Definitions: Session Notes Terminology

Definitions: Session Notes Terminology

NOTE: There are no session notes with the Black Pearl sessions as this is always an individually unique experience:

If you are new to energy balancing techniques, you may have imbalances listed within your notes that may be confusing. I have absolutely extensive charts and lists of words from many trainings and years of experiences. Some common imbalances I will list here or where you can find more information within this site. For more terminology and definitions, see the downloads page and the Master compilation Excel document.

When booking a Zoom or phone session, I tend to explain some terminology as we go through your session. For email only clients, I invite you to please read through this website for answers to your questions.

Sometimes just searching Google for a word can bring some understanding of how the terminology may apply to you in your situation.
Consider the metaphysical connotations, meanings and implications of words that come up in your session as well. Our guidance team is a whole lot smarter than we are and I am often just as confused at the imbalances that come up and the words presented… until I look up an alternative meaning.
Just an example: “prolactin” came up for a man. Why would a milk lactation hormone come up for a man? It was related to his mother and with motherhood on another level of consciousness.
Lanosterol (an eye medicine) has come up for many people which often relates to eye issues but can also relate to a fear of seeing the future.
This work is so fascinating when you can embrace a different perspective!

Please see the Energy modalities page here:

Assemblage Point: See Modalities page above.

Subconscious Healing Integration: more information on this incredible protocol can be found in the Master excel document found in the Free Downloads section of this website.

Dental imbalances: Some charts can be found in Free Downloads page links.

Miasm: a family pattern weakness. See Ancestral Trauma page:
Miasms- these are energetically inherited patterns of pre- disposition to diseases. May be hidden.
Miasm sexual abuse: (VERY common!)

Miasma are subtle – energy imprints. Think of them like crystallized patterns that can lodge in any of the subtle body systems and cause disease or illness. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, first used the term miasm. There are four basic types Karmic, Acquired, inherited and planetary.
Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning the sum total of a person’s actions in this life and previous lives. Karmic miasma are the residue of past life actions lodge in the etheric body and have the potential to develop into illness, disease or suffering in this present life or future lives. This predisposition often determines our attitudes and behavior in this lifetime. My own theory is that we have cleared collectively so much ancestral trauma and miasma that when Karmic Miasma comes up, it is like we are ending cycles and patterns in our soul’s evolution.
Acquired miasma are acute or infectious diseases or petrochemical toxicity acquired during this lifetime. Can be acquired before birth, during birth or after. After the acute phase of an illness, these miasmatic traits settle into the subtle bodies where they predispose you to other related illnesses.
Inherited miasma are inherited and are subtle energy imprints passed down to you from your ancestors. They may be genetic, or from infectious diseases such as TB, Syphilis, Polio, Psora, Paralytic, Cancer, Nihilistic etc, – can cause not only symptoms but affect behavior.
Planetary Miasma: These are stored in the collective consciousness of the planet in the etheric level. They may penetrate the physical body and or the subtle bodies.

Interesting observation: Often we have an imbalance come up for one person, then similar imbalances come up for another person, possibly in a different context. Since about 2020, miasma (ancestral family patterns) have been coming up like a global consciousness purge. If you think of each of us working on our own lineages, and how these lineages connect at some point in history, we are really cleaning up all the ancestral stuff for everyone. 
More recently (2024), I have noticed Karmic Miasma coming up for everyone, like we are now clearing up soul patterns and the issues we have dealt with through each of our incarnations. 
See Ancestral clearing page:
And Ascension page:

More Observations: 
Connection to Spirit, Divine Truth.
I find that as we clear our own energy, raise our own vibration, we are also influencing the collective consciousness as a whole as well.
Kinda like a collective purge idea.
I often find these similar “themes” of stuff we’re clearing in practitioner forums as well.
That said, most recently (2023), I have found:
disconnections with Spirit/ God/ Source etc.
Spiritual/ etheric blindness/ deafness (not hearing our guidance)
misalignment with life/ soul purpose (covered in FCOA class early 2023)
Not safe to incarnate
spirit out of body/ ungrounded issues
Sabotage energies and interferences with connection to Source/ God/ guidance etc.

PSOAS muscle: This is a muscle that basically connects the top and bottom of your body. In holistic terms, this muscle stores a lot of sexual memories and trauma. There are yoga practices that can address this and we can also clear this energetically as well.

Common Abbreviations in your session notes (to save me from typing it out so often):

AHE or Addictive Heart Energy or “heart seeking energy”: common with addictions, our hearts seek out familiar comforts regardless if this may be detrimental to our current wellbeing.
HW: Heart Wall: energetic blockage that can be around your heart or acting as a barrier anywhere in your energy field.

HHW: Hidden Heart Wall: The body likes to hide things to keep us safe and familiar. There can be all sorts of “hidden” energies.
FEB: Frozen emotional block.
DA: Despair Anchor: a deeply rooted belief that keeps us anchored in despair.
BM: Broadcast Message: a projected belief. More information in Projected Energies page:
PHS: Post Hypnotic Suggestion: a deeply rooted belief created through repetitive patterns such as movies, music, and repeated phrases.
DUIs: A term that one of our EC/BC practitioners coined. Means Deeply Unresolved Issues. We don’t seem to have to know much and can usually release and balance many at a time.

BCPs: This is from Beth Foley. She calls this “Biochemical Plaques”.
From Beth: “If you’re familiar with German new medicine and look at a picture of a brain, you’ll see the chemical plaques in the brain that cause dementia and brain issues. They’re called tracks, and that’s called biochemical plaques. Whatever you do in making a memory, you know, meeting someone talking memories, etc. becomes a biochemical plaque. If these memories are not good for you, we don’t want them there. We remove them when we’re clearing all these trapped emotions, etc. We’re going to clear them from your DNA memory, restore the tissue in the brain and body, clear auric fields, energy centers, subtle energy body and anywhere else it might be holding. And then we’re going to connect, synchronize, reset, integrate, and clear any trapped emotions we may have missed.

Hormone balancing: When working with hormones, I ask what the optimal function is at, then balance to 100% function. Some hormones flow low, some high, so I have found this method to be most effective. Note also that hormones constantly fluctuate so although balanced within session, they can still shift later on.
More information:

Hiatal muscle: This area is in the upper part of the chest. It is my understanding that when this area is very tight and or imbalanced, this condition can contribute to a stroke or heart attack. This area also affects troubled breathing. Can be quite a relief once balanced.

Xyphoid process: This is a small bone that is located where your front ribs join. (For emergency responders, this is the spot for chest compressions). Metaphysically, this bone is often associated with guilt and/ or contrition, which is guilt felt on behalf of someone else.

Allergies: This is super interesting and has come up numerous times for clients as allergies to the wildest things. Also check for “intolerances”.
In her presentation Sandee taught us how to clear allergies to the usual stuff as well as to things you never imagined you could be allergic to – like colors, organs and certain people!
Here is the link to the recording of Sandee’s presentation:
Sandee Mac May 1, 2021 Presentation to the Tucson Dowsers
(Presentation begins at 8:22)

Resistance: You have to clear the opposite side of resistance because whatever you resist persists.  
An easy one is to explain money. Everybody wants money. So, you need to clear your blocks to money so you can bring you closer to money.
But you also need to clear poverty and any kind of fears and resistance to poverty because if you’re resisting it, or if you are in any way still connected with poverty, you’ll stay there. 
You need to clear all that in order to bring you closer to money. So, you have to clear both sides of an issue whatever the issue may be.

What do the numbers mean in session notes?
“x 9000+” is somewhat of a gauge to release and transmute “all we can find right now”. Sometimes I get a specific number, sometimes I get that we can release “lots” so 9000+ is my go to number for that.
Numbers and percentages are really just a gauge and there is no rhyme or reason in how that comes up for anyone.
As Dr Brad had said years ago, our subconscious mind records every second of our existence. With that idea, we could potentially have that many imbalances. When we account for ancestral imbalances… Well, if I get that we can release “in bulk” style without more information needed, I will go ahead and do that, always intending to process with grace and ease.

Discordant energies: Discordant means “not in harmony”. There are some strong verbiages that can come up as discordant energies, or anything else for that matter. Remember that the subconscious mind is very literal and sometimes we need to translate terminology to our own unique circumstances and experiences. Imbalances can be created from a fleeting thought. “Murder”, for example, can come up as meaning “Over my dead body”, “I could just die”, and “I could just kill someone”.
I have seen “child abuse” come up in a case where a child was hooked up to essential medical assistance with tubes and such. The parent had a discordant image imbalance from seeing their child in this state.


From Google:
The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior, as well as both posteriorly to the thalamus and directly to the cortex for activation of awake, desynchronized cortical EEG patterns.
What is the main function of the reticular activating system?
The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a bundle of nerves that sits in your brainstem. And its job is to regulate behavioural arousal, consciousness and motivation.
What is reticular activating system belief?
This is a bundle of nerves in your brain stem. Its purpose is to look for information that validates your beliefs – and it uses this to filter the information coming into your brain from the world around.
What is the reticular activating system for ADHD?
The Reticular Activating System (RAS) in the brainstem is responsible for regulating arousal and the sleep/wake cycle. In ADHD brains, the RAS is dysregulated; circadian cycles skew toward higher activity levels in the evening, resulting in later bedtimes and waking times.



This is a list of emotions and terminology used in Emotion Code and Body Code. This may also help decipher your session notes.

The Emotion Code

Definitions of Emotions by Dr. Bradley Nelson

The list of emotions that follows encompasses the range of human emotion. There are many more emotions in the dictionary besides the ones listed here, but we choose to use a simplified list to keep things easy and quick. You do not need to add to this list every emotion that can be experienced will fall under an emotion listed below (e.g. Embarrassment would fall under Humiliation, Bewildered would fall under Confusion, etc.)

Abandonment: Physical abandonment is being left alone; left behind or deserted (this is the type of abandonment that we most often see in childhood). Emotional abandonment is being given up on; withdrew from; emotionally deserted or separated from; a feeling of being “left behind” in a non-physical form.

Anger: A strong displeasure and belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong; wrath. Anger is often used as a cover-up or form of denial for emotions of hurt or fear.

Anxiety: A generalized feeling of uneasiness and foreboding; a fear of the unknown; fear without a subject (e.g. she feels anxious and fearful all the time for no apparent reason).

Betrayal: Betrayed is to have your trust broken, to be deserted or hurt by a trusted one. Betrayal of another is to be unfaithful in guarding or fulfilling a trust; to be disloyal or violate a confidence, to desert someone who trusts you. Betrayal of the self is to break integrity; act against one’s morals, to abuse the body or soul.

Bitterness: A harsh, disagreeable or cynical attitude. Being angry or resentful because of hurtful or unfair experiences.

Blaming: Being Blamed is to be held responsible; accused; or held guilty for something. Blaming another is to hold responsible; accuse; find fault with. Putting responsibility on someone or something else to avoid taking responsibility. This is a key emotion in creating a victim mentality and can cause a deterioration of personal power. Blaming the self is finding fault with oneself, which can lead to feelings of self-abuse, depression, etc.

Conflict: Internal Conflict is a mental and emotional struggle within the self, arising from opposing demands or impulses. (e.g., He was feeling conflicted about whether or not to take the new job) External Conflict is to fight; to disagree or be disagreeable; to struggle or battle against; to antagonize. Prolonged strife or struggle. (e.g., She and her ex-husband experience continual conflict about custody of their children).

Confusion: A disoriented feeling; foggy thinking; chaos; lack of distinctness or clearness; perplexity; bewilderment; a disturbed mental state.

Creative Insecurity: Feeling unsafe or untrusting the self about the creation or development of anything- relationships, family, health, money, career and/or artistic endeavors. A feeling of insecurity that arises and blocks the creative process. (e.g., writer’s block).

Crying: The (often) involuntary act of expressing a strong emotion; a response to pain or suffering (emotional or physical). A response to or expression of helplessness. A physical sensation felt in the throat, chest and/or diaphragm. Often becomes trapped when one does not allow him/herself to cry (i.e., suppressing this reaction or stuffing it down).

Defensiveness: A state of resisting attack or protecting oneself; being sensitive to the threat of criticism or injury to one’s ego; being on guard against real or imagined threats to one’s person, physical and/or emotional.

Depression: A state of being sad, gloomy, low in spirits, dejected. Often a secondary emotion caused by “anger turned inward” at the self and feelings of shame and guilt, etc.

Despair: A complete loss of hope; misery; difficult or unable to be helped or comforted.

Discouragement: Feeling a lack of courage, hope or confidence; disheartened, dispirited. Losing the nerve to try or attempt something.

Disgust: A feeling of loathing; when good taste or moral sense is offended; a strong aversion. (e.g., She felt disgusted when the killer was acquitted).

Dread: Fear of something that is about to happen; apprehension as to something in the future, usually real but sometimes unknown. (e.g., He dreaded going to the high school reunion and facing the bullies who had tormented him).

Effort Unreceived: When one’s work, achievement, attempts or endeavors are not accepted or recognized; when one’s best effort is not considered good enough; a feeling of being unappreciated. Not feeling approved of or validated.

Failure: When one falls short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, or desired; (e.g., The failure of a marriage or other relationship, being fired, bankruptcy, performing poorly in athletics, art, academics, etc.).

Fear: A strongly distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain; the threat may be real or imagined.

Forlorn: Miserable; sad and lonely by reason of abandonment, desolation or emptiness; hopeless; forsaken.

Frustration: Exasperation; being stuck or unable to progress; feeling blocked from causing a change or achieving an objective or goal.

Grief: Intense emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, misfortune, etc.; an acute sorrow and deep sadness. A universal reaction to bereavement. Also, can be feeling harassed, vexed or exasperated (e.g., if someone gives you grief).

Guilt: The feeling of having done wrong or committed an offense. Feeling responsible for the harmful actions of another (e.g., abuse, parents’ divorce, death, etc.) Often accompanied by feelings of depression, shame and self-abuse.

Hatred: To loathe; despise; great dislike or aversion. Often comes as a result of “hurt love”. Often hatred is of a situation rather than a person (e.g., hatred of another’s behavior, unjust circumstances, etc.) Self-hatred creates destructive behaviors and illnesses.

Heartache: Anguish and pain of the heart; distress usually as a result of difficulty or sadness in a relationship. Felt as a crushing or burning physical sensation in the chest.

Helplessness: Being unable to help oneself; being without the aid or protection of another. Having little strength or personal power. A common emotion for those suffering from a “victim mentality”. Feeling unable to change one’s circumstances or state.

Hopelessness: Devoid of hope; having no expectation of good; having no remedy or cure; no prospect of change or improvement.

Horror: A strong emotion of alarm, disgust, or outrage caused by something frightful or shocking (e.g., an event of extreme violence, cruelty, or macabre.)

Humiliation: A painful loss of pride, dignity or self-respect; to feel mortified; embarrassed.

Indecisiveness: An inability to make a decision; wavering back and forth between one choice or another. Stems from distrust of the self or doubting the ability to make a good decision.

Insecurity: A lack of confidence; self-conscious; shy. Feeling unsafe from danger or ridicule.

Jealousy: Resentful and envious of someone’s success, achievements, or advantages. Having suspicious fears; fears of rivalry or unfaithfulness. Results from a fear of not being loved and/or from insecurity.

Lack of Control: Lacking restraint or direction; unable to regulate or command; a feeling that someone or something else determines your course.

Longing: To have a strong desire or craving; a yearning or pining; aching for; to miss someone or something; to want something you do not have (e.g., She longed for a different life).

Lost: Unable to see the correct or acceptable course; having no direction. Physically lost most often shows up from childhood- (e.g., being lost in the woods and can’t find the way home, etc.) Emotionally lost refers to a feeling of being unable to see what the right decision or direction, being unable to find emotional stability (e.g., He felt lost after

his wife died; She hasn’t done anything with her life, she seems really lost.)

Love Unreceived: A feeling that love expressed is or has been rejected. Feeling unwanted, not cared for; not accepted; a lack of love where it is desired.

Low Self-Esteem: A low appraisal of one’s own worth or value; feeling and focusing on one’s flaws; holding a feeling of disrespect for the self; not confident; lack of self-love.

Lust: Intense sexual desire or appetite; an overwhelming want or craving (e.g., lust for power); passion; to covet.

Nervousness: Unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive; fearful; timid; to feel jumpy or on edge.

Overjoy: Intense delight or elation which is too overpowering for the body; joy that it is a shock to the system.

Overwhelm: To be overpowered in mind or emotion; extreme stress; feeling overpowered with superior force; feeling excessively burdened.

Panic: A sudden, overwhelming fear that produces hysterical behavior, unreasonably fearful thoughts or physical symptoms such as trembling and hyperventilation; a strong feeling of impending doom.

Peeved: Irritated; annoyed; exasperated; irked; aggravated; ticked off.

Pride: An overly high esteeming of oneself for some real or imagined merit or superiority; vanity (an excessive desire to be noticed, praised, or approved); feeling better than others; haughty; non-teachable; has to be right; expects more credit than

earned; or treats others with disdain or contempt. Having a healthy amount of pride (self-respect or self-esteem) is a good thing, and this type of pride usually doesn’t show up as a trapped emotion (although it may show up if one’s healthy pride is injured).

Rejection: Feeling denied, refused or rebuffed; discarded as useless or unimportant; cast out; unwanted; forsaken.

Resentment: A feeling of displeasure or indignation at someone or something regarded as the cause of injury or insult; bitter for having been treated unfairly; unwilling to forgive. Often this emotion comes along with animosity (ill-will that displays itself in action, strong hostility or antagonism).

Sadness: Unhappy; sorrowful; mournful; affected by grief.

Self-Abuse: Abusing the self emotionally includes negative self-talk (e.g., “I’m such an idiot.”), blaming the self, etc. Abusing the self physically includes mistreating the body by use of addictive substances; to not care for the body by lack of sleep, proper diet or nutrition; to work beyond what one can or should endure; to punish or tax oneself excessively. This abuse may help atone for “sins”, real or imagined, and usually is driven by anger. Illnesses can be forms of self-abuse (e.g., “I don’t deserve to be healed.”)

Shame: A feeling of being wrong, defective or disreputable. The painful feeling of having done or experienced something dishonorable, improper or foolish; disgrace; humiliation; a cause for regret. The lowest vibration of all the emotions. Leads to guilt, depression and even suicide.

Shock: A sudden or violent disturbance of the emotions or sensibilities; extreme surprise; to feel traumatized or stunned.

Sorrow: A sad regret; distress caused by loss, disappointment or grief; to feel or express grief, unhappiness, or sadness.

Stubbornness: Being difficult; unbendable; unable or unwilling to forgive; obstinate; headstrong; resistant.

Taken for Granted: Feels treated with careless indifference; not given thanks or for something accomplished, similar to ignored.

Terror: Intense, sharp, overmastering fear; extreme fright; alarm.

Unsupported: A lack of support, help or encouragement; not provided for by another; not defended when help is needed; feeling the burden is too heavy to bear alone, etc.

Unworthy: Not good enough; beneath the dignity of; not commendable or credible; undeserving; not valuable or suitable; unbecoming.

Vulnerability: Feeling susceptible to harm, either emotional or physical; unsafe; unstable.

Wishy Washy: Weak, spiritless; undecided irresolute; without strength of character. To lack conviction; without a backbone.

Worry: Dwelling on difficulty or troubles; unease or anxiety about a situation or a person; extreme concern over potential problems; concern about a loved one in possible distress.

Worthless: Of no importance or value; without excellence of character, quality or esteem; serving no purpose.


Thank you to our amazing certified only practitioners group, and the practitioner who took the time to put these definitions together to share with clients. Cinda Morey uploaded a file to TEC Practitioners group.
Feb 22 2015

You may find some of these terms in your session notes:

Body Code Mind Maps Definitions:

1ST LUMBAR VERTEBRA – The L1 vertebra is the upper-most segment of the lumbar spine, which in most people is made up of five vertebrae in the lower back. The two primary nerves that originate at the L1 level are: The ilioinguinal nerve – performs sensory and motor function for the skin of the upper medial thigh (groin) and the scrotum or labia majora. The iliohypogastric nerve – performs sensory and motor function for the abdominal muscles and the skin of the lower abdominal wall.

2nd THORACIC VERTEBRA – Connects to Heart, its valves and coronary arteries, lungs bronchial tubes. Misalignment Symptoms: Functional heart conditions and certain chest pains.

3rd LUMBAR VERTEBRA – Connects to: Sex organs, uterus, bladder, knee, prostate, large intestine. Misalignment Symptoms: Bladder troubles, menstrual troubles, like painful or irregular periods, miscarriages, bed wetting, impotency, change of life symptoms, and many knee pains.

3rd MOLAR TOOTH – Affects the Heart, Terminal Ileum (small intestine), Ileo Cecal Valve, right shoulder, elbow, hand (ulna), S1 joint, foot, toes.

3rd CERVICAL VERTEBRA – Connects to: Cheeks, outer ear, face, bones, teeth, trifacial nerve, lungs. Misalignment symptoms can be: Neurallgia, neutitis, acne or pimples, eczema.

3rd THORACIC VERTEBRA – Connects to Lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, chest, breast, heart. Misalignment Symptoms: Bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, congestion, influenza.

4th CERVICAL VERTEBRA – Connects to: Nose, lips, mouth Eustachian tube, mucus membranes, and lungs. Misalignment Symptoms: Hay fever, catarrh, hard of hearing, adenoids.

4th LUMBAR VERTEBRA – Connects to: Prostate gland, muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve. Symptoms: Sciatica, lumbago, difficult, painful or too frequent urination, backache.

4th THORACIC VERTEBRA – Connects to: Galbladder, common duct, heart, lungs, bronchial tubes. Misalignment symptoms Galbladder conditions, jaundice, shingles.

5th LUMBAR VERTEBRA – Connects to: Sex organs, uterus, bladder, knee, prostate, large intestine. Misalignment Symptoms: Bladder troubles, menstrual troubles like painful or irregular periods, miscarriages, bed wetting impotency, change of life symptoms, many knee pains.

6th CERVICAL VERTEBRA – Connects to: Neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils. Misalignment symptoms: stiff neck, pain in the upper arm, tonsillitis, whooping cough, croup.

8th THORACIC VERTEBRA – Connects to: Spleen, stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, adrenal cortex, small intestine, and pyloric valve. Misalignment Symptoms: Hiccups, lowered resistance.

9th THORACIC VERTEBRA – Connects to: Adrenal cortex, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, ovaries, uterus, and small intestine. Misalignment Symptoms: Allergies, hives.

10th THORACIC VERTEBRA – Connects to: Kidneys, appendix, testes, ovaries, uterus, adrenal cortex, spleen, pancreas, large intestine.

11th THORACIC VERTEBRA – Connects the kidneys, ureters, large intestine, urinary bladder, adrenal medulla, adrenal cortex, uterus, ovaries, and ileocecal valve. The most common symptoms are skin conditions like acne, pimples, eczema, or boils.

ABDOMINAL MUSCLES – This section under Muscular Systems is divided into 7 categories: Transverse Abdominus; Rectus Abdominus; Pyramidalis; Transverse Fascia; Inguinal Ligament; External Oblique; Internal Oblique.

ABDOMINAL VESSELS – This section under Circulatory Systems is divided into 6 categories: Left External Iliac Artery; Right External Iliac Artery; Left External Iliac Vein; Descending Aorta; Inferior Vena Cava; Right External Iliac Vein.

ACUPUNCTURE SYSTEM – This section under Circuits & Systems is divided into 3 categories: Dental Meridians; 12 Main Meridians; 8 Extraordinary Meridians.

ADDICTIVE HEART ENERGY – An energy created out of the heart’s desperation to feel love, joy, etc. A profound attractor field and a driving force behind addictions of all kinds. Approximately 42% of people have this and only occurs when a Heart-Wall has been present at some point and can usually be released before a Heart-Wall is released, but not always. The removal of the Heart-Wall will not remove an Addictive Heart Energy. Symptoms are obsessive, addictive and destructive behaviors. Cravings for or attracting inappropriate, harmful and/or pleasurable things (i.e. negative emotions, sugar, food, drugs/alcohol/cigarettes, pornography, illnesses, conflict). Excessive and unhealthy drive to work, exercise, etc.

ADRENAL GLANDS – Its purpose is to produce adrenaline as well as certain other hormones and to help the body to deal with stress. When it malfunctions you may experience fatigue, sensitivity to light, “joint noise”, unable to cope with stress, brain fog, low immune function. The most common symptoms are pain in the left knee and low back.

ALDOSTERONE – A steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that regulates the salt and water balance in the body.

ALLERGY/INTOLERANCE – This section under Energies is divided into 3 categories: Intolerance; Idea Allergy; Physical Allergy.

ANDRENOCORTICOTROPIC – Stimulating the adrenal cortex.

ANDROSTENEDIONE – An unsaturated androgenic steroid existing in three isomeric forms that is secreted by the testis, ovary, and adrenal cortex and has a weaker biological potency than testosterone.

ANGIOTENSINOGEN – A peptide hormone that causes vasoconstriction and a subsequent increase in blood pressure.

APPENDICULAR SKELETON – This category under the Skeleton section is divided into 2 parts: Lower Limbs (Leg, Pelvis, Foot); Upper limbs (Wrist and Hand Bones; 2 Ulna Bones; 2 Radius Bones; 2 Clavicle Bones; 2 Scapula Bones; 2 Humerus Bones).

APPENDIX – The appendix is a small, worm-like appendage attached to the colon. The wall of the appendix contains lymphatic tissue that is part of the immune system for making antibodies.

Aspartame – Primarily made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. The phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, which provides the majority of the sweetness. That phenylalanine methyl bond, called a methyl ester, is very weak, which allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol. Methanol acts as a Trojan horse; it’s carried into susceptible tissues in your body, like your brain and bone marrow, where the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) enzyme converts it into formaldehyde, which wreaks havoc with sensitive proteins and DNA.

AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM – It is a part of the peripheral nervous system and a mostly subconscious control system in the body, which affects heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation, micturition (urination), and sexual arousal. Includes Sympathetic (high heart rate) and Parasympathetic (low heart rate).

AXIAL SKELETON – This category under the Skeleton section is divided into 4 parts: Vertebral Column (Sacrum and Coccyx; Lumbar Vertebrae; Cervical Vertebrae; Thoracic Vertebrae 1-6; Thoracic Vertebrae 7-12); Skull (Facial Bones; Middle Ear Bones; 1 Ethmoid Bone; 1 Sphenoid Bone; 1 Frontal Bone; 2 Parietal Bones; 2 Temporal Bones; 1 Occipital Bone); Teeth; Thoracic Cage (False Ribs; Xyphoid Process; True Ribs; Manubrium; Sternum).

BACK MUSCLES – This section under Muscular Systems is divided into 2 categories: Deep; Superficial.

BACTERIAL INFECTION – Any kind of infection is potentially dangerous, so seek medical advice if available. Bacteria are a larger, single cell organism and the most common are Strep, Staph, Salmonella, E. Coli. The most common symptoms are Fever, Fatigue, Rash, Muscle Aches, Digestive Upset, and Odor.

BLADDER – A muscular, elastic organ that contains urine from the kidneys. Symptoms of Imbalance: discomfort in the low back; discomfort in the knee, ankle or foot; nocturia (interrupted sleep due to urination); urgency, frequent urination; bedwetting, incontinence; infection; bleeding (#1 sign of bladder cancer.)

BONE MARROW – The tissue inside bones. Produces red blood cells and lymphocytes that support the immune system.

BRACHIAL CHAKRA – This is one little-known Chakra that is found in animals, but not in the human Chakra systems. The Brachial Chakra is the “key” Chakra that directly affects and permits access to all of the other Chakras. Its location is on either side of the body in the shoulder area. This Chakra plays an important role in the animal/human bond.

BRAIN – under central nervous system

BRAIN DERIVED NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR – A family of proteins that are responsible for the growth and survival of developing neurons and the maintenance of mature neurons.

BROADCAST MESSAGE – This is energy that is continually sent out from the body to other people and can influence ability to form and keep relationships, and can attract wrong people, etc. This energy was released and the opposite & positive broadcast message was installed.

BROW CHAKRA – It’s linked to the Pineal Gland and its purpose is Spiritual: perception, Mental: wisdom, Emotional: clarity/intuition, Physical: absorption of light. To sum it up, it controls Balance of Self and Intuition.

CAVITATION – An encapsulated pocket of dead bone that is infected with anaerobic bacterial organisms, producing very powerful toxins. 70 to 90% of all tooth extractions result in cavitations. Most dentists are vaguely aware of cavitations, but only a relatively few holistic dentists make a practice of finding and removing them. The same extremely toxic anaerobic bacteria that are found in cavitations are also found in root canal teeth.

CAVITY – An area of decayed tooth surface, due to bacteria.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM – It is the body’s communication system that connects the brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord is a conduit for information to and from brain to body.

CHAKRA’S – Chakra means “wheel” or “disk” and are centers of energy that emanate from the spine. Chakra’s are transformers of universal life energy as it flow to us and from us from the front and the back of the body. If one of these Chakras are out of balance, either by too much, or too little, it will manifest in our physical world.

CHEMICALS – This section under Toxins is divided into 4 categories: Environmental; Recreational Drugs; Food Additives; Medical.

CIRCUITS & SYSTEMS – This category is divided into 6 sections: Acupuncture System; Disconnections; Systems; Organs; Glands; Chakras.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM – This category under Systems is divided into 6 sections: Heart; Upper Limb Vessels; Thoracic Circulation; Lower Limb Vessels; Abdominal Vessels; Head & Neck Vessels.

CLUSTER – Clusters are a group of trapped emotions resonating with each other.

COLON – Its purpose is to absorb water and salt from fecal material. When it malfunctions you may experience change in bowel habits or frequency, change in stool quality or consistency, bloody stools or rectal bleeding, stools with mucous or tarry stools, feeling of incomplete defecation, reduction in caliber of feces. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the low back, discomfort in the hips, diarrhea, constipation, colitis.

COLOR DEFICIENCY – Occasionally, the spirit or body may become deficient in a certain color. Colors are just frequencies, and sometimes a certain color is the perfect remedy for restoring balance.

CONCEPTION MERIDIAN – One of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians which connects to all other meridians in the body and acts as deep reservoirs that replenish the other meridians and absorbs excess energy from them. The Conception Meridian influences flow of yin energy. Imbalance creates trouble in reproductive system (male and female0, impotence, trouble with the face, lips and eyes, digestive trouble.

CONNECTIVE TISSUE – This section under the Skeletal Systems is divided into 4 categories: Tendons; Ligaments; Fascia; Disks.

CORDING – An energetic connection or cord between two people. Healthy cords are Heart to Heart with a loved one and usually don’t need to be removed, unless relationship has ended and person needs to move on. An Unhealthy cord is gut to gut and is the most common, but other locations are possible too. Sometimes it is necessary to install a new healthy Heart to Heart cord after removal of the unhealthy cord.

CROWN CHAKRA – Is considered Pure Consciousness. Its purpose is Spiritual: connection to divine, Mental: unity, Emotional: beingness, Physical: mediation. To sum it up, it controls Inner Wisdom and Connection to Universal Intelligence.

CURSE – A very negative energy that has been deliberately placed into a person’s energy field by another person or entity, with a more nefarious purpose than merely causing physical pain.

DEHYDRATION – Common for thirst impulse to be confused with hunger. Three areas can be out of balance: not drinking enough water, not taking in the right quality of water, and not being able to absorb the water properly. Leads to difficulty in muscle testing, causes imbalance and malfunction in organs and tissues. Tap water often does not correct dehydration. It is believed to be a homeopathic blend of many energies, including industrial wastes, agricultural runoff, artificial hormones and antibiotics, etc. The most common symptoms are headache, joint pains, low back pain, neck pain, foggy thinking, and constipation.

DENTAL TOXICITY – This section under Toxins is divided into 7 categories: Dental Relationship Chart; Mercury Amalgam; Fluoride; Cavitation; Root Canal; Cavity.

DERMIS – The middle layer of the skin. Contains connective tissue and blood vessels. The sweat glands and hair follicles originate in the dermis.

DESPAIR ANCHOR – Essentially a negative statement that is perceived as a truth by the subconscious mind, which will seek to verify or fulfill that “truth.”

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM – This category under Systems is divided into 10 sections: Tongue; Stomach Sphincters; Stomach; Small Intestine; Pancreas; Liver; Colon; Esophagus; Gallbladder; Ileo Cecal Valve.

DISCONNECTIONS – This section under Circuits & Systems is divided into 5 categories: Morning Sickness; Physical to Physical Disconnection; Spirit Out of Body; Spirit to Physical Disconnection; Spirit to Spirit Disconnection.

DISKS OF THE SPINE – Disks act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae of the spine and may become misaligned or imbalanced like any other tissue.

DOPAMINE – a catecholamine neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, retina, and sympathetic ganglia, acting within the brain to help regulate movement and emotion: its depletion may cause Parkinson’s disease.

EFT – Otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is a type of Meridian Tapping that utilizes the body’s energy meridian points by stimulating them with your fingertips – tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power. See more at:

EIGHT EXTRAORDINARY MERIDIANS – Yang Heel Meridian, Yin Heel Meridian; Yang Linking Meridian; Yin Linking Meridian; Conception Meridian; Governing Meridian; Penetrating Meridian; Girdle Meridian.

ELECTROMAGNETIC TOXINS or POLLUTION – Can become trapped in the body and distort the energy field of the body.

EM SPECTRUM TOXICITY- One of the most common sources of electromagnetic pollution. Electromagnetic toxins or electromagnetic pollution can become trapped in the body and distort the energy field of the body.

EMOTIONAL – This section under Energies is divided into 3 categories: Trapped Emotions; Heart-Wall; Emotional Resonance.

EMOTIONAL RESONANCE – A resonance is not the same as a trapped emotion. If you were to strike a bell with a hammer, it would “ring” for awhile. If you came back some time later, you might not hear the bell ringing anymore, but if you put a more precise instrument up to the bell, you might detect that it was still resonating from the blow you gave it. This is similar to how a resonance operates in the body. Sometimes an intense emotion will not become trapped, but will instead leave the body “ringing” with the vibrational energy of the emotion.

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM – This category under Systems is divided into 11 sections: Kidneys; Parathyroid Glands; Pancreas; Thyroid; Ovaries; Testicles; Adrenals; Hypothalamus; Pineal; Pituitary. Hormones.

ENERGIES – This category is divided into 6 sections: Post-Traumatic; Offensive; Mental; Addictive Heart Energy; Allergy/Intolerance; Emotional.

Enteric Nervous System – A separate nervous system belonging to the digestive system, responsible for secretion and motility. It functions autonomously, but may be modified by both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

ENTITIES – There are two different kinds of spirits without bodies – disembodied spirits & evil spirits, which are attracted to us by low vibrations. They tend to hang around us and try to influence our thoughts and behaviors. The symptoms are depression & dark or suicidal thoughts, inability to move ahead in life, physical pain and other symptoms. Disembodied Spirits – were once human beings, but are now “ghosts” and they will do anything to experience, even only temporarily, and even in a muffled way, the pleasures of the flesh, and will enter or hang around a human body to do so. Evil Spirits – may or may not have had a physical body with a life time on Earth and their main desire is to exert control over a person, to addict them to anything they can, to get them to do things that distance them from the Creator. They may also cause problems else where and may or may not be attached to a person.

ENVIRONMENTAL – This section under Chemicals is divided into 7 categories: Pesticides; GMO Foods; Herbicides; Cosmetics; Cleaning Supplies; Building Materials; Carpet & Furnishings.

EPIDERMIS- The outermost part of skin that forms a protection against the external environment. Consists of many layers of epithelial cells that replace themselves about every two or two and a half months.

ESOPHAGUS – The esophagus is the tube that carries food, liquids and saliva from your mouth to the stomach.

ESTROGEN – any of several major female sex hormones produced primarily by the ovarian follicles of female mammals, capable of inducing estrus, developing and maintaining secondary female sex characteristics, and preparing the uterus for the reception of a fertilized egg: used, especially in synthetic form, as a component of oral contraceptives, in certain cancer treatments, and in other therapies.

Ethmoid Bone – The ethmoid bone is a square or cubical shaped bone located at the top of the nose and in between the two eye sockets. The main functions of the ethmoid bone are the protection of vital organs in the region and support of the nose and orbits (eye sockets).

EXCESSES – This section under Toxins is divided into 4 categories: The Six Pernicious Influences; Free Radicals; Stress Hormones; Metabolic Waste.

FALLOPIAN TUBES – The tubes in the female system that carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. There are 2 fallopian tubes on the left and the right sides.

FASCIA DISTORTION – The fascia is connective tissue that surrounds and protects all the other tissues of the body and can become distorted due to emotional or physical stress or trauma.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM – This section under Reproductive Systems is divided into 5 categories: Uterus; Fallopian Tubes; Ovaries; Vagina; Mammary Glands.

FLUORIDE – A toxic by-product / industrial waste produced by the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries. Used by the dental industry, but has never been proven to prevent cavities.

FOOD ADDITIVES – This section under Chemicals is divided into 6 categories: Sugar; Preservatives; Monosodium Glutamate; Humectants; Aspartame; Food Colorings. Our modern processed food is filled with all sorts of chemicals that prolong shelf life, enhance flavor, etc.

FOOD COLORINGS – Cause or intensify behavioral problems (especially in those with ADD/ADHD/Autism Spectrum Disorders). Causes headaches, nausea, muscle pain.

FOOD INTOLERANCE – A negative reaction to a food by the digestive system. Lactose intolerance is an example of this. This is much more common than food allergies.

FREE RADICALS – Are unstable atoms created by oxidation from things such as overeating, radiation, tobacco, direct sunlight, smog, pollution, foods high in fats and sugar. Taking anti-oxidants such as Acai, organic berries, wheatgrass juice, natural chocolate, etc can help fight these free radicals.

FUNGAL – An opportunistic organism – grows where possible. Common after: Antibiotic use; High sugar intake; hormone tx; Pregnancy; Diabetes. Common symptoms: Anxiety, gas/bloating, brain fog, cravings for sugar/starch/alcohol; skin problems (i.e. eczema), fatigue.

GALLBLADDER – Its purpose is to secrete bile, which helps us to absorb fat. When it malfunctions, you may experience pain in the right chest area, nausea, vomiting, gas, bloating. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the right knee, right shoulder, and right rib cage.

GASTRIN – A hormone that stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

GHRELIN – Is a potent stimulator of growth hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary gland.

GIRDLE MERIDIAN – One of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians that connects to all other meridians in the body and acts as deep reservoirs that replenish the other meridians and absorb excess energy from them. The Dai Mai is a “belt” that binds the yin and yang energy in the body, influences circulations to the legs and supports the lumbar region. Imbalance creates weakness in the lumbar area, fullness of the abdomen, weakness in the legs.

GLANDS – This section under Circuits & Systems is divided into 11 categories: Thyroid; Thymus; Testicles; Prostate; Pituitary Gland; Adrenals; Hypothalamus; Ovaries; Pancreas; Pineal Gland; Parathyroid Gland.

GLUCAGON – A protein hormone that is produced especially by the islets of Langerhans and that promotes an increase in the sugar content of the blood by increasing the rate of glycogen breakdown in the liver.

GMO FOODS – Genetically Modified Foods. Induce inflammatory responses. Lead to autoimmune and degenerative disorders.

GOVERNING MERIDIAN – One of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians which connects to all other meridians in the body and acts as deep reservoirs that replenish the other meridians and absorbs excess energy from them. The Du Mai influences flow of yang energy. When imbalanced it can create trouble in the brain, bone marrow, spinal cord, nervous system, stroke, psychological issues and headaches.

HEAD & NECK VESSELS – This section under Circulatory Systems is divided into 2 categories: Face & Neck Vessels; Skull Interior Vessels.

HEAD MUSCLES – This section under Muscular Systems is divided into 2 categories: Superficial Head Muscles; Deep Head Muscles.

HEART – Is a muscle that pumps blood. It is considered the Second Brain, Seat of Subconscious, Source of Creativity, and Source of Love. Symptoms of Imbalance: low energy, skipped beats (palpitations), discomfort in the chest and shoulders, trouble giving and receiving love.

HEART CHAKRA – It’s linked to the Thymus Gland and its purpose is Spiritual: devotion, Mental: passion, Emotional: unconditional love, Physical: circulation. To sum it up, it controls Unconditional Love, Compassion and Well-Being.

HEART CIRCULATION – This section under Thoracic Circulation is divided into 5 categories: Mitral Valve; Pulmonary Valve; Coronary Arteries; Aortic Valve; Tricuspid Valve.

HEAVY METALS – This section under Toxins is divided into 4 categories: Mercury; Lead; Cadmium; Aluminum.

HEART WALL – Trapped Emotions can become lodged in various parts of our body, and can also be trapped around our heart, creating a Heart Wall. A Heart Wall is the body’s way of protecting us from deep heartache. But this wall can keep us from giving and receiving love more freely. Clearing the Heart Wall allows you to be more open to love. Heart Walls can also block us from receiving abundance or financial success and once cleared it can give you the opportunity to enjoy all that your creator meant for you to receive. It is also possible for someone to have a Hidden Heart-Wall, which simply means that this is something that your subconscious mind does not want to readily give up without asking if there is anything hidden.

HISTAMINE – A physiologically active depressor amine found in plant and animal tissue, derived from histidine by decarboxylation and released from cells in the immune system as part of an allergic reaction. It is a powerful stimulant of gastric secretion, constrictor of bronchial smooth muscle, and vasodilator.

Hormones – Make up a group of glands that produce the body’s long distance messengers. Hormones are chemicals that travel via the bloodstream to the organs and tissues. Hormones control body functions, such as metabolism, growth, and sexual development. There are a range of hormones where Cortisol is considered a huge depleting hormone and DHEA is considered a renewing hormone.

HPA Axis – By Mehmet Oz, MD: How our bodies handle stressful situations involves a circuit of chemicals called the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (or HPA axis). This axis essentially represents the relationship between your brain and your stress hormones as they interact in what we call a feedback loop, when your body reacts to the information it is receiving. In the case of this axis, what happens is that stressors cause the hypothalamus to release certain stress hormones, which then stimulate your pituitary gland to release more hormones. That cascade of chemicals signals your adrenal glands to release the biggest stress hormones of all – cortisol and epinephrine (otherwise known as adrenaline).These chemicals are designed to help you. Adrenaline raises your blood pressure and heart rate, and cortisol increases glucose, giving your muscles the energy to move more swiftly and suddenly (this is the fight-or-flight response). That’s helpful when a lion is charging (which is a form of acute stress), but not so much so when you’re facing more long-term chronic stressors such as a negative job situation or a bad marriage (or even pregnancy, due to the stress it puts on your body over nine months).

HYPOTHALAMUS GLAND – Its purpose is to secrete hormones, body temperature, hunger, thirst, circadian rhythm. The most common symptoms are insomnia, chilling and disruption of the thirst mechanism (never feeling thirsty.)

PITUITARY GLAND – Its purpose is to secrete hormones that regulate body balance or “homeostasis”, secrete hormones that influence other glands, growth, blood pressure, aspects of childbirth & pregnancy, production of breast milk, sex organ function in both sexes, thyroid gland function, metabolism, water absorption by the kidneys, temperature regulation. The most common symptoms are hormonal imbalances, dehydration, fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain.

ADRENAL GLANDS – Its purpose is to produce adrenaline as well as certain other hormones and to help the body to deal with stress. When it malfunctions you may experience fatigue, sensitivity to light, “joint noise”, unable to cope with stress, brain fog, low immune function. The most common symptoms are pain in the left knee and low back.

HYPODERMIS – The deepest layer of skin. Attaches to bone or muscle and houses fat deposits (adipose tissue).

HYPOTHALAMUS GLAND – Its purpose is to secrete hormones, body temperature, hunger, thirst, circadian rhythm. The most common symptoms are insomnia, chilling and disruption of the thirst mechanism (never feeling thirsty.)

IDEA ALLERGY – An energy that results from negativity surrounding a certain idea. A person may be allergic to any type of idea, negative, positive or neutral (i.e. loneliness, joy, money.)

ILEO CECAL VALVE – Controls & regulates flow of fecal material. When it malfunctions you may experience bloating & pain, diarrhea, pain in right lower abdomen, pain in low back, pain in right hip, gas. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the appendix area & low back or right hip area, sinus problems (due to toxins.)

IMAGE – An image is a picture in the subconscious mind. The subconscious will attempt to fulfill this image, and will direct (or misdirect) behavior to make sure this image comes to pass. An image like this can make it more difficult to live the life you want to live, and be as healthy as you want to be.

IMMUNE SYSTEM – This category under Systems is divided into 8 sections: Lymph Nodes; Thymus; Tonsils and Adenoids; Peyers Patch; Bone Marrow; Liver; Spleen; Appendix.

Incisor Teeth – affects Prostate, knee, coccygeal joint, posterior ankle, pineal gland, right kidney, bladder, uterus, rectum, anus.

INFLAMMATION ENERGY – An energy that develops when there is inflammation in the tissues, often the result of injury, which causes inflammation to persist longer than it should.

INHERITED EMOTIONS – An emotion passed on to you at the moment of conception which can go back many generations. By releasing this emotion from you, it can also be released back throughout the lineage.

INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM – Serves as a protection barrier between the external environment and the remainder of the body. This section is divided into 3 categories: Skin; Nails; Hair. The integumentary system has a variety of functions; it may serve to waterproof, cushion and protect the deeper tissues, excrete wastes, regulate temperature and is the attachment site for sensory receptors to detect pain, sensation, pressure and temperature. The integumentary system has multiple roles in homeostasis. All body systems work in an interconnected manner to maintain the internal conditions essential to the function of the body. The skin has an important job of protecting the body and acts as the body’s first line of defense against infection, temperature change, and other challenges to homeostasis. Possible diseases and injuries to the human integumentary system include: Rash, Blister, Athlete’s foot, Infection, Sunburn, Skin cancer, Albinism, Acne, Herpes, Cold Sores. Eliminate use of toxic products and irritants for a healthy integumentary system.

INTOLERANCE – An energy that causes the body to have a negative reaction to a food or other element. Most often refers to food intolerances, which cause digestive problems and energy loss when that food is eaten. Food intolerances are much more common that food allergies. The body can develop an intolerance for anything. The most common intolerances are lactose, gluten, nuts, meat, mushrooms, nightshade plants, chemicals & toxins. Symptoms can be fatigue, headache, digestive upset.

INVERSION: (Reverse Polarities – will find under Post-Hypnotic Suggestions) The energy of a negative statement in the subconscious mind desynchronizes the cerebral hemispheres and opens the deep subconscious mind to “suggestion”, similar to being hypnotized. It can come directly through negatively charged entertainment or can be placed into the mind by dark entities when the mind is open and vulnerable. Can result in depression, suicidal tendencies and “inversion” where a person will test positive for negative things and negative for positive things (i.e. good is evil and evil is good). Clear Post-Hypnotic Suggestions and other root causes which can be spirit out of body and memory field imbalance.

ISCHIUM BONE – The ischium unites with the ilium and the pubis to form the hip bone, and the vertical inner wall of this bone constitutes the lateral boundary of the pelvis. The ischium supports the body during sitting.

JUEYIN PERICARDIUM MERIDIAN OF HAND –Jueyin originates from the chest. Emerging, the Lung Meridian of Hand – and the Heart Meridian of Hand – ending in the palm. From there it passes along the middle ringer right down to its tip. Principal Indications: diseases of bosom, cardiovascular system, nervous and mental system and the part the meridian comes by, such as heartache, heart-throb, being perturbed, vomiting, pyrexia, skin ulcer, depression, and pains of elbows and arms etc.

KIDNEYS – Its purpose is to cleanse & filter the blood, regulate blood pressure, create urine and are energy reservoirs. When it malfunctions you may experience back or flank pain, leg pain, swelling in ankles or face, foul or metallic taste, fatigue. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the lower back, mid back, lower rib areas, lower side of the neck.

LARGE INTESTINE MERIDIAN – One of the 12 main meridians. Flow of Yangming (yang brightness) energy. Element: Metal. Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian. Imbalances often affect first the collateral channel, then the meridian, then the related organ. Imbalances in organ, meridian or collateral channel may manifest outwardly in the area of the collateral channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

LEPTIN – A hormone that is thought to suppress appetite and speed up metabolism.

LIGAMENTS – Ligaments connect bone to bone, and are found throughout the body.

LIPOTROPIN – A large polypeptide of the pituitary gland from which endorphins and other endogenous opiates are thought to derive.

LIVER – Its purpose is to support the immune system, cleanse the blood, and detoxify foreign substances & chemicals. When it malfunctions you may experience yellowish skin & eyes, loss of appetite leading to weight loss, swelling under the right lower ribs. The most common symptoms are discomfort between the shoulder blades & right shoulder.

LOWER LEFT 2ND MOLAR MERIDIAN – Connected to the spleen, left side of stomach, esophagus. Symptoms: TMJ, anterior hip/knee, medial ankle.

LOWER LIMB MUSCLES – This section under Muscular Systems is divided into 4 categories: Hip Muscles; Foot Muscles; Thigh Muscles; Leg Muscles.

LOWER LIMB VESSELS – This section under Circulatory Systems is divided into 6 categories: Right Popliteal Artery; Great Saphenous Vein; Femoral Artery; Anterior Tibial Artery; Posterior Tibial Artery; Peroneal Vein.

LUNGS – Oxygenates the blood and eliminates CO2. Symptoms of Imbalance: Discomfort in between the shoulders, discomfort in the ribs or the upper back, asthma, shortness of breath, decreased ability to exercise, a cough that won’t go away, coughing up blood or mucus, pain or discomfort when breathing.

LYMPH NODES – Small organs located throughout the body which are full of white blood cells. They filter pathogens and foreign materials from lymph. They can become swollen during times of infection.

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM – This category under Systems is divided into 7 sections: Thymus; Spleen; Peyers Patch; Lymph Nodes; Bone Marrow; Tonsils and Adenoids; Appendix.

MAGNETIC FIELD DEFICIENCY – A deficiency or imbalance in the body’s magnetic field. Sometimes called MFDS. Caused by a lack of connection with earth’s magnetic field as well as other imbalances on the chart. Scientists say that the Earth’s magnetic field is about 10% weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845.

MALNUTRION – This section under Nutrition & Lifestyle is divided into 2 categories: Spiritual Malnutrition; Physical Malnutrition.

MAMMARY GLANDS – They are responsible for producing milk to sustain the young. Structurally, they are modified sweat glands. About 80% of breast cancers originate in the mammary glands.

manubrium – Broad, upper part of the sternum. Located ventrally with a quadrangular shape, wider superiorly and narrower inferiorly, it articulates with the clavicles and the cartilages of the first pair of ribs.

MEDICAL – This section under Chemicals is divided into 2 categories: Vaccination; Medications. Vaccines contain very toxic components, such as aluminum, formaldehyde and mercury, which are added as ‘adjuvants’ that weaken the organism or preserve the vaccine.

MEMORY FIELD – The energy of memories stored in the energy field (often in front of a person). Present when memories are traumatic or often recalled. It makes it very difficult to move ahead in life.

MENTAL – This section under Energies is divided into 7 categories: Will to Die; Need for T3 Session, No Will to Live; Broadcast Message; Despair Anchor; Images; Memory Field.

MERCURY AMALGAM – Dental filling material that typically contains 50% mercury, the 2nd most toxic material on the planet! Several countries have now banned the use of amalgam fillings. Causes chronic mercury poisoning, resulting in all kinds of physical problems.

METABOLIC WASTE – Refers to the byproducts of all metabolic processes. If the organs of elimination are compromised in any way, or are working less efficiently than they should, metabolic waste can build up in the body. Sometimes after releasing this toxin, the body will want various types of cleanses, such as liver, kidney, etc.

MIASM – Discovered by Hahnemann (homeopathy founder). An inherited distortion of the energy field from a suppressed disease that occurred during an ancestor’s life. It influences the balance of body, mind and spirit. By releasing this energy from you, it was also releases throughout the lineage. There are 7 different miasms.

MICROBIAL TOXICITY – This section under Toxins is divided into 4 categories: Mold; Fungus; Bacteria; Parasites. There are two types of microbial toxicity: 1.) Some pathogens create toxins in their own byproduct of their own metabolism. For example parasites produce uric acid, which often results in muscle pain. 2.) When pathogens die, the release of toxins ensues and is what creates “die-off” symptoms.

Microbiome – Symbiotic and pathogenic microorganisms that literally share our body space. The microbes are generally non-pathogenic (they do not cause disease unless they grow abnormally); they exist in harmony and symbiotically with their hosts. by Charan Surdhar.

MIDDLE EAR BONES – Creates a mechanical connection that conducts sound waves from the eardrum to the labyrinth where the mechanical motions are interpreted by the nervous system as sound.

MISALIGNMENTS – This category is divided into 5 sections: Connective Tissue; Glands; Organs; Systems; Skeleton. When an organ/gland shows up as a misalignment, it is different than a circuitry imbalance, where it will tend to be imbalanced by an energy and with the misalignment, it just needs aligning.

MOLD – An opportunistic organism. A type of fungus, but shows up specifically as mold. Can grow anywhere in the body. Causes a wide variety of symptoms, including joint and muscle pain, fatigue and brain fog. Is difficult to diagnose with regular medical testing. Common causes: Hormone tx; Pregnancy; Antibiotic use; High sugar intake; Diabetes.

MORNING SICKNESS – When there is a disconnection between any part of the pregnant mother and any part of the baby or baby’s support system, it can result in “morning sickness” or nausea for the mother. Multiple different disconnections can occur, address one at a time. This can be a disconnection of the unborn child from the mother or a disconnection of the mother from the unborn child.

MUSCULAR SYSTEM – This section under Systems is divided into 7 categories: Lower Limb Muscles; Upper Limb Muscles; Back Muscles; Thoracic Muscles; Abdominal Muscles; Neck Muscles; Head Muscles.

NECK MUSCLES – This section under Muscular Systems is divided into 2 categories: Anterior Neck Muscles; Posterior Neck Muscles.

NEGATIVE SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEFS – These are stored in the mind body as discrete energies. There are 4 categories: Negative Programming, Limiting Beliefs, Faulty Core Beliefs & Faulty Core Desires. These beliefs can be released energetically and the opposite and positive installed.

NERVOUS SYSTEM – This category under Systems is divided into 2 sections: Central Nervous System; Peripheral Nervous System.

NO WILL TO LIVE – An energy that becomes trapped when life overwhelms us and we lose the desire to live and can occur from even a temporary experience of those feelings. It can cause depression, trouble moving forward, problems with the legs and feet.

NUTRITION & LIFESTYLE – This category is divided into 8 sections: Color Deficiency; Sleep; Outside Needs; Magnetic Field; pH Imbalance; Malnutrition; Foods, Herbs & Nutrients; Dehydration.

Occipital bone – a saucer-shaped membrane bone situated at the back and lower part of the skull, is trapezoidal in shape and curved on itself. It is pierced by a large oval opening, the foramen magnum, through which the cranial cavity communicates with the vertebral canal.

OFFENSIVE ENERGY – This section under Energies, is divided into 5 categories: Curses; Entities; Cording; Post-Hypnotic Suggestions; Saboteur.

ORGANS – This section under Circuits & Systems is divided into 12 categories: Uterus; Stomach; Spleen; Small Intestine; Lungs; Liver; Bladder; Colon; Gallbladder; Heart; Ileocecal Valve; Kidneys.

OUTSIDE NEEDS – This section under Nutrition & Lifestyle is divided into 6 categories: Chiropractic Care; Mental & Emotional Fitness; Physical Needs; Adjunctive Therapy; Energy Techniques. Energy Work.

OVARIES – Its purpose is to produce ova or eggs and to secrete estrogen and progesterone, female hormones. The most common symptom is infertility.

Palatine Facial Bones – The palatine bones are paired bones of the skull that are situated at the back part of the nasal cavity between the maxilla and the pterygoid process of the sphenoid. The palatine bone is a paired structure between the maxilla, sphenoid and pterygoid bones. It is composed of a horizontal plate (forms part of the hard palate), perpendicular plate. The nasal crest present on the horizontal plate. The palatine sinus is present on horizontal plate. The Palatine bone can be affected by infection, facial fractures, trauma and cancer. Various birth defects can also affect this bone and cause a defect in the face of an individual.

PANCREAS – Its purpose is to secrete insulin & other hormones and digestive enzymes. When it malfunctions you may experience indigestion, bloating, discomfort, gas, ulcers. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the mid back, left shoulder, low back, wrist or thumb.

Parasympathetic nervous system – The part of the involuntary nervous system that serves to slow the heart rate, increase intestinal and glandular activity, and relax the sphincter muscles.

PARASITES – Organisms that grow, shelter and feed in the body. Many different strains, ranging from microscopic to large organisms. About 85-90% of people in the US have parasites. Most don’t show up in medical testing. They steal nutrients, invade bodily tissues and create poisonous toxic waste (uric acid.) The most common symptoms are digestive upset, muscle aches, fatigue, anxiety, and rash.

PARATHYROID GLANDS – Four small glands situated at the back of the thyroid gland. Its purpose is to secrete parathyroid hormone and controls the amount of calcium in blood & bones. When it becomes imbalances, you may experience discomfort in the neck or shoulder for either high or low function. Symptoms of Hyperparatyroidism (high function) can be kidney stones, gall stones, fatigue, nausea, bone pain, osteoporosis, and elevated blood calcium levels. Symptoms for Hypoparathyroidism (low function) can be low blood calcium levels, muscle spasms especially in hands & feet, tetany, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, tingling around mouth or extremities.

parietal bones – Bones in the human skull which, when joined together, form the sides and roof of the cranium.

PATHOGENS – This category is divided into 5 sections: Mold; Viral; Parasites; Fungal; Bacterial.

PENETRATING MERIDIAN – One of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians which connects to all other meridians in the body and acts as deep reservoirs that replenish the other meridians and absorbs excess energy from them. The Chong Mai influences flow of energy and blood in whole body, and 12 main meridians. It is associated with major arteries, circulation, kidneys, stomach. When it is imbalanced it can create trouble in the abdomen, female system, gastrointestinal system, heart and circulatory system, depression and spiritual issues.

Pericardium Meridian – Known as the ‘King’s Bodyguard’, the pericardium meridian is the heart’s protector. It is regarded as a Fire-energy organ. The pericardium provides the heart with physical protection – its energy also protects the heart from damage and disruption by excessive emotional energies generated by the other organs, such as anger from the liver, fear from the kidneys, and grief from the lungs. From the starting point a branch of the main channel crosses the chest to emerge just outside the nipple.

It then ascends on the surface around the front of the armpit and flows down the arm, through the biceps muscle. At the elbow crease it passes just to the inside of the biceps tendon, then down the middle of the front of the forearm, between the heart and lung channels to the wrist. It crosses the middle of the palm to PC8 where it divides. The main channel continues to the outer corner of the middle fingernail.

PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM – This category under Nervous Systems is divided into 2 sections: Somatic Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous System.

PEYERS PATCH – Lymph nodes that appear randomly in the lower small intestine.

pH IMBALANCE – Measures the acidity or alkalinity of the body. A pH of 7.3 to 7.5 is healthy for the human body. A pH lower than 7.1 is too acidic. Most people have a too-acid pH because most of our diets encourage acidity in the body. Causes of acid pH: too much meat, sugar, stress, acid foods. Follow these 3 simple steps using pH paper: 1. Wait for 2 hrs after having anything in your mouth. 2. Swallow the saliva in your mouth, and then suck new saliva from below your tongue. Repeat 2 more times. 3. Apply saliva to a piece of pH paper, wait 20 seconds and compare the resulting color to the pH color chart. OR test your pH using via muscle testing! Ask: “Is your body pH too acid?” or “Is your body pH too alkaline?” CORRECTION: To gradually alkalnize: Mix the juice of ½ a fresh lemon into pure water and drink daily. The diet may need to be altered to include more alkaline forming foods and eliminate acid-forming foods. To rapidly alkalinize: Mix a teaspoon of Baking Soda into a glass of water and drink 3 times a day for 2 days. Make any necessary dietary changes.

PHYSICAL ALLERGY – An energy that develops from changes in the way the energy field reacts to the energy of something (i.e. a particular food, cat hair, and dust)

PHYSICAL MALNUTRITION – A group of conditions generally related to poor quality or insufficient quantity of nutrient intake, absorption, or utilization. The two major types of malnutrition: 1.) Protein-energy – results from deficiencies in any or all nutrients normally available; 2.) Micronutrient – results from a deficiency of specific micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, etc.

PHYSICAL to PHYSICAL DISCONNECTION – A breakdown in communication and connection between 2 parts of the physical body (usually in the same immediate area, i.e. 2 different muscles of the left knee.)

PHYSICAL to SPIRIT DISCONNECTION – Any part of the physical body can become disconnected from the spirit body and vice versa and the results can be misalignment, lowered immunity, organ/gland malfunction. This type of disconnection is usually with a certain area of the body.

PHYSICAL TRAUMA ENERGY – An energy that occurs when the body is under extreme or sudden physical stress from receiving an actual physical blow such as from an auto accident, fall, punch, etc.. Usually releases from the body automatically, but may become trapped. Can also be from emotional trauma or event, or extreme and prolonged stress such as illness or from receiving “bad news” and creating and energy thought such as “that hit me like a ton of bricks” and that energy becomes lodged in the body.

PINEAL GLAND – Imbalances with the Pineal Gland can cause insomnia, difficulty planning ahead, eye pain, vision problems. It produces melatonin (sleep aid).

PITUITARY GLAND – Its purpose is to secrete hormones that regulate body balance or “homeostasis”, secrete hormones that influence other glands, growth, blood pressure, aspects of childbirth & pregnancy, production of breast milk, sex organ function in both sexes, thyroid gland function, metabolism, water absorption by the kidneys, temperature regulation. The most common symptoms are hormonal imbalances, dehydration, fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain.

POST-HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS – The energy of a negative statement in the subconscious mind. Repetitive music and video games desynchronize the cerebral hemispheres and open the deep subconscious mind to “suggestion”, similar to being hypnotized. It can come directly through negatively charged entertainment or can be placed into the mind by dark entities when the mind is open and vulnerable. Can result in depression, suicidal tendencies and “inversion” where a person will test positive for negative things and negative for positive things (i.e. good is evil and evil is good). Releasing all post-hypnotic suggestions will correct inversion.

POST-TRAUMATIC – This section under Energies is divided into 4 categories: Psychic Trauma; Physical Trauma; Inflammation; Miasm.

PRE-CONCEPTION Trapped Emotions – Trapped emotions that become lodged in the spirit-body prior to conception. Two types are usually seen: Fear related about impending life on Earth. And Grief related about leaving home with God.

PRIONS – Deformed or mutated protein molecules that wreak havoc in the tissues of the body. These dangerous proteins are usually derived from normal proteins in the body that are then damaged by toxins that can be ingested by consuming tainted meat products and by products.

PROGESTERONE – A hormone that prepares the uterus for the fertilized ovum and maintains pregnancy.

PROLACTIN – An anterior pituitary polypeptide hormone that stimulates lactation by the mammary gland. Also acts in a cytokine-like manner and as an important regulator of the immune system.

PROSTATE GLAND – Its purpose is to produce a thin, zinc-containing opaque secretion (prostatic fluid) that helps to nourish sperm cells and muscular contractions helps to propel ejaculate fluid. When it malfunctions you may experience infertility, pain in the low back, pain in the left hip, decreased urine flow. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the low back & left hip, interrupted sleep due to urination.

PSYCHIC TRAUMA – Occurs when you experience two or more emotions at the same time and that energy becomes lodged in the body. It is possible for the subconscious mind to take this type of energy that is stored in one area of the body and move it to a weaker area of the body, causing a continual imbalance within that area.

PYLORIC SPHINCTER – Is located at the bottom of the stomach and allows food to pass into the small intestine. Imbalance tends to cause indigestion.

RECREATIONAL DRUGS – This section under Toxins is divided into 2 categories: Downers (Alcohol; Heroin; Nitrous Oxide); Hallucinogens (Ketamine; LSD; Marjuana; Mescaline; Mushrooms); Tobacco; Uppers (Amphetamines; Caffeine; Cocaine; Ecstasy).

RELAXIN – A protein hormone which belongs in the insulin superfamily and consists of 7 peptides of high structural but low sequence similarity. Specific disorders related to relaxin have not been described, yet a link to scleroderma and fibromyalgia has been suggested.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM – This section under Systems is divided into 2 categories: Male; Female.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – This section under Systems is divided into 6 categories: Alveoli; Bronchioles; Bronchial Tubes; Lungs; Nose; Trachea.

ROOT CANAL – A dead tooth inhabited by toxic anaerobic bacteria. Cause heart and circulatory diseases, arthritis and rheumatism, diseases of the brain and nervous system, and even cancer. 95% of breast cancers will have corresponding root canal(s) on the same side as the cancer.

ROOT CHAKRA – It’s linked to the uterus. Its purpose is Spiritual: sense of security, Mental: stability, Emotional: sensuality, Physical: sexuality. To sum it up, it controls Instinct, Survival and Potentiality.

SABOTEUR – Energy weapons placed by another person or entity into the energy field or can be self-inflicted in cases of extreme self-abuse. Usually placed subconsciously as a manifestation of ill feeling and there is often symbolism in the type & location of the weapon, including things such as a knife, bullet, rope, chain, etc., which can cause pain & irritation of tissues.

SACRAL CHAKRA – It’s linked to the testes or ovaries. Its functions are Spiritual: Enthusiasm, Mental: Creativity, Emotionally: Joy, Physical: Reproduction. To sum it up, it controls Relationships, Emotional Needs, and Pleasure.

SEVERITY RATINGS – The severity was determined by where the subconscious mind perceives it to be at, which usually means the severity of the underlying imbalances surrounding that complaint, more than where the conscious mind would perceive it to be at.

Shaoyang Sanjiao MERIDIAN OF HAND (Triple Warmer) meridian of the hand – Imbalances often affect first the collateral channel, then the meridian, then the related organ. May manifest outwardly in the area of the collateral channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.). Originates on the tip of the finger – Travels up the arm – Passes and goes across the Gall Bladder Meridian in the shoulder region – A branch goes to the chest and connects with the Percardium Meridian – Then it travels down to the abdomen – A branch originates from the chest – Goes up the neck around the ear to the outside of the eye – Another branch enters the ear and continues to the outer canthus and links up with the Gall Bladder Meridian.

Shaoyang GALBLADDER MERIDIAN OF THE FOOT – One of the 12 main meridians. Imbalances in organ, meridian or collateral channel may manifest outwardly in the area of the collateral channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.) Principal Indications: diseases of the face, head and the five organs, mental diseases, pyrexia and diseases of the part the meridian comes by , such as bitter feeling of the mouth, swimming, headache, chins’ pain, pains of bosom-flanks, gall of upper hollows of collarbones and pains of the lateral aspect of the lower limbs etc..

Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of Foot – Principal Indications : dis-eases of urological system, reproductive system, nervous and mental system, respiratory system, circulatory system, alimentary system and the part the meridian comes by, such as, impotence, irregular menstruation, asthma, diarrhea and the pains of the medial aspect of the lower limbs.

Shaoyin HEART Meridian of THE HAND – The heart is called the ‘King’ of the organs. The Internal Medicine Classic states: ‘The heart commands all of the organs and viscera, houses the spirit, and controls the emotions.’ When the heart is strong and steady, it controls the emotions; when it is weak and wavering, the emotions rebel and prey upon the heart mind, which then loses its command over the body. Shaoyin heart meridian of hand starts from the heart, emerges from and spreads over the heart system, then going downwards through the diaphragm to link with the small intestine. The branch from the heart system runs alongside the esophagus to join the eye system. The straight branch from the heart system ascends through the lung and then turns downwards, emerging from the axillary fossa. From there, it runs along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the upper limb and passes through the cubital fossa to the pisiform bone proximal to the palm and finally enters the palm, where it reaches the radial tip of the little finger to link with taiyang small intestine of hand.

SHIELDING – Since everything is energy, it’s easy to pick up someone else’s energy. Often times, we sense that energy when someone enters our own personal space. A program can be placed into the subconscious to help protect the individual such as: “I’m placing a shield around you. This shield is permanent. It will let positive energy in, and let positive energy out. Negative energy will not be allowed in, but can be released.” Once programmed, sometimes the shield comes down at night for some reason or other when we sleep – so it’s recommended to do shielding on yourself every morning when you wake up before you go out into the world. It can be really quick, by just holding the intention of: “Shields Up”.

SIX PERNICIOUS INFLUENCES – Chinese medicine recognizes six “pernicious influences” which may create imbalances in the body, which are cold, summer heat, wind dryness, heat, and dampness. Excesses of any of these 6 types of energy may enter the body through foods, the skin, or the acupuncture system, and create imbalance.

Wind stirs the body into agitation, causing too much motion. It first begins to affect the organs that have access to the external world, such as the skin, air passages, and face. Symptoms include congested or runny nose, twitches and tics, and quickly spreading rashes. If Wind makes its way inside the body, it may cause convulsions, seizures and dizziness. Wind often goes hand in hand with Cold.
Cold inhibits the blood flow as well as the movement of Qi within the body. A person with Cold is often fatigued and has a tendency to oversleep, feels cumbersome in his or her own body, and looks pale and weak. They are prone to acute illnesses such as colds and coughs, chills, body aches and flu.
Heat often arises from overexertion that is nonetheless followed by hyperactivity. It is like an adrenaline rush after a competitive athletic event. It often causes an elevated heart rate, redness in the face, dehydration and thirst. When heat penetrates further, it can attack the Shen, or the spirit, and cause delirium.
Summer Heat is different from Heat in that it causes the opposite effect; extreme lethargy instead of hyperactivity. Often this is due to even higher levels of heat, resulting in heavy sweat, high fever and dizziness. When it is accompanied by Dampness, the person may become nauseated and vomit.
Dampness is a heavy influence that settles in the body and may take a long time to treat. It creates buildup and stagnation. Symptoms include greasy face and hair, acne and pustules, body odor, bloating and diarrhea. If it invades the Shen, emotional imbalance may result, causing erratic behavior and insanity.
Dryness often accompanies Heat. It causes dehydration and may be due to an arid climate or smoking. A person experiencing Dryness will have dry skin, hair, eyes and lips. They may be asthmatic or have other respiratory problems such as dry hacking cough or phlegm.

SKELETAL SYSTEM – This section under Systems is divided into 2 categories: Connective Tissue; Skeleton.

SKELETON – This category from the Misalignments section is divided into 2 parts: Appendicular Skeleton; Axial Skeleton.

SKIN – This section under Integumentary System is divided into 3 categories: Epidermis; Dermis; Hypodermis.

SLEEP – A restful state in which healing takes place at an accelerated rate. Sometimes there are imbalances that interfere with normal, deep sleep.

SMALL INTESTINE – Its purpose is to absorb nutrients. When it malfunctions you may experience bloating & pain, gas, diarrhea, nausea. The most common symptoms are pain in the low back and knees.

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – It’s linked to the pancreas. Its purpose is Spiritual: growth, Mental: personal power, Emotional: expansiveness, Physical: digestion. To sum it up it controls Personal Power, Growth of Self and Introversion.

SOMATIC NERVOUS SYSTEM – It is part of the Peripheral Nervous System. It’s responsible for carrying information from the spinal cord and brain to the rest of the body and vice versa (2 way communication.)

Sphenoid Bone – A bone of the cranium. It is situated in the middle of the skull towards the front – in front of the temporal bone and basilar part of the occipital bone. The sphenoid bone is one of the seven bones that articulate to form the orbit. Its shape somewhat resembles that of a butterfly or bat with its wings extended. Many foramina and fissures are located in the sphenoid that carry nerves and blood vessels of the head and neck. Until the seventh or eighth month of fetal development, the body of the sphenoid consists of two parts. In the first year after birth the great wings and body unite. By the twenty-fifth year the sphenoid and occipital are completely fused.

SPIRIT OUT OF BODY DISCONNECTION – Spirit may actually become dislodged from physical body due to physical trauma such as a fall, car accident or other injury or from intense emotional stress, combat, torture, etc. This type of disconnection is with the entire body.

SPIRIT to PHYSICAL DISCONNECTION – Any part of the physical body can become disconnected from the spirit body and vice versa and the results can be misalignment, lowered immunity, organ/gland malfunction. This type of disconnection is usually with a certain area of the body.

SPIRIT to SPIRIT DISCONNECTION – A break or tear in the spirit or energy body. Usually affects the heart, but can affect other body parts or the whole spiritual body.

SPIRITUAL MALNUTRITION – A condition caused by lack of spiritual “food”. Our testing shows that around the world, roughly: 53% of people are in a state of spiritual starvation; 32% are in a state of spiritual malnourishment; The remaining 15% of people are feeding their spirits regularly enough that they can be considered spiritually well-nourished.

SPLEEN – It purpose is to dispose of old red blood cells, control important immune functions, reservoir of blood. When it becomes imbalanced you may experience: Discomfort in the mid back & left shoulder, Lowered immunity, Pain in the upper left abdomen, Repeated bouts of infection, Excessive bleeding, Anemia, Dizziness, Fatigue, Headaches.

STOMACH – Its purpose is to secrete protein-digesting enzymes, hydrochloric acid and mucous and churn swallowed food to begin the digestion process. The most common symptoms of imbalance are: discomfort in the neck, shoulder area & elbow or wrist; hiatal hernia; acid reflux; stomach pain; ulcers; bloating & gas; diarrhea or constipation.

STOMACH SPHINCTERS – This category under Digestive Systems is divided into 2 sections: Cardiac Sphincter; Pyloric Sphincter. Cardiac Sphincter is at the top of the stomach that keeps food in. Imbalance tends to cause acid reflux/heartburn. Pyloric Sphincter is at the bottom of the stomach that allows food to pass into the small intestine. Imbalance tends to cause indigestion.

STRESS HORMONES – Adrenaline and cortisol are considered to be the “stress hormones” of the body, and can be produced in excess during difficult times, becoming toxic to the body. Vigorous physical exercise will also clear these toxic hormones from the tissues.

SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM – The division of the autonomic nervous system that takes over during “Fight or Flight” reaction, panic, fear, high levels of activity, etc.

SYSTEMS – This section under Circuits & Systems is divided into 12 categories: Integumentary System; Urinary System; Skeletal System; Muscular System; Respiratory System; Reproductive System; Circulatory System; Digestive System; Endocrine System; Immune System; Lymphatic System; Nervous System.

TAIYIN SPLEEN MERIDIAN – Flow of Taiyin (greater yin) Energy. Element: Earth. Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian. Imbalances often affect first the collateral channel, then the meridian, then the related organ. Imbalances in organ, meridian or collateral channel may manifest outwardly in the area of the collateral channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Taiyin Spleen Meridian of Foot – It starts from medial side of big toe, passes medial side of legs, and stops in chest. 21 points on each side, 11 of them distribute at medial side of lower limbs, and 10 of them distribute in abdomen and lateral thoracic. Actions: preventing and alleviating digestive system and urogenital system diseases, as well as local diseases of the passing route. In Chinese medicine, the function of the spleen organ-energy system includes the pancreas. Called the ‘Minister of the Granary’, the spleen and pancreas control extraction and assimilation of nutrients from food and fluids by providing the digestive enzymes and energy required by the stomach and small intestine. They regulate the quantity and quality of blood in circulation and coordinate with the kidneys to control fluid balance throughout the system. Spleen energy commands extraction of energy from stomach to lungs, where it is blended with energy from air to form True Human Energy. The spleen directly influences and is reflected by the tone and condition of muscle tissue. Weak limbs and muscular atrophy are indications of deficient spleen energy.

Taiyang BLADDER Meridian of THE FOOT – The bladder meridian is one of the longest in the 14 meridians. It directly affects the discharge of toxins of our body. If this meridian is imbalanced, symptoms will appear like headache, sensation of a heavy head, muscular soreness, dull facial skin, tinnitus, fatigue, poor mental state etc. Pain along the meridian pathway such as in the axilla (armpit), chest, lower chest, buttocks and the lateral side of the lower limbs can also indicate an imbalance in this meridian. Other indications: Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for ailments of the eyes, ears, pharynx (throat), and lateral side of the head in addition to mental illness and fever.

Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of Hand – Known as the ‘Minister of Reception’, the small intestine receives partially digested food from the stomach and further refines it, separating ‘the pure from the impure’, then assimilating the purified nutrients and moving the impure wastes onwards to the large intestine for elimination. Associated with the heart, the small intestine controls the more basic emotions, as reflected in the Chinese term duan chang (‘broken intestines’), which is equivalent to the English term ‘broken heart’. Its energy meridian runs into the head, where it influences the function of the pituitary gland, the ‘master gland’ whose secretions regulate growth, metabolism, immunity, sexuality, and the entire endocrine system.

temporal bones – Either of a pair of compound bones forming the sides and base of the skull forming part of the sides and base of the skull: they surround the organs of hearing.

TENDONS – Tendons connect muscle to bone, and are found on both ends of every muscle in the body.

TESTICLES – Part of the male reproductive system. Produce sperm. Produce male hormones, especially testosterone.

THORACIC CIRCULATION- This section under Circulatory Systems is divided into 7 categories: Left Subclavian Artery; Right Subclavian Artery; Intercostal Arteries; Aortic Arch; Heart Circulation; Left Pulmonary Artery; Right Pulmonary Artery; Right Pulmonary Artery.

THORACIC MUSCLES – This section under Muscular Systems is divided into 5 categories: Serratus Anterior; Intercostal Muscles; Diaphragm; Pectoralis Minor; Pectoralis Major.

THOUGHT OR IDEA ALLERGY – All allergies are about energy, and you can literally be allergic to anything at all, including a though, since a thought is really energy, too.

THROAT CHAKRA – It’s linked to the thyroid gland and its purpose is Spiritual: sense of security, Mental: fluent thought, Emotional: independence, Physical: communication. To sum it up, it controls Communication and Speaking Your Truth.

THYMUS GLAND – A gland that sits on top of the heart, helps T-Cells to mature, helps protect against autoimmune disease. When it becomes imbalanced you may experience discomfort in the shoulder, lowered immunity, autoimmune problems.

THYROID GLAND – Its purpose is to secrete hormones and control metabolism & blood calcium. The most common symptoms are lack of energy, feeling lethargic, weight gain while eating the same or less, and discomfort in the shoulder, wrist or elbow.

Tomatoes Provide: Lycopene which prevents damage to the cells causing cancers of many types; Vitamin C to help protect us from free radicals; Vitamin A to improve eyesight & strengthen immunity; Niacin which lowers cholesterol and triglycerides; Potassium for nerve function & strength for muscles; Chromium to lower blood sugar levels; Tomato juice helps with blood clotting; Vitamin K for bone health.

TONSILS & ADENOIDS – The body’s first line of defense against pathogens that enter the body via nose or mouth. Lymph nodes in the throat and behind the nose.

TOXICITY from MEDICATIONS – Nearly all medications are toxic, particularly to the liver and kidneys. The breakdown products of medications may stay in the body for life unless discovered and released energetically. Like all toxins, these will tend to be found in the liver or kidneys or the fat layers.

TOXINS – This category is divided into 7 sections: Dental Toxicity; Microbial; Prions; Chemicals; Heavy Metals; Excesses; EM Spectrum.

TWELVE STANDARD MERIDIANS – Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot; Taiyang Bladder Meridian of Foot; Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian of Foot; Jueyin Liver Meridian of Foot; Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of Foot; Taiyin Spleen Meridian of Foot; Taiyin Lung Meridian of Hand; Shaoyin Heart Meridian of Hand; Jueyin Pericardium Meridian of Hand; Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian of Hand; Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of Hand; Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand.

UPPER LIMB MUSCLES – This section under Muscular Systems is divided into 4 categories: Shoulder Muscles; Forearm Mucsles; Hand Muscles; Upper Arm Muscles.

UPPER LIMB VESSELS – This section under Circulatory Systems is divided into 3 categories: Basilar Vein; Brachial Artery; Radial Artery.

URETERS – The ureters are tube shaped organs whose main function is to deliver urine from the kidneys downward to the urinary bladder. They have a funnel shaped area at the top where they connect to the kidneys called the renal pelvis.

URETHRA – The urethra is a tube connected to the bladder. Urine is held in the bladder until it becomes full and then it travels through the urethral opening to be released from the body. Its anatomy is different in men and women. In men, the urethra is part of the reproductive system. Located in the penis, it transports urine and semen from the body. In women, it is not part of the female reproductive system. Instead, it is located above the opening of the vagina, within the labia minora. Its only purpose in women is to serve as an exit site for urine.

URINARY SYSTEM – This section under Systems is divided into 4 categories: Urethra; Bladder; Ureters; Kidneys.

UTERUS – Its purpose is to provide growth environment for Fetus. When it malfunctions you may experience infertility, pain in the low back & left hip. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the low back, lower abdomen, during or after intercourse, left hip.

VAGINA – The vagina is a muscular sheath that facilitates both sexual intercourse and childbirth.

VACCINATIONS – Vaccines contain very toxic components, such as aluminum, formaldehyde and mercury, which are added as ‘adjuvants’ that weaken the organism or preserve the vaccine.

VIRAL – Extremely small (1/100th bacterial size). Common viruses: Flu; Common Cold; Herpes, etc.

VRM2 – It is a source of the vermifuges that influence the very small or microscopic nematodes found in the tissues and organs throughout the entire body. Don’t use when pregnant, nursing or for children under 8 (eight). INGREDIENTS: Black Walnut Husks; Wormseed Herb; Kamala; Quassia Chips; Bromelain Enzyme; Bethyl Nut. $26 –

Cautions: This is a cleansing program. Rare cases aching may result – take Epson salt bath. Rash may develop as parasites are released – baking soda bath. Temporarily may cause loose stools. Do not eat beef or pork while on this program. Fish and poultry may be eaten in moderation during breakfast and lunch. There needs to be 3 hrs apart from any protein meal. Take at night. 1-3 capsules at bedtime for 10 days and then wait 5 days and then start the cycle over again. Do not begin this program unless the person plans to complete it entirely. If abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, or other signs of appendicitis are present do not start using any VRM formula.

WILL TO DIE ENERGY – Sometimes we wish we were dead and can be due to different circumstances, even extreme embarrassment. The energy of this feeling, even if it is just for a second, can become lodged in the body and create continual imbalance.

xiphoid process – The xiphoid process is considered to be at the level of the 9th thoracic vertebra and the T6 dermatome. In newborn babies and young (especially slender) infants, the tip of the xiphoid process may be both seen and felt as a lump just below the sternal notch. By age 15 to 29, the xiphoid usually fuses to the body of the sternum with a fibrous joint.

YANG HEEL MERIDIAN – One of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians which connects to all other meridians in the body and acts as deep reservoirs that replenish the other meridians and absorbs excess energy from them. The Yang Heel Meridian influences the balance of yin and yang, and the ascent of fluids and the descent of energy. Associated with the bladder meridian. Imbalance creates visual disorders, insomnia, trouble walking, lower limb trouble, epilepsy with seizures.

YANG LINKING MERIDIAN – One of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians which connects to all other meridians in the body and acts as deep reservoirs that replenish the other meridians and absorbs excess energy from them. The Yang Linking Meridian influences balance of 12 Main Yang Meridians and is associated with the Shaoyang Meridians. An imbalance creates lack of energy, chills, fever, and lower back pain.

YANGMING LARGE INTESTINE MERIDIAN OF HAND – One of the 12 standard meridians and helps the flow of Yangming (yang brightness) energy. Imbalances often affect first the collateral channel, then the meridian, then the related organ. Imbalances in organ, meridian or collateral channel may manifest outwardly in the area of the collateral channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand starts from the radial tip of the index finger and runs upwards along the anterior border of the lateral side of the upper limb to the shoulder, and emerges from the anterior edge of the acromion, where it goes back to the seventh cervical vertebra. Then descending, from the supraclavicular fossa, it enters the thoracic cavity to link with the lung. Passing through the diaphragm, it enters the large intestine to which it pertains. Its branch goes up from the supraclavicular fossa and passes through the neck to the cheek, entering the gums of the lower teeth. Then, it curves around the upper lip and crosses the opposite meridian at the philtrum and upward to the opposite nosewing to connect with Yangming stomach meridian of foot.

YANGMING STOMACH MERIDIAN OF THE FOOT – One of the 12 main meridians. Starts from the end of the Large Intestine Meridian and terminates at the lateral side of the tip of second toe. Another branch emerges from the top of the foot and ends at the big toe to connect with the Spleen Meridian. Symptoms: Stomach Meridian disorders have symptoms of stomachache, rapid digestion, hunger, nausea and vomiting, or thirst. Other symptoms that relate to disorders along the meridian pathway include abdominal distension, ascites (a fluid build up in the abdomen), sore throat, nosebleeds, or pain in the chest or knee. Main indications: Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for certain gastro enteric diseases, toothaches and mental illnesses.

YIN LINKING MERIDIAN – One of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians which connects to all other meridians in the body and acts as deep reservoirs that replenish the other meridians and absorbs excess energy from them. The Yin Wei Mai influences balance of yin meridians. It is associated with the Leg Taiyin & Arm Jueyin Meridians. When it is imbalanced it can create trouble with blood circulation, depression, headaches, chest pain, gastric pain, and loss of willpower.

YIN HEEL MERIDIAN – One of the 8 extra ordinary meridians, which connects to all other meridians in the body. They act as deep reservoirs that replenish the other meridians and absorb excess energy from them. It influences the balance of yin and yang, and the ascent of fluids and the descent of energy. Imbalance creates cold, weakness or numbness in the lower limbs, lumbar imbalance, digestive issues, urogenital problems, respiratory issues, excessive sleepiness, eye issues, hot flashes, lower abdominal pain.

YUCCA ROOT – Reduces Inflammation. Yucca root contains an active compound called steroidal saponin. This compound has been shown to reduce the stiffness, pain and swelling associated with conditions such as bursitis, gout, arthritis and rheumatism. Studies have not yet proven how much yucca is necessary to attain these benefits, although people have reported relief from pain associated with these diseases.

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***