My Turning Point April 2008
Those who know me, know that “my story” is of childhood sexual abuse. I lived with nightmares for years, and coped through many other “after effects”.
There were many events through my life that I look back on as a pin ball machine. These events happened through many failed attempts at the pin ball machine of life. I was so naive. So withdrawn. Everything just wrong. Sometimes you just hit rock bottom in a big way before life changes and you really get a handle on navigating that pin ball machine.
Life fell apart for me April 23 2008. My ex was taking me to family court yet again. My daughter was leaving the country and moving away. There were changes at work with politics and more pressures. My stress bucket overflowed and I flipped out in front of a supervisor at work over something seemingly trivial. I broke out in hives, hyperventilating. Fast forward…. I ended up taking 3 months off work, stress leave, and trying to re-evaluate life. My previously wonderful and supportive job was no longer in line with my morals and values. And family life was upside down too.
I always had an interest in psychology, but taking classes had never worked out before, yet now it finally did! I started evening classes and found my happy place! I decided to go for a degree. I found that with all my life obligations, in the end, I settled on an “Associate of Arts degree, Psychology concentration”. You see, once I took that first step towards finding my passion, everything lit up on my life’s pin ball machine path. The people I met, the connections I made, new amazing friends, the courses I took…. I was introduced to “energy psychology” and all forms of energy work. I appreciated the mainstream psychology knowledge, but I found my passion in energy work! One of the many courses I took was a Master class called “Explorations in Transformation: How People Change”. You can find notes and insights from that class experience here:
That awful breakdown at work was a blessing in disguise and a doorway to the new chapters of my life.
It took a while, but I found ways to overcome the nightmares, to finally forgive and heal my past; to completely disconnect the emotional charges and triggers to all those awful memories.
Along the way, I turned this all into my passion for working with clients in showing them the path and the techniques to overcome the horrors of their past as well. It is so gratifying to see frowns turn into relieved smiles. To bring understanding and awareness to their deep hurts, without having to re-live any of it at all!! It can all go away, never to bother us again. Sounds crazy almost, doesn’t it? I am my own walking testimony. I can remember those past awful things – if I choose to think about them – yet I am not at all triggered by any of it.
One of the first things I look back on as a pivotal moment was finding a book called Secret Survivors, by Sue E. Blume. The information in that book was like a frying pan over my head in making sense of ME, and all the psychological repercussions of the awful experiences and memories I had. Through energy work, I used that knowledge to find ways to heal myself. Several years later I still recommend that book to anyone interested in reading and understanding. This book was written for incest survivors, yet they have expanded that term to include anyone in a position of trust with a child.
Honestly, that book, in my opinion would be helpful to anyone working with various child abuses and traumas as well as alcoholism.
I remember working with one fellow a few years ago. After a session he said “and only 3650 more days to go”. Confused, I asked him what he meant by that. I had previously explained to him that it took me 10 years of learning and healing myself to get to the point I was at then, so he thought it would take forever for him as well. No. When I work with clients, they are getting years of experience and my personal toolbox of knowledge in each and every session.
Our personal development and inner healing is a journey, yes, but I explained that what I went through in learning as I go was similar to taking a chisel to a mountain. What I have learned and can now use is more like taking a wrecking ball to that mountain — in a much gentler, non invasive way, of course!
In my website, I have a list of recommended reading books. (Because everything that has ever helped me, is in my website for your reference). The Secret Survivors book is listed there, along with this link: This is the list in the book of “after effects” of childhood sexual abuse. Personally, I had almost every one of these issues in varying degrees.
Yes, I understand the triggers and the awful memories all too well. But, you will never have to share or re-live any of it in working with me. Through non invasive energy balancing and clearing, we can release and overcome the past, and be able to face the future with grace and ease!
You are welcome to share my stories with anyone you feel may benefit. I offer a complimentary introductory session so you can decide if you would like to continue energy balancing sessions as your own course of action.
Book your appointments here:
You will find a wealth of resources to encourage anyone and help everyone to find their true calling in life, to forgive and let go of the past. Contact me today.
As for the energy psychology path in particular:
After a second nasty divorce in 2004, I had an ulcer issue, very sick for a long time.
Had that breakdown at work.
Started back to school taking psychology classes
Met Margaret Truant at a modeling fair booth, selling Isagenix protein shakes which initially helped my stomach heal physically.
Margaret held Heart Link ladies’ business networking meetings
I met Kat Crozier and read her Optimal Health Magazines
Met Franzi (Karlen) Ng who wrote articles for OHM
Took tapping workshops, Reiki, and Master Class training with Franzi
Learned about Emotion Code and got certified.
Joined TEC Facebook group which is an open-source forum for certified only Emotion Code practitioners where we can discuss other modalities.
I had a mentor Sue Miner who took me under her wing and taught me about dowsing and expanding my energy healing skills.
I learned about Raymon Grace Dowsing in TEC group.
From there, everything snowballed in the people I met and modalities and techniques I learned.
September 2017 I inadvertently launched Amy Jo and Court of Atonement.
Amy Jo got so busy she had to turn off her scheduler, which in turn made me busy when people figured out I was her friend and offered sessions.
March of 2023, I started volunteer assisting with Tucson Dowsers meetings.
December 2023, I did a presentation talk for Tucson dowsers which also attracted global clients.
Fast forward, I have learned to just “follow the energy” in using whatever tools I need to work with clients.
My website is my outlet to share and encourage others on their own path.
I have learned to follow my intuition…
Heaven sends a feather. If you’re not listening, you’ll get a brick.
Then if you’re still not listening, you’ll get a Mack truck.
I got the truck a few times in life