Relationships: Recognizing Abuse Not sure where this article came from, I had saved it in my computer files. Excellent information and I HIGHLY recommend reading the book yourself to really understand the dynamics of an emotionally abusive relationship so you can see...
Relationships: Tips for Healing
Relationships: Tips for Healing **If I have sent you to this page, particularly look at “Sending Reiki to Relationships” and “Getting over an Obsession” below. These are my best recommendations for clearing up energy between two people. *** Are humans really even...
Relationships: Online Safety
Online Safety: Relationships These are some things I learned the hard way after my internet romance experience: * The absolute number one thing to remember is to listen to your gut instincts!! If anything makes you...
Monthly Draw Winners: Ladybug Wellness Purchase Incentive
Ladybug Wellness Purchase Incentive Monthly Draw: For every regular Ladybug Wellness appointment booked and paid within each month, there will be a DRAW for a complimentary full general clearing session. Thank you to each and every person who have booked regular...
Boundaries and Permissions
Boundaries and Permissions ~~ Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously. Prentiss Hemphill ~~ “One of the most loving things you can do for another person is let them make their own mistakes, learn their own lessons and endure in...
Offensive Energies: What are they and what to do with them
Offensive Energies, Entity Interferences, Disembodied Spirits. Yes, this is enough of an issue to warrant its own page. I have received numerous inquiries from those hesitant to broach this topic as it seems too out there and too weird. Not in my world. First off,...
Triggers: How I Healed my Triggers
Triggers: How I Healed my own Triggers so now I can assist you in overcoming yours: If we knew the secret history of our enemies, it would be enough to disarm all hostility. -- Longfellow Most of us have had an experience at some point in our lives where an...
October 31st Festivity Suggestions
October 31st Festivity Suggestions October 30 2022 All Hallows Eve is almost upon us. What’s your thoughts? Do you love it? Hate it? Somewhere in between? Truth be told, I have never been fond of the ghoulish side of this holiday. I suppose I have had many different...
My Psychology Classes Journey:
For your entertainment, some of the pondering thoughts through my experience of juggling full time work, family obligations, and going back to school in my 40s, for fun and interest. Ya right lol. My Psychology Classes Journey: September 29 2011: I'm doing 4 courses...
Heal Thy Self Book Launch | Feedback and Comments
Feedback and Comments from Heal Thy Self Book Launch May 15 2017 Jackie N. Rioux: It's happening! Heal Thy Self Book Launch coming June 15 2017 Alda Mills: Yay! Congrats! Brenda Lainof: Wow congrats Jackie! Peter Walsh: nice Shawn Corbett: Congratulations, that's so...