Ancient Black Pearl Technique
CCMBA: Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment
CCSMC: Complete Cellular Soul Memory Clearing
Whether interested in just booking sessions, or taking training to learn Black Pearl technique, schedule time to invest in yourself now!
You can purchase the Black Pearl Online workshop using coupon code “merryladybug50” to receive a $50 CDN discount. Expires January 31 2025
Individual sessions information:
If you are interested in having a 90 minute Black Pearl technique session, book appointment here: ****
You’re also welcome to book in person or distance sessions with my daughter Melissa at Honeybee Inspirations:
Session Options: come for an in person session, a hands on meridian point therapy experience. You get to relax and hopefully sleep through this process.
Or have a distance rest and receive session. For distance, I will email before session to ensure you are resting for the duration, then after session to let you know session has completed. It is a good idea to continue resting and just allowing your body to process this deep energy healing.
***The processing time for this technique is two weeks, so you may notice subtle shifts over that time frame.
In the years I have been doing these sessions, I have not provided after session notes because I do not get any information as to what is it doing or processing for each unique individual. I just know it works on some deeply profound level.
Feedback varies with each individual as well. Some awake, some sleep, some agitated, some peaceful.
You may notice more subtle shifts over the next few weeks. Energy always shifts somewhere. And it is a uniquely individual experience.
Videos discussing Black Pearl technique:
Raelene, Melissa, and Mila all talk about their experiences with Black Pearl
Not interested in “training”? Consider this a value added investment for yourself. There is no expiry on this online workshop. The bonus that makes this a worthwhile investment is access to 3 pre-recorded session videos. Yes, you can just skip through to grab the bonuses, yours to download, and keep to use for yourself and loved ones.
Your choice if you decide to work through the material and learn the technique.
Online Training available: There are no prerequisites to take this workshop. Once you go through the material, you are welcome to use these techniques with your clients. You can also use the downloadable manual to create your own training class for your students.
Affiliate Option: You can request an affiliate option as well, even when you just sign up for the free previews. Share your affiliate link with your contacts. When your contact purchases this course initially through your link within 30 days, you will receive a 10% (CDN Funds) affiliate commission fee.
Note: Anyone signing up before December 31 2024 will receive a 10% affiliate commission fee. After that date it will be 5% available.

Sign up as a free preview, one time payment, or payment plan:
Yes I did out this course up for the Half Priced Deals promotion in November 2024:
I **might** do this again for the March promotion. Note: this is a contract through the radio station, you purchase through them only to get that deal, then contact me to redeem and enroll.
(Scroll down for more training information and details)
Black Pearl Technique:
The Ancient Chinese Black Pearl Technique works on your nervous, parasympathetic, sympathetic and neurovascular systems as well as your amygdala. A delightful combination of meridian clearing and energy healing it releases deep-seated traumas and stress from these systems. When these systems are stress free, the amygdala shrinks and becomes like a black pearl, hence the name. The Black Pearl Technique focuses on a deep level healing of the amygdala to release trauma, as well as balancing the fight or flight system. The processing time for this technique is two weeks, so you may notice subtle shifts over that time frame.
The Electrics are a subtle energy system that interconnects with all the other energy systems as well as the physical body. At a physical level, our cells generate electricity. Every cell in the body is a miniature battery. The movement of electrically charged ions at the cellular level is the basic building block in the complex electromagnetic workings of your “body electric.” Every muscle you move, everything though you think, every morsel of food you digest involves electrical activity. Your feelings, memories, and thoughts are coded in patterns of tiny electrical impulses. Electrical fields help regulate tissue growth in the fetus and promote tissue regeneration in adults.
The amygdalae are almond-shaped groups of neurons located deep within the medial temporal lobes of the brain. Shown in research to perform a primary role in the processing and memory of emotional reactions, the amygdalae are considered part of the limbic system. The amygdalae perform primary roles in the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events. Research indicates that during fear conditioning, sensory stimuli reach the basolateral complexes of the amygdalae, particularly the lateral nuclei, where they form associations with memories of the stimuli.
Researcher Neil Slade discussed the part of the brain called the amygdala, which controls anti-anxiety, anti-fear, and your advanced positive emotions. He likened the amygdala to the a “junction box” inside the brain, which can be switched back and forth between the powerful frontal lobe region and the “less advanced part” which spawns depression, anger, and the “flight or flight” response. In their everyday life, Slade observed people are constantly facing challenges and stresses that force their amygdala forward and activating the frontal lobe.
Two Certification Workshops in One Day!
Black Pearl and CCMBA training
This class will be both CCMBA (Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment) and Black Pearl as these techniques work together.
Inside each one of us there exists an infinite source of wisdom, healing energy and an unlimited reservoir of possibilities that are waiting to be awakened. Let’s awaken these in you!
Learn an extraordinarily powerful and peaceful energy technique to heal and reverse challenging health conditions!
• These techniques are very powerful, yet very easy to learn and facilitate.
• This workshop embeds skilled techniques which you can take home with you.
• Neither previous experience, nor any special levels of skill nor intuition are required to become a CCMBA healer and trainer.
• Anyone can learn this technique and immediately turn around and help others.
• One will honestly be amazed at how simple, yet powerfully effective it can be.
• Both individuals wanting personal healing as well as therapists seeking new ways to complement and enhance their practices will find this work of high interest.
• And the results available via this technique can sometimes be surprisingly fast
1. Learn & experience the phenomenal C.C.M.B.A./C.C.S.M.C.
CCMBA Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment * CCSMC Complete Cellular Soul Memory Clearing
Amazing Electro-magnetic phenomenon + DNA Clearing
The CCMBA technique was originated by Dr. Sharon Forrest ( who is a medical doctor, a naturopathic doctor, a homeopathic doctor, a psychologist and a nutritionist who has some highly unique energetic & spiritual healing gifts. She has been studied by researchers, and is world renowned for her healing techniques. She was directed to go heal people and propagate the techniques to all of humanity.
The CCMBA technique is a simple hands-on energetic healing modality where, through prayer, universal healing energy is channeled through the facilitator to the healee. It has repeatedly has been claimed by researchers to be the most powerful “Hands-On-Healing” Technique in the medical and spiritual fields today and written up in 100s of books.
CCMBA is the Mind/Body Healing technique that reconnects us to the fullness of the universe and who we are, removing barriers in the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of our being that prevent us from living to our true potential.
In healing, some traumas and experiences are needed to be dealt with directly and brought into full conscious awareness because of the learning, forgiveness and gifts to be found within them. Others are chosen by Spirit and your Higher Self to be cleared without conscious reintegration, free of fear and pain.
“Experience the Law of Grace, which takes precedence over the Law of Karma. The CCMBA Energy works with the Higher Self on the individual’s issues no matter what they are and obtains results! The Energy targets the problem wherever it exists and works on all levels, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.” ~ Dr. Sharon Forrest (Developer and world-renowned healer)
Benefits of CCMBA include, but are not limited to:
• Release of deep-seated emotional and physical trauma from this life or past lives
• Correction of chronic back/neck pain and/or scoliosis
• Realignment of broken bones
• Release of toxins and poisons from the body
• Divine spiritual awakening
• Increase in energy level
• Release of non-desirable habits
• Increase in natural healing abilities
• New outlook on life and so much more…
Reports have shown the restoration of chronic back or musculoskeletal pain, scoliosis, cancer, in-curable conditions, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, migraines, emotional trauma & much more.
There are several benefits from doing the C.C.M.B.A. and C.C.S.M.C. often. Each time you experience them you will work on something different, and you will experience something different, often on higher, deeper, more profound levels.
If you would like to read testimonials about CCMBA healings, please refer to Dr. Sharon’s website:
Tremendous healing potential is available via this technique for any physical conditions or traumas.
To purchase the book:
2. The Ancient Chinese Black Pearl Technique: Trauma release and relaxation technique.
We have recreated the Black Pearl Manual with new pictures and updated information.
The Ancient Chinese Black Pearl Technique works on your nervous, parasympathetic, sympathetic and neurovascular systems as well as your amygdala to promote complete relaxation and rejuvenation. A delightful combination of meridian clearing and energy healing it releases deep-seated traumas and stress from these systems. When these systems are stress free, the amygdala shrinks and becomes like a black pearl, hence the name. A healing gem that is hard to describe. Words don’t do it justice.
This Black Pearl Technique is a wonderful gentle method for neuro-vascular recalibration. This hands-on body modality makes use of massage-like techniques while bringing attention to specific meridian energy points.
Having a direct influence on the amygdala and our emotions, the technique allows the body, mind, and spirit to succumb to a calm, peaceful balanced state creating a sacred space for balance and healing to begin.
You will learn to work on:
– Central Nervous System
– The Circulatory System
– The Meridian Pathways
– The Subtle Energy System which are connected to every cell in the body and are in constant contact with one another
– there are 30 points you will learn to work on
Here are some of the benefits one can expect with having Black Pearl 90 minute sessions
• it releases deep-seated traumas & stress from the amygdala (almond-shaped groups of neurons located deep within the medial temporal occipital lobes of the brain) which works on the parasympathetic, sympathetic & neuro-vascular systems. It performs a primary role in the processing & memory of emotional reactions, the formation & storage of memories with emotional events & fear responses (such as freezing (immobility), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), increased respiration & stress-hormone release.
• releases ways our flow in life was stopped.
• releases congested energy caused by sitting for long periods of time, wearing a belt or snug waistbands.
• releases congested, blocked, or stored stress, deeply woven traumas, sexual energy and/or abuse and trauma.
• releases congested intellectual knowledge that prevents from tapping into true wisdom, opening 3rd eye & sets focus.
• restores blood flow and gets the electrolytes circulating throughout the brain.
• opens up all the neuro-vascular holding points.
• completes the central and governing meridian circuitry and quiets the client down.
• influences brain activity (3rd eye).
• helps deal with being obsessed about something (spleen).
• helps deal with the emotion of bitterness (gallbladder).
• helps deal directly with the emotions of rage a/o injustice, and things you can’t stomach (stomach).
• helps deal directly with the emotions of self-disappointment and self-anger (liver).
• connects the heart of God (crown chakra) with your heart (heart chakra).
• taps into a natural rhythm the fetus experienced inside the mother’s womb. This rhythm stays with us and is an easy way to reset the nervous system, calm the body and shift emotional patterns.
• calms the kidney meridian and grounds the ‘balancing’ and ‘healing’ energies (kidney).
• uses Triple Warmer to ease trauma, calm stress/shakiness, bounce back from chronic insomnia or fatigue, helps ADD & ADHD.
Details of training:
Thank you for your interest. Black Pearl is AHHHHMAZING 🙂
What’s the hold up? Full disclosure? ME. Honestly. This has taken me way longer than it should have as I am having to learn video taping and editing as well as personally getting over my camera and video hang ups. For some people it may seem easy, but notsomuch for me. However, each time I learn something new, I uplevel myself and my business. Bonus is that I fully share my own journey of encouragement with you.
Some of my story:
I had offered Black Pearl Technique as the free weekly remote session back in February of 2020 when I started the free weekly remote sessions offer.
More recently, when Black Pearl was offered as the free session on March 5 2023 and September 3 2023, we stirred up so much interest in training and learning this amazing technique! Although I had tons of interest from people everywhere, it is difficult to set up an online training for an 8 hour class with so many different time zones.
Melissa (Honeybee Inspirations) and I led a training class June 10 2023 with one student in person and one online. The class went very well. I had previously considered offering training classes in person more often; however, I am now in the process of creating this training as an online course that will be available to learn at your own pace with no time zone issues.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate how to offer this training with the upgraded information. My own training several years ago was through a practitioner who had charged more, taught these classes separately, and did not include the upgraded information.
It is my intention to offer you a better learning experience as I have many wonderful stories from my own experiences with clients.
September 8 2023:
I do have lots ready, and I am now signed up with Thinkific teaching platform. I just don’t have a specific date for launch just yet, but I am doing my best to have this available sooner than later.
So… it is coming asap!! Will be announced in website and in scheduler auto emails. I update that all myself as well so sometimes I am a bit behind, all while juggling client appointments and personal responsibilities. 😄
I feel like I am creatively constipated: Tons of ideas, just a little slow on getting it all out and up for clients to access.
Teaching a class in person is no problem, but trying to offer something online so other time zones can participate has been a little daunting for me with all the techie issues etc.
I am doing my best to present this as an online “course” rather than a day training. Bonus is that there is a full session via video that can be downloaded and used repeatedly.
I am trusting Divine Timing…
The best bonus is that within this online course, I have created pre-recorded session videos that can be played and repeated any time you want a session for yourself.
Note: If you are interested in training, please email me to inquire so I can add you to my “first to know” waiting list: [email protected]
April 2024: The online facilitator course is finally completed and available:
Dr Sharon: