GRIT | May 2022

GRIT daily writings May 2022

Day of GRIT: #1 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) –Pyramid Sets F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “StoryAthlete Finds a Way…”
I love when information I already knew is put into a different perspective and explanation where it just hits home and makes so much more sense. This past month I came across a YouTube channel where Dr Tracey Marks discusses all sorts of traits of ADHD. Now, in energy work, we do not work with labels and diagnoses. We work with the underlying causes and the resulting symptoms.
Personally, I do not like psych labels and I refuse to have a doctor tell me I have an ADHD label. Labels are just the opinions of a professional based on a set of traits observed. However, I am intrigued with all things psychological relating to human behavior.
Watching these videos and taking in a new twist on previous knowledge along with new terminology gives me a new focus to play with in working on myself and also with clients.
One of the traits discussed in the videos is procrastination and the time crunch deadline rush. That is a frying pan over my head! I have been targeting, energetically, the associated brain regions that operate executive decisions in order to overcome procrastination and lack of motivation.
So far so good. I feel like I have newfound optimism to get some of my goals done. Such as the Akashic course I wanted to complete by May. In real time, I have a deadline of June 3 2022 to complete 10 modules and get certified. I have gone into our private group and called my shot there. Accountability. Turns out there are a few others in the same delayed time frame as myself so my post may have given them a needed push as well.
I am going to have to bump up the 1% journey idea on this project this month. But I will find a way!!

Niki McCormick: Jackie I will have to check your YouTube recommendation out. I’m fairly certain I have ADHD as well and I for SURE have procrastinating. I live in a chronic state of stress and I’m finally at the age I can feel it.
Jackie Rioux: Niki, This was the first one I watched

Why People with ADHD Procrastinate
Bob Little: Jackie, that is a good way to light the wick for others and to keep yourself moving forward.
Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux What is Akashic?
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco soul records reading. Being able to go into soul records helps figure out life patterns so we can make better choices for our future. Kinda an amped up version of what i do already with more details.
Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux ah… I see. Sounds cool!!

Day of GRIT: #2 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- Countdown Workout F2
CONTEXT: “I Partner With Complementary Strengths…”
I have previously discussed a time in my life when I seemed to attract all the wrong kinds of people around me and those days were not very fun. Quite stressful actually. These people were unreliable, lacked integrity, and were generally unsupportive. This really sucks when I didn’t have a whole lot of my own skills. I had many poor experiences with service people like mechanics, contractors, etc, but I also did not have reciprocal and empowering friendships either.
Once I started taking control of my own life, I learned that I had projecting energies of low self esteem and shame which attracted all this turmoil into my life to highlight what I still needed to heal within myself.
As I continued my life journey, I learned how to identify these negatively charged projecting energies and to clear them away to make room for good things in my life, to uncover my authentic true self.
Then I began to attract some amazing people into my life. I have managed to find and keep a wonderful mechanic, an appliance repairman, and a plumber that are skilled in their trades and also most importantly, reliable for me.
My career as a postal worker came to an end when I transitioned to living my passion through energy healing modalities and empowering clients to heal their past experiences as well.
in energy healing, I do not feel there is competition between practitioners as we each have our unique gifts and strengths. This is an area of my life where I definitely partner with complementary strengths in having a spectacular network of other energy healers I can count on if I ever feel the need to refer a client to someone else with a different specialty needed.
Life can be wonderful when we connect with and are surrounded by like minded souls.

Day of GRIT: #3 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher 4MOL “Bear With It”
CONTEXT: “I Earn My Reputation…”
My reputation is the sum of other people’s opinions of me, merged with my aligning actions that may or may not support their impressions of me. Technically, other people’s opinions of me are none of my business but when it comes to putting myself out there in running my business and attracting clients, what do I want to be known for? What is my character that shines through?
Of course I want to be known as someone trustworthy, approachable, compassionate, and effective in my work. Someone who leads my own life with self responsibility and integrity. Have I succeeded in earning that kind of reputation? Thankfully I do have some wonderful testimonials from clients that assure me that I must be doing something right. I also have many stories from friends and clients that are connected to Ladybugs and my sentiment I am known for in saying “Ladybug Hugs!”. Ladybugs are a symbol of hope, freedom, and prosperity.
I have mentioned previously that I often clear my own energy of anything that may be detrimental to attracting good things into my life, energies that I may be projecting that may give an adverse impression and a poor representation of my character otherwise known as my reputation.
These projecting energies are like a neon sign on our foreheads that others “see” energetically, and they treat us accordingly.
In working on myself the last few days, I cleared a broadcast message of “others are threatened by my power”. This got me wondering what may have created this projected energy within me.
Today’s context prompt got me thinking of what may have been my previous reputations.
I was once known as a shy and naive “loser” back in school days, then as a teen mom. I was known as a “barefoot and pregnant wife” for a while, then as struggling single mom. When I cut loose from all that stagnancy, I was known as the designated driver. I “partied on air and water” then got everyone home safe.
My children’s father started judgmental rumors that created a less than stellar reputation for me for a while in our small home town. Did I earn that scornfully misunderstood reputation? I hope not.
I was known for being “your friendly neighborhood rockin’ postie” with the weather report when I called the local radio to chat with the radio guys when I was out walking my route.
I took on a second job at a local nightclub to support my kids. I was known as the “Genny beer girl”. Working two jobs for two years, I was so exhausted that Ozzy’s “Crazy Train” song became my wake me up theme song. With all I handled then, my kids and friends started calling me “the captain of the crazy train”.
My friends know I have a silly and twisted sense of humor and I am always saying “At least I am good for entertainment”.
In Toastmasters, they taught us to introduce ourselves with something memorable that people would remember later on. I often joke about being a Taurus redhead, German, Irish, and a (former) postal worker. I have become known for last minute road trips and rock concert excursions. With these reputations, I started introducing myself as “the crazy redhead”, and it stuck.
Years ago, a dear friend told me that I am like a forget me not flower, meaning that when people meet me, I leave an unforgettable impression on others. (I hope so!).
When I started learning all about energy work, my mentors told me I had a very strong energy. I appreciate being able to make an undeniable impression on others, but I would like it to be a good one so I have had to learn to temper my energy and particularly address any projecting energies.
One thing that particularly stands out for me in this moment, is remembering a guy I dated almost 10 years ago. He seemed to love so much about me in the months we were dating, but his parting words to me were “do you really want to be known as crazy? Grow up”. (Ironically, he was younger than me!). I figured out he was really not a nice person and I saved myself some grief there, but you can bet that I worked hard on clearing my energy from everything associated with him and his horrible impression of me.
These past experiences all have formed an impression and created opinions in others that in turn becomes my reputation. In various ways, I have earned each of these reputations. Past experiences have given me the gift of wisdom and knowledge. I trust that now my character and my reputation have evolved to a point of being a person of integrity that leaves an unforgettably good impression on all that interact with me.
Ms Ladybug at your service!

Day of GRIT: #4 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Protect My Time… ”
Is CJ a bug on the wall somewhere with the choices of contexts that kick my ass?? Do I protect my time? Yes and No.
No, because I have always taken on new things, mostly courses and then I need to create another 10 hours a day just to devote time to getting the courses done. Is that a priority? That all depends on my interest.
No, because I can so easily get distracted with memes and videos. We have a family chat that is quite busy between us with all the shares and chatter. That is besides the communication from friends and clients. or well meaning friends who send me “this is really important” kind of videos. You know, the ones that get accounts hacked. Ok, those get deleted, not opened, all good.
No, because I am known to drop everything and rearrange my schedules to take off on road trips and concert excursions. Is that a bad thing? I don’t think so. I stay prepared and ready to go so I do “save time” there and can live on the fly. I also prioritize time for visits with loved ones. I think that is my biggest priority these days. Having lost a few loved ones so far when they were in the prime of their lives has given me quite the mortality check. Loved ones come first for everything these days. I just found out yesterday that one of my trainers “dropped dead” of heart attack after a walk with her husband. Her most recognized legacy is an amazing energy balancing modality she created. Life is just way to short and when life gets snuffed out like that… Yes I protect my time and my priorities.
Do I ever protect my time otherwise? Yes, definitely. I choose to ensure that those around me are well aware of time when it comes to errands and self responsibility. We can’t control waiting times but I can make use of times like that for reading GRIT contexts on my phone or other useful tasks. I remember reading something not long ago about being late or inconsiderate of time is actually a disrespectful theft of time.
I have created some systems in my business for filing and efficiency which also protects and saves my time. I have shut off notifications on so many things. I do not like or need all sorts of bells and whistles and apps. Keep it Simple and Sovereign, thank you.
My time is still an area that needs a lot of work, in my opinion. I do protect my time, but this is also according to my own priorities, not anyone else.

Day of GRIT: #5 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Am Hyper-Observant…”
I went through a lot of years of calling myself scatterbrained. I figured it was inherited from my mom who also had 4 children. I remember so many times trying to talk to mom for whatever reason, and she would be off in la la land. We’d have to catch her attention first.
My kids have many similar stories of me as well. As a single mom of four, this can backfire when I asked the kids what they were doing and they would say “but you said we could”. No, you little monsters misunderstood my delayed reactions and responses.
Looking back on these experiences with all the knowledge I have now, I understand that stress and trauma can cause a person to disassociate and become energetically ungrounded.
I always had an interest in observing others, people watching, human nature, and most of all, psychology.
I am thinking this interest came from trying to figure myself out!
Fast forward to now when I think I am somewhat hyper observant when it comes to human behavior. I tend to lean a lot of my intuition to pick up energetic vibes, but I also love crime shows where behaviors, motives, and after effects are the key focus. My favorite psychology classes were social psych, abnormal psych, and operational psychology which focused on behavior and interactions as well.
Where this applies for me in real life is understanding what is not said in my client sessions. When a client explains their concerns, the hamster wheel in my head is churning with ideas of what to look for as energetic imbalances.
For the most part, I have addressed my past and have not referred to myself as scatterbrained in a long time. I work on myself regularly to keep myself grounded, and therefore aware of the environment around me. But, if I get stressed out for any reason, or otherwise distracted I can still have some moments where my adult kids tease me relentlessly for missing the obvious in front of me.

Day of GRIT: #6 of 28
CONTEXT: I Am the Stabilizing Force…
I am the eldest of four girls in my birth family. I was a single working mom juggling kids and life. Because of all my previous experiences, I was the one my friends turned to for a shoulder when needed.
Years later, ironically, I have become and energy balancing practitioner. I am the stabilizing force in many ways, for the benefit of myself, my family, friends, and clients.

Day of GRIT: #7 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Pass the Test…”
Me in school days: “What test? There’s a test? I haven’t studied! I’m not ready! What is the test on? OMG I am so screwed!”.
Even if I did study, quite often I would get what I now know to be called “test anxiety”. My mind would go blank, I would stare at the questions and second guess all of my answers.
Some quotes on tests:
“In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson”. Tom Bodett
“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once”.
“This life is a test-it is only a test. If it had been an actual life, you would have received further instructions on where to go and what to do. Remember, this life is only a test”. Jack Kornfield
“Life is a test. It is only a test–meaning that’s all it is. Nothing more, but nothing less. It is a test of our convictions and priorities, our faith and faithfulness, our patience and resilience, and in the end, our ultimate desires. It is a test to determine if we want to be part of the kingdom of God more than we want anything else”. — Sheri L. Dew

When my kids were growing up, life was so hectic and I honestly thought I failed my kids because I was always working, not really involved with the parents groups, etc. I remember my kids bringing me request forms for driving for field trips. I could never participate because I was working to support my kids. I was guilt ridden most of the time.
We never went without though. Bills were paid, food on the table, and a roof over their heads. Years later, I realized when my kids had their first jobs that I managed to instill in them some good work ethics and independence. Maybe I hadn’t failed after all.
My journey of life has had my fair share of trials and tribulations, as we all have. Life itself is a “test” as the above quotes suggest. I don’t think we ever know if we passed the test until we face the Pearly Gates and meet our Maker. When He says “Well done, my good and faithful servant”, then and only then will I know if I have passed the test.

Day of GRIT: #8 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) –Pyramid Sets F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Commit to Move…”
Vitamin M(ovement) is probably the most important vitamin our bodies need, especially as we age. Muscles will atrophy when not used. It is like with everything else in life, change is the only constant so if we are not changing, evolving, growing and MOVING, we die. Simple.
Through my experiences as an energy balancing practitioner, I have come to understand that we have physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. We have more than that actually, but that explanation is for another day. We can have energetic blockages preventing us to commit to our goals. These are like hidden beliefs we have developed due to past poor experiences.
I have had past experiences where I was forced to work to the point of over exhaustion in inclement weather conditions as part of my job for several years. I had experiences from childhood where I was forced to walk to school in nasty weather as well. Understandably, I developed quite a sense of resentment and resistance to exercise. Thankfully those days are long gone in the past, but I carried forward many of the trapped energies. This is something I have had to work through continuously to re commit regularly to moving and getting some exercise into my days.
Ironically, I have often said that I have nomad blood because I have a hard time sitting still. Funny thing because I do all this energy healing stuff but I cannot sit still to “meditate”. Not my thing at all lol. I would rather clear my energy and then just get moving.
Ian McLeod shared today some advice suggesting to get 5-10 minutes of sunlight within 30-60 minutes of waking.
Interesting… I have a blackout blind in my bedroom as the sun shines directly on that side of the house. I have been “trying” to get my butt moving earlier so last night I made sure the blind was a bit open so I woke up to sunlight this morning. Yes it did encourage actually getting up. I am re-committing daily to get moving and keep moving.

Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
METRICS: Long walk with mom and son, stretching
CONTEXT: “I Strive to Be Indistractible…”
I read our context prompt last night and my inner Scrat was feeling awfully singled out. Scott has his daily CJ ribbing and that gave me quite a laugh. Nick posted this morning his context and my inner Scrat just loved his post as I can so relate to distractions everywhere. Bells, whistles, notifications, well meaning friends sending funny videos, FB news feed showing everything of the latest global distractions like the Depp trial and whatever is going on in Europe area, clients sending messages for “just one thing please”. Students having questions that cannot be answered succinctly through text…
I signed up for that Global summit back in March and inadvertently got added to several mailing lists which crammed my email with spam and repeated information to the point that some of my important client emails got missed for several days until I got the email list curbed. OMG!!!!!! One of my biggest peeves is email overload mailing lists with backasswards sneaky sales tactics.
I have signed up for at least 6 courses in the last while. Five are self paced and untouched. I cannot seem to juggle my time to devote to these courses in between all the rest of everything going on with family and clients and home.
I glean all sorts of ideas from my entrepreneurial friends here in the SA community. What I have realized is that many have a wonderful system they have built to handle a client load and then put their business out there. I have had my business bumping along well enough for years but only developed better “Return On Time” and “Return ON Investment” systems in the last two years all while running my business. So I feel like I have been completely behind with revamping so much to better serve my clientele and students, yet I have actually come so far as well.
I love to read all my GRIT mate contexts, all of them. But I keep falling behind on that as well. These are inspiring and meaningful, and I get ideas as well. But honestly I often wonder how anyone else handles daily things like cooking, cleaning, errands etc all while running a viable business and all those responsibilities. I have had chats with my daughter because some days she does absolutely SFA, yet other days she has full day of clients, gardening, courses, reading, and promoting her business on social media with cute personally made videos and memes.
I wonder what is wrong with me that I get completely overwhelmed and shut off to stare at the wall a few minutes here and there and feel like I haven’t accomplished anything comparatively. Then my daughter reminds me that I worked full time while going to school and raising kids and now have a wall of certifications to show for it. I had 4 kids in extracurricular activities several days a week. I worked two jobs for 2 years, seven days a week at one point all while having an errant teen that stressed me to the gills. (She is a wonderful mom now, all these years later). Yeah those days were stressful and the laundry often got behind until I delegated the kids to be accountable for their own chores.
What happened to that brain I had that handled so much just 15 years ago? That is about how long it has been since I started taking courses, and running my business… and getting buried in the details of paperwork and filing, and computer techie stuff. Maybe I am not doing too bad after all.
I sat out of GRIT back in March 2022 because I just got so overwhelmed and needed to recoup. I re-evaluated all my sources of continuous information, my social media groups etc. I pulled back on everything and turned into a hermit in cocoon mode for a month only addressing the basics of family and client needs. I shut off ALL notifications and anything that was a distraction.
That all helped tremendously to get myself back on some semblance of feeling in control again. But I still feel “behind”. I am taking baby steps now, otherwise known as the 1% journey of a little bit each day towards focusing on my goals and projects.
I come by this all honestly though as it seems to run in my family. (The buck stops here with my energy healing skills though!!). Yesterday morning my mom posted in our family chat message board “will be coming to visit either tomorrow or Thursday”. That was at 1050 am. Then there was a message “leaving town now”. We were all confused as to what the plans were. Mom arrived yesterday evening after a 6 hour drive. Apparently she forget to hit “send” on the first message the day before.
All good, we have learned to expect the unexpected and accommodate. Instead of the usual Thursday GRIT videos, my son, my mom, and I went for a long leisurely walk for an all inclusive Vitamin M. I am getting this posted now, as she is leaving in the morning to go see my sister 8 hours away then will be back next week.
While I do strive to be indistractible for the most part, some days I win and some days I scrape by. My inner Scrat is still alive and well while I am hanging on for dear life.

Day of GRIT: #10 of 28
METRICS: 5K day Finisher- 4MOL- “Bear With It”
CONTEXT: “I Am a Marketer…”
I have an absolute peeve of marketers that use the vague MLM style tactics to entice gullible and vulnerable customers and clients to pay fortunes of money they don’t have for services and products they really don’t need. Not only that, sign up and get bombarded with millions of emails of useless and repetitive information. I absolutely abhor these spiels.
Because of past poor experiences with sales pitches and falling for some myself, with huge regrets, I have had resistance to calling myself a marketer. However, I am learning more and more through our SA community that sales and marketing are an area of psychology as well. I love psychology and human behavior. I just don’t like how the aforementioned sales people take advantage of human behavior.
SA community is much different. Like Ryan says, MLM’s are the fastest way to lose friends. Here, we have a much different approach of sharing our stories, becoming our true heroic self and filtering out those followers who do not resonate with us. That leaves room for those who do have a keen interest in our stories and inspiration.
In that way, yes, I am a marketer. I am tired of my past story though. Struggling teen mom is so behind me. I want to reinvent myself and reinvent my story as well. Then I will be more on board with putting myself out there even more.
Day of GRIT: #11 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Gun Show Complex-a-palooza F2 Finisher (4MOL)- AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Investigate My Doubt… ”
Eons ago I had no idea what intuition was. I didn’t understand the cautious voice within me. Over time, and after a lot of poor choices, I started to understand these inner warnings. These vibes that felt like doubt.
Sometimes it is great and necessary to forego the butterflies and follow our dreams to achieve our goals, but it is also wise to question the doubts to discern whether they are just butterflies that need to be trained to fly in formation, or actual bad vibes of warnings to avoid that path ahead.
I am still human, and I still fail once in a while. Thankfully life has become much more synchronistic as I investigate my doubts before responding to a situation or opportunity.

Day of GRIT: #12 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Don’t Break the Chain…”
“I think I can, I think I can, I think I can….”.
I may be dating myself as “The Little Engine That Could” is a timeless American folktale published in 1930 and one of the popular stories from my childhood. The story has been used to teach children the value of optimism and hard work.
This positive affirmation is just the right encouragement I need to keep going day by day, little by little, the 1% journey towards becoming my Heroic Self. With all my past experience though, I keep telling myself “I KNOW I can…”. Just keep moving forward and don’t break the chain of daily progress.

Day of GRIT: #13 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- For Time Sandbag Over the Shoulder Throws
CONTEXT: I Create Memorable Scenes…
“Unlike most in society, when I think of the word “legacy” I don’t think in terms of monetary assets or public recognition. I think about memories created and preserved. My life, and therefore my legacy, is a collection of my experiences. Money comes and goes but memories backed by stories are priceless. A legacy asset means – should my kids decide to read my stories to relive my memories, they will be there waiting. From beyond the grave, I will be there to encourage and inspire. Uplift and push”.
My grandmother used to keep a journal, then at Christmas time she would send off update letters to all her friends. I continued with this sort of memory keeping ritual through my life. Much of this time capsule of my life is in hand written notes in a treasure box. With the age of internet, many of my writings were shared via a website, social media, and email.
My time within the SA community has inspired me to gather all these writings into one organized memoir. Some days I feel like I have accomplished much on this monumental mission. Other days I just want to cry thinking why bother and what for. Having lost loved ones early in their lives, seemingly with their music still in them, has given me a sense of mortality check. That our time is so finite. What are my priorities? How should I be juggling documenting my life while still enjoying the present with loved ones to create future memories?
Then I receive a message from a client or follower and realize why I do all that I do. I realize that there are people out there who have stumbled across my website and have found some inspiration and encouragement through my writings and stories.
It makes it all worthwhile. Even on those days when my inner Scrat has been flung off his hamster wheel and is desperately hanging on for dear life. I have systems in place now. It is just a matter of organizing everything into these systems.

Day of GRIT: #14 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Accumulation F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Refuse to Box Myself In…”
I got out of a stagnant 10 year marriage, then a two year marriage, and never looked back. Back then I started to believe that men were just speed bumps in life. Maybe, maybe not. I just know that I have never let anyone box me in since then. I live life on my own terms.

Day of GRIT: #15 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) –Pyramid Sets F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Am Brutally Honest…”
I grew up in redneckville where there was a whole lot of bartering and horse trading type deals. On one hand you might find someone who came from the era of “my word is my bond” and sometimes you’d get stung with a shady “I’ll be honest whit-cha” type character.
I’d like to think I have always been the honest type. I mean, according to one birth chart reading I had years ago, I am the type of person that treats everyone the same whether a prince or a pauper.
I have learned that you cannot “put lipstick on a pig” or “stick a flower in an a**hole and call it a vase”.
I also learned in Toastmasters the “sandwich” idea of constructive criticism where you offer an area of improvement between two or more encouraging compliments.
I seem to have lost my brain to mouth filter sometimes and I know I can come across as abrupt and super sarcastic most of the time. Yet, I have many clients who have expressed that they appreciated my compassion in energy healing and assisting them to heal their past upsets.
There are definitions of tact that I love: “telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they consider the trip”, or “lighting a fire under someone’s butt in such a way that they feel comfortably warm”.
I used to be super sensitive to criticism years ago, probably due to past experiences of bullying in school days. I have absolutely no patience whatsoever for cruelty and outright stupidity, but I am also compassionate enough to understand where someone might be genuinely hurting emotionally and showing outward effects of that pain.
I would like to think that I am honest but not exactly brutal in my delivery.

Kelly Robb: I love the criticism sandwich!
Jackie Rioux: Kelly 3 years of TM taught me a lot about connecting and conversing. The sandwich idea is super beneficial among peers.
Jackie Rioux: Kelly 3 years of TM taught me a lot about connecting and conversing. The sandwuch idea is super beneficial among peers.
Kelly Robb: Jackie Rioux I was able to do TM for about 4 months and then my pregnancy got too hard and I was too sick. Turns out though I’m pretty decent at public speaking! Maybe I’ll get back into it.
Jackie Rioux: Kelly I dropped out because I was sick for over a year til doc found ulcer. But that experience was a blessing in disguise that brought me to what I do now.

Day of GRIT: #16 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- Countdown Workout F2
CONTEXT: “I Struggle Well…”
I appreciated a post from Sean the other day regarding not being boxed in according to sun sign. I agree with the post whole heartedly that we should get to know someone first through communication rather than the limits of sun sign traits. Then there’s me always promoting myself as a redhead Taurus and completely embracing my sun sign traits. Taurus is known to swim if given the option of sink or swim.
To be honest, I am not a good swimmer actually. I can scuba dive with fins and a tank, and I can frantically dog paddle to keep my head above water.
But figuratively, I am a survivor through and through.
Again on CJ’s choice of words for our contexts, I am not sure I “struggle well”. I am a redhead after all. I have one hell of a long fuse, and I can figure my way out of situations, but if I ever blow my lid, it ain’t a pretty sight.
Settle down… No getting your knickers in a knot over there. A redhead eruption has not happened in years.
I now have the skills to find and release trapped energies and upsets from the past that previously have triggered some wretched demon within. I would like to think that I have matured and grown to be able to handle life in a much more calm manner and to now struggle well.

Day of GRIT: #17 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL “Bear With It”
CONTEXT: “I Am an Expert at Gamification…”
I didn’t have any brothers, and being the eldest I got to stack wood and do all the tough chores my parents would shoulder on me. I could have secretly resented this time of my life, which honestly I did at the time, but the only way through was to make games of my chores. Challenging myself to get a certain amount done in a certain time frame.
When my kids were little, I bribed them with games to clean up their rooms. Make small piles and time them to clean up only that pile. Or who can pick up 15 things the fastest.
Years later, I learned Flylady techniques to clean any “hot spot” for 15 minutes.
When I sorted mail and parcels, I would time myself to get one container sorted. Or I would secretly time myself against a nearby co-worker. Union safety rules meant that we had to ask for assistance to pick up and move heavy or large parcels.
I’d move a parcel or do any other joint task, then say “Cooperation, just like on Sesame Street”. I got some weird looks and laughs, especially from newbies.
I guess I have always had this thing in my head to make a game out of any menial tasks just to get through it.
How does this apply to my business these days? Have you heard of Matrix Energetics? This was an energy modality I was introduced to several years ago. I read books and watched videos but didn’t go further with certified training. I did, however, work with some practitioners certified in this playful and profound modality. The idea is to drop into heart space, laugh a lot and let go. Laughter is a high vibration and this is where the magic happens.
I have since learned that this concept is the basis of any energy balancing modality. High vibration, enlightenment, happiness, and laughter!
In working with clients now, finding imbalances is kind of like solving a puzzle. When I can keep myself in a curious light hearted space of wonder, all sorts of interesting things can come up.
In this way, yes I am an expert at gamification!

Day of GRIT: #18 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Gun Show Complex-a-palooza F2 Finisher (4MOL)- AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Cultivate Strong Relationships… ”
Humans are social beings. There are studies that show that when particularly seniors and babies lack human touch and connection, they die. This is how important connection is to our well being and livelihood. Sure, some of us want to just be introverts and shy away from the world when it gets too “people-y” out there. I have learned much in my time on this earth.
As anyone else, I often had hurt feelings growing up when I lost friends due to misunderstandings, or just didn’t have any friends to begin with. To this day I still feel badly when friendships fall apart for various reasons. It comes as some form of solace to realize though, that people come into our lives for a reason, season, or lifetime and our relationships with others are all based in our own vibrational attraction.
We can learn something from each and every person who crosses our life’s path, whether a complete stranger or a romantic partner, an associate or a family member.
As we learn and grow, some of those relationships can and will fall away if that person is no longer on a similar path of growth.
This means that many friends from my past are no longer in my life, but I also realize that we no longer resonate and this is ok. I wish them well.
This also means that as life ebbs and flows, and as I mature in my own personal growth, I now have many new relationships that are wonderful and exhilarating because they really are like minded souls.
Yesterday was my birthday. Many friends and associates posted on my FB timeline, sent messages and texts, called and showed up. Each one gave me a fond memory of the connections we share whether they are from childhood, my home town, business connections, clients, former co-workers, SA GRIT team mates…
I am surrounded by like minded souls and strong relationships. I am truly blessed!

Day of GRIT: #19 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Seek My Blind Spots…”
We often think of “blind spots” when driving a vehicle. We can adjust mirrors and do our shoulder checks to minimize the possibility of accidents. The bigger the vehicle though, the bigger the blind spots. And there is always some dumbass driver who doesn’t understand blindspots and tends to drive right in the area where we can’t see them. This is why huge trucks have signs on their back end alerting drivers to blind spots. “If you can’t see my mirrors, I can’t see you”. I have driven the same minivan for 14 years. I love my van, but the design of the vehicle does have a few more blindspots. Usually I am fine, but there are days when for whatever reason I am having an off day and miss seeing someone sneak up out of nowhere. It is frustrating!
This is good reason to keep myself in check at all times and to particularly take time for self care on my off days. As an energy balancing practitioner, I look within myself for any projected energies, and hidden beliefs, and any resistance anchors that may be contributing to my emotional blindspots which could manifest into physical blindspots and issues.
I am always a work in progress though.
One thing that is particularly weighing on me this past month is one of Fletcher’s philosophies “the primary reason most people never experience maximum ROT + ROI and never realize the life they desire, is a failure to prioritize assets over activities. The bank of assets is one that pays tremendous dividends over time”.
I have realized that this is a huge blindspot for me. I have long promoted my website as a self empowerment resource. I have numerous clients and other practitioners asking questions, asking me to mentor them, etc. I do share a lot of content in my site, but I also seem to be answering the same questions over and over in email and social media interactions.
I have been focused more on creating some new posts and pages to answer frequently asked questions. I already have had some FAQ addressed, but as the world changes, and as energy shifts collectively, I need to keep up with providing answers that my clients can understand.
This ties into my dislike of digital clutter, or any clutter for that matter. Clutter is distracting, and it can create huge blindspots as well. I am a hoarder of good information, but I also like to keep that information organized, concise, effective, accessible, and most of all applicable and relevant.
I am putting more focus on my own time management to make sure I am removing distractions, clutter, blindspots each and every day, while organizing and applying new knowledge and creating maximum ROT + ROI assets as well.

Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY
CJ Thomas: Happy belated birthday Jackie!
Jackie Rioux: I trust Divine Timing, never late, always on time and thank you for extended birthday week

Day of GRIT: #20 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher F2
CONTEXT: I Reduce Everything to Code…
Quite honestly, it seems that a code of ethics is severely lacking in today’s world of an easily offended generation. I fully admit that I am human and far from perfect. However, I would like to think that I live by a code of ethics that is beneficial for myself and others. As a Reiki Master Teacher, I feel that I particularly have more of an obligation to live authentically as an example to others.

The 5 basic Reiki Ideals as taught by Sensei Usui are:
Just for today, I will not be quick to anger.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will live authentically and be honest in my work.
Just for today I will show kindness to myself and others.

Do I uphold these ideals? I do my best to live in the moment and to keep these ideals close to my heart. These ideals are great to use as affirmations each day to keep me grounded and living in the present. Whenever a potentially triggering situation occurs, it is beneficial for me to pause and look at the situation from a different perspective and to choose a response that is kind.
These are ideals, yes. Honestly, I still have my off days and ya I can get pretty pissy at times as well. But, when I reduce everything down to this Code of ethics, I can resolve situations much better and be able to sleep at night knowing that I have done my best, just for today.

These are the Reiki Ideals used by Reiki masters in Japan. It was provided by a Japanese Reiki master, Toshitaka Mochizuki in conjunction with his Reiki book, “Iyashi No Te” (Healing Hands). The following is a line for line translation starting from the right.
The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
The founder
Usui Mikao

Day of GRIT: #21 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Am Solution-Focused…”
Everything outside of ourselves that annoys, angers, or otherwise triggers us is a reflection of what is unresolved and unhealed within us.
My course of action is to look for the energetic block and projections within me that is creating an uncomfortable imbalance outside of myself in my field of perception.
I am always a work in progress as I still have some days where I react rather than respond. Taking time to pause and reflect, then resolve through an energy balancing method, is in my opinion, the best way to focus on solutions.

Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux – This is a great observation and something I’m going to work to remember when I feel like reacting — “Everything outside of ourselves that annoys, angers, or otherwise triggers us is a reflection of what is unresolved and unhealed within us.” — I always appreciate your insight!
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco it took me a while to understand this concept.
I remember going to a counselor in tears. I was upset because a guy i was seeing then ” made me cry”. Nope…
Counselor explained that everything outside us is a gift. Or think of a baseball.
Do i accept X event as a gift or baseball? Do I catch it and choose what to do with it, or let it hit me and knock me off kilter?
Event happened. I choose to get upset and cry.
He didn’t “make” me cry. I gave away my power.
So next question. Who or what has your power?
These days… ME.

Day of GRIT: #22 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Know My True North…”
We are in the age of many false prophets in our world today and an over abundance of information overload. The world has become severely divided between the critical thinkers and the ones who trust the powers that be to have their best interest at heart.
There are those who are self reliant, self accountable, working towards the betterment of others by becoming their own heroic self.
My True North Star is to always find the Divine Truth in every situation. To have an omnipotent perspective in seeing more than my own side of a situation.
I have been naive and too trusting in the past and I have suffered dearly the consequences of poor choices. I have found that the more I focus on my own self respecting boundaries, the more I am able to focus on my True North of Divine Truth.
I have a much more keen sense of intuition in feeling the energy vibes around me. Words and actions can speak loudly, but energy doesn’t lie.
I choose to surround myself with like minded souls who are aligned with my True North as well.

Day of GRIT: #23 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Harness the Who…”
I have owned my home for 16.5 years. I love my little oasis, but I have never been super handy in the way of repairs. Unfortunately, I have had some real doozy experiences with contractors and handymen I hired years ago. Interestingly enough, once I learned more about energy healing and how we attract people into our lives, I was then able to adjust my own projected energies to attract much better people as well as service people into my life. I have a wonderful mechanic and a reliable handyman that are my go to gurus.
I used all this knowledge of projected energies on myself and… lately it feels like I am the “who” that is being harnessed. I am not sure how my name is getting out there but I have had numerous messages from all over asking about my energy healing methods and new clients booking in often. Quite humbling because I am just me.
Personal growth and self empowerment is the new niche out there though and I am honored to be able to share my knowledge accumulated over years of experience with those who are committed to their own self empowerment.

Day of GRIT: #24 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Use Story to Escape the Trap…”
I am reminded today of a writing assignment back in grade school. I cannot remember what exactly the assignment was, but I do remember the gist of my story then.
A young boy sitting around the fire with his grandfather was admiring the wonders of the setting sun while pondering life. The boy had asked where does color come from. The explanation was that “cull” means “to gather” and “lore” is stories and culture.
The idea here is that legends have been passed down the generations in the form of stories that fire up our imagination, bring connection, and “color” our world in beauty. Of course, the spelling of the word has changed over time, but the origin here is interesting.
When our imagination is dull and depressed, the world looks grey and lifeless. When our imagination is fired up, we can see the prisms of rainbow colors all through our world and beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
Stories cultivate connection with others. They are relatable and social. Humans need connection and affection.
Stories can bring analogies and lessons to life in an understandable way.
Stories can generate laughter or tears, or both.
In my work as an energy balancing practitioner, I often use stories and examples to explain to clients what they may be experiencing, because quite honestly, energy healing is full of unexplainable miracles. Although every experience is unique to the individual, stories can bring some understanding and comfort. Emotional baggage is “heavy” and many people who have never experienced energy healing, are at first completely confused when the fog is lifted. Through testimonial stories and encouragement we can escape the traps of the past and color a whole new world!

Day of GRIT: #25 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Care… ”
By the time anyone decides to enlist outside assistance in their well being and personal growth goals, they are often in a place of extreme vulnerability and confusion. Personal growth is the new niche these days. But who do you trust with your innermost feelings and failings to empower you to take the steps necessary to bring yourself back into balance?
Whether you’re looking for counselor, a coach, a doctor, or an energy balancing practitioner it is best to find someone who you feel comfortable with.
This is a huge peeve for me. There are so many “false prophets” and money scamming soothsayers out there. Anyone can put up a store front sign and go into business to “help others”. They are not the ones that are good to work with.
I am so blessed to have such an amazing network of practitioner friends in various wellness capacities that actually care about the clients they work with. These are the people I call my like minded soul tribe. These are the people I recommend to my own clients as well. All because I care.

Day of GRIT: #26 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Know Pain Is For My Good…”
“Don’t kill the messenger” is a phrase we use whenever delivering bad news. No one likes bad news, no one likes pain. Today’s current culture is rampant with all sorts of pain lessening remedies, band aid solutions, and bubble wrap — both literal and figurative, etc.
Pain is a necessary messenger though. If we just take a pill or cover up a wound with a bandage, these imbalances will become way worse to deal with resulting in chronic issues.
Did you eat something that upset your stomach? Learn about the PH balance in your body and the acid/ alkaline properties in your foods that aggravate your natural gut flora.
What is that pain in your bones or muscles? Is there a broken bone or torn ligament that needs a medical doctor’s attention? Ignoring this kind of pain can lead to more severe crippling and muscle constraints when these injuries heal out of alignment.
Do you have a muscle pain caused by a spinal misalignment that could be corrected by a chiropractor?
Is your heart racing? Are you dehydrated? Dizzy? Brain fog? Were you exposed to a toxin?
Do you have painful and traumatic memories that create sleeplessness and nightmares? Book an appointment with an energy balancing practitioner that can find the root cause of these issues without having to re-live the past.
Don’t kill the messenger of pain and bad news. These are just necessary warning signs so you can take action.
When you kill the messenger, the chronic becomes acute and just buried. Out of sight is not out of mind. Letting pain issues fester can kill your spirit, and eventually kill you as well.
Pain is a good thing. It is the check engine light giving you fair warning to take responsibility to avoid tragedies.

Day of GRIT: #27 of 28
CONTEXT: I Reflect on My Results…
End of May already. OMG. Lots of things mulling through my lil ol’ brain here as our “reflect on results” day becomes more of a habit to take notes of progress and points for improvement.
Sleep: This is a huge issue right now as I seem to have gotten my circadian rhythm messed up yet again with getting to bed almost 1 or 2 am some nights. I go to bed by midnight usually but then my brain is on overdrive going over all the things I want to get done the next day.
I am intrigued with Ian M. and Ryan F. with their idea of paying teammates actual money if they default on getting up at 530 am. First off, I learned years ago that my body does not operate well before 6 am. That is my set point. Second, until I get my circadian balanced, I am too broke to pay teammates for failing my targets. The good news is that I know how to reset my circadian so that is calling my shot for June GRIT.
I really appreciated those GRIT team mates who have posted their own daily itinerary. I am working on prioritizing a schedule of my own.
My hold up is that I often feel my inner Scrat has spun off his hamster wheel into the oblivion of rabbit hole abysses and distractions. What is up with all those stupid FB reels, and the Depp trial? Engagement for gullible folks… and me too when my brain feels fried enough already. UGH! Definite point for improvement!!
I find it quite encouraging that Fletcher and others admit to staring at a computer screen for hours on their off days and that lack of sleep causes brain drain in the worst way.
I am taking more to heart the idea of creating assets every day. And the concepts of Return on Time/ Return on Investment. I haven’t quite got to the point of using leverage to my advantage, but I am getting there.
While I feel humbled that my name is out there and I have many inquiries about energy healing, I know I need to work on my website way more to answer frequent questions rather than taking time to answer repetitive emails that are not leading to an actual booked client.
Another thing I am realizing: I have been “trying” to stick to somewhat of a goal list each day, but I get started on one project then before I know it, several hours have passed. I KNOW how to prioritize a to do list. I KNOW how to break it up into manageable bits so I can get a little bit done in each goal every day and therefore be way farther ahead collectively. My issue seems to be with actually implementing this knowledge. I have a lot of “shelf help” apparently.
Body: I got out walking a bit more this past month, not just on 5K days. I would like to get back into this as a daily thing. Another “point for improvement” for June. We do have some more sun and warmth here lately, but Spring has been extremely wet and cold. Poor excuse, I know. I just do not work well in cold. I still need to work on the trauma of past working days in frozen tundra conditions, six years later this is still an issue. I am taking Vitamin D3 to combat the external factors and pump up my inner mood and motivations.
Relationships: It was my birthday 10 days ago. It is quite humbling to realize just how many people take the time to reach out through various methods of communication to send best wishes. I am truly blessed.
Today is 8 months since Darrel passed. His birthday is coming up June 23rd. I have always thought of him, and/ or sent messages for his birthday. I am feeling lost and alone. Not many people around me understand the soul connection I had with him so my feelings of loss and grief have been mainly internal.
Some days I have a mortality check wondering when my time will be up. Other days I wonder if I will live for many years more and if so, will there will ever be someone else in my future that I could ever feel quite the same way about?
Lots of pondering thoughts. Lots of points for improvement. Lots of items to cross off on my to-do list. Back to work…

Day of GRIT: #28 of 28
METRICS: May 2022- Final GRIT Workout
CONTEXT: “I Expect the Unexpected…”
As a mail carrier, I had one route for about four years. It was a very nice upscale neighborhood and I quite enjoyed chatting with some of the people who lived along my route. I got to know one particular lady just because their dogs had figured out how to escape their yard and find me along my route. Friendly critters they were!! They would tag along then I would put them back in their yard when I got to their house.
Around this time, I had joined Toastmasters and I was in a wonderful group for about 3 years. This lady and her husband were part of my TM group so whenever we had our intermission break during the meetings, I would always chat with Sandra any chance I got. We always had the best intellectual conversations as she had done a lot of traveling that added to my intrigue of listening to and learning from her.
At one point, Sandra gave me a gift. I was a little surprised but she said this was something she thought I needed to have, it had made her think of me. It was Wayne Dyer’s latest book “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life”. I remember that I squealed in delight and was equally but happily confused because I had just seen that book advertised recently and had intended to purchase the book myself.
Fast forward several years. I was no longer in that TM group as I had gotten ill with an ulcer. I moved to a different route closer to the office because of being sick at that time. I lost touch with Sandra and many others but I still would run into them around town now and then.
The last time I remember seeing Sandra and her husband was when I was out walking a local hiking trail a few years ago.

In the summer of 2020, I finally got on the techie bandwagon and got a YouTube channel going. By December 2020, I had a few videos up. To go with my theme of energy healing, I started a series of videos of recommending books. Because that Wayne Dyer book was so instrumental in my personal growth journey, I had made a video recommendation of it and mentioned that a dear friend gave it to me.
Sandra has been on my mind since then and I have contemplated reaching out to her to let her know about my video. I am not sure if I ever did tell her how much she meant to me and how that book changed my life at that point as well.
This morning one of our local photographers posted a pic of Sandra and her husband, a memory from several years ago at a local park. The caption was “a fond memory of a dear friend passed”. WHAT????? I Googled and found an obit from March 2020. I didn’t know!!
Maybe this is one of my intuitive knowings and why she has been on my mind for so long? Now I kinda feel bad that I never sent a hand written note to tried to find her online a while ago. Even more strange was finding a requested donation recipient in the obit, and I just donated to that cause a few weeks ago.

I am not sure how this all ties in with “I expect the unexpected”. This was unexpected for sure, and it was what has been on my brain today. Just another lesson in always speak up and tell people what they mean to you whenever you have a chance.

Glenn Forman: Jackie Rioux Thank you for being here.
Neil Sekol: An Attitude of Gratitude reaps a great ROI, yet that is not the only reason for it. It’s because it is the Right Thing that is often too easily overlooked. I need to continue to lean into this, too.
Jackie Rioux: Thank you. I really appreciate my SA family. Warm fuzzy group hugs!!

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***