October 31st Festivity Suggestions

October 31st Festivity Suggestions

October 30 2022

All Hallows Eve is almost upon us. What’s your thoughts? Do you love it? Hate it? Somewhere in between?

Truth be told, I have never been fond of the ghoulish side of this holiday. I suppose I have had many different influences that have shaped my views over my years. Sure, I love chocolate and snacks, but that is as far as it goes. My body doesn’t need snacks, but my tastebuds enjoy some treats.

There have been many differing beliefs surrounding All Hallows Eve. Whether it started as a religious holiday, or a pagan holiday, there are many stories of origin that can be found. 

In years past, I participated in church youth group activities where we dressed in silly costumes. My preference was dressing up like angels or fairies – something “good and light”. I have an unapologetic aversion to the “dark and evil” side of it all. Some people go all out for haunted everything. Personally, from my own experiences and in working with trauma, I just have no attraction to any thing haunted or horrific in nature.

We had fun parties of watching comedy movies and enjoying lots of snacks. We went out to visit our neighbors and show off our creative costumes while collecting more snacks. It was, and is, a great time to catch up with neighbors!

Somewhere along the line, Halloween has become a more fearful holiday for some. We are instructed to check our children’s sugar laden stashes for potential threats to their health and well being such as drugs and dangerous pins etc. The opioid crisis is a huge concern. I am sure every one of us older folks know of at least one tragedy either personally or in the news. I personally know of at least 6 people that I had called friends who have died due to fentanyl overdose. These deaths were not associated with this holiday, but I mention this now because this is a major concern in the current news as I have seen.

My concern is about “the day of the dead”. Many people believe that the veil is thinner over this holiday. Passed loved ones and ancestors are more able to visit the earth plane during this time.

Several years ago, I read a book called Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. It is still a book I highly recommend today. I no longer have any fears of death or of “the other side”. This book is a non denominational look at many different cultural and societal beliefs, including the concept of a thinner veil at certain times and the visits of loved ones passed.

My thoughts are that the ghoulish side of All Hallows Eve is because many unhappy and not fully transitioned souls come through more so at this time. Personally, I find this very sad and I now have ways and means to assist them going to the light of Home into the Oneness of soul transition.

Other than some chocolate after sales, I no longer choose to participate in these festivities.

However, I do actively participate in sharing some of my thoughts for those who care to hear.

I do recognize that there is always another side to everything and everyone has their own chosen truth. My thoughts here are not to put any damper on anyone else’s beliefs of festivities and fun, but to share some thoughts and ideas that I have come to appreciate. I choose to align always with Divine Truth and this is where my views come from now. 

Here are some ideas you might like to adopt for your own festivities.

Fireworks: There is a lot of controversy over fireworks upsetting animals and nature vs. people just wanting to have fun with bright and noisy celebrations. Personally, I love fireworks. Unless someone is ignoring local noise bylaws and causing outright harm to others, I refuse to be the ninny neighbor to report to officials someone else’s celebrations. Law enforcement have enough on their hands on this particular night anyway.

Calming Technique: We cannot change what is outside of our own perception. You cannot change another person’s actions. Period. Better option is to take personal responsibility and accountability in addressing your own triggers and reactions to fireworks.
This calming technique can be used effectively for yourself and pets: https://ladybugwellness.ca/energy-balancing-for-animals/

For those who choose to have a fireworks celebration, I have seen some social media posts that give a warning/ invite to their neighbors. I think this is a wonderful idea so others can be prepared.

Pets: Please lock up any pet doors and keep pets inside. Too much commotion and noise outside can be very scary and upsetting for them. Keep them in a crate or other room if opening doors to visitors is a chance for escape. 

Decorations: I prefer to take a more environmental view of decorations and take into account my choices effects on others. They are a lot of really junky type decorations that can be had these days.
Are you supporting any company’s greed with your purchases? What materials are they made of? Are materials and items reusable or recyclable?   Everything holds energy. What kind of energetic vibration are you holding or encouraging with your choices.
Will wildlife be affected detrimentally? Spider type netting is quite popular, but this can be detrimental to small animals and birds that get caught up in it. Choose wisely. Solar lights can light up the yard for safety.

Jack o lanterns and pumpkins: Pumpkin seeds are a very healthy snack and carving pumpkins can be a lot of fun for littles. I share a “harvest loaves” recipe that is a family fave: https://ladybugwellness.ca/favorite-recipes/
For outdoor pumpkin decorations, consider rinsing with vinegar instead of bleach. Leftovers can then be donated to any local farms or wildlife rescues.

Costumes: I came from an era where we had plastic masks that hindered safe eyesight, tripping hazard lengthy materials, and if you live in the frozen tundra north like we do, costumes need to fit over a snowsuit! Going back to enviro concerns, there are so many greed riddled, one time use, poor quality choices to purchase.
Honestly, I find it much more fun to encourage a child’s creativity with some cardboard, tin foil, and other recyclable materials. Of course, there are some gifted parents who can sew costumes. (I have always admired those amazing people!!)
My kids were raised on a shoe string so their costumes were not always the talk of the town unfortunately.
My thoughts here go to just being aware of choices, keeping safe with fire retardant materials and visibility options, healthy choice make up for anything you put on your skin directly. Reuse a pillowcase or reusable shopping bag for gathering treats

Candy, SUGAR and treats: Every parent and teacher dreads the day after with children crawling the walls due to overburdened sugar highs. Not to mention some children are affected energetically with toxic dyes and additives prevalent in these treats.
There is plenty of caution out there to check your child’s stash before they indulge. Awareness is key. Please do watch the current news on any warnings. I recommend being aware, but not living in fear, is the best course of action.
At home, of course, we can make better snacks choices and ration their indulgence but the surprises of collecting a neighborhood haul is much more fun.
I have noticed in recent years that more and more parents are asking on social media posts where to find the richer neighborhoods to score potentially bigger hauls of snacks and fancy treats. Personally, I think this encourages greed in our children and burdens some neighborhoods with more than a fair share of visitors.
One thing I have learned many years ago that worked well for my kids, feed them something protein to combat the sugar high. Meat sources, nuts, bean casserole supper. Find something to fill tummies before or after candy snacks. Your sanity will thank you.

Please do encourage safety in bringing mittens, a flashlight, keep a granola bar handy for hungry tummies instead of reaching into an unchecked stash. If a parent is not able to take children out, make sure to have a trusted chaperone for your littles. Reflective strips on costumes are a great safety idea as well as a quick run down on safety measures while walking along dark streets.

Only go to homes where there are lights on. We have a family joke about an unnamed person we know who does not put a light on so if children go to that home, they get fast food condiment packages from the refrigerator stash. At least this is a humorous “trick”.

The biggest focus of this holiday really is about the ghosts and goblins and the idea of passed souls coming to visit during this heightened time of a thinner veil between the earth plane and the other side. Some beliefs encourage calling on the deceased “if you dare”.

Am I the only one who finds this disturbing? I know I am not the only one as I have seen and participated in many discussions on this topic.
What I prefer to do, and what I would like to encourage and invite you to join me in doing, is to recite Court of Atonement prayer type intentions for each and every passed loved one that you know of, and a “blanket” type intention for any other passed souls within a chosen parameter.

This will assist these unhappy souls in going Home to the Light which, I think, is the best way to celebrate for the Most Benevolent Outcome for all.

If you are open to the idea of loved ones coming to visit, remember that once they fully transcend, they can happily visit any time of the year. This can be quite comforting know that they are now our spirit guides. Using Court of Atonement intentions assists in clearing up all the unhappy energies so you can enjoy the good and light memories of loved ones. 

Please see this page for much more information in coping through the loss of loved ones: https://ladybugwellness.ca/managing-grief/

Please join me in reciting this Court of Atonement:

I, ____(your name)___ , place ___(passed loved ones name)__ along with all levels of consciousness, God, their guides and the entirety of their family lineages into a full court of atonement for the purpose of Soul Recognition, Traumatic Stress Resolution, Grief Recovery Resolution, Resolution of Ancestral Causes of Death, Resolution of Murder, Resolution of Shock, Resolution of Unfinished Business, Resolution of Karmic Debt and Life Lessons. I ask for positive resolutions and to make peace with the past. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.

I, ____ (your name) ___, place ___ (passed loved one’s name) __ into a full court of atonement for the purpose of Requesting Assistance for Transcendence. I ask for positive resolutions and to make peace with the past. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.

Note: In the second space where it says “passed loved one’s name” you can use variations:

“Any and all passed souls within 50 miles/ km of my location”.
“Any and all passed souls within___ (this property location)__”.

For a property location you can use the address of cemeteries, hospitals, churches, hospice homes, senior housing complexes, road intersections where there have been fatal accidents, any property you know of that has been deemed haunted, or any other locations and properties where there have been deaths. If you know of areas that have been battlegrounds or war torn areas, this would assist in clearing up that heavy energy as well. 

Recite this:
I, ____ (your name) ___, place ___ (this address/ this location)__ into a full court of atonement for the purpose of Location Security. I ask for to analyze the timeline of this location and to fully resolve any and all conflicts and resolve any and all reasons deaths have occurred at this location. I ask for positive resolutions and to make peace with the past. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.

In energy healing modalities we call these unhappy disembodied souls’ “entities”, “ghosts”, or “energetic offensive energies”. These are all detrimental energies until they are cleansed and go to the Light of Home.
There really is no need to get into the various names of these offensive energies because focus on the names is more likely to call in the energy rather than to send it to the Light.
Remember: as you believe, so shall you experience.

I love recommending the Court of Atonement “Everything Ghosts” class. Disembodied spirits, just like any other passed souls, are multidimensional so they can be in many places at once. Meaning when we clear entity attachments from one person, we are not really getting to the root of the issue.
This class helps in understanding this concept and dealing with it effectively. See the Court of Atonement website to purchase this and other classes.



One more point to add:
I have seen some social media posts suggesting that people are upset with “darkness” being associated with evil. While I can appreciate the concept of darkness also being a place of creation and birth in the case of gardener’s soil and a mother’s womb, I do not mingle these definitions.
A dictionary can have varying definitions of a single word. Yes, darkness can be a place of creation in that context. But I refuse to accept a different association when it comes to the definition of evil.

In this context, darkness means the opposite of good and light. It is associated with trauma, horror, deception, and most things scary, traumatizing and NOT good. I would venture to say that anyone who tries to twist that concept in any way has not fully birthed into the lightness of spiritual maturity.
No, this does not mean that I am any better in my thinking here, it just means that this is my own chosen truth.

October 2023: 
Court of Atonement from Amy Jo’s emails: 

I, _______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Soul Recognition, Heart Center Optimization, Optimization of Energy Encasements, and Optimization of Divine Life Force Energy Connections.

I am requesting Home Security.
I ask to evaluate my environment one mile in all directions.
I am Requesting Trancendance Assistance for anyone and everyone who needs it who is in my one-mile environment.
I am requesting Enhancing and Protecting Education for any and all schools in my one-mile environment.
I am requesting Resolution of Murder, Resolution of War, and Location Security for my one-mile environment. I am requesting Bless-ed Travels for all of the trick-or-treaters in my one-mile environment.

Hope you have a fun and enjoyable Halloween!


***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***