Energy Clearing and Balancing Audios

Energy Clearing and Balancing Audios

There are some imbalances that come up repeatedly for everyone.

This is a series of energy clearing and balancing audios you are welcome to use as often as you feel necessary. Please use your own discretion and discernment as to how often you listen to these audios and videos, or play them for someone else. Respect what your body can handle at any one time.

We clear energy in layers, like an onion. Each time you play these audios, you will potentially clear another layer of imbalances. Many of these individual imbalances may come up in a private session so these are just general audios you can use any time for your regular routine of energetic self-care but particularly before your energy balancing session with Ladybug Wellness.

You are welcome to share this page with your friends and loved ones as well.

For more specific concerns and individual sessions, please book a private session at your convenience here:

Direct to YouTube channel:

Direct to Clearing videos on YouTube:

Name Alignment and basic grounding. Name alignment is super important to assist you in being receptive to all other energy work:

Heart and Soul cleansing and balancing: This audio recording is for cleansing and balancing your heart and soul to get you fully grounded and sovereign in your own energy.
This is an important factor to having you receptive to using the Full Court of Atonement and all other energy balancing modalities and techniques.
The intention is set that this audio will assist you in clearing and aligning your energy, or the energy of the person you intend this for.

Energetic Overall Reset | Energy Clearing Session: This is an energetic reset clearing audio. You are welcome to dowse along with me, or just rest and receive.
Please use your own discretion as to how often you listen to this video.
This is helpful for people who have done too much energy work and their body is stuck in some processing.


Energetic Brain Balance Protocol | Clearing Energy Session: This is an energetic brain balance protocol. This can energetically Reboot and re-pattern the brain to keep it clear and balanced.

You are welcome to dowse along with me, or just rest and receive.
Just hold the intention of each piece that we are resetting energetically.
Please use your own discretion as to how often you listen to this video.
This protocol can be found in the Master Excel list under Brain Balance tab here:

Clearing Clutter Energy | Ladybug Wellness
Let’s have some fun. Clutter energy is one of my favorite imbalances to clear for myself, my family and my clients. Quite often this alleviates brain fog, and inspires us to clean up our homes as well. Let me know how this works for you! This is a clearing audio to clear “clutter energy”. You are welcome to dowse along with me, or just rest and receive. Please use your own discretion as to how often you listen to this video. Hold the intention that we are resetting energetically your mind, body, and environment.


Keep checking back for more audios shared here! 




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***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***