Court of Atonement (COA) as authored by Amy Jo Ellis
I am all about self empowerment. That said, I connected with this lovely lady and her website in September of 2017. Since then, my life and the lives of many others, has drastically changed for the better.
Court of Atonement is something simple anyone can do to heal family patterns and any upsets/ discord with anyone.
The Court of Atonement is a spiritual healing modality. We request the Souls we are working with to meet each other in a sanctuary of healing (The Court of Atonement) so that these souls can discuss their differences beyond the constraints of human emotions. The souls decide how they are going to choose to proceed and the changes in energy are brought back to the cells in the body.
Conflicts often dissolve completely and the issues resolve.
Court: a place to reconcile differences
At-One-Ment: Bringing back into Wholeness
A place for souls to reconcile differences and to accept the reasons behind conflicts so they can be fully resolved.
FCOA can work on any conflict between two people or a situation.
FCOA always respects free will so we never know how things may be affected or unfold.
Always work on ourselves first either “change your beliefs” or “work on ourselves first” worksheets that are free within her blog or here in the FCOA folder:
Want to try it?
Simple Outline
1. I, _______ place myself, _______
2. Into a Full Court of Atonement
3. I bring in, ______________
4. For the purpose of, __________
5. I ask for positive resolution. I ask for, ________.
My Back Story: The following is a wonderfully fascinating story as to how I came to know Amy Jo Ellis and the Court of Atonement (COA) in September of 2017. I just have to share it here:
I am privileged to be on a few practitioner forums where we can share knowledge and success stories — an incredible source of encouragement! In August of 2017, I was scrolling through one forum and came across a post “Court of Atonement”, a spiritual intervention to heal family patterns. It looked interesting so I bought the downloadable booklet and read through Amy Jo’s captivating story of how she received and shared this prayer/ blessing. It seemed simple enough, so I tried out a few of her suggestions on myself and my family. A few days later, my oldest daughter messaged me asking if I did some relationship clearing on her as she had received a completely unexpected message from her first boyfriend from 20 years ago. He profusely apologized for everything that happened back then! A few days after that, my daughter had her largest one-transaction sale in all her sales years. Then a family member stopped drinking cold turkey.
Early in September 2017, I was just getting into bed one night when my intuition was tugging at me and suggesting I should post my experiences on a private international Emotion Code practitioner forum. I couldn’t sleep until I made that post. By morning there was an explosion of 100 comments and excited interest in COA. Later that day, a friend tagged me in a post where Amy Jo had asked about all the sudden interest. Amy Jo and I ended up on a 2 hour phone call! She is an absolutely delightful soul! Turns out that she had shared this COA booklet only a few months before and sold only 14 copies up until then, even though she sensed this would be an important and well loved gift to the world. Overnight she sold 46 copies and counting! At the same time that I had been posting my experiences, she had been asking her guides to “prove it”! How is this for synchronicity??!! I am so glad I listened to my intuition that night as so many energy practitioners have now found COA through international connections and are also sharing with their personal connections. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone to check out Amy Jo’s website and download the booklets, join the forums, and take some classes.
As for myself, I have been using COA with my clients before beginning sessions and it just seems to clear away all the “crud” and make way for energy healing on a much deeper level. I fondly call COA a spiritual laxative, in a good way! I am so thankful for Amy Jo sharing her gifts, and for the ripple effects it has had on my life in such a short time, as well as for those around me. Amy Jo would love feedback on any shifts you notice. The stories shared are nothing short of miraculous!!
How fast does COA work?? December 2017 — I have to share this one!! I had a client come just before Christmas. Her session went well, but in chatting afterwards, she told me that her daughter “did an about face” two years prior and they weren’t sure what she was into or where she was. The last contact was 3 months before, it was frantic, and then they lost contact again. Right then and there I called a full COA for her daughter. Just simply calling for soul recognition and facing anything she may be into that drew her away from home. This client called me the next evening to tell me that within 3 hours of her appointment with me, her daughter called and was coming home for Christmas. Two weeks later I got to meet this young lady for her own session!! Miracles happen!
July 2018: I took a very long road trip to Idaho to meet Amy Jo in person. Although we had chatted many times via video chat, meeting her in person was like meeting a long lost heart sister. I spent a week with her and we talked nonstop!!! So much learning and appreciation, and so much fun together!
I highly recommend each of the booklets, and any of the classes! Powerful!
Sign up through her website, or join the Facebook group.
Ladybug Wellness YouTube videos about Court of Atonement:
Court of Atonement booklets | Book Recommendations #6 | Ladybug Wellness | Ep. #23:
COA Case Study 2021 with Amy Jo | Finding the root cause | Ladybug Wellness Ep. #30:
Go straight to the Court of Atonement website here:
Please download the booklets for more information. There are several booklets available, some are translated into other languages as well.
This is a free download booklet from Amy Jo, Ancient Truths and Wisdom:
Join the Court of Atonement Facebook Group:
“This group is here to help each other learn a simple spiritual process called “The Court of Atonement” It is a command to the universe that directs the souls to meet behind the emotional constrains of the conscious mind, and duke it out! Once they gain full understanding of what each other has been through, the conscious mind seems to gain some insight into the situation and the perceived problems disappear.
This group is put together to share our successes as well as our failures. This way we can learn from each other as we grow!”
Because I have been connected with Amy Jo and the Court of Atonement forums ever since I connected with her in 2017, I have extensive information saved up. Many people reach out to me for assistance in learning about FCOA. Yes, it all can be so overwhelming, but I assure you that it is well worth it to improve your own life and the lives of others to take the time to delve into this simple yet profound energy healing modality. Trust Divine Timing!
Amy Jo is working on a certification project and an app. We are always learning as we go, so new information always being discovered as well.
I have found Excel to be an efficient and condensed way of saving and sharing information. I have a whole page of references and links regarding Court of Atonement:
Check out my Excel document organization projects here:
To see how I have used COA in my client sessions, go here: