Overcoming Trauma and Abuse

Overcoming Trauma:

I lead a webinar February 9 2023. Sign up in site to view replay. https://www.healersresource.com/

Season 9 Episode 6. Topic: Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse

There is no charge for access, although you do have to create an account (also free) and you will receive a notice that you made a purchase (for nothing).
Thank you so much to Tom Heintz for the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse on his MindMaster webinars platform.


Whether you stumbled upon this page inadvertently, or you purposely came here to check out what I have to say because you may or may not have a similar experience buried in the recesses of your past… Big Ladybug Hugs!! and kudos to you on being curious enough to read on and to do your part in healing your own past and/ or assisting others to heal their past as well.

“A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl.” Stephan Hoeller

Did you know my back story is childhood sexual abuse? My YouTube channel has my published story, and a video about overcoming childhood abuse. The Secret Survivors book mentioned there has more information in this page: https://ladybugwellness.ca/survivor-checklist/

Note to therapists and survivors: Some items on this list are strongly associated with childhood sexual abuse; however, over 25 items should be identified before incest is suspected. Proceed with caution!  Survivors and partners, be gentle with yourselves and each other.

Disclaimer: I am not a counselor nor am I a medical professional in this area. However, I have a lot of personal experience and many certifications and trainings in energy healing modalities and psychology which I have found effective in healing my own past and overcoming PTSD. I now use this knowledge to assist my clients in overcoming trauma of all kinds.

To clarify: just because the after effects listed come up for clients does not mean they have suffered childhood sexual abuse particularly. The information in the Secret Survivors book, in my opinion, can be relevant for any kind of personal violation, bullying, alcoholism, addictions, or physical, mental, emotional abuses.

I had gone to see many counselors in years past. While talk therapy has its place in the healing process, quite honestly it didn’t help me much at all other than to stir up old wounds and to confuse me even more. The Secret Survivors book is written by a clinical psychologist and it helped me more than any counselor ever did. It made sense of my past experiences and how those experiences carried forward to affect my present life. It explains how trauma disrupts normal human development and creates coping skills at the time of trauma that can cause issues later in life.

I highly recommend this book to everyone!

When working with a client, I go wherever I am intuitively led in all my charts and information. In my experience, depression, addiction etc often has some sort of deep personal violation and or ancestral trauma as the root issues. The after effects list can be indicators of childhood sexual abuse IF there are many of the 37 issues listed presenting as concerns. Otherwise these after effects can be “normal” coping reactions to any kind of abuse or violation.

It was only when I learned about energy healing that I was finally able to put this horrid past into the past and leave it behind. I have brought forward many life lessons that I have turned into my gift of assisting others. I had endured nightmares for 20+ years of my life. Many triggers that were very real and painful at the time now seem irrational and nonsensical. If you have triggers that are affecting your well being, I invite you to book a energy balancing session to find lasting relief from those upsets.

We attract what we need to heal and I have many clients who at some point reveal (or some don’t, but it comes up) childhood abuses. I have actually used the above checklist in sessions with certain clients whether abuse is an outright concern or not. Quite interesting what comes up that way when we target particular but seemingly unrelated issues.

All that said, I am not sure if it is because of my own past or that childhood abuse is actually as prevalent and common as it seems, but “miasm sexual abuse” and/ or other abuses seem to come up for almost everyone I work with at some point. It is often a family pattern. When we look at world history, there is a lot of inhumane and nasty stuff that our ancestors endured. We are all healing ancestral trauma in this lifetime. Our DNA can carry memories which means that some people may not have endured abuse, yet they suffer the after effects in some way until the ancestral trauma is addressed.
Remember that the subconscious mind is very literal in what it perceives. What I have learned in working with clients is that when “miasm sexual abuse” comes up, it may not be an experience the client has personally had, but a point in their life when a seemingly innocent event triggered an ancestral memory and has come up to be cleared. 

How many sessions do you need to heal past trauma?
I honestly cannot give an answer on that because even after all my years of healing, I occasionally find some imbalances related to my 6 year old self that will come up. However, I can tell you that I feel absolutely NO emotional connection or charge to that past. Unless someone brings up something similar, it is like I have forgotten many details. Everyone is unique in their own healing journey though.

Suggestion: write out in a private journal all your experiences, then save it away. This is what I did in 2009. A therapeutic release. I did share my writing with my sister, baring my soul and shame. Her words: “That’s f*cking disturbing”.
I think it was 2012, a few years into my targeted healing that I pulled out that writing and revisited it. It was like reading someone else’s story. Nothing there in emotional charge, yet previously it was always in the forefront of my mind and always triggered.

Personally I had had 4 separate experiences. I had always thought the 6 year old rape was the worst, but no, when I read the Secret Survivors book, I realized that the molestation experience with my father was way worse in messing up my mind. (BTW, “final words with my father” is in this website as well). I know too well the walking on eggshells feeling. The experiences with family friends I had always thought were menial, yet I finally understood that no matter the source of abuse and/ or personal violation, every experience can elicit a range of after effects and resulting energetic imbalances.

I always have hope for my clients, and I do have experience in saying that I have overcome my past, all the nightmares, and shame. I trust completely that you and others can come to this same point of leaving that past in the past where it belongs. Further, my website is full of encouragement and inspiration related to this kind of past trauma. You may get to a point as I have in turning all that past into the key to your future life purpose.

One more thing… I remember one fellow I worked with:
At the end of a session he said “and only another 3650 days…”. This confused me. Previously, I had explained to him that at that point I had spent 10 years healing myself. He thought it would take him that long as well. Nope. I learned and healed and stumbled along my way in gaining my knowledge and wisdom. A chisel to a mountain. For him and other clients, I have a toolbox of experience and I take a wrecking ball to that mountain now, gently of course.

Also note, that our subconscious is very literal in interpretation and perspective. In my charts, I have words such as “child abuse”, “brain damage”, and “murder”. These can be quite shocking words at face value. However, in energy healing, I have had these terms come up in various cases of extremely varying degrees.

“Child abuse” can come up related to anything from an inadvertent mishap such as a toddler tripping over their own feet. Or, yes, it can mean a more extreme situation. I had one case where a caregiver witnessed a young child hooked up to necessary medical equipment but the image was perceived as “child abuse”.

I have seen “brain damage” come up for anything from bumping your head on the kitchen cupboard, to a serious accident causing injury to the skull.

I have seen “murder” come up in situations where someone was so embarrassed they thought “I could have just died”.

For any words and terminology that may come up in sessions, I can give a general explanation but ultimately how these words apply will always be unique to your own experiences and interpretation. Bringing up any of these words also does not mean you will have to confirm or share details. I know nothing other than words that come up.

Thank you for reading thus far. An important point to mention: You will never have to reveal deep dark secrets or re-live your experiences. This is the beautiful thing with energy healing. We can find and release imbalances without knowing the details.

If you would like to experience the freedom of lifting yourself out of all this dark dense lower vibration energy, please book in a General Energy Clearing session or other session of your choice.

I invite you to see all that past darkness as a source of creation, a seed planted that can now blossom into the light of a wonderful new lease on life. You’re worth it!

I am honored to work with you in overcoming past trauma to create a much brighter future. Ladybug Hugs!!

Schedule an appointment: https://ladybugwellness.as.me/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5BqgHH_Jeva_mVdI7xo0qQ

Ladybug Wellness
Published by Jackie Rioux
February 25 2020

Good question: What is behind stomach issues??
My somewhat educated yet bluntly experienced reply:
The most basic helpful thing I have learned in all my time:
You have a flight/fight response. It is a necessary system to get you out of danger if and when ever needed. The thing with this response is that it shuts down your digestion so your energy can focus on dealing with the situation at hand.
Again, this is the way it is supposed to work.
However, if you have had too much stress or traumas or whatever that has made this response activate, your digestion is going to get imbalanced. You have to keep eating for fuel, but digestion is not working at full capacity so imbalances occur.
When this keeps happening over and over, that response of fight or flight “gets broken” and stays in the “on” position, meaning you get high anxiety “flight mode”.
And, all sorts of digestive issues. Then, to add to the problem, your stomach is your second brain and source of fuel. When that is not working right, all the messages meant to go to your brain get muddled.
from there, you can deduce all the other imbalances that happen as well. So the key to correcting all this, is to target whatever upsets caused the stomach imbalances, and get your stomach working properly. Next, sleep time is healing time and circadian rhythm needs to be balanced so you can sleep properly and give your body the best chance to heal from the root issues going on.
I see this allll the time in my clients. Yes it all can be balanced and all sorts of positive shifts start happening. Give your body the tools it needs in facilitating balanced energy at the initial root issues and your body has a boost towards healing itself!


Below is a copy pasted post I came across back in May 2020. I’ve taken psychology and read books and dealt with trauma myself but never had these symptoms described quite like this.
I personally I have dealt with every single one of these. In short terms it is a mental break of not being able to cope with trauma, being over stressed and stuck.
This is also exactly what I overcame through all the energy balancing techniques I do now.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact me. I can show you how to make these symptoms go away

I have struggled with every single thing on this list, so if any of you are experiencing these things for the first time because your mental health is declining due to the shitty state of the world and the necessity to sit inside with your thoughts, you can come to me and I have techniques to help you cope.

“Weird and lesser known mental health related problems that some of you may be experiencing for the first time cause of this traumatic situation and not recognizing as mental health symptoms cause normally you’re not so traumatized:
-memory loss and memory issues, especially short term, and a distorted sense of time
-executive dysfunction. If you don’t know the term, I like to think of it as the human version of buffering. It’s when you sit there and think “I need to get up and do the dishes” and then you sit there. And sit there. And sit there. And you think over and over “get up and do the dishes” as hard as you can, but you don’t, your body just doesn’t listen to you, like a slow computer trying over and over to load a page and failing. That’s not laziness, that’s a mental health symptom.
-confusion and brain fog (and even slight dizziness and balance issues as well)
-sleeping too much or too little
-feeling nauseous all the time/not being interested in food even if you’re hungry
-on a similar note “forgetting” to eat or shower or pee, etc. I put it in quotes because what’s really happening isn’t a memory issue: instead, you’re not getting the cues from your body asking for food or water or hygiene or the bathroom. I haven’t quite figured out whether the “I need this” signals aren’t being sent or aren’t being received, although I’d be willing to bet it’s the second, but either way it results in the slightly oversimplified “forgetting” to take care of yourself because you can’t hear your body asking for its basic needs, and you’re instinctively used to the reminders. (It’s a LITTLE like how we don’t have to think about breathing because our bodies naturally remind us every few seconds that we need more air. If somehow those “I need air” signals weren’t getting where they needed to go, we would not be used to consciously thinking about when to breathe.)
-the “bell jar” feeling, or as it’s otherwise known, dissociation, where you feel like somehow there’s glass between you and everything and everyone else in the whole world, and it takes a lot of effort to engage with anything outside yourself. It’s not a sad feeling in and of itself- it has no flavor, it’s just exhausting.
-intrusive thoughts. These are thought loops you get stuck in, usually bad ones, and they’re easy to miss the signs of in traumatic times. If you notice yourself just irresistibly cycling through a sequence of bad thoughts that you don’t want to have, that’s an intrusive thought pattern.
-inability to make decisions, even small ones (resulting in disproportionately intense distress if you try to force yourself)
-shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Yes, really.
-auditory processing issues- staring at someone for a good 10 seconds after they speak just trying to make your brain decipher what they said, or missing what someone said entirely multiple times, even though you could hear them perfectly well, or being unable to separate a conversation you’re having from the background noise of a television in the other room, sometimes to the point where you can’t finish your own sentences because the combination of sounds is distracting you.
-on that subject, also finding sounds** and sensations more annoying and intolerable than usual- forks scraping, plastic bags rustling in the breeze from a fan, birds outside, etc. The way to really recognize this one is that it’s not even just annoyance, it’s an instant knee jerk reaction of distress and rage, and your brain can’t fully function until you make the sound stop somehow. (**interestingly, this category INCLUDES silence) That goes for sensations as well: getting suddenly negatively overwhelmed by being touched, or having tags in your clothes or scratchy fabrics bother you to the point where you can’t think.”

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***