Jackie is an intuitive healer, energy practitioner,
facilitator, mother, grandmother.
A perpetual student always eager to learn
and to assist others in finding and enhancing
their own life journey.
Thank you for exploring my website. I have been asked many times why I do what I do, and WHY? How did I get HERE? My life has been an incredible journey of learning, synchronicities and epiphanies. My gift is to share my journey with you, to be an inspiration and encouragement to others. I am my own walking testimony! It has been a long road, but I am so thankful to assure you that I am now living my passion. I am an energy practitioner in several modalities. It takes a while to realize that our greatest trauma is often our greatest gift towards our future and our life purpose. I feel it is very important in energy work to have a practitioner that you feel comfortable with, so with that in mind I would like to introduce you to ME.
I will be the first to admit that I am far from perfect. I am a work in progress. Always learning and intrigued with life. My experiences have given me a twisted sense of humor which will become apparent. Despite this, there is some level of intelligence somewhere in here. I endured four separate cases of varying degrees of childhood sexual abuse from ages 6 to 14. These ordeals and the resulting shame and low self esteem contributed to many years of being bullied and withdrawn through my early school years. I also had made many poor choices in life, particularly with relationships. I was a teen mom. I have weathered divorce, (twice!) and had my fair share of heartaches learning my lessons in life. I raised four children alone as a single mother for many years, faced numerous obstacles, and learned to stand up and represent myself (and my children!), even in front of a judge. I was a shy little door mat at one time. Now I have turned those early experiences into my journey of triumph to share with others. My story has been published June 2017 through Heal Thy Self Wisdom at Powerful You Publishing.
My coping skills were to collect encouraging quotes and poems to share with friends. This eventually turned into the extensive part of my website, Jackie’s Compilations. This website is my outlet to share anything that has been significant and helpful to me in hopes that this may empower someone else who is going through similar life’s troubles. I have found that most people bookmark my site to come back to time and again. You will find various links and tidbits of wisdom, humor, and insights that have been a resource for me.
I have four adult children and 5 grandchildren, plus many ‘adopt-a-kids’. I am a Taurus, and yes, I’m bull-headed. I’m also very “well grounded”, or so I’m told. Kind of amazing when you consider that I am a Taurus, a redhead, half German, a bit Irish, and a former postal worker! From 1990 to 2016 I worked for Canada Post in Operations, Retail, and as a Letter Carrier — “Your Friendly Neighborhood Rockin Postie”. Back in 1997, a friend called me “Ourladyposte” which seems to come from my rock music interests combined with my love of reading and writing. That has been my online name for many years.
My life really took a turn after a second failed marriage in 2004 and I had to face “Rock Bottom” with ulcer issues, poor finances, and loneliness in the worst way. I was an emotional wreck, yet this was where my own advancement accelerated. I describe the resulting synchronicities like a pin ball machine in how I met certain influential mentors, teachers, and business people who catapulted my personal growth to new levels. I am so thankful for a few instrumental people in my life who influenced my interest in psychology and human nature. I started taking University courses in 2008. I decided on a bucket list goal of earning a degree and in June 2018 I graduated with an “Associate Degree of Arts, Psychology Concentration”. I love learning and I am enjoying all that further education has to offer. Since 2009 I have taken several energy psychology courses and have now turned this all into my business called Ladybug Wellness. Eventually I was able to retire early from the post office and focus solely on my passion. With all my past experience in life, I know that the modalities I offer greatly reduce stress and facilitate the human body to begin healing itself. I have been privileged to witness life changing transformations in many of my clients.
Many people classify me as a “healer”. For a long time I had issues with that title thanks to my religious upbringing. I have now stepped into my role of realizing that what I do is facilitate the body to heal itself through the energy balancing techniques I use with my friends, family, clients, and myself.
“A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself”. ~Maryam Hasnaa
My leisure time interests include reading, hiking, dancing, bargain hunting, road trips, music and playing with energy. Before I leave this world I want to swim with dolphins, travel to see castles, and who knows what else yet… so keep checking back for updates. I have had a few fears in my life such as fear of being on stage, fear of heights, and fear of confined spaces. I faced these fears head on through modeling, skydiving, and scuba diving. Some day I think I should write a book of all my anecdotes and funny stories from all my experiences in life. We have so many, and I have often been a chatterbox sharing these stories. If anything a book would be a treasure for my children.
There is an analogy that I have heard many times from inspirational speakers. The story goes that before we come to Earth, we sit with God and choose our life purpose and the people to have in our lives to help us learn our life lessons. On one of my road trips, I listened to some Wayne Dyer seminar CDs. He told the same story, but this time I laughed out loud at the epiphany moment!! Wayne Dyer explained that in his case, God asked him what his life purpose would be. He said “I’d like to teach people to be independent”. So God said, “Ok, we’ll give you an alcoholic father who leaves you at a young age, an absent mother, and you’ll grow up in orphanages and learn to become independent. Then you can teach others to be independent”. Wow!! It finally made sense of all the troubles I have been through in my life. It is a completely different perspective in life to see everything as a choice that I MADE to fulfill my life purpose and lessons. To understand the people in my life, are those I CHOSE to be there. To love me or to hurt me and to teach me things I would not have learned otherwise. Through Akashic records I was told I came here to encourage others. I am pretty sure that my life was meant to teach others to overcome trauma as well. Why else would I chose the people I have had in my life, and the hardships I have been through?
A dear friend (Eric T.) once told me that I am like a forget-me-not flower, and that I leave a good impression on those who meet me. I hope that becomes apparent through your tour of my site. ~ Jackie

Aura Pic 2017 by Hidden Lights Aura Pics, Colin Burke Prince George