GRIT | December 2021

Day of GRIT: #1 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Hub-Spoke Sweat Fest F2 Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP Sprint Ladder Up
CONTEXT: “StoryAthlete Finds a Way… ”
What am I finding a way to? Being? Doing? Feeling?
Being charge of my own life, for the most part? I am so thankful that Someone upstairs has guided me through some tough spots in life and led me to retire 5.5 years ago. With the way the world is right now, you have no idea how grateful I am to not be in that environment anymore. I can work from home and live my passion through working with clients in a much happier and more rewarding setting.
Doing? Well, I can’t go to rock concerts or restaurants, or many other places for various obvious and not so obvious reasons. But I can sure keep busy otherwise. I have spent the last two years doing projects at home, focusing on my business and building my online assets to further my connection with potential clients and building my business along the way. Since everything is energy, including “clutter”, becoming more and more focused and organized is quite a feeling of accomplishment.
Feeling? Some days I just want to crawl under a rock. I am tired of being the strong one. I am still coping through the grieving process and re-evaluating my own life in a mortality check kind of way. I have pulled back my energy on many social media groups, I already shut off cable eons ago, and I don’t watch the news. I take account of information overload and question misinformation. I continuously balance my energy and release any energetic interferences that hinder my well being and progress in life.
The world is one hell of a crazy place right now. I see all sorts of people around me having a tough go at life and keeping their sanity intact through all the craziness. I am thankful that I grew up resourceful and now have a whole community of wonderful GRIT support and my practitioner forums. Like minded souls that I can count on to keep me sane.
I am a Story Athlete. I find a way to do better, be better, and feel better.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux: I appreciate you recognize the helpful energies and not helpful energies in your life then importantly you make the necessary changes and take the needed actions to change it. Too often people aren’t willing to make those difficult changes for the better.

Day of GRIT: #2 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Investigate My Doubt…”
What are we supposed to believe these days? We are constantly bombarded through advertising, pop ups, commercials, news channels, internet, books, billboards, and a million sources of media no matter where we turn.
We have the information super highway all around us and any normal person can get overloaded and stressed even when they try to avoid the endless visual and auditory harassment.
Growing up, we just take our parents word for everything. Or our education. Or our peers. There comes a time in our personal growth on the path of maturity that we often find that those around us have done the best they could with the information they had at any given time. That leaves a heck of a lot of or human error, misinformation, and misunderstandings.
Stepping away from all this, we may be disappointed to find we’ve been inadvertently indoctrinated. Or is it inadvertently? Regardless, there is always reason for doubt, especially when our world have become so divisive these days.
I often recommend a book called Gift of Fear, by Gavin De Becker. It talks about survival instincts, but in my terms it really is about tuning into your innate knowingness, your intuition.
When in doubt, search it out. I get quiet and tune into my inner knowingness and let that lead me to what feels right in truth about information and the decisions I need to make. Energy doesn’t lie.

Lanay Stockstill: Jackie Rioux That’s a great book. I tell my girls all the time to trust their instincts. I don’t care if it means being rude or hurtful. They can apologize if they’re wrong.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux: Fletch had a recent emails describing how many marketers are just simply manipulating their customers was to make sales. Then multiple those techniques out to other institutions and yes we do have a huge lack of trust. So it’s more critical than ever to ask like little kids often do…..Why??

Day of GRIT: #3 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Pyramid F2
CONTEXT: I Demand Clear Goals & Feedback…
I really appreciated CJ’s context today about reading books. Yes I have read many books in my time, but I have fallen off that wagon and only read one here and there these days. This brings me to two thoughts on this topic.
First, one of my recommended reading selections for a course years ago was called Mastery, by George Leonard. It is about Akido martial arts, but it has a wealth of wisdom applicable to life. It talks about plateaus as well. We learn a new skill and strive for a while before hitting a plateau where we just settle into our new skill before taking on something else.
Second, when I published my story in an anthology book in 2017, I participated in an author interview. I referenced something I learned from a counselor around the time when I retired. She had told me that some people are book smart / life dumb, and some people are life smart/ book dumb. She complimented me that I seem to have a good balance between the two, meaning I have had a heck of a lot of life experience in trauma and overcoming trauma, along with raising kids and just navigating life. But I also have some formal education and plenty of energy balancing courses that help me make sense of my experiences so I can use that wisdom to assist my clients now. By the way, wisdom is just healed trauma.
Putting this all together, I have few possessions actually. Kind of a minimalist here, except for books. I collect those and rocks. Now whether I chose to fill my head with book knowledge or rocks remains to be seen. Better to make use of books rather than leave them as “shelf help”. However, it is even better to read a book then apply that knowledge in my life for a while as the plateau. For now, all my books are holding up my numerous bookshelves. I tend to allow my intuition to lead me to the next one that would be most beneficial for me to read next.
To be honest, lately, my most cherished reading selections come from all my GRIT community context posts. There is such a variety of perspectives for each days prompts and I find the best ideas, encouragement, and clarity here.

Day of GRIT: #4 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Push-Pull-Palooza-Countdown F2 Finisher- 4MOD V1
CONTEXT: “I Don’t Need Permission…”
Although I had got married at age 18, my father still controlled me for years afterwards with his totalitarian rule and my fear of him. I got out of that stagnant marriage and starting standing up for myself, including standing up to my father. That didn’t go over well, but it gave me all the more reason to find my footing in life and find my grit.
I remember after both of my divorces, my father trying to have a talk with me and explaining that the marriage failures were all my fault, that the woman is the one who is supposed to hold it all together. He didn’t like my string of four letter words in response.
Fast forward to these days when I have created my life by following my intuition and my heart. I have crossed off many bucket list goals and made something of my life.
Once I realized that I am the only one who controls my life, regardless of the impositions and expectations others try to place on me, life got a hell of a lot easier. I do not need someone else’s permission to make the majority of the decisions in my life.

Mallory Antonello: Jackie Rioux: when we reflect on a lot of the decisions in our early life it’s amazing to see how much influence our parents had over what we do or say…even as adults. I guess that’s where self-awareness and understanding comes into play
Jackie Rioux: Mallory: yup. Ever read Celestine prophecy book? There is a movie too but the book covers some stuff about parental influences that make sense of how we turn out.
Kelly Robb: Jackie Rioux: that’s one of my favorite books!
Mallory Antonello: Jackie Rioux: too funny! It’s one of the books I’m reading right now!
Kelly Robb: Mallory: there’s no coincidences
Jackie Rioux: Kelly: in manifesting there are no coincidences, only “God correctives”.
Sean Tjia: “…that the woman is the one who is supposed to hold it all together. ” — emotional labour and onus on the woman. Instead of shared responsibilities between both people. ugh.

Day of GRIT: #5 of 28
METRICS: )-> 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP V1
CONTEXT: “I Eliminate Inefficiencies…”
Being a redhead Taurus, I do not have a heck of a lot of patience. Apparently there are many people out there who think I am patient and calm, but trust me, my kids have a different take on that.
I wasn’t a very good union worker all those years because I always found ways to get things done way faster and not “stretch out the work”. Efficiency backfires there.
I always defer to a theory that if you want a job done fast and efficient, give the job to the laziest genius. Now, I am not suggesting that I am that lazy, or that much of a genius, but a Taurus is known to swim instead of sink, given the option.
I have not been getting out much the past two years thanks to all the BS in the outside world. Thankfully I can work from home, and online. What else do I do with my time? Well, as an energy balancing practitioner, I have taken numerous courses, gone to conferences, and gleaned tidbits of wisdom from all sorts of sources.
As a redhead Taurus, I also don’t follow rules and protocols very well, finding my own way to do things in ways that work for me. I have several certifications under my belt, yet I do not work with my clients according to any of the certification protocols. I am much more fluid in my approach and it seems to be very effective for me and my clients.
I tend to use a lot of charts and lists to bring up energetic imbalances and to correct these imbalances for my clients. I have saved tons of information and charts etc from my practitioner forums and from other practitioners directly. This has created a horrendous rabbit hole in the bowels of my computer. I have been running with my new organization skills using Excel this past year.
Three weeks ago I started exploring this rabbit hole and found a plethora of information I forgot I had. So I started organizing into one place as a master chart, and soon I realized it was the wee hours of the morning. Time flies when you’re having fun.
I have been using this new chart with clients the past few weeks with amazing results. Four different clients in the past few days have absolutely raved about what came up for them and how it shifted their energy in a whole new way.
Everything is energy, even clutter, and more so digital clutter. I cannot explain how wonderful it feels to have eliminated inefficiencies in my work and how I now feel I am on a whole different playing field in being able to serve my clients effectively.

Day of GRIT: #6 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Total Body Accumulation Palooza F2
CONTEXT: “I Ask Clarifying Questions…”
The body loves to hide things. I mean, who really wants to face trauma and deal with it? The most popular therapy is talk therapy. Analyzing and reliving through the upsets of the past, then figuring out how to process what ever came up. That is a long and tedious process, and can often re-traumatize clients.
So our body and mind hides trapped energies in fear and/ or dread of ever facing those upsets again. Thankfully we now have non invasive energetic tools these days that can find these trapped energies and release them. Figuratively, it is like exposing flesh wounds to pure air and sunlight for healing. No Band-Aids. No cover ups. Just pure divine transformation.
Part of this process is being able to ask the body’s energy system to reveal the upsets without digging or invading the client’s space or privacy. Clarifying questions, in an energetic sense, may not make much sense to the logical mind, but it is spectacularly effective with the energy system. No need to get into the details, or the drama of past events, just find the basic direct information needed and viola, gone. Never to bother the client again. Amazing. This is why I love this work. I get to see miracles every day in myself, my family, and my clients.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux unfortunately in our current state of medicine we’ve come to rely on either surgery or medications. Sounds like a helpful alternative.

Day of GRIT: #7 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Leg Day Complex Palooza F2 Finisher- 4MOD -AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Win the Day…”
I feel like I have a new lease on life today! Why? Well, a few months ago I came across a demonstration video that shows how to clear muscle memory using applied kinesiology. This has intrigued me for a while and I really wanted to try it myself but needed a partner to help me. My daughter Melissa and her friend Barb are both yoga teachers (aka flexible? lol). They watched the video too and were just as intrigued. We finally aligned our schedules and did this demonstration last night on each other. Both Barb and Melissa gained about 18 inches of range of motion through the process.
Then it was my turn. I have had 3 mammograms, many slips trips and falls over my years as a mail carrier working outside, and although I have not had a root canal done, I have had dental surgery. I am 54 years old and have just accepted that my body was stiff from all those years of exhaustion, and some of the “snap, crackle, pop” age settling in.
Despite being in GRIT and getting my Vitamin M, I still have always had problems with squats particularly. I could get down, but had to have something to lean on to get up. My legs have just had a stiffness to them.
We remembered to get somewhat of an amateur phone camera video to share what we did. The difference in the range of motion with my legs is miraculous for me. This is the first time in years that the “stiffness” has finally subsided. My workout today was not quite as frustrating and slow as in all my previous time before. I definitely win the day today!

original demo video:

our video demo:

Kelly Robb: Jackie Rioux ❤❤❤
Scott Mendell: Very interesting
Jackie Rioux: Scott Mendell If you have someone that can do this with you, try it!! I seriously feel like someone took the restrictive bands off my body.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux again it demonstrates that our bodies are more resilient than we think.
Plus age is just a mindset of limiting beliefs. My daughter is studying Cells in school and it reminded me of the fact that the Cells in our body today are not the same ones we had on January 1st 2021. The body keeps making new ones as the old ones slough off. So is our bodies really as old as our age or not…..


Day of GRIT: #8 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Hub-Spoke Sweat Fest F2 Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP Sprint Ladder Up
CONTEXT: “I Am the Inspiring Character… ”
Several years ago when my granddaughter was about 5, my daughter and her family were in the process of cleaning up the yard at the home they were renting. There had been an old couch off the side of the driveway and it was time to get that moved out to the dump. Only problem was that there was a wasp nest hidden up inside underneath.
Two of my sons in law were there, but no one wanted to get near those wasps. Now, I am a redhead Taurus and sometimes in the moment, I may not be the brightest crayon in the box…
We had an open space though, so I flipped over the couch and took a long stick to knock the nest out onto the cement. Then I threw a flaming rag over it.
All the production happened within seconds with a lot of adrenaline flowing. Problem solved quickly and only a couple bites I noticed once it all settled down.
I remember my granddaughter watching in awe from a distance while my daughter told her that “Grandma is scarier than bees”. I am not sure this is the best inspiring character I have ever been, but the job got done and no one really messes with Grandma much anymore lol.

Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux – No one messes with Grandma much anymore…Love it! I’m a Taurus too. What’s your bday?
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco May 20. On the cusp supposed to mean I’m more intuitive. Grounded. Family oriented. Stubbornness is amplified with redhead and German lol. I prefer “determined” tho lol.
Someone once asked me if i was Gemini when talking about my spontaneous road trips. Apparently that part of me is Gemini
Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux Determined, love it! I’m April 28th!
Adam Davidson: Jackie Rioux GIF
Neil Sekol: Jackie Rioux Love it!
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux thats funny. Usually as its turns toward evening they tend to be less active and easier to pull those kind of maneuvers. Well done.

Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza (Love stretch day!)
CONTEXT: “Perspective Is My Game-Changer…”
Narcissist is a word that instills an instant repulsion in so many people. Why? Because in my opinion it is a overused psychology label. Then there is the other half of that dynamic with the word “empath”.
Narcissist is the abusive, no remorse, horrible person that damages an all feeling empath beyond repair and makes life hell. Right?
Wrong. What if this dynamic is all wrong?
See, years ago, I was pretty damaged from childhood trauma and I attracted all sorts of the wrong people in my life. If given some details, I am sure any one of my past relationship partners could be labeled as a narcissist, and I would have been labeled an empath.
Through all my life experience and formal psychology education, I have gained an entirely different perspective.
First off, truth be told, every single one of us could be labeled both an empath and a narcissist. After all, psychology is just about giving a set of traits a label that fits neatly in little checked boxes.
You know what, it really is about respectable boundaries, and healing past trauma.
Secondly, there are victim empaths, and empowered empaths. There is a HUGE difference between the two. Again it is about boundaries and healed trauma.
Next, when we label someone a narcissist especially without proper psychology education behind it, we can damage and hurt them even more. Many of the traits of a narcissist are just a different way of coping with trauma. And I certainly would not take the word of a victim empath in this type of labeling.
Once I overcame my past and became an empowered empath, my perspective changed drastically. An empowered empath is more compassionate and not as easily sucked into psychotic drama.
A true narcissist is a very damaged soul. Grandiose and unremorseful. They can damage many others in their path.
Those that are more commonly and mistakenly labeled as narcissists are better labeled as jerks, assholes, and cowards. Not narcissists.
But why use labels? Why not see every other human through their heart and soul so you can see the trauma they hide in navigating this broken world. When we take steps to heal our own inner world, we can gain a whole other perspective that is a game changer in being able to forgive those in our pasts that have hurt us.
After all, we learned our lessons, haven’t we. Let them alone to learn theirs.

Adam Davidson: Jackie Rioux ironically enough the way I see some self-identified empaths act, I question whether they know what true narcissism is lol
Jackie Rioux: Adam Davidson they dont. Both terms drive me bonkers lol. Its all unhealed trauma and blaming.
Jackie Rioux: Adam Davidson…/ct-wml-narcissist…
Column: So, you think your spouse is a narcissist? You might not want to be so quick with the label.
Jackie Rioux…/no-theyre-not…/
No, They’re Not Narcissists (& We’re Not Empaths). | elephant journal
Jackie Rioux: I have many articles supporting this theory of these overused and damaging terms. 🙂
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux part of “labeling” stems from the desire of our brains to simplify everything it encounter, reduce or eliminate open loops. So then labels help that identifying process and keeps everything tidy. That is until it isnt….
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger Yes exactly. Brain organization is great.. until it uses detrimental labels.

Day of GRIT: #10 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) Finisher- Pyramid
CONTEXT: I Optimize My Environment…
Being a minimalist, I would like to think that I optimize my environment. Get rid of clutter. Keep things tidy. Make my work and home spaces efficient. Check. Check. Check.
I have been working on optimizing my business and computer files. Much more efficient and better to serve my clients. Check.
I am an energy balancing practitioner. My granddaughter once called me a body computer hacker in how I can find and balance energy within the body to raise our overall vibration. No I don’t read minds lol. But I do manage to clean up brain fog and mind clutter by balancing these energies.
So where do I still need to optimize my environment? Time. Time blocking. Which goes hand in hand with self discipline. Yup, this is my biggest issue. I can get sucked into a rabbit hole and lose track of time easily.
Whether it is chatting and catching up with an old friend, running over time on client appointments because I am answering questions and chatting again about my passion for energy work, or maybe the rabbit hole time sucker is when I start a project and get sidetracked on one topic and follow through to the end. Maybe there is no end.
Yes that is it. There is no end so I need to create my own time block “ends” so I can optimize my environment and my time more effectively.

Brett Wininger: I believe the modern day obsession with time came out of the need for trains to follow a strict schedule and keep running on time. The Native Americans and other older cultures had simpler ideas about time- daytime and nighttime.

Day of GRIT: #11 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Push-Pull-Palooza-Countdown F2 Finisher- 4MOD V1
CONTEXT: “I Celebrate Small Victories…”
I saw a meme recently that had a pic of an old style playground with those god-awful merry go rounds and a tether swing. The caption said “I died once. My parents told me to shake it off”.
That is the way it was growing up. If Dad said to do something, you did it. Not now, but yesterday.
With this as a background, I always felt I needed to accomplish even one thing every single day. This ended up being to my advantage much later on when raising kids and then going through a divorce and depression. Or times when I was sick at home from work.
One of the suggestions when dealing with depression is to do even just one thing every day and to celebrate that small victory.
Whether that one thing was having a shower, making food for our family, or reading a book. My kids have often heard me say “Laundry, Dishes, Garbage” as our family chores inspiration chant. As long as those things get done every day, the house won’t get too bad of condition.
Thankfully most of those overwhelming days are long behind me, but the lessons have come forward with me. These days my small victories are crossing off checks on my bucket list, or completing a course. Even a single step towards those goals counts.
When I look back over my life, it is sometimes hard to comprehend how far I have come and how much I have accomplished. Then I realize it was all because of small progressive steps each and every day. I have driven myself forward with self encouragement by celebrating small victories along the way.

Brett Wininger: even the mightiest oak tree can be felled if the termites persist long enough.
Mallory Antonello: love this! Little wins every day

Day of GRIT: #12 of 28
METRICS: 5K day Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP V1
CONTEXT: “I Am the Traveller…”
The gist of CJ’s context today was about how we travel and move forward with our life skills. I have written and talked about so much of my past as a tapestry of life in how far I have come and how much I have accomplished.
I have told many stories of my travels in the way of road trips and that kind of travel.
Today, my thoughts are on time travel. It is Ryan’s birthday today and he wrote context about documenting our lives for the sake of our kids.
Eons ago the kids’ dad had some fun with a video recorder. A Beta video recorder. Remember those ancient things? Well, time went on and the beta went the way of the dinosaur. At one point we did find a way to put these family videos on a VHS. Now those things are ancient as well.
Christmas is coming quick. I remembered last year I had promised to find the family video for this Christmas. See, we have a family tradition that the Bible Christmas story is read out before anyone touches gifts. My father had that honor and then I continued with my family.
Now as an adult, we know that bible passage is only a paragraph long. But as a child, they thought it was a whole chapter of boredom and it also seems to be tradition that the kids get bored and fidget through the story.
Now with everyone grown up, I wanted to find that one memory where my then 2 year old daughter was drilling for gold while curled up next to grandpa reading the Christmas story.
I found the VHS and we managed to transfer 3:40 hours of videos into digital format. There were a lot of laughs watching the whole thing today as we time traveled back 30+ years to that particular Christmas and more. There are six relatives in those videos that are now passed, and my granddaughters first day in the hospital when she was born.
This is the best kind of travel. Down memory lane.

Robert Bell: awesome idea!

Day of GRIT: #13 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Total Body Accumulation Palooza F2
CONTEXT: “I Call My Shot…”
Sometimes it is great to set a goal, tell everyone and then reach that goal, come hell or high water. Being a redhead Taurus, I usually do accomplish what I set out to do, but I don’t always call my shot first.
I had been a mail carrier when I got extremely sick for over a year. All sorts of tests, and the doctors finally suggested I had IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. That does not go well with working outside all alone on my route, 15 minutes out of town. It was several months after that when the doctors finally concluded I had an ulcer. I was determined to get better.
That ulcer turned into a blessing in disguise as I met certain people who introduced me to a ladies business network and then to energy healing courses.
I found my happy place when I took Psych 101 class. Then I took Psych 102 and decided to get a degree, a Bachelors degree, which means 40 courses. As a mature student in my 40’s while working full time and raising teenagers. It was a lofty goal, but I was determined at first.
Taking these first steps starting the ball rolling with my soul purpose. I took a few more courses, all psych related, according to the degree program, filling in required boxes as I went along this learning path.
Then things changed. I had been juggling mainstream psychology alongside taking holistic energy healing courses. While I loved psychology, I leaned more towards energy psychology than mainstream in what resonates with my internal knowingness.
I decided to change my projection towards a Bachelors degree and settle for an Associate of Arts degree with Psychology concentration. I completed my 20 required courses and focused more on energy psychology instead.
Some people might think I was shooting for the moon and gave up, but really, I am sure I landed among the stars. Sometimes I think a course correction on the original goals is wonderful when you are following your soul purpose and have used previous goals as steps towards what makes our soul sing.
I am still taking energy type courses in whatever direction my heart leads me. Right now I am super behind on an Akashic records course. I have 6 months to complete it so I can get certified.
My son in law passed away October 13 2018. A year ago I wanted to put together a memorial page in my website and wanted to be done for his birthday April 9 2021. Every time I started on this project, I ended up in tears.
I know if I call my shot in my Story Athlete community, I WILL get it done. So I am calling two shots today.
1. I will complete my Sacred Awakening course within 4 months time, by May 15 2022 to get certified.
2. I will complete Larry’s memorial page in my website by his birthday April 9 2022. My grandchildren deserve to have something special within my website for their daddy that is a more stable platform than social media.

Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux I agree, it wasn’t falling short, you have discovered your true path in the Healing field.
I empathize with your stomach challenges on the road, I did some FedEx on rural routes and I had many corn fields “marked”….
Joe Tedesco: Jackie Rioux – I look forward to seeing you hit these deadlines. I took a screenshot so I don’t forget …

Day of GRIT: #14 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Leg Day Complex Palooza C1 F2 Finisher- 4MOD -AMRAP
CONTEXT: “My Action Determines the Value of My Time…”
Time is one of those things you can never get back. Reflecting on my context the other day where I mentioned that I was raised to accomplish even one small thing per day, that one small thing is still an investment in my future. Whether that is a clean home, less clutter, a new tidbit of wisdom to add to my ever expanding repertoire, it still is forward motion.
What I am learning more and more through my time in Story Athlete community is the return on time factor. I can’t go out much these days so I have a lot of time at home. I have been cleaning out my computer files which is a great return on time investment because it means I am more organized to work with my clients.
I spend some time with my son watching our crime shows, and then time with my daughters and granddaughters as well. This is investment in family and relationships, the best kind of investment actually.
I spend time with my GRIT commitments and keeping up with my teammates, also investing in relationships, but gleaning entrepreneur knowledge as well.
And then there are some times that I take brain drain defrag moments when I take a power nap or zone out staring at the wall for a few minutes. Computer runs better after defrag, and so do I. My actions determine that yes, I AM valuable.

Day of GRIT: #15 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Hub-Spoke Sweat Fest F2 Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP Sprint Ladder Up
CONTEXT: “I Create My Own Rules… ”
I grew up with my father’s totalitarian rules. Then got married at age 18 and seemed like I was under my husband’s rule for 10 years. In the midst of this I had a 26 year career at the post office. There we were under union and management rules.
Rules everywhere. Some rules are great to keep the masses aligned. Sometimes rules just keep the masses “in line”.
Generally the idea of being ruled creates resistance. It is so much better when we can make our own rules and have that sense of freedom.
I retired from the corporate world 5.5 years ago. I thought that my newfound freedom would be so easy to embrace. Nope. So many rules had been programmed into me at that point that I felt very lost for several months.
It was a bit of a process over time to figure out what rules were mine and what rules were everyone else’s. What I needed to keep and what to let go of. That whole idea of unlearning everything you’ve learned… Break ’em, then make ’em.
Thankfully I have had a wonderful network of energy healers to help me sort out my own boundaries and to establish new boundaries. It really is a whole new world of freedom now that I can make my own rules for my life.

Day of GRIT: #16 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Am the Variable…”
Two thoughts here:
One: The only way to get through life is to become adaptable, to be able to roll with life’s punches. When you can handle variations in your life’s path, you are more likely to see miracles come about than someone who lives with too much rigidity.
Two: It is just plain old human nature to be reactive to events around us. Especially when we are imbalanced. As we gain emotional maturity, we are more likely to respond rather than react. Responding means to observe a situation and then make rational choices on our next steps.
I’d like to think I have reached a point in my life to be a variable, but sometimes I can still be a little firecracker.
When it comes to global issues these days, I am a firecracker. But I am also the control group pure blood as well.

Day of GRIT: #17 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Pyramid F2
CONTEXT: I Enhance the Experience for Others…
When I decided to have a logo made for my business, of course there had to be a ladybug, but I also wanted a forget-me-not flower.
My reasons were two fold. With energy work, we don’t lose our memories, we just disconnect the emotional charge to past upsetting memories so we can focus on the good things and not be stuck in the past.
The other reason was that eons ago a dear friend told me that I am like a forget me not flower, that I make an impression on all those I meet.
At the time I didn’t think much of that compliment, but over time I have started to realize that maybe that person was right.
Sometimes some poignant memories stand out more than others. To note here, I used to be quite the wallflower and never spoke up much. (Yes, honestly that was me. To all those who know me now, quit laughing!!)
I remember many years ago I was walking my postal route. in my zone and just cruising along the street between my points of call. I was on the street with a stretch before the next address. There was a young lady walking towards me. I noticed she was wearing a very unique and pretty skirt. When she was close enough, I nicely blurted out “I love your skirt, it looks great on you”.
This girl had such a surprised look on her face, and almost seemed that she might cry. She stopped in her tracks and her voice cracked as she said thank you. I just had to stop my cruising gait to chat with her!
She explained that she had some really crappy things going on lately, just so low in life. She had put on that skirt that morning in some effort to cheer herself up. Having someone notice and compliment her, she said, brightened her entire day and probably her whole month.
That small gesture was no effort whatsoever for me, yet the impact of what she related to me has stuck with me for years. Since then I have made every effort to speak up and say something any time I notice things. A simple kind word and a smile can mean almost life and death to someone in such a low level of doldrums. I want to be that shining light that enhances another person’s life experiences.

Glenn Forman: there are stories of where even a smile made the difference between life and death for someone, and perhaps what you said made a very similar difference for her.
Jackie Rioux: Glenn Forman, Like this? I have had that poem in my website for eons:
Smile ~ Hugs ~ LittleThings | Ladybug Wellness
Glenn Forman: Yes, exactly. Very nice.
Brett Wininger: the tongue has the power of Life and Death. We either build up or tear down with it. Plus words can have a long term impact on those that receive it, be it good or bad.

Day of GRIT: #18 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Push-Pull-Palooza-Countdown F2 Finisher 4MOD V1
CONTEXT: “I Hunt My Audience…”
I am not sure I quite resonate with “hunting” my audience. I just put myself out there on my website, social media, YouTube and through my published story and newsletter.
Energy balancing services are something that a person would have to choose for themselves. Certainly not something to be pushed on anyone. I much prefer to work with clients that are willing to do their own personal growth work and just have me as a facilitator and guide. I do not fix them or cater to victim mentality personalities.
In this sense, I do not “hunt” my clients. Alternatively, what I have done is to clear my own energy of anything that might deter potential clients from working with me.
If I have a low self esteem, or a sense of unworthiness, I won’t attract clients that value my services either. Therefore, I routinely check my own energy field for any hidden belief systems and detrimental energies that would interfere with my visibility and effectiveness of being an energy balancing practitioner.
I know something must be working because I seem to have made quite a name for myself with ladybugs. I get the most random messages from people who have thought of me or connected with me, all because of ladybugs. I let the ladybugs do the hunting for me.

Glenn Forman: Jackie Rioux, You have the bait out there to attract those that are looking for what you have to offer.

Day of GRIT: #19 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher: 4MOD shoveling a foot deep driveway
CONTEXT: “I Play Offense…”
In January of 2017, I was at a Theta Healing course. On the third day we had an exercise to pair with a partner and practice intuitive readings. I wasn’t so sure about myself, but my partner was encouraging.
When it came time for her to read for me, I was blown away. This lady knew nothing about me yet she described the interior of my home like she was walking through it.
Then she predicted a few things: I would be working with soil a lot. I would need to rearrange my books. Well, although I am not much of a gardener, I did end up re-landscaping my back yard 4 months later. I also moved my healing room, so I did rearrange my books.
The one that really unsettled me is that she saw me in a few years on a stage with a large audience. At that time I had said “NOW WAY NO HOW!”. There was no way you were going to get me on a stage. I mean, I had done modeling on a runway, but not being center of attention speaker. Nope.
Oddly enough, several months later I connected with her again and she again confirmed this was still on my horizon. I also had a few other intuitive readers say the same thing.
While I don’t put a lot of stock in psychic predictions, because we can change our life course any time by making a different choice, I have come to accept that this prediction might be a good thing, and I am ok with it now.
I did speak on a stage in 2019, but apparently that was not her vision.
For now, I have been putting myself out there more online with my stories and my business. Who knows if that prediction will actually come true, but working towards it is my version of playing offense.

Day of GRIT: #20 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Total Body Accumulation Palooza F2
CONTEXT: “I Don’t Break the Chain…”
When we say “ALL IN” on the next month’s GRIT invitation, what are we committing ourselves to? Twenty – eight days of a daily workout and a context writing. Almost always unexpected surprises each and every day. It’s kinda like life, isn’t it?
Every morning we wake up, we have no idea what the day has in store for us. GRIT prepares us for the unexpected, and we have an amazing support system with our team mates and the whole Story Athlete community.
There’s a philosophy out there that our character is the sum of the five people closest to us. Personally, I think I have come a long ways all through my time in this community. The way things are going in the world these days, my GRIT team mates are pretty close to me, even if they are online. I look forwarding to connecting each and every day, so I keep up my end of our chain, day in and day out. This is the 1% journey that has spilled over into every other area of my life.
Just a little bit each day builds and strengthens this chain of life where we are all connected.

Day of GRIT: #21 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Leg Day Complex Palooza C1 F2 Finisher- 4MOD -AMRAP
CONTEXT: “I Know Ego Is the Enemy…”

My friend David lost his ID… Now he is no longer instinctual, with only his super-ego left. Is this a psycho-babble joke? Yes, I’m a-Freud so.

An ego and a superego walk into a bar.
The bartender says “I’ll have to see some id”
….You know it would be fake. Then they’d get convicted of identity freud…err…fraud.
That’s a Freudian slip. You know, when you say one thing but you mean your mother

What? Another Sigmund Freud joke? Here Ego again…

What did Sigmund Freud say when his patient wouldn’t unhand his waffle? “Leggo my ego!”
Ok, ok… what did you expect from a psych major when the context is about ego? Is ego the enemy? Or is this redhead punster in the bad books now?

I am pretty sure I had way too many embarrassing moments in my early years to ever develop much of an ego myself. I mean, I know I have one. My first ex-husband used to tell me I was “holier than thou” and could do no wrong. He also used to tell our kids that I was so full of shit that my eyes were brown. And he is an EX. So there’s that…

Through all my learning of life, I have come to believe that the Ego is an aspect of immaturity when left unchecked. There’s that saying that when a man can conquer his ego, he can conquer the world. I think insidious pride is often confused with confidence in our day and age.

When we can distinguish the differences in these concepts, we can mature to a point of realizing that the ego has its place in our psychological development, but it also needs to be kept in check so as to not become the enemy that derails our lives.
Merry Christmas from my heart and home to yours and all you hold dear!!

Day of GRIT: #22 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Hub-Spoke Sweat Fest F2 Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP It’s below -20C outside. Used stairs inside instead.
CONTEXT: “Free Space… ”
OMG there is no actual context prompt today? What is free space anyway? Where does my mind wander when left to its own devices? Where does anyone’s mind wander to at any time?
Is our reticular activating system stuck on a loop somewhere? Do we revert to resentment of old traumas? Reminisce of past good memories? It’s the holiday season when we are supposed to focus on the reasons for the season, and all the good things in life while trying to forget the chilly temps outside. Maybe we’re thinking of those less fortunate who do not have a warm meal or bed to appreciate. Or those who have chosen a career that prevents them from taking a day off while the rest of the world enjoys their festivities. Maybe some think of the current global situation with varying beliefs and conclusions.
Maybe someone paid it forward in the coffee line up and we’re the grateful recipient.
I can tell you from past experience, that when left to my own devices, my mind used to go to the worst case scenario while trying to appear to have it all together. Energy healing disconnects the emotional charge to past upsets, quiets toxic fears, and recalibrates hidden detrimental beliefs. Everything is energy, so there is not really anything of ‘free space’ or nothingness. Even air takes up space in that sense. Our thoughts are energy and can clutter our minds with negativity, or positivity. Which would we choose? What is our default?
For me, I choose positivity and always have chosen positivity, yet that has not always been my default due to past unhealed trauma. Life is not perfect in my world, I am human and still have life lessons to learn. But I can tell you that the mind clutter and brain fog I used to unknowingly carry for much of my life has now become my free space where I can chose to create a better reality. This free space is expansive and much lighter with the ability to see the higher vibration good things of life.
I only had one teary moment yesterday morning when the reality hit of passed loved ones, especially the most recent loss I experienced. We had our Christmas festivities yesterday evening, as is our family tradition. Turkey dinner with trimmings, then the Bible story and gifts. Small and quaint is all I need. I think we broke a record for the shortest time to have a tree up thanks to five curious felines who thought it was their new toy to climb through. I may have to find a few misplaced decorations yet…
We have a family tradition that the Bible story is read out before gifts are distributed. We did it differently this time as we found a home video from 1988 where my father was reading the story with my daughters curled up next to him. We were just about to start watching when there was a knock at the door. The kids’ father dropped into town sooner than expected. We all watched the home videos for a while. There are at least 7 loved ones in that video that have passed on now. Endearing with a lot of laughs and “Oh my gawd what was I wearing?”, “Look, dad had hair!”, “Who is that? That doesn’t even look like them”.
The kids have been gone to my daughter’s home to visit with their dad all day, so I have had a free space day to myself all day. I worked with some very appreciative clients, and curled up with sleepy kitties lots. Turkey soup is ready to go for tomorrows meals. Right now, I am connecting with my GRIT warrior friends because that is my tribe that fills my soul with a supportive and encouraging environment. A good day! Merry Christmas!

Day of GRIT: #23 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “My Priorities Eliminate Indecision…”
I heard a quote eons ago that said “The more you do, the more you can do”. This has been a recurring theme for me through my life juggling kids, cats, critters, working, kids activities, and home responsibilities. The only way I could keep anything straight was to make a list and start crossing things off. Years later that is still my modus operandi.
In the Emotion Code chart, there is a negative emotion of “wishy washy”. I’ll admit I have had to clear that emotion from myself a number of times as I have definitely had times of being indecisive. I understand that something that is a peeve for me is also something unhealed within myself. When I see and hear all these jokes about people (women particularly) who are indecisive about which restaurant to eat at, my inner redhead starts twitching psychotically. Just pick something dangnabit!! I cannot handle being around someone who is that indecisive over a simple choice. I’ll leave and come back later thanks. I will probably have found something to eat by then anyway. This is probably why I hate shopping too. I have owned 7 cell phones since 1998. When it breaks I get a new one. I call the store, tell them I want simple to suit my basic needs, and to have one ready when I get there.
Sure I can procrastinate sometimes. I can even stare at the wall sometimes and zone out. But when I get a priority in my head, get outta my way. Whether I write a list on paper or in my head, my priorities eliminate indecision.

Day of GRIT: #24 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Pyramid F2
Emotional energy balancing and clearing can affect the physical and manifest as detox symptoms. In the field of German New Medicine theories, a shock can manifest as cold and flu symptoms a few days later. Knowing this, we can usually find the root behind symptoms and target specific issues to clear the physical problems.
I have a network of wonderful practitioner friends that I work with regularly to keep myself in top shape to be able to work with my clients effectively. Yesterday I had a horrible day of “processing” which is unusual for me, but if I am healing something deep rooted, this can happen. I was super bitchy all day, I was stuffy, and had major sinus pain and feeling dehydrated. I went to bed early with a massive headache — also highly unusual for me. A practitioner friend had worked with me a few times through the day to clear my energy and each time these symptoms would subside then come back. She was picking up a lot of “blackmail” energy with regards to my ex.
I mentioned that the kids’ father dropped in unexpectedly the other night during our Christmas gift opening time. At MY house. I am kind enough to be nice at Christmas and open my home, even to him, for my kids’ sake. He is not so reciprocal in kindness. See, for the last almost 6 years, one of my daughters has been estranged from me. The issues there have been acerbated by her father’s influences. Her unfounded accusations of me stem from his perspectives of me from our marriage before she was born, meaning over 30 years ago. Talk about unhealed issues and emotional immaturity!!
Just a few months ago, I found out that my daughter has an online subscription account “modeling” through Only Fans. Since I feel this is a bit of a risqué job for a mother of three, I sent some picture proof to her father a few months ago asking if he knew about her online venture, since she has always been “daddy’s girl”. No reply. That is, until a full month later when he messaged back blasting me for creeping HIS daughter. Then he blocked me and she sent a mile long nasty text that started “To my disgusting excuse of a mother…” with all sorts of accusations that are obviously influenced from her father’s perceptions of me.
Obviously, all my physical issues yesterday were emotionally triggered in the last few days and brought up yet more healing for me. I politely declined dinner at my oldest daughter’s home yesterday knowing he would be there. I don’t need to expose my energy to him any more than necessary.
Instead, I stayed home and tried my best to address the physical sinus pain issues I was experiencing. Metaphysically, there are all sorts of reasons for issues in different areas of the body, but that is too extensive an explanation for right now. By bedtime, I still had pain and stuffiness, along with a god-awful headache. I have some specific energy clearing I do at bedtime. Sleep time is the best healing time!
While laying in bed, I read through a whole bunch of my GRIT teammates contexts and CJ’s “I say no” context for today as well. I fell into a deep restful sleep… that is until I woke up at 2 am in absolute tears!!! Now, I have mentioned many times in my life story that I lived with nightmares for many years due to childhood trauma. These days, thanks to so much energy healing, I hardly ever dream, much less have nightmares. I often sleep quite soundly and deeply so if I wake up like this, there is something much deeper and unhealed going on.
Why was I crying and why did I wake up so upset? I realized I had been having an awful nightmare about my GRIT family. In this dream, Ryan had left us “leaving on a jet plane”. He had sold out Story Athlete to some random guy in a gi (karate suit) to turn it all into a neighborhood dojo facility. This guy was weird and had a “scream” mask.
You know how dreams flash around in weird scenes? Next, CJ was wearing a Mexican sombrero and blanket wrap riding a burro. He apparently owned a villa motel where I was renting and there were all sorts of bathroom facility problems that were not being addressed.
I was reaching out to my GRIT teammates but they were just as lost and betrayed as I was. Everyone was just disbanding. Ryan and CJ have been our Story Athlete pillar pace cars. Ryan recently had said “mark my words” that Story Athlete would be the biggest and best program ever, and now he just ditched us all.
Thank God that was only a nightmare. I did manage to clear my energy some more and go back to sleep. Dreams can be a way of our subconscious bringing up issues to heal. Maybe this whole scenario is to make me realize how much I am leaning on my GRIT family for support and encouragement. Or how different my life is in being accountable and responsible for my own healing, and not allowing myself to get dragged down with my ex husbands blackmail energy towards me.
Whatever the reasons behind all this, I am so glad to have woken up realizing that my GRIT family is still intact, and at least they can all have a laugh at my wildly messed up dream. CJ riding a burro was pretty funny actually.
Oh, and for the record, all the physical symptoms I had yesterday have dissipated today. All is well in my world…

Jackie Rioux: CJ Thomas Ryan Fletcher #WeLuvCJ #WeLuvRyan
Robert Bell: Jackie Rioux wow what a dream that was!!!
Glenn Forman: Not sure which icon to use on this one… laugh, like, etc. Last sentence is great after – ‘All is well in my world…’
Jackie Rioux: I was just as confused when I woke up. Writing helped sort it out, but still just as confusing.
Glenn Forman: This too shall ‘clear’. hahahaha After all, that’s what we do!! hahaha
Jackie Rioux: Glenn Forman: yes i know lol… MUCH better day today.
Jackie Rioux: Joe Tedesco This was my messed up thoughts yesterday
Adam Davidson: Wasn’t sure how to react to this one – CJ in a sombrero sold it for me
Jackie Rioux: this context is proof that my mind needs a filter. Yeah, I was stuck on CJ, too. lol.
I suppose the end result here is realizing that no matter how much healing I’ve done, I’m still human, and things can bubble up and rattle me. Saying no to dinner invite and taking care of me was the best course of action.
That dream, I think, is subconscious fears. My loss of loved ones. They were pillars in my life. GRIT and my family here are my pillars now. I guess I’m afraid of ever losing that.
Adam Davidson: gif agreed

Day of GRIT: #25 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Push-Pull-Palooza-Countdown F2 Finisher- 4MOD V1
CONTEXT: “I Know the Journey Pays Dividends…”
“Invest in yourself, you’ll get the best returns”.
As I look back on the tapestry of my life, I can now see that I have always have an inner knowingness. Whether you call it conscience, inner voice, intuition, God’s direction, or the Universe’s compass we are born with, it is there when we need it. Through the first part of my life, I didn’t always follow this innate GPS, and I often paid for it dearly with harsh life lessons. Get burned a few times, or more in my stubborn case, and you start learning to listen when those spidey senses go off.
Once I stepped into my own power and really tuned into that inner knowingness, life took a way different turn. It is the world of synchronicity and full of miracles. My life is full of unexplainable examples of synchronistic miracles, or “dividends”.
One such example is that I decided to really invest in myself and go back to school as a mature student to get a psych degree. I had certain course choices to fill in the blocks of my chosen program. I wanted to take Philosophy 101. I was hesitant because the regular instructor for that course was reputed to be an atheist that would publicly refute any student who mentioned God in his class. Being a Christian, I just didn’t want to face that, but I signed up for the course anyway. It turned out that the very semester that I was in that class, the regular instructor was away. The instructor covering his absence was an amazing man who had grown up in India, but had just come to Canada recently after spending 7 years as a pastor in England. Somebody Upstairs must have been pulling strings in my favor!
I loved that class! I couldn’t always wrap my mind around some of the philosophical discussions, but I loved it anyway. We had term papers to write. We were given a list of about 30 philosophers and the associated reading choice to base our papers on. What to choose??
I tuned into my inner knowingness and chose Machiavelli the Prince, and Thomas Hobbes Leviathan. I immediately regretted those choices, but pushed through “knowing” those were my right choices. Heavy in-depth reading. I don’t think I got a very good mark on whatever I turned in for papers, but years later there have been repeated times where I have reflected on what I learned from those readings and put to use in other areas of my life.
One year I didn’t get my courses chosen in time because of other events in my life that thankfully did not pan out. I signed up for Art History 101 thinking I am not very creative, but it filled a block on my program. Turned out that that class was an instrumental part of my learning about ancient culture, societies, symbolism, and art. The knowledge gained from that class continues to serve me daily when working with clients and understanding generational and ancestral trauma.
Whether we chose to invest in ourselves, or in others through our life’s journey, there are often benefits. I do know that once I started investing in myself, I started receiving dividends in the form of unexplained miracles. It’s the best form of returns.

Day of GRIT: #26 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP V1
CONTEXT: I Pursue Peak Energy….
Leave it to CJ to jolt us back to reality with this context after many of us admittedly succumbed to holiday nourishment choices of comfort foods and home style baking. Holidays go right along with afternoon naps and late night visits with family. The lull after Christmas is often when we lose track of time and our diurnal cycles.
Generally speaking, there is a lot of hype around New Year’s resolutions where people swear profusely to give up addictions and bad habits of all sorts. This euphoria lasts only a few weeks until the realization that the Christmas food after effects have not been diminishing, the bills come in, and the resolutions fall by the wayside. Back in 2005, a theory began that stated the third Monday of January was calculated to be the most depressing day of the year. All the hype doesn’t last.
A better resolution is committing to a sustainable change through the 1% journey with Story Athlete GRIT. This program is designed in such a way that although we can fall off our own wagon of personal growth now and then, we build a firm foundation so that jumping back on the wagon isn’t quite so harsh.
The best ways to pursue and to achieve peak energy is through proper fuel nutrition. Understanding how our bodies work, and how foods affect our functions, goes a long way in encouraging us to stick to better foods. Getting back on the wagon right away, rather than waiting for a particular date is also the better choice. Mel Robbins has a whole explanation of “activation energy” where she promotes taking advantage of that first thought and just move! As soon as you get past that 5 second mark, your brain lets the Lesser Self flood you with excuses. And that is just depressing…
As an energy balancing practitioner, I like to take this a step further in understanding how the energy composition of foods and other substances can affect our personal energy, and in turn our physical bodies. Imbalanced energy can block absorption, and can cause foods to negatively interact with our energy no matter how healthy it is for someone else.
Beyond foods, emotions can be heavy as well. Sadness, grief, shame are just a few examples of some low vibration emotions that can affect our overall well being and plummet our energy levels.
Yes, I do pursue peak energy through Story Athlete principles but also through my own methods of energy balancing. I know I am highly affected by music, so throwing on some tunes and getting at ‘er is a great way to pique my energy as well!

Day of GRIT: #27 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- Total Body Accumulation Palooza F2
CONTEXT: “I Reflect on My Results…”

Mind Body Business Relationships…
Time to look back over the month. I never used to do this before GRIT, not in the sense of looking back at progress over the past month. It’s usually just an exasperated “OMG where did the time go?”.
It is good to reflect though.
Mind: I am feeling amazing today actually. A few days ago I had one hell of a messed up dream and was off kilter for a day or two. Thank God for energy healing because I was able to address the upsets and get myself back on track quickly. What I realized through that experience is that I have an underlying fear of losing my Story Athlete family. I have lost loved ones and this last one really did me in. I have been leaning heavily on the encouragement from my GRITmates to get me through these past 3 months. That messed up dream was a manifestation of those fears of losing this community. Thankfully I know that Story Athlete is not going anywhere any time soon and the connections I have made here are long lasting with accountable and responsible friends.
Body: Ugh. I am still at just an F2, not really pushing myself as much as I could. Earlier this month, I used a muscle memory clearing technique and that has made a huge difference in being able to move more. I had so many falls and injuries back in working days and my whole body has just been stiff no matter what. Clearing this muscle memory has made it so much easier for me to bend and move and just everything. I am not having to modify GRIT moves as much now as I had up until that point. Body is definitely a point for improvement through the next year. At least now I don’t feel like I am walking like a constipated penguin every time I exert myself.
I really need some self discipline to get myself moving in the morning. It takes me a bit to wake up and get my bearings. Quite often I do a one-eyed Crackbook scroll to wake up. I have been swapping that to read my teammates contexts from the day before instead. Much more encouraging and a better start to my day. I have also been doing some “bicycling” first thing as well. Kick off the covers and kick my legs up in the air a bit. That seems to get the blood flowing as well.
Business: I am on a tenacious mission with cleaning up paperwork and digital files. I am making serious headway and becoming more efficient in this process which has translated to much more interesting sessions with clients. Efficiency and effectiveness just makes everything better. I have not yet settled into a routine of getting my Akashic course work done. I did call my shot on getting certified by May 2022 though. On the horizon…
Relationships: Today is now 90 days since Darrel passed and left this physical plane. Still surreal for me. There are still some nights I check my phone to see if his number comes up. Some nights I am just mad at him for leaving because I lost my hope for the future as well. I am working through that though. Thank God for energy healing. Having my kids’ dad show up at my house Christmas Eve triggered a whole bunch of past stuff for me as well as issues about my estranged daughter, so that is another focus for me to address through this next month and ongoing. Thankfully things with my other three kids are just fine.
I am grateful for this 1% journey and for being able to look back over this past month. Yes there have been some upsets, but I am much farther ahead than I was in previous months. Little by little I am Becoming my best self.

Day of GRIT: #28 of 28
METRICS: FINAL WORKOUT DECEMBER 2021- Extended Interval Workout 45/15 Interval Format (45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest)
CONTEXT: “I Expect the Unexpected…”
About the only way to get through life is to learn to roll with the punches. If there is one thing the upheaval of the last two years has taught us, is that those who have learned to expect the unexpected are about the only ones that have been surviving and even thriving through it all.
I am thinking back to a book that was significant in changing my mindset about life. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer. In this book he takes each stanza of the Tao Ching and breaks it down into laymans terms.
The very simplest short review of the book and the Tao Ching is to be like water. Water can be soft or hard depnding on the circumstances. It can flow, or it can rush. It can flow around obstacles, and over time erode those obstacles as well.
It is a good analogy for thriving through life.

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***