Precognitive Dreams, Premonitions, Intuition, and those gut feelings

Precognitive Dreams, Premonitions, Intuition, and those gut feelings…

“The longest journey of any person is the journey inward”  ~ Dag Hammerskjvld.

“Pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to. They are often connected towards your path, passion, and purpose in life”. Dolores Cannon

March 9 2023

This topic of knowingness and intuition has come up many times recently and I have shared some of my experiences previously, but now sharing here for all to read along with what I have learned about intuition.

It is pretty well known through this site that due to childhood trauma, I lived with nightmares for over 20 years of my life. Through all the energy balancing modalities I use, I no longer have those repetitive traumatizing dreams, thank God! These dreams were unresolved trauma that my limbic system could not fully process until I started on an energetic healing path and learned to heal this past on my emotional, mental, and spiritual levels before my physical level of being could be aligned as well.

Quite honestly, I hardly ever dream now and don’t remember REM sleep dreams very much. So, when I do dream these days, I pay attention!

The Gift of Fear, book by Gavin De Becker: Before I started learning all about soul connections and spiritual awareness, I had read this book which explains a lot about our innate and evolutionary fears, which is actually intuition. This is a great book to read to get some basic understanding of how our limbic system really works to keep us safe.

Around about 2009 when I was involved with a ladies networking group, I remember a discussion with a lady who owned a metaphysical shop. I had mentioned that sometimes I woke up around 3 am and had strange dreams as well. She explained that this is when our souls come back from doing our night time soul work. If our soul comes back abruptly, we may jolt awake.
She had also explained that we can set bedtime intentions to not be disturbed and or to intend a ‘softer landing’ when coming back to our bodies. I grew up with saying bedtime Christian prayers, so this idea of bedtime intentions wasn’t way out in left field for me. Still, at that time, I was kinda weirded out with her explanation as I did not have any of that kind of knowledge or understanding at that point. My world was in the midst of upgrading, and I have learned to embrace that knowledge now.
You’ll find that this is the basis for my popular Court of Atonement bedtime intention here:

Triggers are a repeated trauma pattern scenario. What I have learned is that intuitions and dreams are keys to assisting us in breaking painful trauma patterns in our lives. When we encounter a similar scenario of unresolved trauma, spiritual awareness can kick into high gear with messages that can help us resolve the past. There is a phrase, “you gotta feel it to heal it”. Triggers can be awfully painful to process through, but the benefits of healing the past far outweigh the current discomfort. Heed the messages and follow your intuition to be able to find peace.

In my published story, I explain an analogy of trauma as messages in bottles where every new upset triggers the similar upsets of the past in an avalanche of unresolved feelings. Although painful to process, we can heal these events fully and be able to move on with grace and a renewed sense of awakened self. This is the importance of always being aligned with your intuition and higher self, and especially with Divine Guidance.

Our human experience is meant to heal all the ancestral and karmic connections so we can open our hearts more to an awakened human experience. This is all the process of ascension.

Fear demands immediate action. Intuition is a subtle feeling asking you to observe something. J. Mike Fields.

When we align with Divine Truth and our spiritual guidance, we can live in a world of synchronicity, serendipity, and flow. This is the beautiful dance of life.

Soul family, soul mates, and soul connections: Referring to the metaphysical analogy of how we choose the people in our lives before we come in to the current lifetime, we have other souls who come into our lives on the earth plane that are part of our soul advancement and human existence learnings. Many of the intuitions we experience are related to these soul level spiritual conversations. When we can tune in (in-tuition) and be spiritually aware, these conversations and intuitions can be helpful to assist in our energetic healings. Remember, we are all co-creators in the existence of other souls along our path and we may be the catalyst in their own life choices and changes.

Where Angels Walk, book by Joan Wester Anderson, is a compilation of angel stories. Read this book and you will never feel alone again knowing that angelic souls, spirit guides and our ancestors are always around to assist us through our human experiences. We do need to call on God/ Creator to activate their assistance, but we can tune in to listen to Divine Guidance at any time.

Intimacy and intercourse: On the spiritual plane, this is a lower vibration human pleasure. “Never sleep with someone you would not want to become”. When we connect with another person intimately and sexually, we’re sharing energies and mixing DNA, and creating all sorts of energetic, spiritual, and soul connections. We may also take on their emotional issues. We always have free will, but we have to live with and process through the consequences of our actions. If the person we connect with is not in a higher vibrational alignment, this can stunt our own spiritual growth. This can also be an opportunity to clear up past lives issues, and shared karmic connections. In my experience, I have found intuition and precognitive messages are more pronounced during these experiences as our spiritual guidance team offers assistance to our life’s path. Lots of fun (heavy sarcasm) trying to disconnect those kinds of parasitic energies and restore respectable boundaries when we’ve made poor choices.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our Spirit resides in our human meat sack body and this is our personality and character of this lifetime. Our Soul is multidimensional and is part of the Oneness of the Universe. For this reason, souls can be in many places at one. Yes, I know this is a hard one to wrap your mind around, but take a few courses in energy balancing and especially Court of Atonement classes, and you’ll start to understand some. The more you tune in to your own spirituality and intuition, the more all of this stuff makes sense.

This is where we get into dreams and intuition. REM sleep is like a human defrag so while all the files of the day get shuffled around, we can get some pretty strange dreams if we remember those ones. Dreams can be spiritual messages from our subconscious mind during sleep. Quite often they come through as symbolisms. There are all sorts of dream dictionaries out there. When needed, I look up the symbolisms to decipher what I may need to know about my life path or decisions I may need to make in my physical world.

Quite often I have had precognitive experiences whether through dreams or gut feelings and I have not known at the time what they meant until much later. Sometimes this can come about as déjà vu at some point, and unfortunately, sometimes it can be quite upsetting to realize that my soul “knew” events ahead of time.

I look back on my life and now realize the significance of many of these experiences that I did not understand at the time. I have now come to a place of more knowingness and embracing this spiritual intuition to make life better for myself and others.

In working with clients, I rely heavily on spiritual connection and intuition to be able to serve my clients in the best way possible. I get out of the way and just facilitate what their energy presents within a session.

I do hope this explanation and my sharing of experiences can help you decipher and understand your own experiences.

In no particular order:

I don’t call many of my friends very often. I have a running joke that when they call me I answer with “thank you for responding to telepathy” as I have often thought of them and inadvertently sent out a psychic message. Synchronicity and soul connections can be fun.

Around the time of my third pregnancy in 1990, I had a dream of seeing a young man in the kitchen with a friend. I knew this young man was my son. This third pregnancy had been so different from the first two pregnancies so I had been convinced it would be a boy . Nope, turned out to be a girl and my doctor’s joking prediction of “a boy next year” did happen. It was in about 2020 that I had a déjà vu moment seeing my son in the kitchen with his friend.

1987: My husband and I visited my great aunt Dott while on vacation. My grandma had passed away in 1985. We slept in “her” room the first night. I could not sleep all night because I “felt” like grandma was sitting in the chair beside the bed all night.

As a mail carrier, I had been on a walking path to the next building when I noticed a young girl ahead walking towards me. I had an instant urge to speak up to just offer a compliment. So, as she walked past me, I blurted out a friendly “Hi, I love your skirt, it looks nice on you”. This girl stopped short to thank me profusely for saying something as she was having a horrible day and decided to wear her handmade skirt to try and cheer herself up. This moment had a huge impact on me in realizing that when we get those intuitive shoulder taps to speak up, it may be crucial to another person’s wellbeing.

There were two nights that my first husband didn’t come home when I thought he would. He showed up about 5 am. This actually wasn’t unusual for him as he was often never home. Those two nights I was anxiety ridden and quite upset and didn’t understand why. He brushed it off and said he was out for coffee with friends. His answer “felt off” to me. A few weeks later I found out he had had an ex-girlfriend in my car. It took me a long time to overcome the association with my previously loved coconut air freshener.

After my first marriage fell apart, I seemed to have many more intuitive experiences but these were more upsetting than anything as I did not have any knowledge or understanding.
In 1995, I had the first of the freakiest precognitive dreams. The guy I was dating worked on a bridge. One of his friends knew me fairly well. I had a dream one night of seeing him fall off this bridge and that his friend would call me.
A week later, I was sitting by our landline phone. I had put the phone in my lap intending to call this friend but the call display lit up with his number first. I answered the phone, and he said he was calling to let me know Mike fell off the bridge and was flown out to Vancouver in pretty bad shape. My sister Danya had to take the phone from me as I had turned white and frozen. Later I found out the details of this event and they were exactly as I had seen in my dream.

I was living with Danya for almost 2 years. Several times I had a nauseous gut feeling mid afternoon and this started to get her upset as we found out bad news each time. My kids’ father wiped out on a motorbike, and several friends had accidents and mishaps.

During my second marriage, I had constant crazy dreams. Often that I was running or trying to escape something. One particular dream was of an old friend flying a helicopter in a field and trying to rescue me. Many of the dreams were downright weird and wild to the point that my husband would ask about them just for a laugh. I had absolutely no idea at that time that these dreams were my subconscious mind trying to escape from all the emotional abuse and lies I experienced with him. This is a case where being intimate with someone that is not good for our wellbeing can wreak havoc in our own energy field.

As a mail carrier, we would take cabs out to our routes. I got to know several of the cabbies as regulars. One time, this older fellow picked me up. As I got into the cab, he coughed a really throaty cough, then said hi. I had a fleeting and sinking feeling, but brushed it off and just chatted as usual. A few days later, I found out that he had died at home later that day.

I had a fascination with ladybugs for a while. After taking a bunch of courses and thinking about starting a business, I woke up from an afternoon nap with the name Ladybug Wellness in my mind. I messaged a bunch of friends with this idea and… well… Ladybug Wellness was born. 😊

2012: I had met a wonderful lady in 2011 who took me under her wings telling me I had a strong energy and I would go far with all of this energy work stuff. She was an instrumental mentor to me at that time.
April 27 2012, I was to head out on three week road trip. I had arranged a tea date the week before but that fell through. The day I was to leave on holidays, I felt it absolutely imperative to meet up with this mentor. We did meet for a quick coffee date and a hug, then I headed out on the highway. May 9 2012 I got word from back home that my mentor had passed away. I returned home in time to attend her funeral on my birthday, May 20th.

2012 to 2014: In that last coffee date with my mentor, she had told me I would have someone new in my life, someone outdoorsy when I returned from holidays. That did happen, but in hindsight that relationship was filled with more anguish and life lessons than anything else.
I had dated this guy for 2 years but could not seem to break our energetic connection after that ended badly. I learned about parasitic energetic hooks and tetherings. I felt constantly attached to him and could feel him all the time. Once I cleared that connecting energy, he no longer bothered me. This is another example of where I continuously had weird dreams that were symbolizing I needed to get away from him.
One dream in particular, I had fallen in an elevator shaft and the building was on fire. Yes, these dreams got increasingly freakier but ended after I managed to disconnect his energy from myself.

2012: Two weeks after my sister’s wedding, she called to tell me that our father was in hospital in grave condition. She asked me to do something, so I tried sending Reiki to the situation. Reiki is a healing energy with its own wisdom. I could only send Reiki for 4 days. I did what I could. My sister saw shadows in the corners over the weekend. Thankfully, our dad started to get better. I found out later that he had been at 8% life at that point, according to what his doctor told him. He lived for another 2 years.

I have quite a network of practitioner friends. A few of them get precognitive dreams and we are able to connect and clear up whatever imbalances are needed to clear. Denise G often messaged me saying I need to work on some particular imbalance. This was often a missing piece in something I had been working on myself in the days preceding.
My friend Elaine reached out to me in January 2020 to let me know that my grandmother had come through in a dream to tell me that I need to stop a habit immediately or I would end up in hospital. We figured out this habit was my favorite cappuccino drink that had a toxic ingredient that was making me sick and gain weight.

In 2014, I had a dream where there were 2 baby boys and I heard my name being called out as their mother. This voice sounded real and I woke up quite freaked out. Babies in dreams are symbolic of rebirth and renewal. There were 2 people in my life at that time that were not good and this dream was trying to tell me to keep hope for something better in the future.

I received a frantic message from a practitioner friend saying that she had a banshee outside her window telling her that a client coming soon was going to have a death in the family. She asked me what to do. Well…. we NEVER pass on that kind of information. That is just too upsetting for anyone to bear and puts us as practitioners in a bad spot as well.
I relayed to her some Court of Atonement calls to say for this client and this dissipated the energies enough to take it off our shoulders and allow their lives to unfold in a higher vibration but as divinely guided. We cannot stop or stunt the transition and grief process but we can ease the suffering through energy balancing.

I have had countless times that in conversations and discussions, I have said something that seemed “wrong” or not fitting, yet discovered later that my words were what the other person needed on a spiritual level of understanding.
Example: I was talking to a client who mentioned a family member and I replied with a name that was wrong, however it was soon afterwards that they found a long lost family member with that name I had said.
Numerous times I have thought “Why did I just explain all that?” or “Why did I say that?”, or “Why did that happen?”. On an unconscious but spiritual level, we are always meant to be where we are in our life’s path to go through our life lessons. We are also co-creators in the existence of other souls along our path. Now I just go with whatever comes to mind and trust whatever I actually say is what someone else needs to hear.

Written letters: Writing is just something that seems to run in our family line in keeping memoirs and journals and such. Writing is how I articulate my thoughts and feelings and this has been my favorite form of communication with loved ones and friends. Many times, I have written thank you or congratulatory messages and others have appreciated this so much.
I remember writing a letter to a dear friend who was grief stricken after a horrible life experience and I found out through a mutual friend much later that my letter was what assisted this person in being able to heal and move on.
These are times that I feel my intuition has been heightened in choosing what to say, as if Divinely Guided.
However, I have also had times that this passion of writing has come out when someone has crossed me or upset me in some way. At times I wonder if I should have sent these letters at all as they have definitely shifted the situation to either end an association or enhance a friendship connection, depending on how maturely we have worked through the issues. I have been told I have a knack of either lifting a person’s spirit exponentially, or tactfully making them feel like pond scum in suggesting they take responsibility for their actions. Whether those messages are Divinely Guided is questionable, but the few times I have ever written something like that was warranted and did change the situation for the better in the end. I often joke about having no brain filter, but I also trust my intuition to guide me and hope I don’t mess up too badly in being so blunt.

June 15 2017: Strange synchronicities. This was the launch day of my published anthology book “Heal Thy Self”. In my chapter, I share my story of how a young fellow who lived with us when I was 6 years old had changed my life detrimentally. To add to those details, it was my foster brother Darrell who picked up a hitch hiker and this was the boarder who stayed with us.
So, on this June 15 date, my mom called frantically telling me that Darrell had been flown in to my city to the hospital and to go see him asap. I did. I had not seen Darrell in 25 years, and I doubt he knew any impact of that hitch hiker from years before. We had a short, awkward but reminiscing chat, then the nurse came and he was taken for tests.
It was just a few days later that he passed away and I was the last of “family” to see him alive.

2017: I attended a class with someone my daughter knew as a co-worker. She seemed awfully nice, but I could not shake a godawful icky feeling about her energy and felt repulsed not wanting to get near her again after that. It was some time later after she left that workplace that my daughter found out this person had been screwing many people over financially in their accounting errors.

In 2018, I had worked with a client earlier that day who had a German heritage. We had worked on some after effects from war. That night, I woke up for a nighttime pee but when I came back into my bedroom, I felt a presence in the room. I did my best not to freak out because I am not fond of visits like this. I asked who was there and what did they need. I intuitively heard the name Karl which would be my paternal grandfather. I needed to work on similar after effects of the war. Once I did that, this energy dissipated and I slept fine. This experience was shortly before I created my bedtime soul work intention.

In Feb 2020, against my own better judgement, I had reluctantly worked with a client earlier that day who was an energy vampire type person. I knew this was not a good thing and I did my best to clear my energy afterwards. That night I woke up about 230 am and power spewed. I never puke, so this was indication to me of the horrible energy I still needed to clear from that experience.

My best buddy Andy and I had an uncanny soul connection. Any time I would think of him, no matter where each of us lived, we would run into each other within a week or so later. We had a fun conversation once when this happened at the local mall and he just happened to be in town. He had the same intuitions happen with him. In 2011, I visited him in downtown Vancouver where he was living then. I spent an evening with him going for dinner, walking the wharf, just having a nice time and visiting. At the end of the night, he gave me a hug goodbye. I asked for a second hug. He just obliged and squeezed hard, laughing it off. I know now that our souls knew, but I didn’t, that that would be the last time I would see him alive.

My SIL Larry and I also had an uncanny bond. He was quite intrigued with all the energy balancing stuff I did. I would often check in on my family to see if anyone needed balancing. There was one time though, on a Tuesday, that I had a very heavy feeling to check on Larry. Although we did keep in touch lots, life gets busy with work and family etc. I had brushed off this feeling and didn’t get to actually checking with him until Saturday, I asked him what happened Tuesday. He had had an important managers meeting that did not go well and he had been upset all week. I learned to just balance his energy whenever I got those heavy feelings and to check in later. He appreciated it so much as his job and life were stressful. He always told me that whatever I had balanced was accurate, although I didn’t always know exactly what was going on. I didn’t need to.

Larry got a Grim Reaper tattoo which he showed me one of the times I visited. (He lived in Vancouver area, 10 hours from me so only visited a few times a year). We had a strange conversation as to why he chose to get a Reaper tattoo. A female friend of his told him that she didn’t like it and “he was going to hell” for it. You can bet I balanced all that energy darn fast. I also found a Biker’s Bible and gave it to him. Surprisingly, he really appreciated it and kept it close. I knew his heart was right with God when he passed in 2018.

In April 2018, I reached out to my friend Pam to ask for some help to get rid of some awful dreams I was having of being impaled, decapitated, and of falling. We managed to clear and balance the dreams thankfully. They were very unnerving, but I had no idea what they meant. Around this time I also had a vision of a motorbike falling over and a dreadful feeling of impending doom. I still could not figure out what this meant either.
In June of 2018, Larry had called to chat and said he was planning a trip here with some buddies in November. I had a sinking feeling that was not true. In July of 2018, I visited Larry and my grandkids. He introduced us to a new girlfriend. She seemed nice, but I had a godawful feeling about her which I tried to brush off. I kept thinking we needed to get pictures but not with her. I didn’t say anything but thankfully Larry’s step mom Sheila suggested pictures. When I left that evening, Larry saw me off at the door. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and a big hug – he was 6 foot 4 inches tall so he gave momma bear hugs. He said love you mom. I told him he would always be my son in love, no matter what. My heart sank when I pulled out of the driveway and I started choking up and crying. I “knew” I would be going back in October but that didn’t make any sense to me. Larry passed away in a motorbike accident in October and died of a detached brain stem. We went to his funeral at the end of October. Within days after his passing, I discovered why my intuition had such an awful feeling about that girlfriend I met. It was a horrible lack of integrity and much disrespect for his family.
Of all my precognitive premonitions, this one was the most upsetting to date as this was family. Through much spiritual soul work after Larry passed, I learned that he was a “grandfather soul” to me and that is why we were so close in this life time and why he was so protective of me.

When I found out Larry had been in that fateful accident, I could not get to Vancouver fast enough and was quite distraught. My intuitive friend Barb talked me through this grieving process. Although Larry knew of Andy in this life, they had never met, but, Andy was there to assist Larry in transitioning. This was proof to me that we do have an extensive soul family and there really is a celebration of “birth” to the other side in what we see as death from this side.
Ironically, Andy passed away December 13 2014 and his funeral was on the 29th. Larry passed on October 13 2018 and his funeral was on the 29th.

April 2019: At a spiritual wellness fair, a local psychic approached my daughter asking about a Taurus that may have recently passed. Turned out the message was for me from Larry. He thanked me (again) for all the work I did in helping him transition, and warned me about his mother and the trip I was making the next day to go see her.

2020: I have a very nice etched mirror that was a gift from my former mother in law, second marriage. She had sent it up from New York for the wedding in 2002. I had never met her during that marriage and only talked to her by phone a few times. This mirror is MINE. I cleared the energy on it and it is hanging in my home with screws holding it up.
One afternoon, as I was home alone, I heard something drop behind me. One of the screws somehow came loose right out of the wall and the mirror dropped to the floor. Thankfully not broken, but when I tuned into the energy, I found portals and residual energy from this marriage and MIL that needs to be cleared.

Darrel was my soul mate and a very strong soul connection. Many of these experiences are shared in his tribute page already, just too many to explain overall. The significant events with Darrel were all the times I would see him in a “3D” version in my dreams then we would see each other within a few days. We just always seemed to “know” about each other through all the years. In October 2020, I had 7 dreams in 10 days time, all with Darrel in these dreams. Turned out we had some past life stuff to work through. I also found out he had a nasty break up around this time. In 2021, I felt such an urgency to tell him I loved him every time we talked and to remind him of our good memories. In one conversation, we had talked about heart attacks. He laughed it off saying that would never happen. He said all my energy healing stuff was the reason he wasn’t dead yet. But he did die of a heart attack in September 2021. I had felt his energy so heavily for 2 weeks before his passing, not realizing his time was coming to leave the earth plane. He had always said he was going to stay young forever. He was 42 when he passed.
It was only after he passed that I realized that we had always been talking on a spiritual level. We had done some energy healing sessions together in 2018 with another practitioner and found we had been together through many life times and married in a few.
In the days following his passing, I was sure there were a few nights I felt him holding me while I slept.

I have had a couple psychic readings to connect with Larry, Darrel, and Andy since they passed. It is much more interesting and wild to have each of them come through randomly through strangers and psychic intuitive friend conversations.

April 2020: About 20 minutes into a conversation with Amy Jo, Larry came through to tell me I needed to work on some issues with his kids and earth family. He also told us that he often “steps in” to a person who hugs his children so he can hug them too. Knowing this, I started to realize I felt his energy when my other kids hugged me.

I felt like most of my heart died with Darrel. With all my soulmate connection to him, I felt (what I thought was) his energy come through someone else at one point after he passed. This brief interaction triggered in me all the unresolved hurt and grief from losing Darrel, plus whole new layer of other unresolved traumas from all through my life. It does not matter how far we think we are in our own healing journey; it is still possible to be knocked completely off kilter and blindsided into a new level of deep healing. It was not a fun process at all to get through with all sorts of messages and dreams coming through.
I definitely appreciated my monthly energy healing sessions with Sue V. We figured out this new person was a soul connection as well as a marriage partner in a past life with unresolved issues and karma between us, which explained some of the dreams I was having.
There is an analogy of the arrow pulling back and aiming higher. This experience was an example of being able to process through the painful stuff, then uplevel my energy in the most beneficial ways.

The people who trigger us to feel negative emotion are messengers. They are messengers for the unhealed parts of our being”. Teal Swan

More recently I have been trying to embrace and understand these messages that come through. Sometimes things come through for clients within their session time. I have had a couple times where a message has come through for someone and I have been led to deliver the message the next time I see them.

I had a nice message come through from a passed husband to a wife. This message was confirmed to be very nice for her.
I have had “important” and “urgent” messages come through for someone regarding a passed ancestor’s death, and a few messages that were urgent regarding medical and life choices. I have learned to just pass on these messages and trust that the recipient will be receptive to the messages and take appropriate actions if necessary.


These are just some examples of my experiences. In client sessions, my intuition is wonderful as a facilitator. Outside of my practitioner networks and those who understand all this soul level stuff, sharing these types of precognitive dreams and gut feelings is often not well received.
The important thing to know, is that premonitions are a spiritual prediction of the future, or the life path you are on RIGHT NOW. We can always intend to make changes to our life path. We always have free will to choose who we have in our lives in our close circles of friends and as life partners.
When these intuitive messages come through, they are often confusing for the receiver. The more balanced and spiritually aware a person is, the more likely we can decipher the messages.

I do find it amusing that when working with a client, or getting one of these precognitive type messages, I will “hear” words in my head that don’t make much sense to me but when I explain to the client or person it is meant for, it totally makes sense for them. Sometimes I have to look up the words I hear and I find that our higher self/ subconscious mind is way more knowledgeable than we can imagine and I learn along the way. This is a spiritual gift called Claircognizance, a spiritual level “knowingness”. 

It is one thing to get messages about health and life experiences. The premonitions of impending doom and death are still extremely unsettling for me. I have had many times a strange feeling of doom when talking to someone. I don’t always share those kinds of messages unless it feels Divinely Guided to do so. I will make suggestions of doing soul work and addressing soul contracts etc. instead of saying anything directly because we do not know another person’s path or soul choices, or their chosen exit points. And they can make a different choice at any time. 

I have also learned that when I do get these messages there is a chance that I can affect the current path outcome by sharing the messages so others can make new choices. Other times, I find that I don’t get messages because their path is already chosen and I am not meant to know or to try to influence the outcome. My human self certainly does not want to lose loved ones, and I also have to accept they have their own soul path.

In April of 2023, I had a couple experiences of what I now call my own death triggers. I had an awful premonition type dream of someone passing. It was so unsettling that I told the person in hopes they might make some life changes to prevent this event. They did and so far, still alive, thankfully. In working with another practitioner to clear those upsetting details in my own energy field, this practitioner relayed to me the exact same premonition before I had even said anything about my dream.
Then, in what would be the last phone call with a dear friend, I kept hearing “she’s dying”. I didn’t say anything. I just worked through my own death triggers figuring that is all it was. Unfortunately, that friend did pass a few months later.

I have had too many times a “feeling” of “cherish this moment, it is the last”, only to find out that the person passed some time soon after. The weird thing is, I often don’t realize this feeling until after the passing. Maybe I am not supposed to know. It is just something I continue to work through in my own life lessons.

While I realize this is all just part of the ascension process, and we are all going to leave earth plane at some point, it is just so triggering for me due to past experiences. I have learned that my own sympathetic system got stuck in “freeze mode” after Darrel passed. Each time I hear of a passing, it seems I get blindsided yet again and have to work through the grief process and “death triggers” in another way.

I had a really hard time with Andy, Larry, and Darrel passing. I had strong but differing soul connections with each of them. I went through a period of grief after each loss, guilt ridden because I could not “save” them from the troubles in their lives. In my own process of grief healing, I realized that I felt my soul purpose connection in their lives was to assist them in cleaning up their energy and ancestral issues so they could transition fully when their time came. I had to clear a whole lot of martyrdom energies within myself and face my own life lessons.
See Boundaries page:

Energy balancing is meant to raise our vibrations in this whole process of spiritual ascension. We are all walking each other Home, but we are also always responsible for our own sovereignty.

For all those potential clients who reach out to me and tell me they are hesitant to share “weird stuff”, these are my shares so you can feel ok in deciphering your own dreams and intuitions.


Lisa Glennie: Yeah, I get the “you’re going to think this is weird buttttt” And I say, “I bet you I won’t” LOL We have heard it all!!!
Ladybug Wellness: Lisa Glennie I have sooo many of those stories…. but if not from my own experiences, I can sure share some other doozies too lol
Lisa Glennie: Ladybug, yeah, this work is interesting for sure. Let’s do a TV show……..LOL no not really. I would SOOOO not like to do that.
Ladybug Wellness: Our metaphysical intuitiveness might turn into a paranormal freak show

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***