out old cells through a process called apoptosis. When the body can actually rest and be still for several hours, the body can start to repair itself as well.

You can find all sorts of scientific articles and studies showing the detriments of poor unsettled sleep. Yet many people suffer from recurring nightmares, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome to name just a few issues that create these poor sleep patterns. How do we even start to address this issue so everyone can get some much-needed rest and healing time?

First off, an understanding of sleep cycles is beneficial. Our sleep cycle is called the circadian rhythm. It is part of our diurnal cycles, meaning day and night cycles. The REM (Rapid Eye Movement) part of the sleep cycle is what we might call dream time. Through the course of our sleeping hours, our body goes through several 90-minute cycles.

There are also levels of sleep consciousness like Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta. Theta is that half-awake, half-asleep state of mind just when we are falling asleep or just waking up. In energetic consciousness exercises, this Theta state is proposed to be when the mind is most spiritually conscious and this is the best time for manifestation techniques.

Quite often you’ll learn about famous writers who seemed to come up with their best writings and poetry during the night. It is always recommended to keep a pen and pad of paper beside your bed to catch these Theta state ideas and to record dream details for analysis later on. Our subconscious mind can often relay important messages through dream time.

Taking this Theta state of mind into consideration, I find that this is the best time to set intentions for our sleep and for our next days or future goals.
Energy balancing techniques are essential to induce a good sleep each night and to create more beneficial sleep patterns over the long term.

Many psychoanalysts recommend preparing for sleep time with variations of theories regarding no food, work, or screen time within certain hours before sleep. While these theories support the idea of turning off stimulants before sleep time, I personally do not find this effective overall for myself. Whether this is considered bad habits or stubborn rebellion, I just find that my energy balancing techniques have been much more effective for myself and my clients. What can I say? I am all for life hacks and easy override type techniques!

Chinese medicine theories suggest that there are specific bodily functions throughout the daily 24 hours cycle that focus on healing and repairing the body. Kidneys, lungs, and liver at addressed during night time hours when we should be sleeping. So, it is super important to allow our bodies to heal proper with sufficient rest.

Need some assistance? Are you new to energy balancing techniques? Check out my mini energy clearing videos here: 
There are some FCOAs, brain reset, energetic boosts, and of course, a sleep intention as well.

Here are some exercises you can do for yourself to assist in creating a more restful nighttime:

Court of Atonement for Sleep from Amy Jo’s website:

I, ___________ place myself, ___________ into a Full Court of Atonement with myself, __________ for the purpose of creating blissful, restorative sleep. I ask myself to place all of my concerns into a Full Court of Atonement to be solved by God (or your terminology for Higher Power Source). I ask for the best resolution of all pressing matters. I ask myself to trust in the good of people, I ask myself to trust in the abundance of God. I ask myself trust in my ability to solve my problems. I ask myself to wake up with the answers to my prayers. All is well. All is as it should be. I am safe to sleep soundly and wake up refreshed.

Years ago, a mentor explained to me that our souls do a lot of soul work during our sleep time. With this in mind, this is a Court of Atonement call I put together myself and have found it quite effective in ensuring a good night’s rest. Just make sure to add the last line intention to wake up refreshed. The very first time I tried this particular intention, I slept 10 hours and woke up feeling like a steam roller had backed over me. I have no idea what soul work I was doing that night, but it sure shifted some energy!! Since adding the wake-up refreshed addendum, I have had deep restorative sleeps continuously and have woken up energized and ready for my day.

I, ___________ place myself, ___________ into a Full Court of Atonement with myself, __________ for the purpose of having full access to the Full Court of Atonement during my dream time soul travel for any issues and situations affecting me right now. I ask to resolve any and all conflicts with a restful sleep. I ask to wake up refreshed and energized at an appropriate time and to be ready to face my day.

Why I find that the above FCOA works so well for sleep:
I have learned that when we sleep and our souls do soul work, it is because this is the time we are closest to “the other side” on a soul level visiting with passed loved ones etc.
With that in mind, often disturbed sleep is because our subconscious mind is sending messages through dreams. This is also when we may feel, sense, visualize, or imagine a presence around us. Whether you want to call this a soul visit or bogeyman is up to your own beliefs.
I may be very intuitive, but honestly, I am not fond of night time visitors.
Another thing to know is that those on “the other side” do not have access to the Court of Atonement or other energy healing modalities, so they come to us as our human form to ask for assistance.
With this understanding, I am certain this is why my FCOA above works so well to ensure I have a peaceful undisturbed rest all night.

You can rephrase the above FCOA:
I, ___________ place myself, ___________ into a Full Court of Atonement with myself, __________ for the purpose of having full access to the Full Court of Atonement during my dream time soul travel for any issues and situations affecting me or any other souls needing assistance. I ask to resolve any and all conflicts with a restful sleep. I ask to wake up refreshed and energized at an appropriate time and to be ready to face my day.

I find that phrasing my bedtime FCOAs to assist others clears up a lot of energy around me and quite often the previous days troubles are completely resolved by morning and no longer bothering me at all.

Have you heard of MEDBEDS? Unfortunately, I do not have a good video to explain this amazing future dated healing opportunity.

I’ll share my own technique I have been using recently until MedBeds are widely available. Considering that we do soul work while sleeping at night and sleep time is healing time. Using this idea, I have been saying this before going to sleep:

“I, _________, place myself _______ into a full court of atonement for the purpose of having full access to the full court of atonement and any other beneficial healing modalities during my dream time soul travel, for myself and anyone else, or any other situations in my awareness that need healing.
I place myself into an energetic MedBed, with all the benefits available to me during my dream time soul travel”.

There have been times I have had trouble sleeping and not falling asleep until the wee hours of the morning. I continue with saying these prayer intentions, but I also ask to “amplify the quality of my sleep, and to condense my needed physical sleep time into the hours I have left until waking up at a decent hour in the morning”. This intention seems to work well even after just a few hours sleep.

Unsettling dreams: Personally, I lived with recurring nightmares and all sorts of nasties for over 20 years of my life. With all my energy work healing, I hardly ever dream anymore unless my subconscious is trying to message me somehow.

Sometimes when I get unsettling dreams and wake up in a super confused state, I say this right away:

“I, ___________ place myself, ___________ into a Full Court of Atonement with these dreams and all unhealed aspects of myself creating these dreams for the purpose of resolving any and all conflicts across all my timelines and dimensions, in the highest and best way”.

Psychologically, there is something about looking out the window to the bright daylight that can help reset and calm your brain from unsettling dreams as well.

Amy Jo’s Sleep Speed Call: I, ___________ place myself, ___________ into a Full Court of Atonement with myself, __________ for the purpose of A Good Night’s Sleep”

More Court of Atonement information and link to purchase Amy Jo’s booklets:


Tapping is a wonderful technique to learn and memorize to cope through stresses and to reduce upsets.

In using Thought Field Tapping Techniques, remember that the algorithm sequence is like a song with a chorus.
1. Assess your SUD (subjective units of distress). How big is the upset, from 0 being nothing to 10 being extremely upset.
2. Tap through the Majors, the algorithm sequence for that particular upset.
3. Tap through the 9 gamut sequence, which is the “chorus” of the algorithm
4. Tap through the Majors again.
5. Assess your SUD
6. Repeat steps 2 – 4 until your SUD is 0 or 1.

More tapping information here:

Sleep algorithms:

These are tapping sequences to induce restful sleep.

These would be the MAJORS. Choose one and try it alone, or with the 9 gamut sequence. Do majors (1 OR 2), then 9 gamut sequence, then majors again.

1. A fellow practitioner recommended the following sequence for not sleeping: sh-oe-c-eb-ue-a-c- 9g- sq
Side of hand, outside of eye, collarbone, eyebrow, under eye, under arm, collarbone

2. Side of hand, Eyebrow, under eye, under arm, collarbone, under eye, collarbone.

(Apparently OE (outside of eye) can be included in the sleep algorithm if “bruxing” (clenching and grinding teeth) is involved).

3. Side of Hand – sore spot (left side upper chest) – under nose (do these ones at least 15 times) then side of hand, under eye, tiny finger, collarbone

9 gamut sequence:
Tap gamut spot on back of hand between ring and baby finger, up about an inch in the dip. Keeping tapping gamut spot while going through 1-9
1. close eyes
2. open eyes
3. look down in one direction
4. look down in the other direction
5. roll eyes around in one direction
6. roll eyes around in the other direction
7. hum a tune
8. count to 5
9. hum a tune
When you get to 1 or 0 in your number do the floor to ceiling eye roll holding head straight and rolling eyes along the floor, up the wall to the ceiling while tapping the gamut spot.

Andrew Surgeon March 20 2024
Super Quick Bedtime Protective Meditation – 5mins
Finding Stillness in the Evening Hours
As the day comes to a close and the world begins to quiet down, bedtime presents the perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our inner selves.
A super quick bedtime meditation allows us to release the stresses of the day, quiet the mind, and prepare for a restful night’s sleep. By incorporating spiritual protection techniques into our bedtime routine, we can create a safe and sacred space for healing and rejuvenation.
The Power of Spiritual Protection
Spiritual protection is an essential practice for maintaining energetic balance and warding off negative influences.
Just as we lock our doors at night to protect our physical space, spiritual protection techniques help safeguard our energetic boundaries and shield us from harmful energies or entities.
By invoking spiritual protection before sleep, we can create a sense of peace, safety, and security that allows us to rest deeply and wake up feeling refreshed.
Join us as we explore a simple yet effective bedtime meditation technique designed to offer spiritual protection, accompanied by soothing backing music composed by the talented Andy Ross.
Check out the bedtime meditation on our website:



***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***