Offensive Energies: What are they and what to do with them

Offensive Energies, Entity Interferences, Disembodied Spirits.

Yes, this is enough of an issue to warrant its own page.

I have received numerous inquiries from those hesitant to broach this topic as it seems too out there and too weird. Not in my world.

First off, let’s address the definition of “entity”. People may think of the paranormal, demons, and spooky stuff. The term “entity” literally means:

noun: a thing with distinct and independent existence. Example: “Church and empire were fused in a single entity”
Or: existence; being. Example: “entity and nonentity”

A corporation is often termed as an entity, so the word entity is not as freaky as some people make it out to be in the first definition.

In energetic terms we still use this word “entity” to describe an offensive energy interference as the second definition of a “being” of sorts.

In Body Code, there is a section on Offensive Energies where they describe “Entities” as either “Disembodied Spirits” or “Evil Spirits”.
The concept here is a spirit without a body. Paraphrased from their definitions:
Disembodied spirits were once mortal beings, but are now ghosts. They will do anything to experience pleasures of the flesh and will interfere with a human body to do so.
Evil Entities have never had a physical body. Their main desire is to exert control over a person to addict them to anything they can and to do things that distance them from Creator.

One of our Body Code practitioners developed an app to release entities. While I know many people who use this app and are thrilled with their results and progress, I personally was not led to purchase this app myself. Your choice if you do 😊

From all my experiences, I have learned that it is best to not name these offensive interference energies as you may give them more power in doing so. What we resist, persists; and what we name, we empower.

I prefer to simply call them just offensive interference energies, or entities as a broad term. In my process of releasing, clearing, and transmuting these energies, I have defined “known or unknown”, and called them “non-beneficial, detrimental, and/ or parasitic” energies or entities. 

I quite like Raymon Grace in how he just calls them “spooks” and just scrambles the frequencies of the interference energies and the thought forms that attracted them.

In years past, the general protocols to clear these energies were to command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ; banish them to wherever they came from, banish them to hell, send them to the light, etc.

More recently we have learned that frequency, vibration, and the Law of Attraction is essential to understand in dealing with offensive interference energies.

Have you noticed that people who are in the depths of depression and despair, or in the extreme height of anxiety, are not grounded and they do not seem to be “connected” to themselves or to their higher self? This is because they have a lot of low vibration emotions and trapped energies that have attracted these interference energies.

When we have a low vibration, we inadvertently “invite” in these offensive energies whether we are consciously aware of this invitation or not. Now that can be kinda freaky in realizing that we have a case of energetic “fleas”. (Yes, that was the word used when my late son in law came through with messages for me).

The best way to rid ourselves of these interference energies is through daily energetic hygiene and continuously raising our own vibration. When our own vibration is higher than these low vibration interferences, they can no longer “stick” in our energy field.

When there is a case of disembodied spirits, sometimes we need to ask or find out what is causing the attraction to the human body, and if the disembodied spirit needs some sort of assistance in order to transition properly so they are no longer tied to the earth plane. I find that Court of Atonement speed calls are extremely effective in these cases.

Beliefs play a big part in how we understand these interferences. If you have grown up in with religious beliefs as I have, you may believe that the more you do good in the world, the more the devil will attack you. The more I learn energetically and spiritually, the less I tend to agree with this concept. I do agree there is a whole other level of spiritual warfare going on that we as humans are completely oblivious to.

I have had conversations with certain people who pontificate their untouchable higher Level of Consciousness and that they are constantly under attack because of their high level of consciousness. They profess that they are above and beyond all other practitioners and cannot be helped by merely anyone. In my opinion, these are the exact type of people to avoid at all costs because they are delirious and ungrounded, and probably full of offensive energy interferences. You cannot help someone who does not want help, and this is the perfect example of someone who has so much interference that they are untouchable by inadvertent choice.

Points to remember:
We are more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.
No one can disrespect you without your permission. (Yes, that is a hard concept to accept).
What we resist, persists; and what we name, we empower.

We are more powerful that we are led to believe. NO ONE can interfere with our energy unless we give them permission. Period.
So how do “they” interfere with us? Weak boundaries. Work on yourself and your boundaries, keep your own vibration as HIGH as possible and “they” of any low vibration cannot touch you.

Realize that you have the power to stop these attacks and interferences. When you work on your own boundaries and keep your energy sovereign, these beings cannot have any control over you. No one can affect your energy field without your permission whether that is a conscious invitation, or because your own boundaries need to be strengthened.

Stop giving away your own power to these dark forces. If something or someone is sucking the life out of you, stop giving them the straw! Seriously.

My mentor explained to me years ago that nature abhors a vacuum, so when we release or transmute any energies, it is good practice to fill with good energy such as Christed Light and other high vibration energy.
When removing offensive energies, such as around prisons and other dark dense energies, it is good practice to use “refracted light” to break through the darkness.

For further understanding of offensive energies, I invite you to check out these resources:

KISS: Keep it Simple and Sovereign:

Interesting story, see how I dealt with a horrible work situation here:

The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol Consumption:

My Number One go to in dealing with offensive energies is, of course, Court of Atonement.
I recommend Amy Jo’s classes on Hexes and Spells, Everything Ghosts. See classes here:

It is super important to make sure you are completely grounded in your own physical body. All levels of consciousness grounded and anchored into your own physical body.
An easy way to ensure this is using this Court of Atonement speed call:

I, _____, place each and every level of my consciousness, God, and my Guides, along with the entirety of my family lineages, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Optimizing my energy encasement boundaries. I ask to resolve any and all reasons my boundaries may have been weakened and infiltrated. I ask to resolve these reasons at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this energy any further access to my energy field, my body, or my timeline.

Souls are multidimensional meaning they can be in several places at once. Everything Ghosts class explains that disembodied spirits can also be in several places at once. This class shows how to find and clear all hosts and the origins of the offensive energies.

See also this blog post on Ciribus energies: (Also Succubus, and Incubus energies)

From Amy Jo, Court of Atonement
When working on this, I aim to resolve the reasons black magic was ever used. People don’t do mean things to us for no reason. Asking to resolve the reason it was used will help to stop the energy of it entirely.
I, _______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement with the entirety of my family lineages. I ask to analyze our timeline and resolve any and all reasons black magic, curses, hexes, or spells have ever been used against us. I ask to resolve those reasons at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.
I forbid this energy any further access to my body, my energy field, my timeline or my environment.

My go-to ghostbuster is Eddie Masters. He is what I lovingly call an “expert” in clearing offensive energies. He is a great guy to keep in your pocket: [email protected]

I have referred many clients to Eddie and he is well known in our forums. More info here:

Masters Energy Healing and Clearing: There has been a lot of Entity attacks going on. As there are on a regular basis, but more people are able to detect their presence. I have had request to clear, people, animals, houses, businesses, computers, printers, schools and the list goes on.
This also applies not only clearing but Balancing, Grounding, Centering Life Energy and Physical Issues. By the way Entities will attach to body parts.
PM me Eddie Masters for more information or to request a clearing.

I connected with Theresa Crabtree a few years ago by recommendation through a friend. She offers an extensive Soul Cleanse which brought up some really interesting offensive energies and other imbalances. Clearing all this created a huge energetic shift for me.
From her YouTube channel:
Probably the best concise explanation of entity interferences I have come across and what you can do to address offensive energies:

What are Dark Entities, Incubi, Ghosts, Rogue ETs and Energy Parasites:

How to Stop Dark Entity Interference Part 1:

How to Stop Entity Interference Part 2:

How to Stop Entity Interference Part 3:


Here’s an amazing prayer for those of you who want to contribute to the healing of humanity against the darkness. We are not here to watch the world fall and disintegrate before our eyes without doing anything. Our partnership with Creator is crucial during these dire times. We need to enlist the help of the divine to solve the crisis we are in. Who’s in?
Saving Oneself and Humanity
“Source Creator, be my partner in life each and every day, to keep me focused on love, receiving and giving, both to myself and to all those around me. Bring healing for the darkness in all its forms, to raise up the perpetrators so they stand down and free the tormented, and apply this prayer again and again for the betterment of humanity and all subjugated victims.”
Ref: Karl Mollison Creator’s Empowered Prayers.

Line up your heart line on each hand. Look at your pinkies and see if they are even.
Uneven pinkies are an indicator of Energies in your Field that don’t belong there.
There is a prayer that can be said too:
“Whatever is in my auric field with or without my permission, I ask you now to go to the core of your being. Go with light, go with Love. So Be It.”
It’s from a book called Awaken the Healer Within. 
This little test is from Jean Slatter in an interview with Regina Meredith on Gaia.

Blowing the Whistle on Spiritual Teachers, Gurus and Self-Help Experts – Teal Swan:

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***