The Ascension Process: Transition from 3rd to 5th Dimension

The Ascension Process: Transition from 3rd to 5th Dimension

“Higher consciousness hack: instead of viewing others as ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘evil’ – simply view them as limited. Their level of consciousness limits them to unpalatable behaviors and they simply cannot do better considering their current level of understanding and awareness. They are not bad; they are simply limited. This small shift in perspective allows you greater peace, greater compassion, forgiveness and grace. Remember, the higher you move in consciousness, the less fault you find in others”.

I often have people reach out to me asking about all this talk about dimensions and ascension and the whole transition between 3rd to 5th dimension. 

I really am not an expert in this area, but I do follow some intuitives that I appreciate in their views of this topic. I keep a list of who I have been following below.

How are you doing? Seriously?
Are you energy sensitive and noticing all the electricity in the air, the feeling of impending massive changes? The feeling of something wonderful and expansive is looming on the horizon.
Don’t look outwards to all the mass media fear mongering and political upheaval around the globe. Just get quiet and feel in it your own heart. Can you feel the earth energies and how humanity is becoming united in global consciousness and creating peace on earth? Do you notice these timeline shifts too? Time is speeding by.

Or are you wondering what the heck am I talking about? Perhaps you feel more of the division of humanity right now.

As Earth’s energy rises, fluctuations in the Schumann resonance (Earth’s heartbeat) are believed to be affecting human vibration, influencing both physical and emotional states. Those who align with these shifts may experience enhanced memory, improved stress resilience, emotional equilibrium, and a stronger connection to both the Earth and higher consciousness while those who are not aligned in energetic balance may experience all sorts of discomforts and disturbances.

Personally, there are days when I feel like my brain has gone on holiday without me. Whether this is my own life transitions and body changes, or if it is really these earth energies and our spiritual body upgrades, I am not sure. However, I do know I am continuously learning, adjusting my sails, and sharing my experiences with you in hopes that you will find some encouragement through all that I write and share.

I have been following certain intuitives and learning so much more about planetary alignments and how this affects our physical bodies. I mean, we know that the full moon brings out a lot of chaos, and Mercury Retrograde gets blamed for even more madness all around us. But there is so much more in understanding how we can positively navigate these shifts and use this knowledge to create our best life.

A FCOA to try. Just recite this paragraph adding your name to the blanks and see how your energy shifts:
I, _______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement along with all levels of my consciousness, God and my guides, and the entirety of my family lineages. I bring in the Schumann Resonance (Earth’s heartbeat), the Sun, the Moon, and all the planets. (Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto). I ask for Soul Recognition for all of us. I ask to analyze our timelines and our soul timelines and I ask to resolve any and all conflicts between us at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.
I, _______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement with the planetary alignments and the eclipse of the moon. I ask to analyze our timelines and resolve any and conflicts between us. I ask for divine intervention. I ask to neutralize any and all detrimental energies created by these astrological events. I ask for divine protection of the earth and all of her occupants.



January 2023: Worth a watch: From Tucson Dowsers: 2023 Predictions with Pam Gregory:

January 2024: Tucson Dowsers Energy of 2024 with Brenda Wilson: basic message overall: 2023 was like a roller coaster. 2024 is like a race track. Hang on for the ride. No stopping… just Be true to yourself!!

January 2025: We had Brenda Wilson on for Tucson January 2025 again. Pam Gregory posted a couple really insightful videos on her YouTube:
2025 Astrology Forecast with Kathy Rose:
Quantum Energy Shifts with Zac ~ December 2024:

I love the explanation here: Jenny Schiltz Re: Timelines:

From what I am understanding from these sources, 2025 will be a historical year of changes we have never seen before in our lifetimes. More power to the people, more technological and environmental inventions. Dismantling of systems as we know them. Apparently, the world will look completely different a year from now. While this can be very unsettling and triggering for some, I find these intuitives sharing insights that are both encouraging and exciting.

Want to know who I follow on socials?
Recommended to follow, Facebook and YouTube:
I have been following certain intuitives that I highly recommend because while they acknowledge all the unrest going on in the world, they share inspiring, insightful, informative, and humorous posts which enlighten and brighten my days.
Also check out the Ladybug Wellness YouTube channel for saved playlists and recommended videos.

Aeron Lazar FB
Alex Myles FB (Astrological forecasts)
Altazar Rossiter FB
David Alexander Lighfoot FB (Ascension energy)
Jenny Schiltz (below) FB and YouTube
Jessica Astrology on FB
Ken Graydon on FB (Restoration healing)
Pam Gregory on FB and YouTube
Physic Medium Kelli Miller on FB
Pat Donworth FB (Solar flares)

I do recommend vetting out other intuitives that are more familiar with the whole ascension process and can give more insights to expand awareness on this topic. I keep this list of intuitives I personally follow for some varying perspectives. You can find these intuitives on various social media platforms. I update this list often as their perspectives and my own truths align over time.
As always, I suggest listening to messages in their entirety, then meditating on alignment with Divine Truth and taking only what resonates with you in the highest vibrations of truth.


It is my understanding that the third dimension is all about patriarchy, war, greed, strife, shame, etc. It is a low vibration dimension that humanity has evolved through in the human experience. Turn on the news and you’ll see all sorts of stories that make this seem like our global reality.

I actually don’t recommend turning on the news. Instead, I encourage turning within to face your own upsets, to heal your own past, and to graciously move into what the 5th dimension is all about: LOVE. This dimension is all about recognizing your own intuition, creating and nurturing inner peace, and seeing the world around us as Heaven on Earth.

This 5th dimension is all about learning to recognize that we are more powerful and self sufficient than we allow ourselves to believe. It is about community and connection. Through raising our own vibration and healing the past, we can more effectively come together with others in a space of peace among all.

The restraints of the third dimension strife can make the 5th dimension reality seem far off and elusive. Yet by embracing Divine Truth rather than the division of human failings and non beneficial beliefs, we can move more gracefully through this inevitable ascension process.

It is also my understanding that the 3rd dimension “grid” has already collapsed (mid 2022) and is only now found within each of us humans in the form of trapped low vibration emotions. An understanding of Dr David Hawkins’ levels of consciousness scale is essential to understanding the vibrations of absolutely everything tangible and everything unseen, and how these vibrations affect us.

By taking responsibility for our own healing path, by raising our own vibrations, and by also healing our ancestral traumas, we can effectively influence the global consciousness of humanity. This really is the key to creating Heaven on Earth for all of mankind.

Christ-aligned (Crystalline) energies.

I have come to understand and believe that, scientifically, astrological influences such as the full moon and mercury retrograde can affect humans and animals just as these and other planetary pulls can affect nature and tidal waters.
I do believe though, from my own observations and experiences, that the more imbalanced a person is in their own being, the more they can be detrimentally affected by these influences.

Alternatively, the more we can create and find balance within our own being, the more we can lessen the effects on ourselves, and the more we can just be an observer to the world around us, whether it presents as chaos or peace.
See my writings on Mercury Retrograde here:

Schumann resonances are a series of electromagnetic waves that occur between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere, often referred to as the “Earth’s heartbeat.” These natural frequencies, primarily generated by lightning strikes, have long been linked to human well-being and consciousness.

As Earth’s energy rises, fluctuations in the Schumann resonance are believed to be affecting human vibration, influencing both physical and emotional states. Many spiritual traditions see this frequency as a key factor in human evolution, attuning individuals to the planet’s shifting rhythms and accelerating spiritual awakening. With the baseline resonance of 7.83Hz historically linked to stability and balance, variations in these frequencies may contribute to increased sensitivity, emotional turbulence, and heightened states of awareness. Those who align with these shifts may experience enhanced memory, improved stress resilience, emotional equilibrium, and a stronger connection to both the Earth and higher consciousness.

This energy causes pressures on our carbon-based human form and it is slowly but effectively turning our human bodies into lighter crystalline energy. Carbon pressured turns to diamonds, remember.

Many people experience headaches, brain fog, other aches and pains, irritability, and sleep disturbances just to name a few issues. Thankfully humans are coming to realize that we all have energy balancing skills that can alleviate these symptoms and bring some relief.

This Ladybug Wellness website is designed to be a resource for all who visit and I do trust you will find information here that will be of assistance in your own healing journey.

It is heart wrenching to lose loved ones, yet we never understand another soul’s calling or purpose. Some souls have “chosen” by their human design and soul contracts to not move to the 5th dimension. They will leave the earth plane in various ways — whether that means that baby boomers have come to the end of their existence in a relative human aging process, or others who have not healed from sickness, or have left through accidents.

I have lost loved ones and through my religious upbringing, I do believe we will “see” them again. When we lose several loved ones, especially in a close time frame, I think it is time to have a look at a more omnipotent and spiritual soul perspective of why it seems that so many souls are leaving the earth plane collectively. These are the ones whose soul path is to not move to the 5th dimension through the earth plane.

From a spiritual perspective, many humans are transcending now and that they have finished their karmic journey here. This is an interesting point of view especially for what our world is facing right now.

When we come to understand that the ultimate healing is death to the human form and to move back into the Oneness of the soul and Creator, we can then embrace a new perspective.
If you have lost loved ones, please do check out the Managing Grief page here:

Since I do have many people reach out to me asking about ascension and the whole 3rd to 5th dimension process, I figured I would share my thoughts here.

In conversations with others, particularly about the fact that many people seem to pass over around the ages of 27 to 30 and 37 to 42, the topic of “Saturn Return” and “Pluto Return” has come up. I am not familiar with astrology myself, but this topic has proven quite interesting and informative for those interested. I do not have a good website or contact to direct you to, but I do suggest researching this topic in your own way for more information.

From what I understand, these ages are points in the human experience timeline where a human must make choices that will align with their soul purpose or face karmic resolutions, or they will pass from this earth plane at that time. It is kind of like an “exit point” idea.

I do recommend vetting out other intuitives that are more familiar with the whole ascension process and can give more insights to expand awareness on this topic.

I keep a list in my practitioner recommendations page of intuitives I personally follow for some varying perspectives. You can find these intuitives on various social media platforms. I update this list often as their perspectives and my own truths align over time.

As always, I suggest listening to messages in their entirety, then meditating on alignment with Divine Truth and taking only what resonates with you in the highest vibrations of truth.

It is my understanding that Saturn Return occurs around ages 27 to29, then again around mid fifties. Pluto square Pluto occurs around ages 36 to 43. These apparently are times of major life lessons that change the trajectory of your life. These also can be exit points as we notice a lot of people leaving Earth plane during these age frames.

These are two interesting articles that were shared with me. Would love to hear your thoughts via email.

Although I do not particularly follow astrological influences, I do see many posts in my practitioner forums and I often receive many messages of inquiry, so I am sharing this here.
In my own experience and observation, I find that those with unhealed imbalances seem to be more extremely affected by astrological influences, including myself on the occasional “bad day”.
One way to keep balanced is using frequency numbers.
Recite this number several times, or write it on your left arm directly or on a piece of paper taped to your arm. You can also write this number on paper, and set your water bottle on the paper to “charge” your water for 8 hours, then drink the water.
full moon 17686999688


Soheila SGh
January 15 2024
“You are still mastering Ascension even when Your vibe is low, even when You are frustrated or angry, even when You feel stuck.
Ascension Is an Internal activation that Your Soul governs. It’s not about rules.”
Your Awakening Is a very private and personal experience that Is occurring at a Soul level.
Once Ascension begins, You don’t go backwards, You are not going to get it wrong. You are not going to mess it up, You’re not going to do things that thwart Your progress, despite what many popular, Spiritual mentors may suggest.
This experience Is between You and the Creator and was decided before this Lifetime.
Your Ascension Is a Divinely timed Event that Awakens Your Third Eye and forever Changes the landscape of Your Inner Experience.
You can be in a bad mood, feel stuck, be frustrated, have no clear vision AND STILL be Awakening and Ascending.
This experience Is not bound by mortal rules or games. Your Soul has full knowledge of this process.
There ARE things You can do that make it easier BUT You will be able to Innerstand and implement those things when the time is right for You to do so.
This Is why We Self Love, so that as We move through this process We can cultivate validation and acceptance and calm our nervous system as We take each breath IN TRUST. ~OracleofYourSoul


This is an excellent explanation of how Earth energy is changing: 

Patricia Monna is feeling blessed at Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting.
Social Media post: Sept 25 2021 Calgary, AB
Creating a Different Reality
The energy of our planet is rapidly changing and you can clearly feel it wherever you go. People seem to be on edge, feeling stuck or rapidly spinning out of control.
If we want to move towards a future filled with peace and healing, we need to activate the Light Source within us on a personal level before looking outside of ourselves at a world we can’t control. When we take a good look inside, we give ourselves a chance to slow down and heal what has been hidden within the recesses of our memories, tucked away for us to deal with at a later date.
It’s time to go deep!
Our memories are fueled with the energy that created them, that’s why the worst experience of your life will stand out in your memory easier than last night’s dinner.
Everything that you have ever been through, has gotten you to where you are today. The good, bad and ugly are all part of the story that makes up your book, and we honour our memories by making peace with the past that helped to create our future. We must never resent where we came from, because without it, we wouldn’t have a story to tell.
You can’t skip chapters either, even during the suspenseful periods when life feels exciting, but scary as hell.
If the current page you’re on looks like you’re going through hell…KEEP GOING! YOUR STORY GETS BETTER! Your Light is needed here.
Every one of us is an individuated Light Source, sent here to effect change wherever we go. A simple smile to a stranger, can help to neutralize the low vibration of sadness that they may be carrying in that moment. Your presence is more powerful than you think, and when you heal yourself, you become a natural example for others to follow.
What dictates our energy from the inside out is the thoughts we carry. They become the actions and company we keep, that can haunt us or heal us depending on the frame of mind we’re in.
If you’ve noticed your awareness shifting lately, it may be that you no longer resonate with the old timelines of confusion and victimhood and you are now vibrating on a higher dimensional reality, therefore creating new timelines with the Light that you carry.
Or maybe you’re still waiting for the Universe to give you a sign that now is the time to jump but you keep procrastinating?
Stop waiting for change, and CREATE IT!!
When your intuition tells you that something’s off or needs your attention, please listen and make the necessary changes. The Universe has your back in a huge way right now and that’s why this message is resonating with you as you read this. So, step out of fear and you will start jumping timelines.
Wishing you a month filled with Golden Blessings,
Patricia Monna


Jackie N. Rioux June 8 2018
Pondering thoughts… What is going on with Hollywood famous people and suicides??? Too many people just checking out of earth plane.

Barbara Loutzenhiser Goggins As I ask for an answer, I am hearing in my mind’s ear that many do not understand the upgrades and the clearing that they’re going through to be able to exist in the new Earth energy and it becomes too much for them to handle. This is not only happening in Hollywood; it’s happening all over the world. Others just are not famous. We notice more in Hollywood because the people are famous. It is very sad that every single life that is taken to suicide. How many people don’t realize the energies and the intensity of the healing of the upgrades, the downloads that Creator is giving us to survive the new earth energy? It is just too much for some. At times it is to much for me and I get it.
Also, many pets and people are just checking out so they can be born again with a new Energy Systems intact, so that they can be who they need to be as an adult to facilitate whatever earth-walk is there for their next time around… It’s sad but not all bad. That’s the main gist of why so many people are checking out early. They just need to be born with the new Energy System with the new DNA. Our babies are so much more alert now. They just pick up things so much quicker than they used to. You know it’s a very exciting time to be alive as we cleanse transform and transmute the old energy patterns that no longer serve us. I hope this makes sense. Have a wonderful day.
I could go for hours on this subject. The angels and God are good about explainable info.

February 17, 2018 9:59 AM
Sharing from practitioner group:

You just ‘know’ or sense that something is happening/changing. You just feel different for reasons you can’t explain.
Stomach and digestive issues, IBS, gastrointestinal problems; loss of appetite; periods of unexplained nausea.
Sudden changes in body temperatures; increased sensitivity or intolerance to heat or cold; abnormal heat and/or cold in certain body parts.
Cold or Flu-like symptoms that appear and then disappear just as suddenly without escalating.
Frequent headaches; head pressure or other unusual sensations in the crown area; warmth, tingling, pinpricks, pulsating energy.
Increase in sensitivity of smell; strange smells from time to time that seem to come out of nowhere; Sinus and allergy issues.
Changes in vision and perception; catching glimpses of shadows, mist or smoke, flashes of light, sparkles, colors and swirling forms of energy.
Changes in hearing or sensitivity to sound; hearing strange sounds, tones, and frequencies in your ears; whooshing, buzzing or ear popping/pressure.
Periods where you feel extremely cold for long periods of time or have a chill in your body, cold hands or feet; circulation issues.
Changes in diet, appetite and eating habits; Sudden cravings for or aversions to certain foods; Unexplainable weight gain or loss.
Sudden intolerances/allergies to certain food or other products and chemical sensitivities.
Changes in sleep patterns; waves of extreme fatigue that come and go unexpectedly; periods of restlessness or insomnia; a need for more or less sleep than normal;
Sporadic sleep schedules; repeated waking in the middle of the night especially around 3 am; unusual dreams or more lucid dreams.
Increase in daydreaming, fantasy; flashes of insights and visions; increased creativity and imagination.
Intense waves of heat throughout the body, hot flashes, chills or night sweats; feeling extremely hot or waves or warming energy in various chakra centers.
Increased static electrical charge in the body; energy ‘zaps’, tingles, itching, pinpricks; muscle spasms or twitches that occur sporadically in certain parts of the body.
General body aches and pains, tension and soreness not caused by injury or exercise.
Clumsiness, lack of coordination at times, bumping into or dropping objects more often; dizziness or feeling ungrounded.
Sporadic bursts of increased energy or inspiration; feeling hyperactive or frantic energy; panic attacks; accelerated mental energy; racing or scattered thoughts.
Unexplainable nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no apparent reason.
Feeling Intense or unusual vibrations; experiencing pulsating or rushing waves of energy, tingling sensations pressure throughout the body or in specific areas (chakra centers).
Extreme sensitivity; feeling over-emotional; Episodes of crying for no apparent reason or bouts of hysterical laughter for no apparent reason.
Periods of intense frustration, anger or rage, short-tempered or easily agitated or impatient.
Moments where you experience an increase in heart rate out of the blue, or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.
Unusual skin changes that come and go (rashes, hives, itching or tingles).
Changes in hair and nail texture, color or rate of growth. Hair and nails may grow faster than normal.
Feeling more drawn to be in nature and in more serene environments.
A sudden increase in synchronicity (meaningful coincidences); seeing 11:11 or other recurring numbers often.
Abrupt changes with job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments or strong urge to relocate.
Physicality may feel ‘unreal’ at times and external reality appears dreamlike at times.
Increased “self-talk” or inner dialogue; issues with voice or speech.
A need for more personal space and alone time; introversion.
Feeling invisible, alienated or detached from others and/or the world around you.
Feeling lost or a sudden loss of your old ‘identity’ and a calling to find your true self.
A deep longing to go Home even though you may not know where ‘home’ is.
A sense of urgency like you are running out of time or that ‘something is about to happen’.
Moments of heightened energy where you may receive channeled information; or automatic writing.
Sudden lack of mental focus and ability to concentrate or comprehend linear information; feeling scattered; brain fog; confusion; forgetting things more often.
Feeling ungrounded at times, scattered or spacey thoughts; feeling detached or in a dream-like trance.
Time distortions; losing track of time; a sense that time is ‘speeding up’ or ‘slowing down’ at various moments;
You begin to see halos of light around people, animals and objects; distorted or blurred vision; sensitivity to bright light; more intense closed-eye visions.
Increased Telepathy with other people and animals; flashes of insight and increased Intuition.
Feeling that you have a Divine purpose on the planet and that you are on a special ‘mission’.
Profound feeling of love, peace, understanding and interconnectedness with All things.
Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and intuition.
Bizarre or intense dreams; prophetic or precognitive dreams or dreamlike visions occurring more often.
Electronic devices may malfunction often in your presence (lights may flicker or bulbs burn out often).
A feeling that you are not alone or that there is a non-physical presence near you (visits from angelic beings, spirits, e.t’s, messengers and guides)
Experiencing sudden inspirations and divine revelations, rushes of energy and flashes of deep insight.
A feeling that something is ‘about to happen’ or something important is coming, although you don’t know what or when.
A Word of Advice
Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms, it is a good indication that you are experiencing the ascension process more fully or at an accelerated rate. For treating ascension symptoms, more holistic healing methods and natural remedies are always encouraged alongside any other necessary treatment and for overall long-term health and healing benefits.

Aeron Lazar
October 29 2022
Preparing for the monumental change between 3D and 5D and the ‘New Earth’
When we hear the term ‘New Earth’ it can almost sound like a new planet, or that at our collective ascension gateway, we will suddenly be whisked into another dimension to start again.
I prefer to call the New Earth ‘Consciousness 2.0’ instead, as for me this language feels more accurate and authentic.
When we collectively embody Consciousness 2.0 on this planet, we will have ascended from 3D to 5D and we will be living very differently.
It’s going to be incredible to not only witness but experience, considering what we’ve lived through, a true ‘dawn of the ages for mankind’
Love. Joy. Beauty. Equality. Service and Respect, to name but 6 virtues.
We are in a season of preparation right now for what’s about to unfold and the change that’s about to take place.
Now is the time to shed the shackles of the old paradigm to embrace and embody the new higher frequencies and gridwork here on our planet.
Now is the time to completely change your life and to shift timelines, to purge the old which isn’t serving you, to heal your inner wounding and pain, to release all patterns both ancestral and karmic, to fully shift and align yourself with the new paradigm and new reality which is currently being birthed in front of our eyes.
If you’re beginning this transformational journey, you still have time, but you need to begin the work now.
Your highest timeline of love, joy and abundance is now only an intention away.
Our ascension gateway is approaching.
Here’s to a bright future ahead, for all of us as we Transcend Dimensions.


Feb 8 2022
The basic definition of metaphysical Timelines starts out corresponding fairly well with conventional Timelines, which is that we recall sequences of events that we experience in the form of ordered events. For example, we might recognize the sequence of events in our typical day, starting with waking up and doing our usual morning activities. We might recognize a divergence between conventional and metaphysical Timelines any time we sense a perception of being adjacent to parallel possible realities. We can experience these other possible realities when we notice reality shifts and Mandela Effects, where we notice that a past sequence of historical, recorded events does not match what we remember. We can also experience these other realities when we make a choice to make a quantum jump. We are now witnessing shared experiences of Timeline quantum jumps in the form of the Mandela Effect, where groups of people have shared memories that are different from historical records. We thus may find others who remember, for example, that the term “kidney punch” used to have meaning and significance when the kidneys were actually situated in our lower backs, and were thus vulnerable to injury if struck. When we consider the idea that the reality each of us observes is continually in a state of ‘collapsing’ out of having been smeared in a blur of quantum probability wave functions–then we can start to appreciate that we are each ‘creating’ the reality we experience in the way we make a choice of what and how we are observing. Our individual observations may not necessarily always agree with the subjective observations of others, and this is very much at the core of the quantum paradigm. All possibilities might thus be considered to already exist in the form of pure potentiality–only to be experienced in the form of reality when we invest our observational attention and energy in a particular choice of what we are focusing on, and how we are focusing. Individuals can choose and select Timelines, and to the degree that we are choosing Timelines that are aligned with our higher dimensional levels of consciousness, we can sometimes witness instantaneous positive results. The ability to experience individual Timeline Shifts often starts by first feeling a close proximity to an adjacent reality–one that we feel attuned to and affiliated with. This awareness might come through awareness of seeing a possible future reality in a dream or daydream, or it might appear as a knowingness. Some of the best ways to practice such conscious Timeline Jumps is to make a jump to a reality that feels within close reach–something that feels possible to your subconscious mind. Groups of people can join together with shared observational attention and energy–for such things as prayer or meditation groups, for example. The International Mandela Effect Conference (IMEC) has been tracking some such positive collective Timeline Shifts in the form of “mandanimals” that have returned from extinction (noted as “Lazarus” species), or are Golden or Rainbow or White colored, or have other remarkable qualities. As to the source of Timelines and Dimensions, this becomes a philosophical question. Some of my favorite book sources to address these matters are philosopher Nicholas Rescher’s book, Axiogenesis, and Tarthang Tulku’s book Space, Time, and Knowledge. Sincerely,
—Cynthia Sue Larson, Reality Shifters

Some articles to further understanding:
Schumann Resonance. The veil is lifting:

20 Universal Laws:

The Laws of Energy Exchange and Karmic Debt:

Spiritual Laws of the Universe:

A lot of Earth Energy changes were quite noticeable in 2012:
Archangel Michael called 2012 “The Year of the Indigo.” I thought this meant that the indigos would rise up in protest regarding wars and economic corruption. What I now realize (halfway through the year) is that he meant that in this new energy of 2012, we are all adopting the “Indigo Energy” of truth-telling and instantly recognizing dishonesty.

This new energy compels us all to be completely… honest and stop the habit of telling “white lies” or sugar-coating the truth. Those old practices are a form of manipulation, to try to get people to react to you in certain ways and/or avoid their anger or disapproval.

The angels say: “Tell the truth always, and let the chips fall where they will.” In other words, don’t try to control the outcome. Let go and trust that the truth will set everyone free.

Of course, the angels guide us to speak the truth in loving and respectful ways. There’s no need to mow anyone down with aggressiveness during truth-telling. Plus, the anger energy shuts down the other person’s ability to really hear what is being said.

With this energy, relationships are changing and will continue to change. You’ll have relationships fall away that were built upon white lies or upon stuffing true feelings. New relationships built upon integrity and truth will come to you.

TRUST the process. TRUST this new energy and new ways of living. It’s healthful and it’s necessary.
If you are pulling away from people who are practicing toxic lifestyle practices, you’re not alone!

When the purpose of a relationship has been served, the “pull” of the relationship decreases. You may feel less attracted to spending time with the person, and may even avoid them. Please don’t judge yourself for this process, as it’s as normal as any other cycles in nature.

Avoid making lists of all the reasons why the relationship isn’t working, as this creates inner toxic turmoil. Avoid having internal arguments with the person! You don’t need to justify pulling away from another person, or get their blessings or permission to end a relationship. You’re not “the bad guy” any more than they are!

The angels can help the relationship to end with as much kindness as possible.

Think of them as you would a person driving you to the airport: they helped you to get to where you are right now (including making you a stronger person for having gone through turmoil with them). As your flight takes off and you go higher and higher, you can feel love and gratitude to that person’s role in your life . . . even if they’re not with you on the current flight.

Ask Archangel Raguel (the angel of harmonious relationships) for help in healing current relationships and to attract healthy new relationships.

And remember that your healthful lifestyle and radiant happiness is the ultimate teacher and role model that may inspire others to release old toxic ways, too.

This is from friend Annette… a very good explanation of the cranky and off kilter people we may notice:
“Today could prove to be a very interesting day indeed. Summer Solstice touches us this evening in North America, although the energy is already affecting many people. For those 24hrs people are likely to experience a wide array of emotions coming up. This roller coaster of emotions is really about making a final choice of how you want feel overall. If you seek peace and joy, all that interferes with it will be stripped away. This will happen much quicker than most people are used to, as it will likely happen in days & weeks, not months & years. Those who choose to stay in unhappiness will find things collapsing quickly around them as the earth is no longer willing to actively support this choice.
It may be hard to be patient with people having difficulty through these times but it’s worth remembering that much of it is based in fear, and in some cases outright panic at the sense that the world is changing fast and they have little or no control in some areas of their life. The same old things that used to work for many people simply do not work anymore and it is difficult for many people to adjust to this because it requires a sincere look at oneself – the good and the bad. To keep it in perspective, if you find yourself feeling this way, remember that you’re a wonderful work in progress, still growing and learning.”
Annette Donald June 20 2012

Dr Karen Kan has shared much information about the 4 stages of ascension with cycles explained:
Light Warrior Network Karen G Kan October 10, 2020
This week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest is in two parts. First, I talk about Ascension Cycle Deaths. Yes, during the naturally occurring Ascension process, there are times during particular cycles where we experience a sudden slew of human deaths, many of whom seem random and unexpected. It has been happening this past week. If you’ve been affected personally, as I have, my heart goes out to you.
I also share some really AMAZING news. We now have the ability to “download” the Unconditional Love Bubble to anyone we think about at the speed of thought, (and here’s the cool part), even when we do not have permission to do energy healing on them. This Unconditional Love Bubble makes them impervious to most entities (attachments) whose Light Scores are 4 and up.
Entities such as the Darkness of the Dark, Darkness Masked in Light, and Pseudolight who have light scores of under 4 can still potentially attach because of they have ways to withstand the Love bubble and other expertise is needed to heal and release them (found in my Light Warrior Bootcamp 2.0 program).
Watch this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest below and get all the juicy details on how to get the ability to download the Unconditional Love Bubble to another at the speed of thought:

Causes of Ascension cycle deaths:
o 32% Can’t hack the higher vibration physically
o 35% Choose to leave – too much emotional pain
o 25% alternate self’s death experienced
o 8% Soul Experience Template and Mission fulfilled (and no new mission)

The Akashic Academy January 30 2018
Are you ready to find out what you need to know about the 4 stages of the ascension cycle?
Join my guest, Dr. Karen Kan, a Spiritual Medicine MD and holistic physician. She will share her insights about the 4 stages of the ascension cycle: Expansion, Rising, Resistance, and Integration, and what that means to you, especially if you’re a sensitive soul. She’ll explain the common “symptoms” that occur during those stages and share tips on how to ease them.
Dr. Karen will do a group healing during the show. If you have questions about your own ascension journey, Dr. Karen can connect with Source and ask questions on your behalf.
We look forward to you joining us live or for watching and sharing the replay!
Thank you!
Christy Warnick
Spiritual, Intuitive and Energy Healer

Karen G Kan: We are beings of light in a human body. We have incarnated into a dense human body so we can bring those light energies into incarnation into the physical. It is still a challenge for most to embody the light 100% of the time. Thus we can ASK to be connected to Source with our intention during a healing session and in part, so that no wayward lower vibe energies can interfere.
Carol S: The leftover bits are the encoded “trauma” that we have experienced and are not ready to/unsure of/or afraid to let go of. As you say, it is the holding onto these and not allowing the ascension work to fully integrate that keeps us in “sickness”. There are really quick and easy ways to clear those so that the spirit is healed. When the spirit that initiated the psychosomatics is healed, then the body follows. Great work Karen

January 5 2023 Karen G Kan
In case you haven’t remembered the cycles, we are in the death cycle where many people leave us. Much love
Cindy O: I have noticed so many leaving.
Megan M: Maybe this is why I’m experiencing grief that doesn’t feel like mine?
Lisa G: They sure are. Yeah, where can we learn about the cycles? Greg Brandon talks about many of the cycles that the earth and humans go through.
Mandy Jane: Are you referring to the cycle of the government where they tell a huge lie and kill off a bunch of people who believe them?
Karen G Kan: It has been my observation that there are cycles within cycles. Tonya A, as you know, there are four phases of the ascension cycle. My guess is that it is the expansion cycle where we see the most folks “leaving” us or choosing to leave this plane of existence until they recycle back here at their choosing. I don’t know why we see the phenomenon, but it probably follows some sort of Fibonacci sequence or something! Maybe I’ll ask Marcus Bird when he comes back from holiday!
Amie R: this is what two of my Reiki friends have told me. It just seems like lots are choosing to leave us.
Tonya A thanks for the explanation. It reminded me of when a couple of days ago a friend and I were talking about the cycles of the moon and how when she wanted “to get rid of / eliminate” energies she does it on the full moon, and when she wants to set intentions “to bring about / to manifest” something in her life she works energetically in the new moon phase. Yes please, I am curious what Marcus says about this… thank you for asking!
Kate D: It seems to be happening non stop the last 6 years or more, or maybe as I get older, more people I know leaves the world. But I find animals are departing at an alarming rate too!
Karen G Kan: I know it seems this way, but there are weeks were there are a slew of deaths, then later a massive number of births!
Maria T: I have believed for a long while there would be this divergence where the vibration rises and people either choose to change and rise with it and stay or leave. Staying requires overcoming many challenges and learning many lessons.
Erica G: In Numerology we use 9 yr cycles. I’m guided to know that there are also 9 period cycles. We have been in a 9 period cycle. For me I’m in my personal year 9 of a 9 period. I’ve been purging throughout this period, and my mother, sister, son, oldest son’s mother in law, all crossed over, and a divorce. Read more in my upcoming new book Numerology New Discoveries: Who are you?
Maria: It definitely makes sense. Those who don’t feel ready for ascension choose to leave and return later and those who are ready are waking up.
Kaitlyn K: It’s like the play equipment when we were kids of the merry go round were all us kids would hang on and someone would get it spinning so fast and some hung on and others it would get to be too much and they would just let go and spin off. No judgement they were just not ready for that intensity this time around.
Karen G Kan: There is much truth to that!
Karen G Kan January 6 2023: Just to balance out my post from yesterday about cycles of death. There are cycles of birth as well. Lots of babies!! YAY!

Victoria Reynolds November 16 2023
For those who believe that 5D (Love-Based reality, New Earth, Heaven on Earth) will just magically happen and everyone will live happily ever after, it’s important to understand that 5D is a state of consciousness.
You live in it every day that you choose pure, absolute, unconditional love and feel the bliss that comes with living in absolute knowing that all is well. The collective 5D, Heaven on Earth will be experienced when at least 1/3 of us choose to live our lives in love in all things, and service to all.
Remember, we can change our environment but we take ourselves with us. If we don’t change within ourselves, the external environment won’t matter.
Maybe there will be an event in which the purveyors of darkness disappear (as some are predicting) and even with that, there is a lot of cleanup to do before we reach paradise.
We have our individual and collective baggage to go through and process before we reach heaven within ourselves. As above, so below, as within, so without. As our internal reality shifts, our external reality follows suit, not the other way around.
Yes, a better external environment can help to make the inner process more graceful, but heaven is within and occurs when we are willing to let go of everything that isn’t that.
Commenter: I think Jesus (or Mary Magdalene) said that heaven is within all of us. Perhaps it was partly this 5d shift that they were referring to. 💜
Victoria Reynolds:
Michaela Light, yes, it’s just been branded as 5D in the past few years. Heaven has always been found within. Heaven and Hell are both in our own hands, in our personal perceptions of our human experiences. This is why some people who appear to have everything that “should” make them happy are still miserable and why some people who appear to haver nothing can find bliss in the nothing, and even in the suffering. Our internal reality determines our state of being.

Jenny Schiltz January 22 2024: The falling away of people, places, and things in this energy is really something! It is taking everything to a whole new level.
Luci Martin: I’m sensing people falling away from my world before THEY even are….. I listened to a speaker advise us not to even try to figure out what is no longer working in the relationship… he advised simply to honor the understanding that the friendship is no longer serving us and gracefully allow it to go for as long a time as it meant to. Wild and crazy times.
Jenny Schiltz: Great advice!

Morning Messages – Peggy Black January 16 2025
Artificial Frequencies
It is important to remain consciously connected to this planet. Your earth has a magnetic field, rhythm and frequency which have a significant affect on your personal well-being, wholeness, health and balance.
In the past humans lived closer to the earth and the rhythms. They lived out-of-doors, slept on the ground, farmed the lands, hunted and walked touching the soil. This way of living offered a deep sense of belonging and connectedness to the resonance and vibrations of the planet. Your society at this time is less likely to experience this deep connection with the earth.
Most of the population lives in a world of man-made concrete and asphalt. They are born into a home that is surrounded by buildings. Those in the cities can go days, weeks, months and even lifetimes without a real connection to the earth.
Humans are not connected in a healthy way to the vibrational field of earth. People surround themselves with artificial, discordant vibrations created by man. Everything in your home has a vibration no matter how solid it feels to your touch or seems to your eyes, it is vibrating slowly perhaps, but it is vibrating. These surroundings in the workplace or the home do not support your balance and well-being.
Add another layer to this artificially created matrix–the electronic frequencies from all your appliances, TV, computers, telephones, refrigerators. These are the discordant man-made energy frequencies in which most people live.
Alarmingly, these high frequency energetic grids are increasing and as they do, the populace becomes more chaotic, unbalanced, unwell, and dis-eased.
The personal energy or matrix of the human is sensitive to these energetic grids, these electronic frequencies which are passing through their tissues and their bones, affecting their state of mind, their health, their sense of wholeness and balance.
We invite you to make it a conscious practice to connect with the healing, whole energetic matrix of nature, and what it offers in balance and freshness to your energy. The cohesive frequencies of nature, the vibrations of living trees, plants, stones, lakes, oceans are like whole, alive food to the human energetic field.
If you live in the city you will need to be more creative. Bring living plants into the space, the caring for these living plants offer a simple method to balance the artificial frequencies. Make it a point to find a park or some form of nature and spend time there. This allows your energy body to discharge any unwanted stale energy and to be replenished with a more cohesive, whole, alive, healthy vibration.
You can also sing, move, stretch, dance, look at the beauty of the day and create a flow of joy and gratitude in your personal field.

Alexander Quinn – Starseed July 29 2024, 5:04 PM
The symptoms associated with ascension are currently very pronounced. This process demands a comprehensive purification of all aspects of one’s life, particularly those concerning the physical body and its utilization. Individuals who are not experiencing these symptoms to some extent may still be in earlier stages of this transformation or have not yet begun to develop their crystalline structures. Those who are intensely experiencing these changes are likely undergoing significant upgrades and transformations out of necessity. Lightworkers, in particular, must advance ahead of the collective, enduring sometimes disconcerting changes to sustain the planet’s light and serve as guides for others. The metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly is a substantial and demanding endeavor. Deep breathing is recommended, as even the Earth’s atmosphere is undergoing electromagnetic alchemical shifts, presenting a different composition compared to the pre-2012 era. This transformation may result in some individuals experiencing challenges in acclimatizing to breathing and other physiological functions as your crystalline self becomes apparent.
Moving forward, the energies have been so high recently that I was floating on a wave of electricity and ended up not sleeping for two days. A wonderful experience but now some rest is needed hence taking a break from making a video this week. I shall be back on that soon however. Remember – You’re not dying. You’re adjusting. Change is not easy, especially when it is permanent. The new you is a huge upgrade. See it for what it is. A celebration. All my love. AQ

Matrix Education September 26 2024
Karma is often misunderstood as a force of punishment or revenge, but in truth, it’s a teacher, a guide on our path to healing and self-awareness. Karma is not about balancing the scales of justice or making sure that those who wronged us face consequences. Instead, it’s a mechanism of growth, a gentle nudge from the Universe to help us see the areas within ourselves that need love and attention.
When karma returns, it’s not there to harm us, but to illuminate our wounds—the places within us that still carry pain, hurt, or resentment. It brings our triggers to the surface, not so we can live in them, but so we can heal them. Every time we encounter a difficult situation or person, it’s an opportunity to see more clearly where we are still holding onto old hurts or unhealed aspects of ourselves.
Rather than hoping for others to “get what they deserve,” karma invites us to shift our perspective. The people who wrong us are not enemies to be defeated; they are, in fact, soul teachers. Our higher self has chosen these experiences—however painful they may seem—to show us the parts of ourselves that need healing. In this light, karma becomes a mirror, reflecting back the lessons we need to learn in order to grow, evolve, and ultimately find peace.
Once we start to heal those wounds and let go of the pain that karma has revealed to us, we become free. Free of resentment, free of blame, free of the patterns that have kept us stuck in cycles of suffering. We realize that karma’s purpose was never to inflict harm, but to guide us toward a higher state of being—a place where we can experience love, joy, and fulfillment without being held back by past hurts.
Karma, in its essence, is beautiful. It’s a gift, though it may not always feel that way at first. It helps us break free from old cycles, purify our energy, and become more aligned with our true self. It’s something we can be grateful for, not feared or resented. Because through karma, we find the pathway to our own self-realization. We discover our strength, our resilience, and the infinite capacity for healing that exists within us.
So, let’s embrace karma, not as a force of retribution, but as a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth. With every karmic lesson, we are one step closer to wholeness, to blooming into the fullest, most authentic versions of ourselves.

Karma is not about revenge or justice. It is about healing and blooming. Karma returns so you can see your wounds and triggers and can heal them. Karma is not to create hate in your mind that people doing wrong to you will suffer in hell. Rather people doing wrong to you are the one your soul has chosen to show you your unhealed parts. Once you are healed you are free of karma. Karma is beautiful and we should be grateful because karma leads us to self realization.


Guruofcalm instagram
Calling the Universe to confirm if I really signed up for all these life lessons and see if I can drop a few. Before our arrival to this earthly plane, each soul maps out in detail the experiences and lessons it wishes to tackle; a sacred pact with the universe to evolve spiritually. We are not here by chance, but by our own choice, with a defined purpose that gives meaning and direction to our existence.

In this earthly journey, every challenge, every relationship, and every difficult situation are essential parts of this predetermined agreement. These experiences are not punishments nor coincidences, but steps that bring us closer to our essence and full understanding of our life’s mission. They allow us to grow, strengthen ourselves, and, above all, remember who we are and why we are here.

We embrace each moment with gratitude and resilience, knowing that everything contributes to our growth. We become more compassionate and patient, both with ourselves and with others, recognizing that each person we meet is also navigating their own path of agreed learning.

This understanding invites us to live with greater awareness and purpose, inspiring us to seek deeper and more meaningful connections, and to face life with a renewed perspective, where each experience is an opportunity to advance in our spiritual journey.

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***