GRIT | Who is Ryan Fletcher? | Behind the scenes of Story Athlete GRIT

Who is Ryan Fletcher? | Behind the scenes of Story Athlete GRIT

November 2021: Jackie: In April of 2020 I joined Story Athlete, not having a clue what I was getting into. I have continued to renew my membership because this is the best program and support community ever! My tribe inside are the reason that I have progressed so much in my personal and business life. This page is to introduce you to my favorite Pace Car, Ryan Fletcher, the Founder of Story Athlete. 

See Jackie’s daily context writings here:


The Story Athlete Way is also known as, “The Way of the Heroic Self.” It is not a fitness program. This is a program for people who keep quitting on themselves. Lesser Self vs. Heroic Self.

“If I’m a weak foundation, I can’t possibly build a strong Business, Life, or Family. And a weak foundation is the person who lacks GRIT, has a Default-NO mindset, and is dominated by the Lesser Self. Time to change that.” ~ Story Athlete GRIT

THIS COMMUNITY Is One Of The Most Transformative Programs Ever Devised.

Hard(er) To Kill; Mentally, Physically, Financially
Story Athlete GRIT: The Destruction of the Lesser Self. 28 days of Transformation.
“I am defined by the story I tell myself. I play the game of IODs (Impact of the Day). I travel the 1% journey. I am on a mission to defeat my lesser self. I choose to live a challenge-based life. I am becoming harder to kill every day. I AM A STORY ATHLETE.

Story Athlete is the community, GRIT is the monthly game challenge.
Join me in the next monthly challenge of GRIT! Go Here: :

Ryan wrote a book!  The Code of the Heroic Self. Get yours free, just pay shipping:

The following are a few posts from Ryan Fletcher himself to show you how Story Athlete started.

January 23 2022
CONTEXT: “I Am An Athlete…” –> The reason I named my company StoryAthlete, Story = the sport, Athlete = Elite performance, is because I believed that “behaving as an athlete” is what makes a person successful. Stories create Beliefs. Beliefs decide Behaviors. Behaviors determine Actions. Actions are what dictate our Results. You can be a mental athlete. You can be a physical athlete. You can be a spiritual athlete. It doesn’t matter. Athletes are focused on greatness. Athletes are focused on improvement. Athletes train with focus and intensity. There is always a clear goal and definite-ness of purpose. Athletes seek out coaches and mentors. Athletes maximize their improvement by designing a deliberate regimen. Ask any athlete, at the top of their game, practice alone doesn’t create greatness. Only proper practice creates greatness. Lots of non-athletes, practice all the wrong things. These folks are called amateurs or hobbyists. Certainly, they are not professional athletes. They don’t think like it. They don’t train like it. Not all athletes, though, are great performers, either. That is the myth. There are lots of folks, with “natural ability,” that perform better than athletes. So, what is an athlete really? It’s the person who deliberately strives to maximize his potential, through a strategically designed feedback-based regimen that aims to achieve a defined outcome. If you’re striving to improve your speed, then you would execute a regimen designed specifically to achieve that objective. If you were striving to become a great storyteller, you would execute a regimen designed to strategically achieve that objective. There would be protocols to follow and feedback mechanisms. There would be a scoreboard and metrics to keep track of. Athletes measure progress. Athletes track performance and inefficiencies. An athlete, in his quest to maximize his performance, in order to reach his potential, tracks everything. Athlete = Elite Performance. This singular mindset and corresponding behaviors, that make this objective possible, is what separates the amateur or hobbyist who isn’t striving to maximize his potential, from the athlete. A true athlete is a person who strives to squeeze every last ounce of juice out of his potential. And when you do this, you never have to ask, “What if…” For this reason, at the end of their lives, most people have regrets. I could have done better. I could have been better. Because, while they knew they had inside of them the potential of greatness, they never trained to maximize it. I assure you, that won’t be me.

Ryan Fletcher
April 20 2020
Does Being Physically Fit Make You A Better Father?
For years, I didn’t believe that being in good physical shape mattered.
My name is Ryan Fletcher.
I have two kids.
I’m 38.
This is the tale of two fathers. One man.
My story goes like this:
• I married my high school girlfriend at 24
• We started our life together
• I was deadset on succeeding in business
• At 26, I moved 3,000 miles away, from Vancouver, WA, to Delray Beach, FL, for the opportunity to study with the best direct-response marketing company in the world
• At 28, my wife (Melanie) got pregnant with our first child
• In 2009, our son Jackson was born
• That fall, to be closer to family, we moved back to Vancouver, WA
• In 2010, I started my company
• My obsession was to grow that business to 7-figures
• I failed in year 1
• I failed in year 2
• I failed in year 3
• I started to question and doubt my abilities
• So, I doubled down on business
• In 2012, my daughter Zoey was born
• Melanie raised our kids while I worked
• In year 4, I failed again
• I continued to focus on business
• No work-life balance
• I neglected my health
• I got fatter and fatter
• My pants went from a size 36 to 40-inch waist
• Putting on my socks became a chore
• I started to hate stairs
• At the pool, I didn’t want to take off my shirt
• My kids were 4 and 7, at this point
• Jackson would ask me, “Dad, do you want to play basketball?”
• “Dad, do you want to wrestle?”
• Zoey would ask me, “Dad, do you want to play soccer?”
• “Dad, do you want to wrestle?”
• Each time they asked, my reflexive response was “No.”
• “No”
• “No”
• “No”
• I said no because I didn’t want to be revealed
• I was embarrassed
• I was ashamed of myself
• How did I let myself get so out of shape?
• I used to be an athlete
• All my kids wanted was some of my time
• They just wanted me to play with them
• For me to kick the ball or play basketball with them
• To wrestle with them
• Physically though, that caused me pain, so I said “No.”
• “No”
• “No”
• “No”
• In year 6, I did finally build that 7-figure business
• But at what cost?
• I had neglected my health
• My relationships were in shambles
• I was lethargic all the time
• I had no energy
• I didn’t like the person I saw in the mirror
Then one day, I overheard my kids talking to each other. This was 2018. Zoey said to Jackson, “Ask Dad if he wants to play with us?” The next sentence out of my son’s mouth, I will never forget, because it almost broke me as a father.
He said, “Why even ask? He doesn’t want to.”
• On that day, I vowed to make a change
• It’s not that I didn’t want to play with my kids, I love my kids!!
• It just hurt me, physically, to play with my kids
• I was that out of shape
• I had become 40 lbs overweight
• I would get winded in 2 minutes
• So, to avoid that embarrassment, “Fat Ryan” said No.
• “Fat Ryan” put himself first
• “Fat Ryan” was a bad Dad because of that
• Not to mention, a tired and irritable husband, too.
So, the decision was made. “Fat Ryan” has to go. Fast forward, through GRIT + FUEL, I’ve lost all that weight. I have more energy than I ever imagined was possible. I’m a better husband. A better father. A better businessman. My mind is more clear.
By committing to improving my physical health, every part of my life improved.
The other day, I asked my little man, “Which Dad do you like better?”
That old “Fat Dad” or this new Dad?
He said, “This new Dad.”
I said, me too!
So, there’s my story.
A tale of two fathers. One man.
#IODcommitted #ImpactoftheDay #PoweredbyImpactClub

How Story Athlete ties it all together:
November 2021
Ryan Fletcher
CONTEXT: “I Cultivate Strong Relationships…” –> In reference to the prompt, “We may list it fourth, but it’s just as important as all the rest.” No, it’s far more important. But we list it fourth because to best serve the relationships in our life, first, we have to become hard(er) to kill mentally, physically, and financially. Someone who is easy to kill financially isn’t much of a provider for their family. Someone who is intellectually weak is certain to be an inferior mother or father. And someone who is physically weak will pass that tradition of poor health on to their loved ones. As the saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup. So, to serve our relationships, first, we must become mentally, physically, and financially, harder to kill. Those who have amazing relationships are those who have the energy and capabilities to serve them. I learned this the hard way. If you read my book, The Code of The Heroic Self, you know my story. With knowledge, though, comes the chance to improve. And with the consequences of making mistakes comes the internal conviction to not want to repeat them. I no longer focus on my Mind, or my Body, or my Business, to serve me. I did, at one time. Now, I focus on these things as the means to serve my RELATIONSHIPS. A fat, out-of-shape father doesn’t have the energy to want to play with his kids. A tired, exhausted mind doesn’t have the capacity to be a loving spouse. And while I love building businesses, what good is that income if I don’t have the time freedom to do what I want, when I want, with my Relationships. I could easily work 16 hours days and not think twice about it. But, it’s not solely about me. It’s about my RELATIONSHIPS. It took almost losing my relationships before this realization hit me.

Jackie: This is one of my favorite posts from Ryan. It directly applies to my work as an energy balancing practitioner. This is exactly why we need to disconnect the emotional charge behind our trauma and upsets so we can move forward and be a productive citizen in society, for the benefit of our loved ones, others and most of all, Ourselves! BECOMING our Heroic self!

September 18 2021
Ryan Fletcher
CONTEXT: – “My Emotions Are an Asset… ” –> Emotions can be an Asset. Or, a liability. Mostly, I believe, they are a liability. Productivity goes where the mind is focused, there is no denying this. When I was in real estate, back in my first year, and struggling. I spent more time focused on getting out of real estate than figuring out how to grow the business. At my desk, in my office, I would be looking at job ads in the classifieds. I was so caught up in the “emotion of fear,” and so stressed, that my ‘fight or flight system’ was constantly triggered. So, “flight” was my norm. Run to the next opportunity. Avoid the problem at hand. Search for a greener pasture. The antithesis to problem-solving is emotion. Emotions are the opposite of being level-headed. I’ve worked with many employees and team members over the years. Those who fail to control their emotions are massive liabilities. Uncontrolled emotion is the equivalent of being drunk. Irrational. Totally exuberant in a negative way. Caught up in their own drama. Have you ever tried to speak rationally to a drunk person? It’s painful. There’s no conscious thought. Just spewing of emotion. Everything they feel just bursts out. Visually, it looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. So, if that’s what’s happening in your head. All that chaos. How can we possibly be productive? Focused? Or strategic? The emotion has to go. Emotional stress. Emotional excitement. Emotional fear. None of it is good. Excitement, you say? Of course, you want to be excited. No, you don’t! Excitement blinds you to everything you don’t want to see. Subconsciously, excitement acts like confirmation bias. It seeks to reinforce more of what we already believe. And works to hide what we don’t agree with. Much, of which, might be the actual truth. The less emotional one is, from the perspective of problem-solving, the better. Where people really run into problems is by not being able to compartmentalize their emotions. Meaning, the fight with their spouse carries over into work. The financial stress of not being able to pay the bills robs them of being present with their kids. The nasty comment on their last IOD post, from some schmuck on the internet, steals focus from everything. Revenge. Hurt. These two emotions are like Everclear to the mind. 190 proof. One shot of these f*ckers and you’re emotionally drunk instantly. Hurt and revenge also behave like viruses. Give that hurt to the Lesser Self and he spins that hurt into a victim story. He did this to me. She did this to me. It’s not fair. I don’t deserve that. F*ck him. No, f*ck her. That f*cker is dead. No, I’m going to kill him first. Anger, rage, revenge. Uncertainty, fear, distraction works as a similar cascading wave of dominoes. Either the Heroic Self controls the emotion. Or the Lesser Self controls him.

Jackie: Another great post! I love that Ryan is so blunt. Absolutely no filter. Raw and real. There is no room for misunderstandings. He makes several great thought provoking points here:

Ryan Fletcher
November 9 2021
The Reason I Resigned – (Careful: Thought Required)
• The Great Resignation
• Why Racism/Sexism might be good
• The 50-Year Truth Revealed
I’m a firm believer that business and life, health, fitness, family, and relationships, are one and the same. They are not different. They are not separated from each other.
If you lack in fitness, you will suffer in relationships. And if you suffer in relationships, you will suffer in business.
For many years, prior to 2018, I never understood this interconnectedness and, as a result, I paid the price and suffered the consequences.
“Fat Ryan” was one-dimensional.
And increasingly my family became “broken” as I put business above everything else.
In 2018, after 2 years of research, I started to practice Work-Life Integration.
Not… work-life balance.
I started writing my Character Script not as it was, but as I wanted it to be.
In other words, Who I was vs. Who I wanted to become?
Today, this concept of Being vs. Becoming is a foundational principle inside of the StoryAthlete community.
On Friday night, Melanie and I enjoyed our weekly date night. We tasted wine. Grabbed some grub and a beer at the Thirsty Sasquatch in downtown Vancouver.
It was fun.
One of the things we talked about was how I, as the one-time “workaholic” as everyone called me, today, in 2021, work fewer hours than she does as a teacher.
Teachers, and people with jobs, don’t get the luxury of practicing work-life integration.
Their time is NOT leveraged.
Nor is it balanced.
Their job aka “the business” aspect of their life dominates their schedule.
They wake up early.
Get to work.
Are required to put in 8-10 hours serving others. (traffic/commute)
They rush home.
They’re tired.
People feel like they should get in a workout or something that upgrades their health or fitness but don’t because they don’t feel like they have time.
Their kids have soccer practice in 30 minutes. Or have to be dropped off at baseball in an hour.
So, they forgo the workout or self-care for a quick snack. Or throw together a quick meal because there’s no time to have a sit-down meal as a family.
They rush out the door.
Mom takes daughter to practice.
Dad takes son to baseball.
Then, 1-2 hours later, they have to rush back to pick them up.
Now it’s 7:30 or 8 pm.
• No real family-time has been had.
• No time has been focused on health or fitness.
• There has been no time for each spouse to connect with one another.
The price you pay, the consequences you suffer:
No time for fitness = Declining health and plummeting energy levels.
…Rising obesity rates
…Rising diabetes rates
…Rising death rates due to heart disease
…Rising cancer rates due to the “fake foods” we put in our bodies
People are so worried about Covid as a public health threat, but what about all those processed foods that kill 100X more people, daily, than Covid will ever kill. Instead of focusing on injections, maybe public health propaganda should focus on getting people to move their asses.
Of course, there are no “political dollars” to be made in that arena, so no politician will be backing that message.
But as a society, where do you think all of this depression is coming from?
It’s damn hard to be proud of who you are when you look in the mirror and see a fat person looking back at you.
To be clear, that dissatisfaction with self is not because you’re fat.
It’s not a weight issue!
You’re dissatisfied because you know you’re capable of not being fat.
You… let yourself go! – (been there myself)
It’s damn hard too, to feel deeply loved and connected to your spouse when you look in the mirror and see a person that runs themselves ragged.
As a SOCIETY, we have become that rat on the proverbial treadmill.
Brainwashed by the media.
In debt – (that keep us being a slave to our creditors)
So busy, we can’t think.
So disconnected from each other, we struggle to see anyone that disagrees with us politically, philosophically, or spiritually, as even a human being.
On our date night, my wife said, “teachers are exiting the profession left and right.”
By the way, so are healthcare workers.
So, too, are tons of labor workers and skilled tradesmen that serve as the foundation of the American workforce.
Most of these folks in the “Great Resignation” are between the ages of 30 and 45 years old.
Still young enough to reinvent themselves.
But old enough to remember what the “Good Times” used to be like before the world went batsh*t insane.
My cousin just bought a 37′ foot travel trailer to live in, to lower their expenses, so their kids could have a stay-at-home mom.
• People want their LIFE back.
• People want their SANITY back.
• People want their HEALTH back.
• People want their CONNECTION to their spouse and kids back.
At higher rates than ever before, finally, people are opting out of the nauseating ‘super-Woke’ society that America has become. Even democratic advisor James Carville has stated that Wokeism is the problem.
His words:
“Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It’s hard to talk to anybody today who doesn’t say this. But they don’t want to say it out loud,” Carville, said in an interview with Vox this spring. When asked why his party won’t admit the wokeness problem, Carville responded bluntly: “Because they’ll get clobbered or canceled.”
Which is interesting – the fear of getting “clobbered or canceled” – because we, “As The People,” don’t cancel people.
That is NOT our idea.
That is not “OUR way” of doing things.
Canceling People is a POLITICAL idea and tactic that “We the People” have been brainwashed to execute as a strategy for politicians to gain power through fear, coercion, and intimidation.
CANCELING PEOPLE is what Bullies and Tyrants do.
No thought-leader, EVER, has canceled a person because they disagreed with them.
Conflict is good.
Debate is good.
Different political, socioeconomic, etc., perspectives and opinions are good.
Different values are good.
I would argue that respectful racism is not a bad thing.
I could argue, too, that sexism is good.
Life isn’t f*cking fair.
And life will never be f*cking fair.
The best part?
Every time we’re thrown into the fire of adversity, our Character gets to be forged stronger. Inequality will always be at the foundation of self-improvement.
Idealists want you to believe in a Utopian world.
• Fair.
• Equal.
• Controlled.
• And mandated kindness.
But the reality is, we are human beings. Human beings are flawed. What makes one person a racist makes another person a freedom fighter. If not for racism and social inequality, we would not have the words and legacy of MLK.
If not for tyranny and oppression under British rule, we would not have the rebellion that gave birth to the United States of America.
If not for poor people, we might never figure out how to do more with less. And without the rich, it would be impossible to have the money to fund that innovation.
If you’re black, you don’t have to like white people.
If you’re white, you don’t have to like black people.
If you’re Asian, you don’t have to like black or white people.
And visa-versa.
If you’re poor, you don’t have to like rich people.
If you’re rich, you don’t have to like poor people.
And if you’re one kind of religious person, you don’t have to like the other kinds of religious people.
This is the beauty of the human race.
We are different.
We have consciousness of thought.
We are free to choose.
Not liking someone, though, is very different than being mean, hateful, and disrespectful.
Politicians want us to see good vs. evil, but different doesn’t mean good or evil. It just means different.
RESPECT = the single universal principle I can get behind.
I don’t have to like you.
You don’t have to like me.
No matter who you are, I can RESPECT your choice to be different.
Of course, choices have consequences.
Consequences can be legal.
Consequences can be social.
But whenever we try to manufacture fairness for some, we automatically create unfairness for others.
People, frankly, are sick of it.
Black people.
White people.
Rich people.
Poor people.
And everyone in between, including all of the people of all of the different religions.
Everyone is waking up!!
• Woke-ism is bullsh*t – aimed to divide/dehumanize people.
• Cancel Culture is bullsh*t – a fear/intimidation tactic used by bullies and tyrants.
• Fairness is bullsh*t – a tactic to justify theft/manipulation.
The Great Resignation isn’t about people not liking their jobs or substandard corporate cultures. Or because their pay is too low. People are resigning from society.
Resigning from conditioned beliefs of media propaganda.
Resigning from government rule.
Resigning from state-mandated education curriculums that erase history, which is the greatest teacher we all have to learn from.
Resigning from “higher education” at any cost.
Resigning from debt.
I can’t wait until college campuses are giant f*cking ghost towns because people have finally learned the truth about the value of their 4-year degree.
Sadly, though, it takes 50 years before people realize the political promises made to them were never promises of truth, but have always been LIES.
Politicians can only kick the can of a ‘utopian society’ down the road for so long before people lose faith and stop believing it, prior to pursuing a massive revolt.
We are at that inflection point.
Things are worse today than they were ten years ago.
…Greater depression rates.
…Higher obesity rates.
…More suicides. (especially amongst teens)
…Higher addiction rates.
…Higher divorce rates.
…More broken families.
…Greater animosity and division amongst races.
People are opting out because they’re finally realizing they have been misled.
People (of all races) are OPTING-OUT!
People of ALL socioeconomic backgrounds.
F*CK YOU politicians!
F*CK YOU for using us, the PEOPLE, as your pawns!
F*CK YOU and your bullsh*t (not so HIDDEN) agendas to grab POWER!
The Great Resignation – (by the millions)
I resigned, of course, a long-time ago.
Maybe you did, too.
It’s time, “We The People,” got back to living our lives as people rather than government-influenced pawns.
And it’s my job, as I see it, to show more people, those newly opted out, how to live a different kind of life where they are paid to become their best selves.
• No clients.
• No employers.
• No censorship.
• No walking on eggshells.
Where there’s nobody to answer to but to yourself and those you love, with the freedom to say whatever the f*ck you want, when you want, because you’re not dependent on anybody’s approval but your own.
For example, lots of people disagree with me.
And, in my world, as I’ve designed it, they CANCEL themselves by opting out of receiving my content.
It’s perfect.
And I don’t care when they leave because I know how to replace them through marketing and messaging, to upgrade those readers with smarter ones who aren’t offended by a “difference of opinion,” and instead, see it as the opportunity to better understand their fellow humans.
Btw, those who are ‘easily offended’ are by far the weakest f*cking people on earth.
They are the stupidest.
The dumbest.
Not to mention, they are the least confident and most insecure people in our society.
So, don’t argue with them.
Just laugh.
Go about your day.
They don’t deserve your time or attention. (So don’t waste it on them).
Ok, back tomorrow.
Remember, if your Character fails in life, it’s because you wrote for your Character a sh*tty script.
You have nobody to blame but you!
PS: I’m guessing this post gets censored through limited distribution by FB. This is why, if you’re in business, you need to own your distribution channels and use ‘big tech’ channels as supplementary.

“Most entrepreneurs don’t want to admit this, but entrepreneurial depression is a major problem.
It stems from pouring our hearts and souls into our businesses.
Working long hours.
Having a great idea, but then, not having that idea gain any traction.
Not enough clients.
Not enough customers.
Not enough sales.
Not enough income.
Always trying different tactics and strategies, only to have them fail or come up short.
Spending money on marketing without getting any return.” – Ryan Fletcher.

Ryan Fletcher <[email protected]>
September 18, 2020 2:17 PM
Subject: Don’t Be Afraid to be Hated – [Do This…]
THE Mission: To Be Loved. Or Hated.
Hey Team,
With all the hate and venom that is spewed on social media these days, I’ve witnessed a lot of marketers and entrepreneurs start to create messaging from their heels…
Timid, scared, operating out of fear…
Fear of being judged.
Fear of being attacked.
Fear of creating controversy and having to defend themselves.
And worse?
I’ve noticed tons of people – never do this – create messaging that panders to the current circumstances, saying, basically, “See, I’m one of the good people.”
Here’s the general rule of thumb…
If you have to go out of your way, trying extra hard, to make it clear, that you’re one of the good people. Then most likely, you’re not one of the good people.
I knew a guy once, not a friend but an acquaintance who, for years, cheated on his wife.
It was none of my business, so I never got involved. But I would witness how this guy, right after cheating on his wife, would go above and beyond to be extra loving to her.
I also noticed this trend when I watched American Greed, how con-artists, would go to great extremes to portray a double life, to prove they weren’t snake oil salesmen.
Whenever somebody publicly overcompensates like this, in their actions, or in their “speed” to jump on a bandwagon, it almost always comes down to one of two things:
1) A guilty conscious.
Or 2) A massive level of insecurity.
As you can imagine, I’ve been called every name in the book. If you’re a public figure; podcast host, book author, large scale advertiser, publisher, etc., judgement comes with the territory.
I’ve been called a racist.
I’ve been called a sexist.
I’ve been called a scammer and a con-artist.
I’ve been called an a$$hole.
I’ve been called a motherfu#ker.
And to quote Gary Halbert, as he once said, “If I believed everything good that people said about me, I would try to walk on water. And if I believed everything bad that people said about me, I’d be too depressed to crawl out from underneath the covers each morning.”
Then said, “Mostly, none of it is true.”
His message was. “Don’t let the love and praise inflate your ego. And likewise, don’t let the hate and venom destroy your spirit.” Because that is what happens to most.
If you’re a person with a message that gets heard, people are going to judge and label you…
Or Villain.
Right vs. Left.
Heaven vs. Hell.
And, as a marketer and entrepreneur, the only thing worse than being loved by some, and hated by many, is being ignored by all. Nothing is worse than being ignored…
People who desire to be liked by all, tend to be ignored by all.
So, don’t fear being hated.
And don’t strive to be loved.
Just be you.
Speak your message.
Your values.
Your beliefs.
Your convictions.
And if you authentically stand for something of meaningful significance. Then automatically, half the world will love you, while the other half develops a hate for you.
If everyone seems to like you, though, be worried. Because at that point, it means, you’re not perceived to stand for anything. It’s easy to like white walls.
Because white walls don’t invoke a reaction.
They’re just there.
Nothing to love. Nothing to hate.
Don’t strive to be that person – to fit in or stand out.
Just be you – (that’s enough)
Keep up the fight,
PS: I’m proud of the fact that the reviews for my podcast, and for my book, both show the same trend. The two categories with the most reviews in each, are:
The 5-Star Reviews!
And the category of 1-Star Reviews!
I’ve always said, I write and create content for me and my kiddos, to pass on life lessons. I just allow other people, like you, to read it. I don’t write for you.
I write for me.
When you operate this way, you have nothing to prove to anyone.
It’s quite freeing.


Another solid point kick in the butt writing for the New Year!

My Split Personality
By Ryan Fletcher | December 24th, 2023
In exactly 7 days, the New Year will be upon us. Tens of millions, interestingly enough, have been waiting for this day. To make a big promise to themselves.
Most spent the last year lying to themselves.
• Putting off goals & procrastinating.
• Not taking action.
• No consistency in their execution.
This became their trend…
…their habit.
Hell, it even became their Identity & reputation!
That’s who these people ARE!
They Start… & then Stop.
Then say, “I’ll start again on Monday.”
I’ll start again “Next week.
Or “Next month.”
Before you know it, it’s 2024 & the day is here, the one they’ve been waiting for. THE NEW YEAR… because goddammit(!) this day is different.
This isn’t just another “Monday”…
Or “Next week.”
This is my “New Year’s Resolution!!”
$50 bucks, though, says it won’t matter.
Any takers?
People who put shit off by waiting for the New Year to initiate their transformation are practicing the very set of behaviors; delay, procrastination, & lying to themselves, which makes New Year’s Resolutions meaningful to tens of millions in the first place.
Ironically, January 1st this year is a “Monday!”
So probably, in their minds, they REALLY mean it this time…
….I’ll start on “Monday.”
As if that Monday is any different than the last 52 Mondays or the next 52.
How about this?
Here’s how we do it:
Inside of StoryAthlete, we create a Split (dual) personality. We make our Lesser Self the character in the script. The character in the script is not the writer of the script. Not the author.
The character must OBEY the script.
He has ZERO decision-making power.
…& NO free will.
“Fat Ryan,” my Lesser Self, all those years back. Before losing 40 pounds, was a bucket of excuses. Like most people, for different areas in his life, he always “put it off…”
Then, one day, I’d had enough of that shit!
He wasn’t just my Lesser Self.
He represented everything I hated about who I was/had become.
• A procrastinator
• An excuse-maker
• A liar
• A justifier…
…& rationalization engine
The list went on…
So, I took away his power!
I created a Split (dual) personality: Heroic Self vs. Lesser Self:
• Lesser Self = The Character (in the script)
• Heroic Self = The Author (of the script)
Read my book
In this arrangement, the Lesser Self (me, the character) no longer held any power to put shit off. He didn’t write the script. He could only obey the script.
Whereas my Heroic Self (the author of the script), knew the purpose of the plot, to force character-change, was to punish the Lesser Self, to strengthen him.
The moment my Heroic Self heard the voice of my Lesser Self, trying to “put something off…” He stepped in, immediately, & wrote it into the script…
…&, to punish the Lesser Self…
Whatever he was trying to “put off…” became the next item of action in the Character Script.
That’s why, in case you didn’t know, I end every email, after saying…
“OK, back tomorrow,”
…with the following two sentences:
Remember, if your Character fails in life, it’s because you wrote for your Character a shitty script
You have nobody to blame but you!!!
These two sentences ^ serve as my constant reminder – to write a purposeful character script.
PS: Here’s a little inside baseball: People who make New Year’s Resolutions are Lesser Self-dominated people.
…Or “LSDs!”
If they were Heroic Self-dominated, January 1st, the New Year, would be just another Monday, no different than the last 52 Mondays or the next 52!
To the Heroic Self-dominated person, New Year’s Resolutions are as fake as Elf on the Shelf, Santa Claus, & the Easter Bunny.
Best reserved for children.
Not adults.
Building our ideal life is a lot easier than people think. It’s not magic. It’s discipline & consistency. Living the Challenge-based life. Building flywheel assets.
And traveling “The 1% journey!”
Starting December 26 – coming to an Inbox near you – I start my ‘6 Days of GRIT’ series.
Until then, though, Merry Christmas to ALL! …
…and to all…
Keep up the fight,
…against all odds!

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intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***