Reflections of 2024: Let’s Thrive in 2025

Reflections of 2024: Let’s Thrive in 2025

December 31 2024

May the tears shed in 2024 water the seeds we cultivate in 2025”.

“Just a reminder that 2025 is starting with WTF: Wealth Transformation Freedom”.

“Choose to pursue and love yourself. Focus on become the healthiest, happiest, most healed, most present, most confident version of yourself”

Where did the whole year of 2024 go? It seems I blinked and now we are on the eve of a brand-new year.

On one hand I feel like so much in my life has upgraded and improved, albeit not without some struggles and strife, but I feel so exhilarated with “what’s next?”.

You will find some posts within my website detailing the highlights of this past year. Most notably my birthday trip to visit Raymon Grace in Abingdon Virginia in May 2024 and manifesting a new-to-me F150 truck. This truck now sports ladybug spots, and I am having way too much fun turning heads in my new ride!
I was able to assist in orphan bear transports a few times. (Yes, real wild bear cubs! Page coming at some point…)

We had a beautiful new patio and deck installed this past summer. Some lesser-known details: daughter Melissa moved into a new home, we have had to upgrade some appliances and furniture. While some of these events and transitions were mighty stressful for my Taurus grounded stability nature, my dear friend Gerri suggested a different perspective.
All of these upgrades and changes were “Foundational” events! They are about a baseline for me, and upgrades that can represent new beginnings and a foundation on which to build up bigger and better in every area of my life.
I love that concept!

Another take on this is that the more I work on myself and my own foundations, the more stable and effective I can be in being supportive in better serving my growing clientele.

What does that mean for you? Those that are already connected with me know that I offer numerous compilations and resources here in my website.
I am all about self-empowerment and this aligns so well with the current and upcoming global consciousness energies.

I have a lot of pondering thoughts going on in my head.

In many of the social media forums, there is an underlying fear of global events with numerous conspiracy type posts of fear mongering. I tend to avoid those kinds of posts, people, and groups with such negative low energy vibrations.

At my May training, I learned that you can test for yourself the integrity of companies, groups, people etc. before interacting with them. (This was also a lesson learned for me yet again in 2024 with certain service workers I had to let go of).
I choose to follow some very encouraging intuitives. My choices of whom to follow depends on how much their information feels aligned with Divine Truth. (I keep an updated list in my practitioner recommendations page).

From these intuitives, I have learned about the scientific planetary alignments and how these astrological influences affect humans. I have learned more about these increasing earth energy vibrations and how solar flares have been affecting us as well. I have become more aware of my own intuitive sensing of global energy shifts. I would rather not admit how often I need power naps with these earth energy surges; however, this is all a part of the ascension energies and our soul evolution paths and, well, sleep time is healing time.

While I am not adept at explaining these phenomena as succinctly as the intuitives I follow, I can direct others to those insightful posts. (See pages listed below for further reading)
Collectively, I understand that we are in a time of great shifts in humanity, transferring more “power to the people”. A time of powerful manifestations, and a tipping point of humanity becoming awakened to their spiritual paths and now actively participating in their own soul evolution that contributes to global consciousness shifts.

Can you feel the electricity in the air? The energetic resonance of miracles on the horizon?

In getting to this point of Heaven on Earth, we have been going through so much material and emotional purging. A surrendering of the past and anything that no longer serves us. The residual energies of the 3rd dimension patriarchal strife are transitioning to the 5th dimension place of infinite possibilities and miracles.

It appears these next few months may be a continuation of this purging cycle. A time where truths may be uncovered, perhaps shocking cognitive dissonance for some. I feel like we may see a lot of “false prophets” coming to light. You may know that this is a personal peeve for me due to my own past experiences and now assisting many clients to overcome the damages left from those masquerading behind a holistic façade. Just because someone promotes themselves as a healer, spiritual leader, or holistic practitioner, does not mean they are truly authentic and aligned with Divine Truth. Yes, there are some out there more based in greed, ego, and personal gains. Discernment is definitely needed.

Curious question: How many emails and posts have come across your awareness in the last few days promoting programs and new years resolutions as if turning the page on a date on the calendar is all that is needed for a new beginning? Yet again discernment is needed to vet out the authenticity of these offers and what will truly work for you. My personal opinion is that everyone should take some training in basic marketing ploys that play on human nature to manipulate us into scenarios that may not be best for us. I’d love to avoid those harsh life lessons and regrets, wouldn’t you?
Too many dates on the calendar and events through the year have been so bastardized and commercialized. The need for personal discernment in the age of technology and information overload is at an all-time high.

Here is my next thought: is it really a date on the calendar that will bring the biggest shifts? It is a planetary alignment? Or is it that we need to turn inward to find our sovereignty, inner peace, and personal power?

An analogy that came up recently suggested that if you were to be offered a million dollars today, with the only stipulation that you could not wake up tomorrow, would you take the money?
If your answer is NO, then does that mean that waking up tomorrow is worth a million dollars (or more) to you?
Every day that we wake up on the right side of the daisies should be considered a miracle and blessing in itself.

This concept hits home harder for those who have lost loved ones and now cherish the bittersweet sanctity of life.

(Have you ever heard of the Dash poem?
Also saved in my extensive collection of resources).

To me, this is a valuable reason to embrace self-empowerment and personal growth. Not only on this New Year’s Day transition, but on any day of the year. Every day can be a new beginning, and a clean slate to create our best life.

After an 18-month hiatus, I recently returned to sending out monthly newsletters again. I have received so many wonderful “welcome back” replies, well wishes, and endearing messages. Thank you so much! I am truly blessed with the most amazing like-minded souls in my life.
I have learned that the more I embrace and empower my uniquely quirky authentic self, the more incredible souls I attract into my life. (This may also filter out some of the all too serious, limited thinking types).

My approach with my clients and followers is not to coerce you into a lengthy structured or limited program, but to offer you resources that I have found beneficial for myself and to encourage you to heighten and make use of your own intuitive senses in what works best for you. I find that “following the energy” and taking what works for you personally is the best method of action. Then, I am always here if you want more targeted private sessions with me.
Yes, I do offer training courses and clearing videos which are more designed as a launching pad for your personal empowerment journey. My intention is to continue to create and share more of these resources for you through the next year and beyond.

I look forward to collaborating with you through 2025 in creating our best lives both personally and collectively.
Let’s Thrive in 2025!

Wishing you the very best blessing now and always!

Jackie, your Friendly Rockin’ Ladybug!

More pages to check out:

The Ascension Process: Transition from 3rd to 5th Dimension:

Practitioner Recommendations:

Ladybug Wellness Resources and Downloads


As I am always sharing writings that had an impact for me, here are a few more:

Here are 11 ways to make the most of 2025:
Don’t glorify busy
Rest like you mean it
Stop all perfectionism
Slow down to think clearly
Make your growth a priority
Focus on flowing, not forcing
Schedule in more fun with friends
Gift yourself more joyful moments
When you love someone, tell them
Remember that storms are temporary
Be creative when you feel it, don’t wait

If you have not yet heard of this insightful poet, do look him up:

John Roedel December 29 2024
if 2024 was the silent quivering seed
~ 2025 will be the wild raging bloom
if in 2024 you were grounded to Earth
in 2025 you’ll fast tango on the moon
in 2024 you shouted all your cold words
in 2025 your voice will be summer rain
in 2024 you believed that you were broken
in 2025 you’ll break the wheel of shame
2024 was the year of the clenched fists
2025 will be the era of pardoned sins
2024 was when tried to hide your light
2025 you’ll glow outside of your skin
2024 wanted to divide us into teams
2025 feels like kindness will multiply
2024 sounded like a rusty chainsaw
2025 will be a soft midnight lullaby
2024 is fading away like a tire fire
2025 is holding flowers on your porch
in 2024 we had more ammo than people
in 2025 we can choose empathy over war
my love, hold my so hand tightly
as the calendar year gently restarts
as 2025 arrives, let’s drop our armor
and entangle all of our lonely hearts”


Why do we start a new year, with promises to improve?
Who began this tradition of never-ending pressure?
I say, the end of a year, should be filled with congratulation, for all we survived.
And I say a new year should start with promises to be kinder to ourselves, to understand better just how much we bear, as humans on this exhausting treadmill of life.

And if we are to promise more, let’s pledge to rest, before our bodies force us.
Let’s pledge to stop, and drink in life as it happens.
Let’s pledge to strip away a layer of perfection to reveal the flawed and wondrous humanity we truly are inside.

Why start another year, gifted to us on this earth, with demands on our already over-strained humanity.
When we could be learning to accept, that we were always supposed to be imperfect.
And that is where the beauty lives, actually.
And if we can only find that beauty, we would also find peace.

I wish you peace in 2024.
Everything else is all just a part of it.
Let it be so.

Donna Ashworth

Yes I had some assistance from ChatGPT to succinctly write this cluster paragraph expressing some closing sentiments about this transition from 2024 to 202THRIVE! I am embracing more technology while doing my best to retain my authenticity as well.

“As we close the chapter on 2024, it’s fascinating to reflect on the energy of this transformative year. In numerology, 2024 was an “8 year,” a year deeply intertwined with the concepts of abundance, infinity, and karmic cycles. The number 8, with its perfectly balanced, symmetrical shape, serves as a reminder of the continuous flow of energy and the unbreakable connection between beginnings and endings.

The number 8 represents prosperity, financial success, and material wealth, but it also calls for accountability and balance. It is often regarded as a karmic Universal Number, symbolizing a time to settle debts—both literal and energetic. For many, this year may have been a journey of rediscovering personal power, leadership, and resilience in the face of challenges. In traditional Chinese medicine, the energy of the first eight years of life is governed by the Kidney energy—a time of rapid growth and development. Similarly, 2024 has been a year for growth, achievement, and cultivating inner strength.

As we step into 2025, we transition into a “9 year” in numerology. The number 9 carries the energy of completion, transformation, and the beginning of a new cycle. It’s a time to close chapters, clear what no longer serves, and prepare for fresh beginnings. A “9 year” encourages us to embrace change, stand in our authenticity, and build on values that foster trust, integrity, and purpose.

2025 is poised to be a year of significant transitions. On both individual and collective levels, we will face challenges that test our adaptability and commitment to positive evolution. The old systems—whether political, social, or personal—are crumbling to make way for a new era. This shift aligns with the Aquarian ideals of innovation, connection, and equality.

In a world overflowing with noise and distractions, 2025 asks us to center ourselves in peace, stillness, and sovereignty. By staying grounded and connected to our own truth, we can navigate the volatility with clarity and purpose. It’s time to prioritize real connections, honest work, and meaningful contributions. Let’s leave behind the superficiality and celebrate voices and actions that inspire genuine growth.

As we prepare for this “new beginning,” let’s embrace the lessons of 2024: balance, abundance, and accountability. Together, we can step confidently into 202Thrive, creating a future grounded in authenticity and fueled by infinite possibilities”.

Also note: The Year of the Dragon (in the Chinese Calendar) will be ending January 29 when we enter into the Year of the Snake. Please look up a zodiac animal table if you’d like to confirm which animal is associated with your birth year. (Remember that Chinese New Years is around the end of January each year, so you may want to check your specific birth year to confirm with which animal your year is associated.)

I find that looking up the metaphysical, symbolic, and energetic meanings to pretty much everything in life can enhance our knowledge and understanding in navigating this process of life.

What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. ~T.S. Eliot

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***