GRIT | January 2023

GRIT January 2023

Guess who’s back, Jackie’s back… in GRIT!

SA-Name:// JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #1 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – “Stallion Battalion” Complex Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOD- Shoulder Sizzler (Modified standing push ups)
CONTEXT: “StoryAthlete Finds a Way…”
After a restless and broken barely 6 hour sleep due to an overdose of laxatives, I am rethinking my choice to jump back into GRIT this month. But I keep my word… Last month I said I would be back in January after a unintended 6 month hiatus.
I sat out of July 2022 GRIT knowing I would be out of service area a few times over the summer. Sh*t hit the fan in a big way soon afterwards though, and continued for several months. In short, since July 2022, our family knows of almost 25 people who have passed away under various circumstances. Extended family, friends, and friends of friends. Just a continuous landmine of grief. Of my three closest girlfriends from my hometown, 2 lost a child and one lost her mom.
I have been working on my own death related triggers and feeling helpless to assist others in processing their grief. All the while praying for my own children to be kept safe from too early a fateful exit.
I actually created a grief page in my site with resources to manage and cope through the grief process. Death is really just another cycle of the journey of life. Many clients and others have expressed appreciation for this resource compilation page.
On top of all this grief stuff, four of our five cats disappeared in a short time. I know they are alive through my energy balancing skills, but I just cannot find them. It is heart wrenching missing our beautiful furbabies and praying for their return.
I have been meaning to jump back into GRIT because I miss the connections with my team mates and the benefits of GRIT all around on my own personal well being. I have always appreciated this SA open-source community membership, but GRIT is where the magic happens.
As with many others, the months out of GRIT, I got lazy and uninspired. I cannot bring back any of the loved ones lost and it is up to me alone to make the best of my life while I am still here.
I appreciate Scott Mendell’s words of wisdom to me, “Just remember you are lucky when you have many around you dying. It means you have lived a longer life and are blessed to be where you are”.
And CJ Thomas hit the bullseye with, “it makes a massive difference which question you focus on: Is my suffering the worst? VS. Who am I going to become in the aftermath?”.
Who am I becoming? My heroic self! I know I am constantly improving and evolving. This is quite evident in the humbling feedback I have received from numerous clients.
I have learned to turn crisis into opportunity, and pain into freedom. I have learned to take awful experiences and turn those into my gift of wisdom to be able to assist others in their life journey. For that, I am truly blessed.

So why the overdose laxatives last night? Ryan’s scare a few weeks ago was a serious wake up call for me to get some medical issues followed up. Issues I should have taken care of 2 years ago. Yes, I constantly work on myself energetically so I have not really needed to go to the doctor much in many years. My small intestine has been coming up as an imbalance for a very long time now. I need to take my own advice in seeking medical assistance for serious issues.
I am booked for a top to bottom internal scope this coming Friday so, yup, need to flush out the system completely over a 3 day prep. From past experiences with hospital procedures, I have usually been pretty weak afterwards.
I am intending to be able to still participate in GRIT along with my team, for the full 28 days.
Because a Story Athlete always finds a way!
Jackie Rioux
Because you can always count on me for twisted humor:
And if you dare read this, It is not an exaggeration:
CJ Thomas: Thrilled to have you with us Jackie! Hope it’s all good news on the health front.
Sean Tjia friend of ours, airtag’ed their cat. location always known!

Jackie Rioux Sean Tjia Ours are microchipped. Unfortunately, too little too late on airtags here 🙁
Scott Mendell More power to you, my friend. The tough workouts are a laxative for the mind. It helps flush out all of the crap hold up in there. 🙂 Now both top and bottom can be clean.
Jackie Rioux Scott Mendell Good point LOL
Neil Sekol Jackie Rioux Hope everything comes out alright!
Jackie Rioux Neil Sekol Thank you. Right now like a freight train lol.. after Friday I am praying much better tho 😃
Brett Wininger Jackie Rioux glad you are back, I’ve missed your insights.
My wife lost her mother back in July so this holiday has been tough on her.
We have been walking thru it, step by step and day by day not always gracefully but so what
Life still gets done.
Jackie Rioux Brett Wininger I missed my GRIT buddies and your insights too.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #2 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Decide What My Name Stands For…”
Sharing a previously written context that is fitting for today.

Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux I always enjoy your perspective, Jackie. It’s unique, piques curiosity, and is peppered with wisdom!

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #3 of 28
METRICS: 200 bicycle crunches, 100 wall push ups, all in intervals.
CONTEXT: “I Play for High Stakes…”
Although I could probably log 5K steps within the continuous “trots” I have had in the last 48 hours, today’s workout is modified since I feel like the shell of a plumped-up raisin with only 3 hours of restful sleep. Ginger ale has been my best friend the last 3 days to combat nausea.
I do so much of my own energy balancing and holistic wellness techniques that I really don’t go to the doctor very often. I have always had a “Go big or go home” kind of attitude.
Now that it has come time to get some medical intervention, we’re running the whole gamut of tests. In talking to the gastroenterologist, we decided to do everything at once rather than have to go back for a second procedure. I kinda wish they would put me out completely, but apparently, I will just be heavily drugged up and still need a babysitter afterwards.
I can’t remember the last time I was in the hospital for any sedative type poking and prodding procedures. Probably back in the 90s. I do not like being sedated/ drugged/ not in control. I did have some morphine for a kidney stone back in 2013 but it passed without invasive intervention. I seldom take any kind of medications so I have a very low tolerance for effects. I am a little apprehensive, but I have been working through in psyching myself, so I should be fine.
My “high stakes” today is on a metaphysical level as I did not realize when the specialist booked todays appointment that today is full moon in mercury retrograde.
Several years ago, my son was in emergency overnight. We spent hours upon hours waiting as there had been a major trauma MVA taking resources. Twice we witnessed someone in the nurses’ area lose their sh*t, psycho style. I realized then it was a full moon and mercury retrograde as well. The crazies come out in droves especially in hospitals and first responder situations, or anywhere severely energetically imbalanced people congregate.
I am praying for peaceful experience today. Here’s hoping the drugs wear off fast and I’ll be back to normal tomorrow. See you then!

Jackie Rioux: Follow up: Home now 330pm. Wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I expected albeit super uncomfortable for the last bit. Apparently, no kind of blockages found but they took a bunch of biopsy samples.
I am legally impaired for the next 24 hours so just taking it easy and catching up on sleep.
Another cool thing was that 2 nurses and another patient knew of Reiki and energy healing so intriguing conversations and not awkward 🙂
Brett Wininger: I agree with the Full Moon bringing out the craziness in people.
One of our Associates flipped out and made so many threats that we had to call the cops on him…
Jackie Rioux: yikes. Yup it really rattles the imbalances and brings them out in the open for all to see.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #4 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- “Heisman Hurdler” Hub-Spoke Workout F2 Finisher (4MOD)- “Sally Up Squats”
CONTEXT: “I Learn from My Mistakes…”
I learn from my mistakes, or do I? I can fully admit I did not usually learn from my mistakes early on in life. School of hard knocks here. I repeated many dysfunctional patterns because I honestly did not know any better at some points in my life.
And I fully admit that some “mistakes” were just fun to do again, but then they are not mistakes but poor choices.
Now, with age, awareness, and (hopefully?) some maturity, I wonder if it is prudent to call our past choices “mistakes”. They are more learning lessons. If we accept the theory of Divine Timing, we are always where we are meant to be in following our soul’s advancement and growth. This means that poor choices have given us a human experience that has built our character and followed our soul’s evolution.
What I have learned through my own experiences is:
1 we carry ancestral DNA memories and beliefs. These can be detrimental to our lives path now. We’re carrying “mistakes” and crap that isn’t even our own!
2 underlying non beneficial beliefs can wreak havoc on our whole lives and be a huge factor in the poor choices we make. Figuring out “who made our rules” and releasing these beliefs can be a game changer in stepping into conscious awareness.
3 We project energy, which can be from our own insecurities (negative) and or from our conscious awareness (positive). These energies as projected can highly influence our interactions with, and our perceptions of, the world around us.
4 we have access to all sorts of energy balancing modalities and knowledge to overcome our past and to create better choices for a more enlightened future.
Taking full accountability and responsibility for our all of choices, both great and poor, is the key to improving our lives on all fronts to a point where we can confidently say “I have learned from my mistakes”.
This is not to say we will never make “mistakes” again, but that we’ll have a new skill in being able to discern poor choices before they become a problem or a harsh life lesson.
Those who never make mistakes have never tried anything new and have not taken steps out of their comfort zone. This is truly a boring and soul sucking place to be, and not where I want to be.
I prefer to push the limits of my own comfort zone, to keep my own energy in check and to continuously raise my vibration to enlightenment.
Follow up: They weren’t kidding about “legally impaired”. Although I felt ok, I apparently was not very coherent for a while. (Apologies for any confusing messages to friends LOL).
The drugs wore off this morning and my insides were feeling awfully violated. I don’t even have pain killers in my home so I am thankful that some targeted energy healing has resolved the pain issues and I am feeling much better now. I managed to get through today’s workout slowly and only slightly modified. Looking forward to more sleep and stretch day Sunday.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux “Its All in Your Attitude” that was the slogan on a poster I seen at my daughter’s school.
So “mistakes” can be terrible or valuable learning lessons, just depends on perspective….
Mila Sharma: Jackie N. Rioux you are such an inspiration and thank you for sharing your journey! You definitely came into my life for a divine purpose 💕
Jackie N. Rioux: Mila Sharma Ditto! I am grateful for our connection!


JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #5 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “Sometimes I’m Terrified…”
I do NOT like the feeling of not being in control of my faculties, being “out of it”, ungrounded, etc. Some people with deep trauma issues take mind altering substances to escape reality, to dull their inner pain. Others, like me, are hyper aware of our surroundings, always having an escape route at the ready.
Through many years of counseling, I faced those fears, but it has only been through energy healing techniques that I have truly been able to overcome many of the fears I previously had as a result of childhood trauma.
Sometimes medical procedures require being heavily sedated so you don’t have to feel the invasive pain and discomfort. I have only had a handful of these heavy sedation procedures. Tubal ligation, kidney stone surgical interventions, deviated septum correction, and dental surgery. Those operations were all over 20+ years ago.
This past Friday, I went in for an endoscopy and colonoscopy. I had been told that I would be sedated but not completely asleep. I was so thankful that each and every medical professional I interacted with throughout the day was compassionate and just wonderful.
I had been psyching myself for days beforehand knowing I would be sedated. My concern was that a tube would be going down my throat. After having deviated septum surgery years ago, I still have some breathing issues.
As I was rolled into the procedure room, the doctor was introducing himself and explaining a few things. I must have looked absolutely terrified when I asked if I would still be able to breathe. They all reassured me all would be ok. They must have given me a good dose of anesthesia because I don’t remember much of the hour-long examination until I came to just as it was almost over.
I suppose this is a great example of my severe trust issues. I am grateful the medical team was so awesome and took good care of me.
I have overcome many fears in my life. Trusting my wellbeing to another human being in the absence of my own conscious awareness is still something that terrifies me. But this also drives me to take my own health and self care seriously.

DAY 6 – January 9thStoryAthlete Principle – I Win Over a Long Enough Timeline…
In a world obsessed with instant results, most people lack the vision, dedication, and imagination to pursue massive goals, long term. And because they can’t see past the next hour, week, or month, they settle for dopamine hits any way they can get them. The StoryAthlete understands that there are volumes to this saga. It doesn’t mean we’re passive, waiting for things to fall into place. But we’re not deterred knowing that we must stay committed for years. Instead, we’re excited about the high price of achievement. Because it ensures the kinds of results that will remain out of reach for others.
CJ Thomas Context:
“Throwback 3rd Century…”
About a week ago, fellow StoryAthlete, Glenn Forman, guided me through an energy healing session that I found truly beneficial.
During our session he commented that I had trauma in my lineage that had been passed down and dated back to the 3rd Century A.D.
3rd Century!
He told me there had been a curse placed on one of my ancestors at that time. And it had followed every generation thereafter for almost 2,000 years right down to me.
Now, before you scoff and dismiss this premise, I’ll admit that my rational brain is throwing flags on the play as well.
But, as Glenn explained, like everything else on this plane of existence that we’re all a part of, a ‘curse’ is nothing more than energy.
Everything from rocks, to daisies, to wombats, to humans has energy.
Vibration is energy.
Sound is energy.
Thoughts are energy.
Emotions are energy.
Spirit is most definitely energy.
And depending on the frequencies of those energies (which are measurable and provable data points) they may be contributing to your thriving status or responsible for you barely surviving.
Can Glenn really see that far down my family tree’s lineage by sensing my energy through a Zoom call?
You’d have to ask Glenn.
Some people can read sign language, Morse Code, braille, or hieroglyphics when I’m unable to do the same. Who’s to say Glenn hasn’t deciphered the language of energy in a way that seems impossible to others?
But what I find fascinating is that traumas and bad energy can be passed on to offspring in the exact same way as eye color, or jaw lines, or height.
It’s true, most people think of DNA as the blueprint for physical features and attributes. But that double-helix strand of building blocks also carries energetic elements that you can’t see (or maybe Glenn can) just by looking at a picture.
So, what if it actually is true that my family’s legacy from 200 AD to present comes with a hearty helping of bad juju in the form of a “curse”?
Does that mean the next 2000 years in my genetic tree have to play out the same way as the prequel?
Or can I be the linchpin that finally purges the energetic sludge and frees up my progeny for eons into the future?
I personally subscribe to the latter line of thought.
I can be the one who starts a new financial legacy.
I can be the one who starts a new physically dominant legacy.
I can be the one who starts a new energetically uplifting legacy.
I can be the one who’s done what nobody else in my line has done.
Because genetics are merely your prequel.
Epigenetics is where the game-changing magic happens.
The ability to grow a muscle rather than accept the default anatomy you were born with.
The ability to generate wealth and prosperity rather than continue the streak of poverty.
The ability to alter your mind, your thoughts, and your beliefs rather than accept the family heirloom of misfortune and mediocrity.
You too have to choose to release the traumas, offenses, and trapped energies from when you were eighteen years old, six years old, or even carrying a 2,000-year-old burden.
It’s less important the myriad of miracles and atrocities that got you to this day.
It’s only important that you decide from this day forth what kind of energy you want to write into the script.
Many thanks to my man Glenn for helping me clear the slate.
Here’s hoping you too will release whatever’s been holding you back.
Because together, I truly believe, we can co-author a grand masterpiece that blows the past chapters away.

Jackie Rioux: Sorry Scott Mendell I am stealing your first spot…. but I just have to say, I LOVE THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!
CJ Thomas This is so awesome you had a session with Glenn. I am doing a little happy dance here for you. Now wait til you notice how life changes around you now that those energetic blocks have been cleared. This is why energy balancing is my passion!!
CJ Thomas Jackie Rioux thank you!

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #6 of 28
CONTEXT: I Win Over a Long Enough Timeline
My newest book acquisition “Atomic Habits” arrived in the mail yesterday. I started reading it before sleep last night as a great choice for sleep time manifestation.
According to author James Clear, setting goals is a futile effort of setting us up for failure. Goals are all about striving for a destination and often we fall off track once attained, lose motivation, and fall into a slump. Goals also set us up for failed expectations if not attained.
The better method is to create and build onto tiny habits over the long term. Another good point to consider is that we can have good habits or poor habits. Over the long terms, good habits will seem to catapult us into a whole new level of upgrades in life, while poor habits will result in a much lower trajectory.
So, “winning” over a long enough timeline is highly dependent on our choice of habits.
When I look back over the course of my life, I can see where I made progress to a better place in life, and also where I seemed to flounder as well. I am not sure if I really had particular goals. I mean, I definitely wanted to be in a better place from my beginnings as a teen mom on social assistance and busting my butt to make a stagnant marriage work. Thankfully I am far from those days behind me. At this point in my life, I am quite comfortable. I have crossed off many accomplishments and bucket list checkmarks. I am constantly learning and evolving in my self empowerment path. To some this may seem like winning at life. Maybe it is. To others, my life may seem pretty average. Maybe it is.
The important thing is my own opinion because it is my life. My heart is an open highway and I am living while I am alive!
Jackie Rioux Btw, I did see Bon Jovi Live and screamed along to this song.
Richie Sambora was a pretty nice highlight

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #7 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – “Arm & Hammer” Rounds for Time F2 Finisher- 4MOD- “Hangman Challenge”- the original GRITTY finisher (with many modified burpees since my middle aged bat wings are way out of shape :/ )
CONTEXT: “I Am Nobody’s Victim”
Fletcher has said many times that he would rather hear his kids say an exasperated profanity than to ever say “can’t”. I fully agree with this philosophy. “Can’t” is a cringeworthy term that screams victimhood.
Another philosophy regarding the word “can’t” is to replace it with “won’t”. This changes the dynamics from something victimizing to not doing something by choice. Whether that means laziness or empowerment depends on the circumstances.
Personally, I have a peeve with anyone who is too prissy and entitled for their own good that they won’t get down n dirty with taking responsibility for their own life and actions.
I fully admit there have been times that I just don’t want to do something and I will grumble through getting it done just because it is either my responsibility or there is no one else to step up.
I have survived much in my lifetime. I have turned victim into victor. I encourage interdependence with others rather than dependency that forfeits my dignity.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux yes, I agree the 4MOD O.G. was brutal. Also, I like the reminder of prohibiting the word “can’t.”
Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux HEY!!! I’m prissy and entitled 🤣🤣🤣
Brett Wininger: Joe Tedesco dancing GIF

Jackie Rioux Day of GRIT: #8 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Control My OPN…” (Own Personal Narrative) 
“Who makes your rules?”. This is the first thing that I rhetorically ask myself when I hear someone expressing some sort of limiting belief.
I grew up with all sorts of rules. Totalitarian rules. My father’s way, or the highway. Once I left home, I still subscribed to many of those former rules and realized that many did not work for me anymore. Maybe they never did. It was just a way to control me.
At some point in our personal growth development, we need to realize that our parents did the best they could with what they had, including knowledge. It is imperative that we unlearn everything we have learned up until that point. We need to relearn how to tune into our own soul intuition and align with Divine Truth so we are no longer so gullible and susceptible to outside influences that may, or more likely may not, be beneficial to our wellbeing.
Once I realized that many of the rules I had eons ago had influenced so many limiting beliefs I still carried, I was able to finally let go of some of them. Slowly I felt so much freer and truly inspired to create a better life for myself.
Ya, I am still human and yes, I still screw up royally sometimes, but for the most part, I am able to discern what is best for ME. I make my own rules now and my life is light years away from what it used to be.
So, who makes your rules?

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Break Free From Old Patterns…”
I am not fond of all sorts of distracting apps on my phone. I know that I have an addictive quality in my psyche, whether that is an ADHD trait or what, I am not sure. I know I get sidetracked easily so I don’t even have games on my phone. I can easily spend hours on Tetris, Maj Jong, or Solitaire so I don’t even install them on my phone.
I run a business though, and my phone is always with me. I am a mom and although my kids are all grown, I just find it comforting to have the availability of instant connection as a sense of security and peace of mind. For business though, it is not necessary to be available 24/ 7 so I do set my scheduler with respectable hours for booking clients, and direct all business communication through email.
Through all my time in this Story Athlete community, I have become more acutely aware of ROTI (Return On Time and Investment). I have realized that I have time management issues. I have taken measures to build new habits and to become more efficient in my time management, but this is still a problem for me.
My issue is with social media and “doom-scrolling”. I have a huge peeve with FB these days with all the completely arbitrary censoring and restrictions, yet, because I have a business and because many of my practitioner forums are on FB, I am still on there. It is a great way to keep a connection open with clients, friends, family… just everyone.
It is also a main source of practitioner information in my favorite forums.
I have most notifications on my phone shut off. A new notification popped up last week and showed me that I had spent 19 hours on FB in the past week. WHAAATTTTTT???????????????? That is like part time work hours!
I know exactly what the problem is….
My phone is also my wake up alarm, so it is beside my bed when I sleep. Learning about EMFs, I KNOW this is a bad habit to have my phone on my bedside table. Worse yet, those nights (too often in too long a time…) that I cannot sleep, or that I wake up in the middle of the night, I check the time, then get distracted with a sleepy one eye mindless FB scroll.
I could say that everyone has some sort of vice. Drugs and alcohol are obviously super detrimental habits, so scrolling social media isn’t that bad, right? I follow inspirational people, and my practitioner forums. I unfollow news and drama.
But when I am on a path to Becoming my Heroic Self, ya these silly mindless addictions are still just as detrimental to my wellbeing. Taking a periodic break to read something encouraging and uplifting can be a form of meditation, as long as it doesn’t lead to doom-scrolling mindlessly.
That pop up notification was a wake up call that I need to do better. This week I have been more consciously aware and noticing this habit to reach for my phone. Then choosing differently.
A much better choice is that I have James Clear Atomic Habits book beside my bed. Breaking old patterns works better when there is a better choice to focus on while I leave behind the old patterns that no longer serve me working towards a better future.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #10 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Make Power Moves…”
I have an amazing list of clients that are just wonderful people to work with. I am super blessed! I often get messages of appreciation and feedback that clients have had profound and unexpected shifts in their energy since their energy balancing session.
My website has been created as a self empowerment resource, a gift to all who visit there. I often receive messages from all sorts of people all over the world who have found my website and who are grateful for all the information provided within this site.
My work is my passion, and the majority of people I work with have been incredible.
Every now and then I get a doozy. I am human, and I can sometimes still have some poor experiences and miscommunication.
A week ago, I went for a medical procedure and was kinda loopy with the sedative drugs. That is to be expected. However, energetically, the drug after effects can be detrimental to my energy vibration. With a lower energy vibration, it is likely that I can attract other low vibration situations such as trivial drama and other people projecting their insecurities on me. Knowing this, I have been working on myself to get my own vibration back in check. I have also worked with other practitioners as well in getting me back to normal.
I have had a great week working with clients again… Until last night.
A new to me potential client connected via messenger last Sunday. I had offered my website as a resource tool and suggested a few particular pages. This person was appreciative and seemed thankful for the information. She had some questions and I politely directed her to more pages in my website where information would be found to answer questions. Then she started sharing details of her situation. I suggested booking a session. She did… for her son. I offer sessions via Zoom and phone so clients can have the opportunity to ask questions and get more personal attention during their booked time.
This person opted for email only. I did the session and sent notes along with another suggested link to website to explain notes and inherited trauma.
Now, anyone who goes into my website knows quite quickly that my main niche is working with trauma, abuse including sexual abuse, and PTSD etc. I have quite a straightforward tone throughout my site encouraging self empowerment. Kinda like Fletcher’s filter of working only with the 5% of the population who align with our values and are a good fit to work with, beneficial for all.
There is a clear disclaimer in several pages saying I am not a counselor, I am a facilitator.
Well……. no sooner had I emailed session notes when I was bombarded with both emails and messenger messages – 26 of them!!! Repetitive questions asking for explanations, that she was having a panic attack, she wont sleep til I reply, having body convulsions, more questions and details.
In the midst of these message missiles, I politely replied that my answering questions outside of a booked sessions time, especially for information provided within my site, is a courtesy. I highlighted the explanations sent in the original email.
She wrote back apologizing for her inappropriate behavior, then accused me of being insensitive to vulnerable people and that I should consider how shocking my notes can be to someone so sensitive.
I am usually pretty upbeat and happy. I can usually handle a fair bit. This whole diatribe was upsetting to be on the receiving end and I felt personally attacked and upset. I was actually close to tears which is not at all usual for me in dealing with clients. I cleared a bunch of my own energies before bed. Thankfully I had my own session booked this morning with a trusted practitioner friend.
As a fellow practitioner, my dear friend can understand my upset. She was able to find and clear all sorts of back stabbing energies from this client situation, and just a few imbalances to correct from my recent scope procedure.
I am feeling so much better and now able to take my reins in again.
My “power move” today is acknowledging that this is NOT normal behavior from a client and sometimes you just have to fire your clients when things are not working out. Thankfully my scheduler has a way to ban certain people from booking in again. I did not deserve this kind of backlash when this person clearly did not do her own due diligence in reading through provided information.
I provide value and service to my clients. This is my passion and I refuse to allow someone to project their insecurities and misunderstandings on me and to attempt to derail my own progress. I am sticking to my 5%, thanks.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #11 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- “Heisman Hurdler” Hub-Spoke Workout F2 Finisher (4MOD)- “Sally Up Squats”
CONTEXT: “I Know Motivation Comes AFTER”
Mel Robbin’s has made her mark promoting, “The 5 Second Rule is simple”. The concept is that if you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it. The moment you feel an instinct or a desire to act on a goal or a commitment, use the Rule.
I watched her TED talk several years ago and this concept has stuck with me. No, I have not always implemented this rule, but awareness is a key start.
Case in point, yesterday was 5K day. I had not slept well so I did some morning intentions. I knew I had an early client appointment, then my daughter had clients all day as well. It was icy out so inside 5K it is. But when to fit it in?
5K takes about 50 minutes of loops around my house. I put on some tunes and got half in before my first client, then the other half in before my daughter’s clients showed up.
I did not feel like getting busy, but using that 5-minute rule and just getting moving before my brain can argue actually stirs up the motivation centre and feels pretty darn good.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux that’s being GRITty, once its was a stormy 5K day so I did “laps” in a one car garage….
I think I did a gazillion of them but it got done.
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger Try and sit still playing this…. 🙂 This was my tunes selection.
Workout Music Source // Club Night Workout (130 BPM)
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux thats definitely some “toe tapping” beats you have there….
Neil Sekol: Jackie Rioux Found one that was really good.
Use This To Control Your Brain – Mel Robbins
Jackie Rioux: Neil Sekol a good to revisit for sure. Thank you
Neil Sekol: Jackie Rioux Thank you!!!

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #12 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Execute to Become Formidable…”
Since April 2020 when I first joined this Story Athlete community, I have sat out of the monthly GRIT challenge a few times for various reasons that seemed acceptable to me.
But, as many other of my SA member friends have reiterated, GRIT is where the magic happens. Sitting out of GRIT just means missing my friends, and losing any semblance of discipline to get moving, to get writing, and just getting things done. Execution for me means getting my sorry butt back into the monthly challenge and getting these workouts in so my body can handle life to the fullest.

Brett Wininger Jackie Rioux in here suffering together is where the magic happens.
Just like a honeymoon, this isn’t a spectator sport….

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #13 of 28
CONTEXT: I Define What a Hero Is…
I received a client email this morning, subject “Update”. There was a long story of all the amazing shifts and little miracles that have happened for her in the last few weeks.
The closing paragraph was:
“So! Stay tuned! I am doing so much more of my own energy healing now that I have so much of the info printed into my binders. I think I’m really getting the hang of “what works for me”. And you and Amy Jo have provided the most inspiration and resources for that. Thank you SOOOO MUCH! I am grateful to be learning from you and working with you. Hope we get to chat before too long”.
This is exactly why I do the work I do, why this work is my passion. Now, I could get all puffy chested and a swelled head boasting pride over this email feedback, but I know that I am just a facilitator. A healer is someone you go to that assists in bringing out your own healing skills.
The real Hero here is this client who is stepping up and upleveling her own abilities to empower herself and her family.
This is my definition of a Hero: someone who tunes into and embraces their own abilities, and takes responsibility their own healing journey. I am just grateful to be a part of their path for a time.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux it is a good feeling to see someone make changes in the right direction and have that front row seat, well done

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #14 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Pursue Peak Energy…”
I love that I have life hack skills with energy balancing techniques. Emotional baggage feels “heavy” and with this energetic weight, we can feel “depressed” and sluggish. The mind and body love to hide and bury upsets, to keep us in the familiar past. A way to keep us safe, even if that past in detrimental to our progression and growth. With all the training, knowledge, and experience I have behind me, there is not much that can hide from me. Energy always shifts somewhere, somehow, even if it is subtle changes.
The first noticeable shift when doing energy balancing techniques, is that I feel lighter. Quite often this is the first thing my clients notice as well. Lighter means more energy and focus.
To this end, yes, I am always pursuing peak energy. However, sleep is also a huge component in experiencing peak energy. Sleep time is healing time. For the most part, I have a get ‘er done kind of attitude, but when sleep is elusive for whatever reason, I find myself dragging butt badly through the day.
I am always a work in progress and this is my current issue to address. I am doing my due diligence in checking iron and mineral levels, getting blood tests done to make sure I look at all factors of why my sleep has been so messed up for several months.
God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now, I am so far behind I will never die. :/

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux it’s amazing hearing stories of people that had some “inbalance” in their life.
Be it a contaminate from food or their home or work environment and until it tracked it down, they just stayed sick.
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger Yup. I see little miracles every day with the work I do. Find the imbalance and correct it, and everything flows better again

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #15 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Operate to Maintain Respect…”
I loved Toastmasters. I was in a local group for 3 years until I was sick for over a year and could not keep up with any of my obligations. After a multitude of tests, my doc finally realized I had an ulcer. That is another story…
My time in Toastmasters had set the stage for some time management awareness. I made several friends and I still maintain some of those friendships all these years later.
I have been in the Story Athlete community for the past 2.5 years. I appreciate the friendships and connections I have made through this community.
The common denominator in these two memberships is a level of respect and integrity. I know that if I make plans with any of these friends outside of our membership connection, they will show up on time. There is respectful communication which is the basis of good friendships.
I have brought these qualities forward within myself to all I do in life. From family to friends to clients… If I give you my word, you can count on me. I am also discerning in where I give my word. Time is a valuable commodity and I would rather not waste my time or yours.
There is a healthy dose of blunt straightforwardness throughout my website. I am not a counselor. I am not a fixer. I am a facilitator. Those that visit my website and are interested in energy balancing will find all the information they need to decide if we are a good fit to work together, and to decide if they are willing to do their own work as well.
I operate to maintain respect, and I appreciate my incredible list of clients who operate under similar philosophies that make our work together effective and rewarding.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux just like Fletch espouses …..”I like the way they think…..” that helps to repel the wrong people also and attract the right ones.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #16 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Take Ownership of the Outcome…”
Freedom means I make my own choices. I have come a long way to realize that I can makes my own choices and my own rules. But whatever those choices are, I also take responsibility for the consequences and outcome.
For me, this goes back to me being a teen mom.
I knew better. I dared fate and the result changed my life’s trajectory. I had to grow up fast and face life head on.
I could have taken the easy way out getting an abortion, or giving my child up to someone else to raise.
Maybe those choices are warranted for some situations. Not me. I took ownership and I made life work in my favor.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #17 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Share My Religion…”
Religion is for those who fear hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.
I was raised in the Pentecostal church religion. I went to Alliance private Christian school until I got pregnant at age 16 and transferred to the public school system. It is not proper to have an unwed teen mother in a Christian school with all grades in one room.
In Philosophy 101 class, I shared what has become one of my favorite words of wisdom phrase “Religion is for those who fear hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there”.
The ensuing discussion decided that “religion” is a set of doctrines while spirituality is a more direct connection to God. In any religion, if you want to be in any chosen group, you have to follow the proposed doctrines. Looking back in history, religion vs state, and all sorts of deaths have been in the name of a church or religion. A method of overt control, influence, and indoctrination.
Religion is man made, and man will always fail at some point. Having a more spiritual direct connection with Divine Truth, with God, I feel, is the best way to navigate life.
While I understand the context today in “sharing our religion” being a way to share our stories and encourage others to follow our journey, I take issue with the word “religion” as I have explained here.
I am quite open to sharing my beliefs, morals, and my life’s journey in stories. I do not call this my “religion”, and I refuse to extort or influence over anyone to follow me or any set of beliefs.
I fully promote freedom of choice, whether I may feel that someone else’s choices are to their own detriment, it is still their choice and their consequence.
I do hope, however, that others may choose to follow me and be encouraged by my ‘light’ in the world to make better choices for themselves.
“Be in the world, but not of the world”.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #18 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Call My Shot”
There have been many times I have “called my shot” with a particular date to complete some sort of goal. I have failed to meet that goal date almost as many times.
I have come to learn that although I may fail on meeting deadlines on a physical date calendar, I am always in alignment with Divine Timing and those goals that are best for me to accomplish will get done when they are good and ready to come to fruition.
I am like the turtle and the hare story. Others may pontificate their lofty goals, some may even attain their goals. I am really only loud and proud when it comes to screaming at my rock concerts lol.
otherwise, I often just state my intentions with certainty then watch miracles unfold around me as I take steps towards my goals.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #19 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Create the Perfect Timing…”
How do I create perfect timing? By tuning into my own mind and body to balance out any hidden beliefs and energetic blocks that are interfering with my progress and optimal health.
I am certainly no medical expert, but I have some knowledge and experience under my belt that I can bounce off my medical professionals to make sure that we are taking care of my health in the best way possible.
I actually only go to the doctor when absolutely necessary. A few years ago, during a routine check up, my regular doctor discovered I had a fibroid. The specialist was awfully confused that I was not experiencing symptoms according to what the subsequent ultrasounds and tests showed. He was even more confused when I explained that I balance my hormones naturally.
Recently I went in for a colonoscopy and a round of blood tests. I have not received results from those tests so far. In my own energy balancing work, I have been working on thyroid issues. I put some of my knowledge together and confirmed my suspicions with my chiropractor. All those years working as a mail carrier, I always seemed to absorb stress in my shoulders and upper back. I figured out that C7 spine is connected to thyroid. My chiropractor confirmed that is exactly where most of my misalignments have been in all the 20+ years I have been going to see him. Now we are both curious to see what my medical test results show.
How does this all apply to creating perfect timing?
Thyroid symptoms are (according to Mayo clinic and Google):
• Tiredness.
• More sensitivity to cold.
• Constipation.
• Dry skin.
• Weight gain.
• Puffy face.
• Hoarse voice.
• Coarse hair and skin.
• Muscle weakness.
• Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness.
• Menstrual cycles that are heavier than usual or irregular.
• Thinning hair.
• Slowed heart rate, also called bradycardia.
• Depression.
• Memory problems.
I have every single one of those symptoms. Particularly, I have been feeling “behind” for so long that I cannot remember when I ever felt caught up on anything. That does not work well for planning or achieving goals. I can do all sorts of self care routines, but until I address the root issue – which I suspect is my thyroid – nothing will change much.
This is my priority right now to get this issue addressed asap so I can get back to creating perfect timing in a world of synchronicity.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #20 of 28
CONTEXT: I Choose Intensity…
I am feeling a little put on the spot with today’s context. There is a tiny voice screaming at me saying “I am cold, I am tired, and I just don’t want to!”. Whether that is considered my Lesser Self, my inner child, or a residual trapped energy from too many years of being forced past human exhaustion in a dead end job…. I am not fond of that voice, but it also has a point. Going back to yesterday’s writing about thyroid issues, I am very much looking forward to the 26th and the 1st when I get doctor results and feedback.
I have been slacking for far too long. I have been choosing the path of least resistance. I am freezing most of the time. Very low cold tolerance. Tired, blah… This is not like me at all.
Understanding that my issues are probably imbalanced hormones rather than just Lesser Self is somewhat of a consolation.
So, yeah, for now I am not choosing much for intensity, but I am choosing to address issues and get myself back to my normal Go Get ‘Em attitude sooner than later…
Press play and get at it…. Even if it is just F2.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux consistent movement over days and months even if its just a little is more productive than not doing anything at all.
Plus its doesn’t allow the Lesser-Self to “justify” not doing under “certain situations”……..
Someone will benefit from the stories of this journey in your life.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #21 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Don’t Harbor Anger…”

“If we knew the secret history of our enemies, it would be enough to disarm all hostility.” Longfellow

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux that’s very unfortunate situation for a 6 year old to have happen to them.
It seems that broken people have more empathy and understanding for other peoples brokenness.
You are taking your mess and turning into your message.
As Old Timers frequently shared, “we either get bitter or we get better,” and I’m glad you are choosing the latter

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #22 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Create Memorable Scenes…”
I have come to a point in my life where humor really has blossomed as a coping mechanism. Laughter is the best medicine. I was just having a conversation yesterday catching up with an old high school friend. It seems in our middle age, many dark secrets have surfaced from our childhood traumas. We have overcome that past in our own ways, now often surprised at the things that have come out about childhood friends.
The one thing we all have in common now is a twisted and dark sense of humor. I pulled out my high school year book and reminisced of days gone by with cherished memories. It is crazy now to think that what was once upsetting, is now a tale of memorable proportions and the source of our shared humor.
I have been writing more and more of these memories into a memoir. The yearbooks and late night chats with old friends are creating memorable scenes worth cherishing and sharing.
(By the way, I heard from doctor today. All recent tests are within normal ranges).

Neil Sekol: Jackie Rioux Great news about the normal ranges on the medical tests.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #23 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Inspire Through Progress…”
It sucks monkey balls in the worst way to lose loved ones to premature death. What is premature death? Was it really their soul time to leave the earth plane or are we hanging on to the idea that human life must be decades long to fully enjoy the human experience?
It sucks to lose our older generations and their wisdom as well. Did they document any of their stories for future generations to have any kind of manual and instructions for life?
I have lost way too many loved one in recent years. Every loss is unique just as each relationship with these individuals was unique. I have learned that I am just not good at losing loved ones. Each experience in the landmine of grief has thrown me off kilter and often heart wrenching tears for quite a while after the loss. It doesn’t matter that I had gone through this process a few times. It doesn’t matter that I have all sorts of experience and education in psychology, human nature, overcoming trauma. That all goes out the window when I have suffered through the shock and process of grief and loss.
But, I have learned coping skills. I have learned about the process of death, which really, is a fact of life. None of us are getting out of this life alive. So now it is my time to share what I have learned so I can inspire others to LIVE life after loss.
I have been invited to speak this evening on a Mastermind Class, to lead a discussion on the grief process.
I am looking forward to inspiring others through my own progress through these inevitable life experiences.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux a mentor of mind often shares the quote of……all great love-givers have scars….
Its those hurts and losses plus how we process them to gain the wisdom and insights to help us to better serve others

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #24 of 28
CONTEXT: “I’m Willing to Suffer for Others…”
With my interest in psychology, I am keenly aware of the power of words and grammar. I have learned that whatever we decide to place behind “I AM…” will create our life.
I have learned throughout my time in this Story Athlete community that I appreciate when my friends are accountable WITH me. We keep our word to the best of our abilities, and have clear communication if we cannot keep our commitments within reason. Life happens. We adapt.
I do not expect anyone else to suffer on my behalf, and I will not put myself in a position to suffer for others. I will however continue to be accountable to the best of my abilities and in that way I will suffer alongside and with my teammates.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #25 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Am Insanely Strategic…”
My first glance at this context prompt, my untamed Scrat brain thought, “Oh hell no I am not!”.
But then reading CJ’s context, I feel a little better admitting that I too rely on this SA community to keep me somewhat aligned with being grounded and business focused enough to progress forward with a little more grace and ease, and not my previously usual “blind elephant on a tightrope” dance with life.
I certainly don’t feel like I am insanely strategic on my own, but when I align with like minded souls, I can manage to keep some focus on the future and always creating a better life for myself, my family, and my business.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #26 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Live with a Sense of Urgency…”
CJ’s intro: “If I live to be 80 years old, that means that as of today, I have (80 – current age (37) = 43 years x 365 = 15,330 days left to live into my purpose. That number forces me to be strategic about how I invest my time”.

Holy molitas!!! I have kinda lived life with a sense of urgency up until now, but holy crap what a frying pan to the noggin when I put it in a matter of days left!
I am going to be 56 in May 2023. If I live to see 80 years old, that means 80 – 56 = 24 years x 365 days works out to 8760 days left!! Ermagawd!!!!!!!
I think my fight, flight, freeze, fawn response just kicked in.
I have got way too many things left on my to do list to just sit pretty and do nothing. Time to prioritize and get moving!

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux at 80 years or 120, there will always be a “to do” list or that’s a bigger problem to address.

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #27 of 28
CONTEXT: I Reflect on My Results…
It’s been an interesting month here. I started off with a series of blood tests and a colonoscopy to address some medical concerns that I had ignored for the past two years. Bloods tests came back all within normal range. Nothing of concern with scope initially, however, I do have a follow up appointment for that this week.
I have not been sedated in over 20 years. This experience was interesting in that I realized just how badly my energy was affected with some weird stuff happening in the week following. Thankfully, I have the skills to balance my own energy and a few trusted practitioner friends to get me back on track.
Although blood tests came back normal, I am finding in my own holistic testing that I still have thyroid issues, this stubborn weight in my middle, and some other concerns. I am looking forward to what the specialist might have to say on Wednesday.
It has been good to be back “in the fold” as Nick said, (Thank you!!) participating in GRIT this month. It is good to feel obligated to my team to keep some sort of regular movement daily and to keep up with reading my team mates writings. However, I also find I carry a lot of guilt when I just cannot keep up with daily readings on top of my usual client emails and other communications etc. I know I need to time block and prioritize more. This is definitely an issue. I read Bob’s writings and others who talk about ADHD and I can relate to many of the traits but I refuse to get a diagnosed label or possible medication. I am searching for holistic methods in energy balancing to overcome this feeling on being constantly behind and scattered. I am in the midst of reading Atomic Habits and gleaning some baby step ideas.
As for the daily work outs, I find myself modifying the movements a lot and getting super frustrated with this abdominal bulge. It is worse than being 9 months pregnant, and this has been an issue for much longer than 9 months. Again, looking forward to what the specialist might say because not much else is working. I honestly am concerned about a tumor or cyst or something. This is what I have expressed to the doctors. I do have a family history of this kind of thing. My maternal grandma had a football sized ovarian cyst removed at about my age.
This SA community and the monthly GRIT challenge has made me much more aware and conscious of my habits and actions. My phone has been sending me a weekly app usage report. I am embarrassed at the time usage on Crackbook! I have been consciously aware and attempting to reduce that horrid addiction. However, I do find myself easily sucked into cute animal videos quite often. Animals are such innocent souls. I envision the sheer happiness of working with animals and how appreciative they can be with universal love. On the other hand, these cute videos also bring up memories of our missing kitties and that brings a whole other level of frustration with it.
In my work with some other intuitives, we know my kitties are alive and we are certain something nefarious happened with someone taking them away.
I love my clients, I love my family, I love my GRIT community, and so many like minded souls around me. However, there is a distinct division in this world which is so apparent with regards to animals and other innocent soul humans as well. There are people out there who are absolutely cruel and ignorant shidiots that cause issue for others.
I can tune into my cats’ energies and I know my furbabies are not happy, they are missing home here. I just do not have the skills to find them and that in itself is heart wrenching for our family.
Mind, body, business, relationships. Yes I do have some very apparent frustrations surfacing and continuing, but I also have some wonderful and continuous progress in each of these areas in my 1% journey. Onwards and upwards….

JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #28 of 28
METRICS: JAN 2023 FINAL GRIT WORKOUT Finisher: Shoveling Sh*t.
CONTEXT: “I Expect the Unexpected…”
We got a fresh dump of Sh*t No One Wants (SNOW) so no running outside today. My steps were modified with shoveling the driveway. I have left my writing til later because I had to calm myself down from my earlier resentment filled personal context prompt “The word for today is F*CK!!!!!!!!”.
Ya. I was pretty pissy this morning. I worked outside for 12 years in all kinds of weather. I have worked through so much resentment yet snow still triggers anger in me. I fucking hate winter snow and ice. Period. Sure, it looks pretty from the window. It is great if you’re into cold weather sports with fluffy snow out in the wilderness.
Snow and ice on our highways cause multitudes of accidents and fatalities every year with treacherous conditions (ya, I know lots is drivers’ fault…).
When it is everywhere in the way of our daily life, like driveways and walkways etc….
I spent enough years busting my ass carrying mail through deep snow and had my fair share of slips and falls and injuries due to icy conditions where cleats can’t save you….. This raises a level of ire and wrath in me that I still am trying to tame.
I had too many years of being broke and having to deal with this kind of thing with not much help. It is my one retirement luxury to be able to pay someone else to do some of this kind of dirty work.
But nope…. Cannot seem to find a reliable snow plow service in all my years living here. What ever happened to business ethics and effective communication with service workers?
The thing is, our driveway is long and thin. With nowhere to pile the snow. It needs an actual plow to pull it all down to the road and over out of the way. We can only do so much with a shovel. Even a snow blower isn’t really helpful with no where to blow the snow. And then we get another dump of snow.
I was born in the wrong part of the world. Warm heart, but very low cold tolerance. I get super cranky. (Now I am realizing that may be a thyroid issue?).
My kids have been doing the driveway a fair bit lately. We managed to find one guy with a plow last year, and once this past Christmas, but he ghosted me after that even though he loves when I bake goodies for him as a tip. He was great, but too many times broken equipment and now got a day job so unavailable.
This morning, with no one else around, I got out there to start moving snow before daughter’s clients showed up. When my daughter arrived, she jokingly said “I don’t remember ever seeing you shoveling”. Her comment pissed me off even more. She also never really saw how I busted my ass all those years raising kids.
Actually, she did see some. The year I retired, she was looking for work and I suggested putting in a resume with my previous job. I didn’t even get the words out when I was met with a string of profanities because she saw me after work enough times to know the sheer exhaustion I dealt with, not to mention the office politics…

I have put out ads and asked in groups about a reliable snow plow service but still nothing. So, until then, ya, I am super pissy about having to do our driveway with shovels.
I obviously need to spend some time clearing my energy on this whole topic, but this is where I am right now.
It is still coming down but I don’t have to go out til tomorrow so hoping I only have to shovel once again tomorrow, or by some miracle someone with a plow will come along.
I am hoping my “expect the unexpected” might be a decent reliable plow service popping up for us.
Tomorrow will always be a better day…

Stephen Nedd: Jackie Rioux I remember the 6′ drifts growing up in Cleveland and using the snow blower sometimes 3x/day and the wind would just blow the snow back to the driveway and after taking a shower I would look out and scratch my head wondering what the hell just happened!
Jackie Rioux: Stephen Nedd Yup. We get that here too. I am just done with it. But then… Warmer climates have all sorts of creepy crawlies and bite-y creatures. Can’t win 🙁
Stephen Nedd: Jackie Rioux I’ll take the little critters and warm sunshine any day over the windshield ice scraping, the nose hairs cracking when you breathe in the sub-zero temperatures, the icicles forming on your contacts, and the many days of dreary cloudy skies with no sun in sight. 🌞
Jackie Rioux: Stephen Nedd I have had the corners of my eyes frozen together with icicles on my eyelashes. Honestly, the only thing holding me back from moving way south is that I love my home, the cost factors here, and FAMILY. 😢
Anything could change though…
Jackie Rioux: Before i started… May be an image of car and snow
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux I agree, being out in this crap on the farm makes it unappealing to me also.
Tractors don’t start, gates frozen to the ground, too many layers to take off going into the hog houses, hog poop freezing on your coveralls and many more….

***********Ended this month on a pretty sour note… I worked on myself lots of turned it around… See Feb Grit for more details 🙂 ****************













***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***