Jackie’s recommendations list: These are a few of my favorite books that I think are well worth reading. Not all pertain to energy healing, but they all have had some impact and influence on me.The Bible. Of course, this has to be first on the list. I prefer the King James or NIV versions
My Favorite Authors include Wayne Dyer, John Gray, Jack Canfield/Mark Victor Hansen, Barbara DeAngelis, Og Mandino, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale. Any books from these are authors are inspirational and insightful.
See the Ladybug Wellness YouTube channel playlist of book recommendations here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg7kqRypaKAGCmG_NV0N40N8OFb19LM5p
Please check out the E-Learning resources page for a free downloadable Excel document. There are some book recommendations there as well, some available as PDF downloads: http://ladybugwellness.ca/lbw-resources/
1 The Court of Atonement, and Ancient Truths and Wisdom — Amy Jo Ellis. I cannot even begin to explain the miracles. Yes I have a full page dedicated to COA, plus the story behind meeting Amy Jo: http://ladybugwellness.ca/court-of-atonement/
9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Suze Orman
A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle: Awakening your life’s purpose
A Summer to Die: Lois Lowry
All Quiet on the Western Front
Allergies, Disease in Disguise: Carolee Bateson-Koch. An informative book that explains the digestive system in great detail, and how foods can turn in to allergies.
Angels on Assignment: Charles and Frances Hunter, as told by Roland Buck. A pastors conversations with angels. Very interesting and insightful.
Any and all Chicken Soup books
Any books by Og Mandino. Mission Success, The Greatest Salesman, etc.
Any Mercer Mayer Children’s Books
Any Susan Polis Schutz poetry books
Are You the One for Me, Real Moments, Confidence, Secrets About Life every Woman Should Know, Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know, Ask Barbara: Barbara de Angelis. Anything by her actually, these are just the ones I have read so far and they are all very insightful.
Bedtime for Francis (this one is quite humorously true!)
Books by Bradley Trevor Grieve (Blue Day Book, Friends to the End etc.) Read one of these picture books and you’ll be wanting to collect them all!
Butter Side Up: Selections from Marie Salway’s Column |My mom knew this lady growing up.
Calvin and Hobbes Comic Book Collections
Change your Thoughts, Change your Life by Wayne Dyer. This is Dr. Dyer’s practical explanation of the Tai Ching. Down to earth and understandable. I like other books from him as well.
Charlotte’s Web
Chocolate for a Woman’s Soul, and other ‘Chocolate’ books in the series by Kay Allenbaugh
Complete Guide to Pediatric Symptoms: H. Winter Griffith, MD
Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder: Mary Ellen Beugin. A guide for parents and teachers.
Daily Om; Madisyn Taylor. I really enjoyed the site and daily emails so I ended up buying the book.
E-2 and E3, Pam Grout: Energy experiments you can try yourself
Earthing (Ober, Sinatra, Zucker): All about connection to the Earth as a natural source of healing energy
Family Virtues guide, Linda Kavelin Popov: the language of self esteem and integrity
How to Win Friends and Influence People: Dale Carnegie. Never judge a book by its cover. This book was written in 1930’s and is still printing as far as I know. Should be on everyone’s To Read list.
I didn’t sign up for this! Gabi Sprake. All about supporting a entrepreneurial spouse.
Keys to Serenity: Serge Mazerand. Truly a wonderful read!
Law of Attraction by Michael Losier. I had the privilege of meeting Michael at a conference in 2019. He is also an Emotion Code practitioner.
Love you Forever: Robert Munsch. I still cry every time I read this one! The best gift for every new mom!
Mastery: George Leonard. Written by a master in Akido, a highly disciplined martial art, with principles applicable to every day life.
Matrix Energetics and ‘The Physics of Miracles’ by Richard Bartlett. A little confusing with the physics, but written in a down to earth, comprehensive way.
Matrix Energetics, Richard Bartlett: A quantum physics energy modality
Medical Medium: Anthony William. Transformational wisdom on the nutrition of foods. The Epstein Barr Virus and how this is the root of many ailments. How to finally heal. Also “Life Changing Foods”, “Thyroid Healing”, “Liver Cleanse” are some others same author.
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: John Gray An interesting look at the differences between men and women. I have read 9 books by John Gray now and all are recommended. Men and women are complete opposites. It is what attracts us, and repels us! (I got to meet Dr John Gray — and Jack Canfield in August 2017!!)
Merriam Webster Dictionary of Quotations
No Longer Alone: Joan Winmill Brown
Questions from Earth, Answers from Heaven: Char Margolis
Quips, Quotes, and Quests: Vern McLellan
Reading People: Jo Ellan Dimitrius. Understanding people and their behavior
Real Life: Dr Phil McGraw. Preparing to face the inevitable 7 worst days of your life.
Recipe for Success: Colin Sprake
Resurrecting Venus by Cynthia Occelli. All about our Divine Feminine essence and stepping into that power with integrity not manipulation.
Sacred Marriage: Gary Thomas. What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy? A very different look at the purpose of relationships and how they are mirrors for us to grow. Excellent book.
Secret Survivors: E. Sue Blume. A very insightful book for incest survivors. Personally, I think anyone who has suffered any childhood trauma; physical, mental abuse; and exposure to alcoholism would benefit from reading this book. I found a after-effects list from the book on the internet and re-posted here: after effects list . See my own video recommendation of this book: https://youtu.be/TFT1ZZK_gTE
Secrets of the Vine, Bruce Wilkinson: Interesting read about pruning our lives to create abundance
Shift Your Mind, Shift the World: Steve Chandler. Free gift for joining Club Fearless. A good read.
Single Parenting: Robert J. Barnes Jr
Sink Reflections: Marla Cilley. It seems to be about keeping house, but it really is about Finally Loving Yourself, FLYlady.
Stop the Nightmares of Trauma: Susan Connolly, LESW, LMFT. Excellent book explains how TFT can help eradicate traumas.
Stop Working: Derek Foster. A Canadian who retired at age 34. This book explains how he did it.
Straight Talk: Sherod Miller, PhD. Et al. Based on the couples communication program. Explains four types of communication and the effects of using them.
Straightline Leadership: Dusan Djukich. From A to B, it is that simple!
Tapping the Healer Within: Dr Roger Callahan. All the basic information you need to use Thought Field Therapy (TFT) algorithms to eradicate fears, phobias, stress, traumas etc.
The Be Happy Attitudes: Robert Schuller
The Brain that Changes Itself: Norman Doidge. All about neuroplasticity. I had the privilege of hearing Dr Doidge speak October 18 2018.
The Emotion Code by Dr Bradley Nelson. Of course I need to mention here the book that really changed everything. That’s why there is a whole page dedicated to this energy healing modality. http://ladybugwellness.ca/emotion-code/
The Emotion Code: Dr Bradley Nelson. This is the book that started me on my journey to releasing trapped emotions in myself and many others.
The Gift of Fear: Gavin de Becker. A wonderful book all about your own intuition.
The Hot Zone: Richard Preston. Not for weak stomachs. Based on facts, a story about the Ebola Virus.
The Outsiders
The Privilege of Youth: Dave Pelzer (Also wrote A Child Called It, and A Man Called Dave).
The Prophet: Kahlil Gibran. This is the book that June gives to Johnny in the movie Walk the Line.
The Pulse Test: Aurthur Coca. Written in the 1950’s yet still has valuable information on toxins within the body.
The Purpose Driven Life: Rick Warren
The Secret: Rhonda Bryne. Actually I loved the DVD!! About making your dreams come true. It is unfortunate that not everyone already knows how much your thoughts can change your life.
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying: Sogyal Rinpoche: I have a really peaceful outlook on death now. This book is an excellent read giving a non-biased overview of different cultures and beliefs
The Toastmasters Treasure Chest: Castle books. It really is a treasure chest of wise tidbits!!
The Urban Farmer by Jessie Lynn Bell. I am a little biased on this one. Jessie is one of my ‘adopt-a-kids’ (daughter’s friend). All about her adventures with first time farming. I laughed out loud several times reading this book!
The Verbally Abusive Relationship, The Verbally Abusive Man: Can He Change by Patricia Evans. Both of these books are quite an eye opener into the reality of verbal abuse. A Power Over reality versus a Personal Power reality. Contains a list of abuses in detail. Withholding, discounting, blaming, etc.
The Verbally Abusive Relationship: Patricia Evans on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogE88BPRMBc&list=PLB2E734D5362FCF72
Think and Grow Rich: Napoleon Hill. Another book written in the 1930’s that is a highly recommended read.
Who Moved my Cheese: Spencer Johnson, M.D. A cute little story about four mice finding their way through life. Good morals you can apply to real life.
Winnie the Pooh
Year to Success: Bo Bennett. Another book I bought because I loved the site.
You can Heal your Life by Louise Hay. Has a list of ailments and the ’causes’ in your life. Very informative and insightful.
Your Money or Your Life: Joe Dominiquez and Vicki Robin. Read this and you will never look at consumerism quite the same way again! What are you spending your life energy on?
Recommended Movies:
10 Secrets to Inner Peace – Wayne Dyer
Celestine Prophecy (also available in book series)
Crash (2004): Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption.
Healing the Luminous Body – Way of Shaman
Living Luminaries
Money and Law of Attraction
Mother Daughter Wisdom – Dr Christine Northrup
Orbs Documentary:
Sliding Doors 1998: A London woman’s love life and career both hinge, unknown to her, on whether or not she catches a train. See it both ways, in parallel.
The Peaceful Warrior: a troubled but talented gymnast who meets a spiritual guide
The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
The Shift (Wayne Dyer)
Wake up tells the true story of Jonas Elrod, an average guy who one day suddenly began seeing and hearing angels, demons, auras and ghosts all around him.
Water the Great Mystery
You Can Heal Your Life (Louise Hay)
From investor Phil Town Rule 1 Investing: Even more importantly, though, being well-read will likely help you improve every aspect of your life. With all of that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of the top non-investing books that all Rule #1 investors should take the time to read. Being well-read on a variety of topics can help you better understand how the world works, which in turn will make you a better investor.