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Ladybug Wellness
Published by Jackie Rioux February 21 2020
Group energy balancing in 2 hours from now! (9 pm Pacific)
2 weeks ago, I did a distance energy balancing session for a client using my granddaughter here as a surrogate. She loved it so much; she wants to do it again. So, I am offering this time as a group energy balancing to anyone here on my page that would like to be included. You must be able to rest comfortably for 2 hours starting 9 pm.
Complimentary, as a thank you for being here. I would gladly welcome feedback as well. Many of my practitioner forum groups have offered group sessions such as this. I have done many times individually for clients, but this is a first time as a group offering. If it goes well with great feedback, I may offer this again periodically.
Comment, like, or send me a message to be included. Blessings!!

Janet Riganti: Yes. Please & Thank you!
Tera Hansen: Count me in:)
Ladybug Wellness: Question raised: do you need to stay awake? NO. I am purposely scheduling this later in the evening so you are welcome to fall asleep
Kirsta Scranton: Thank you so much for this!
Brenda Lainof: Awesome, count me in!
Stacey Thirds: I’d love to be included. Thank you
Tammy Castle Gerzetich: I would love to be included. Thank you so much!

10:39 PM: Ladybug Wellness: Thank you to each of you who requested to participate. Sending complete. Kyra almost fell asleep a few times and is feeling super relaxed now. Our cat Niko also joined us and slept through the whole process. She loves the energy. Kyra loves this idea of helping other people sleep better.
I trust each of you will enjoy a deep restful sleep tonight and wake up refreshed and renewed.
Would love feedback if you would like to have more group sessions offered, with more notice of course. This one was impromptu idea.
Would Saturday or Sunday work better for more people?
Thank you so much for participating! Blessings and Ladybug Hugs!

Stacey Thirds: Ladybug Wellness thank you for your energy. It was peaceful and sooo relaxing
Ladybug Wellness: Thank you for feedback
Tammy Castle Gerzetich: Ladybug Wellness Thank you so much for the group balancing session. I felt so calm and relaxed and decided to go to sleep shortly after you started. I slept better than I have in weeks. When I worked up, I felt renewed! Thank you so much for including me in your group balancing session, it was amazing!
Ladybug Wellness: Awww… nice
Ashley Glass Wells: Count me in!
Brenda Lainof: Jackie N. Rioux slept deeply
Ladybug Wellness: Thank you for feedback.

April 8 2020: Ladybug Wellness Going back through posts here. Schedule is now set up until end of June 2020. You are welcome to sign up for all of these sessions. Invite your friends, loved ones, pets and especially any front-line workers you know. Everything is now set up through my website and scheduler. Sign up here:

Ladybug Wellness
Published by Jackie Rioux February 22 2020
Thank you to everyone who joined in on the group energy balancing session last night. Thank you for all the feedback in comments and messages.
Sounds like several had a great restful sleep, and woke up refreshed as I had hoped.
It was a short notice impromptu idea, but now that I know there is some interest and feedback, I will toss around some ideas here for more group offerings in the near future, and maybe even a regular thing here at Ladybug Wellness.
Thank you for being here with me!!
You are welcome to read up on Reiki and CCMBA and Black Pearl techniques in my website.
Last night we did the CCMBA, Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment.

Ladybug Wellness Published by Jackie Rioux March 9 2020
GOOOOD MORNING LADYBUGS!!!!!!! How is everyone feeling today?
As mentioned in a previous post, it is my theory that astrological influences seem to trigger unhealed hurts and imbalances most often, otherwise it seems those who are consciously aware and fully balanced do not seem to be affected so much by the Earth’s energy pulls. But we are human and we all have day to day upsets and imbalances requiring a daily physical and energetic cleansing.
Well, we have had a time change in some parts of the world which screws up everyone’s circadian rhythm. We have a full moon March 9 (today). For those who follow astrology, Mercury Retrograde is ending (now everything is our own fault again lol).
This whole idea of offering a complimentary group energy balancing to my clients and followers has been on my mind for a while. The evening of February 21, I gave 2 hours notice on this page for anyone to jump in to participate by “liking” the post, or messaging me. We had 34 people join in in that time. We had such great feedback that I wanted to offer to more people, even those not on social media.
I set it up through my website and scheduler this time, giving notice through posts and thru my newsletter. We had over 100 people and pets this time! Energy is received through intention though, so there were also more people included who did not actually sign up, but intended to receive.
Again, this morning I have already received several messages of people having a wonderful restful sleep, and waking up refreshed. Yes, there were some that had some funky dreams and some restlessness. This is also a “normal” reaction and just tells me that we have loosened up some energy and issues that need to be addressed and released. All good overall. Please also remember that this energy balancing technique “processes” for two weeks, so you may notice more shifts in that time.
What I love about energy balancing such as Reiki, CCMBA and Black Pearl is that the energy does not come “from” me, but “through” me. I am just a facilitator, so I get energized and balanced as well! I can tell you I am feeling on top of the world this morning!!
I do appreciate all the wonderful feedback and this is inspiring me to continue to offer this complimentary group session as a THANK YOU to all my clients and followers, my gratitude for you being here with me.
Please watch this page, my website, and my newsletters for the next group offer. Probably in another few weeks, or next month.
Remember that I also offer a complimentary introductory energy clearing mini session. Please do invite your friends as well.
Thank you so much for being here and for allowing me the honor of joining you along your own healing self empowerment journey. I cherish each one of you.
As we heal ourselves and raise our own vibrations, we are also healing and raising the vibration of humanity and the collective consciousness. Thank you for allowing me to share my passion of energy balancing with you.

Gail Harvey It was very powerful energy coming through. Hugs Jackie N. Rioux

Sonya McMillan Marcoux Thank you Jackie for the awesomeness! I did have some VERY strange dreams and a bit of a restlessness night. I fully expected to be tired when I got up for work this morning, with the session AND the time change. But NOPE. Now I can’t say that I’m ready to run a marathon, but I am not near as tired as I “”thought”” I would be. I may just make it through the day without a nap. LOL. Good stuff you’re doing for everyone Jackie.”

Jackie N. Rioux Sonya McMillan Marcoux considering the time change, I particularly intended for refreshing wake ups. Thank you

Sonya McMillan Marcoux Jackie N. Rioux Seems you thought of everything! Thank you for including that. ❤

Sharlene King weird dreams and restlessness for sure but such clarity this morning ❤
Jackie N. Rioux Sharlene King clarity is wonderful

Linda L Scott I had a bug on my desk this morning. It wasn’t close enough to see if it was a ladybug or a beetle. Lady bugs i like, beetles not so much – those little suckers BITE

Jackie N. Rioux Linda L Scott red ladybugs are my friends. Yellow orange ladybugs apparently are little bastards that bite. Yes beetles bite too.

Ladybug Wellness
Published by Jackie Rioux
This is exactly why energy balancing is my passion in life. To know that this is making a difference. I am truly grateful.
Laurie Niedermayer thanks for the energy clearing last night. definitely up and down all night but feeling so rested and bright today
Leonor Von Baer I had a crappy night but somehow I am ok to work from home
Ladybug Wellness Yes. Energy balancing sometimes seems to stir up stuff, but overall, it brings peace and effective coping mechanisms.

March 29 2020
Starting Remote group Reiki session soon here. If you didn’t sign up, and want in, message me quick and I will add you.

Tera Hansen If it’s not too late…please include me:) Jackie N. Rioux You’re in. I just knew there was another one
Tera Hansen Jackie N. Rioux Thank you! I’m so needing this:)
Jackie N. Rioux: All done now. There was some pretty heavy stuff I cleared for everyone. Sleep well
Tera Hansen Thank you! I’m sure that some of the heavy stuff was coming from me. You are awesome!
Jackie N. Rioux Each week I am getting more signing up, it’s not just you. Aligning with Schumann Resonance, and clearing lineage miasma and patterns is heavy for everyone.
Jackie N. Rioux Plus FCOAs… AKA spiritual laxative
Tera Hansen Jackie N. Rioux sounds good. I need to learn more about those things.

April 5 2020
Radhika Agarwal
Heather Halliday
Tera Hansen
Laurie Niedermayer
Melissa Rioux
Gail Harvey
Dean Mattess
Complimentary remote group session starts in an hour. If you missed signing up, send me a message or comment here to get in for tonight.
Tera Hansen Awesome! Yes:) I just saw this. Please include me.
Jackie N. Rioux I added you to all of them til end of June so you don’t miss any
Tera Hansen You are the very best! Thanks a bunch:)

Heather Halliday If I’m not too late! Loved my session with Berns. Hard to believe it’s been so long?!
Jackie N. Rioux I saw your comment so yes you were in for tonight. Send me a message please with email and people /pets to add and I will get you signed up properly for the rest of the sessions until end of June.
Yes, it’s been a long time. 🙁 Energy sessions is a great way to connect though 🙂
Heather Halliday: Jackie N. Rioux it is! Great plan, I’ll send our list💞
Denise Homer-Goodwin Thank you Jackie! I feel so rested today❤️

April 13 2020
Feeling a bit amused here. For these Sunday sessions, I have been using all my available tools. Anything that comes up for the group clearing.
In private individual sessions I usually provide some notes of what I have done. I have not done that with these groups sessions, but I do know generally what I have done and released.
Most people have been saying they have had a restful sleep.
Three people in the last week (from the April 5 session) have followed up telling me that they got all motivated and got some projects done.
I had worked on “”procrastination”” energies in these sessions. Nice to have some proof that something “”worked”” without knowing the details.” “Jackie N. Rioux Complimentary, everyone welcome as energy amplifies to what is needed for the group. If you haven’t signed up yet, why not?

Heather Halliday Motivated and gave up habits. Lol not chocolate tho. That’s an essential
Jackie N. Rioux Chocolate comes from beans. It’s a salad

Linda L Scott I am having a burst of energy today for which I will give you credit.
Jackie N. Rioux I actually woke up refreshed after only 6 hours sleep. I have been feeling a little ragged with these daily workouts, so the session benefited me as well.
I was kinda wondering why my son didn’t wander up here first thing this morning. He slept 12 hours. Oops? He is a good guinea pig; I usually knock him out cold when I do these sessions on him.

Linda Larson Oh yes!! I am usually go go go … but you have given me sunshine & clarity ♡ ty so much
Jackie N. Rioux YAY!!

Eddie Masters Its has been great! THANKS AGAIN!!

Ladybug Wellness Energy amplifies to the needs of the group. Everyone is welcome. If you haven’t signed up yet, why not?
Remote Group Energy Balancing Sessions – Ladybug Wellness
Denise Homer-Goodwin Thanks so much Jackie! Come to think of it, I feel more motivated too! I’m getting so much done now! I even started writing a book for my grandchild, Finlay. Sleeping better too. Bless you my friend❤
Ladybug Wellness Oh awesome!! What a wonderful keepsake you are creating!

Ladybug Wellness
April 19 2020
Have you signed up for Sunday Reiki Energy Balancing Sessions with Ladybug Wellness? Scheduled every Sunday evening until the end of June.
Complimentary! Just pay it forward and spread some positivity. Invite your loved ones, pets, friends, and especially front-line workers.
Just sign up, rest, and receive. This is your opportunity to experience the connectedness of energy while respecting social distancing. Energy balancing can promote a restful sleep and inner peace when we all need this so much through this lockdown phase.
Energy amplifies to the needs of the group. All are welcome!
Sign up here:
Jolene Goens: Thank you sacredly Jackie N. Rioux
Donna Wallace Eibel Thank you Jackie! You’re making our lives better.
Ladybug Wellness You are so welcome. I have been very blessed with wonderful clients and followers. This is my way of giving back. I am so honored to be able to empower so many people in this way.


April 26 2020
Jackie N. Rioux Complimentary group session starting in an hour and a half. Are you signed up? Send me a message if you want in. It is just rest and receive. If you’re not ready, the energy will come through when you sleep for the night.

Norma Zambesco: Thank you Jackie. ❤ Saw you in Amy’s class
Jackie N. Rioux: That was a GOOD class!! If I get the notes before 8, I will use for group session tonight. I used the inflammation class notes for the group last week.
Norma Zambesco: Jackie N. Rioux awesome! I’m so glad to know you used the inflammation class info for last session. I didn’t get that class but then regretted it because it sounded that it was powerful!
Jackie N. Rioux: it was… well, you got some in group session anyway 🙂
Jackie N. Rioux: Norma Zambesco I did get the Jealousy class notes, so I did that for the group, as well as inflammation. Plus, Reiki, meridian point therapy, circadian rhythms, hormones, more FCOAs, a chakra cleanse, and addressed several family patterns such as heartache, insecurities, grief, addictions etc. The session says 90 minutes, but I go and go for about 3 hours clearing and balancing anything and everything that comes up
Norma Zambesco: Jackie N. Rioux wow! Awesome! Thank you so much ❤. I’m feeling pretty good right now. Feeling relaxed and a sense of peace. Thanks
Jackie N. Rioux: Norma Zambesco that’s what we like to hear

Ingrid Michaud: Thanks Jackie

Eddie Masters: Thank you again Jackie! Woke up refreshed this morning. Yesterday I did some physical work the really aggravated my rotated pelvis. Last night was not much fun morning around. This morning I was afraid I would have issues getting up. But no I was back to my normal discomfort, lol
Thanks again you’re the best.
Jackie N. Rioux: Eddie Masters: I am always amazed at how energy works. By the way, thanks to you and Denise, ear issue is gone finally! Thank you!
Eddie Masters: Jackie N. Rioux woohoo, holler if it raises its ugly head again.

Brenda Lainof: Jackie, had a deep sleep last night ~ thank you!

Jackie N. Rioux: YAY!! I love all these Monday morning messages. I am soo glad you had a good sleep
Barbara Loutzenhiser Goggins: I did not sleep well, but Tim slept very deep and very
soundly! Thank you thank you!
Jackie N. Rioux: There seems to be just a few that do not sleep well or have funky dreams. I am thinking that is just deep processing? Hopefully tonight is better for you. Glad Tim slept well. Love you both bunches!!
Barbara Loutzenhiser Goggins: Jackie N. Rioux yes, that is exactly what comes to me too, I am just going with it. LAST WEEK BOTH TIM AND I HAD A BUMPY MONDAY … LOL…. I THINK WE are doing different things each week…. just going with it….

Ladybug Wellness Published by Jackie Rioux April 27 2020
Email received today after the group sessions last night. Oh, my heart!! Animals are just such dear innocent souls.
Thank you, Donna!
“All my animals are rescues, I have a 30 yr old Arab that didn’t want brushed, didn’t like human contact. She’s becoming a different horse! She let’s my granddaughter’s go up to her now, she likes being brushed and she whiny’ s when she sees me now. I’ve done Reiki on her myself FCOA and some other healing modalities but I’ve never gotten the results you’re getting. Thank you! I’ve tried leaving you a testimonial 2 now but for some reason it won’t post so please feel free to use this. Many Blessings, Donna”

YouTube video
July 19 2020
Charles Herger: Keep up the good work!
Sonya McMillan Marcoux: Thank you for these amazing sessions, Jackie.
Eddie Masters: Thank you thank you! I know on Mondays I’m starting out feeling great!
Nataša Martinec: Thank you so much ❤!

Ladybug Wellness
Published by Jackie Rioux Wednesday January 13 2021
Ok, confession here… Why did I offer an impromptu energy healing session tonight?
Because our 19-year-old cat Zoomer is staying overnight at the vet. He’s not doing well again, liver numbers too high.
Plus, I know a few people who are going through some rough stuff last few days. So, why not offer a group energy balancing since I am doing a session anyway.
Excuse my clothes-less surrogate body I use for distance healing. I also left the door open to my Reiki room, so I had company. 3 cat “pancakes”. They all love the energy in there and soak it up. (Their eyes look drunk actually LOL).
All done Black Pearl/ CCMBA process and a whole lot of Reiki directed to internal organs. Thank you for joining in. Rest well and wake up refreshed!

Kirsta Scranton: Cats and energy work. Love it.
Gail Harvey: Love this❤
Dianne Benner: Wow, thanks so much Jackie. No wonder I’m feeling so good this morning and ready to go! ❤
Jackie N. Rioux: Dianne Benner surprise! I love this work and all the reactions
Carmen Der Kinderen: Feeling good, thx for sharing!
Marsha Greene: Thanks, feeling good. Hope cat doing better
Melanie Perry: I’m just getting up and you have no idea how grateful I am to feel more rested. You know this has been a tough 5 days for my family. We love and appreciate you! Thank you! still feeling a little physical tensions but that’s to be expected after what happened.
Jackie N. Rioux: Oh awesome!! I am so glad this helped. Yes, you definitely need a boost right now. Hugs!
Rebecca Marie Simms: Oh, thank you!
You have no idea how much I needed this!!!!
Rebecca Marie Simms: Too much conflict, drama and bad vibes out there ….. sigh
Jackie N. Rioux: Mhmm…. that is why we need to hold the light and face our triggers so we don’t get sucked into it.
Rebecca Marie Simms: I definitely am facing it head on! Bless the light
Rebecca Marie Simms: Jackie N. Rioux bless you and our friendship


September 20 2021
If you sent me an email or a message today, hang tight, I will get to them all!!
I started the Sunday Reiki healing group back in March 2020. It was so popular that I extended it a few months at a time.
Many of those original sign ups are only signed up to Sept 26. There are over 300 sign ups now so a little hard for me to check who is not signed up til Dec 26. I mentioned this is the group follow up email and got flooded with many appreciative emails and requests to add in again. Thank you. (I love hearing from you by the way!!)
I’m extending invite to anyone else who would like to be part of this group. No effort needed other than to sign up and know you’ll be getting relaxing healing energy while you sleep on Sundays,

Lee Mackenzie: I can wait! I love the Sunday night wave!
Jackie N. Rioux: Lee Mackenzie LOL Nice! I appreciate the connection 🙂 Thank you for being here with me.

Sonya McMillan Marcoux: Thank you Jackie for ALL you do! We appreciate you! ❤

January 1 2022
I have been offering these free weekly energy balancing sessions since March 2020.
It has been a popular offer, so I have extended through 2022. This is your invite to sign up!

Norma Zambesco: Thank you for your healings ❤

Rhonda Martinez Montanez: You’re my favorite!

Vicki Reeve: Thank you Jackie!

Jolene Goens: Thank you for this wonderful gift💝
Ladybug Wellness: You’re most welcome! I appreciate the continued connection with special people 🙂 Ladybug Hugs to you and Kaiyah! Happy New year!

Linda Martin Portsch: I love Sunday night sleeps so much! Thank you so much Jackie! 😍
Ladybug Wellness: Linda Martin Portsch You’re welcome!! Sunday evenings are the highlight of my week and messages like this make my day!

Jackie N. Rioux
January 2 2022
Did you get a reminder/ confirmation email this morning? If not, you’re not on the list for Free weekly sessions with Ladybug Wellness. Now extended through 2022. If you would like to get on the list for tonight, sign up here:

Sandra Brienen-Schneider: I signed up!
Brenda Lainof: Jackie N. Rioux thank you!
Lisa Glennie: THANK YOU LOVE!!!!
Norma Zambesco: Thank you for your healings ❤
Rhonda Martinez Montanez: You’re my favorite!
Vicki Reeve: Thank you Jackie!

January 12 2021
How’s everyone feeling? Want to join in a free energy healing session TONIGHT? Anyone who is already in my Sunday remote group is included if you like, but I am feeling right now lots of people would appreciate this.
Will do a Reiki/ CCMBA/ Black Pearl full combination session at 10 pm Pacific tonight. That is one hour from now.
Just like this post, or just intend to receive and you’re in.
Amie Pagliaro: Yes please thank you 🥰
Linda L Scott: Count me in please
Danya Rossi: Yes please, thank you
Melanie Perry: Yesssss please 💖
Gloria M Padilla: hugs

July 19 2021
Mizzey D: The group sessions are so amaaaaazing, Jackie!! Life-changing!! Thank you for this priceless gift xo
Ladybug Wellness: You are so welcome! Thank you for joining in!

July 23 2021
Ladybug Wellness For anyone who would like to join in the Free Sunday remote Reiki sessions, here is the direct link:
Just sign up for next available, answer the 3 questions, and you’re in. Starting tonight’s session in an hour and a half. LADYBUGWELLNESS.CA
Wanda June Baron I tried to sign up for your free Sunday Remote Reiki session. I am a Reiki master just feel stuck right now. Thanks
Ladybug Wellness Wanda June Baron Oh, Just email me and I will get you in. [email protected]

September 20, 2021
If you sent me an email or a message today, hang tight, I will get to them all!!
I started the Sunday Reiki healing group back in March 2020. It was so popular that I extended it a few months at a time.
Many of those original sign ups are only signed up to Sept 26. There are over 300 sign ups now so a little hard for me to check who is not signed up til Dec 26. I mentioned this is the group follow up email and got flooded with many appreciative emails and requests to add in again. Thank you. (I love hearing from you by the way!!)
I’m extending invite to anyone else who would like to be part of this group. No effort needed other than to sign up and know you’ll be getting relaxing healing energy while you sleep on Sundays,

Ladybug Wellness
Joeleane Hall Sundays are my best sleeps thank you ❤
Ladybug Wellness Always so wonderful to hear this feedback. Glad you’re here with us.

November 9 2021: Are you on the list for tonight’s FREE Remote Reiki energy balancing group?
Sign up quick! You do not have to be present to participate. Just receive relaxing energy while you sleep tonight! Link in comments:
Shelley Leigh Jackie N. Rioux yes please
Jackie N. Rioux click link and put your name in
Shelley Leigh I just did that ty
Jackie N. Rioux Shelley Leigh Got it! You’re in
Renee Schofield I should be in!
Jackie N. Rioux Renee Schofield You are! Thank you and welcome
Rebecca Marie Simms I love you and all you do….

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***