Ladybug Newsletter Archives

Ladybug Wellness Newsletter Archive: Here you can catch up on What’s New with Jackie and Ladybug Wellness

There are so many new things going on here with Ladybug Wellness. Of course, you know my website is my outlet and I post more there than on Facebook social media.
I have updated this condensed newsletter archive page so you are welcome to catch up here.

Back in 2019, I started a regular Ladybug Wellness newsletter thru a marketing platform, sending out a monthly email with all the latest news on my personal and professional front. This engagement was a wonderful connection with past, present, and potential future clients. Unfortunately, I dropped that platform in March of 2023. I created this page and space to continue sharing updates and information with those visiting this website.

I do have a new platform as of February 2024. I do not like email spam myself so I tend to keep these newsletters to a monthly email and sometimes a midmonth update as well.
You are welcome to sign up here:

Thank you for using the Ladybug Wellness website information for your own self empowerment. Thank you so much for sharing this website with your friends and loved ones as well. I truly appreciate your emails and feedback. I look forward to continuing to serve you through Ladybug Wellness. It is my sincere hope that you and your loved ones will always have the richest blessings of synchronistic connections, abundance, and prosperity. Sending you the best blessings, Ladybug Love and Hugs!

If you don’t already know me and my back story, you will find my published story in this site (and on my YouTube channel). You will learn that I have taken a previous childhood trauma and turned this experience into my gift of assisting others through overcoming their own traumas and upsets. You can either look through the website site map, or search key words to find all sorts of information and techniques you can use for yourself in reducing stress and anxiety, and trauma relief as well.
You will find that I often take my own life experiences and all I have learned as an opportunity to share with you what has worked for me to inspire you to find your own healing path as well.


I completed the Court of Atonement Facilitator course early in 2023, and am now listed on the main website. If you have found me through this avenue, thank you 😊
COA is a soul level intervention modality, a spiritual sanctuary where souls can sort out their differences. I use COA constantly in my daily life, and in my client sessions.
You will find several pages in my site dedicated to COA and some suggestions of how to use this modality yourself. I strongly encourage you to investigate and use this simple modality for yourself and loved ones.

Every month I have a draw for a complimentary General Session for any clients who have booked and paid for a full session within that month.
See those draw winners here:

I do my best to provide you with all sorts of information that may be relevant to your personal journey so I update and move around pages continuously to make this site more user friendly for your benefit.
Please do continue to use the site map for a complete list, news tab for latest postings, and the search bar to find topics of interest.
You know my site is extensive when even I have to use the search button, so I created this video:
Navigating the Ladybug Wellness website, Resources and YouTube channel:

Find all sorts of videos with Free Mini energy clearing, interviews, book recommendations, and all about Ladybug Wellness.
Ladybug Wellness YouTube channel:

If you are adept at self learning, this is a plethora of amazing resources for you. Please go into the Free Downloads page to find particularly the Practitioner Resources link and Excel documents.

Free Weekly Remote Group sessions:
The best kind of effortless energetic maintenance! Share and invite your friends!
All the details and sign up here:
Note: In the group session reminder emails, there is a discount code valid for email only general sessions, and animal energy clearing sessions.

Reiki Sessions and Training Classes: Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can appreciate. Relaxing and rejuvenating on every level of being. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Reiki classes are valuable for individuals interested in healing and transforming the energy of their body, mind, and spirit from the inside out. Any time is a wonderful time to upgrade and renew your skills. Book your session or class directly in scheduler for your preferred dates.
Ladybug Students Recognition and Congratulations here:

Half Priced Deals: We have been participating in Vista Radio’s Half Priced Deals since November of 2021.
This “Flash Sale” promotion runs four times a year, usually March, June, September, and November.
Please see details here and keep an eye on their website for dates of promotion:
Important: This offer is only available through Vista Radio’s Half Priced Deals website, NOT directly through me. If you have any questions about the purchase process, please contact [email protected].

Tucson Dowsers Webinars: I have been volunteering as a chat monitor for the monthly meetings since March 2023.
I highly recommend subscribing to the email list to get notifications and replays of these invaluable monthly webinars with dowsing experts across the world.
Note: These meetings are held on the first Saturday each month. Join us if you can!

More information
Direct sign up here:

Black Pearl Sessions and Training: Whether interested in just booking sessions, or taking training in this incredibly powerful technique, schedule time to invest in yourself now!
Dive into the world of energy healing with our phenomenal Black Pearl technique online workshop.
This is a full day of training turned into an online workshop where you can learn at your own pace. There are three incredible meridian point techniques shown. C7 Vibrational Alignment, CCMBA (Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment) and The Ancient Black Pearl Technique.
**Valuable Bonus is that this online course includes 3 pre-recorded videos of each technique for ongoing personal use.
Sign up for free previews and full course here:
Please inquire about affiliate links.
More information:


March 2025

I am super excited to be working with Melissa (Honeybee Inspirations) and Lyndsy McFadden (Lyndsy McFadden Wellness)
in collaboration to offer corporate contract services to local businesses and outlying communities for focus on holistic health and wellness. This is an opportunity to bring our services to you for a full day, or more. Please contact us for more details to bring our services to you.

February 2025

February flew by. I didn’t get a newsletter out. Just keeping up with day to day client sessions.

Melissa had another Reflexology class. Congratulations to those new students. I quite enjoyed having co-teacher Claudia Ruel staying with us over the weekend.

Congratulations also to Melissa in collaborating with Christel at Scarlett Wellness in offering her reflexology services there a few times a month. I now have Scarlett Wellness listed in my recommended practitioner’s page.

January 2025

January Newsletter:

December 2024

December 4 2024
Just sent out my December newsletter
Highlight: Use code MERRYLADYBUG50 to receive $50 off the Ancient Black Pearl technique workshop. Be sure to sign up for the free previews.

December 6 2024
Shout out to Gabriel at Surplus Herbies (liquidation outlet) for being knowledgeable, helpful, and friendly in assisting me to choose a queen size mattress. Splurging on myself as this is the first time I have bought a NEW bed for myself since age 13 when I used my babysitting money to buy a waterbed. Ironically this Beautyrest mattress is super soft and comfy like a waterbed.

December 8 2024 Holiday GIFT from me! 
Free Black Pearl Session!
Are you signed up for Weekly Free Sessions?
This is a remote session, not need to connect via video or phone. Just know this balancing healing energy comes through while you sleep.
Will be offering the Black Pearl technique as this week’s free session. Just rest and receive.
Intention is set that this phenomenal session energy will only go where it is welcomed, when you are ready, and only as much as you can handle.
Sign up for weekly free sessions:
Sign up for one, or as many as you like throughout 2025.

Canada Post was having a labor dispute from November 15 to December 17 2024. I did go once to visit my former coworkers on the picket line and bring some baking to them. I usually try to get some greeting cards out to loved ones and clients for the Christmas season, but rather than get myself all stressed out, I opted to forego this courtesy this season. As with the rest of the year, time sped by and Christmas came and went like the blink of an eye.
We had a family dinner and gifts at my daughters home just for a few hours before life was back to regular grind again. New Years was just as quick and quiet.

November 2024

Our November started with Melissa holding a Basic Reflexology class the first weekend. Congratulations to her students. I appreciate being a model for practicing their skills.

On November 2, we had our monthly Tucson Dowsers meeting with guest Raymon Grace. We usually have four admins to assist with the meetings, but two were away so I was in charge of all the techie stuff.
I had originally been asked back in March of 2023 to assist with monitoring the chat etc. as they had had hacker issues. We have not had problems in many months. Of course, with Raymon there is usually a recording breaking high attendance (287 this time!). I did my best other than a couple frustrating hacker issues slipping through. I felt badly, but managed to learn a few new Zoom settings and the rest of the meeting went well. More learning curves for me.
It really is an honor to be a part of the Tucson Dowsers team as they bring in such amazing speakers each month and I always learn something new.

November 7 2024
I have certain forums and social media pages I follow to have a stream of insights and positivity. One page is Psychic Medium Kelli Miller. I am sharing this particular post as it is bang on for how life seems to be feeling for myself, clients, and seemingly everyone around me. Time to focus on serious self care and raising our own vibration as this is the only effective way to influence the collective positively.
Psychic/Medium Kelli Miller:
Thursday’s Reading: During the entire month of November there will be LOTS of changes, so if you’re not used to big changes, then buckle up buttercup we’re going for a ride
and I’m not talking political either. Pluto is changing signs, Mars shifted signs, there is a super, full moon, loads of meteor showers, a frisky Mother Nature, Mercury retro shadow period has begun, and some more solar flares getting mixed in there. This is all about big, massive changes. If you’ve been wanted to leave a marriage, job, family member, home, or anything else, then it’s perfect timing! It’s almost as if we need shook a bit to wake up and realize parts your life need improving, and the bar will get raised. No more playing small, all
time to practice flying with those new wings that you earned. #letgoofcontrol #youwilllearnit #hopefullyeasy #oritllbehard #youlllearneitherway #trytoflysolo #youllbehappier #improveyoulife #despitecircumstances #howbaddoyouwantit #thengogetit #redaventurine #awakenings #psychickelli #riseandshine

An interesting imbalance has come up for several clients lately: “Reversed ion exchange”. Earthing is essential to our health and well-being. This means getting our feet in the grass and connecting with the earth. From my understanding, it seems all these weather events globally are affecting the ground and our connections detrimentally. This could be an explanation for all the dull aches and pains so many of us are experiencing due to ascension and astrological energy shifts.

November 12: Just a fun thing to take a break from the world for an evening, my daughter Chantelle and I took in the “80s Club” concert at the CN Centre featuring Spoons, Men Without Hats, Flock of Seagulls, and Honeymoon Suite. Our fave, of course, was Men Without Hats. We had the Greatest Hits CD on repeat constantly when the kids were little. Safety Dance and Pop goes the World 😊

November 19 2024
Exciting news! We’re reviving our Ladybug Wellness newsletters and offering the transformative Ancient Black Pearl Technique. Join our virtual workshop to learn powerful energy healing methods that address your nervous system and trauma relief. This is an opportunity to enhance your personal growth journey and gain valuable resources. Don’t miss out on our half-priced deals on November 21, 2024! #EnergyHealing #TraumaRelief #PersonalGrowth #Wellness #LadybugWellness

November 26 2024
My daughter Melissa, Honeybee Inspirations, has been going out to outlying communities on contract to offer her reflexology services during their wellness fair events. On November 26 2024, I was invited to go with her to a small community 3 hours away to offer Reiki services. Upon arrival I realized this was an addiction awareness event, and many of these residents have experienced extreme heavy losses and trauma. I ended up doing an impromptu seminar speech on the energy clearing services I offer. I also worked with several people sharing trauma relief energy clearing techniques with them. Gratefully there was lots of interest and appreciation for all I shared, and an invitation to return as well.
I look forward to next time and being able to assist these residents beneficially.

We are settling into our winter months and heavy snow fall warnings. I am super grateful for having a reliable snow plow service as we have already had them here four times in a week! Check out my recommended professionals here:

October 2024

Highlights from my October:

I had the honor of taking a third trip to transport a bear cub enroute to Northern Lights Wildlife Sanctuary. I love road trips and this is certainly an opportunity for Highway Zen with an incredibly worthy charitable cause. I may dedicate a page in this website to my wildlife experiences.

We have our Canadian Thanksgiving the second weekend of October. Usually try to have a family dinner of some sort. Melissa was going to be away for a reflexology lymphatic drainage training in our hometown Terrace. Eldest daughter was going to visit in-laws. Son Jared was home from camp so we took an impromptu trip to Terrace to have a family dinner with my mom. She will be 80 in 2025. Her closest friends all have chronic health issues and mom admits to being a little lonely. I am so glad we made this trip to spend time with her.

Just days before our trip, my ladybug decals arrived so I adorned my truck with black spots! I am having so much fun turning heads everywhere I go now.

Whenever I go home to Terrace BC, I have a few dear friends that I do my best to connect with in a short time frame.
Thank you to Lisa, Paula, and Pam for a Denny’s brunch visit. I offered to treat the bill for my friends, thinking I was a big spender, but realized we ordered from the senior menu and the total was only $59.90! We enjoyed a walk around a large field with their dogs, then Lisa and I took a little jaunt to Kitimat an hour away to go check out some thrift stores. Lisa is quite adept at finding treasures. She found a ladybug covered stained glass piece for me!
Later I had a dinner visit with Ingrid and Dee at the Northern. Ruth and Kerri were unavailable this visit.

Sunday dinner at Mom’s house included an afternoon visit from Melissa’s in-laws, Art and Diane Collins.
We had Bonnie as our dinner guest, and I had to comment on the wicker cornucopia centrepiece I have not seen in years. Childhood memory unlocked.
It is 573 km from Prince George to Terrace. Our road trip there on Friday and back on Monday was spectacularly gorgeous with all the fall colors with snowy mountains backdrops.

After my son went back to camp work, Melissa used me as her lymphatic drainage model. The same week I tore down my office space in our living room and started moving around all my books. I was so sore and achy! I thought it was because of the reflexology sessions getting my body detoxing, but Melissa assured me it was because of moving all the furniture and books.

Facebook memories showed that it was 5 years to the day that I had set up the huge office area in the living room. Now that Melissa and I share office space for classes and clients, I had been thinking about re-organizing and moving completely into my Reiki room. It was quite a task downsizing and moving furniture, then go through trinkets and setting up everything again. I do not have much for material possessions, but holy moly I have books, rocks, and ladybug stuff!
My office area feels much better and more settled now that I am in a more private space. 

My computer was disconnected for a few days in this transition so I got a little behind on emails yet again. Thank you for your patience in my replies.

September 2024

My September started off with some sad news. Donelda S. was a friend I met 10 years ago thru a mutual acquaintance. I had just seen her at a distance August 7th at a community event and we chatted briefly thru messages. I had reached out to her September 6th but she didn’t reply which was unusual for her. Social media doesn’t always show everyone’s posts so I went to her FB profile and found an obit post. I had completely missed a post in July where she had been diagnosed with cancer, went for surgery in August and passed from complications August 30. She was always so wonderful with the “perfect gift” for her friends, and I have a pair of Precious Moments/ ladybug figurines that I will cherish in her memory.

The last time I did a Soul Cleanse with Theresa Crabtree, was back in February 2021, before Darrel passed away. I have had numerous losses since then, and three more friends this year, as well as many people around me have lost loved ones. All sorts of mortality checks and death triggers. Through this process with Theresa, I addressed ancestral trauma, soul ties, and forgiveness exercises.
See this page to book your own Soul Cleanse:
See this page about global consciousness “death phases”:
And if you are navigating your own losses and grief journey, please see this page:

Time for some incredibly wonderful news: We have a new patio and deck to our back door entrance, thanks to Christopher and Nick at FNA Services Ltd. ( ) By the way, Christopher is my snow plow guy thru the winter. Be sure to contact him if you need this service as well. 

More good news: I have hired a new, much more integrous bookkeeper. He is a friend of a friend, used to work for Revenue Canada, and I test high integrity for him and his work. He has already proven to be a valuable asset to my business. Here’s to caching up two years of paperwork quickly!
Back Story: I had a horrible experience several months ago having to fire a clown of a bookkeeper I had hired last autumn on recommendation from another local small business. This person charged me over $600 for basically printing a whole lot of paper I didn’t need. A whole lot of miscommunications, miscalculations, and wasted time. No reports or anything to show for the work she apparently did for me. She did some paperwork for Melissa and we found horrid discrepancies. At my Raymon Grace training in May we tested her integrity as minus 90!! Harsh lesson learned.

August 2024

August 6: I have a new-to-me truck!! My manifestation success story here:

Ladybug Wellness will be closed Friday August 9 until Monday August 12 2024 as I attend Sakred Circles Women’s Festival in Hudson’s Hope BC along with Melissa with Honeybee Inspirations. Melissa will be vending her artisan crafts and offering mini reflexology sessions. I will be presenting a “Self Empowerment/ Stress Reduction” workshop and I will also have a booth in the Healers Village. 
Awaken Your Feminine Spirit and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of sisterhood and self-discovery. Come see us at this at this transformative and empowering event.
UPDATE: Thank you to all who attended this event and to those who visited our booths. Wonderful to make so many new like-minded-soul connections.
Facebook Group:
Ladybug Wellness table:

UPDATE: Week of August 12 to 17 2024: I had planned to go to the Robson Valley Music Festival with Melissa as a volunteer and assistant for Melissa’s vendor booth. I had blocked my calendar accordingly, but intuitively felt I needed to cancel those plans.
Instead, my mom and sister came for a visit to celebrate my granddaughter’s 15th birthday. We had lunch at the winery. While here, we also attended the annual local fall fair.

Highway Zen for a good cause: I had the opportunity to volunteer in assisting transport with an orphan bear cub rescue. A worthy local cause. I had put my name out there in the past but it never aligned in my schedule, plus my previous minivan was not suitable. Now that I have a truck, I hope to be able to assist again as needed.
Update: A week later I assisted again with delivering two cubs and a truckload of donated food for this rescue mission.

August 15 2024: This is a mortality check in just how fleeting life can be: I am still reeling in shock along with numerous others in the loss of our dear friend Kim Littlewood of “North of 7 Bodywork & Massage”. We met at a business networking luncheon November 9 2023. She was in the process of reopening her massage business and had settled into a new office space downtown. I quite enjoyed massages and friendship with her through the few months I knew her. She was 63 and so vibrantly healthy when we last visited June 13 2024. A week later she called me, distraught and ungrounded. We found out she went for neurological testing soon afterwards, then Vancouver ICU. Such a short time to know her, yet such a powerful impact as a beautiful soul in our midst. She was booked to do some retreats in October collaborating with Melissa and others.. We are all in utter shock in our circles missing her tremendously.
My sincere condolences to all who knew and loved her.
It was Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease that took her so quickly. This is supposedly a “rare” one-in-a-million type brain disease, yet a former postal supervisor also passed from CJD in 2018, just a few months after diagnosis.

July 2024

I have signed up with a new Facebook group and will be participating in a “Christmas in July Give Away”. Look for my post July 11 2024 in this group to draw for a free energy balancing session with Ladybug Wellness. Note a second draw for Ladybug Wellness is on July 29 2024. Watch for the post, then comment on original post to enter. 
Spiritual Wellness in British Columbia
UPDATE: Congratulations to Sarah C. and Tamara O. for winning these draws.

Ladybug Wellness will be closed for in person and Zoom client sessions Saturday July 13 to Monday July 15 2024 as Melissa with Honeybee Inspirations hosts a Basic Reflexology training at our shared home office location. More information here:

June 2024

This month has flown by as well.
It seems I hit the ground running when I returned from my trip to Virgina. I had manifested an amazing birthday trip to go for a Raymon Grace training class. It turned out way better than I expected with meeting long time friends and being in such high vibration energy. I feel like I upgraded myself considerably.
I have been busy with clients continuously since returning home May 22.
I keep saying I have the most amazing people in my life, and the universe keeps YOU showing up 😊 Thank you!!
Update: It took a few weeks but I finally shared all my trip notes and the interview replay link here:

Thank you to all those who purchased Gift Certificates from Half Priced Deals June 20. This goes towards our advertising on their radio stations while giving you a deal as well.

Ladybug Wellness will be closed Thursday June 27 until Tuesday July 2 2024 as I attend Valhallafest in Terrace BC along with Melissa with Honeybee Inspirations. Melissa will be vending her artisan crafts and offering mini reflexology sessions. I will be presenting a “Self Empowerment/ Stress Reduction” workshop Sunday morning at 11 am, sharing some energy balancing techniques you can do for yourself. Please come visit us if you are attending this exciting event.
**Note: free weekly sessions will be sent from this high energy vibe location 😊
UPDATE: It was a 7-hour drive to Terrace, uneventful other than some highway construction delays. I did go have a look at the main stage before the festival started, but spent my time mostly manning Melissa’s booth. Reflexology sessions were very well received. I am just going to say there were an “eclectic bunch of people” with some wild and wonderful costumes. This festival was likened to Burning Man festivals. Interesting for sure. Music went to 5 am. I had a whole 4 people show up for my workshop. Many more seemed interested but not awake by 11 am. Well received by those who attended though.
The visit with mom was the most interesting as we decided to clean out and organize her treasure chest. Lots of mementoes and treasures, memory lane. I now have a diary from my 6 generation back grandmother from 1879. And I also have the rug hooking pillows I made when I was about 12. Wow…
Also got in my mandatory visits with Ruth and Ingrid.

Taking notes from my Raymon Grace training experience, I am starting to manifest a new vehicle for 2024. Any effective and useful advice and leads appreciated.
I have my sights set on a Ford F150, 2020 or newer. Gotta be Ladybug Red and a miraculously LOW cost to me.

May 2024

It seems that I blinked and April sped by in a flash

Black Pearl course is UP and Fully available! Please sign up for free previews then full access if you like. Please inquire about affiliate links so you can earn a stipend for referrals.

May 3 2024: Melissa is settled into her new place, which ironically is the same outdoor appearance and indoor layout as my home office. Through all the stress and drama of moving and assisting extended family as well, Melissa acquired a whole lot of extras stuff to sell and rehome. We had a garage sale May 3 (thank you to all who came out for that), and otherwise we’ve been dealing with buyers on Marketplace. That can be a hit and miss experience with exposing our energy to the public. Sometimes wonderful connections are made and sometimes not. An interesting social adventure all around.
Refreshing spring cleaning heightens our home’s energy nonetheless.

May 11 to 24 2024: Ladybug Wellness will be closed and unavailable for client sessions these dates as I enjoy Mother’s Day with my mom and family, then head to Abingdon Virginia to train with Raymon Grace and meet several friends in person that I had previously only known online for many years. I will be celebrating my birthday there as well.
Weekly free group will be sent from my hotel room 😊

Tuesday May 28 2024: Vicki Reeve has a dowsing group called Infinite Creators that meets every Tuesday morning 8 am Pacific. Susan Travis and I are both going to Raymon training so Vicki has offered May 28th as a meeting day where we can invite others as we share about our training trip.
Update: It took a few weeks but I finally shared all my trip notes and the interview replay link here:

April 2024

Saturday April 6 2024: Sad news. My daughter Melissa worked at Great Wall restaurant many years ago (before 2012) and some patrons became personal friends. Since 2015, we have enjoyed regular dinner visits with a dear friend we call Grandpa Jim (Johnson) and his son Doug. “The Warden”, as he calls his wife Jessie, goes to bingo while the men go to dinner, as they live a way out of town.
Grandpa Jim has always proclaimed that he would be around for his 100th birthday and get a commendation from Global News. He has survived so much through his life with some medical issues, and even getting blown up in a propane explosion a few years ago. He is a jack of all trades kinda mechanic, tinkering all the time. 
More recently our dinner visits have been more regularly Friday nights. I would expect a call and meet at 6, usually at Great Wall. After dinner, we have always had hugs and well wishes. Grandpa Jim has had a few more hospital visits these past few months. I had made sure Doug had our numbers to call, and the hugs have been a bit tighter and longer.
We last visited March 15th. He did call March 29th. I was kinda tired and turned down the invitation, telling him “Next week for sure” because Monday April 8th would be his 90th birthday. We’ve been thinking we would see him then. In all these years, I think I have declined only a few times.
Tonight, I received an upset call from Doug, letting us know that Grandpa Jim suffered a massive heart attack this morning.
Now, I am thinking back to two weeks ago, and realizing that our last hug was a really long tight hug. Maybe our souls knew

UPDATE: Grandpa Jim’s celebration April 27th: According to his son, he had been driving, got home, and collapsed before walking in the house. Celebration was a fitting memorial to an amazing man. 90 years is a good life so I guess if you’re gonna go, that is the best way. Go go go stop.

April 7 2024:
It seems the world is going crazy with this whole total eclipse coming up April 8th. I have been watching videos and following some intuitives/ psychics. The general consensus is that there is a different planetary alignment this time. This can be a portal of all sorts of new ascension energies. This eclipse is all about sovereignty and self empowerment/ age of Aquarius. There is a significant division between those freaking out and those who are more holistic and aware. We have a choice in which way we want to go. I choose the higher vibration alignment and I hope you will too.

What better way to process through these energies than a phenomenal energy balancing session…I have said I would have the online workshop available soon but got busy with appointments all week and did not get as much done as I had hoped in going through it before a full publish.
I am going to do the Black Pearl technique for my weekly freebie session April 7 2024.
Sign up here:

April 13:  Client sessions, emergencies, distractions, and daughter moving in the midst of everything… Plus we have mercury retrograde and eclipse energies tossing everyone through a metaphysical washing machine on super spin cycle. I have been following Jenny Schiltz, Pam Gregory, Victoria Reynolds, and psychic Kellie Miller on Facebook and YouTube. 
Humanity is waking up. New Beginnings. Lots of wonderful stuff. Just hang in there!! 

March 2024

The racetrack of 2024 continues with sliding sideways into April it seems.

Highlights this month:
I have solidified bookings for the Raymon Grace training trip. I will be flying and landing in Roanoke May 14 to spend a day with Lisa Glennie, a fellow EC/BC practitioner. I have a vehicle rental lined up to drive to Abingdon for the training weekend and allowing time to meet in person and visit with some other friends both old and new before heading back to Roanoke to fly home May 22 2024. Meeting Raymon Grace has been a bucket list thing for me. Wish me luck that I don’t get all sappy and burst into happy tears like the first time I met Dr Brad lol.

The Black Pearl course is almost ready!! I have only been talking about it since it seems forever. It is so important to me to create a good learning experience so those interested will make use of their skills right away, not waiting years like I did.

I have this online workshop set on preorder:
I just have some finishing touches before I make it visible to all.
I have 2 Reiki classes over the Easter long weekend, and then I can finish up the online course to make it available.
I am aiming for April 10 or sooner.
This has been a huge learning curve for myself with technology and video editing etc. Plus, just being visible and out there. I am a testament to my own energy clearing to open new doors in personal growth. 😊

February 2024:

I am super grateful for being so busy with clients. I have been rearranging my scheduler and the auto emails to best serve my clients. I have updated the definitions page to add more explanations of session notes.

I have been approached and asked by several people about teaching “all what I do”. This has prompted me to consider creating a Master type class program similar to a Master class I took many years ago that was instrumental in my own personal and business growth.

Now I am wondering about creating a class like this… possibly with Reiki 1 and 2 at either end of a six-month course with an introduction to several other modalities and techniques in between.
I often share information within my Reiki classes anyway, but a longer course type program would allow a much more in depth understanding and learning skills to create your own energetic toolbox.
If this is of interest to you. Please email me at [email protected] so I can set this up for the fall of 2024.

Back in October 2023, I was sorely disappointed to realize too late that Amy Jo, her mother and a couple other dear friends went to a Raymon Grace training weekend in Virginia. Trusting Divine Timing, I understood that maybe that was not my time to go meet Raymon in person. I set intentions that I would go in 2024 as soon as classes were announced.
Ironically, there is a class close to my birthday weekend in May.
I am now confirmed to attend, I have several friends that I will get to meet in person as well. Bucket List, here I come!!

Melissa (Honeybee Inspirations) and I work out of the same home office so we often recommend clients to each other. Melissa is a registered reflexologist and she is holding a Basic Reflexology course February 16 to 19 2024 as part of her teacher’s practicum. It is wonderful to meet her students and be a foot model for their training.
Melissa will also be upgrading her Reiki Master level to Teacher on March 3 2024. Pretty proud momma of all her accomplishments and progress. 

September 2023 to January 2024 Highlights:


I really fell off the wagon with keeping up on sending out an email newsletter or even posting here in the newsletter page. My focus has been on keeping up with client sessions and doing a lot more with videos and my YouTube channel:
I have really had to work on my own visibility and progress hang ups as well as a serious focus on my techie skills. Honestly, I freeze when overwhelmed and just shut down and go watch stupid cat videos until I can get focused again.

I have not been doing much with Facebook other than clearing off my information and sharing more within this website instead.

I did some writings in other pages about some personal and professional things going on here over the last few months:

September, October 2023:
Navigating the Changes of Life: Menopause and Brain Fog

My professional highlight of the year, December 2023:
Balancing Hormones: Tucson Dowsers Presentation

Reflecting 2023 | Manifesting 2024

I am not much into New Years resolutions, but I have been following Alicia Bakowski for a while and joined her 45 day Carnivore Reset group in the beginning of January. This has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself in adopting a sustainable lifestyle. Page coming

I am grateful to Bernice and Carlo for finding me through the Tucson presentation and inviting me to speak for their Meet Up group, Around the Spiritual Fire.
On January 24 2024, I presented an introduction to Tapping and Energy Balancing Techniques. This was a small group of 11 people, not recorded.

I also had the honor of speaking for Dr Jean Logan’s Glyph Empowerment group on February 4 2024. This presentation was recorded and was on the hormone topic again with 25 people in online attendance. I had several new client bookings that day, thank you so much for these connections!

August 2023 

Overview of Contents, please scroll down:
~ Solidifying friendships in person
~ Sound of Freedom documentary movie
~ Local wildlife: Bears and more Bears — and Fires! 
~ Manifesting 101 with Ladybug Wellness
~ Creating your own holistic business
~ Back to school: FlyLady and Flashfood

~ Interviews with Influential People
~ Kambo Ceremony
~ Black Pearl Training Online
~ Ladybug Wellness weekend closure
~ Respecting Boundaries

It is almost mid month August and I am finally catching up with posting some Ladybug News. Time flies when you’re having fun, or so they say. Actually, I have learned that as earth energies and our own vibrations rise, particles move faster, so time seems to go faster too. Lots of wonderful things happening this past month.

Solidifying friendships in person: I met Marnie McBain through a practitioner dowsing group. I have known her a few years online. She travels as a way of living with her son and came through Prince George recently so I was able to meet her in person and visit for almost a week. Such a dear lady!! You can find her at Intuitive Butterfly:

Sound of Freedom documentary movie: Of course, there is a lot of controversy around this movie and it was 5 years in the making with lots of hiccups getting it released. All the more reason to go see it for yourself. Personally, I appreciate the global awareness being stirred up on this important topic. Marnie and I travelled an hour to Quesnel to watch this movie when she was visiting. There has been enough pressure that Prince George is now showing at the main theatre and the drive in. The movie was very well done. Honestly, a couple times I got a little choked up, but nothing triggering. It focused on the beginning of how Tim Ballard started with the rescue of a couple children, then branched out to rescue children on his own and created Operation Underground Railroad. Trafficking is a lot more prevalent than we think, as the end messages of the movie say, so it is a good chance we all have some history and experiences with it in our own families. It said that there is more human slavery in the world right now than there was when slavery was legal. That is a scary thought.

Local wildlife: Bears and more Bears: Due to so many wildfires and drought conditions in our area, our local wildlife has been making appearances in residential areas more than I have ever seen in my whole life. Mostly bears, but also some moose. Many sightings in neighboring yards. I also saw one in a field while out on a walk the other day. Please keep a safe distance and do your due diligence in securing garbage until garbage pick up day. If that is not possible, bleach in garbage cans is a good deterrent. Also, fruit trees need to be harvested quickly. Thankfully there are programs with Northern Lights Estate Winery, Bandstra Trucking, Northern Lights Wildlife Sanctuary to take excess fruit. Please make use of and support these programs. A fed bear is a dead bear and I would rather see our wildlife spared of human ignorance and negligence.

For those concerned about fires. BC is a big province. We are in Prince George, the “Northen Capitol’ of BC. Here is a map of areas affected:

Thank you to those sending emails of concern about the wildfires. We are in Prince George BC and safe, thank you. There is much concern over those in affected areas though. There are practitioner dowsing groups doing what they can energetically to assist. If you are a dowser/ prayer warrior, particularly ask to remove the spirit of greed and fire, then install spirits of peace, love, life force energy, and healthy ecosystems.

Manifesting 101 with Ladybug Wellness:
Some good things are happening in my world. I love living in a world of synchronicity. I found some new to me curtains for my home I hired a contentious handyman who fixed my fence gate, installed a new sink, and installed curtain rods for my new curtains. I won three gift baskets from the senior centre draw where we held the Positive Vibrations fair last month. Thank you to all who came out to see us. I won $10 on a lotto ticket. I found someone who was able to transplant our apple tree to a much more spacious home. This warmed my heart because I did not want to just cut it down when it outgrew our tiny space. I am having fun manifesting good things, but we really do need to watch our words and intentions. My high school friend Paula always posts amazing food pictures. I often have joked that she should come cook for me. Well
 She came to visit Thursday August 3 and went to leave Saturday morning, but her vehicle broke down. We had a BC Day long weekend here, so no one available to fix her vehicle. She ended up staying 4 extra days! We enjoyed her visit and 
. Yes, I had a personal chef for a few days. Good thing she loves cooking and I love food.

Creating your own holistic business: So many people are becoming more awakened and opening their own spiritual gifts and are now ready to share their gifts with others. I have had numerous questions about creating your own holistic business. Here you go:

Back to School. Children (and adults!) thrive on routine and organization because it brings a sense of boundaries and freedom. I highly recommend FlyLady control journals to assist you with school preparations: Also, groceries are expensive and good nutrition is essential brain fuel. 

Have you heard of the Flashfood app? I personally have very limited apps, so you know this is a good one if I recommend it! This is a discount item app from Superstore and affiliate Loblaws grocery stores. Download app and set up. We check this app several times a day for new additions. Use my code to receive a discount on your first order: JACKXSZV Order items, complete purchase, go to customer service for your items, and walk out. That’s it! Quick and easy! We have filled our cupboards and freezers with items off Flashfood.

Interviews with Influential People: It started with Reiki Students and grew to include other Influential people. We now have Raelene Coss, Melissa Rioux, Lyndsy McFadden, and Mila Sharma
Note: Since Lyndsy’s interview, I have participated in a Kambo Ceremony with her. I plan to interview her again to share my own testimonial experience. This has definitely been a journey in self care for me. I skipped out on a rock concert, opting for a quiet rejuvenating weekend of reflection instead. If anyone knows me, this is significant.

Black Pearl Training online: This has been a long time coming. I have most of the videos done, and I have signed up with the Thinkific platform. Now it is a matter of putting it all together. I am slowly embracing technology here so I can serve you better. I do hope to have this ready for purchase sooner than later.
Note: With the launch of online training availability soon, I will be offering Black Pearl as the weekly free session, probably the September 3 weekend. I know my group participants will appreciate this powerful technique!

Ladybug Wellness will be closed August 24 to 28 as Jackie travels to hometown Terrace BC for a celebration of life. Free Weekly group session will still run that weekend.
Update: We had a nice “day at the beach” at Lakelse Lake picnic site as a Memorial gathering for Tyler, a friend’s son that my kids grew up with. It was nice to see so many people I have not seen in many years coming together for a BBQ and sharing memories and stories. During this trip to our hometown, I visited with Kerry P. (Andy’s sister) and my long time bestie “Big Sis” Ruth.
We spent an extra day on Sunday to go up to the Nisga’a lava beds and enjoyed Gingolx fish ‘n chips, taking my mom and sister with us as well. A long scenic drive and I did some of my group session there 🙂

Respecting Boundaries: I am kindly sending out a reminder to please use email only to contact Jackie and Ladybug Wellness. Text and Messenger are not monitored for client communication. Also, it is necessary to highlight the permissions page once in a while. Please respect loved ones free will to be an active participant in their own healing journey:

July 2023 

Overview of Contents, please scroll down:
~ Freedom and Independence
~ What’s new with Ladybug Jackie
~ “Jackie Special” sessions
~ Interviews with Melissa Rioux and Raelene Coss
~ Positive Vibrations Healing Fair

Happy Canada Day to our Canadian friends and Happy 4th of July to our American friends. Freedom and independence are what life is all about, isn’t it? Outside factors like jobs and responsibilities can make us feel tied down, but energy balancing can bring about a sense of inner peace and a positive attitude no matter what we handle in our lives. I am so grateful for my energy balancing knowledge and skills because life here is on a definite continuous upswing. I have YOU to thank for all the good things happening in my life lately.

Thank you to Anne Bryan for starting the latest “If You Know, You Know” in calling sessions with me the “Jackie Special”. I met Anne through the FCOA certification course. This lady has next level energy skills and I have added her to my practitioner recommendation page.
Want a “Jackie Special” session? Book in a General Energy Clearing session where we follow the energy and see what comes up. I am just as fascinated as you will be in effectively bringing up the most important issues to address.

June has been super busy for me with new clients coming in from the FCOA group and from the half-priced deals promotions.
Thank you to all who purchased GC’s. Redeem here:

We have more subscribers to the Ladybug Wellness YouTube channel thanks to posting new interviews with Raelene Coss and Melissa Rioux.

Positive Vibrations Healing Fair: Join us July 29th at 3701 Rainbow Dr (In the Spruce Capital Seniors Centre) for an amazing event with amazing vendors! There are vendors of all sorts to suit everyone’s needs! See you then! Event page:

That’s all for now folks! Let’s get outside, have some fun, and enjoy the natural sunshine Vitamin D shining down on us!

June 2023 

Overview of Contents, please scroll down:
~ What’s new with Ladybug Jackie
~ Court of Atonement Certification received
~ Aligning with Divine Timing
~ May Updates
~ Black Pearl Sessions and Training.
~ Reiki Student Interviews
~ Summer Fun Tips and Suggestions

Happy almost summer!!! We have been enjoying a few weeks of sunshine here in Northern BC Canada. We’re just itching to get out and enjoy it while it lasts since we only get a few months of it here. End of school year, summer parties, road trips, yard clean up, and garden planting
 What was that, Garden planting? Jackie??? Yes! If you know me, you know I have great skills in many areas of life, just not with gardening. I mean, I love flowers and fresh produce gardens, but this has not been a skill for me. Last year Melissa took on gardening and did quite well. She has moved to another home though, and left me with some raised garden beds. I am trying my luck with some peas, cucumbers, and spaghetti squash. Thanks to our family friend Grandpa Jim for some of his bedding plants and shared knowledge on this new venture for me. I am going to do my best with all my energy balancing skills focused on raising some flowers and plants around here.

Here is what we have going on for June 2023:

Court of Atonement Certificate: I received my COA course completion certificate last week. I have many trainings and certifications behind me, but this one really choked me up with happy tears. It has been a long time coming, and it is truly life changing to have this Court of Atonement technique so easily available to all of humanity.

Aligning with Divine Timing: I had gotten myself quite behind in completing the COA certification course. The course material was not hard
 I just had things going on, lost my focus and my inner Scrat got flung off his hamster wheel
 How did I get back on track? I aligned with Divine Timing. How? Intention and Raymon Grace dowsing techniques.
Go here:

May Updates: Last month, I mentioned Moonfest, road trips and a practitioner retreat. Most went well, Moonfest was amazing! Road trips were great. Unfortunately, the practitioner retreat was cancelled but I took advantage of an opportunity to go to a healing fair in Vanderhoof instead. I was able to meet and chat with many new people and like-minded souls at both Moonfest and the Heart and Soul healing fair. Since I have been creating these newsletters in my website, rather than an outside platform, I am able to update through the month. 

Black Pearl Sessions and Training: Since I offered a FULL Black Pearl session as my free weekly session back in March, I have had much interest in training and personal sessions as well. Melissa and I have attempted to align a training date that works best for those interested. We have a training date coming up next weekend, June 10 2023. We have deposits in and looking forward to sharing this incredible powerful trauma release technique with new students.
UPDATE: This class went very well. Congratulations Marlee Kolody and Nina Glasgow on your CCMBA/ Black Pearl certifications. Please watch for more updates as I plan to offer more virtual trainings.
More details here:

I wanted to promote my Reiki students and their businesses so I put out an invite for interviews.
Here is the first one:
Reiki Student interviews: Interview with Raelene Coss | Beyond Reiki Wellness June 9 2023 | Ladybug Wellness Ep 39

Summer Fun Suggestions: Kids get out of school this month and everyone is getting ready for summer road trips and camping fun. Check out travel, camping, hiking tips and suggestions here: That’s all for now folks! Let’s get outside, have some fun, and enjoy the natural sunshine Vitamin D shining down on us!

Well, this is a little different…Yes, see bottom of page for marketing platform newsletter changes…

May 2023 

Overview of Contents, please scroll down:
~ May road trips and Ladybug closures
~ May 1 2023: Global meditation intention
~ Moonfest: MAY 6 AT 5 PM to MAY 7 AT 11 AM
~ May 6 2023: Tucson Dowsers Webinars
~ Court of Atonement Certification course
~ Ask and Receive Technique
~ Astrological Influences
~ Life Skills for Teens and Young Adults book
~ Marketing Platform changes

Spring is in full swing here in Northern Beautiful British Columbia. We having been enjoying some warmer days in the past week. Some big changes are happening on the Ladybug Wellness front. As you can see, the May 2023 newsletter is a little different this time. See Marketing Platform changes at the bottom of this page.

“Once you realize that all comes from within, that the world in which you live is not projected onto you, but by you, your fear comes to an end.” Nisargadatta Maharaj
That’s why knowing yourself is the beginning of freedom and wisdom. Understanding the concept of standing in our own truth is the key to navigating through the human consciousness shifts so prevalent in our world today. I am doing my part in healing myself, and in turn assisting my clients to find their own inner peace and freedom. Have you found your life and soul purpose? Are you embracing your own self worth in offering your gifts to the world? Energy balancing can bring clarity and synchronicity to assist you in making discerning choices in creating your best life.

Let’s get to what is new here, and offer some things to look forward to in May 2023!

May road trips and Ladybug Wellness office closures: I will be at Moonfest the evening of May 6 2023 get your tickets asap and come visit.
I will be in Terrace BC from May 11 to May 15 to visit friends and family. Please message me if you would like to connect.
Update: Thank you to Paula, Lisa, Ingrid, Ruth, and Doina for visits. Truly life long friends and soul family. 
(I will be in Okanagan Falls May 18 to May 23 for a practitioner retreat with Vicki Reeve and other BC practitioners. Celebrating my birthday with these amazing friends).
UPDATE: unfortunately, the Okanagan retreat was cancelled due to too many others dropping out. I am taking advantage of the opened up time slots and going to a Heart of Soul Healing Fair in Vanderhoof BC, offering mini sessions. Come see me there! May 20 2023, 10 am to 4 pm. Nechako Senior Citizen Society 219 E Victoria St Vanderhoof, BC, Canada V0J 3A0 UPDATE: May long weekend (Victoria Day in Canada): Thank you to all who came out to the Heart and Soul Healing fair. I appreciated meeting and sharing with each one of you. Thank you to all who took time to send birthday wishes for my birthday May 20th. I am grateful for such an incredible network of amazing friends and connections 😊

May 1 2023: Global meditation intention “portal activation” that was set for May 1 2023 I did share on social media, but I am sharing here now. Did you hear about it or participate?
Read more in a downloadable PDF:
YouTube link to the meditation:

Moonfest: MAY 6 AT 5 PM to MAY 7 AT 11 AM Prince George, BC Welcome to this alcohol-free all-night event! This gathering is designed to provide a safe and nourishing space for everyone, regardless of their dietary restrictions or preferences. Breathwork, workshops, tacos, yoga, painting, kombucha bar, twerkshop, and live DJ’s Melissa will be there with Honeybee Inspirations and I will be there with Ladybug Wellness offering mini energy clearing sessions. Event page:

UPDATE: May 8 2023: Moonfest was AHHHHMAZING!!! Mark your calendars for the next one, last weekend of September 2023. The next Moonfest promises to be even more spectacular with an expanded day festival as well. We had so much fun! Thank you to the incredible Birgit Allgaier for facilitating this spectacular event. We mingled with like minded souls and were led through workshops that stirred our souls and rejuvenated our spirits. Breathwork with Lyndsy, a lusciously yummy taco feast, a cacao ceremony, a fun dance fest of twerking to such fun music – I got my daily steps tallied in a new fun way. Several of us spent the night chatting around a campfire with newfound friends. Some of us curled up for a short snooze (I am sure I entertained Birgit with my deep sleep snoring lol), then returned for morning Yin Yoga with Melissa and finished with a painting workshop. The next Moonfest promises to be more expanded into a day festival as well. I was pleasantly surprised to experience a kombucha drink that I absolutely loved, quite unlike a purchased variety that turned me off of this splendid natural refreshing drink.

May 6 2023: Tucson Dowsers Webinars The incomparable Amy Jo Ellis will be the speaker for our May Meeting!! Please join us at 1:30 PM Pacific Time on Saturday May 6th. Amy Jo Ellis – Teacher, Song Writer, Channel, and Developer of Full Court of Atonement, will be speaking to us about the “Energy Interference from Absorbed Siblings” (a second embryo that started out with us in the womb and then was reabsorbed), how they may be having an effect on our lives, how to recognize if we are dealing with one, and what we can do to resolve the situation.
Note: Beginning May 2023, only the last 4 recordings links of Tucson webinars will be available publicly as the rest have been moved to the member’s section. Only $45 US to support their presentations as a member. A worthwhile investment! Get on their email list for latest replays and newsletters sent out:

Court of Atonement Certification course: The last 2 months have been intense for me in completing this 6-week Court of Atonement certification course. The material itself is not intense at all. The course is laid out well with a video, some reading and an exercise or assignment each day. I was away in March and got behind, but I aligned myself with Divine Timing, did some manifesting work and got myself caught up quickly. Court of Atonement is a spiritual and soul level energy balancing technique, so it is energy healing on a much deeper level of consciousness that anything else I have ever worked with throughout my healing and personal growth journey. The reason it was so intense for me personally is because the progress through this course had me unexpectedly revisiting some past upsets, connecting the dots, and realizing just how those upsets had affected me and my life path in detrimental ways. I am so grateful for having been able to work through these issues. I have met and connected with some amazing people within the course, and some new clients as well. I love synchronistic connections! This course has highlighted profound insights daily, enhancing my skills and knowledge to share with you. On a personal level, I have been revisiting past traumas, healing this past on a much deeper intensity and upgrading my energy on an extraordinary new level. I have been seeing these shifts in all of my clients as well.
This course is intended to run again later in the year. I highly recommend taking this course for yourself!

Ask and Receive Technique Through the FCOA course assignments, I connected with Sydney Shepard. I enjoyed connecting with other practitioners and how they shared their unique skills and experiences. Sydney shared with me another modality she uses called “Ask and Receive”. Simple yet profoundly amazing!

Astrological Influences: Communication issues, misunderstandings, website glitches, internet disconnections and a whole lot more sirens and accidents
 What is going on in the world? Whether we choose to embrace “astrology” or not, these planetary influences do seem to have some scientific merit in how they affect humans and the world around us. This is a good time to focus highly on self care and conscious awareness to navigate through these intense energy shifts.

Mercury Retrograde: April 21 to May 14 2023 Does this “full moon on steroids” astrological phenomenon affect you and or those around you? Time to develop our awareness and: REcharge, REjuvenate, and REnew! Here is an article I wrote about it:

Full moon: May 5 2023: First responders know to amp up staff on these busy nights. 

Pluto Retrograde: May 1 to October 10 2023: This one is new to me. As I understand, this phenomenon effects are more internal, psychological, and emotional. The planet named for the God of the Underworld will challenge you to check — and ideally address — your own toxic, negative, and self-destructive behaviors, patterns, and belief systems. When Pluto goes retrograde, it forces us to focus on our own personal shadow sides — specifically, the unpleasant parts of our personalities that we may not really like. Two big themes that Pluto likes to highlight are power and desire.
Now, isn’t this what energy balancing is all about? When things get crazy in my life with misunderstandings, electrical and internet issues, and me just being moody, I know it is time to focus on me and balance my own energy so I am not as easily triggered and affected by outside influences.

My dear friend Lisa G, under the pseudonym Anna Joels, has recently authored an incredible book that is a game changer for our young people.

Marketing Platform Changes: My website has always been and will continue to be a self empowerment resource for you. To keep up with a growing business and client base, I have been using a streamlined marketing platform to be able to connect with you once a month, just collective reminder of all things new and relevant in your continued connection with Jackie and Ladybug Wellness. I am all about keeping a high vibration level of consciousness, positivity, and integrity while still keeping humbly real and authentic. I appreciate being able to connect on a personal level with you and will do my best to continue to be personable and approachable. In the big corporate world of automation, some elements can be quite advantageous to embrace, while others are not aligned with authenticity and my personal values. You may have noticed that I send out a monthly newsletter, and yes, I cram as much information as I can into this once-a-month connection
 Usually sent out at the end of the month. Unfortunately, the marketing platform I have been using for the last three years has recently made some detrimental changes and is no longer aligned with my needs and values for my business. In my opinion, aligned more with greed than customer service. I was not able to get this newsletter sent out by April 30 as intended as the marketing platform website was glitching badly and customer service was negligent and rude in their efforts to resolve issues. If you have read Power vs. Force by David Hawkins, you will understand my conscious awareness of integrity in business and the levels of consciousness scale. This being said, I have removed all of my data and all of your contact information from this platform and will endeavor to find a different, more aligned platform in the future. All relevant information from past newsletters will continue to be integrated into this website for your continued access and interest.

For now, where there is a will, there is a way and the newsletter this month is being sent out via simply email with a link to a special new website page. I do have the automated appointment scheduler emails going out to clients regarding confirmations, reminders, and follow ups, and these go to the weekly group participants as well. Please watch these emails for any news flashes that may be of interest. I am still Jackie Conduit at your service, sharing my own experiences and learnings to encourage and inspire you! See the site map, news tab, and search bar for a more organized list of website content. Trust your own intuition to find information relevant to you.

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Copyright © 2011 – 2024 Ladybug Wellness, All rights reserved.

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***