GRIT | July 2021

Day of GRIT: #1 of 28
METRICS: -> July 4th- FIRST DAY WORKOUT Finisher: 4MOD- 1 Move
CONTEXT: “StoryAthlete Finds a Way…”

My legacy to leave for my kids…

I am a sentimental saver. Not in a materialistic hoarding kind of way. I do not like clutter actually, and I prefer to be organized. My form of sentimental saving is letters and stories. I have stored away the last hand written letters from some dear friends and relatives now passed on.

Now that we are in a digital age, I have all sorts of saved emails, conversations etc. Having lost a few dear friends, and my SIL at a young age, I am grateful that I saved those things. It won’t bring them back, but these mementoes are cherished dearly.

Many times I have been told to write about my life’s adventures, and now after reading Fletcher’s book, the big thing that hit home for me was about the legacy I am leaving for my kids. I have all sorts of notes scattered in digital form throughout my computer. You see, it used to be more organized, but several years ago I had no idea that a hard drive could crash. That is where all my data was stored. Harsh lessons learned. Thankfully I had a computer nerd friend that managed to recover most of that data, in the form of 70,000 scattered fragments. It has been a slow process of sorting through all of that to reorganize everything coherently again. I am making serious progress now and I have learned more effective ways to organize too. YAY!!

Recently I found a cache in my computer where all sorts of emails and memories are stored. I have been finding lost emails from a few dear people who passed now, and all sorts of my pending biography tidbits. This morning, I found some saved notes from a Facebook post from 2008. I had had an old Aerostar minivan that had a ton of memories over 10 years. Friends had commented about our party days adventures, and my kids have memories of numerous camping trips. What a laugh and a half!!!!!!!!!

This renewed my excitement to get my notes together even more. Some of these memories are so cherished and I need to get my legacy in order for my kids.

I am super thankful to Story Athlete and GRIT and my teammates for so much encouragement this past year. I honestly think it is because of Story Athlete that I have come so far with this project this past year. I have found a way!!

Day of GRIT: #2 of 28
METRICS: 1)-> 12MOD (FoF) Finisher- (EMOM) Every-Minute-on-the-Minute F2
CONTEXT: I Pursue Progress…

I have always been a perpetual student. Perhaps that comes from my past of always trying to have an escape route, a trauma coping mechanism after-effect. Through years of healing that past, I have turned this into a vital skill of always wanting to find a better way. A new trick. A new lesson to make life easier. Anything.. just keep moving forward and learning. Because when we stop learning, we die.

Progress, otherwise known as personal growth in my world, is an essential human need.

Years ago I had a decal placed on the back of my vehicle. It says “If you’re not living on the edge, You’re taking up too much space. No Fear”. Yes it is a 90’s slogan, and a good motto for life.

Day of GRIT: #3 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Countdown Workout Option 1 F2, Finisher- 4MOD OMG.
CONTEXT: “I Improve Through Immersion…”

I remember when I first started the job at the post office sorting mail, I was so slow. Population 20,000. 14 routes to memorize which street and which breakdown of streets went to which route, which mail carrier. I thought I was gonna die from my poor brain exploding. Carriers, retail and operations all in one building. They do give you three months probation time, and other than management figuring out a week AFTER probation was over that I was pregnant, my sorting skills were fine. We used to have CPC Olympics and I actually scored some recognition for my sorting skills. It became second nature, and as with many factory line monotonous jobs, I could almost do my job in my sleep some days. You know you’re been too immersed when you start dreaming about box mail and use the name/ box number sequences instead of counting sheep.

Then after 10 years, I transferred to a northern hub 6 hours down the highway. Population 100,000 and almost 100 routes to memorize breakdowns and carriers. The sorting station was out in the industrial side of town, no where near the carrier stations. Again I went through the turmoil of feeling my poor brain would explode, but I settled in well enough in time.

When I started all my energy work courses, and psychology courses, I admit I probably took on too much at once having kids at home and still working full time, but I immersed myself in learning and caught on quickly. Yet again, I had a tough time wrapping my head around concepts, but years later, I live and breathe energy work and psychology. It is second nature to me.

These days I have had some people tell me they want to get to where I am in my knowledge and wisdom. My answers is always the same. My progress was not overnight. Ya gotta get in and get dirty if you want to get anywhere.

Day of GRIT: #4 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- Continuous Reps
CONTEXT: “I Re-Shape My Mindset…”

Years ago, in trying to escape my father, I latched on to the first boy who said I was pretty and soon became a teen mom. My head was so in the clouds thinking that I found the man of my dreams and he was going to rescue this damsel in distress. I now call that the white picket fence theory, thinking life would be perfect with him. I also thought that he completed me like a puzzle piece fitting together. Oh how wrong I was jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

It still took me many years of naivety to realize that we need to be whole on our own before attempting a relationship. Two brokens certainly attract, but they don’t make a whole. In fact they make a dysfunctional mess of life. Lots of harsh life lessons later, and two divorces behind me, I started on a true healing path with energy balancing. I have been able to find and correct many non beneficial and detrimental beliefs acquired through my life and many from that time period in my life.

I have learned about respectable boundaries and standing up for myself rather than being a doormat. Re-shaping my mindset has improved my life to the fullest so I can live my passion. Improving my mindset has allowed me to mature and to provide a better life for my family and loved ones around me.

I also continue to learn daily as I work with clients and assist them in reshaping their own mindset to improve their own lives. In doing all this, I am doing my part in shifting global consciousness positively as well.

Day of GRIT: #5 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- AMRAP F2
CONTEXT: “My Emotions Are an Asset…”

Dr Brad Nelson, the founder of Emotion Code, explains that his most significant finding is that we can have “heart walls”. Basically this means that when we have an upset of any sort, unprocessed emotions can build energy balls around the heart into a wall or other form of energetic blockage. When we have these energetic blockages, our emotions cannot flow properly and this means we cannot give and receive love properly because we become numb and don’t feel the emotions as they are designed to be felt.

One analogy he used was that most of us go through heart break at some point. These upset emotions build around the heart like a bomb shelter of sorts. Time goes on and we think we are ok and are not really aware that we’re still “protected” by this sheltered wall. Along comes a new person and we get butterflies and want to project those butterflies towards this person as a signal that we’re interested. Now think of those delicate sweet butterflies trying to push through a steel bomb shelter wall. By the time those butterflies get through the wall, they look war torn and spent, maybe they even look like gargoyle! This is what the other person “sees” or picks up in energy vibes from us. Not very conducive to setting the romance stage.

We have all learned much more about energetic blockages since Dr Brad’s discovery, but this is a basic understanding and explanation here. Through energy balancing and our own personal growth, we can break down and remove those energetic walls and then be able to feel emotions properly and to live authentically.

Now for a personal application of these theories having learned through my years and experience: I used to be a wallflower with extremely low self esteem. I was a teen mom and then doormat in my first marriage. After my divorce, I was bitter, resentful, and still very naive. Much like a wounded animal. Then I was bent on revenge and wanting to take on the world and everything in it. I remember being quite adamant in proclaiming that “I am not a sap!”. I would not cry. I was tough.

It is like the pendulum swings one way then another before settling into centered peace.

As I matured and healed, and released my heart wall blockages, I began to feel my emotions much more. The uncomfortable emotions surfaced and caused me to move away from situations and people that were not good for me. I was more able to recognize situations and people who were much more healthy and happy connections. All our emotions are an asset to help us navigate our lives. If and when I get angry, it is most likely when respectable boundaries are crossed, or my morals are challenged. I am able to feel sadness and grief when I have lost loved ones. I now know how to process through those less than happy times. But the greatest feeling is to be able to feel love, respect, and happiness in the fullest way possible!

Day of GRIT: #6 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Pyramid Workout Finisher- 4MOD- 4 Corner Workout
CONTEXT: “I Commit To Do Hard Shit…”

Does anyone want to do hard shit? Truthfully, hell no. Much easier to just coast along through life riding others’ coat tails. Do we really want to be that dependent on outside forces for our own survival though? Who else is gonna be there for us through every step of life? Family? Loved ones? Partners? Society? Government? (had to throw that one in there, that one is a big hell no).

Nope. The only person that will be there every single step of the way is ourselves. Best we start learning resilience and self sufficiency.

Who grows our food? Who makes our clothes? Who invents new mechanical items to advance our human evolution or to just make life easier? Who defended our country boundaries and freedoms during the wars? Do you think all these things came about by just magically appearing? No, this all comes from someone who committed to do hard shit. We should be eternally grateful for those who have made our lives easier, but also commit to our own ways of supporting ourselves as well.

I remember hearing about a young adult who had no idea that a Christmas turkey originated anywhere prior to the grocery store. I know of people who blindly support some charity because it makes them feel good, but they have no idea the roots of that charity or if it is even legit or efficient in supporting the given cause. Yes these people live in our midst. There are people these days who feel so entitled because they have no idea what it means to do hard shit or to look beyond the obvious to find the root causes or original sources.

I remember many times in my mail carrier days that some stranger on the street would enthusiastically say “that must be a great job getting paid to exercise every day”. Sure… in the summer, with manageable mail volumes and no transportation delays. They have no idea of the frustrations of being out in -40 C weather, when circumstances beyond anyone’s control create delays with delivery trucks, flights, and cab drivers, etc that in turn affect the daily volumes and time values of the day. Magically mail just shows up in your mailbox, right? Sure….

These days I have many clients and newbie practitioners admire my skills and life experience saying they hope to be like me one day. Great!! I whole heartedly invite you to take this incredible journey as well. But only if you too are willing to commit to doing hard shit. I thoroughly enjoyed all the courses I have taken, even though I juggled regular life through it all. I didn’t get here overnight, and neither will you. Go all in, and get dirty.

GRIT is all about Guts Resilience Initiative Tenacity. Through my past year in GRIT, I like to think of GRIT as “Get Real with your Inner Truth”. But really, GRIT is all about committing to Do Hard Shit. And I am ALL IN.

Day of GRIT: #7 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Complex Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOD– Sandbag Beatdown
CONTEXT: “I Have Situational Awareness… ”

Back in 1995 my sister and I lived together for almost a year. Around this time, I seemed to have a heightened awareness that I really could not figure out, but it was downright freaky. Several times I would get a god-awful ominous feeling in my guts and sometime soon afterwards we would get news of a loved one mishap or accident. My sister was pretty wary of my for a while there. I even had a dream and foresaw a friend fall off a bridge at work a week before it actually happened.

Fast forward a few years to when I came across a book called “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker, a man who runs a security firm that has catered to several celebrities. This book explains how we have a innate fear of danger and when we are in this state of awareness we can avoid some preventable tragedies. There is even a whole chapter dedicated to hiring employees and being able to read their character.

We hear of school shootings and disgruntled employees that take revenge on their workplace. So often interviewees say they didn’t see it coming. But this book explains that human nature leaves many clues and this innate fear can pick up on it before we are consciously aware of a detrimental situation.

These days I now liken all this to reading energy through intuition. I have learned to trust that little voice, that feeling in my guts when something doesn’t feel right. Having an awareness can and does give me a chance to assess the situation I am in and act accordingly.

Day of GRIT: #8 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “Discipline Is a Skill Not a Trait…”

I think we all admire those around us, or celebrities that seem to have it made, that get things done. Heck, I have had many times that my friends and clients have verbally admired my accomplishments, praising me for always being busy and getting things done.

Through GRIT, I have started to realized that I am a pace car for some people, and others are a pace car for me. I often laugh and tell my admirers that I seriously stare at walls doing nothing sometimes. I figure this is my form of meditation as I do not concentrate well, but I can zone out easily.

Taking into account my own humanness in sometimes doing nothing, I also look to my pace cars and realize that they are human too. It takes discipline to get out of bed in the morning at an early hour. Or to write a to do list for the day and actually accomplish and cross things off that list. We’re certainly not born with this trait. Look at how unruly kids can be without some form of guidance. Discipline is something either taught, or a skill that is acquired through adversity and self reflection of finding a better way.

Personally I seem to do fine with discipline to get things done most days. My issue is consistency of discipline. I suppose that is an aspect of discipline, and something I continue to work on in myself. Thank God for our 1% journey.

Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- (EMOM) Every Minute on the Minute Option 1 F2
CONTEXT: I Put In My Reps…

Dang it. CJ must have seen my comment yesterday about lacking consistency.

This is definitely a point for improvement for me. It all depends on what the project at hand is. An obligation, a responsibility, or a fun thing like a road trip or a rock concert. What I do know is that rock concerts and road trips don’t happen unless I take care of obligations and responsibilities first.

Otherwise, I often need to clear my energy and balance my hormones before I can get any kind of motivation and enthusiasm going. If I don’t have my mental, energetic, and physical health in check, not much will be happening anyway.

Priorities matter. Health and self care, responsibilities, then fun stuff. The only way to get it done is through repetition. Like my daily shower. Start fresh and clean every day: wash, rinse, repeat. Zen, and then the laundry.

Day of GRIT: #10 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Countdown Workout Option 1 F2 Finisher- 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I’m a Master of Positioning…”

I am not so sure I am a master of positioning myself. My friends might disagree. It took me a heck of a long time after two divorces to get myself in a position of being able to buy a home suitable for myself and 4 kids. When I finally did qualify, there was a stroke of luck being paid out a severance package at work (we had lost that in the latest contract). The way the housing market has fluctuated over the last 15 years, I am grateful that I bought my home when I did.

I have managed to score last minute concert tickets and some pretty good seats, only because I had the intention to go, but didnt get in on the marketing flurry of purchases as soon as tickets go on sale.

Maybe I am just good at listening to my intuition and manifesting what I want. My Story Athlete membership is coming due soon. I have to take into account the US exchange, and be able to put out a small chunk all at once. GRIT means a lot to me, so I kinda put out the intention that I need to renew this next month. And I had enough clients book in the last week that I can now pay that membership with ease and grace… as I intended. That is my kind of positioning.

METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- Continuous Reps
CONTEXT: I Display My Integrity…”

A few of my friends have commented that my website is kinda like an online biography. In a way, it is. Behind all my business energy healing pages is the back end of many years worth of compiled poems, quotes etc. And a whole lot of personal experience writings as well.

I come from an era where my word is my bond. If I say I will do something, it will happen. If by any reason I cannot fulfill my obligations, I will own up as soon as I am able. I am sure that anyone who looks through my website can get a pretty good idea what kind of person I am.

However, I am still a work in progress on keeping promises to myself. I am much more committed to myself than I have been in years past when I could pass off excuses with work and family obligations and leave myself on the back burner. I have also learned that self care is essential to my own well being, and to keeping myself in top shape to be able to work with clients effectively. I appreciate the 1% journey and realizing that we can start we a clean slate every morning.

Day of GRIT: #12 of 28
METRICS: )-> 12MOD (FoF) Finisher- AMRAP F2
CONTEXT: “I Am a Problem-Solver…”

Here’s a problem, here’s a solution. Sometimes it is that easy. Sometimes we have to search for the blocks that are repelling the solutions.

In energy balancing work, we can have a client that presents with anxiety, stress, trauma, insomnia, digestive issues, chronic pain, grief, depression, and or a multitude of other symptoms. They may even have a medical diagnosis for their issues. As energy practitioners, we don’t diagnose or claim to heal. We address symptoms, and in doing so, we can find the root causes that manifest into physical issues.

Is there an energy blocking the flow of hormones? Is there a misalignment somewhere in the body? Is there an unresolved inherited energy coming down the lineage that is now wreaking havoc in your present life? Is there something in your home environment that is vibrationally out of balance and affecting you? Or an upset with a loved one that is keeping your brain on repeat with alternative scenarios?

What ever the imbalance is, it is beneficial to understand that the entire body is connected top to bottom, side to side. There are meridian points through the entire body. Your teeth are intricately connect to every part of your body. As are your feet. The human body is a fascinating masterpiece.

I find it even more fascinating that I can problem solve and find the imbalances with my clients and once corrected, their lives can drastically shift in positive ways. This is my passion.

Day of GRIT: #13 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Pyramid Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOD- 4 Corner Workout + G2G
CONTEXT: “I Challenge My Beliefs…”

Cognitive psych class was pretty interesting. Our instructor showed us a picture of a dog and asked us what is it? We all said “dog”. Well, how do you know it’s a dog? Why is it not a cat, or an elephant, or a desk? What information have you put together to arrive at the conclusion that this is in fact a dog? Think back to a toddler learning shapes and words. Or go back to caveman days and how they might have formulated information into identification of objects.

That class was all about challenging our beliefs and understanding how our brains function and sort information. Why do you believe what you do? Did your information come from your parents, passed down legends, media like TV or books, friends?

When you break down information in this method, it is easy to start questioning everything around us. Everything. Why? Where did that come from? Who said or did that? How did they come to their conclusions?

Then you can get into spiritual, metaphysical, and quantum theories and really expand (or explode) your mind. Add in life experiences and by the time you get to middle age, your perspective on life and your beliefs can be really challenged, and changed. Or you can end up with a twisted sense of humor like me in looking at things from all sorts of random angles.

I was a mature student in cognitive psych class. Aka meaning lack of brain to mouth filter sometimes. There was one day that our instructor showed us a series of pictures of a pumpkin. This is a pumpkin, a carved pumpkin, a cartoon, pumpkin, and a smashed pumpkin. They are all still pumpkins, he explained.

I spoke up from the back of the room and suggested that “well, actually, if you smash a pumpkin, it becomes a rock band”. My comment got quite a few snickers around the room and quite a rolled eye glare from our instructor. Oops. I challenge my own beliefs, and sometimes the beliefs of others.

Day of GRIT: #14 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Complex Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOD– Sandbag Beatdown
CONTEXT: “I Choose To Be Proactive… ”

It took me a long time, well into adulthood, to realize that my necessity to always have an escape plan in place was actually an after effect of trauma. Once you heal trauma, you can turn these after effects into gifts and skills for the future.

I figured out that when my house is cluttered, I get really antsy. Why? Well, what happens in a zombie apocalypse, or Y2K? Ya ok, those things didn’t happen, but I remember my father preparing the cellar in case of Y2K predictions coming true.

A more real threat these days is forest fires and evacuations. These things have happened, and some very close to me and my home. I have friends that actually experienced a worst case scenario. It is very real as to thinking how much time will I have to grab my most sentimental and necessary belongings? Where is everything I need to grab quickly? I choose to follow many of the evacuation check lists and to be prepared.

Further than that, I choose to tune into my own intuition daily and feel the energy around me in making decisions. When I am proactive and take care of the small things, the bigger things will take care of themselves and I can focus more on the important things in life.

Day of GRIT: #15 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Know What’s Lost Can Be Found..”

Babies are born innocent and dependent on their parents for survival. In the process of development to adulthood, they are subjected to whatever teachings their parents, their school, their peers, and their environment instill in them. All that teaching is dependent on the sources of learning passed down the line. This opens up a whole range of learned character traits, whether deemed good or bad.

At some point in our life’s journey we may learn that our sheltered upbringings were not that common, or maybe they were, but not in a healthy way. The important thing to learn, is that much of what we have learned, needs to be unlearned in order to find our true selves. That true self that was lost through the human development process.

Emotional upsets and trauma keep us stuck in life at whatever biological age an event happened, our emotional development can get stuck there. Emotional baggage is heavy, that is why we get “depressed”.

Through healing our past and balancing our emotional being, we can uncover and rekindle our spirit. Dreams are wings for the soul. Let your dreams soar.

Day of GRIT: #16 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- (EMOM) Every Minute on the Minute Option 1, F2
CONTEXT: I Know Laughter Is the Best Medicine…

When life gets rough, about the only thing left to do to get out of that funk, is to laugh. Even through trauma. I am sure it was about 4 years that I was in tears so often with all the crap that happened after the divorce from my kids’ dad. Four years of hell in repeated court appearances over maintenance and custody issues because he would not speak directly to me, he just dragged everything through court.

During this time, my sister lived with me, and living in a small town, our entertainment was socializing at the local night club. But I am not much of a drinker, so I was always the DD and I was always the one with the jokes to keep everyone else laughing. Whether it was puns, or silly innocent pranks, or twisted sarcasm, we made everything funny. It was a great coping mechanism.

I had little ways of making humor out of my situation. I remember once I recorded an audio clip off of a Beavis and Butthead CD onto my answering machine. It was their intro to a Cher song that said “we need a chick that’s been around the block and was married to an idiot for a long time”. Since everyone used to call me often back then, every one of my friends got such a kick out of that message. It was so perfectly fitting.

Thank God the upsetting memories are over with, but the humorous stories and jokes will live on with all of us forever.

Day of GRIT: #17 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Countdown Workout Option 1, F2, Finisher- 4MOD
CONTEXT: “I Can’t Outsource GRIT…”

If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. We can outsource many things in life, like hiring a mechanic, a hairdresser, a yard care keeper, or various other service workers and trade laborers. In those cases, we are at the mercy of their unique training and experience to do a good job or to do a job up to the standards of our expectations. Sometimes you can get a great person and other times it is hit and miss. Hang on to the good ones!

When it comes to our own personal care and personal growth, it doesn’t work very well to have someone else eat our dinner and expect our own bodies to benefit from that nourishment. We can’t expect someone else to take a course, read books, and have a conversation on our behalf and expect to receive the full benefits either. Ya, ok you can get the short notes, but you’ll miss out on the full experience that instills knowledge and wisdom to the core of your being.

Most of all, we cannot expect someone else to do exercises and expect our own bodies to benefit. It just doesn’t work that way. When it comes to GRIT, why would I even want to outsource that experience? This is my tribe. My daily encouragement, and my daily self care of an exercise routine and a context writing that challenges my thoughts to bring out the best in me. Overall balance between Mind, Body, Business, and Relationships. Like the four wheels on a car. If one blows, the whole car is screwed. Yeah, I may outsource some things in life, but when it comes to my own self care, personal development, and GRIT, I am driving that bus myself thank you!! (and get outta my way, redhead coming through, ALL IN!!)

Day of GRIT: #18 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- Continuous Reps
CONTEXT: “My Actions Speak Louder Than My Intentions…”

Integrity is when words and actions are aligned fully. Anyone can promote anything through words. Their goals, their dreams, their ideas for future plans and growth. The frustration happens when people do not live up to their words.

I have had my share of these frustrations. Trying to hire service workers that promise everything then ghost messages when the time comes to make good on their word. Society just seems to be full of self entitled people who think nothing of breaking their word.

I come from an era that our word is our bond. That our words are aligned with the integrity of our actions as well.

The most I improve myself, the more I attract more like minded people into my life. I remember having friends eons ago that would bail on plans on a whim of lame excuses.

Years later, I made some new friends in Toastmasters and also through business networking. When I made plans for even just a lunch date outside of these events with these particular friends, I knew they would show up exactly when they said they would.

This is how I feel about my Story Athlete connections. I KNOW beyond a doubt I can count on the words, and actions of each and every person here. And in turn, I know that my efforts to have my actions speak louder than my intentions is fully appreciated as well.

Day of GRIT: #19 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- AMRAP F2
CONTEXT: “I Create My Reality…”

Eons ago, I just bumped along through life, dodging life’s curveballs in survival mode. Then I learned that I was actually inadvertently attracting these low vibration events, through my own unhealed low vibration. Like attracts like.

Get on a true healing path and life changes drastically as we heal our pasts and raise our own vibration. In energy psychology and quantum physics we learn that matter is defined by the observer. So when we change how we observe our world, our world does change. In this way, I do create my own reality.

Day of GRIT: #20 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Pyramid Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOD- 4 Corner Workout
CONTEXT: “I Am Nobody’s Victim…”

On the front cover of the binder I received for a Master Course about Explorations in Transformation there was a Byron Katie quote “Life happens FOR you, not to you”.

Along the path of our Soul Journey, yes there are many ups and downs. The whole point is to teach us survival skills. We could take the path of the Lesser Self and just coast through life. I mean, it can be darn scary forging your own way. But what is that alternative? Allowing our bodies to waste away parking our butt in front of a one way communication of TV programming? Wallowing in the “poor me, life sucks” mentality?

Or setting out to learn everything there is to know in any area of interest.
I prefer to take the bull by the horns and LIVE life to the fullest. Road trips, rock concerts, getting a psych degree, hiking and taking in nature in God’s country, crossing off my bucket list, building my business serving others and being my own boss… Sure I may screw up once in a while. But I own my sh*t and adjust course accordingly. Live and learn.

Why the hell would I want to succumb to anyone else’s agenda?

Once you realize that everything worthwhile in life is just on the other side of fear, you can conquer anything. It is all in the mindset, and I am nobody’s victim. Get GRITty on the path of the Heroic Self!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day of GRIT: #21 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Complex Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOD– Sandbag Beatdown
CONTEXT: “I Embrace My Inner Child… ”

Many years ago, I had met a lady who took me under her wing as my mentor when I was first starting out with energy work. She kept telling me that I had a very strong energy and that I would go far with this work. At the time, I was so unsure of myself, no confidence in my skills or newfound abilities.

I was also very emotionally and mentally immature. What I learned is that unresolved trauma can keep you stuck mentally at the age of the events. This mentor guided me through a visualization process where I had to go to a bridge deep in my mind to find that little girl inside me that was trapped in trauma on the other side of that bridge. She was a fragile 3 year old.

I had to explain to her that we were now safe, and it was ok to grow up. I embraced my inner child and brought her forward to the present and provided her the security and safety she so desperately needed. That evening was a profound experience that opened long closed doors to healing that past.

Yes we need to mature into adults, but we also need to embrace that inner child and keep the curiosity and innocence of youth alive.

I had a friend years ago that embraced this idea fully. Our birthday gift exchanges were meant to cater to our inner child. Lego sets and night long tea chats with snacks were our favorite past times.

One advantage of keeping my youth alive is that I was a teen mom and although my kids are technically all adults, we can all embrace the grandkids for some silly fun and memory making. My granddaughter Abbie reminds me often that the volcanoes were so much fun. (Vinegar and baking soda in the sink or outside).

Life is all about making memories. Embracing the inner child produces the best memories.

Day of GRIT: #22 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Experience 37X Growth…”

Give me English, Biology, Psychology, or pretty much any other subject and I can formulate some coherent conversation. Math though? I get deer in head lights look. You know that saying about having all your ducks in a row? Well, math and number are like scattered ducks for me.

When I joined Story Athlete back in April 2020, I could understand the 1% journey in that we do a little bit each day in taking steps toward our own self empowerment and personal growth. But the compounded interest explanation eluded me then.

After being part of this community for the past year, I now understand much more about how the GRIT monthly challenge works. I’ll take their word for it being “37% growth”. For me personally, my mind, body, business and relationships have transformed exponentially over the past year. That is better than good enough for me!

Day of GRIT: #23 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- (EMOM) Every Minute on the Minute Option 1
CONTEXT: I Protect My Reputation…

After my divorce in 1995, I had a heck of a time rebuilding “me”. He had been my first boyfriend, I had been a teen mom, and I left my childhood home to go straight into a marriage of 10 years. I wasn’t even sure what I was rebuilding, as I really was starting from scratch.

There is a saying that you should never listen to gossip about a woman because it usually comes from a jilted lover, or some jealous of them. I unfortunately experienced both of those situations in my naive navigation of the single world. A dear friend who became my “Big Sis”, was quite a shoulder through a lot of tear filled times.

She kept telling me, give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. Just live your life and those who are important, those that know you the closest will know your reputation and character the best. You cannot please everyone, so quit trying and just live your life the best way you can.

I lived in a small town, so when an ex spreads nasty rumors, it is hard to not hold your head high. But I did learn that I am stronger than any man’s thorns of betrayal. I know my own worth, I do my best in life to have an honest character, and to live in authenticity. Walk away from the rest…

Day of GRIT: #24 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Countdown Workout Option 1 Finisher- 4MOD
CONTEXT: “You Don’t Know Me!…”

Following with yesterday’s context about my tarnished reputation, I started to realize that my Big Sis was right. I had no choice but to just go on with life and to learn to hold my head high regardless of what I thought other people thought about me. I mean how was I to know who had heard these rumors. I have no control over what anyone else Perceives of me. That’s right. Perceives. Everyone has their own perception of life, and so does the person spreading gossip.

It took a long time to understand that it takes an awfully unhappy or angry person to stoop as low as to drag anyone else’s reputation through the mud. And it often has nothing to do with me!

Besides, no one knows me quite as well as I know myself. And those in my closest friends circles know most aspects of me and are still around so, am I really that bad of a person? Then there are those who are acquaintances and their impressions of me are based mostly on brief interactions. I can tell you right now that I am not that great at first impressions and some of my bestest friends admitted that their first impressions of me was that I was either a flake or a bitch. (Nice friends, eh? lol)

But it goes to show that no one really knows me, or you, or anyone. Our cognitive brains need to quickly file information and that is how misunderstandings and wrong impressions can come about from brief encounters.

This is why there is a decal quote on the back of my vehicle: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind, don’t matter”. Dr Suess.

Day of GRIT: #25 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- Continuous Reps
CONTEXT: “I Know to Use Models…”

I was raised with a very resourceful mindset when it comes to making meals for a large family. Not much processed foods, as those were really expensive. We had a garden and raised chickens. We had a ready supply of fish as well. Mom always had a way of making a meal that stretched to feed many people since we had regular boarders living with us, and many drop in friends. Good old communal style 70’s.

I never really thought of meal making as a model though. While raising kids on a shoe string and working full time, I soon figured out there was somewhat of a method to the madness.

Baking was a good way to stretch food for the neighborhood kids. I thought of it as a chemistry experiment of balancing the wet and dry ingredients with a leavening agent.

I had basic recipes but nothing in my kitchen ever turned out quite the same as the last batch when I resourcefully used up whatever cereal crumbs, yogurt, mayo, and fruit combinations that were available at any given time.

You see, there is a particular method to making cookies, cakes, or loaves of banana breads etc. It is all a model of sorts when you balance and mix ingredients according to what the end product is supposed to be. The leavening agents and oven temps are different for each method too.

But as long as I stick to a given model for the baking I am doing, I can also stretch the outcome to feed either 6 or 20 kids as needed. Just make sure I turn on the timer because kids are distracting and grandma’s scone recipe can turn into grandma’s stones quickly.

Day of GRIT: #26 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOD (FoF) Finisher- AMRAP F2
CONTEXT: “I Find The Root Cause…”

After two failed marriages, and several failed attempts at dating as a mother of four kids aka a package deal, I finally started to look in the mirror at the real problem — ME!

I could easily blame all sorts of experiences as the reason for my naive thinking that a man in my life was the missing puzzle piece to complete me, that I just had to marry the right man for my life to sort out and become blissful.

I get quite a gag reflex remembering that I actually believed this at one time. The fresh chemistry of a new dating experience can be exhilarating. But once that mating dance of initial lies wears off, you often find that you’ve just been following a roller coaster pattern of dysfunction.

It was only when I looked in the mirror and starting finding the root causes of my naive and distorted beliefs that life started to change. While I have done extensive personal growth work over many years, Mr Right has not yet materialized. Or is there really a Mr Right out there?

Am I really a Mrs Right for someone? What is “right”? From all I have knowledge I have gained through all those missteps / not right attempts, I have learned more what is “wrong” and what I do not want.

And what I do want is a like minded soul who is also on a personal growth path and willing to collaborate and create life with me.

The key is to find my own root causes of what is preventing or repelling a man in my life. It takes a whole individual to come together with another whole individual to make a viable union. Hook ups and drama need not apply. I know that two brokens don’t make a whole. Finding a worthwhile relationship is like pulling all sorts of weeds and saplings to get to the roots of a good oak tree, then to cultivate the best one into Mr Right for me.

Or, as a meme I saw recently says: Dating after forty is like shopping at a second hand store and taking home the one that smells the least.

Day of GRIT: #27 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Pyramid Workout F2 Finisher- 4MOD- 4 Corner Workout
CONTEXT: – “I Reflect on My Results…”

Time to reflect on the past month 1% progress. In some ways I feel behind, in some ways I feel way farther ahead, but the biggest thing is realizing just how grateful I am for this GRIT/ Story Athlete community in keeping me somewhat sane.

There is so much division and cognitive dissonance in the world today. I find myself increasingly just sticking to my networking circles of wellness practitioner forums and Story Athlete friends where I can speak my truth freely. The outside world does not seem to understand the difference between “woke culture” and being “consciously awakened”.

Apparently the “woke” term came from many years ago and has to do with the realization of social injustices and racism. Sounds all well and good, doesn’t it? What this term has seemed to evolved into is a whole cancel culture of advocating for every minor feeling hurt. From my understanding it is a focus on “everyone out there” and everyone else’s rights. Still seems good thing, right? Martyrdom is not a virtue as some seem to think. It is a sacrifice of self to the detriment of all.

Now, awakened consciousness is different as it is more focus on the self and then on the whole. Wow, we seem so selfish now. Wrong. It is about respectable boundaries. It is alll about boundaries. You do you, and I’ll do me and in doing so we can then respect differences and come together for the good of the whole. The woke culture has this whole philosophy confused with the psychological term of narcissism because they cannot bear to face their own fears. They prefer to be martyrs for everyone else they don’t even know and it results in mass confusion. That is what is looks like to truly awaken ones. I liken it to having a nurse in a maternity ward who has never had a child and is only going by the book in telling a birthing mother to breathe thru the process. (hint: that is a good way to get yourself strangled in the brain fog induced frenzy of a woman in excruciating pain). You cannot understand the effects of childbirth unless you experience it yourself. There is just no way around that. Period. It is an experience that shakes you to the core of your being. Go ahead and explain love, heartbreak, marriage, and intercourse without having personally experienced it first.

In a similar tone, you cannot understand rape, racism, childhood sexual abuse, domestic abuse, or any of these awful social injustices unless you experience it yourself and go through the process of healing and overcoming. Only then can you truly be an advocate to assist others in their healing. So who are these vocal advocates hell bent on protecting feelings and rights while stepping on everyone else’s boundaries? Either clueless people with a serious martyr syndrome, or people who have experienced injustice, but have not yet healed to the point of being productive in their chosen advocacy. These are the ones who are so easily offended in their fragile state, and also easily manipulated. This woke culture means well in their own way, but are sadly and sorely mistaken in their capacity of understanding consciousness as a whole and the long term effects of their confined thinking. I really wonder how many of them really know the backgrounds and hidden agendas of some of these charities they support. Have they really faced those shadows? The cognitive dissonance is very real for those who do some digging.

When we focus on self, to gather our own strength as warriors in our own mind and body, we become “harder to kill” as the GRIT mantra states. We have a solid connection with our own body and mind, and more importantly, a solid connection with God/Source, as well as a more omnipotent view of human consciousness as a whole. The awakened understand Earth consciousness and the long term effects of their actions now. They understand the importance of experience and life lessons to grasp the true meaning of life. And they are not willing to rob others of their life lessons, even if that means witnessing some hardships in loved ones as they find their own strengths and truths. I love the caterpillar story for this one. When we mean well and help too much, we rob others of the chance to strengthen themselves, and they end up crippled for life.

Back to my personal results.

My Mind: My philosophies and views are becoming more and more solidified through what I see and experience firsthand in my immediate environment. This gives me more reason to focus on my own self and family to make sure we are survivors of anything that may happen in this world, that we can be self sufficient as well. Mentally I have become much more firm in my own boundaries in recognizing what drains my energy and what brings me fulfillment. I choose where I want to be.

My Body: I do feel behind in this area only for the fact that I have been staying at a F2 level and doing the minimum required for workouts. The flip side to this is that I am getting more done in the way of errands and family obligations, so I am moving more and feeling stronger in that sense.

Business: With a clearer mind and body, I can better serve my clients and run my business more efficiently as well. That may not always be evident in a daily 1% journey, but looking back over the last year being involved with Story Athlete, I am in a totally different and much better space business-wise.

Relationships: Well this goes back to my more solidified philosophies. Some days I want to crawl under a rock and let the world pass me by rather than face having a conversation with yet another “woke” individual in this big ol’ world. Then again, I feel exhilarated and chatty with speaking my truth among my practitioner and GRIT warrior friends that understand me and my heart behind my intentions.

I look back over the last year, and I honestly don’t know where I would be right now if it was not for the connections, acceptance and encouragement I feel among my tribe here.

Wayne Purser: Way to go Jackie….one year, Congrat’s
Chad Blecha: Huge accomplishment! Love your take on the rest. You’re writing reminds me of one of my favorite writers Mark Manson. Great job this month, proud to have you as a partner! Bring on August

Day of GRIT: #28 of 28
METRICS: Expect the Unexpected- “The Murph” F2
CONTEXT: “I Expect the Unexpected… ”

Mother nature needs a serious dose of Midol. Just a few weeks ago we had record breaking heat. I actually took a freezer pac to bed with me for 3 nights! (never in my life have I ever done that!). Then we had several days of sporadic rain showers. Much appreciated to quell the dryness, but unpredictable enough to put off yard work for several days. Now we are back into a heat wave and the smoke from surrounding areas of British Columbia have drifted here making the atmosphere ominous with a red sun. Living in Northern Canada surrounded by mountains, we are quite used to the unpredictability of the weather. Constantly. The joke here is that the weather man still keeps his job when he gets nothing right.

My daughter was supposed to leave on a weeklong trip yesterday. She has been busy planning this trip for weeks. I have been preparing for her absence. Well, all those plans got sidetracked and cancelled when she ended up in ER the other night, and back again tonight. Doc can’t figure out the source of the pain and discomfort. Ultrasound showed the gall bladder is fine, and so is the appendix so far. Energetically, I managed to help reduce some pain for her but that is about it.

To really throw a wrench in things, TWO of our 3 cats have gone missing this week. They hardly ever leave our yard, preferring their own lazy oasis and dirt pile out back, or their specific perches inside the house sleeping the majority of the day away. We spent a few hours today going door to door with flyers in our neighborhood. Ebony and Niko are both very skittish with the dog next door. We are hoping now that the dog has moved, they may return home. We are really hopeful. Midnight, our other cat, has been acting very strange missing his siblings.

We did have some amazing news that the rental next door has sold after 7 years of bad luck and bad energy that echoes into my house and is the fodder of Quentin Street drama. The previous landlord allowed a series of less than reputable tenants including a crack shack from 2016 to 2018. These current tenants have been ok, but a rambunctious alcoholic family that does not seems to parent very well. They have been extremely noisy in all their moving this past week taking truckloads out slowly. Thank God that is finally quiet tonight. This has been seemingly more disturbing with my daughter feeling ill on the couch for a few days now.

After a year and a half with only 2 road trips under my belt, one for a funeral and one helping SIL move, things have finally opened up so we have two trips planned in the next few weeks, and will be off grid a bit.

I wrote yesterday how much the Story Athlete community has kept me sane this past year. My membership was to come due this week. I had been hyperventilating waiting for the notice of renewal. All good, I am still here. I will be taking August off from GRIT though since I am preparing for the unexpected going off grid for several days mid month.

I love Ryan Powell’s list for the month. So, to keep me accountable this month “off” GRIT, I plan to:
1. These two road trips and going off grid with family is priority this month. We have not done this in a while. I am looking forward to shutting off life and having a better connection in nature.
2. Get out walking and hiking more. I used to walk an hour a day many years ago back in our home town. I have a loop here I use for 5K days, but I want to get out doing that more than once a week.
3. I signed up for yet another energy healing course. I spent enough for it that I plan to get it done and earn the certification asap. I have another practitioner doing the course too so I have an accountability partner there.
4. I have developed methods and models for all my business bookkeeping, and I plan to keep up on that as it really helps me feel less “scattered” and disorganized.
5. I have another 3 courses that I signed up for last year that I still have not touched. I want to at least get those underway if not finished.
6. I plan to follow up with my progress report for September because a Story Athlete finds a way to deal with anything unexpected and still get er done. OORAH!!

Oh, one more thing unexpected this week. I was stressing about getting my newsletter out a couple days early with time sensitive suggestions for my readers. I have had NINE messages in the last two days of appreciation for everything I put in the newsletter, plus a suggestion to do more YouTube videos. Adding that to my list as well.


***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***