Our Souls Know something just isn’t right


Our Souls Know something just isn’t right ….


Dr Karen Kan September 2023:

I can feel them – my awakened warriors. They are tired. They are frustrated. They are fed up. They are so “done” with talk about C0ofid v@ri@nts, face diapers, and imprisonment, er, lockdowns. They can’t believe that the people in their lives are still scared and freaking out over what they see on TV.

Hospitals in Ontario (Canada) still require m@sking in patient areas but not in retail areas. One would think that doctors and hospitals should be up to snuff on all the latest science on what hasn’t worked and what is causing harm, especially to our young children and those with disabilities. But alas, doctors don’t have time to look at all the latest research. They are just too busy caring for sick people (they do care for the sick, they just don’t know how to make them well). They trust their organizations and the governments to tell them what to do. After all? Don’t those institutions have everyone’s best interests at heart?

Is that why hospitals serve glyphosate-laden, low-nutrient wheat buns, burgers, and iceberg lettuce salads to ICU heart attack patients (what my dad was served after his heart attack years ago)? Is that why there is a donut shop inside many of the top hospitals?

Something clearly doesn’t compute and yet, our family and friends just follow along, not questioning anything.

Well, wait a second. That’s not entirely true. They do question something. They question those of us who have taken the time to look at the data, who do change our minds when new data pours in, who listen to doctors who are reversing disease, and who are much healthier than they are.

No wonder we are FRUSTRATED. But wait, there’s more!

What makes matters worse is that it seems that it is perfectly acceptable to marginalize those of us who question the TV, call us names, and label us conspiracy theorists (thank you C I A for making that a household term), but it is not okay for us to let off steam by dropping truth bombs with non-politically correct humor/memes.

Give us a break!

We’ve been TRAUMATIZED. Perhaps these memes are not “high vibe”, but put yourself in our shoes. We’ve endured so much freakin’ abuse over the last three years and you’re upset that we might hurt someone’s feelings with our memes? Seriously?

Where were you when we were being openly censored, chastised and abused, huh? Hiding in a corner? How come you didn’t stand up for us, then? What about now?

Don’t wanna be labeled a conspiracy theorist? Welcome to the club!

“Oh but Dr. Karen, aren’t you supposed to be all spiritual love and light? How can you say such things? It is so polarizing!”

Dang right it is!

If you think you’re all LOVE and LIGHT, I don’t believe you. We spiritual types think we’re supposed to be “nice” all the time. I say BS (Belief System, as per Dr. Bruce Lipton).

One Facebook friend posted that she is “so over love and light” and when I read through the post, I realized that she has entered the shadow. And that’s a great place to be. That’s where all the juicy transformation is.

Some of my soul family call it “spiritual bypass” when we ignore the shadow within (we all have it and clearly I am expressing it now) and it’s all unicorns and rainbows…and we can’t go deep because it is WAY too scary. The spiritual bypass is NOT going to heal this world. Our courage to go deep is.

If we are not willing to love our shadows, honor our anger, and celebrate our tears, we will actually lose a very significant part of our True Selves. We cannot be whole without the entire range of our emotions and without all of our so-called imperfections. We can’t alchemize for others what we can’t accept in ourselves.

Lightworkers worldwide have attempted to “hold the light” during the past three years. Some have misperceived that LOVE means being nice. I disagree. You can be nice and NOT be loving. Putting on a face diaper to make someone feel better instead of honoring your own health and the health of children worldwide might be nice, but not loving. We can’t truly love others without fully loving ourselves.

Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is to shine your light, share your truth, and stand in your power (despite how unpopular that makes you).
~ Karen Kan G.

Jackie Rioux:
March 2022: Our Souls know something just isn’t right with the world. The more that I tune into my own body and connect with my higher self, my soul, the more the world around me glares in its unrest. I have pulled back my own energy to work on healing my own ancestry as I believe that each of us has that duty being on Earth at this time. Some days I am not sure what the heck I signed up for in this life, and then other days I know my mission and purpose is to be a shining light of hope for others as we create Heaven on Earth.

Mother Earth is going through a serious detoxing process to rid the world of lower vibration energies. As Schumann Resonance (the Earth heartbeat) rises, time seems to be flying by. I now understand that a high vibration earth “spins faster”, so this is why time seems to go fast as well.

We personally have lost two loved ones to heart attacks shortly after their exposure so you can well imagine my stance on this topic. I will not judge others who decide to accept this fate as we all have our own choices and soul journeys. I will do my best to assist any clients who have concerns and presenting issues on this subject. I refuse to buy into the fear. This is the sad reality of social cleansing and survival of the fittest.

I’d rather be “uneducated” by the system than “indoctrinated.” Life skills and free critical thinking are much better choices.
When science is confusing and inconsistent in so many different areas, it isn’t science anymore, it’s politics. True science can be questioned and replicated to prove theories. When “science” is censored and forced, our souls know something is amiss.

This is the era of false prophets and we need to tune into our souls to align with Divine Discernment, to know in the depths of our being that something is not right, and to make better choices for ourselves.

Human touch is a BASIC HUMAN NEED. There have been all sorts of psychological studies showing that particularly the most vulnerable babies and elderly will DIE without human touch. For the elderly I really think that human touch needs to come from loved ones not solely from nurses and other caregivers.

It has been rough everywhere. The masks and shots do not work as intended. The behind-the-scenes are about controlling the masses.
This is not a reason to shut down the globe for 2 years.
The small businesses, livelihood and dignity of humanity.
The mental health issues. The overdoses. C should be contained to those areas of breakouts only. Not the entire globe shut down with confusing inconsistent rules everywhere.
There are no more deaths now from C than the average bad breakout of other diseases.
The media is not unbiased journalism. It is biased left and controlled by what government allows you to see.
I personally know several people who had their interviews clipped and twisted to something it was not, taken out of context.
I have personal connections globally through my practitioner forums and get my information directly from people seeing it for themselves.
I sympathize with getting sick and almost dying. We all have had losses.
But this is wayyy bigger and this is why truckers have been the global movement to take a stand for everyone. Including you.
The opposite of freedom and healthy body autonomy is slavery and human trafficking. Blunt, yes, but that is what it boils down to in the greater scheme of things.
Yes I personally know about trafficking as well, connected with several people directly affected.

Yes the world is extremely divisive right now.
That is their plan. Divided we fall.
The truckers are spreading love and unity. That is the only way out of this. Anything else you see in the news is not what is really going on.
We’ll be here to support all those opposed when the truth comes to light and cognitive dissonance sets in. Hugs.

Someone needs to speak up and say something. Some people have written some excellent insights into what we have been seeing globally in many of our energy healing forums and with our own clients, case studies, and close contacts. It is essential that we be open to some of these insights….


These are some writings taken from other sources that I feel are worth reading, Some links to these posts are provided so you can read the accompanying comments on each post. Please copy / paste links to your browser.

November 2021: You’re about to see a lot of highly intuitive people go into hermit mode or just not willing to be as open as they used to be. Spirit is calling for us to be very selective with whom we share our gifts and visions. Something big is happening.

They have shown us how Divide and Conquer works; Let’s show them how Unite and Build wins!

When you naturally have a healing aura, you attract a lot of damaged people, and having them in your life can drain your energy detrimentally. A good reminder that it is not your job to heal everyone that enters your life.

Barbara Loutzenhiser Goggins: Frequency, it’s all about frequency. Do you realize that 1 blessing vibrating at over 700 can and does neutralize 750,000 negative people. OR THOUGHT. A Great way to be able to impact the collective is bless others throughout the day. You may feel the need to retreat, but much can be changed in this simple manner. It alleviates much worry and improves humanity x a godzillion. I bless random mailboxes, entire parking lots, freeways. I know this works and raises ones spirits as well. Trusting with the knowing all do & will receive their blessing is truly very rewarding and of course comes back to the bless-or and Bless-ee. Remember unconditional love is our strongest tool, and blessings reside in the love and above frequency. If you feel the need to hibernate, have fun blessing others. I think I may my do a few States a day. One could even do Blessed travels on the highways and roads in the different states, countries, providence, lakes, rivers & oceans. The possibilities are limitless. Be creative. The Map of Consciousness is an amazing Vibrational Frequency Scale from 1 to 1000 David R Hawkins, Power vs Force. Have Fun. You can make a huge difference!

Lisa Glennie: I send three people who have wronged me somehow, love every morning. I send healing to three who need it.
Jackie N. Rioux: I do this constantly. I am always sending out healing and prayers to all. I am in a weekly dowsing intention group as well. I just don’t feel the need to be out and about around the chaotic craziness of the world if I don’t have to. In the past, every time I have gone to a concert or other event, I send prayers and FCOAs to all in the building too.
Jackie N. Rioux: Ho’opononono
Lisa Glennie: Jackie, yeah that’s a good one too, I do it more of a love sent from the heart thing. Ho’oponopono says more that you are apologizing and I have decided that I have said sorry to people WAY more than I should have in my life. So I do use it, but I use it when I really do need to apologize to someone.
Jackie N. Rioux: Good point. I just do a lot of FCOAs at bedtime for dream time soul travel and to wake up refreshed. Do all my soul work then and leave my physical body alone lol
Lisa Glennie: Yeah COAs are a really good choice because it is always just what you need even though you may not know what you need LOL
Jackie N. Rioux: I prefer to just get out of the way lol.
Lisa Glennie: yeah I agree, clear non beneficial energies and let them take care of it LOL
Barbara Loutzenhiser Goggins: excellent… I do much from home as well….. hugs

“So many are wanting to tell others what is evil or wrong versus teaching discernment.
Align yourself to your highest aspect, align all that you receive and understand to the highest. Then trust yourself, trust your knowing, trust your heart. Let others have their opinions”. Jenny Schiltz

September 2021 Reposting
This needs to be shared with the ones that know and the ones that are wondering what that weird feeling in their gut is!
Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.
If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone.
No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had, but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE. The beliefs you’ve held, people you’ve trusted, principles you were taught- ALL LIES.
Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn’t stop there.
With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again. Grieving for our children, knowing all too well the broken world they are inheriting. Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don’t “get it”.
Feeling alone; being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses, but for many of you, your very own family and friends too. Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by. Struggling with carrying on bullshit, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep.
Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can’t see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance- because “ignorance is bliss” and reality is harsh. Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone. There is no way to sugar coat it- Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions. You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still function in daily life, and that’s a skill people don’t talk about enough.
Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it’s as though they exist in another world.
Please know you are not alone, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are DEEPLY connected; in purpose and in spirit.
Peace out
Together we are stronger!!
January 2021: Chameice Daniel RH As I read about all of the “anti” marches today I would like to share a gentle energy reminder…what we focus on we feed. Focusing on “fighting” something or being “anti” something feeds exactly what you are trying to bring into harmonic resonance. Focus only on what you wish to create…equality, love, peace…as energy follows the focus of your intention. By intending to fight something, you keep fighting. By intending to stop something, it propels the need for movement. The universe speaks in intentions, the vibration of your spoken word. It hears your verbs and will action them for you. If your verbs are not focused on what you wish to create more of you are creating momentum for the opposite. Like energy follows like energy. Fighting causes fighting, the form is irrelevant. Sending love, light, and focused awareness.


Well somebody said it finally. This is exactly what many of us have been seeing:

“The biggest oxymoron: yoga teachers, spiritual leaders/teachers, somatic/embodiment therapists/teachers, healers, energy workers, bodyworkers/massage therapists, and anyone in the “wellness industry” taking the j[a]b. It couldn’t be more of a testimony of being out of touch with your body, spirit, and soul. True colors revealed. The ultimate litmus test for embodied [self]awareness. 5-10 years from now they will see what they have done and the truth will reveal itself more and more and it is not going to be a pretty picture. For now, they laugh at us, gaslight us, and ridicule us with their ad hominem “conspiracy theorist” attacks [logical fallacy] and socially conditioned virtue signalling. May God have mercy on their soul for they do not know what they do, programmed like lambs to the slaughter”.
Bernhard Guenther

Kat Cro: I have thought the same thing. I even worked for a spiritual leader of a centre – and she was in fear and intimated by my faith. Theta healer I respected also turned to fear. So many came to light as not walking their talk. It saddened and disappointed me beyond belief. I hold the faith and keep going no matter the ridicule I endure even from my own children.

Jackie N. Rioux: Yes I have had a couple of my mentors that seem disconnected and unknowingly on a different path. Saddens me too. Previously highly respected and had to let them go.

No matter your beliefs or religion, The “Lord’s prayer” is the best way to clear your energy:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.

July 5 2021 “Every part of our lives will be subject to control. This virus is about training us for submission, training us to do what we’re told. To not go to the beach unless we’re told, to not kiss our girlfriend without their permission. They’re turning us into production units and consuming entities. They are going to rob us not only of our democracy and our liberties, but our souls. They are going to inject us with the medicines they want and they’re going to charge us for the diseases they give us. They are going to control every part of our lives. What we are doing at Children’s Health Defense is using the last instruments of democracy we have left – the Courts – to fight them.”We are in the last battle. We are in the apocalypse. We are fighting for the salvation of humanity. We all knew this was coming, though I never believed it would come in my lifetime. But here it is.”
— Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


“Those who do not think outside the box are easily contained”.
Vicki Reeve: I have always been an advocate of getting out of the box. Another term may be getting your head out of the sand. The last few years I have really woken up regarding what is happening in the world. I never knew how much evil that people can do to one another, especially in people that I have looked up to and who I considered friends and family. It really breaks my heart to see people unable to see the truth in front of their eyes.
If all else, please follow the money and the power to understand what is really going on. Our lives depend on it.


Abraham Stephen: “Those who are least confident only will adopt divide and lead policy. They never believe others especially when a team is working on behalf. Great leaders unite people and complete many task successfully. Unity is strength applicable to all aspects in the world. We flourish by unity and perish by diversity”.


Joanna Boldt
April 8 2021 https://www.facebook.com/DirtyGirlsFarm.ca/posts/10165834785705500
Shared by someone that was able to connect with someone after the jab! Notice the client didn’t complain of any physical symptoms (and I know so many are).
“What happens energetically after the C- vax?
“A message from France – the experiences of a French energetic healer:
What happens in the energy bodies and especially in your soul after the “vax”?
Experience of a therapist who has been working for many years with energy, with energy healing, with the subtle bodies, but above all with the light radiation and the frequency of the vibration of the heart, the seat of our soul, in order to achieve a deep contact with the higher self.
“I held a session with a person who had received the first and second dose of the vax. I had already treated this person energetically, but I did not know that she had taken the vax. When I started the treatment, I immediately noticed the change, very heavy energy coming from their subtle bodies. The scariest thing was when I worked on the heart chakra, I connected with her soul, so she was detached from the physical body, she had no contact and it was as if she was floating in a state of total confusion. A damage of the consciousness that loses contact with the physical part, so with our biological machine, there is no more communication between them.
During the treatment, this soul told me that it no longer felt the body and had the impression of floating in a deep malaise. The energy I was working with, the energy of their energy field, was very heavy and you could feel these substances that are very stressful for the subtle bodies.
I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could not receive any more light, frequency or energy. It was a very powerful experience for me.
Then I understood that this substance is in fact used to detach the consciousness, so that this consciousness can no longer interact through this body that it has in life, where there is no more contact, no more frequency, no more light, no more energetic balance or spirit. Then I started to cry for that soul because it was something that touched me deeply, a very powerful experience. I didn’t say anything to the person because I didn’t know how to say it and if they would have understood.
I realized that it is not only polluting the subtle bodies or the physical body, but it is something to do with our soul. The purpose is to damage and try to destroy contact with consciousness. What Steiner said is exactly that. It is not just about damaging the immune system!
Update – Second treatment of the person
There has been another change and again a deterioration, both in the severity and in the energy that their energy field transmits, but most importantly there has been a very significant decrease in frequency. At the moment he is not showing any physical symptoms on the physical body. As for the situation manifesting on the energetic level and especially the soul, it has been confirmed that the soul has been expelled from the physical body, it is still bound by the so-called cord, but it confirms that it no longer interacts with the physical, emotional and mental body, there is no longer any kind of communication. The soul is no longer able to manage these three bodies, to continue its process of incarnation and evolution, precisely because this contact has been broken.” (Note: the client didn’t complain of any physical symptoms.)
I knew the intention of these vaccines was to block the ascension but I wasn’t sure how now I know and I’m blown away. There’s a part of me that wants to believe it’s because these souls were not due to ascend in their current life but really I feel deeply it’s a lot more sinister because I’m also aware they want to trap souls in the 3D reality which is hell. f only people would understand we are all powerful free sovereign beings please stop complying & consenting to this virus agenda its pure evil! Just like the satanic ritual for C19 – watch the 2012 Opening for the Olympics! I pray for these souls that they can return home but we now have zombies literally walking Earth

Marisaida Méndez: I do Full Court of Atonement for people that have told me they vaccinated. I transmute the energy of the vax components to be of light and beneficial to their body
Jackie N. Rioux: Ya that is what I have been doing too. Nasty stuff otherwise.
Denise Homer-Goodwin: Yes we can remove the negative energies: vaccine toxins, heavy metals, misalignment of liver and kidneys, nano particles that go to brain and liver etc.
Jackie N. Rioux: Denise Homer-Goodwin yes. That’s what I’ve been doing so far. Lots of spirit out of body, spirit breaks etc on those clients who have gotten it
Glenys Cook: I have heard a couple of vax recipients say that they felt cut off from God and that is the purpose of this shot of poison.


The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”
The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green .”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.
As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”
The lion replied: “If you believe it is true, the grass is blue.”
The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him.”
The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence.”
The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating ′′The grass is blue, the grass is blue…”
The tiger asked the lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?”
The lion replied, ′′You’ve known and seen the grass is green.”
The tiger asked, ′′So why do you punish me?”
The lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with an ass, and on top of that, you came and bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true!”
The biggest waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn’t care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense. There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand. Others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
When IGNORANCE SCREAMS, intelligence moves on.

Tash Kelly
December 6 2021 https://www.facebook.com/tash.kelly.3576/posts/2502134153254950
Copied and shared from a post with this signature:
(With thanks to K.G. Wordsmith Warrior)
The right words can have an impact on how we perceive pretty much everything. A word or two can make the difference between a “pre-owned car” versus a “used car.” Which car would you prefer?
I think it’s high time we changed the perception about ourselves by changing our language about ourselves. Up till now, those of us who want to remain in our normal health state have been derisively known as “The Unvaccinated.” And, what’s even worse, we have been naively cooperating by labeling ourselves the same as those who scorn us! It’s time to stop that nonsense!! Here’s why.
The word Unvaccinated in our context implies “lack.” The impression given by the term is that those who refuse the injections have (or are) “less than” those who take the injections. We are wrongly perceived as either sadly or stubbornly deficient or defective — even dangerous — because we lack a drug in our bodies that, in itself, is proving to be defective. How ridiculous! Do you feel a sense of lack?
Let’s look at some “UN” words to prove my point: Unenlightened. Unmarried. Unemployed. Unclean. Unattractive. Unhealthy. Uneducated. Undesirable. Unaware. Uncooperative. Uncaring. Uninformed.
Unvaccinated. Get the point?
Now, I propose we reinvent the perception of ourselves; one we can cheerfully announce without putting people off and also get them thinking. By this change, we can plant seeds of positivity around our informed and intelligent choice, change perceptions and the narrative and, perhaps, change minds and hearts and even increase our ranks.
From now on, let’s see ourselves truthfully as “vaccine free” individuals — because that is what we are: mentally and physically free. If someone asks if you’re vaccinated, cheerfully reply to them with a smile, “I’m vaccine free,” or “I’m happy to say, I’m still vaccine free.” Practice saying it and writing it; YOU are no longer wearing the scarlet letter of UN, my friend.
Think of saying I’m vaccine free as similar to the positive feelings around these words: Sodium free. Gluten free. Pesticide free. Static free. Phthalate free. BPA free. Hormone free. Fat free. Hassle free. Sugar free. Tax free. Allergen free. Stimulant free. Preservative free. Drug free.
Now let’s convey the same positive note about the empowering choice we have made for ourselves. Make saying “I’m vaccine free” a habit. Free is the operative word. And, please share this with all the vaccine-free people you know.
Spread the good news.
We are Vaccine FREE.
I am Vaccine Free because I have access to independent information that shares many serious concerns around both the Vaccines and the way this whole thing is being handled. Extremely serious concerns.


A donkey was tied to a tree. One night a ghost cut the rope and released the donkey free.
The donkey went and destroyed the crops in an adjacent farmer’s land. Infuriated, the farmer’s wife shot the donkey and killed it.
The donkey’s owner was devastated at the loss. In reply, he shot dead the farmer’s wife.
Angered by his wife’s death, the farmer took a sickle and killed the donkey’s owner.
The wife of the donkey’s owner got so angry that she and her sons set the farmer’s house on fire.
The farmer, looking at his house turned into ashes, killed the wife and children of the donkey’s owner.
Finally, when the farmer was full of regret, he asked the ghost as to why did it kill them all?
The ghost replied, “I killed nobody. I just released a donkey that was tied to a rope. It is all of you who released the devils within you which resulted into everything bad that occurred thereafter.”
Today’s media is like that ghost. It keeps releasing donkeys on a daily basis. And people react and argue with each other, hurt each other, without having a second thought.
In the end, the media dodges all responsibilities. So, it’s our responsibility to not react on every donkey released by the media and preserve our relationship with our friends, relatives and community

THEY LOST: Because by locking us down, they force us to face our shadows, to look at our own demons right in the eyes, to heal and transmute them.
THEY LOST: Because by isolating us from each other, they encourage us to gather, strengthen our bond and reconnect from heart to heart.
THEY LOST: For by shamelessly lying to us, they lead us to seek truth elsewhere and by ourselves, and so come out of the illusion.
THEY LOST: Because trying to scare us, they push us to let go, stay centred, confident and connected to our soul.
THEY LOST: Because by controlling our physical vehicles, they allow us to expand our subtle bodies and consciences – and our power.
THEY LOST: Because by wanting to make us sick, they finally give us more free time, rest and rebirth.
THEY LOST: Because trying to make us disappear into the darkness, they make us grow and cultivate our inner light.
THEY LOST: Because by cutting us off from Mother Nature, they allow her to cleanse and heal herself, and we meditate for her like never before.
THEY LOST. Because by manipulating us into making us slaves, they force us to take back our sovereignty and freedom . . . .
THEY LOST: Because by trying to put us to sleep and subdue us, they are shaking and awakening all humanity.
THEY LOST: Because by infantilizing us, they make us grow. Attacking our elders and children, they make us ROAR.
THEY LOST: Because by wanting to weaken us, they strengthen the Warrior of Light that sleeps deep within each of us . . . .
~ Eloise Al’ Cyona [via Lisa Williams]

Lou Kurjata
January 5 2022 https://www.facebook.com/loukurjata.wsb/posts/10159360171042295
Good morning! It appears that there is a new variant expressing itself – this time out of France – which has even more spike proteins than omicron. But that’s not what I want to talk about.
Just for the fun of it, I did some numerology on the word omicron and the word ihu just to see what the energy frequencies of these words represent.
Omicron adds up to a 6 and ihu adds up to 11. I pulled this information from numerology.com.
Omicron – 6: “The number 6 is the embodiment of the heart. It represents unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal. It is a powerful force of compassion and empathy and its warm light is a beacon of hope. Its role is to use its heart and soul to be of service to others.
The 6 in Numerology shines in partnerships of all kinds but especially emotional ones. Its empathy makes others comfortable letting down their guard and being open and honest about their feelings which, in turn, allows it to understand and provide the help that’s needed. We could all use someone in our life who manifests the devoted energy of the 6.”
So that was omicron’s purpose.
Now, here’s ihu’s purpose.
Ihu – 11: “The most remarkable characteristic of the Master Number 11 is its connection to a higher source of wisdom. It is intuitive to the point of being psychic, channeling its knowledge and meaning from a spiritual source. But the Master Numbers have a responsibility, and it’s the number 11’s duty to use this gift of awareness to deliver cosmic truths that encourage humanity.
All Master Numbers are a higher vibration of their single-digit counterpart — in the 11’s case, the number 2. This means the 11 carries many of the same traits as the number 2, such as harmony, empathy, and sensitivity, but it feels them and utilizes them in much deeper, more profound ways. It’s also important to remember that the number 11 is comprised of two 1s side by side and, therefore, carries some attributes of the number 1 as well. 1 is innovative and motivated, open to new things and eager to make a difference. The contrasting energies of the numbers 1 and 2 join together in the Master Number 11 to make it a creative leader, active listener, and compassionate advisor.
The number 11 is at one with the universe. It is open to vast spiritual concepts and the presence of a greater power. It is a channel for truth and answers to reach us and help us on our way. This Master Number’s vision is crystal clear and it sees with a breadth that others cannot. It is creative and magnetic, a beacon of wisdom and hope for others to follow.”
So, rather than being fearful of these variants, we can tap into the energetics that names and numbers bring forth, imbue them into our lives and expand them out into the world around us! How cool is that!
Go back and reread the energetics of each variant and take those energetics (not the variant) into yourself – build this year and your life on these energetics on purpose and we will see the world change around us rather quickly!

Reposted several times, unsure of original post link:
This Convoy is not just for the truckers mandates.
It’s for the family members banned from visiting family in nursing homes.
It’s for the censorship on all social media platforms.
It’s for all the people afraid to speak in fear of being called conspiracy theorists.
It’s for the people who didn’t want to give up their freedom of choice!
It’s for the people who don’t want to give up their right to bear arms.
It’s for the people who don’t want to be in debt for the next 100 years.
It’s for the people who only want answers to the many questions that haven’t been answered.
It’s for the people afraid to hug their family and visit friends.
It’s for the people who want their lives back.
For the hairdressers to cut hair.
For the restaurants to serve food.
For the bars to play music.
For the students to learn.
For the kids to be free.
For people who want to work but are forced not to.
This is for the people.
This is for trying to silence honest and hardworking citizens.
Never in my life have I ever seen the healthy punished and the sick untreated.
This is for the 300,000 surgeries cancelled.
This is for the people that died waiting for their surgery.
This is for the people who died alone in the hospital without being able to hold that hands of their loved ones.
This is for the exhausted nurses, teachers, parents etc.
This is for the doctors that are going unheard.
This is for all the front line workers, delivery trucks, grocery store clerks, PSWs who are constantly working overtime etc.
This is for all of us.
If you do not support the truckers, IT’S OKAY because:
If mandates get lifted I would like to remind you…. you can still stay home. No one will rip the mask off your face, no one will force you to dine in at a restaurant, you can drop your children off at their leisure activity and wait in your car, you can still say no to family gatherings and events, you can live within your 4 walls and NO ONE will stop you. We will not judge you for your choice – we will just be glad you have one. That is the point of FREEDOM of choice! While you’re comfortable where you are we are also comfortable moving on with our lives.
A member of the small fringe minority with unacceptable views
You stay safe, I will stay free!

First they called it a small fringe minority. When the truth came out that it was MASSIVE and supported by millions, they called them terrorists. When the footage came out showing patriotic Canadians hugging and singing they called them white supremacists. When the truth came out that the people there are of every race, color, and nationality of origin, they accused them of defacing statues and stealing from the homeless. When the truth came out that they were not only cleaning up the statues, but guarding them – and they were freely giving free food to ANYONE, they tried to downplay it, saying most had gone home. But they haven’t gone home and more are coming! Now they are getting desperate. They have cancelled a ton of hotel bookings and taken over all these rooms – with our tax dollars of course. They have forced GoFundMe to deny them 9 million in donations. The government is pulling out all the stops trying to piss the movement off, doing anything they can to incite violence. And yet here I sit watching a live stream of downtown Ottawa. It is like a party. Happy, smiling people everywhere. Music, fireworks, Canadian flags. What’s it going to take for you to stop believing the fictional media? The people are peaceful as they patiently await our so-called leader to meet with them. It’s the government who is being violent and playing dirty – and it’s all about our health! Pfft. If you still believe that you seriously need to wake up to reality.


If you do not support the truckers, IT’S OKAY because:
If mandates get lifted I would like to remind you…. you can still stay home. No one will rip the mask off your face, no one will force you to dine in at a restaurant, you can drop your children off at their leisure activity and wait in your car, you can still say no to family gatherings and events, you can choose to get whatever \/ you want, you can live within your 4 walls and NO ONE will stop you. We will not judge you for your choice – we will just be glad you have one. That is the point of FREEDOM of choice! You might be comfortable where you are … but we are very comfortable moving on with our lives.
A member of the small fringe minority with unacceptable views

Wonderful message from Keanu Reeves about the current situation
“Humans are about to release themselves from the matrix.”
A war is underway that will shape the future of human existence and the world we leave to our children is silently optimistic about the future because humanity shows signs of breaking the matrix.
The human race has been reduced to slavery for thousands of years, we have been kept in mental prison by dark elites and secret societies who have done their best to oppress us and prevent us from achieving our potential.
The real world matrix is starting to crack.
Humanity shows signs of the release of the matrix.
What a time to be alive!
Exciting times we live in.
Yes, of course, there are many people who are only interested in the Kardashians, but a large portion of the population has been awakened.
The most important thing is that there is now a war between our supreme masters and those who want to free us.
What is the matrix?
the matrix is a holographic universe projected into us by those who want to control us.
Humanity has been repressed and controlled in this way for millennia.
We think it’s real, but in reality it’s just a movie that’s playing in the collective consciousness, which presents itself as “reality”.
This is a spiritual shift that needs to take place.
People have had enough of useless wars, totalitarian leadership and authoritarian control.
People wake up to what’s really important in life.
It is time to regain our infinite power and open the doors of our mental prison.
It is not an easy thing to do, but it is time to walk in the light of freedom. “
Keanu Reeves

ALL of the deceptions from the da/rk ones are now rapidly backfiring.
They don’t realise that the people they are restricting access to society are those who are:
Creatives; willing to find ways to live outside of the box, those who get inspired by challenge to find their own solutions.
Rebels; who have been misfits many times in the past so they are immune to being excluded.
The Wild Ones with deep connection and reverence to the land, who know nature has everything they need.
Old Souls who have seen this all before and have been persecuted over lifetimes for doing things differently.
The Healers who are resourced with tools and modalities outside of the mainstream to restore balance and vitality.
Rainbow Warriors who know what’s sacred and aren’t afraid to stand strong in their convictions.
Inner Peace Seekers who were already adopting a slower way of living and detaching from commodities.
Optimists with an inner knowing of what really matters who can adapt their perspective to see the blessings that difficulties can bring.
The Stubborn Ones who will not bend to coercion no matter how tight you squeeze, who will find ways to adapt to obstacles before going against their truth.
Intuitives who trust their inner voice before any external noise
The Lions and Lionesses who will fiercely protect their young and will stop at nothing to hold the line as you awaken the fire within.
The Sovereign ones who won’t be threatened into backing down because they have already made their choice
Stay strong, hold the line……

January 3 2021
Copied and pasted. This is beautiful
Rebooting & Healing the Planet
We are experiencing change all over the Earth. The Corona Virus Pandemic serves as part of stage 1 of what we call The Great Awakening of the Earth. This is a process of the shifting of collective frequency of the Earth and the inhabitants. As everyone is in quarantine, things are changing and the planet is being shut down and rebooted like a computer. When everyone comes back online, the entire world will have been upgraded.
There are people that are leaving this Earth through the pandemic. These are soul agreements and this is how these souls agreed to exit their physical bodies and leave the Earth. New souls will be sent to this planet, as a result of the mass exodus. These new souls are very special because they are not subject to the spiritual amnesia process and they are born of a deeply loving frequency. They are coming to the Earth at this time, because the shifting is able to support their energetic frequencies. As the planet shifts, more of these special souls will join us here and they will be part of the beautiful changes of returning the Earth back to love.
During this time, work on loving yourself. Do special things to send yourself loving energy by meditating, aligning your field, and nurturing your physical body. It a beautiful time to be on this Earth. This is the greatest change that the planet has ever seen and we are all part of it. Always remember who you are and why you are here!
Namaste and much love to all of you,


Before I begin – contrary to many other posts I have read lately, you do not need to unfollow or unfriend me if you have a different perspective then I do
I am concerned that people are being labelled conspiracy theorists 🗣 simply because they question certain government, corporate and industrial motives or because I question the arbitrary laws that revoke my basic human rights
I do not consent to the extreme censorship that is taking place on social media platforms toward doctors, scientists, political scientists and activists who uphold data about a possible differing outcome than the media would have us believe. This concerns me far more than the virus.
I do not consent to the tracking and tracing of Canadian citizens, or any citizens for that matter. (And if we can easily track law abiding citizens, then why haven’t we made pedophiles and dangerous criminals a priority for this technology?)
I do not consent to any party or leader who makes decisions without the democratic process of a vote in Parliament.
I do not consent to limiting free speech under the guise of protecting Canadians from the spread of misinformation.
I do not consent to closing down our wild spaces when the weed store, the liquor store, and the dollar store are deemed essential. There is absolutely nothing more essential on this Earth than Earth itself.
I do not consent to the closing of small businesses while multi-million dollar companies remain open.
I do not consent to being prevented from freely travelling while the politicians who impose these laws break them to visit their cottages or fly across borders.
I do not consent to being told that all these decisions are for my safety and convicted criminals are simultaneously released from prison for their own “protection.”
I do not consent to violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which states that my body (and the body of my child) is sovereign, and that no medical procedure can be mandated.
I do not consent to the label ‘anti-vaxxer’ simply because I have concerns about MANDATORY, enforced vaccines or medical procedures – especially high risk ones with limited testing that are deemed highly profitable to the most questionable of interests.
I do not consent to the amount of division and hatred that so many have fallen into between your fellow man, simply for upholding opposing beliefs, or for speaking openly about what THEY believe. A gentle reminder that: You don’t have to be unkind to someone just because you disagree with them, or because you lead a different lifestyle than them. United we stand, divided we fall.
I do not consent to the idea that pharmaceutical companies are the ONLY way to prevent or heal from illness, and the outright dismissal of this side of the conversation is highly questionable from my perspective.
I do not consent to the media only covering the death count when the survival rate is immensely higher. Fear cripples immunity. Why aren’t we talking about our success!
Here’s what I DO consent to:
Being a free and critical thinker, a father who is protecting the future of his, and all children’s future,
an individual who cares about tomorrow, an environmentalist who understands the connection between the state of our planet’s health and our own.
Copied & Reposted


Sue Trumpfheller
February 6 2022
I was snuggled all warm in my bed
With visions of the truckers a cold night ahead
I ask for prayers that they all stay warm
As police tow away their spare fuel down the road
They are there to defend a right for you and for me
To give us the right to choose, to be free
Their signs say no mandates We want a right to choose
Yet government officials say you must follow me
The world is listening to the sound of their horn
Many have chosen to follow this call
Truckers have listened to the call in their hearts
May you all have the right to choose from your soul
I crawl back in bed where I know I’ll be warm
Grateful for truckers weathering the storm
They’ve been cheered by the young and the old
as they crossed the tundra with snow all around
With tears in my eyes I’ve watched the flags flying proud
I’m standing beside you. I’m sharing your pride as you know we’ll be free
You have ignited a nation, a world
Thank you for all you endure


February 2022: Vicki Reeve:
This is a call to arms!
Everyone needs to look for and remove any offensive energies, aka hooks, cords, ropes, etc., that is holding the World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab to our political leaders, our police force, etc.
Then, we need to install Violet Flame Energy onto all of them. Make sure it is 100%.
During a sleepless period last night I realized that people have certain colours (not about chakras). I felt that Justin Trudeau was yellow and Doug Ford was red. I removed the colours & added in the Violet Flame Energy.
I also feel that the premier of BC is yellow, hence he is hiding too. Will work on that today.
You may also want to see if you have any connections to the World Economic Forum too & clear & add the Violet Flame Energy.
By the way, I feel that the WEF has the colour black, which signifies death of course.
We need the whole world in this Violet Flame Energy! Will be working on this in the coming days and weeks.
Let’s get working!!!

February 12 2022
This is from one of my energy practitioner groups. Sharing locally here, please copy paste and share in your circles. If you want to join in the dowsing practitioner group, please let me know. Otherwise you are welcome to join in just sending prayers and good intentions as much as possible. Where two or more are gathers we can move mountains..
Yesterday, we had a really nice call with a number of members from our group sending Violet Flame Energy to Ottawa and also Queen’s Park in Toronto.
We have committed to spending 5 minutes each day to send this Violet Flame Energy to these places. Please join us with this commitment.
We also decided that we should meet again next Friday at the same time, namely 1 p.m. EST on Friday, February 18th to continue this work as a group. Remember that the more people we have, the stronger the intention goes out. I will post a link the day before. If anyone else wishes to join & help, you are more than welcome! Please invite your friends too!
Here’s the information I got from the internet about Violet Flame Energy, which I shared with the group yesterday.
What is Violet Flame Energy?
It is a high-frequency light that you can use to change your life and the world around you. Experienced by mystics and known to spiritual teachers East and West, the violet flame dissolves negative energy and restores it to positive energy.
The violet flame is a miraculous spiritual energy. It corresponds to the high frequency of violet light and those who have open spiritual sight have seen it as a beautiful violet aura or flame. It is the spiritual energy that incorporates love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. The violet flame is one of the causes behind the science of miracles, a universal solvent of celestial alchemy and a special spiritual solution for our time.
The saints and adepts of East and West have long used the spiritual energy of the violet flame to accelerate their spiritual development. Some experienced the secret flame itself, and some knew the power of God’s mercy to change hearts and the world around them. It helps the world vibrate with freedom.
The violet flame is a light that serves all spiritual heritages, that gives respect and dignity to all things. It gives us a way to connect with each other…. It’s what really empowers you.
The flame has the power to heal you emotionally and physically, as well as improving all relationships and helping you to grow spiritually. The colour violet has the highest frequency on the visible spectrum, meaning it is at the point of transitioning to the spiritual octave of light. Throughout the years, mystics and spiritualists have associated the colour violet with qualities such as forgiveness, mercy and freedom.
We already know the violet flame has the ability to help you heal, improve and grow, but there are many more benefits of using the flame.
The violet flame changes vibrations within us that allows negative energy to be transformed into light. This frees up energy within you and restores stability in your life, working as the driving force to push you into a more spiritual state of being.

LL Is Beautifully Being Uncovered and Healed…….
“When we are being emotionally influenced by the global dramas being played out at the moment, we are being tricked.
Most of us may view these unfolding events as horrifying.
Our ability to detach from the stage play and look at it from a higher perspective feels almost like bypassing.
It may feel like civil irresponsibility.
It may even look like sticking our heads in the sand.
But the Truth is that ALL exists WITHIN us. That’s what the ‘fear-based thinking mind’ doesn’t want us focused on.
Addressing OUR OWN shadows. our own darkness. our own aggressor, our own hearts woundings…
Yet when we focus inwards, when we find the Courage, the Willingness to Breathe and become Present with our own discomfort around this, when we become willing to Feel, Be with and Embrace in the Light of Innocence whatever has been hiding in the shadows, we literally heal the divide within.
The Collective Consciousness of the entire planet must and Will realign to the Peace emanating from within our Healed Hearts and We Will Indeed never have war again. (War does not exist in the New Earth timeline)
Know that the Power of One Healed and Awakened Heart, the Power of Love outshines the Illusionary power of the ego’s substitute for love a millionfold, so imagine what a thousand or even a million fully Healed Awakened Hearts may accomplish?
Those parts of the collective that are scrambling to maintain their grip on this planet, know exactly what our triggers are, because as We Are One in Love, we are one in fear.
We have all experienced planetary wars and played a diversity of roles in it. We have all suffered losses and tasted blood in victory and defeat. We all share these inherent triggers from our collective human history. However subconscious they may have become.
So rather than fearing WW3, please focus on the Love within, breathe and allow fear itself to be dis~assembled.
Observe where faith is falling short and re-commit.
Feel, forgive and embrace unhealed traumas from lifetimes of collectively chosen experiments in Patriarchal rule.
Allow the Light of Spirit to guide your Gift to the Silent Revolution of the Heart.
Give Thanks for this Golden Opportunity.
Surrender to Grace.
Allow Divine Alchemy to weave its wonders.
Walk the Walk.
And Trust.
I Am, We Are, God IS.” ~ Ori Ana


When the freedom convoy started I was reading in Exodus about Moses and Aaron’s trip to ask Pharaoh to free the people of Israel.
I couldn’t help but notice the superficial similarity to the truckers going to ask our own leader for the freedom to work and travel again for those who have been unjustly denied these rights.
In the exodus story though, before Pharaoh relented, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart 10 times.
Each time it was to accomplish a deeper work than just removing Israel from Egypt. It also seems that God was working to remove Egypt from His children’s hearts.
As maddening and alarming that it is that Trudeau is not listening to the cries of hurting Canadians, but instead doubling down and invoking an Emergencies Act, it is important to remember that Trudeau, despite all the evil and corruption, is still ultimately God’s servant.
God has the power to turn Trudeau’s heart wherever He wishes. No amount of deception, money, power, or corruption, changes the fact that God has the final say in the affairs of men.
I think God is doing a deeper work in Canada right now. This Country belongs to Him and God has a plan for her that is greater than just political freedom.
We could return to normal and the freedoms we took for granted two years ago, but that would be a hollow victory if it was also a return to the apathy and spiritual bondage that was gripping our nation back then.
When Jesus came to earth, His people were in the midst of suffering tyranny and government overreach. Some of His followers were frustrated that He wasn’t taking more political action, and toppling earthly oppressors.
But Jesus knew that true freedom has to start with freedom from sin, guilt, and condemnation. There is no real freedom for those alienated from God.
If we aren’t reconciled to God, and in fellowship with Christ and our fellow man, we are in deep bondage regardless of how much freedom we have from our government.
Jesus came to free us from slavery to fear, lust, hate, greed, and resentment.
I believe Jesus cares about political freedom, because He cares about justice and righteousness.
It an injustice to deprive a man from his ability to provide for his family or to travel freely or to prevent innocent family members from being together.
But I think Jesus knows before we can benefit from political freedom our hearts have to be set free from spiritual oppression. We ultimately have to find our hope and satisfaction in God.
Spiritual freedom must fuel political freedom. It doesn’t happen the other way around.
Every political freedom movement that is not accompanied by spiritual freedom and the power of Jesus has only resulted in chaos, anarchy, and new oppressors.
When Jesus sets you free, you are free no matter what the state looks like.
I have read about persecuted Christians living under true dictatorships where every single earthy freedom has been removed and they are tortured in isolation cells.
Even there, the power of freedom in Jesus is so great these men still rejoice and their spirits celebrate a freedom no man can take.
I don’t know where our country is headed. I’ve seen so many positive signs the last two weeks.
This country is still filled with passionate godly men in government and law enforcement. It’s also filled with peace loving, hard working citizens who love godly freedom.
I really believe the tide is turning and we are going to experience a swing back towards political freedom and hopefully we find a way to prevent government from taking away freedoms every time they want to declare an emergency.
But if I’m wrong and we are headed for a period of greater state oppression, I have zero reason to despair.
My hope is not in the political movements of men, but in Jesus and His final victory.
This hope does not disappoint because God has poured His love into our hearts. If God is for us, who can be against us?
I’m not saying to quit the political fight. It is important to fight for justice and speak up for the oppressed. But don’t let your emotional state be dictated by the ups and downs of human politics.
Rejoice in Jesus, be thankful for the freedoms we currently have.
Pray for our leaders, reconcile with your neighbour.
If you feel led, enter law or politics. Keep writing your elected leaders and finding new ways to make your voice heard.
But above all, pray for spiritual revival and share the gospel.
Live in the unshakable hope that is found in Jesus. The hope you manifest and the freedom from fear you demonstrate will be a powerful light to the fearful and may prompt them to ask you about where true hope and freedom is found.
Written by Jesse Jost


Rosco Sinan
I recently wrote a poem that I feel resonates with your message. I feel compelled to share it :
On only you , you can depend
Unto yourself, be your own best friend
How you feel is up to you
Unto yourself, be your own Guru
You can learn from every creature
Unto yourself, be your own teacher
Connectedness felt for each other
Unto the world, be a people lover
But don’t rely on anyone
To make your life happy and fun
Anyone’s command , do not obey
From deep within, you must have your say
Let the sheep go their way
From the conditioned crowd, you must stray
There’s no need to judge the mindless mob
When your happiness is an inside job
In the joy of life be a specialist
Unto yourself, be eternally blissed.


Sue Green
February 18 2022
Our world is broken. All around us, we see heartache, despair, and pain. The needs of our world can be overwhelming and often it can be a struggle in knowing what we should do.
The one thing we can do is pray. Prayer is powerful. But where do you start? Here are a few prayers to help you begin:
A Prayer for Peace: Our world is torn with war and violence. I pray that you provide this world with a peace that is only found in you. I pray for those who are suffering from the results of war and violence. I pray you provide them with both physical and mental healing. I pray for an end to these wars and acts of violence. I pray for your redemption. I pray for an end to all of the division between individuals, groups, and nations. I pray for your healing. I pray for an end to all the trauma and hurting. I pray for your love to reign over all.
A Prayer for Justice: You care for those who are oppressed. You love those who are marginalized. I pray for justice and redemption in this world. Help me to know what is wrong and what is right. Help this world to know what is wrong and what is right. Provide peace and hope to those who are suffering from injustice. Show them that you are there, and you care for them and that you will make all things right. I pray for a world full of love and compassion.
A Prayer for Physical Illness: I pray for the sickness in our world. I pray for those suffering from current viruses. I pray for those suffering from cancer. I pray for those suffering from heart disease. I pray for those suffering from any form of sickness or ailment. If it is your will, I pray that you heal them. I ask that you be with them, comfort them, and provide them with peace. Be with their families that are struggling as they watch their loved ones suffer. Provide them with love and a sense of hope.
A Prayer for Mental Illness: I come to you with a heavy heart. I pray for those battling mental illness. I pray you give them strength to keep fighting. I pray they know that they are loved, wanted, and valued. I ask that you bring a community around them that is godly, loving, and understanding. I pray that they are able to get the help they need. Provide them with the right tools to begin healing. I pray for their families whose heart aches for their loved ones who are suffering. Give them the strength to keep fighting too. Be with those who are suffering and let them know that you are there.
A Prayer for Poverty: So many people are suffering from poverty. I pray for those today who are experiencing financial needs. I pray for those who don’t have enough food to feed themselves or their families. I pray for those who don’t have enough money for healthcare or medicine. I pray for those who don’t have a home, or who have recently just lost their home. I pray that you will provide for these needs. Provide for their physical needs, as well as their spiritual needs. Let them know that you are there.
A Prayer for Broken Families: There is so much brokenness in this world. Please be with each family that is suffering. I pray you keep families united, loving and seeking you. I pray for reconciliation. I pray for each individual whose family has been torn apart by divorce, abuse, abandonment, drugs, alcohol, death, and any other circumstance. I pray for the families that are on the verge of being torn apart; I pray that you heal them. I pray for those who don’t have a family. Let them find a loving, kind, and supportive family to be included


Wayne Anderson
January 30 2022
Justin Trudeau is always saying that “Diversity is our strength”, and most people assume that he’s speaking of Canada.
But, what if he isn’t? What if he’s talking about his party and his allies? What if the “diversity” he’s referring to is the dividing of Canadians into smaller more manageable groups by sowing the seeds of conflict, and discord with the intention of getting us to fight among ourselves?
The more division, the better. It makes it easier for them to get re-elected.
It’s an old trick. Divide and Rule, as old as civilization itself.
If you listen to Trudeau’s speeches lately, you’ll hear him trying to incite division by using trigger words that he knows will get the reaction he’s looking for.
The incitement of hatred and discord by a leader, intent on pitting their own citizens against each other, is a dangerous thing. To the best of my knowledge, no country has ever ended up being better because of it.
And I must admit that Trudeau is doing a brilliant job of it. He has family members going at each other’s throats. Lifelong friends fighting each other. People becoming more open to “Us vs Them” than at any other time in our history.
Using the pandemic, and the fear it brings, to remold Canada into something very few of us would care to look at, let alone live in.
True, Covid has caused us harm. But our politicians and their ilk have caused far greater harm than Covid ever could.
That’s pretty much all I have to say.
NB: some have said this should be shared. If you’re one of them, copy the text, paste and go for it. All I ask is that if you do, leave it as written. Thanks

A thought to remember, Marx said, “Remove one freedom per generation and soon you will have no freedom and no one would have noticed.”
There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his
back and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting Communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country’s government and install a new communist regime. In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked: “Do you know how to catch wild pigs?” The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke. “You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free food. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate on them
and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves,
so they accept their captivity.” The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America & Canada. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/Socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare entitlements, medicine, drugs, etc., while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time.
One should always remember two truths:
1. There is no such thing as a free lunch, 2. You can never hire someone to provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.
If you see that all of this wonderful government “help” is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America & Canada, you might want to share this with your friends. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life, then you will probably not share this. BUT, God help us all when the gate slams shut!
Think about this:
Quote for today: “The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.”
It appears that the fence is up and the gate is standing open. In the next four years they will slam it shut.
Enjoy your corn

I have never heard life explained any better than this.
A father used to say to his children when they were young: —When you all reach the age of 12 I will tell you the secret of life. One day when the oldest turned 12, he anxiously asked his father what was the secret of life. The father replied that he was going to tell him, but that he should not reveal it to his brothers.
—The secret of life is this: The cow does not give milk. “What are you saying?” Asked the boy incredulously. —As you hear it, son: The cow does not give milk, you have to milk it. You have to get up at 4 in the morning, go to the field, walk through the corral full of manure, tie the tail, hobble the legs of the cow, sit on the stool, place the bucket and do the work yourself.
That is the secret of life, the cow does not give milk. You milk her or you don’t get milk. There is this generation that thinks that cows GIVE milk. That things are automatic and free: their mentality is that if “I wish, I ask….. I obtain.”
“They have been accustomed to get whatever they want the easy way…But no, life is not a matter of wishing, asking and obtaining. The things that one receives are the effort of what one does. Happiness is the result of effort. Lack of effort creates frustration.”
So, share with your children from a young age the secret of life, so they don’t grow up with the mentality that the government, their parents, or their cute little faces is going to give them everything they need in life.
“Cows don’t give milk; you have to work for it.”
~Author Unknown
“God gives to each bird it’s food, but He does not throw it into the nest.

The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
A few days ago as my wife and I were praying about Canada, about the convoy, and about the darkness and division in the world, the Lord gave me a picture. When I saw this, we were specifically praying about the convoy and the impact that was being felt in Canada and around the world.
The picture I saw was this: I saw everyone who is in Ottawa with the freedom convoy, gathered in-front of the parliament building. Every single person was on their knees with hands raised in the air. People were praying out loud. People were praising God. Every single person. On their knees doing this. I then saw them encircled by a large group of police. Completely circled- surrounded. The police were bewildered and uncertain about how to proceed and what to do.
I had a feeling that they were given orders to come in and arrest everyone and force everyone out. But given the praying and praising that was happening from everyone there, the police were stopped in their tracks and didn’t do anything because they saw this for what it truly is. A movement. A movement of God. This was a peaceful movement and they just stood there and didn’t act.
So. Take this as you will- but I believe that we all need to hit our knees harder and longer in prayer about this movement- at this moment. No matter where you’re located in the country.
Especially if you’re in Ottawa. Gather the prayer warriors together. Pray. I believe this is what the Lord is wanting to see more of in Ottawa.

Still holding the light over here for whenever you decide to see what we see.
Copied and pasted:
A letter to those who oppose the Freedom Convoy.
Dear, human being.
We see you, and we love you.
We hear your concerns. Believe me, we do. We know you’re afraid. We know you are living in a completely different reality. We know you trust and believe in something we don’t. We know how much it matters to you. And we love you.
We hear the scoffs, the ridicule, your accusations and disapproval. We feel the persecution, the unjust cruelty. We’ve read the threats and the hatred. We’ve endured the long, drag through the mud. And it hurts. But we love you.
We know how scary it is, to lift the blindfold off. To remove the mask. To actually consider for a moment… That you might have been lied too. We’ve all crossed that bridge already. We understand. We don’t think you’re stupid, we know that you’ve been well played. We all have. We have so much compassion for you. We are not waiting to condemn you with “I told you so’s” and ridicule. We are waiting to welcome you into open arms. We are waiting for you to break free from hatred and fear, and flee, towards love and freedom. We’re here when you’re ready, and we love you.
We won’t hold anything against you. And even if you don’t come around, we forgive you. And we love you. We see the burden you carry. We see the chains and the shackles. We see the empty chalice on your table. We see the denial and the hatred written on your heart. We know the enemy forged your signature. And we see you, the human being underneath it all. We see it all stacked up on your shoulders and we want to relieve you of your burdens. Because we love you.
That’s why we’re doing this. This is about love and truth. Sometimes the truth hurts. But love is honest. Whether or not you know God, it’s okay for all of us to find comfort, strength, and encouragement from His word. And from those of us that do know Him, we pray for you. We pray in Jesus name that you may have eyes to see the truth. We pray that He comfort you, and be with you and release you from your fear.
We love you. We love our nation. We love the truth. We love justice. We love freedom. We love our brothers and sisters overseas and across the globe. We love you enough to endure the attacks against all odds. And whether you’re for, or against us… We love you anyways.
Love from, the unacceptable selfish fringe.
“God keep our land”
– Hannah Rae Dieleman


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