FCOA original posts: How Court of Atonement got launched to the world
I went back and found the original posts of how I found COA and then shared it into my private Emotion Code practitioners’ group. As you can see, it was a little confusing at first, but now COA is pretty much a household name. All these years later, Amy Jo Ellis and Court of Atonement is in 142 countries and translated into 3 languages.
I do find it quite amusing when I go into practitioner forums and someone new excitedly says to me, “Have you heard of Court of Atonement?”.
Me: “Ummmm… ya”. LOL 😛
You’ll find COA information scattered throughout my website and YouTube channel. Use the search bar as there is a lot to find 🙂
If you are new to COA, we now have a list of facilitators here: https://www.courtofatonement.com/team-3
Choose whomever you feel drawn to for assistance and booking sessions. You can also join the active FB group. Sign up for emails and join classes.
It took a while for Amy Jo to create a certification course for COA. I have taken many trainings in my years of being a practitioner of holistic wellness in many modalities. Above all, I HIGHLY recommend taking all the prerequisite COA classes and the certification course. This will change your life for the better in ways you cannot even fathom.
~ Jackie Rioux
Here we go, all the original conversations and discussion that launched FCOA to the world:
Amy Jo Ellis shared a link. August 9 2017
Dowsing & Energy Healing | Tyhson Banighen
While looking for a way to heal conflicts between my husband and his family, I was guided to ask for the healing of the Court of Atonement. It had a profound effect on our family! Since then, I have begun to travel and teach this process to anyone who will listen. If you have conflicts with family, business associates or friends, you can use this simple process to heal the energy at the soul level. Enjoy!
Roberta N Steve Pigg: I love the atonement! How wonderful to see that you use it in this way. I use it in my healing work all the time. I would like to know more about what you do.
Jackie N. Rioux: I paid for a booklet… does it come as a download? Nothing showed up yet…
Tyhson Banighen: Jackie N. Rioux which booklet did you pay for and when?
Jackie N. Rioux: The atonement booklet from this post above
Jackie N. Rioux: I’ve sent a private message to Amy… No reply and no booklet yet
Amy Jo Ellis: It should have come automatically as a download! But I will send it. Sorry, I was off line for a few days, as I had kids and grand kids in town.
Jackie N. Rioux: Thank you ❤
Kathlene Flaata: Thanks !! I have not used court of atonement but will start using it now !!
Marjorie Curtiss: Is this healing coming “from” the Court of Atonement, or for? Forgive me for not quite understanding the sentence.
March 29 2019: Jackie N. Rioux: Amy Jo Ellis Look at this… the original post that started it all
Amy Richards: Jackie N. Rioux I remember it well! And thank you again! ♥️🦋🦋♥️🦋🦋❤️♥️🦋🦋‼️❤️
Original FB chat:
Amy Jo Ellis Singer-songwriter at Amy Jo Ellis and Switchboard Operator at GOD
Went to El Modena High
Lives in Rathdrum, Idaho
8/9/17, 6:40 PM
Hi, I saw your post in dowsing group. I ordered that booklet from your site a few hours ago but have not received anything in my email yet.
8/10/17, 10:49 PM
You can now call each other and see information like Active Status and when you’ve read messages.
Thank you so much for your order. It has a download button available on the site, I will have to investigate why it didn’t automatically send it to you.
Thank you. Mercury retrograde? Computer glitch.
8/12/17, 12:36 PM
Hi… So I read over everything. My sister has MS, I have a friend having conflict issues with a couple things/ people which we can’t seem to figure out why… She is awesome nice person. I have a long list of my family.. Kids grandkids extended… My healing list. So…. I have put all them individually and collectively where necessary into courts of atonement.. As well as myself singly and with a couple people of conflict interest. We’ll see what happens now…
Amy Jo
That all sounds wonderful! I also have started adding into Courts of Atonement with relatives, Religion and politics, along with peace and understanding. I’m seeing a difference with it.
8/12/17, 1:46 PM
8/13/17, 1:47 PM
So… I put my family into courts the other night. Today my daughter is absolutely furious with her hubby and my granddaughter… She has reasons but my granddaughter has been fine with me today…. Is there a “processing time”
8/13/17, 3:28 PM
One of my ‘friends’ I put in court the other night just flipped out on me… End of that friendship that apparently has been coming… I’ve been questioning that friendship for a while.
8/13/17, 10:40 PM
Amy Jo
If you are getting resistance from people, try looking deeper at the situation, where else can the energy be coming from. Place all grandparents, spouse’s, ex-spouse’s aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, cousins, nieces, nephews. Known and unknown. Into a COA with them. It can also be friends, and or work associates.
Wow ok thank you. I kinda thought I called in all necessary and needed souls…will try again
Amy Jo
The known and unknown part is important, it can be siblings we don’t know about, miscarriages, etc
Oh wow… Yup.. I can imagine that!
8/19/17, 9:00 AM
This is my daughter… Shaun was her first boyfriend 15 years ago… Long nasty story there…. Just wow!!
9/13/17, 7:18 AM
Good morning. The Tec group is a closed group but I screen shotted some of the feedback…
I can see that apparently your site got swamped lol… But a lot were very thankful for the share.
Amy Jo
Oh WOW!!!! Thank you so much Jackie. I just finished reading them! I just read through them all! Wonderful! I can feel energy coming off of everything, so I love seeing where people are saying they are feeling the energy of it working already!
Amy Jo
I have not tried advertising that site before, except to share it on the dowsing group. (I believe it was on Tyhson’s group. Share Thursday) At that time the booklet sold 14 copies. I would love to talk with you when you have time. Seems like you and I have a lot in common. Guinea Pig family not the least of them!
I’m so glad you answered the call to put this court document together to share
I thought I saw it on Raymon Grace group but can’t find it there… Maybe it was Tyson group.
Amy Jo
Thank you, me too! It’s getting a lot of recognition in my local area. I have taught several 45 -90 min workshops on it. Now, I will be talking with people I do not know and they will bring up the Court of Atonement TO ME!
I’ll make time for you!
Amy Jo
Someone else gave it to them, and they did not know that I wrote it.
The night before you shared this, I asked to speak to my guides and I asked them this question. “How does the Universe work?”
Perfect timing globally I think with so many shifts. I think this is a almost final shift and key to 5th dimension to shed the old
Oh… Lol… So that is why I couldn’t sleep and decided to share it about 11 pm??
Amy Jo
I have been doing HOURS of processing everynight for a couple of weeks. Putting countries into COA with “I call a Full COA for China, and all of it’s militant soldiers.”
Yes, to your 11pm… That’s what I was thinking.
As a gift for what you have done for me, I would love to have you be the first (outside of my family) To know that answer.
They gave me a process to clear the way to using what we already know.
Amy Jo
Your share probably kicked the doors off of this thing, and I had not been able to do that because of my own blocks.
Oh wow…
Amy Jo
I got rid of the blocks and and HOLY MOLY!!!
Lol.. Exlax? On a spiritual level?
Amy Jo
44 sales yesterday to people who KNOW this stuff works! It’s going to move!!!
Yes. Let me know when you have a moment and we can chat. I would have to brush my hair if you wanted now. lol
No concrete plans today… But I need a shower… I’m just getting up here.. 830 am
Any time after that is great lol
Amy Jo
I will look back in here in about half an hour? Or do you need an hour?
Half is good lol… I raised 4 kids alone for many years… I’m quick lol
Amy Jo
Lol. We live in a travel trailer at the moment, small water heater… I bet I’m faster than you!
That being said, I’m at my mom and dad’s with a bath tub!!!! I take forever!!
Lol cute… Ready when you are
Amy Jo
I’m talking with my Hubby, I’m on a trip, Can we wait 15 min?
Sure… I’m just in putter mode today. Housework and homework. I’ve got phone beside me all the time tho.
Amy Jo
I’m on. Do you want to video chat?
9/13/17, 11:07 AM
Amy Jo
The video chat ended.
September 13, 2017 at 11:07 AM
Call Again
Amy Jo
Here you go
Thank you Email coming..
9/13/17, 10:02 PM
Just got home from daughter’s house. Apparently hubby was out visiting buddies last night. This morning she asked how was your night. Says good.. Few guys around. One guy gave him a bottle of moonshine. “Too bad I stopped drinking. Gave it to someone else”. She is still in shock ..
9/14/17, 12:06 AM
Amy Jo
Thank you so much for sharing this! Fantastic!!!
I am getting quite a kick out of her dumbfounded reactions lol
Amy Jo
I remember one time, I had a friend do energy releasing regarding a woman at work who was making his life miserable for about 6 months. I kept telling him I could help him and he kept refusing, finally things came to head and with my husbands urging him to try my help, he did a single exercise. It took less than 5 min. The woman was arrested the next morning! He said. “you don’ t think that what we did had anything to do with it?”
Lol… Nice!
Amy Jo
To which I replied… You don’t think it didn’t?
9/19/17, 8:41 AM
Amy Jo
YAY!!! I love to see it being used! It really does work, and know it. I have been using it to help clean up the negative energy of the planet. We’ve been hearing how the planet is supposed to go through some major shift and things are supposed to change for a lighter and brighter future. I think the Court of Atonement is part of it. Seems strange to say, but I am being guided to use it wars, government offices… etc. Maybe we won’t see it in our lifetime, but I can read the energy shift, so I know it’s helping.
Prisons? That crossed my mind as well
Amy Jo
Anything we can think of. I shared my wordings for this kind of clearing on a comment on COA page. I will find it and tag you in it.
Thank you
9/20/17, 11:25 AM
Hi Amy Jo, you had said you changed wording … Is this in booklet or website? Should I download new one? How long are you in California? I’m interested in booking a reading. Do I wait til you are back home or? What does a reading consist of? Need your mailing address. Rachelle and I would like to send you our book. Thanks!
Amy Jo
I am in California until Friday. The only difference in the wording in this booklet is to say the word FULL as part of the “Full Court of Atonement.” I wanted to tag you in the post I responded to , but I couldn’t find it. I think it must be in a private message. So I still have to figure out which one it is on.
Amy Jo
If you would like to set up an appointment time, we could make it for 10am Monday? or something like that?
Awesome thank you. Yes 10 Monday works for me.
9/24/17, 10:08 AM
Just got this one…
9/24/17, 6:05 PM
Amy Jo
Love this! Keep them coming!!!
me too!!! So much gratitude… using it lots. So far so good on my son in law sober … I appreciate your answer to questions you just posted… I just did that one my healing list to keep everyone on upside
9/25/17, 10:03 AM
Good morning… Are we on the same time zone?
Amy Jo
Yes I think we are!
Ok just checking lol
It’s 10 am here
9/25/17, 11:40 AM
Amy Jo
The video chat ended.
September 25, 2017 at 11:40 AM
Call Again
9/25/17, 1:00 PM
Amy Jo
The video chat ended.
September 25, 2017 at 1:00 PM

The text that changed our world…
Note time!!!! My bed time!
Jackie N. Rioux September 11 2017 10:16 pm · Prince George ·
Gotta share this… Raymon Grace techniques has been discussed many times here and I am on his dowsing group. About 5 weeks ago someone posted a link to her website about “court of atonement”. I can’t find the link there now but since we share all sorts of successes in this group, I’m sharing here. I went to the site and there is an “intention” to read out to put someone into a court of atonement, plus some testimonials. I read thru and decided to buy the $5 download which basically descibes it more, with some more sample intentions. I tried it on my guinea pig family members and healing list. I dont always tell my kids every time I do something but I often find out effects later lol. Well about 5 days later I got a text from my daughter asking if I did something because her first boyfriend from 20 years ago contacted her and apologized for all the horrid things he did back then.
Then a few days later she also had the biggest sale ever in her sales history.
Her hubby has had some alcohol issues and today she told me he hasn’t had a drink in a week. So far that’s all I’ve been told but I have noticed things just seem “better” all around us. yay!! Pardon her profanity excitement here…
Jackie N. Rioux: Oh one more thing I have noticed… All my ec / bc sessions since then have had a LOT of vows/contracts come up for releasing.
Lou Kurjata: Because that is what all of us need to clear in order to have a huge paradigm shift on this planet. All of them or most of them are not in our best interest.
Aoife Harkness: Is this the one ? http://amyjosings.com/Court_Of_Atonement.html
AMYJOSINGS.COM Court Of Atonement
Jackie N. Rioux: Yes that’s it
Aoife Harkness: ok i am going to give it a go
Jill Tracy Sutter: Click on “classic” at the bottom…. thanks, Jackie N. Rioux! Good for you!!! I just got the ebook… definitely felt drawn to it! ❤
Jillian Skehan: I couldn’t see it on my phone. Had to go to the Laptop to get the link
Michelle Bruyere: Dori Mor
Muriel Alyssia: Sounds very helpful. What is extra for the $5?
Jackie N. Rioux: About 5 pages of further explanation and more intentions for addiction money sickness etc.
Charan Surdhar: Thanks for this!
Martina Liberson: Awesome!
Pam Gotcher: It’s the little booklet at the bottom of the page –
Pam Gotcher: Evalee Grenamyer did you see this?
Lisa Glennie: Awesome sauce!!!!
Mandi Davies: This sounds so interesting! Thanks for sharing! I’m totally going to do this!
Jillian Skehan: Thanks for sharing Jackie N. Rioux and for the link Aoife Harkness. Bought the booklet and tried it out so just have to wait and see
Jill Tracy Sutter: I ordered and paid for mine early this morning, but no email yet…. think I need to contact her…..
Prabha Nagaraja: Thanks for this info Jackie N. Rioux and Aoife Harkness1 Any idea whether we should do the process just once per person/issue or daily or once in a few days etc?
Aoife Harkness: Prabha Nagaraja I don’t know if there is a limit I have just started to use it and have done 2/3 per person. You could muscle test for how many and how long for processing
Jackie N. Rioux: Yes just muscle test. Amy says if you can think it, try it. I’ve done lots…. Maybe ask is this safe to do more?
Also I’ve been asking is there anything underlying that needs to be cleared first.
Prabha Nagaraja: Thanks both!
Mandi Davies: I’m excited to see what happens! I just placed myself in the court of atonement with my husband and with Money! My husband is also in with money and with our son. My son is in with his sister and with money. Love using different tools to achieve alignment! ❤
Chris Chimbers: Thanks for sharing, Jackie N. Rioux, this is brilliant!
Lisa C. Anderson: Thank you for sharing – another tool never hoits! I notice that every time I do forgiveness on myself, someone from my past shows up to tell me they’re sorry! It’s the craziest thing. I’m eager to see what this will bring. I purchased the book and have done a few of them. Excited to see what it brings!
Lena Freeman: Just ordered it as well. Thank you!
Debra Wilkins: This is great, Jackie! Amy Jo and I have been occasionally trading work for a few years now. i didn’t think to share this here, so glad you have.
Julie Lesser Schiffman: Thanks for sharing!! Looks great
Susanne Weiss: Thanks Jackie. I love it!
Jackie N. Rioux: Wow… Glad it is interesting to all of you as well.
In the email she sent she also suggested a court of atonement between a person and the denied aspects of themselves. Also to try “religion and politics”. Seems to be something we can definitely play with and try anything we are intuitively led to try. It has definitely opened up some new areas in ec/ bc charts for me to clear more deep stuff.
Tami Young: Thanks for sharing!!!
Suzanne Hanly: Hmm I just ordered this too and haven’t received an email with the ebook, I emailed Amy jo but the email on her page doesn’t work
Norma Zambesco: Me too. Not able to download it and don’t have link. I emailed Amy but haven’t heard from her
Norma Zambesco: When I clicked the button to download it didn’t go thru but I used my tablet not sure if that makes a difference
Suzanne Hanly: I didn’t even see an option to download, I ordered it through my phone
Lena Freeman: Mine was not an email. As soon as the payment was processed, a window with an option to download was on the same screen.
Suzanne Hanly: shoot! What is Amys email? I’ll have to contact her I suppose
Lena Freeman: [email protected] this one is listed at the end of the booklet
Suzanne Hanly: Lena Freeman thank you!
Lena Freeman: [email protected] another one
Suzanne Hanly: Lena Freeman that’s the one that didn’t work for me
Lena Freeman: try this one [email protected]
Suzanne Hanly: Will do thank you!
Phyllis Ann Mains: Jackie, where does one find this court of attunement?
Phyllis Ann Mains: Got it and playing with it. Yeah! Gotta love something new!
Debra Wilkins: http://amyjosings.com/site/mobile…AMYJOSINGS.COM
404 (Page Not Found) Error – Ever feel like you’re in the wrong place?
Debra Wilkins: Her site may be overloaded. I used Aoife Harkness’ link up above.
Aoife Harkness: try this http://amyjosings.com/Court_Of_Atonement.html AMYJOSINGS.COM Court Of Atonement
Aoife Harkness: I just used it a few mins ago no problem
Roz-Dave Long: Worked for me too! Roz
Beth Foley: where can I find it that’s awesome xx
Muriel Alyssia: scroll back, 2nd or 3rd comment
Beth Foley: thank you xx
Janet Riganti: This IS beautiful. Thank you Jackie! I would LOVE to hear of successes after applying the Courts of Atonement! Please share!
Tami Young: Yes please do share. I will be experimenting with this!! Very excited!
Brenda Lainof: Great Jackie, just downloaded, thanks for sharing!
Karyn Witha Why: Just bought mine too. Fabulous!!
Phyllis Ann Mains: Got this a little while ago, printed up and also downloaded. Playing with the energy of this now…. Feels good!
Mandi Davies: I bought a copy too!! I’m looking forward to using it more!! ❤
John Inverarity: I’m experimenting this with a client right now. Fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing Jackie.
Shulamit Finkelstein: Thanks for sharing! I just bought a copy too.
Phyllis Ann Mains: She has a FB page ” Court of Atonement” She seems really excited to share her work.
Mauricio GM: Thank you so much Jackie N. Rioux I just read it and I loved it, I’m confident that this will help me solve many things around me, thank you again for reaching this jewel to me, and I also thank the author Amy Jo Ellis for her extraordinary job.
Jackie N. Rioux: Another suggestion idea thru conversation… I’m putting my business name into a court of atonement as well. I wonder what effect that may have on potential “returning clients”??
Chris Chimbers: good idea!
Patricia German: Awesome stuff
Norma Zambesco: I still haven’t heard from her. I emailed her and left message. I want my book. Baaahhhh
Suzanne Hanly: I just tried her fb page “court of atonement ” hopefully that works
Norma Zambesco: i messaged her right now using her Facebook but said usually response in a week
Suzanne Hanly: Norma Zambesco oh shoot! I saw she was active on it today so hopefully we both hear back soon
Norma Zambesco: Suzanne Nichole I just paid for it again oh well I couldn’t wait any more. Lol…literally just got it right now and was able to download it just opened it but used my computer
Suzanne Hanly: Norma Zambesco I was thinking of doing the same glad you got it!
Glenda Mills: Thank you I downloaded today!!!
Martina Liberson: Download didn’t work on my ipad. Will find a way! I Love the prayer, within 12 hours I feel luggage being removed from my past.
Brenda Lainof: Opens on computer, did not open on ipad
Debra Wilkins: Martina Liberson, I was able to save it in Dropbox on my iPad, and I got that App she asks about, as well, Gumroad.
Jackie N. Rioux: Follow up today… I had a wonderful video chat with Amy Jo this morning. Turns out there was some synchronicity going on. The other night she was asking the universe for some proof about the same time as I was getting tugged to share this post here.
Her sales spiked overnight and confirmed many things she had been told about the success and exposure of her booklet and the whole concept of court of atonement.
Seems we opened the floodgates to all sorts of answered prayers all at once! Thank you to each and every one of you. Pretty Kool to find out my little share was the catalyst to something much bigger in her world. ❤❤❤❤
Janet Riganti: Yeah!!!
Karyn Witha Why: I thought so!!! Lol ~ Bless her heart. Grateful she wrote the booklet and intention was given to us all. I’ve already put myself in court of atonement and am seeing results within 9 hours. Excellent AmyJo ~ bravo!!
Mandi Davies: Super duper love this update!!! ❤❤❤ I bought the booklet too and love it! Almost felt like I wanted to pay more! Powerful stuff!!!
John Inverarity: Jackie N. Rioux, Update: ya this works. I did this for a client and her teenage son last week as he was being quite aggressive/yelling at her. A couple days later he apologized to her but then unleashed on the father and his siblings. So I did them all including the dog. The house is much more peaceful.
Jackie N. Rioux: Very kool! Thank you!
John Inverarity: Jackie N. Rioux hey thanks for sharing!
Phyllis Ann Mains: This is really working! Through dreams, unexpected phone calls, no coincidence for sure. Working on my Husband and myself
Nataša Martinec: I used it for my client’s daughter who was being bullied at school. After I did this Court of Atonement boy who was bullying lots of girls just calmed down and stopped doing this! So grateful for this technique!
Norma Zambesco: I’ve been dreaming people from my past that in one way or another I felt betrayed from them or they offended me. Weird. Worked on the addiction one for a family member but not quite sure it has helped
Nataša Martinec: Maybe now you are processing through your dreams Norma Zambesco? If you feel calmer I would say it has helped
Norma Zambesco: yes. I think that is the case processing thru dreams. Yes been feeling pretty calm.
Jackie N. Rioux: I have seen the COA seem like spiritual Exlax… Now all the really deep inherited stuff and just strange stuff is coming up for release now
Jill Tracy Sutter: Jackie, my friend just had a session with Amy of amyjosings.com and said that it was fantastic….”uncovered a lot to be healed”…. and this is a healer who has done tons of work on herself. Sounds like you discovered a gem! Still loving the COA!!! ❤
Jackie N. Rioux: I had a session with her myself the other day. She found an unknown child in our family and an energy from my very first crush I had no idea was there lol
Norma Zambesco: How much are her sessions?
Jackie N. Rioux: She does them by donation apparently.
Martina Liberson: Something has shifted in me for sure after doing this COA for over a week now. Wow
Jackie N. Rioux: My son in law has been completely sober for a month. My daughter is still in shock lol
John Inverarity: Jackie N. Rioux wow that’s awesome
Jackie N. Rioux: Ya I actually did a COA on her on being accepting of these new positive changes lol
Brenda Lainof: Had a session with Amy, she is very gifted and the COA works very well with BC/EC.
Mauricio GM: Hi, how do you combine them?
Norma Zambesco: I just message her hopefully I can get a session too
Brenda Lainof: Just ask…..if a particular situation needs to go to the Court of Atonement…..example family conflict. Amy is coming out with a updated book and we may set up a podcast in next few months (she has some amazing stories).
Norma Zambesco: sounds Great!!
Debra Wilkins: I have put different body parts and organs, glands, into the COA, with good results.
Lisa Glennie: OHHHH I like that!!!! Good thinking!!!
Jackie N. Rioux: Amy has said if you can think it, try it lol. Yes good one!!
Lisa Glennie: Jackie, yeah I like that thinking. Problem is, we don’t always think of it, we need help!!! LOL I was just telling a friend this work is only limited by your imagination.
Jackie N. Rioux: And that’s why we share amongst us and learn from each other. Seem to catapult each other in growth this way ❤❤
Norma Zambesco: Can you give example on how you would do the body parts etc on COA. I’m not sure how I would say it
Lisa Glennie: Norma, I would just do that body part like it was person. I place myself and my liver in the COA. Did anyone do it any differently??
Debra Wilkins: Yes, Norma, and Lisa, that is how I did it. Then I listened to what it, e.g., my Pancreas had to say, I responded, and onward.
Norma Zambesco: got it thanks
Martina Liberson: I have put my pregnancy, pregnancy hormones, thyroid, parathyroid glands, etc in a COA. Not sure what it does, but I am feeling calmer and more balanced.
Norma Zambesco: Just had my session with Amy. Truly amazing!! I really enjoyed it. Really nice lady
Elle Angel Tilotta: Martina Liberson would you be able to share how you did that? Was it I (name) plus (pregnancy hormones, thyroid etc) into one court of atonement or separate? Thanks!
Jackie N. Rioux: Another thing from Amy Jo that she uses as her signature
Alda Mills: So glad my PicArt app has a chalkboard look! Haha
Jackie N. Rioux: Oh hi! Lol… I stole it from you to post here and sent to Amy Jo teasing her that she is sure getting around ❤
Alda Mills: Hi! Haha…right on! I love her quote and the way it turned out!
Jackie N. Rioux: The whole thing with this post and talking to Amy Jo myself has just turned into an explosion of synchronicity for both of us!!
Alda Mills: So happy to hear! It’s so cool!
Alda Mills: I’ll tell you about my experience by message. I’m going to buy her book shortly.
Norma Zambesco: FYI. In the evening after the session I had with Amy it went crazy with my husband. He kept barking at me and even left us at the fair he got his own ride home. It was crazy and I was devastated. I asked Amy if that was normal due to processing and she said no and said this hadn’t happened before. Anyways today she sent something to me and said it’s the mirror of me and told me what to say. She said she will be adding it to her book. She had posted it but for some reason didn’t show up. Lol Glad my experience will be part of her booklet to help others
Jackie N. Rioux: Yes I think there are several experiences in the last while that have been learning curves to add to her book
Jackie N. Rioux: Particularly our names being sacred… She picked up quick the inflection from me saying “Jacqueline” that I never liked my name after I figured out meaning I was not comfortable with. We did lots of COA there, as well a child had a name change and the given name, plus the used name needs to be cleared.
Norma Zambesco: crazy
August 4 2021 Jackie N. Rioux: Looking back at the post that changed everything lol. almost 4 years later I finally did a video: https://youtu.be/AWaInFNROhg
Court of Atonement booklets | Book Recommendations #6 | Ladybug Wellness | Ep. #23
Stacey Little Paydar: Love it
Molly Nusom Balderston: Thanks for sharing
(I sent Amy Jo a bunch of charts and information)
Court of Atonement
Amy Josepha <[email protected]>
Sat 2017-08-12 1:15 PM
Hi, Amy Jo here.
Don’t panic, I’m a real person. I’m not a robot sending this out.
I wanted to follow up with everyone who purchased a Court of Atonement booklet. And to make sure they received the download.
I also wanted to open up this email address to you as a way for you to contact me with any questions, or to let me know any results you have been getting.
I will also use this address to send out emails regarding improvements to the Court of Atonement, such as: I ask to have people placed into a Court of Atonement with any denied aspects of themselves. (The things they only see reflected in those around them, and refuse to see in themselves)
I also have recently started placing people in a court of atonement with Politics and Religion! I thought you might want to try that trick with a few of your own friends and family.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Thank you so much for your purchase!
Amy Jo
Amy Jo Singer/songwriter/healer/psychic medium
714-335-5782 | [email protected] | www.amyjosings.com | Skype: Amyjomusic | www.amyjoellis.com
Amy Josepha <[email protected]>
Sat 2017-09-16 9:31 AM
Jackie! Thank you so much. These are wonderful. I am on vacation, so I’m not getting to check my email as often as I would like, but these were a joy to go through and I can’t wait to get home to really spend some time with them. A couple of them I already have in my charts binder, but most I am unfamiliar with.
Thank you again or sharing your results with your friends as the sales are still happening and I am up to 71 sales. It is exciting to think what could happen when a lot of people would share this.
So thank you for the inspiring new view of life!
Amy Jo
Jackie N. Rioux September 13 2017 · Prince George ·
High Vibrational Thinking
Gotta share this..About 5 weeks ago I bought the “court of atonement” booklet. I tried it on my guinea pig family members and healing list. I dont always tell my kids every time I do something but I often find out effects later lol. Well about 5 days later I got a text from my daughter asking if I did something because her first boyfriend from 20 years ago contacted her and apologized for all the horrid things he did back then.
Then a few days later she also had the biggest sale ever in her sales history.
Her hubby has had some alcohol issues and today she told me he hasn’t had a drink in a week. So far that’s all I’ve been told but I have noticed things just seem “better” all around us. yay!! Pardon her profanity excitement here…
I have been playing with this court of atonement concept and trying all sorts of things with it. So far pretty excited with what happened with my daughter and looking forward to more miracles ❤
Court of Atonement: I think this is one of my favorite testimonials!!! Not only because I sold over $200 worth of books today because you shared it in your other group, but because she figured out that Mom… Did something!
The boyfriend calling after 20 years to apologize is classic Court of Atonement feedback!!!
Court of Atonement: Most of them, we never hear back from, but the problem just drops. But about 20% of them in one way or another show up from out of the blue.
Jackie N. Rioux: 200 in one day?… Hmm.. I’m curious .. Did you do a court on yourself regarding money recently? Lol
Jackie N. Rioux: Yes I love getting texts from my kids asking… Did you do something??? So grateful for our gifts and for you offering this new tool to play with ❤❤❤
Amanda Richards: I’ve been using it for almost 2 years now and it works miracles. Seriously works.
Norma Zambesco: Hi Amy. Do you have something for weight??
Court of Atonement: I have not worked on it for weight, but I will get back to you on this as WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!
Barbara Loutzenhiser Goggins: Amy Jo, when you worked with me over Memorial week end. I told you how I had just became aware of how much I hated food. It was hard to swallow. It came to mind that I needed to bless my food ect. You also saw my mom’s mom being very harsh with my mom, which caused many weight issues for her. You pulled Mom and Grandma in a Court of Atonement right then and there… it helped tremendously. My weight is slowly dropping as if a curse was lifted…. I continue to work with food issues and the belief that food makes one fat….
Amy Richards: I have been using the Court of Atonement methodology, for healing all relationships and problems that seem unsolvable! It is written by Amy Jo Ellis, and I too have had amazing results! Some Miracles, all good results.
I am do not know this lady, who posted her experiences) but I am so happy for her that she found the booklet on-line, and I am glad she shared her results!
March 4 2021: Jackie N. Rioux: Hmmm.. I forgot I had shared this here too
Klee Darrow: Jackie N. Rioux that was fun to read, even if it is three years later.
Jackie N. Rioux: Klee Darrow, the same post in the EC group has 140 comments lol
Court of Atonement: Hmm. Fun to see this again. Thank you for commenting on it!
Dowsing & Energy Healing | Tyhson Banighen
Amy Jo Ellis September 28 2017
I wanted to come in here and say thank you to Thyson for allowing us all to advertise what we do on his page. I posted in here a few weeks ago about an 11 page booklet that I wrote about a healing process that solves conflicts in families, called The Court of Atonement.
I had just gotten the web page working to sell downloads of the PDF so I tested it here in the Healing Arts Academy. I sold 14 copies over the course of three or four weeks.
Jackie N. Rioux, a member in here, purchased it, then she wrote about her success with the process in another healing group and this week I have now sold 92 copies and I’m having calls coming in from all over the world to work with me!!!
India, England, Switzerland, Japan!!! WOW!!!! Thank you Thyson!!! You really gave me a boost up!!!
Tyhson Banighen Amy Jo Ellis in exchange please post an invitation and link on your page to this page.
Amy Jo Ellis: Wonderful idea! I will be happy to!!!
Amy Jo Ellis: Both Facebook page and the Web page.
Jackie N. Rioux:
This was what I posted in my practitioner group. My daughter’s first boyfriend from 20 years ago contacted her to apologize for everything back then. A few days later, her biggest sale (excuse profanity excitement).
Also her hubby just stopped drinking 3 weeks ago and has done a 360 that she is still in shock.
Life has been going pretty good.
As well, I have been using COA with clients and it seems like a spiritual Exlax that clears the way to the deep stuff.
I am Soooo thankful for this!!
Jackie N. Rioux: Oh and I just had a mind blowing session with Amy Jo last week as well. Stuff I just had no idea about came up but totally made sense.
Amy Jo Ellis: Thank you so much for posting all of this! Mind blowing?? I know it blows my mind when things come up that click for people. How the heck did I do that???
Jackie N. Rioux: Well finding out about another child, and a “first boyfriend” was pretty shocking yet amusing too.
Amy Jo Ellis:
I worked with a tiny baby today with Cancer. Cancer is usually going two directions at once, so i was a bit puzzled at what a 17 month old could have a divided focus on. I figured out that they had changed her name the day she was born. It prompted me to “speed dial” or “Encode.” the words Full Court of Atonement to place each person in atonement with their given name, as well as their chosen current name! I think we will see even broader spectrum healing from here on out!!
Jackie N. Rioux: Wow!!! Ya I definitely feel different after balancing with my name.
Marjorie Curtiss: Thank you Tyhson and Amy Jo! I will be buying the ebook this weekend. What a wonderful gift of Service to families and friends! Blessings to your Guide Abraham!
Blessings to all! ♡♡♡
Debra Wilkins: Amy Jo, I have been working with the COA; I have not only been working with individuals, but I have been placing my own organs and glands, and body parts inside and working with them, with good results.
Amy Jo Ellis: Wonderful Debbie!!!! I walked three miles last night and about half way, my right foot started hurting. I placed it into a full court of atonement with whatever had happened to cause it to hurt. Then I noticed a windmill in the sunset, so stopped to take pictures. Only when I heard you had been doing this, did I recognize that I never gave my foot another thought. Must have worked!
Amy Jo Ellis: It sounds like it worked to me!!! This is exactly what happens. You think, it can’t be that simple!!!
Jackie N. Rioux recommends Court of Atonement.
October 6 2017
The shifts in myself and my family the last two months are nothing short of miraculous!!! THANK YOU!!!
Amy Jo Ellis
November 6 2017
I wish to say thank you to all of you who began donating to my Paypal account for the additions to the little booklet! Here we were on Vacation and suddenly there was a flow of unexpected money!!! What a joyful weekend!
My husband has a really hard time taking time off of work. We were like kids in a candy store, my phone has my paypal hooked to it, so it kept going “Cha Ching!” while we were out playing with our grand children!
It was an unforgettable experience!
Thank you again everyone! Jackie N. Rioux and Mauricio Have I mentioned lately that I love you?
Jackie N. Rioux: Love you more lol Every one of us is soooo blessed to have you show up in our lives with all your precious gifts!!
Hannah Fogg: YES!!! So beautifully said! ❤
Mauricio GM: You deserve much more than that, you’re awesome, love you too!
Janet Wyatt: You totally deserve it Amy.
Shauna Woods: I haven’t been able to buy one yet but as soon as I can I will be adding a cha Ching. Lol
Amy Jo Ellis March 9 2018
Hi Ken, I came in here just to say thank you. I have been a member of this group for more than a couple years. Im a big fan of not only Raymon, but yourself and the people in this group who encourage each other to heal their lives.
All of you in here reading this will understand the disbelief and awe I felt when my phone rang with an unfamiliar number and I answered it to hear a very familiar voice say “Hi my name is Raymon Grace and I received a copy of your booklet…”.
To have Raymon endorse the booklet in his newsletter and be embraced by this community is something of a fairytale moment.
So thank you Ken for this group, as it has always been a major resource of information and highly instrumental in assisting me on this bumpy road of unseen forces!
Amy Jo Ellis
Author of The Court of Atonement
Mary Elliott shared a link.
March 21 2018
Child Prodigy Is An Amazing Artist
Akiane Kramarik is an amazing artist who started painting when she was five years old and was quickly recognized to be a child prodigy.
Amy Jo Ellis: Absolutely breathtaking! And I look at her selling a small print for $1,500 I might want to raise the price of my booklet. Hahaha
Jackie N. Rioux: Your booklet could definitely be more in cost, but it is priceless in value.
Amy Richards: Jackie N. Rioux I agree! PRICELESS!
Jackie N. Rioux added a new photo — feeling blessed. May 29 2023
Can I be the first to brag??? I have a wall of certifications, but this one has got me all choked up with happy tears 😍🙏🐞👏
Amy Mauer: Congrats!!!🎈🎉🍾 ❤️✨🌟✨
Jackie N. Rioux: Amy Jo just got the certs set up this morning, we tested and I got mine, so bragging already lol. Guinea pig 🐞The rest of our cert group will get access to theirs asap.
Willa Vire: Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾
Erin-Dail Plunkett: Congratulations Jackie N. Rioux!
Carmen Der Kinderen: Congratulations 💜
Mila Sharma: Congratulations Jackie!!!
Norma Zambesco: Congrats! 🎈🍾 How exciting!
Liezell Bradshaw: Waiting for mine. 🙂. Congratulations!!
Jackie N. Rioux: Liezell Bradshaw We JUST got them up this morning.. coming for everyone asap
Pamela Wentrot Kratt: Congrats!!
Agnieszka Domanska: Massive congratulations Jackie! It was from you that I learned about Amy Jo and The Court of Atonement many many moons ago 🙂
Jackie N. Rioux: Agnieszka Domanska Life changing, isn’t it? 🙂
Jeanie Lephart: Congratulations ❣️❣️😟
Tim Goggins: Awesome job Jackie!
Marisaida Méndez: Congratulations
Christy Herndon Dickerson: Awesome ❤️
Janet Riganti: Awesome!
Lena Freeman: Congratulations Jackie!💖
Vicki Reeve: Congratulations!
Patti Del Vecchio: Congratulations Jackie! My friend Anne Bryan speak so highly of you, you carry the message well 💗
Jackie N. Rioux: Patti Del Vecchio OH I soooo love working with Anne Bryan … she is so intuitive and such an amazing soul!
Patti Del Vecchio: Jackie N. Rioux that she is! She says the same about you 💐
Jackie N. Rioux: Patti Del Vecchio ya she was the one who asked for the “Jackie special ” session lol.
I actually have appt tomorrow and very much looking forward to our playdate 🐞🙏😍
Dianne Benner: Love it! Congratulations 🥳
Shiela Maycock: Congratulations!!
Christine Olson: Congratulations Jackie 🎉 well done 💜
Aubrey Grace: Congratulations Jackie
Zandra Ross: Congratulations ❤️
ScanWith Jen: Congratulations
Maxine Lewis: Congrats Jackie! ❤️
Ginger Walmer: What a wonderful thing to have hanging on your wall. and you should be proud. and i am very grateful to have you in my toolbox. you amazing woman
Jackie N. Rioux: Ginger Walmer in good company, cousin ♥️. Mom n I did the ancestry thing, btw… I gotta remember to send to you…
Paula Hamer: Congratulations, so exciting.
Brenda Lainof: Congratulations Jackie N. Rioux 🥳
Susan Olencki Giangiulio: Congratulations Jackie!
Sheryl Sinico: Congratulations! 🎈
Patty Varonnica Mac: So happy for you Jackie! 🎉🥳❤️✨Congratulations!
Penelope Daune: Congratulations ❤️ 🎊
Glenda Monett: ♥️🌹♥️ Congratulations! How wonderful! 🌹♥️🌹