GRIT | January 2022

January 2022

Day of GRIT: #1 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- 15-Second Intervals Superman/ Banana
CONTEXT: “StoryAthlete Finds a Way…”
Sometimes we may think something is “beneath us” to take on to further our goals. I think it is good to see opportunities as rungs on a ladder and sometimes you need to start at the bottom to work your way up. This is kind of an old school philosophy that should be brought back. It was darn frustrating in a union environment when rules changed at some point. Instead of learning the ropes and working your way up to management, they could bring in someone from another field or even off the streets, so to speak, to take management positions. I lost a lot of respect when we had to explain our job roles just so the supervisor could make directive decisions and even then things got screwed up royally.
I had a management job at age 18 running a motel. Although many years later I have had lifelong friends with the owners, I never ever wanted a management position again.
I remember my mom saying early on that a waitressing job, according to the philosophies when she was growing up, was the lowest kind of job you could take. Not very respectable. I have a different point of view thankfully as my daughter took on server jobs for many years to pay for her traveling and it really is a personable skill across the globe.
When I moved to this city back in 2001, I did not have much, if any, child support. Even though I had a good job, I was struggling to make ends meet providing extras for my four kids. I said a lot of prayers first, then took a resume downtown to the local night clubs and pubs. My “other mom” was a religious pillar in my life and was so worried about this venture so I know she prayed lots too. Well, two of the pubs were closed. I walked into the Generator and Johnny hired me on the spot. I was put on beer tub so I didn’t have to move around serving drunken customers in the crowds. I worked there two years and only two nights I covered a server. I came home in tears those night. However, my somewhat protected position behind the beer tub served me quite well in providing just enough tips and income to get by through that time in my life. Thankfully I was pretty naive back then and blind to a lot of things going on there. Things I found out much later. I am grateful for the doormen who seemed awfully protective of me then and are still good friends years later.
The networking and friends I made then were instrumental though the rest of my years here since then.
I think that nothing is “beneath us” to take on some way to make our plans succeed. You just never know the hidden benefits that might come out of it much later.

Sheryll Mairza: Jackie Rioux I FULLY agree! There is NOTHING beneath us!

Day of GRIT: #2 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Hub Spoke F2 Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I See Failure as Data….”
At one point in my life I kept telling my friends that I am the prime example of what NOT to do in life. Most people graduate, get married, then have children.
I did that completely backwards. I had a baby 17 days after my 17th birthday. I got married over the summer when I was 18, continued with high school and graduated at age 19 when I was 6 months pregnant with my second child.
Thank God I managed to land a job with the post office at age 23, since we were so broke and my then husband was not very good at holding a job or holding onto money.
Most people work in a lifelong career or job and retire age 55 then try to travel and enjoy their nest egg until they kick the bucket soon or later.
I got the travel bug, and a bucket list, and went on lots of road trips, with or without kids or friends. I got my plan B in place with a good accountant and taking courses towards a different career. I retired age 49 and now live my passion serving clients.
Most people go on to college and start a career after high school. Well, I was kinda busy being married and “barefoot and pregnant”, literally. I went back to school at age 42, and graduated with an Associate Degree Psychology concentration, at age 52.
What most people would see as a life of failures and disappointments, and back-ass-ward-ness, I see as a life of intrigue, interest and accomplishments despite the obstacles. I ain’t “most people”. I am not weird, strange, or odd either. I am unique. I am fun loving, and I have built a life of knowing what I do and don’t want in my life.
I still may not recommend having children so early. I do recommend vetting out a life partner much better than my choices of two marriages that ended in divorce.
I find it quite amusing to explain to strangers that I have 4 kids ages 37, 35, 30 and 29. My five grandkids are 18, 12, 10, 8, and 4. I retired early. By this point their hamster wheel has spun out trying to figuring out my real age. The kids’ father used to get mad at me for not acting my age. Well, I don’t know how to “act my age” if I have never been this age before. I just live my life as best that I know how, collecting my stories and adventures along the way.

PS: Do you know how to catch a unique rabbit? U-nique up on him. Know how to catch a tame rabbit? The tame way.

Sheryll Mairza: love your PS!!! And your message today is fantastic!!! You are absolutely amazing!!!
Neil Sekol: I think you are just splitting Hares.
Mallory Antonello: put on your crown

Day of GRIT: #3 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Accumulation Workout F2
CONTEXT: “I Know How To Pivot…”
The first thing that came to mind with “I know how to pivot” is my ex-husband explaining me in a store when we were planning our wedding. That was my crazy time of a whirlwind romance. My sister had met this guy on a chat group when I was home alone at Christmas, as my kids had all gone with their dad. Sister introduced him to me and 4 months later he moved here from New York. Less than a month later he proposed, and we got married 11 days after that. Whew.
Yup, that was my crazy time. Lonely and fell for his humor and charm. Eleven days to plan a wedding. I actually pulled off a really nice small wedding, just with the wrong groom, again. Oops.
Anyways, he did have quite the sense of humor and we had a lot of laughs for the first few months until his lies started unraveling. The funny part of pivot was how he described me juggling two jobs, four kids, and a young husband (he was 12 years my junior) all while planning a wedding in 11 days.
I had been in a department store buying a few things and he said I was spinning around like the scene in Exorcist trying to get my bearings and find everything I was looking for.
That marriage only lasted 2 years. I was so scarred from that experience that I didn’t date anyone for more than 5 years afterwards. The real pivot came during that super lonely time of my life when everything seemed to be crashing down around me with my jobs, my friends, my kids. Just everything.
But that is also when I found myself and stated re-evaluating life. I started back to school and turned my life into something way better in following my passion. I also learned to love my own company. Alone and single does not have to mean lonely. My life has been fulfilling in so many other ways because when the going gets tough, I know how to adapt and pivot.

Sheryll Mairza: Jackie Rioux you are amazingly resilient!
Jackie Rioux: Sheryll Mairza now i wasn’t so much thru the process lol

Day of GRIT: #4 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Leg Day Complex-a-Palooza C2 F2 Finisher- 4MOD -5x5x5
CONTEXT: “I Know Answers Reveal Themselves…”
I had a new client ask me the other day if I needed anything more than her name and birth date as she had expected to fill out a long form for a session. Nope, I don’t need any more details than what you are willing to offer within a session. Your energy will tell me everything I need to know to find and release trapped energies so you can uncover your authentic self.
This is the beauty of this work. My clients do not need to share any deep dark secrets or re-live past traumas. As an energy balancing practitioner, I only need permission to tune into a client’s energy field. I am a facilitator that just steps out of the way and allows the answers to come on their own.
In working this way, most clients experience a shift towards feeling much lighter, more focused, and happier in a higher vibrational frequency. A simple process, yet profoundly effective for my clients. Incredibly rewarding yet humbling for me.

Mallory Antonello: Jackie Rioux that’s beautiful work Jackie
Sheryll Mairza: Jackie Rioux absolutely fascinating!!
Kelly Robb: Jackie Rioux you found your purpose
Jackie Rioux: most days I am just as mind blown as my clients as to what comes up for them. Doesn’t always make any sense to me but usually bang on for them lol
Joe Tedesco: I enjoyed my session with you the other day, Jackie! It was fascinating and I did feel lighter and even more so over the following days. It’s funny that you mentioned my Texas accent in the follow up email you sent me. Obviously I don’t think I have one, but I’m reminded when I talk to peeps from the north. I look forward to another session!
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco thank you ❤ you got to see firsthand how and why this work is my passion.
It wasn’t until years after leaving home that I finally noticed my father’s heavy German accent. I have noticed accents and voice tones much more since then. Fascinating.

Day of GRIT: #5 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Deck of cards F2 Finisher- 4MOD V2
CONTEXT: “I Raise My Standards… ”
Many years ago an incident happened that I now forget most of the details, but the lesson still sticks out to this day.
I had called a customer service line with a complaint of a technical issue that really screwed things up for me and affected my reputation and service to my customers at the time. It was a downright stupid issue that the company had failed to deliver. I was mad and super frustrated in how their screw up affected me and in turn, my customers.
I was NOT on my best behavior that day. I seriously failed as a human being. I was reactive and so irate that I shared my upset with this customer service agent. I didn’t swear or get mad AT this poor lady, but it was quite evident that I was fit to be tied and nothing was going well. The matter didn’t even get resolved as the time frame had passed and it was an error in company policy and technicalities. Nothing I could do, nothing she could do other than take notes to pass on to management to maybe look into changing their policies.
After that phone call, I felt horrible though. I had acted inappropriately and that was not ok. I should have been a better human. While I can’t take back what was said, or erase how I had acted in that moment, I could at the very least raise my own standards with offering a sincere apology.
I called back the next day, and this was where I learned a valuable lesson, and probably she did too. I asked for that particular customer service representative. I explained who I was and I sincerely apologized. This woman was floored. She thanked me, and we at least resolved our human aspect even if the issue could not be resolved from either end. She explained that she had NEVER, in all her years, had someone apologize to her for being rude, and as a customer service rep, she just took that as part of her job.
Seriously? Are people so rude and entitled in this day and age that they cannot be mature enough to realize when they made a mistake and to offer a sincere apology for their actions? Apparently not. I resolved than that I would do better in first not allowing myself to get to that point of frustrations, and two, if I fail again because I am that human, I can at least be accountable for my own actions in offering an apology.

Neil Sekol: Jackie Rioux Way to take Ownership!
Sheryll Mairza: Jackie Rioux a lovely lesson indeed.
Lanay Stockstill: Jackie Rioux Good on you! Absolute respect for owning up and tracking the agent down. You redeemed the human race that day -imo.

It is one thing that fail at being a decent human. It is a whole other story to ever not be accountable for poor actions. I do my part in raising my own standards.

Day of GRIT: #6 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza My “stretch” today was dealing with 18 inches of snow so I could get out of my driveway to go pick up necessities.
CONTEXT: “I Hunt Story…”
When I’ve got 4 kids, 5 grandkids, and a life like mine peppered with all sorts of twisted humor, I don’t need to hunt for stories, I just need to get writing. And collecting and organizing. I have tons of stories in my head and tons written down, scattered all over. Thanks to Story Athlete, all these stories are finally coming together. Many are in my website now. Lots are piled up in my computer waiting to be organized into a memoir of some sort.
Some stories blow up in the most humorous ways. Like when I decided to try a baked garlic detox. My friends got some belly laughs at my expense because I shared the details of my experience in the most politest way possible. I was so not a lady those nights…
Or when I posted a picture of my new dryer balls several years ago. They were blue and spikey. Guess where that conversation went.
I posted a video of the new cat tree we purchased the other day, with 5 adventurous cats going crazy with their new toy. Surrounded with more cat toys. My caption surmised that we’re just a cathouse here.
I have such a wide variety of friends on social media and they have been warned that if they are friends with me, they will likely get scarred at some point. I am that friend they introduce to their other friends with a whispered caution. I don’t need a warning label though, I am a redhead.
Too many times in my working years there would be a conversation where the supervisor or someone would say “Jackie, just don’t say it”, because they knew the most innocent of conversations would have someone putting their foot in their mouth when I started snickering.
Today I needed to get out and pick up some necessities. We just cleared our driveway last week but have another 18 inches to deal with again. In exasperation I posted pics in a local “shit parkers of Prince George” group. My caption was “I’d like to lodge a complaint with Mother Nature for parking this much snow in my driveway. We just cleared this a few days ago. There is no room to put any more s***”. At least I am good for entertainment whether it is a caption or a full length story.
No, I don’t need to hunt for stories other than collecting all the ones I have. There will always be new stories unfolding around me as well with a little bit of awareness and a different perspective on life.

Day of GRIT: #7 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher F2
CONTEXT: I Strive To Be a Superior Communicator…
My grandmother kept diary type journals for many years of her traveling adventures. That trait passed on to me with my road trips years later in collecting stories of my life. Grandma also loved Scrabble and crossword puzzles. I have many memories of sitting on Qualicum beach enjoying these past times with her.
Despite my father’s faults, there were some good things I gained from him in my fascination with language. Is it any wonder that English was my best subject all through school? In grade 7, our teacher insisted on peer reviewed papers before she would mark them, so I often had a pile of papers on my desk to proofread for my fellow students.
Writing has always been my preferred form of communication. I suppose that is something with visual learning styles. I tend to get tongue tied and jumble my thoughts when I speak, especially when I am put on the spot to speak. However, having writing as foundation has given me a better vocabulary to work with when I communicate with others.
There are a few things that come to mind in how I have strived to be a better communicator. Because of being a teen mom and getting married over the summer, I graduated with a credit short. To make up for that credit, I took a presumably easy correspondence course in Business Communications. It still took me two years to complete with babies underfoot, but I did complete the course. The only thing that I remember from that course has carried through my life with me.

There are 6 stages of verbal communication and it is wise to understand each stage to be able to avoid miscommunication.
1. The speaker thinks of a message
2. The speaker uses words, symbols, tones, and gestures from their personal vocabulary to convey their message
3. The speaker conveys the message
4. The receiver receives the messages
5. The receiver translates the message from their own personal vocabulary
6. The receiver acts on their interpretation of the message.

As you can see, this leaves a lot of room for miscommunication, so it is imperative to strive to be a better communicator for the simple reason of having better relationships and interactions with others. Every aspect of life requires better communication.
After my second divorce, I went through a period of really trying to find myself and to build my own confidence that had been severely destroyed with two failed marriages. Part of that journey was joining Toastmasters where I learned about different aspects of communication. As a member we go through workbooks and give mini speeches to our peers for practice. I earned a Competent Communicator award in my time there.
Although I loved Toastmaster and the group that I was involved in, I was the worst with Table Topics where we were given a context and had to speak on the spot for hopefully 2 minutes. I was inadvertently the “ah” and “um” champion.
Since then I have read a few books on being able to read people. Being able to take visual and auditory cues on a person’s accent or mannerisms can be helpful in determining the vocabulary needed to communicate well.
These days, I rely heavily on my own intuition to read the energy of others around me. I can then determine if a conversation is worth pursuing, whether I need to adjust my approach, or if the whole endeavor is futile. I am always a work in progress.

Day of GRIT: #8 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I Protect My Time…”
Do you ever get the feeling that CJ Thomas is like a fly on the wall watching and waiting to choose the daily contexts by giving us a severe kick in the hiney?
I have already previously mentioned that I need more self discipline to get up earlier in the morning, and to get more focused on actually accomplishing things on my to do list. I mean, it’s not like I don’t have time. I haven’t gone on my road trips and last minute concert excursions for the last 2 years. I have been feeling very scattered though, I suppose some might call it “cabin fever” or stir crazy, but I know that’s not it.
I love my home oasis and I hardly notice when I haven’t left the house in days on end. I have everything I need here and really only go out for necessities. I work with clients online, and I talk to people a lot. We do have some friends and clients come to visit.
Where is all my time being wasted? Why does time seem to fly by in a blur?
Time flies when you’re having fun, or when you’re busy. Or maybe even when I catch myself daydreaming, or admittedly “doomscrolling” social media.
How do I protect my time? I set my alarm and convince myself that the day is wasting awake when I lay in bed too long in the morning. I had been getting up for a morning tinkle then crawling back under the covers because I was cold and not quite awake.
I have been clearing my energy, and I set the programmable thermostat so that the house is bearable when I get up. Also, I am not allowing myself to go back to bed after my morning potty run, even if that means my kidneys start floating. All five of our felines are helping with this morning routine. I swear they can hear my eyelids open. They have figured out they can encourage earlier feeding time by gathering on my bed and purring loudly until I move. Then it is stampede for the kitchen.
I really have no excuses other than what my Lesser Self comes up with for excuses. Stressed about Tax time? I shouldn’t be, now that I have a great system in place. It is just a matter of continuing my organization projects.
Feeling scattered? Clear my energy and buckle down. I have the tools, skills, and knowledge to clear my energy and just get ‘er done. Prioritize and execute. I appreciated Bob’s context today and I think I would like to borrow his idea for my 2022 word of the year being FOCUS.
I do mean concentrated focus, not the acronym from my former supervisor, “F*** Off Cuz Ur Stupid”. Although these days in some situations that could be fitting.
I am just a work in progress here…

Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Hub Spoke F2 Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Master My Emotions…”
As an energy balancing practitioner, I should be saying that I am a master of my emotions. For the most part, yes, I do master my emotions. I am not as reactive as I have been in years past. However, I am human and a mother, grandmother and I work with clients. I have enough exposure to the world around me to be in situations where I could get triggered. Yet I also have enough respectable boundaries to avoid such situations, if at all possible.
I have done enough energy balancing work over my years on myself that I can easily release trapped energies quickly. I have opened my heart fully to feel all the good things in life and to fully feel loss and grief as well.
Being an energy balancing practitioner is like being an detective sleuth in figuring out the underlying cause of the reactive and negative emotions we experience.
One thing that was extremely interesting to figure out, and actually a little embarrassing to admit as well, was that we can have an emotional and mental age as well as our biological age.
This past year, I was trying to figure out a poor experience I had just a few years ago. I was shocked to realize that my emotional age then was 6 years old! My biological age was 48, but my emotional age was 6. Wow. No wonder I didn’t handle that situation very well.
Thankfully I have worked through the underlying causes of why my emotional age was 6 years old and have now aligned my emotional age with my current biological age. I am trusting that if I am ever faced with a similar situation, I will have mastered my emotions and handle things much differently.

Glenn Forman: Jackie Rioux That’s a good one – emotional and mental age. Logical age is another. Even when those ages now show up at current age, then taking it deeper, asking for specific events and seeing if those are at the current age or can use a little effort. The subconscious is so fascinating.
Jackie Rioux: Glenn Forman ugh.. my logical age is 23. I have some work to do… Thank you.
Glenn Forman: Jackie Rioux When I did those, I was probably around 4 years old. hahah
Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux Fascinating. Having an emotional age much lower than our physical age makes complete sense. I’m sure it takes a lot of work to increase that number.
Jackie Rioux Joe Tedesco we get stuck at the ages of unprocessed trauma. We know this psychologically. With energy work tho we can find imbalances quickly and easily if we figure out the right questions to ask to uncover the answers. 🤩 For me, although drastic difference, it was just a few imbalances to correct.
Glenn Forman: Joe Tedesco Each person will be different: some may have a lot of imbalances and others not so much. It all depends on what each has gone through and how each reacted and what got stuck.

Day of GRIT: #10 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Accumulation Workout – modified elevated planks :/
CONTEXT: “I Know How To Lead…”
Through my 26 year jail time in a corporate career, I had many supervisors. I was so fortunate that in my first 10 years in my home town, I had an amazing supervisor that was so encouraging and supportive. I was going through hell in my personal life with family court issues and I was often in tears. My country music loving coworkers dedicated the song “Earl” by the Dixie Chicks to my ex husband, just to give you an idea how bad things were then.
This supervisor gave me space when I needed to cry, and I remember coming back to my work station one time to a poem she left for me saying “Don’t Quit”. My workplace became my solace.
That is until I transferred to a larger center. Things were never the same and my work space became toxic due to poor management tactics across the company and due to the company turning to big business and greed rather than customer service.
When I started back to school as a mature student, I took a “Operational Psychology” course which covered corporate structure and management. I figured out how and why my job had become so toxic with poor management and leadership.
Then I read a book called “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin deBecker. It has a chapter about hiring employees and how to determine those that might be a problem to your team. It actually has a reference to a postal office tragedy. I learned more about trusting intuition and about reading character.
What really made a difference for me in understanding effective leadership was reading through Straightline Leadership my Dusan Djukich. Get from Point A to Point B in a straight line. No beans about it. “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie is another timeless reference.
When I got into energy healing work, I read the most important reference book to ever understand vibration and everything energy, Power vs Force by Dr David Hawkins. It is a law of nature and energy that a company that runs on greed and money will not succeed, but a company that focuses on employees and customers has a much high vibration and will succeed.
What great leadership entails, is understanding that a leader is also a servant, and that a servant can be a leader. I have always tended to be someone who looks out for the best interest of others, and I do my best to serve my clients in the best way I know how. I find it quite humbling that so many people seem to look to me for encouragement and advice on direction in their lives. I do not like leading though. I prefer to show others how to lead for themselves and in doing so, they find their own self empowerment and sovereignty.

Day of GRIT: #11 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Leg Day Complex-a-Palooza C1 F2 Finisher- 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I Know the Importance of a Tribe…”
I have a few tribes. They are my lifeline in an otherwise crazy world.
I have had many friendships and acquaintances in the past but I find that the more I heal my past upsets, the more those past connections have fallen away. I also tend to protect my energy more now, and keep my circles small and meaningful.
I have my family members who have been all my soul and biological connections throughout my life. Those relationships have changed over the years, but for the most part the ones of us that are still close in heart, are my family tribe.
I have my holistic practitioner network tribe. Many have become my close friends. These are people who get me. They understand our unique take on life and all the holistic practitioner language that we all use like it is second nature to us. I fully admit keeping very close to those in this circle who recognize the current global consciousness in an awareness that is not mainstream. This tribe spans the globe and they are the ones who confirm my intuitive senses in working with clients, and navigating our world as it is now.
Then I have my Story Athlete GRIT tribe. I honestly don’t know where I would be without these like minded entrepreneurial souls. It is coming up two years that I have been connected with this tribe and they are my daily support system. I have grown in my business and in my personal life thanks to all the incredible connections and friends I have here.
I am truly grateful for all of these connections, because I know the importance and the immeasurable value of my Tribes.

Joe Tedesco: Grateful for you too, Jackie!

Day of GRIT: #12 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Deck of cards F2 Finisher- 4MOD V2
CONTEXT: “I Use My Past to Improve the Future… ”
I read the context prompt early this morning so I can mull over my thoughts before posting later in the day. I had been thinking of explaining how I have used my past to improve my future. Through energy balancing and finding non beneficial familial patterns, I can release and heal my past.
Today, thinking about my past, my thoughts traveled to Darrel. My soul mate passed away just a few months ago, September 30. My gawd, my gut wrenches just realizing that. Early last year I had been telling him all about GRIT and how my connections here have improved my life so much.
I read through several of my GRIT mates contexts today, many referring to a past similar to Darrel and how they have overcome that past. Darrel was just at a point last year of realizing many things of his tumultuous past and moving forward with his future, when his life was just snuffed out. He was only 42 and left behind two kids 15 and 13.
My bud Andy was 38 when he passed back in 2014, leaving behind two young sons. He was in the midst of training for a new career. My son in law Larry was 37 when he passed in 2018, at the peak of his life. He left behind my grandkids then aged 5 and 7.
I suppose being left alone with my thoughts today regarding my past made me realize how far I have come, and also reiterating why we need to live in the NOW and make it the best we can because we never know when our time is up. We only have today to improve our future.

Day of GRIT: #13 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “You Don’t Know Me!…”
It is said that when you live in a small town, if you don’t know what you’re up to, just ask around. I grew up in a small town and at one point, I found out that this sentiment was true, unfortunately.
It is also said that you should not always believe anything derogatory about a woman because it often comes from a jilted lover or jealous rival. Yet again, unfortunately true.
I had grown up pretty sheltered with a totalitarian father. Just going to school, church, and church activities mainly. I tried to escape that life and ended up being a teen mom, married early and then a stagnant emotionally abusive marriage for 10 years.
When I escaped that life and finally stood up for myself, I was 28 years old with 4 small kids. Thankfully I secured a good paying job. I also seemed to make a lot of friends when my sister and I started going out on the weekends to the local night club. Really the only social scene in a small town.
Now I was out and about, and my ex husband despised me. Now, those who knew me well, knew I was usually the DD that got everyone home safe as I didn’t drink much at all. I was just the one who got everyone else on the dance floor having fun. That didn’t go well with some jealous girls around town either.
Soon I realized there were some horrible nasty rumors going around town. Apparently I had 4 kids with 4 different guys, got into drugs, neglected my kids and was “well known” among men. Thankfully I did have enough friends to be able to trace some of these rumors back to my ex husband and many of his friends and relatives. It was also to the point that there was a social services lady who took complaints regularly and got to know me well enough to know the complaints were not true, they were just originated from some nasty people who seemed to have nothing better to do with their time than to make my life a living hell.
Did I mention that I had a pretty low self esteem coming out of that marriage and did not handle these rumors very well? Ya… Oh, and there was about 4 years of court with family maintenance and custody issues and a whole lot of tears. I can only Thank God now, looking back and realizing there were a few key people put in my path that saved my ass and my reputation a few times. My Big Sis kept telling me to hold my head high and to just go on living my own life. Karma would come around at some point.
It took me a while to build up my own confidence in knowing that it is only my own opinion of myself that really counts because the rest of those people who spread nasty rumors don’t know me. In fact, their rumors say more about them than they do about me.

Day of GRIT: #14 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher
CONTEXT: I Have a Moral Obligation…
Do I really have a moral obligation? I think this theory is the reason for so much division these days, especially on social media. Morals and values seem to be different for everyone, and there seems to be quite a divide on the idea that I “must” do things for the benefit of others, even if it is detrimental to my own well being. There is a general idea of what we “should” be doing, yet that is the philosophy of a follower who doesn’t question their leader.
I grew up with the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Unfortunately, that philosophy seems to have gone out with common sense back in the dark ages.
I have more of an entrepreneurial spirit that believes that I need to look after myself and my needs first before I am fit to offer anyone else assistance in life.
Do I have a moral obligation to save a life if at all possible? Generally I would say yes. But there is an analogy that not everyone understands:
If someone is drowning in a rushing river, would you jump in to save that person? Now, many people would not think twice and just jump in not realizing that there is a high chance that they will drown too. Not a very smart choice, is it? Sure there are some miraculous dramatic rescues that worked out, but those cases are few and far in between with disclaimers on news reports to not try this yourself.
In wilderness rescue, the members are taught to protect themselves first by throwing a life saver to the person drowning while they secure themselves on stable footing and guide and or tow the person to safety.
You cannot help a person who does not want help, no way no how. I do feel ethically that I have an obligation to be a good human and to be considerate of my fellow man, but I do not feel I have a moral obligation that fits the general public’s views these days.

Day of GRIT: #15 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I Make Time to Laugh…”
Early on I learned that laughter can be a coping mechanism due to past trauma. I think that may have been true at one point in my life. My father could be dead serious about something things, and yet a jokester at other times, and God help you if you didn’t realize the difference. I walked on eggshells a lot back then.
Once I was away from home, my humor started coming out more. Silly humor, or twisted humor seem to get me most. Dark humor too. Pretty sure that anyone who is so interested in psychology, human nature, and science ends up with humor like mine.
Things like my mom forgetting that she had a wrench in her purse from a gas station promotion, and airport security found it. Thankfully it was funny then and many years ago before 2001.
Or a conversation with a friend on social media who realized that Costco sells caskets, and openly wondering about their return policy. (Her friends though we were nuts). Maybe…
Or maybe just the private family chat I have with my adult kids where we share all sorts of memes and jokes. I am not sure if I should be proud or scared of their humor.
We recently found a home video that had me and some friends playing with helium. I had no idea we had that footage but hilarious to look back on. The priceless one was finding the clip of my daughter drilling for gold during the Christmas story being read back when she was about 2.
What I do know for sure is that the more I have healed the trauma of my past, the more I am able to see the happiness and humor in daily life all around me. And we always find reasons to laugh because laughter really is the best medicine.

Day of GRIT: #16 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Hub Spoke F2 Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Know It Never Ends…”
The day that we stop learning, growing, moving, speaking our truth, standing in our own power etc etc, is the day we die. Whether that is an emotional death, a mental death, or an outright physical death, change and growth is the only constant. It is a law of nature.
So far I think I would like to keep on living and enjoying life to the fullest as we never know when our time is up on this Earth plane. I know my personal growth journey never ends so I choose to live the 1% journey in taking steps each and every day towards my life goals and my legacy.

Day of GRIT: #17 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Accumulation Workout F2
CONTEXT: “I Am Brutally Honest…”
Growing up I could not get away with much at all. It seemed my father could see right through. No poker face here. He read me like an open book and called me out on everything. Why bother even trying to hold secrets? Might as well be up front about everything anyway. I actually didn’t speak up much in those days, my face usually showed everything.
There was a lady who came into the post office regularly who happened to read birth charts as a hobby. My coworkers convinced me to let her read my birth chart. She only needed my birth date and time, and the location of my birth. Severla days later she came to my counter and said, “What you see is what you get, eh?”.
She explained that most people have a “mask”, meaning they show one aspect of themselves to family, one to the world, one to strangers etc.
She explained further that my birth chart lines show that I hardly have a mask at all, meaning “what you see is what you get”. This reading was probably around age 29 shortly after my first divorce when I was still awfully naive.
As time has gone one with all my life experiences, I seem to have lost that “brain to mouth” filter that most people have. While I try to be compassionate and caring with my clients, in other situations the eye rolls are imminent and sarcasm abounds.
I am old enough now that I just speak my mind most of the time, and I have grown quite an opinion on some topics due to my experiences and education. This has ended up being a “friends filter” of sorts. I seem to have lost several extreme left leaning, liberal, and woke generation type people off my social media friends.
I would like to think that most people are mature enough to be able to remain friends with those of differing opinions, but it social media and world events are showing the true colors of many people these days. My true colors are shining brightly as well because I am brutally honest with everyone.

Joe Tedesco: The other day I read something in a behavioral engineering book that reminds me of the “Masks” you mention. The author wrote about how we all play different roles. From the time we wake up to the time we go to bed, we are shifting from role to role. Most of the time it’s not even about the role, but how we precieve ourselves in that role.

Day of GRIT: #18 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Leg Day Complex-a-Palooza C1 F2 Finisher- 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I Am My Own Therapist…”
How many times in the last while have I said, “Thank God for energy healing”. Talk therapy is so dark ages. Why bring up and re-live the past when energy healing can find the imbalances and just get the crap gone for good?!
I am extremely grateful that I have learned to do so much energy healing myself. It is a continuous fascinating journey, yet I also understand the value of working with another practitioner with fresh eyes to find what I happen to miss. We all have the same goal, yet with so many different energy healing modalities out there, we all have unique experiences and methods of how we work with clients.
This work is absolutely fascinating as it has been said that “Anything can cause anything”. That is an open door of all sorts of curiosity.
My latest target imbalance this past week was finding an old post in my practitioner forum discussing “clutter energy” in the cerebellum and other areas of the brain and body.
After revisiting this discussion a week ago, I have been targeting this imbalance in a whole new way for myself and my clients this past week. The shifts have been amazing and has translated to my physical environment as went. Getting the crap and clutter out and doing a happy dance here.

Joe Tedesco
That was one thing I found fascinating when reading E-Code. How there’s no need to “re-live” past trauma. You can heal, with the right guide, without ever bringing those hidden emotions to the surface. I love the work you do and I’m grateful there are people like you and Glenn in this would to guide us with your passion.

Day of GRIT: #19 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Deck of cards F2 Finisher- 4MOD V2
CONTEXT: “I Live the Path… ”
Holistic healing and self development is the new niche these days. Pretty much anyone can put up a store front sign and say they are now helping people to find their path and to find inner peace etc. Pretty simple. Make lots of moola too right? Wrong.
Well I mean, yeah, you could make lots of money, but are you really helping people? Do you know what you’re doing?
We just had this discussion yesterday in Story Athlete about how there are business men and there are healers. Which one do you want to assist you in finding your path?
Truth be told, the business man type can still be helpful to a point. Take a number and get ‘er done.
Most people who seek the assistance of a holistic practitioner are usually at a point of vulnerability. There are multitudes of choices out there of experienced practitioners, newbies that just put up their store front sign, and the business man type just out to make a buck off your sorry ass.
There are even more choices when it comes to different energy healing modalities. The end goal is to create balance within the energy system to give the body a boost towards healing itself, an innate quality far too often dismissed by conventional medicine techniques.
There are many techniques that promote stepping into your client’s energy field to be able to assist them. Or to “become” them as a surrogate. Pretty invasive if you ask me. Personally I like to connect with my clients through a Divine Filter to protect each of us from the invasiveness of mixing energies or inadvertently taking on someone else’s crap.
So, who do you trust when you need to choose a practitioner to work with? First off, always listen to your guts. If someone or some thing makes you uncomfortable, choose differently until you feel okay with your choice.
Honestly, most people who have walked this path of becoming a holistic practitioner or gotten into any other psychology and healing related professions most likely have had a pretty messed up past, or a major trauma they have, or are in the process to, overcome. The real question is, how far along are they on their own journey to be able to assist others effectively?
I have had the unfortunate experience of working with a few inexperienced practitioners. Inexperienced in both education and personal experience. This is not at all helpful, trust me. Plus, energy healing can be profoundly intimate and insightful. Do you really want just anyone working near or within your personal energy field? I think not.
Your decisions should be your decisions alone, without coercing or convincing which practitioner or what techniques are best for you.
I am truly grateful for being blessed with a number of amazing clients who have placed their faith in me to assist them in uncovering their true selves through the energy balancing services that I offer. I am especially thankful for those who have expressed their reason for working with me is that I have walked and lived the path of healing past trauma. I have overcome my past. I continue to work on myself and face my own trials and tribulations head on, all while gathering knowledge and experience to share with others to find their own unique path as well.

Eddie Masters: Thanks for sharing!
Laurie Niedermayer: Well said Jackie N. Rioux ♥
Cheryl Hannah: At best, we make space for change to happen. People still need to make the choice to change after the way has been cleared.
Ladybug Wellness: Cheryl Hannah exactly. I often say I am not a fixer; I am a facilitator.

Day of GRIT: #20 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Am an Athlete…”
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of athlete is, of course, sports. I was never into sports in school days. In physical education class we would play murder ball with those god-awful weighted balls that you better be good at catching or you’re gonna get bowled over. Not allowed that kind of sport these days, someone might get offended. I was usually the last one picked for any team games anyway.
We used to have Particip-action Olympics and I did get a few badges for that. I got a gold badge for the top girl in the school for the chin up bar. Again, none of that competitive stuff these days. Good memory though.
I was briefly allowed to take part in a Grade 7 grad Mexican hat dance presentation. Totalitarian father, remember… that was a special allowance, once.
My form of anything sporty or exercise was riding my 10 speed bike and walking lots. Two feet and a heartbeat to get anywhere. I rode my bike almost 10 km every day to school, even when I was 9 months pregnant as it was safer for me to be at school and nearer to the hospital than at home out of town limits.
Raising children for so many years, I am sure chasing them around was my main exercise for a while. As they got older, I took to “walking the bridges”, a 5 km loop around our small town. Then a mail carrier for 12 years of my 26 year career.
When my sister lived with me after our break ups, we socialized by going out dancing. I wasn’t much of a drinker so I just partied on air and water and got everyone else on the dance floor with me.
I have hiked Mount Robson to the top 3 times. That is a few days hike and camping as it is 23 km up to Berg Lake Glacier.
Now, I have been a Story Athlete member for almost 2 years, joining in GRIT for 16 of those months.
I have never really thought of myself as an athlete, yet now looking over these personal statistics, I can see that my forms of exercise have been more than just running circles in my head, although I still do a lot of that some days.

Day of GRIT: #21 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher F2
CONTEXT: I Investigate My Doubt…

I am a lot further ahead in life now because I learned how to find energetic blocks within myself to propel myself forward. Whenever I feel unsure of anything, I check my own energy. Is it bad vibes? Something not good for me? Or, is there a block within myself preventing something good in my life?

If it is a block to something good, then I check if I have any hidden non beneficial beliefs within me, or any kind of energies I may be projecting that are creating an invisble external barrier to anything good coming my way.

I can also check if I have an energetic allergy to pretty much anything, and that can create a block as well as a sense of doubt.

Doubt is somewhat of a protection mechanism that keeps us from doing stupid and hurtful things, an evolutionary trait. However, it can also be a pain in the butt source of procrastination that holds us back from the good things in life.
I am grateful to have the skills and knowledge to determine if doubt is beneficial in certain situations, with a lesson to be learned; or if my lack of certainty comes from an energetic block that needs to be taken out with the daily trash or flushed down the drain in my morning shower so I can move forward and make decisions that will enhance my life goals.

Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux – I never thought of doubt as a protection mechanism but it makes total sense. And a handy excuse for procrastination – never thought about that either, but damn it’s so true. Great insight here!
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco to be honest, I never thought of it before either lol. Funny how a context prompt can spur deep thinking.

Day of GRIT: #22 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I Master Situational Strategy…”
Thank God for Google these days when my mind goes blank on a context prompt. What the heck IS situational strategy? How can I master something if I have no clue what the term means? This is what came up for a definition of “situational strategy”:
“What are the 5 main components in situational analysis?
A situational analysis should include the internal and external factors that affect a business, and a 5C approach may be the simplest. The 5Cs are company, customers, competitors, collaborators, and climate (or context)”.
Now how do I apply this to ME? Yes, I have a company name, Ladybug Wellness.
Customers? Well I call them clients, and I have an amazing list of clients who are on their own personal growth journey and are willing to do their own work which makes my position as a facilitator so much more rewarding.
Competitors? In this field of energy healing, I do not feel that we have competitors as we are all unique in our gifts, skills, and experiences.
Collaborators? For me and my business of holistic wellness, collaborators would be the incredible network of other energy healing practitioners that I can easily call on for myself or as a referral for one of my clients.
Climate or context, I would think applies to the atmosphere of my business, which in energetic terms means a high vibration and viability to serve my clientele. The entire basis and purpose of energy healing is to raise our energetic vibration to the level of love, peace, joy, and enlightenment. Pretty sure that one checks a box here.
Considering these aspects of situational strategy and realizing that I know that I have built my business to a place of viability with a wonderful network of clients and practitioner friends, I AM a master of situational strategy.

Joe Tedesco: I had a tough time with this one, too

Day of GRIT: #23 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Hub Spoke F2 Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Work to Predict Trends…”
As much as logic puzzles intrigue me, I have never been very good at figuring them out very well. I was much better at crossword puzzles. Human behavior and psychology intrigue me as well though, and although I am no expert in that field either, I do think I am able to pick up on cues of sorts and to “predict” behavior in some sense.
This skill is not reliant solely on science. I rely heavily on intuition. I am always learning though and adding experiences to my data bank.
My son and I watch crime and behavioral science type shows. I must say that I am usually pretty good at figuring out the perpetrators. That is about as far as my predicting trends skills go.

Day of GRIT: #24 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Accumulation Workout
CONTEXT: “I Never Stop Learning…”
In the school of life, the day we stop learning, is also the day we die. We’re learning life lessons constantly in our biological evolution. Whether those lessons are an easier path or not, is up to us.
If a child touches a hot stove after being told repeatedly to not touch the stove, they usually learn pretty quick through experience. But why would we want to continue harsh lessons like that?
In pretty much every leadership skills course out there, it is recommended to find a mentor to follow. Someone who has walked the path you want to emulate. Someone who can show you the obstacles in the path and how to get around or go through them.
I have several people I like to follow to learn new and different skills. I have a selection of books and websites to glean information as I go. There are many people in the Story Athlete community that I follow. We call our mentors “pace cars”. I am always checking to see who my mentors and pace cars follow as well.
All this because learning is a continuous path for me in my personal growth.

Day of GRIT: #25 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Leg Day Complex-a-Palooza C1 F2 Finisher- 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I Want Something More…”
The entire world has been in various stages of lockdown the past 2 years. Why? because of global leaders falling to the whims of “science” and the idea that there is a threat to humanity out there. All the regulations of the past two years are confusing and not across the board.
If this was really about a bug and true science, there would not be quite so much confusion. Real science can be questioned and duplicated. Why are some areas subjected to one set of rules and time frames while another area is not? Bugs don’t care about limitations, don’t you think? One set of rules over here if you are standing, another rule just a few feet away for those sitting.
And don’t get me started on hearing about “glory holes” in the regular new broadcasts.
Psychology suggests that the way to gain control over masses is to divide and conquer. Why is this theory not part of common sense? Oh yeah, common sense went out with the dark ages.
So many minority groups want to be inclusive across the board. How can you possibly be inclusive when everyone is unique in their views, their personalities, and experiences? No one wants another person or group shoving their views down someone else’s throats. Live and let live. So why join any kind of groups that encourage this feigned “inclusiveness” when it really is divisiveness? Sure, have your groups, but keep it unique for yourself.
The only group that is inclusive across humanity, is humanity itself. After that, please celebrate differences and acceptance.
Today I am finally proud to be Canadian again. This last week, a “fringe minority with unacceptable views” has risen up to support a convoy of truckers travelling across Canada to stage a peaceful protest in Ottawa. Unfortunately our sad excuse of a country leader (which I personally did NOT vote for!) has conveniently been exposed to the offending bug and is in isolation now.
None of the regular main stream news broadcast are covering this convoy properly. If they are, they are downplaying and twisting the facts. Why is that? Bought and paid for a different agenda is my guess. Always follow the money…
Yes, I want more. I want freedom to choose. I want freedom to live peacefully. I want to support this Canadian Convoy that is now being joined with our neighbors to the south. Go ahead and call us the fringe minority with unacceptable views.
I know the energy of global consciousness is changing for the better and this convoy is just the beginning.

Jackie Rioux: Warning strong language:

Freedom Convoy 2022 – Don’t Tell Me How To Live – Kid Rock ft. Monster Truck
Mallory Antonello: Jackie Rioux yes lady!!! My “fringe” buddie haha. We were on the bridges yesterday as they came through Ontario, just incredible ❤
Jackie Rioux: Mallory Antonello I wish I had gotten out 7 am to see them off from here a few days ago. I have a few energy healer groups all sending energy healing and positive vibes to the whole convoy though.
Mallory Antonello: Jackie Rioux beautiful!! I love that ❤
Jackie Rioux:
David Brown: I thought Turdeau had been jabbed like 3 times? Hmmm maybe that stuff doesn’t actually work….
Joe Tedesco: Fringe minority my ass. It’s great to see ya’ll pushing back up there!! And yeah, Turdeau is a POS.
Jackie Rioux: He’s not very popular. He caught the Coward 19.
Erin-Dail Plunkett: Jackie N. Rioux Thank you for sharing this!

Day of GRIT: #26 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Deck of cards F2 Finisher- 4MOD V2
CONTEXT: “I Live With a Sense of Urgency… ”
I learned many years ago that I seem to go in spurts. I still seem to accomplish something each day, even when I have been deathly sick a few times. Rest up, read a book, keep the brain going, write, fuel my body… Then get outta my way when I want to get up and move to go somewhere or do something. I have learned to roll with these spurts.
However, when I have now lost three dear loved ones ages 38, 37, and 42, all in the peak of their lives, I have a sense of urgency in the form of a mortality check. How much time do I have left? My children are now ages 37, 35, 30 and 29. My oldest granddaughter is now 18 and graduated. The others are 12, 10, 8, and 4 years old. What kind of memories and legacy will I leave for them. What have I accomplished in my life and what will they remember of my existence?
Some days I feel like I have been through so much in my life that I should be 80 years old by now in experience. Some days I feel like I have missed out on life. Or I grieve for what could have been with the passed loved ones leaving at a young age.
There are a few sayings about life and death:
that we should live like there is no tomorrow.
that we should skid sideways into the grave having lived life to the fullest.
The world rejoices when we are born. Live in such a way that they will cry when you leave.
My kids have been lectured many times on my thoughts of death. I want to be cremated, preferably stuffing me with popcorn and firecrackers first so I can go out with a bang. I want a eulogy that is full of crazy laughs and memories. I want them to spend money while I am alive and then party and have fun when I am gone rather than spend money on fancy funeral costs.
But first I need to live my life preparing those crazy memories for the stories they will tell by telling my stories now.

Day of GRIT: #27 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Reflect on My Results…”
I never used to reflect on the past month before GRIT. Now I go through the month with a sense of what the hell did I accomplish today that I can earn my feathers by the end of the month?
Honestly, today I am feeling like my inner Scrat has taken over the past week with Shiny Object Syndrome AKA the Canadian Convoy for Freedom 2022. I am kicking myself that I did not get out there for our local send off at 7 am last week. I taught a Reiki class yesterday but my two daughters joined the local convoy just a few blocks away. I have been glued to videos and social media posts. I have two dowsing groups that have been focused on global healing issues. For the first time in the past two years I finally feel proud to be Canadian again. I feel like there is hope to squash all this overt control of the masses, all the forcing of things that I know our souls are screaming against.
I have been sharing and posting on Facebook lots this last week. Even though I have been continuously pulling off any other personal content for a while now. I feel this sense of hope finally. Yet I also realize that some of my friends that I have previously held in high respect, are just not on the same page. They are unaware and disconnected from Divine Truth. I care, yet I am so beyond trying to convince anyone of why I continue my opinionated stance. I have a global network of energy healer and intuitive friends. We see things that the average person doesn’t on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels. It seems I have had many “friends” delete me in the last while. Kinda silly to be upset over that when I find that if they are not mature even to stay friends with differing opinions, then why would I want to have such a draining friendship?
As for results of the past month, I have mentioned a few times that I have been organizing my computer files. This is translated to much more efficiency and access to previously buried information that I can now use in client sessions, and those sessions now have been incredibly fascinating!
On one hand I feel like I have made so much progress looking back over the past month, and over the past few years actually. Then I open another folder and want to cry.
I have so much scattered notes and information to create and memoir, and to update more pages in my website. Dont even mention all our family pics that I am trying to organize as well. Having lost loved ones gives this project so much more sentiment and urgency.
But, I am treating all these projects as I do in GRIT. Baby steps. The 1% journey. In that sense I am so far ahead. Then why do I feel so far behind? Self discipline. I know, I know. I know I need to focus more. To work on my squirrely distractions. Giving myself a swift kick in the hiney for next month to be even better…

Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux One of the hardest things for people to do is admit that they’re wrong. Sadly, especially with all that’s going on, and people discovering the Truth, they’ve double down on their stance as attempt to protect their ego. Sorry you’ve lost friends over this, but good on you for speaking your Truth and standing your ground!
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco I’ve lost some yes, but I’ve gained my GRIT family

Day of GRIT: #28 of 28
METRICS: JANUARY 2022- FINAL GRIT WORKOUT Rounds for Time F3!! 4 rounds in 8:43 minutes. Modified squat burpees.
CONTEXT: I Expect the Unexpected…
I was not expecting that our dreaded month end workout would not be a Spartan style killer. I have been holding to an F2 level for so long and figured I might as well do an F3 for the last round. Not too bad at all. I appreciate the 1% journey this way, but I know this too shall pass lol.
Following on yesterday’s context where I mentioned losing friends… It seems that just as with any other energy shift, when we release something, something new and better always comes in as we raise our vibration with each shift.
Yes I have lost some friends who, for whatever reason, are just no longer aligned with my personal growth path. As I continue to stand in my truth, those that are not “like minded souls” seem to fall away, often by their choice to disengage with me.
While I could feel sad about this shift, I now must let them go on their journey. Instead I look forward with gratitude and appreciation to inviting in my true soul family as they continue to find me. I have been blessed beyond measure to find many within the Story Athlete community. Unexpected blessings.

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***