GRIT | April 2022

April 2022 Daily GRIT writings

Day of GRIT: #1 of 28
METRICS: 12MOL (FoF) Finisher- Countdown Workout F2
CONTEXT: StoryAthlete Finds a Way…
Back in the saddle again. I took a month off GRIT for what I called “cocoon time”. I had been feeling awfully scattered and overwhelmed with life and the constant go, go, go. Time to just honor my body, my mind, and my Divine Feminine in taking a pause break on life. I just needed to shut off the world and focus on me, my family and my clients. I shut off notifications on messages, deleted groups on social media, and went through emails and social media posts, being acutely aware and conscious of what I have “put out there” over the years and what I have taken in. Yes it is all digital clutter in a sense, but it is still energy.
Having lost loved ones over the past few years, I am too keenly aware that some social media has been used for endearing sentiments and a timeline journal, but when people pass on, sometimes their profile, and all those sentiments disappear. Ok, maybe I am too sentimental that way. Everyone has a vice, and this is mine. I cherish my loved ones and want to keep those sentiments tucked away in my heart. So, I have also painstakingly found much of that cherished content and found ways to save it other than on social media. Yes, I am having serious issues with social media peeves, but I am finding effective ways to deal with all that personally.
I read an article about mental health fairly recently where someone accidentally had deleted over 10 thousand emails, but then realized later that most of the “drama” in their life had subsided and disappeared. I took this to heart and realized that energetically, this is kinda where I have been at. I just needed to declutter my mind, my body, and effectively, my soul too.
I am a spirit in a human meat sack and as such, this meat sack is prone to too much yucky energy, especially when I work with clients so much and put myself out there to the world as a energy healing facilitator.
Am I ready to get out and face the world again? Honestly, not really. I have two main goals that I “called my shot” on back in December. I have made some progress, but not enough to get that unfinished guilt off my chest and move into the completed accomplishments phase.
I have been all excited about Spring. Rebirth. Renewal. Freshness. Breathing easier. And then Mother Nature loves to pull her PMS mood of Northern “Sprinter”. I had raked up the yard a few days ago. We have been enjoying +10C weather fluctuating for about the last 2 weeks. Today we woke up to 4 inches of snow. The damp sticky kind of s***. Ugh.
Forecast is for rain this afternoon. Funnnn… That means treacherous driving hazards. Well, I do still have more inside projects to complete. And just say a prayer for those out on those roads…
I have been consciously aware of my fuel intake this past month and trying out intermittent fasting some days. I am not consistent with it just yet, but finding clarity on those days when I consciously stick to a time frame of intake. I am also being consciously aware of the power of words and how that creates in our lives. One little step I am making is to call our “12 minutes of death” 12 minutes of LIFE instead. Ya okay we want to conquer the lesser self, and our workouts can knock the wind out of us some days. Or most days when you’re still overweight like me… BUT, movement is Vitamin M. We need that for our bodies because it brings LIFE and makes life better. It felt good to move this morning along with CJ rather than the random and inconsistent stretching I have been doing this past month. A Story Athlete finds a way to make LIFE better and more Heroic. Here is to 28 days of April 2022 GRIT. OOORAH!
Yes I am back in GRIT. I have realized that some of the original people I knew back when I joined SA in April 2020 are no longer in SA anymore. I need to refresh my personal cheerleader list, so if you want me to tag you daily, please let me know.

Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux You’re back!!!
Sean Tjia: what I’ve observed: energy workers/healers, may too much be open to the exchange of energy between them and the world, whereas others, myself included, are oftentimes, too guarded/shielded, and only exchange energy when necessary/required. I’ve had to learn to be more open, and yet sometimes, I have to SHIELDS myself up again! (due to TOO MUCH energy exchange back and forth with the world…)
Jackie Rioux: YES!!!!!!!!! Very much so. I am always aware of my personal boundaries and I know too well that when I get overwhelmed, it is a sign to step back and work on myself in earnest to get those boundaries back where I can function effectively in my role as a healer and facilitator and keep my personal boundaries strong as well. I love your insights.

Day of GRIT: #2 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Accumulation Workout F2 Finisher 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I Am the Inspiring Character…”
I cannot even count the numerous times that I have made a comment on a friend’s post that either inspired some laughs or caused some deep thought, and then my added comment “Well, at least I am good for entertainment”. Numerous times I have been told “You’re so wise”. Mhmm… you know where wisdom comes from? Experience. And a lot of experiences comes from poor choices in life.
At some point in my healing journey I have learned to laugh at my past, albeit with a sense of dark twisted humor at times. I have also gained some wonderful insights that can assist me in encouraging and inspiring others in their life’s path.
Here in GRIT, I admire so many others and their stories. I intend to read each and every post every day because this brings so much inspiration to me. I didn’t realize that some people find the “hearts” from me encouraging until Danny DeGrie mentioned me in one of his posts last month.
In my own eyes, I feel like I just bump along in life and share my anecdotes along the way. I am humbly surprised when I realize that in doing so, I have been, and still am an inspiring character.

Day of GRIT: #3 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL 30 Seconds per move
CONTEXT: “I Raise My Standards…”
Why am I bothering to go back through all my Facebook activity log and clean it all up? Well, I have been realizing the FB platform is not what it used to be. So much division and trolls now, or just maybe more noticeable. I have had these forums and groups where a ton of relevant energy healing information has been discussed and I don’t want to lose that in an unstable platform. At least 5 of our knowledgeable practitioners have passed on, and a few others have left that forum for various reasons. If by chance their profiles disappear, all that contributed knowledge disappears with them. I contributed a fair bit as well and it is quite amusing and enlightening to find things I shared even a few years ago in ideas for others to try in their practice.
That is the main reason.
Secondly, with all my time in the SA community, my “legacy” is that much more important to me now. There is a ton of that kind of content on my personal FB so having it all saved differently is important to me for my personal memoirs for my family.
There is another reason I am finding….
How long have I been on Facebook? Since April of 2007. That is a few years before I started my energy healing business. While I was still working that exhausting day job….
While I was still connected somehow to several people from my past who are in that group of people that do not do much for themselves. Non starters. Dependent on whatever system that will carry them along and keep them stuck in that daily grind of nothingness and going nowhere.
That is where I used to be as well until I fell apart in 2008 and realized there was more to life if I got Plan B in place and took a leap of faith into a better future for myself and my family. Thankfully I am no longer connected with some of those people who are still to this day stuck in the past daily grind. I now have an amazing assortment of friends and associated that are on a similar personal growth path.
What does that have to do with Facebook. Well, I like many others, used the platform as an outlet. I put my frustrations out there to illicit comments and engagements from my friends. Now in going back through some of the things I wrote and posted back then, I am having some serious “WTF was I thinking” moments. I sure complained a lot about the weather and that exhausting job. Holy crap. Interesting to realize how far I have come anyway…
I am also having some “holy crap I wrote that?” moments as well. That kind of insightful content is getting moved to my website instead.
Whether good or bad, this is all energy I have put out there into the great abyss of the internet. Maybe it’s a bit like gathering pillow feathers, but it is still all energy and I have become acutely aware of it all. I am no longer the person I was even just those few years ago. I have raised my standards and no longer want to be associated with some of that past. I mean, what happens if you get into politics and that past gets dug up?
No, I am not leaning towards that profession. And no my past is not that corrupt. It is all still energy though, and I want to clean it up to align more with my raised standards now.
This digital journey has been both distressing and enlightening. Ironically, I was just telling my daughter yesterday that even though this is all digital garbage to clean up, my physical body and mind are also feeling much “cleaner” and “lighter” in a strange but wonderful way.

Jackie Rioux: “Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all your glory” Jim Carrey
Mallory Antonello: I love Marie Condo-ing my texts, emails and Instagram- if it doesn’t spark joy then let it go
Jackie Rioux: I’m in between Marie Kondo and flylady. I love routine and organization. Practical mostly but weirdly sentimental about some things. I accept that as my vice

Day of GRIT: #4 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- AMRAP F2
CONTEXT: “I Increase My APM…” APM= Actions Per Minute.
Multitasking is the art of screwing up several things at once. This has been my motto for many years. I am the type of person who needs to focus on one task at a time to get it done efficiently. My second husband always cracked jokes about me in the department store looking like a scene from the Exorcist because I was so scatterbrained in juggling too many things at once back then. My kids nicknamed me Scrat when Ice Age came out. I am not a gamer so I feel completely lost on the idea of increasing my actions per minute.
When I started at the post office eons ago, I had to learn all the streets in town and the breakdowns of which carrier got which streets so I could sort efficiently. I seriously thought my brain would explode in the first few months. But, you know what? After a while, I got to know the routes and could sort mail almost mindlessly in my sleep, so to speak. My factory line type job was great for years because I could “sleep” at work, go home for a nap, then have the rest of the day for myself. WIN!
So how does this tie in with actions per minute? Well, in the book Power vs Force by Dr David Hawkins, there is analogy about baseball that is quite fitting here. Picture this: Someone like me who doesn’t know much about baseball goes out to hit the ball. I am likely to give it my all and just whack that ball with all my might and that ball may end up foul or God knows where it may end up on the field. This is an example of Force.
Now, let’s look at my son in law who is an avid baseball player. If he goes out on the mound to hit the ball, he is more versed in the aspects of the game and how to hit the ball with not so much force but with the Power and knowledge needed to have a hope of that ball heading to where ever he aims it and for the purpose intended towards the score of the game. This is an example of Power.
See the difference? How does this apply to me? Or to you? What I have learned is that when we gain a base of knowledge and put it to use, we can “master” the task and it becomes easier for us. When it is easier, we can go faster.
This is a concept discussed in the book Mastery by George Leonard. The book is about Akido which is a highly disciplined martial art. The concepts in the book can apply to our personal growth as well. This was a recommended reading in my early energy healing courses.
When you want something done right, it is best to hire a professional. Much more cost effective than making our own mistakes and taking forever. Or we can take that somewhat long road to learn skills for ourselves and become that much more self sufficient. This has been my choice in energy healing and owning my home. Why pay someone rent when I can invest in myself? Thankfully I have some amazing handymen when I need repairs done.
In energy healing, and many other areas of life, I have found that when I gain knowledge, get organized, let go of unnecessary stuff, then get out of the way and let things flow… this is when I can say that I increase my APM/ actions per minute. Life is so amazing when I am in the flow of life and synchronicity.

Day of GRIT: #5 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Complex-a-Palooza Finisher F2 4MOL- 3 Sets of 10 Reps/side
CONTEXT: “I Build Resilience…”
Trauma repeats itself in many ways until we heal the underlying root cause and dissolve the triggers. Ever notice that when you stub your toe, the rest of the day doesn’t go so well, and soon you quite likely stub that same toe all over again? That is an example of muscle memory. We could get into all the symbolism and metaphysical reasons for injuries in different parts of the body, and that would give clues as to the root cause behind your toe miscalculating a step in the direction of getting stubbed.
The easier example of triggers and patterns is to look at relationships as a common ground that most people have experienced and can understand.
We all know someone who should have “unstable” listed as their relationship status on social media. Off and on with a significant other, or leaping from relationship to relationship without taking time to figure out why they are so unstable.
For myself, I had a couple long term relationships but I had poor patterns that attracted a poor marriage, twice.
Our early experiences and examples can shape our choices later on in choosing “the familiar” whether we realize it or not. If we come from a dysfunctional past in witnessing our parents choices, then factor in various types of childhood and young adult abuse and or poor experiences, this can all be a recipe for a chaotic home life, poor choices in a partner, and a repeated pattern of dysfunction.
Pretty much everyone has some level of this chaos in their past either directly or witnessed. Triggers can be abnormally strange. For myself, certain words, certain circumstances, and certain items would set me off when these same things were completely innocent to someone else. All because it related to past trauma and repeated patterns.
Thank God for my path leading to energy healing. Without needing any details, we can find the root issues of abandonment, helplessness, powerlessness, shame, grief, and loss of control which are the most common imbalances that come up regularly for pretty much everyone. By releasing these imbalances, we dissolve the triggers and even eradicate the patterns. This can build resilience and create a world of inner peace no matter if the outside world is chaotic.

Day of GRIT: #6 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Hub-Spoke F2 Finisher (4MOL)- AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Am Fueled By Purpose… ”
“Accomplish at least one thing a day, no matter what”. This was drilled into me growing up. I won’t get into all that past, but this was one of the mantras that carried me through a lot of low times in my life.
I have mentioned previously that I have been cleaning out my computer files. This past week, I found some journal notes from back in 2008 to 2010. Note here that April 23 2008 was when I had a breakdown at work and it turned into a blessing in disguise because after taking some time off work, I started back to school to earn myself an Associate Degree.
These journal notes were pretty interesting to go back through. This was when Facebook had short sentence status updates. I posted a lot of quotes, sayings, jokes and rock music lyrics. I also bitched a heck of a lot about work and being sick and exhausted.
Surprisingly, I still had a go-get-’em attitude in getting my mail route done, getting essays done, and getting frustrated with teenagers but still getting home life done as well.
My purpose in life is to encourage others and to make a better life for myself and my family. So far so good, I think. The last few years I have taken a few low blow hits in losing loved ones and this has knocked me off kilter quite a bit. I am just not good at losing loved ones. Is anyone?
I feel too much? I care too much? Or I am just normal caring human. Who knows. What I do know is that Andy’s birthday was April 7th. I got a memorial page done for him and as soon as my son is home next week we’ll put the finishing touches on a new tribute video for his sister.
Today is my son in law Larry’s birthday. Last December I “called my shot” in saying that I would have a memorial page done for him by today. I have called that shot a few times in the last couple years since he’s been gone. I end up in tears every time I start on that project.
Know what? I have gotten so many other things done!! I have managed to collect a whole bunch of writings to put into his memorial page, but it is not posted as of yet. I spend a few hours today going through files and finding scattered pictures to align into a posted album. I *might* get that posted tonight or tomorrow. Today I found two videos of Larry singing karaoke. I had no idea I had those videos!!
I haven’t completely broken down in tears so far, so I am hopeful that I will complete this personal goal soon. Next up is getting my butt into getting my Akashic course done this that one is an expensive goal. Supposed to be by May. I have an appointment next week for taxes so all that needs to get done too. And I have a Reiki class scheduled on Tuesday.
Right now I am driven by a purpose of completing these goals in a reasonable amount of time. Some of these serve to make my life better, some are to celebrate loved ones lost, and others are to make my clients lives better as well.
I am accomplishing at least something every day towards these goals, the turtle wins the race, right?

Day of GRIT: #7 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Know Discipline Is a Skill Not a Trait…”
Despite thinking that I had a rough childhood with my childhood innocence being stolen abusively at an early age, and growing up with a totalitarian father, I now understand that there were many things from my childhood that shaped my character in positive ways and I am truly grateful for that.
One particular thing that has been triggered in reading CJ’s context today is that I went to a private Christian school for grade 10 and 11. Well, to be honest, I was actively there for Grade 10, but worked from home for Grade 11 because teen moms were not a good influence in that environment with all grades in one room. Oops.
This Christian school was great for me in that I failed miserably with algebra in public school, but I had a mentor in this private school that helped me grasp some concepts to actually improve my grades.
We worked out of books called paces, on our own, in our singular cubicles. If we needed help for anything, or permission to go to the bathroom, or to get up to mark our paces at the central marking station, we had to put a flag up and wait for a monitor to come answer our requests.
The trigger thing here is that when we got up from our cubicle, we had to push in our chairs. If we failed in this little rule, we got demerits towards disciplinary measures.
After high school, a friend and I would go for lunch now and then. I remember one particular time that we caught each other pushing in the restaurant chairs when we got up to leave. Arrghh!!! Cursed again with that horrid school rule!
But really? It is actually a good skill to have. Who wants to trip over chairs that someone else left out? Or who wants to clean up leftover messes from someone else? No wonder this drilled in rule is something that triggers me to this day? It drives me absolutely bonkers when someone else doesn’t push in their chair or pick up after themselves.
I guess it is unfortunate for them that they did not acquire this skill I was blessed to learn in my teenage years. Maybe I wasn’t born with it. Maybe I was made as a teen. (Kudos if you get that play on an ad jingle lol).
Neil Sekol: Jackie Rioux I was in drug store management when that ad jingle was popular, so I heard and saw that one and L’Oreal’s “Because You’re Worth it”, quite often.

Day of GRIT: #8 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- Countdown Workout F2
CONTEXT: I Make Time to Laugh…
“A Comedy of Errors”
When I was in Toastmasters years ago, part of the evening program was a joke master slot. This was usually a placement on the schedule right after introductions. The point being that this was a great way to lighten up a rather boring “business meeting” and an icebreaker to allow others to connect with some humor.
Laughter really is the best medicine. It is a light vibration of happiness.
There are times in life that things go so wrong that the only thing left to do is laugh.
I had one of those days a few years ago. At the time, the day was exhausting and frustrating. Now it is a hilarious memory to look back on.
November 2014: I had forgotten to plug in my vehicle the night before so my battery was dead when I headed out to work. Thankfully my daughter was home so I was able to grab her old car to go to work before daylight set in. I had a rough day through the freezing temps and snow. Finally done work and so ready to head home and hibernate. Daughter’s car does not have auto lights like my vehicle so her car was now dead battery as well. We both have roadside assistance so I called and explained the situation. They had to send out two trucks to both locations. One arrived and got me going. I got home just in time to meet the other truck jumping my vehicle in my driveway. I explained the whole mishap to this driver. He suggested I go turn off my daughter’s car, then turn on again while he was there. It started again no problem but he suggested leaving both vehicles running for a while to charge the alternators and batteries.
All good. I went inside and finally relaxed for a while. About an hour and a half had passed when my daughter had to go out for a class. She asked where her one set of keys were. Probably out in the still running car?
I had my spare set of keys beside me and went out to turn off and plug in my vehicle. She found her car locked. And still running with the keys inside! I have a really good habit of locking my vehicle. Unfortunately that habit did not serve us well in this situation as I had locked her car after restarting it and had left the keys inside.
Well, she needed to get to class so she took my vehicle, while I called roadside assistance again to unlock her car. THREE emergency calls in one day!!
The rescue truck showed up with the same guy that had been here earlier that day. I went out to meet him. He got out of his vehicle and started shaking his head trying to stifle his giggles. I playfully got frustrated with him and mocked him for laughing at my predicament. But what else can you do but laugh.

Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Accumulation Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Finish What I Started…”
Taurus sun signs are known for being stubborn bulls. I can vouch for that. I am one. If I get an idea in my head, get out of my way because it will get done come hell or high water.
This is not a trait that has served me well though. Sometimes i have found that whatever hair brained idea I had set course on, wasn’t really in my best interest. Sometimes I have had to find a different course to the same end, or to forfeit my goal for various reasons. Not for lack of trying though.
What I have learned in my older and sometimes wiser years (I hope?) is that “determination” is a different and more positive mindset than “stubborn bull”.
These days I prefer to be determined in my goals, to see them to fruition in a good way. Some upsets in life have really thrown me for a curveball and knocked me off course. Sometimes my goals may be delayed, but I have come to trust Divine Timing that everything happens for the best in its due time.
I remember many years ago when I was going through some rough court years with my children’s father, someone left a poem on my desk. It was called “Don’t Quit”.
It is a good motto for life. I do finish what a started, eventually, and if it in the best interest of myself and others.

Day of GRIT: #10 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL- 30 Seconds per move
CONTEXT: “I Welcome Your Rejection…”
A friend I have known since childhood responded to my latest newsletter saying that she needed an appointment and catch up tea time.
Sure, book in any time and I’ll block some more time for a visit as well. It’s been a while. Again.
She did book in, and I did block off some more time, but I was doubtful she would show up as this has been an unstable pattern for her for many years.
Sure enough, she didn’t show up this morning. I messaged but didn’t get a reply until a few hours later. The latest drama is a dysfunctional and abusive relationship for the past few years. Anyone else receiving those text messages might want to call police or some other intervention. I know damn well she has resources around her that could help in an emergency if only she would stick to letting them help. There have been many interventions that I know of and she always sneaks back into that hell.
I kinda feel like a uncaring b*tch now because I told her straight up I can’t help her until she helps herself. Thankfully I have a wonderful list of clients who are accountable and responsible when they book in an appointment and take up a time slot in my calendar. I could be pissy about a no show appointment today but got busy on some other projects like my tax stuff that needs to be done.
I don’t want to make time for dysfunctional drama just because she has been a friend for so many years. That is not what friendship is to me. I only hear from her now and then, and each time she swears things are going to get better. But they don’t. I am just fine with this kind of rejection because it filters out what I don’t need dragging me down in my life.

Roman Alvarado: Awesome, Jackie Rioux

Day of GRIT: #11 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher AMRAP F2
CONTEXT: “I Practice Gratitude…”
Energy balancing and the laws of the Universe all operate as the law of attraction. One vibration will always attract a similar vibration. Gratitude has a very high vibration, so if I want good high vibrations things in my life, I must put out a high vibration which includes gratitude and being grateful of all I currently have in my life.
Quite fitting that today I came across a meme that says “Gratitude is the vitamin of the soul”.

Day of GRIT: #12 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Complex-a-Palooza F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Win the Day…”
Some people post “engagement posts” that are intended to illicit a response of making you think and offering your input to the conversation. Quite honestly, I have been limiting my “engagement” comments on social media just to avoid trolls and a slew of notifications, but this was a friend and she has been promoting her coaching business so I engaged and offered my comment.
The question: What is a productivity hack you live by?
My answer: Jackie N. Rioux: 2 item rule. If I get up from the couch to go to another room, I grab 2 items to take with me to the kitchen or wherever. When it comes time to tidy house there is usually just vacuuming and polishing left to do.
There was quite a feminist movement years ago, which I agree that it brought some rights and equality to women, but in my opinion the whole movement went too far in that it is almost expected that women these days are shamed for choosing to stay home and be a mother to nurture our next generations. Then there was a phase that men have been shamed for choosing parental leave while their wives went back to work. I can fully appreciate women and men being completely different, and we should be unique. But why all this division of genders and stereotypes?
Life coaching now seems to target helping women “do it all” to counteract all the inadvertent damage of the feminist movement. I was the stereotype of a single mom struggling to make ends meet in a corporate job to support my kids. Thank God I got out of that scene! I didn’t hire a life coach though. I couldn’t afford their fees no matter how they prompted that they are worth it and so am I.
Yes I am worth it. I am worth taking matters into my own hands. How did I move my life forward from those days? By doing a little bit every single day towards my own life goals. Keep it simple and Sovereign. Take care of what I can take care of and never mind the neighbors. Well, unless I decided to be friendly and bring over a plate of homemade cookies…
We can “have it all”, but as I have learned through my time in GRIT, having it all isn’t a work life balance. It is a work life integration and it works for men and women alike. It is a SELF empowerment journey.
This is what I love about the 1% journey. I am slowly but surely moving forward in my life, day by day, just doing a little bit each day towards my goals.
My simplest productivity hack “two item rule” is just one way that “I win my day”, every day.
Mallory Antonello: Jackie Rioux plus your two item rule also helps optimize your environment to win that day!
Jackie Rioux: yes!! Everything holds energy so clutter makes me feel really scattered. My two item rule is a super hack in many ways.
Joe Tedesco: I think it’s more important than ever to have a parent stay home and be a mother or father to nurture our next generations. Might knock some sense into all these little crazy kids running around! 🤣
Jackie Rioux: totally agree there. I see a lot of the “damages” in and around my clients.

Day of GRIT: #13 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Hub-Spoke F2 Finisher (4MOL)- AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Have Endurance… ”
I am writing my context today AFTER my workout because I was yawning like crazy and feeling like a steam roller backed over me. I did sleep last night but apparently my body is still feeling fatigued. Vitamin M(ovement) workout done now, got the oxygen flowing and now my brain can engage. Vitamin M and Vitamin G(ratitude) are necessary every single day.
Every Sunday I look at my calendar for the week and see sporadic appointments. By the end of the week, I have had a full calendar. I am grateful for such amazing clients and to be able to assist them in their energy healing journey. By the end of the week, I need some R and R for myself. That is the plan for the rest of today. I have endurance, as long as I take care of my own needs first.
Happy Easter Weekend to those who celebrate!

Day of GRIT: #14 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I See Food As Fuel…”
Up until about 15 years ago I was on a see-food diet. I see food, I eat. I love trying new things, new tastes, I guess I am a foodie at heart. I could eat pretty much anything and not gain an ounce. Skinny mini and the bane of every woman around me with weight issues. Stupid me, I often wondered how and why, and what it would feel like to be as miserable as some of them who were so jealous of my no effort see-food diet.
I learned. Oh boy I learned…
My second husband would brag about his model wife, then chide me behind closed doors on any bit of weight I gained. After that divorce, I was sick for over a year and a half going through a plethora of tests to figure out why I lost more weight than the average divorce diet. I had lost weight like that after first divorce as well. When I get stressed, my appetite shuts down, completely. I learned that banana smoothies are a way to get fuel into my system in the form of potassium needed to jump start my appetite and digestive system.
But I was still sick. The doctor finally told me I had IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a wonderful blanket diagnosis when they can’t pinpoint anything else. Not a great situation when I was a mail carrier at the time and my route was a 15 minute drive to the depot.
I hardly ever drink, but I indulged in a rockaberry cooler and shared the drink with my daughter for a St Paddy’s day dance out with friends. What I learned is that alcohol aggravates H. Pylori, a stomach bacteria that causes ulcers. 60% of the population have this bacteria with no symptoms so doctors don’t automatically test for it unless you show symptoms. Doc and pharmacist also explain that no one knows exactly how H. Pylori is contracted. Finally a diagnosis.
I was sick in bed for days on end. Then, the medication caused me to just want to die then and there. Excruciatingly painful. I was on low acid pills for months afterwards and learned about inflammation and other imbalances.
This experience was a blessing in disguise because I learned so much that eventually led me to energy balancing and all that I do now in living my passion.
I took biology courses, I learned about body functions both physically and energetically, with the emotional implications that made sense of everything I had been through and the results of those experiences. I have read through the SA FUEL component and the coal vs. nuclear composition of food, which I found super interesting.
Despite all that I know, I honestly have not been disciplined enough to take on my weight issue like the bull that I am. I have an awareness of food as fuel. I am aware of the effects of certain foods on my body. I am very aware of the chemical and toxicity influences on my body so I am super conscious to avoid that for sure.
I don’t think my regular diet is “that bad”. I am not fond of alcohol. Carbonated drinks upset my stomach. But I do indulge in milk chocolate nuts and a slice of pie or cheesecake now and then.
I see food as fuel and I have an awareness, but I don’t exactly treat food only as fuel.

Wayne Purser: Jackie Rioux ” I have an awareness” This is important to understand. Our bodies react to what we eat. Cheers…
Jackie Rioux: Wayne Purser yes, awareness is key. Knowledge is only useful when we implement and make better choices.
My knowledge and awareness does influence my choices and then some days there is pie lol

Day of GRIT: #15 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- Countdown Workout F2
CONTEXT: I Know I Can Make a Difference…
I have had a website since 1998. It began from sharing my collection of quotes and sayings I had gathered over years at that point. Having gone through being a teen mom then kids and divorce, I was the one my same age peers turned to when they went through similar experiences. I had saved my collection in a Duo-Tang booklet and often had a hard time retrieving it from lending it to friends. When the internet came along in 1998, it all went into a website. Just a few years later, I had had many people write to me to say that my collection made such a difference for them in highlights bits of wisdom they needed for their life.
Next up, I found energy healing and turned this into a business of living my passion. I am blessed with a wonderful list of clientele and their feedback from our time together assures me that I am making a difference for them as well.
In 2018, I had an angel carding reading and the first thing I was told is that my angel team calls me a “very good conduit” because I network people and information very well. Yup, that is me!!
I have raised 4 kids alone for many years. I have 5 grandkids. I can proudly say that my children have grown to be successful each in their own ways. That is itself is my contribution to humanity in a few ways, not just adding to the population, but in adding good citizens of the earth.
Here in GRIT, I am a self proclaimed “Ladybug Cheerleader”. Some days I kinda feel way out of my league with such intelligent “Asset Control Specialists” in real estate.
I am my own Asset Control Specialist in finding ways to encourage others here and by “heart”-ing all the posts I read.
I know I can, I will, and most of all, I AM making a difference.

Day of GRIT: #16 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Accumulation Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Digest My Emotions…”
Prior to all my education and experience in energy healing modalities, I was just as reactive to situations as the next unbalanced trauma survivor. Then I learned about triggers and how to find and release the root cause of trapped energies and emotions to neutralize the emotional charge behind upsets. Life became much more peaceful and pleasant, and much less reactive.
Now I can choose to respond to situations instead. Ideally. Am I perfect? Hellll no. Honestly, there are still times that I can get upset and caught up in the moment before I take a breather and realize that I have the skills to neutralize situations quickly.
I have this weird thing that when people talk to me, my brain is churning in analyzing what is going on behind the scenes in their inner world. Great skill when working with clients, not so great when talking with strangers if they are not interested in energy healing. It’s like I can pinpoint imbalances for everyone else quickly, but when it is me going through the upset, I realize I need support for myself as well. This is why I have a network of trusted practitioners I can book in with to work on ME regularly.
As for “digesting” emotions, as our context suggests today, I prefer to find and release through energy balancing techniques. Words are important here. Our gut is actually our first brain and I do not want to swallow any emotions that should be released instead. “Swallowing pride” is an example. Energetically, this just causes all sorts of digestion issues, and throat chakra/ thyroid issues if we cannot speak and let it all out. That’s just the way I see it. I am thinking that CJ means to “process” emotions rather than to digest. In that case, yes I definitely process emotions more often than not.

Day of GRIT: #17 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Can Take It…”
My first thought is “Take What?”. Our context prompt today relates to being able to handle the entrepreneurial side of being bigger and better, more popular. CJ’s context was about being able to rebound effectively after having the rug pulled out from under him with his projects and some things going awry.
So, what can I “take”, or handle? Lots, but do I want or need to take it? I have survived a lot of life’s curveballs but why should I continue on that path? I want to thrive not just survive. I have the skills now to figure out why I have attracted certain upsets and patterns in my past according to my vibration. I can figure out whether it is mine or ancestral, and to release all of this so I can move forward in peace and in a higher vibration. Life becomes more in the flow.
It is not so much a matter of being able to “take it”. Everything that comes to us in life is a gift. We can choose whether to accept that gift or not. These gifts can come in the form of upsets and life lessons, or they can be abundance in some way as well.
An analogy my pastor shared with me years ago is that these gifts are like a baseball. Are you going to catch the baseball and choose what you will do with it, or are you just going to let it hit you and deal with the damage afterwards?
No one can make us feel inferior without our permission.
No one can cross our boundaries without our permission.
For someone who has such a background in trauma survival, I completely understand how hard it is to comprehend that we attract good and bad into our lives according to our vibration. Everything on the outside that triggers us is an unhealed part within us.
Sure I can handle a lot in my life, or “take it”, but I choose not to. I choose to raise my vibration, heal whatever is within me that is unhealed, and to be in the flow of life, living in synchronicity. It is a wonderful place to be.

Day of GRIT: #18 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Eliminate Inefficiencies…”
Go ahead, ask my kids what I am like when the housework gets behind and I am feeling cluttered, scattered, and overwhelmed. Not a pretty sight when redhead Medusa unleashes her wrath to get everyone scrambling to clean up after themselves…
The is still an area of myself that I need to work on. I mean, I have gotten better over the years not letting things get to that point. My kids have grown and they generally pick up after themselves, the two that live with me anyway.
The bottom line of this frustration is inefficiency. And now in my later years I understand all the energy aspect of clutter. Everything holds energy. Absolutely everything. Eliminating inefficiencies and cleaning up after ourselves translates into so much more as well. Self respect. Respect for others. Integrity. Efficiency. Progress. Reputation. Character building.
My kids often hear me say “laundry dishes garbage”, because as long as that is addressed daily, things don’t get too bad at home. In my working years at a union job, it drove me bonkers that no one adhered to OHIO method. Only Handle It Once. Nope, we had to stretch out the work for everyone. Inefficiency at its finest I tell ya.
I have often mentioned my “two item rule” as well. Take two items any time you move to another room.
These are all some examples of inefficiencies. But what about business? Having organized clients files and records allows for me to serve my clients more effectively. Having organized paperwork takes the pressure off my bookkeeper/ accountant.
Everything has its place. By eliminating inefficiencies at home and in my personal life, I can also eliminate inefficiencies in my business which just makes everything work better and be more in the flow.

Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux I need you to come to my place and break out redhead Medusa on me and my wife (my wife’s clothes)
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco Actually I have figured out that if I clear “clutter energy” on all of us, we seem to get into blitz mode. Also did this for my mom’s partner and he started cleaning out age old closets. Fun stuff for me seeing energy shifts MUAHAHAHAHA

Day of GRIT: #19 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Complex-a-Palooza F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Create My Own Rules…”
It is coming up on six years since I retired from being bound to someone else’s schedule for way too many years. I think I have finally got to the point of healing the residual trauma from the later experiences that got pretty toxic.
The last 6 years have been continuous and steady personal and business growth with no looking back and no regrets.
The main reason I can now say I have been living my passion is because I create my own rules. I can push forward and learn for a while, take a break to enjoy the “plateau” as George Leonard says in Mastery, and then push on ahead again. I can choose my challenges and decline what does not resonate with my intended path of growth. I hold my own pen to create my life and I make my own rules as well.

Day of GRIT: #20 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Hub-Spoke F2 Finisher (4MOL)
CONTEXT: “I Am The Traveler… ”
Many people have told me over the years that I should write a book about my life. I have always been a writer of sorts, taking after my maternal grandmother who kept a diary of her travels and adventures.
I have kept numerous notes and writings, but they have been scattered everywhere. This past two years I have been in the SA community, and reading Ryan’s book has prompted me in mad panic style to get all my writings and notes aligned into a memoir. I have made some serious headway, but I have 55 years of adventures and experiences to gather up, and then fill in the blanks.
It is coming together nicely and sure feels great not having it all scattered everywhere. Disorganization makes my energy feel scattered as well, so this is a worthwhile project in many ways to put diligent effort into for my own benefit.
Childhood trauma, 2 marriages, 2 divorces, coming from a small town redneckville to the city, raising kids, hundreds of road trips…. Yes my life has been quite a journey. I am the traveler…

Wayne Purser: Jackie Rioux “This past two years I have been” writing my journey in GRIT. From Being Jackie to Becoming Jackie. Pick a Date, then you’ll get it done. Cheers
Jackie Rioux: Wayne Purser yes… all my grit writings are nicely organized. It is all my former stories and writings that I’m now aligning. Interesting to look back and see how far I’ve come.
Jackie Rioux: I’ll be more inclined to set a date once I get everything in one place. Tedious right now. But making progress

Day of GRIT: #21 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Get Started…”
Many from my era of growing up were instilled with the premise of “Do it right, do it once”. While this is a wonderful idea to follow, this has also instilled a sense of perfectionism. Perfectionism is just procrastination in a fancy dress. Feeling like there is no use to even begin if you can’t get it right the first time.
But how can anyone get any task “right” without some practice runs? What if someone else criticizes us for failed attempts? Whose, or what, idea of perfectionism are we following anyway?
I came upon the website about 20 years ago. The website looks like it is about housework, but FLY actually means Finally Loving Yourself. There are some wonderful concepts presented there in taking baby steps, doing a project for 15 minutes at a time, and just getting started by leaving the idea of perfectionism behind. I wish I had had that knowledge eons before, but I have instilled these concepts into my life in the last 20 or so years.
This is still a work in progress for me. Just a few days ago, I came across some videos on YouTube that explain executive function difficulties in those with ADHD traits. Having taken psychology, this is an area of interest for me in adding terminology and knowledge to my energy toolbox in order to work with my clients more effectively.
I would rather not succumb to a label, but I do possess some of the traits of ADHD talked about, including procrastination. With this knowledge behind me, I know that the best solution is just to get started on whatever I decide to do.

Day of GRIT: #22 of 28
METRICS: 12MOL (FoF) Finisher- Countdown Workout F2
CONTEXT: I Lead the League in Effort…
“I lead the league”? I feel like this is a comparison to the league around me. I know too many people who don’t do much to enhance their life forward. Many of them think I am a go getter in getting things done and progressing in my life.
Yet here in the GRIT community league, I feel so behind and overwhelmed that I am sorely lacking in effort compared to others. There is that saying that we should strive to be surrounded by those who we deem smarter than ourselves so we can learn and grow from the experiences and interactions. Perhaps the same applies to effort in my wanting to be surrounded by those who inspire me to do and be more.
We talk about pace cars here in Story Athlete as well. I may be a pace car for some, and many others are pace cars for me.
As long as I am striving to be my own best, I am leading myself in some sort of effort every day. This is the 1% journey.

Glenn Forman: Jackie Rioux You lead in your own way, just like each of the others does in their ways. Comparison takes energy away from what could be accomplished.

Day of GRIT: #23 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Accumulation Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Maintain My Composure…”
I read this context prompt and immediately got a case of the giggles. Who me? I am the one who has described myself as a Taurus redhead, half German, lil bit Irish, and an ex postal worker. Most people aren’t sure how to take that and back away slowly until I crack some sort of joke with my lack of brain filter.
I mean, if I am in a business meeting, I can manage to pull myself together enough to get through a meeting and maybe even contribute some sort of wisdom to the discussion. I am also the friend that you can dress up but you’re in for some surprises if you take me out anywhere. There is not much that embarrasses me and I have a twisted sense of humor.
When it comes to anger, well, I am a feisty redhead. I have absolutely zero patience when it comes to outright stupidity, yet I also understand that lack of knowledge is not necessarily ignorance. I have a really long fuse but if I ever lose my cool, everyone around me stands back wide eyed. Then I can’t stay mad because I find it amusing that anyone would get alarmed by my actions. I am only 5 foot 4 and not much more. I may spout off frustration with someone’s lack of integrity or crossing my boundaries but my “bark” is worst than my “bite”. I tend to just blow off some steam in words or writing and maybe slam some cupboards but it has been many years since I have lost my cool quite like that. The last time I remember, it was a situation where someone pushed my boundaries way too far and got too see redhead unleashed. Oops.
I tend to lean more towards silly jokes when it comes to losing my composure though. Laughing so hard that someone snorts, or pees a little. Laughter is the best medicine.
I don’t do stoic or poker face very well. I feel a lot of everything, whether it is anger, humor, grief… it all comes out. I do generally consider my actions but that is about as far as composure goes with me.

Day of GRIT: #24 of 28
METRICS: 5K day Finisher – 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Am a Problem-Solver…”
I could go with “Multitasking is the art of screwing up several things at once”, or I could go with all my experience of raising four kids with four different personalities and issues. Either way, I have been and always be a problem solver.
Could be my Taurus nature, or could be survival skills learned through the years. Maybe it is a combination of all of the above. I just know that I have always been one to get ‘er done come hell or high water.
I may screw up royally along the way sometimes, or even seem to be completely scatterbrained until I catch on to an idea and put a solution into practice. Things get done here. I will even delegate someone else to get it done, if need be.
At a conference several years ago, I remember a speaking saying that we are either going into a challenge, dealing with a challenge, or coming out of a challenge. This is the waves of life. Life is full of ups and downs. if you think of life as a heart monitor reading, you never want to flatline.

Glenn Forman: Jackie Rioux I always think of a Ford Taurus sedan each time you mention Taurus. Maybe that’s a guys brain re vehicles.
Jackie Rioux: Glenn Forman same reason men like leather lingerie… smells like a new truck lol
Glenn Forman: Jackie Rioux ohhhh…. you got that right!!!!! lol!!!

Day of GRIT: #25 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- AMRAP F2
CONTEXT: “I Aggressively Pursue What I Want…”
My mom has sent me variations of the same meme a few times. It says “God knew I needed a warning label so He made me a redhead”. I am also a Taurus. (as in the bull, not the sedan). I prefer to think of myself as determined rather than the outright stubborn bullish mule, although I have been known to be like that in years past as well.
I also do not think of myself as “aggressive”. I am pretty good at manifesting what I want in life, leaning heavily on Divine source and intuition. Some may think that is kinda airy fairy and more like pipe dreams.
There’s a couple jokes about how God works.
One reference is a young boy wanted a bike but it wasn’t coming fast enough so he figured he would steal a bike and then ask God for forgiveness as that is always available.
Another reference is a fellow who prayed to win the lottery and it didn’t happen. When he asked God why, God told him, “Well, you didn’t buy a ticket”.
It is one thing to have some faith and trust Divine source to bring about our desires that are aligned with our highest good.
It is a different story if you jump the gun and get what you want through methods of less integrity, yet we still need to actively participate and take action ourselves.
I would like to think that I do pursue what I want actively, not so much aggressively and I re-evaluate along the way to see if my intended goal is still what I want and if I need to adjust my sails now and then.

Day of GRIT: #26 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Complex-a-Palooza F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Am a Monster…”
I love Jordan Peterson’s philosophies. I have watched many videos and read lots of quotes. All great stuff for the critical thinker. I also appreciate the idea behind becoming a monster and then taming that monster. It comes down to the same idea of power vs. force. We need the force behind us to get things done, to accomplish our goals, yet we also need to temper this with knowledge and wisdom that we put into practice to empower ourselves.
I tend to lean on my Taurus redhead traits and I suppose that would suffice as being a monster. However, I also know that being a bull is not the best way to get through life. Rather than stubborn, I prefer a determined mindset.
I am a bit of a monster on the inside, in a good way.

Day of GRIT: #27 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Hub-Spoke F2 Finisher (4MOL)
CONTEXT: “I Reflect on My Results… ”
I appreciate that Day 27 in GRIT is always reflecting on the past month and our progress. This had never been a regular practice in my life until joining the Story Athlete community. I used to look back over my life at some points and could not believe things that had happened or how far I had come in my own personal growth. When you come from not much, any progress seems significant.
Having a practice of regular reflection the past 25 months whether I participated in the Monthly GRIT challenge or not, has assisted my growth in a whole new way of conscious awareness.
I feel like in many ways I have come forward, and in other ways I feel completely behind. Some days I stress over getting things done, other days I seem to be in synchronistic flow. Some days I get lots done. Other days I want to sleep the days away. Some days I feel scattered, other days just get outta my way cuz I am laser focused.
That may sound like I am all over the place, and maybe I am. I am a kind soul in a human meat sack. A spirit having a human experience.
What I am realizing more and more is that I just don’t like being around people that are not on the same page. Maybe that sounds rude. I just don’t care anymore. I am super blessed with a wonderful network of clients, practitioner friends, and this Story Athlete community. Outside of that, I tend to withdraw and protect my energy. People who are not on a personal growth path, those who just ride the waves of the Lesser Self life, those who have shut off their critical thinking abilities… these are the ones I adamantly refuse to interact with now. They are a poor investment of my Return Of Time of my life.
In reflecting, I am wondering why I have so little patience with these types of people. Perhaps because I have been having one hell of a “mortality” check. Having lost loved ones, and supporting many clients who have lost loved ones, the finiteness of our mortal time here seems to take front row seating in realizing priorities. What are my priorities? Wellness and meaningful relationships with like minded souls. What is there beyond that? Pretty much anything else is just fluff. Good things are a bonus. Not so good things are lessons.
I feel that one good thing this past month is discovering a new YouTube channel and learning some new insights and terminology related to the ADHD traits. I refuse to get a diagnosis with some sort of label, but I am intrigued with the underlying causes and symptoms which I can integrate into my energy balancing toolbox. As I am always a work in progress, this is another angle and focus to work on myself first.
I thought I had most of my tax stuff done, but realized I had missed a whole section of ledger entries so I spent several hours rechecking everything before submitting at almost 2 am last night. The good thing is that business has been busy, the trade off is more paperwork. Ugh. I am still a little over stressed about that and then self-recriminating that I should have been more on the ball with all of it.
Vitamin M(ovement) helps get the mind and body in a better space. Tomorrow will always be a better day with a fresh start.

Day of GRIT: #28 of 28
METRICS: Stretch a Palooza
CONTEXT: I Expect the Unexpected
Adaptability is the absolute key to thriving in life. There’s a quote “I make plans and God laughs”. I think I must have learned that one early on because I do not make plans for much at all. I have known certain people who were so rigid in their plans of anything that when the unexpected happened, as it always does, their lives were turned upside down until they learned how to be adaptable… if they ever learned.
Yes I make to do lists. I have goals. I keep an emergency kit in my home and vehicle. I take steps towards my goals but not in a linear way. It is more of a dance and moving to the music of life, the highs and lows all add to this musical scale that some refer to as a tapestry, or a roller coaster.
I prefer to stay in the synchronicity and flow of the dance. I had such a fascination with roller coasters when I was little. When I finally went on one, I screamed bloody murder thru the whole ride. That is no longer a fascination in a literal or figurative sense. Music and dancing, now that is more my thing!

Rex Hunter: Jackie Rioux Dance that dance.

Toploader – Dancing in the Moonlight (Official Video)
Jackie Rioux: Rex Hunter Thank you! I always love your music selections!
Neil Sekol: Jackie Rioux I saw the word “dancing” and I reflected on a song that I had heard when working in retail management. I looked it up and after finding the wrong songs, finally found it. Mind you it is out of my typical genre, but I thought of my lovely bride whenever I heard it. I had many times intended to look it up and to share it with Lori, but never did. Now I was sparked to follow through. I am sharing our content (SA Principle, CJ’s, and your post) with this reply and an attached video of the song to my Forever Love, Lori.
Here it is:
Ed Sheeran – Perfect (Official Music Video)
Jackie Rioux: Neil Sekol I love it! Thank you!
Jackie Rioux: Follow up? Lori is a pretty lucky lady
Neil Sekol: Jackie Rioux She has been so swamped. I asked if she saw the emailed clip Monday morning, then Monday night. She finally was watching it this morning…She loved it.

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