Jackie, Raymon Grace and Eddie Masters
I know, I know…. everyone wants to know about my trip and my training with Raymon Grace…
June 15 2024:
It only took me 4 weeks to get everything in here, so here’s all the details…
I have been following Raymon Grace for several years, and use his dowsing ideas and techniques daily. I have had a bucket list idea to meet him one day. Well, some friends went to his training class back in October 2023. I was not there, and I was pretty upset. Being a Taurus redhead, when I get a bee in my bonnet, things are gonna happen.
This is all the details of how my bestest birthday ever unfolded even better than I imagined!
Picture Album: Abingdon Birthday 2024
Interview about trip:
Energy Heal Thy World FB group:
Tuesday, May 28th weekly Transmuting & Adding Energy by Dowsing Group:
We have a special treat! Jackie Rioux & Susan Travis just returned from a weekend course with Raymon Grace. If you don’t know who Raymon Grace is, check him out on YouTube. Jackie & Susan will be sharing their experiences with us. Don’t miss this special event!!! Looking forward to seeing you! 8 a.m. PDT
Heather Wilks: Way too early for us Aussies. No matter how much we love our Canadian and American dowsing friends, the time translates to 1 am the following day. At Vicki’s request, I emailed a heap of dowsers on my list, but no Aussies.
Sharing about our trip replay: https://www.facebook.com/vicki.reeve.5/videos/2251778678488196/?idorvanity=191303612130018
(Please let me know if you are not able to view thru this FB link).
Who is Raymon Grace?
I have Raymon listed in my practitioner recommendation page, along with several other practitioner friends I may reference here. Raymon calls himself a hillbilly mountain man. His best known phrase is “How do you know you can’t do something if you don’t try?”. He is all about self empowerment. He is blunt, to the point and I love him dearly for that philosophy. He set out many years ago to clean up water across the earth and has numerous miraculous stories about water and countless other topics.
He carries a gun, a knife, and his pendulum is a bullet on a chain. He doesn’t go on planes anymore, so I knew I would have to travel to see him.
More: https://ladybugwellness.ca/practitioner-recommendations/
Meeting Raymon and my training class experiences:
From Raymon: Please don’t expect me to heal all your problems and your friends, relatives, co-workers and troublesome neighbors.
BUT~~ I will gladly share information on how it has worked for my friends and I.
The purpose of the class is to EMPOWER YOU.
Have also been doing an Energy Clearing on all of you several days BEFORE the class. Hope you felt it.
Back in early 2016, I manifested to meet Dr Bradley Nelson (Emotion Code) in person. That happened at a business conference in Vancouver BC, the week after my birthday in May 2016. I was so excited that I burst into tears when we were finally introduced. (I am not a sap! Really…). I also went on a cruise in 2019 with Dr Brad. I was much more well behaved in meeting Dr Brad then. Sort of.
Eddie had politely warned me that Raymon is not emotional so best not to get all gushy and fan girly when I meet him.
I am proud to say that I kept myself pretty calm and just got some pictures with Raymon, and Eddie.
Some notes about class: There just are no words to describe how it feels to be in the same room with Raymon, who is a legend in our dowsing circles. The high energy vibration is both invigorating and exhausting. Raymon does some group energy clearings and who wouldn’t want to sit in that energy all day!
The class size is kept somewhat small and it’s a good thing. Raymon tends to lower the volume of his voice a lot so he was periodically checking the microphone to make sure we could hear him.
Raymon introduced himself and kept saying it was his first day on the new job adjusting to a new learning venue. His granddaughter kept talking into the microphone and making us all laugh. Once we got started, Jeff spoke for a bit regaling some amazing stories of miracles and successes with Raymon’s dowsing techniques. Jeff had to duck out for other commitments so it was only after he spoke that I realized this was Raymon’s often referenced “breatharian” friend. He lives on water, no food! There is an incredible story behind that life choice, but I love food too much lol.
Raymon gave us a hand out with 10 suggested intentions, and a list of 30 suggested techniques. Through the class, he tells stories, explains how to do these techniques. Sometimes he uses a volunteer example then he works on all of us collectively.
He takes scheduled breaks so we can run to the bathroom, which was clear on the other side of the building, or get refreshments, etc. He also confirmed that for the more recent classes he has held, he has worked on the attendees for a few weeks before their scheduled class.
The highlight for me though was when Raymon was talking about ancestral trauma and mentioned that he had family lineage papers going back to Robert the Bruce. Ginger and I both squealed at the same time, pointing at each other. Raymon looked up and asked what was up. We told him that is how we are connected! So, there is a possibility that we are distance cousins to Raymon Grace as well?? KOOL!
Raymon explained how to re-program ourselves, our brains with good intentions. He also asked if anyone had an estranged family member or loved one. He used one person’s situation as an example then had the rest of us focus on our own situations while he balanced the energies.
In class, both Susan and I were dealing with an annoying cough. Eddie and Anne worked on both of us with dowsing and Anne with tuning forks. I finally asked Raymon for suggestions. He said to neutralize the life force energy of any and all non beneficial germs and bacteria in the body, put a plan in place to flush out through water.
Raymon had also energized two flats of water bottles for us to take with us. I took two and drank them both. I did feel better after that.
As people mingled and introduced themselves, Eddie would quietly tell people what he does. I would tell them, “He’s just being humble, he is AMAZING!!”. He kept telling people I have sent so many clients his way. Then they would ask how to get a hold of him. He would tell them “Through her website”. LOL
This trip was to go meet Raymon in person, learning from the best of the best, but having other friends there made this the best birthday manifestation ever!
Meeting long time friends:
I “put it out there” to get myself to a Raymon training class and had hoped I would meet some friends in person as well. I could not have orchestrated a better outcome.
Between all of my practitioner forums online, and all of my clients, I have the most amazing people in my life.
Once I put a post out in the Raymon FB group, I received several messages from people encouraging me to go as they had already been to a class, and some saying they wanted to go as well. Specifically, Lee reached out to let me know that she knew me from several groups and would be at the May class along with her group of five. She was looking forward to meeting me and introducing herself. (She was soo sweet when I met her and her friends).
It is awfully humbling to realize that a few people chose this class particularly so they could meet me as well. I have known each of these wonderful souls for a few years online. To finally meet in person just amplifies our friendships.
Eddie drove from Jacksonville Florida
Ginger drove from Crystal Springs Florida
Ghazala flew in from Miami Florida
Susan drove from Ann Arbor Michigan
Anne lives about two hours from Roanoke
Lisa was not taking the class, but drove 3 hours to spend a day with me in Roanoke.
I cannot even express my appreciation in words for these efforts to come to the same class as me and to spend time with me making my birthday week that much more special.
Eddie Masters is my best bud I connected with back in 2018. I have sent so many clients to him and every single one raves about him. We had only talked on the phone a few times previously. To finally meet in person was just so exhilarating!
I did keep calm though. I did tell him that all of us we fan girl-ing on the inside though!!
You know how my nickname is Scrat? Well, now I have given myself a new nickname for Eddie. I am his fan girl squirrel!
Ginger and I, through conversations back in 2023, realized we may be connected through some family castles in Scotland that date back to Robert the Bruce in the 1500’s.
Daily Itinerary of this trip:
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
My flight was to leave for 5:55 am (angel numbers!!), so I had to be up and get to the airport for check in by 5 am. My daughter Melissa drove me to the airport. I was mentally running thru preparation in my head as I had not been on a plane or left the country since May 2019 cruise. I also have not been on a plane by myself since childhood, if ever.
At security check in, I saw a lady I knew, Tammy E. OMG someone I know!! She chatted with me quickly as she checked my carry-on bags, and waved me through with no issues.
I had been apprehensive of flying again but eagerly looking forward to this trip and being able to meet friends in person.
There is a back story to this. See, I had a fear of heights so I jumped out of a plane back in 2004.
In 2017, I went on a three-generation vacation with my mom and daughter to the Grand Canyon. It takes 3 flights to get anywhere from where we live. We had realized then that I had not been on a plane since 2004. That had been a tiny plane and I had jumped.
When we landed in Calgary, on this 2017 trip, we had experienced some turbulence and the plane did a little “bounce” when we hit the runway. I had SCREAMED!! Everyone looked my way but my mother just nonchalantly told them, “It’s ok, she’s ok… at least she didn’t jump this time”.
Surprisingly, this flight from Prince George to Vancouver BC was uneventful. I had a window seat enjoying the views of snow-covered mountaintops and the checkered fields below. I started to wonder if Raymon had started working on us prior to traveling to his class.
Landing in Vancouver, I had just enough time to get myself to the next gate for check-in. Next up was a five hour flight to Atlanta Georgia, but I would be losing three hours crossing time zones. The Atlanta international airport is freaking huge. I had to take a “plane train” subway shuttle between Station B to Station D. Get in and hang on!! The overheard announcements were amusing. “Going to station D. D is for dining and you will find…”. Great advertising lol.
The plane rides offered liquid refreshments and cookies or pretzels. I opted for cookies and tea each flight so I wasn’t super hungry. I had snacks packed as well. I had a couple hours to kill so I found a little restaurant called “Sweet Water Brewing Co” and enjoyed a delicious taco style soup with tortilla chips. My server was a nice gentleman with a Southern drawl calling his patrons “sweethearts”.
I was feeling super self conscious feeling like I put on weight again, as it was frustrating to navigate in those small airline seats. Perhaps some puffiness was just from traveling. Being in the Atlanta airport was encouraging as there were so many full-figure type ladies that carry their weight naturally and “rock that bootay” confidently.
While I waited in my gate area lounge, I caught a glimpse of traveling kitties! There were two young girls with clear dome type shoulder packs (like back packs on the front), and their kitties were well behaved on leashes.
The flight to Roanoke left at 955 pm and got in at 1119 PM local time. We were herded off the plane, straight to outside doors. Lisa was waiting for me in the “Kiss and Park” zone. She had a fancy new white Ford F150 truck with daisy stickers. I took mental note on the truck as I am looking for a new to me vehicle. She gave me a beautiful birthday card with daisy stickers too.
Lisa and I had previously booked adjoining rooms at the Best Western. We were like little kids playing with the adjoining room doors which open, but lock in each room separately. We realized too late that her door closed and locked when she was on my side. She went all the way downstairs for a new room key. Weirdly, the desk clerk said there were no adjoining room doors. Must not be familiar with the room layouts? I dunno… Anyways, Lisa and I sat up and chatted endlessly until about 2 am when she suggested we (I?) might be too loud for other rooms if the walls are thin. Remember, I was still on my own time zone 3 hours earlier…
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
I was up by 730 am and we were downstair for breakfast by 8 am. We enjoyed the provided hotel breakfast of sausage rounds and scrambled eggs, with make-your-own waffles, yogurt and fruit juices. I always look for hotels with breakfast when I travel as that is a smart money saving choice.
The weather is definitely warmer and muggier than I am used to. No coats for me lol. The big attraction in Roanoke is the Mill Mountain Star. We drove up there and took in the view of the city. There is a “star cam” you can visit online to catch a pic of yourself. Lisa managed to figure it out and got a pic of us thru the cam. There was a zoo up there as well so we wandered through there and fed the goats, checked out the animals and gift store. As is normal for me, I chattered lots as we wandered. Lisa voiced several times that I chattered too much. Then she admitted that she had a headache, possibly from MSG in the Chinese food she had had the night before. I took the opportunity to clear some energy to relieve her headache and hopefully settle her annoyance with me.
We drove back into town, wandered around a bit then decided to choose a place for lunch. Lisa asked some locals for suggestions and we walked into a nearby restaurant. We were seated and given menus. Then Lisa asked if I really wanted to eat there. Hmmm… We decided to duck out the side door and go somewhere else. This is the part that is going to be the stand out memory for Lisa and our time together… There was a low knee-high metal fence surrounding this restaurant. Instead of going back to the entrance, I opted to go around the side to the back entrance that had a temporary type pole and chain link fence. I tossed one leg over the low chain. I don’t know what the heck happened with my other leg following suit but it didn’t life over the chain properly, my shoes caught the chain and the poles fell over. I caught my balance on the solid main fence but not before completely embarrassing me and Lisa.
I told her that was a graceful award for me for sure. You can dress me up but not take me out.
We wandered around the block checking out sights and shops and looking for a different place for lunch. I thought it interesting that there are “pay and ride” scooters along the sidewalk. We settled on a place called “Awful Arthur’s Seafood”. I had a seafood platter and quite enjoyed it.
I had originally booked a rental car through my travel agent to be picked up for 8 am. Since Lisa was driving, I left this task until about 3 pm when I figured I better go pick up a vehicle to drive the next day. I arrived at Dollar rental only to be told they had no cars. They only hold a booked vehicle for a couple hours. I chatted with a nice lady, also named Lisa, who explained that they were expecting a few cars back soon. She kindly gave me a list of recommended restaurants and attractions. Thankfully a couple cars did show up promptly. I opted for a little black Toyota Corolla that a businessman had brought back. She offered for me to check it out quickly and I could take it without being cleaned. I was given some wet wipes and signed all the papers, telling Lisa G I would meet her back at the hotel. I went outside to hunt for this car across a large parking lot, in the rain. There was a nice gentleman in a high viz vest (cleaning staff for another rental place) that offered to drive me around to find my car. Thank goodness for remote start buttons lol.
When I got back to the hotel, Lisa had a phone call in her room so I took a power nap until we decided to go for a late dinner to the Black Birch restaurant in a nearby Holiday Inn hotel. The server was a young lady with a distinctive drawl who was very attentive in serving our table. I had a grilled sirloin salad; Lisa had a quesadilla and we opted for both the cheesecake and brownie desserts to share. YUM!
Back at the hotel we visited a bit then turned in earlier to get some decent sleep.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
We were up by 8 am and headed downstairs for the hotel breakfast. Sausage rounds, scrambled eggs, waffles, yogurt and juice. I grabbed an apple, another yogurt and a coffee for the road. Lisa gave me some peanut butter cheese cracker snacks and another apple as well. We took some pics in the lobby, a pic of her with her truck, said our goodbyes and I headed off to make my way to Abingdon, two and a half hours away.
I blasted some rock tunes on the stations I found in between all the religious and patriotic stations and radio conversations. The highway scenery was much like the Vancouver area of BC back home, just way more green and lush.
Once I got to Abingdon, Exit 14 right by the learning centre, I checked into the Clarion hotel. Room 240, wayyyy back of the building on the second floor. Then I proceeded to go find nail clippers at the local Walgreens. There is no big sign on that building so I actually drove right past it, but I was also enthralled with the brick work buildings and colonial type stylings with porches and pillars etc. I drove the length of Abingdon, turned around in the Walmart parking lot, stopped in a thrift store, then came out on the highway at Exit 17 and made my way back around in a loop to the hotel and also found the learning centre. I finally found Walgreens and got some nail clippers and some throat lozenges. (I mention in the interview that I had developed a sore throat and annoying cough a few days before the trip). I also drove past April’s dance studio which looks awfully small from the outside.
I found the El Bigotes Mexican Grill restaurant right next to a sprawling antique store. I took my time wandering through the store admiring all sorts of old and interesting items. Then I enjoyed a steak and burrito dinner before heading back to my hotel for a bit.
Anne Bryan messaged saying she was checked in at her hotel and heading to Puerto Nuevo Fresh Mex & Seafood and would I like to join her? Of course! When I found her at her table, she stood up and I jokingly said “you have legs!!”. That became the joke between all of us as we had only ever known each other over Zoom until this trip. Anne is also a lot tinier than I had imagined lol. She is a whole lot of loveliness in a small package 😊
I had been feeling a little like I was overwhelming others with my excitement and chattiness, but Anne assured me that this is just my Jackie personality and I am welcome to just be me!
We had a wonderful visit over a meal. I was still satiated from the steak earlier so I just had calamari, Anne had fish tacos.
Susan arrived in Abingdon so Anne invited us to her hotel to visit. She was being awfully humble about booking such a large room on her hubby’s suggestion. We had a whole living room in her hotel room lol.
Susan’s alarm went off at 10 PM reminding us of the “Dowsing for Healing Australia and Beyond” Zoom call, so we invited Anne and joined in on the call together.
It was quite late so we left Anne to turn in. Susan and I ended up chatting in the parking lot for a bit before I headed back to my hotel.
Unfortunately, my excitement for the day came next… about 1120 pm.
I left Anne’s hotel, set the GPS, and pulled out onto the road. Stopped at lights to turn. Kept inching up because it wasn’t turning green. A police car passes me, then flips around behind me. I drove thru intersection and his lights turned on. Oh crap…. I pulled into a Wendy’s parking lot. It was a nice friendly policeman who told me I didn’t do anything wrong, but I just didn’t have any lights on. Rental car and tourist. Did I mention my vehicle back home has auto lights? Oops.
Friday, May 17, 2024
The hotel breakfast at the Clarion was just DIY waffles, yogurt, apples but filling enough. I headed to Tri-Cities Regional Airport Terminal to pick up Ghazala for her 10 am flight coming in. There were big hugs finally meeting in person, but again, she is a lot shorter than I had imagined. She thought I was taller than she had imagined. We drove into Abingdon checked into the hotel; she had room 238 across the hall. Then we met up with Susan and Anne at Greeko’s restaurant. They have a funny set up with a drive through window right beside an entrance door. And the drive through comes in flat off the main street but then goes up a steep hill to a back alley to exit. We ended up parking at the top of this hill and inching our way walking down.
I had a super yummy pita with salad. Unfortunately, the pita was wrapped in wax paper and the sauce drizzled through the bottom then cascaded down the whole front of me. White sauce splattered from my boobs right down my legs.
I took a pic once I got back to the hotel. Ugh.
We took a short power nap in our own rooms. Anne had messaged that she had met Rena at the learning centre and was wondering if we could drive Rena in the morning since she was at the same hotel. She was in 106 downstairs and came up for a quick visit to meet beforehand.
Eddie was also in town so he came to our hotel. A little miscommunication, he didn’t realized we had changed hotels when the venue changed. He stayed at the Super 8. Ginger arrived and was in Room 238 so we had quite a long visit and chat in my hotel room. In the midst of this high energy visiting, Eddie mentioned a friend with an issue and asked for some energy clearing ideas. We were glad to share and brainstorm. It really is so comforting and amazing and just no words in how to describe meeting and visiting with these friends I have only known online several years. My heart was so full with appreciation.
Once the others left, Ghazala and I realized we were hungry but too tired to go to a sit-down restaurant so we ran down the street to Subway and grabbed a couple subs for immediate sustenance, and a couple extra for lunch the next day.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Breakfast at hotel was quick and easy with waffles yogurt and juice. Ginger drove herself so she had a vehicle available if she wanted to step out for lunch. Rena, Ghazala and I drove in my car to Virginia Highlands Community College. I sat beside Eddie. Ghazala and Ginger were next to him on the other side. Susan and Anne were behind me. Eddie had come in that morning and had to let me know that his friend had the best sleep in quite a while after the energy balancing we did the night before.
Some people went out for lunch. I was glad to have a Subway sandwich to scarf down and just park my butt soaking in all the information and energy.
Lee and Sandra introduced themselves, wonderful to meet them. They were attending as a party of five with a couple others in their dowsing group. Sandra brought a birthday gift from Gerri (maple bacon sea salt and Citrine star for prosperity), and also gave me a handmade ladybug pen.
They suggested dinner at 128 Pecan. The name of the restaurant is the actual address. A bunch of us headed over there but got seated separately as it was quite busy. Eddie, Ginger, Ghazala and me had a table together. I opted for delicious calamari and steak. After a long day of high energy. We all were ready for sleep and turned in early.
I had thought of doing some laundry at the hotel but was in bed before 8 pm.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
A bus load of tourists had descended on our hotel the night before so breakfast fare was non existent for the rest of us by 8 am. Ghazala and I drove over to the Rendezvous International Café that Susan had suggested. We got breakfast wraps and mocha coffees.
Class through Sunday was a continuation of the day before. Just as high energy with lots of miracle stories. At lunch time, I actually found a bench in a lounge area down by the bathrooms and took a power nap.
After class, Eddie, Susan, and Anne said their goodbyes and headed out on their way back to their homes. Ginger, Ghazala, and I were going to meet up at Greeko’s with Lee and crew. They ended up going somewhere else so the three of us had a table together. Miranda from class joined us as well. I opted for the chicken souvlaki platter this time.
Back at the hotel, we turned in early again to our own rooms. I had a Zoom chat catching up with Anne for a bit then slept deeply all night again. It is hard to explain to others how this high energy vibration can knock us out for a deep healing sleep.
Monday, May 20, 2024
Ghazala messaged early suggesting to skip the hotel breakfast as she wanted to take me out for breakfast.
We drove into town and decided on the White Birch restaurant. We had omelet platters which were quite satisfying and filling. We checked out some shops on that street and found some fridge magnets and postcards.
We drove around town checking out buildings and then went into The Girl & The Raven. Even though we had just eaten at the other place, we had to have something here. This a family-owned café with a story it seems, a book and postcards etc. I had chilled strawberry mango tea with a savory scone. Yum!!
We spent most of the day sightseeing mainly. We stopped in at The Martha Washington Inn & Spa to check out the Victorian era type architecture. It was a huge mansion. I was quite amused that I think the valet overheard me commenting that he had an accent and was kinda cute.
We checked out a few antique stores Wolf Hills Antiques LLC, Foxglove Antiques & Etc., and four floors in Zephyr Antiques. We ran into Char and Miranda a few times in these stores.
Next, we took another drive to find the trailhead to the local walking trail, “the Virginia Creeper”. On the way, we stopped in at Holston Mountain Artisans. Lots of incredibly talented artisan wares. I particularly admired how someone took old canning jar glass and turned it into accessories. We noticed there were signs above the doorways: “drunk tank”, “detention” and “holding”. There was also a tip jar “bail money” and a statue of a dog wearing striped prison garb.
It was explained that the building used to be the old police station, turned into an artisan co-op. To add to the amusement, they explained that the building next door was the jail and is being renovated into a hostel called “The Clink”.
The Virginia Creeper Abingdon Terminus trailhead and information shop were just up the road. We stopped into chat with the ladies there. They were not familiar with Raymon Grace but the one lady did understand muscle testing as she had been taught to check supplements for herself.
We set a timer for an hour and walked a length of the trail. Absolutely beautiful scenery, a wide walking trail with both walkers and cyclists. There is ivy growing around the trees, and many of the trees (white oak?) sprawl and “creep” as well. Along the trail we saw numerous people walking or riding bicycles, enjoying the scenery as well.
It was time to head back to the hotel to gather Ghazala’s luggage and head to the airport. That was a bittersweet goodbye seeing her off on there.
Back in Abingdon, I stopped at an ice cream shop and got a mix of flavors for my own little treat. I headed back to my hotel to use up all my stored leftovers from the past few days. Smorgasbord. I checked to see if there was a freezer to keep my ice cream cold. Yup a tiny freezer, and there was a firmly solidified old microwave dinner in there lol. I wanted to do some laundry so I had some clean clothes for my travel home. The front desk sent me over to the gas station next door to get some quarters. I am sure I looked like a confused tourist as they have boiled peanuts as a staple snack, then alcohol and cigarettes all out on display available for purchase. I got some quarters then made my way to figure out the laundry service on the main floor. The washer worked fine but the dryer seemed to go forever and my clothes were not dry. Some guy outside sauntered over to the glass door beside me, opened the door and with an almost creepy kind of drawl, he told me that the dryer doesn’t work but he could drive me to a laundromat close by. I declined that offer, reminiscing of the time I caught a ride in 2018 in El Clum Washington when my vehicle broke down.
No thank you. I just hung my clothes in my room for the night.
Thru this trip, there were several days I got my steps in for sure. With walking the trail, my total for May 20 was 10,867 steps, 6.9 km.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
I allowed myself to sleep in a bit then went for breakfast in the hotel before heading out about 10 am to head back to Roanoke. I took one last drive down the main street in Abingdon. Such a quaint little town.
The drive to Roanoke by the map is about 2.5 hours. There was some construction and I ended up behind some snail pace vehicles as well, with just one lane and a few standstills. I stopped in a couple rest stops just to stretch and kill some time.
When I got to Roanoke, I went to a natural foods grocery store to get some salsa and chips for a snack.
Then I drove up to Mill Mountain to wander the zoo for a while. I took the train ride this time.
I asked in the gift shop where I could find a good steak dinner. They offered numerous suggestions but I settled on LongHorn steakhouse as they said it is an American experience. The food was wonderful but the server didn’t know why it was considered an American experience lol.
I had to return my rental car by 7 pm. The young lady at the desk squealed when she saw my ladybugs on my purse. She had a ladybug tattoo behind her ear. We had a nice chat about energy stuff. There were no issues returning the car, even when I mentioned that there was a crack in the windshield that developed while on the highway.
I found a chair in the airport lounge and parked my butt for the night. I read Raymon’s Future is Yours book for a while. Then found a desk area around the corner in a hallway where another overnight traveler was catching some shut eye as well. I had some small chit chat with this young fellow then we both tried to snooze at our respective desks for a while. His flight on Monday had been canceled due to bad weather, now just trying to get home for a break from college.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
My flight was to leave at 6 am. The whole airport had been so quiet all night and now was bustling with people shuffling through security. My first flight was an hour and a half to Atlanta. Uneventful and I think I slept most of it.
In Atlanta, I found the plane train quickly and got to my gate section fairly quickly. That airport is massive. I did go looking for some breakfast but seeing that a simple yogurt and fruit was almost $9, I opted to stick to my saved up travel snacks and water.
I had the aisle seat this time with a young couple beside me who kept to themselves, tucked inside their hoodies. Again, I think I dozed most of the five-hour flight. To note, I was crossing three hours time zones on the way home which made it seem like the flight was only 2 hours.
My gate lounge in the Vancouver International Airport had a few different flight desks. There are so many overheard announcements that I think most people tune it out unless is it information for their own flight. Amusingly, when one of the blurbs came across with some humor, everyone groaned!!
Vancouver airport 1243 pm: Overhead announcements for flight to Kelowna… “blah blah blah… This is a good time to go to the washroom… We don’t recommend having a drink before boarding unless you are a lawyer that has already been called to the bar”.
The flight from Vancouver to Prince George was quiet. I arrived 340 pm local time but had pretty much been in airports for 24 hours. Chantelle picked me up from the airport and had a little visit before I took a much needed nap in my own bed.
I had blocked off my client calendar for the 23rd to allow myself time to unpack, rest, and settle in before getting back to full days of clients. Everyone has been asking about the trip. I have promised to share everything in a webpage. I am thankful that we had the opportunity to do an interview as I have been telling everyone I have been “recalibrating” and it really has taken me a few weeks to align with all the high vibration energy, upgrade and to feel somewhat normal again. All good stuff, it just really feels like recalibrating to new higher vibrations.
Abingdon and Roanoke Virgina impressions:
Roanoke is a city in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia. It’s known for the Roanoke Star, also known as the Mill Mountain Star, a neon landmark overlooking the city from the summit of Mill Mountain. The surrounding park area is home to trails, picnic areas and the Mill Mountain Zoo.
Roanoke became a city so quickly that it earned the nickname “Magic City.” The Mill Mountain Star, also known as the Roanoke Star, is the world’s second largest illuminated man-made star, constructed in 1949 at the top of Mill Mountain in Roanoke, Virginia.
The Roanoke Star
Constructed in 1949 atop Mill Mountain, the Roanoke Star was originally intended to serve as a temporary and seasonal Christmas decoration. Sponsored by the Roanoke Merchants Association, the Star is 88.5 feet tall and weighs 10,000 pounds.
Live StarCam Feed
From Google: “Abingdon is a town in Washington County, Virginia, United States, 133 miles southwest of Roanoke. The population was 8,376 at the 2020 census. It is the county seat of Washington County.
Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwest Virginia, the town of Abingdon is known for its artsy vibe, historic charm, amazing food scene, and its proximity to some of the most spectacular outdoor recreation in the region.
Abingdon, nestled between Oxford and Didcot, offers an ideal mix of countryside tranquility and urban proximity. Rich in history, you’ll find a delightful mesh of the past and present in its architectural landmarks, local traditions, and vibrant attractions.
In 1778, Black’s Fort was incorporated as the town of Abingdon, said to be named for Abingdon-on-Thames the ancestral home of Martha Washington in Oxfordshire, England”.
Looking for something to describe the local architecture, I found this interesting report: https://www.dhr.virginia.gov/pdf_files/SpecialCollections/WG-060_AH_Survey_Abingdon_1998_THOM_report.pdf
My thoughts:
The scenery is so lush and green everywhere! Lots of deciduous trees, vines, and bright colored gardens. I was in awe of all the brick colonial style buildings with front porches and stately pillars. The first day there I just drove around looking at buildings. There are buildings that are apparently still standing from 1778. A lot of flags and patriotism.
Notably, there are numerous churches, several funeral homes, and a huge cemetery. There are countless engraved type signs with bible verses and quotes. There is just such an air of religion everywhere. On the Virginia Creeper trail walk, I saw a lady with a shirt that said “I run on Jesus and Juice”.
I was so taken with the Southern style accents and colloquialisms. I am pretty sure a few people noticed me being a Canadian tourist as I had commented to a few people that I loved their accents. Hearing a southern drawl “sweetheart”, “take care o’ yerself, ya hear”, and “y’all” and were most common.
The road signs are similar but in miles per hour. What we call “speed bumps” here, are called “speed tables” there.
Interesting note: The day after I got home, I just needed some brain drain time so I turned on Netflix. Opted to watch “Painkiller” a dramatization of the oxycontin ordeal and taking down the pharma creators. Six-episode series. One scene, I almost jumped out of my seat as I had driven by the “Barter theatre” several times the previous week. I looked it up and sure enough, Abingdon was a filming location.
Manifesting a birthday trip, Facebook posts:
Jackie N. Rioux to FCOA Certification Group
October 11 2023
I am just watching the end of the Focus on Succeeding class Q and A cuz I missed it last Sunday…
Amy Jo Ellis, Gerri Holgerson-Johnson, and Linda Stone I AM SOOO JEALOUS you are all going to see Raymon.
You have to give him big hugs and high fives from me, please and thankyou!!!
Jackie N. Rioux and Amy Richards too??!!!! We’re missing the party of a lifetime 😢
Linda Stone: I am totally and completely looking forward to the whole experience! Not to mention the trifecta plus of awesome energy!
Liezell Bradshaw: Oh my gosh. We are missing a party for sure! Pls tell him hi from me and my son Josh too. I almost wanted to go but we have a family weekend for one of the kids at college.
Amy Jo any thoughts on having a facilitator get together weekend sometime?
Amy Jo Ellis: am considering it, probably after my father’s memorial.
Liezell Bradshaw: Amy Jo Ellis it would be amazing.
Jackie N. Rioux: his is when I feel soooo soo far away 😭😭😭😭
Amy Jo Ellis: We missed you! We all said we should have given you a heads up.
Jackie N. Rioux: Amy Jo Ellis well i have put it out there now, first one announced after Nov 11 class.
Lisa G, Eddie M, me, and all of you again….
Gerri Holgerson-Johnson: You know I will! Sending you good vibes!
Donna Marie: That would be awesome! I saw Raymon last year in PA, would love to see Amy Jo and him!!
October 27 2023
Amy Jo Ellis: Jackie N. Rioux Raymon announced a new class in December.
Jackie N. Rioux: Amy Jo Ellis Same weekend I am speaking for Tucson 🙁
Amy Jo Ellis: oh goodie… I’ll watch that!!
Jackie N. Rioux to Raymon Grace Dowsing & Self Empowerment Group
January 31 2024
Raymon just posted next class dates. My birthday is May 20th. Happy Birthday to me 🙂
Who is going that I can meet there? As newsletter says, THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT THIS YEAR~` AND MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Previously I “put it out there” to meet Dr Brad. I met him the week after my birthday 2016, and also went on a cruise for my birthday in 2019 with Dr Brad.
Now I am putting it out there for my birthday again, this time to meet Raymon in person… Let the universe start conspiring in my favor 🙂
March 23-24 – Abingdon, VA
April 6-7 – Abingdon, VA
May 18-19- Abingdon, VA
Eduardo Ramos Ruiz: Hi Jackie N. Rioux, wow, I support Yoo! a wonderful example of manifestation… albeit a birthday manifestation, yay. I’m sharing this news with Vivien, ASAP. Chat soon…
Sonja Kore: What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday! Meeting new people and expanding your horizons is the best way to make any day special. 🎉
Lee Shook: Plotting. Actually, we are a group of 5 that are plotting
Sandra Hodge McGill: Lee Shook We release this manifestation only to the Universe that says YES.♥
Lee Shook: Sandra Hodge McGill YES
Sylvia Somogyi: I’ve met Raymon several years ago. I’d love to meet Dr. Brad! 😊
Gerri Holgerson-Johnson: So this means you’re definitely going? Hope so.
Jackie N. Rioux: Gerri Holgerson-Johnson You coming again?? We gonna hafta book a day or two either side cuz you know we’ll be having a PJ party playing with energy all night
Patty Mac: That is so exciting for you Jaquie!! I took Raymond’s class online and it was wonderful. 💝
I would love to meet him as well but just not wanting to travel too far at this point in time. I hope that your experience will be 1000 times even more rewarding than you could ever imagine! 🥰
Eddie Masters: I need to put it out there for me to be there with you.
Jackie N. Rioux: Eddie Masters yes!!!! My best buddy!
Rena Ambush Levin: I plan to be there!
Ilksen Alper Ahmet: Yes I wholeheartedly agree
May 12 2024:
Marilyn Ropeleski: did you know Dr. Brad BEFORE you met him?
Jackie N. Rioux: Marilyn Ropeleski not in person lol. I was EC certified online. There were 3 of us at that conference like groupies meeting him lol
Jackie N. Rioux: My post came up again. 💓. See everyone next week. I am traveling 3 flights to see all who are going for May class. Allowing a few days either side to visit outside of classes. 😎😎❤️❤️🐞🐞🐞
Lee Shook: Jackie N. Rioux so excited to meet you in person 👏
Jackie N. Rioux: Lee Shook me too… 💓💓💓
Sandra Hodge McGill: Jackie N. Rioux YAY…I’m with Lee and can’t wait for the weekend…wheeee….
May 16 2024:
Denise Skeen: I am local and will be in the May class this weekend.
How do I know Raymon? Some background details:
I am in a private certified Facebook forum of Emotion Code practitioners. While not affiliated with Dr Brad’s Discover Healing, the common ground in this group is Emotion Code and Body Code certified practitioners. The best thing I love about this group is that discussions are not limited to one modality. We can share and learn from others as we all have unique gifts, backgrounds, and experiences.
This is where I first heard about Raymon when someone mentioned his technique of “balancing tones” to correct dysfunctional relationship patterns.
In February 2016, I emailed Raymon only to receive an “out of office” auto email, then a personal email from him saying, “My computer lies to people and sends an automatic reply that I am not available”. Blunt and amusing, he is.
Funny to note here, I mentioned to Raymon then that I am an Emotion Code practitioner. He didn’t know anything about that modality, or so he said.
He didn’t have much to say about balancing tones:
“Bottom line, a person’s behavior changed drastically and quickly after giving her the tones she needed. Did not know her at the time but was friends with her Dad. A few years later, told her what I did and she knew something in her had changed but didn’t know what or why”.
My understanding here is that we have tones like a musical scale (everything is frequency and vibration). When we are missing tones, we will attract someone with those tones resulting in a dysfunctional relationship. We need to balance tones to be whole within ourselves before we can have a healthy relationship.
I ordered DVDs Change your Energy, Change your Life; Healthy Mind and Body; and Prosperity. Plus, I also got the “Techniques that work for me” book. I continued to follow Raymon’s newsletters, YouTube, interviews etc., gleaning more ideas and encouragement each time.
I joined his monthly clearing subscription when it started. I did fall off that program for a few months when I forgot to renew. I noticed such a difference in my home and pets that I got back on the program. It is now set up as an ongoing subscription and in my opinion an excellent investment for personal health, home, and loved ones.
In September of 2017, I had connected with Amy Jo Ellis and Court of Atonement. Apparently, someone had seen my original post and shared FCOA with Raymon. He mentioned Amy Jo in his March 2018 newsletter and their friendship grew from there.
I went on a cruise with Dr Brad and several Emotion Code practitioners in May of 2019. I met Sonya and Joey who lived close to Raymon in Tennessee. In a Raymon’s Newsletter a few months later, Raymon shared a picture of Dr Brad, Jean, Sonya, Joey and Raymon!! Apparently, Dr Brad had met Raymon through the E-Motion Documentary and now they got to meet in person.
In March 2020, I jumped on an interview with Raymon and was able to ask him some questions about my estranged daughter.
The People and Pets Show with Raymon Grace (3-2-20). (Note: Mark H passed in Nov 2021, I shared this interview to Raymon FB group after our May 2024 class).
Sandra Hodge McGill: Thank you, Jackie…BTW…as to your question…what has been result with your relationship with your daughter. ♥ Were able to find the method that worked for you?
Jackie N. Rioux: no. My passed SIL came thru in a unrelated conversation with Amy Jo a few months after this interview, suggesting working on her environment… which we did but still… I have just had to accept she is on her own path for now. 8.5 years. Ironically tho, she sent me a text but no message the day after our recent class with Raymon.
In March of 2023, I did the FCOA facilitator course. I met some wonderful people who became fast friends. In a later conversation with Gerri, she mentioned going to see Raymon in October. My intuition did not perk up thinking I should go then too. It was the week of the October class when I was watching a replay of the recent FCOA class. Amy jo mentioned at the end that she, her mom, Gerri, Linda, and Jill were all going to the Raymon class that weekend. Then Gerri sent me a pic of herself with Raymon. I cried. I was sooo upset. My friends all went to see Raymon but I was not there. I had to accept Divine Timing that I was just not meant to be there then.
Amy Jo said later that she didn’t tell anyone she was going because she didn’t want to steal Raymon’s thunder and have so many FCOA people crash the class. I can understand that as Raymon purposely keep his classes small.
I determined that as soon as Raymon announces his Spring classes, I would get my butt there somehow! And I did!
Booking the flights and accommodations experience:
I figured I would share a little bit of my booking experiences since so many people are asking and wanting to go to Raymon training classes as well.
First off, when April posts new classes, make sure to confirm your attendance with her before making any other plans. All reservations and class communication go through Raymon’s daughter April only.
She will ask for a deposit check to hold your class seat reservation confirmation, then send you details of class information promptly. This informational list has hotels, airports and restaurant suggestions as well as notes about your specific class dates.
My daughter Melissa worked as a travel agent back in 2016 so on her recommendation I contacted a previous coworker at their new location Uniglobe. My first inquiry was in February 2024. The fees given then for flights to Roanoke and the closer Triflight airport were comparable but about $100 less to go into Triflight.
I would have loved to make a road trip out of this whole experience, but my current vehicle would never make it. Plus, from Prince George BC to Abingdon VA is 42 hours of straight driving.
When I revisited the flights idea and asked for a new quote, prices had risen considerably. Flying into Triflight was now almost $1000 more than Roanoke. So, I chose Roanoke which is a 2.5-hour drive from Abingdon. It takes three flights to get anywhere from where I am. The flights were from Prince George to Vancouver, to Atlanta, then to Roanoke. The flight fees were $2125. plus some extra fees.
I always opt for travel insurances, especially traveling out of country. I have just heard way too many horror stories of travel mishaps, missed connections, and failed reservations etc. Better to be prepared and aware, in my opinion.
In April 2024, I received an email about insurance for my trip. I did not read the fine print but just forwarded to the travel agent to confirm my flights etc. I was a little taken aback receiving an email saying this person had retired. I called the office and over a few phone calls and emails, we figured out this email was actually for the Best Western hotel in Roanoke. But we also realized that even though I was sure I had flight travel insurance, that had not been added to my flights itinerary, so perhaps this email misunderstanding was a blessing in disguise. Another $271 fee for insurance and peace of mind, but not needed at all in the end as Raymon had been working on us prior to class. Oh well.
When I booked flights, I also booked a rental car through the travel agent as well, through Dollar Rental.
The car rental basic quote was $519. CDN. but ended up costing almost $1000. I always take the travel insurances so that added a few hundred to the cost totals. I also have to consider US to Canadian exchange, remember. The windshield had cracked by the time I brought it back, but I am reasoning because of the extra costs, this was not a problem when I returned the car.
I had booked to hold a vehicle for 8 am but since my flight came in 1130 pm, and Lisa picked me up, we didn’t get to the rental car til 3 pm the next day. There were no cars available.
The receptionist was super friendly and helpful. While chatting with her, 2 cars were brought back so I was able to take a 2023 Toyota Corolla without it being cleaned or inspected first. The car ran well, and served my needs sufficiently. My vehicle at home is a minivan so the car was a little hard to get into being so low. But everything went well overall.
The insurance and extras made the cost almost double of that expected, but I had peace of mind being covered effectively.
Returning the car was through a different receptionist who was also wonderful and friendly.
I booked at Best Western in Roanoke for 2 nights with Lisa.
For Abingdon, I had booked a Super 8 hotel originally as that is where Ginger booked. I had no idea why there was such an influx of class seat requests for the May class, but it filled up quick. Some of my friends playfully blamed me for a full class lol.
We got noticed of venue change from the previous location at April’s dance school, to the Virginia Highlands Community College across town. Comfort Inn and the Clarion were the closest choices to the new location.
I rebooked at the Clarion along with Ginger and Ghazala. This is almost right around the corner from the venue. After rebooking I realized there were two Super 8 hotels. Unfortunately, Eddie only had known I booked the Super 8 so that is where he stayed.
More details in daily itinerary above.
All the costs were well worth it as this really was the best birthday experience ever!