GRIT | Story Athlete GRIT: Jackie’s Journey of Transformation

Story Athlete GRIT: Jackie’s Journey of Transformation

I joined the Story Athlete community in April 2020, not knowing what I was getting into. There was a lot of swearing in the first few days while I settled in to this new transformative way of life. While I did take a few months off, I missed the camaraderie with my Story Athlete tribe. This is my daily form of self care, it has become a way of life and this program has changed me for the better in all areas of life. I am so grateful for the networking and business connections I have made through connecting with each and every member of Story Athlete. I look forward to expanding my own perspectives and knowledge by reading my team mates’ contexts each day as well.

Story Athlete is the community, GRIT is the monthly game challenge. We have a whole section on FUEL which is CJ’s nutrition section. There is also a whole section of Asset Specialists investing coaching.

Join me in the next monthly challenge of GRIT! Go Here:

The Story Athlete Way is also known as, “The Way of the Heroic Self.” It is not a fitness program. This is a program for people who keep quitting on themselves. Lesser Self vs. Heroic Self.

“If I’m a weak foundation, I can’t possibly build a strong Business, Life, or Family. And a weak foundation is the person who lacks GRIT, has a Default-NO mindset, and is dominated by the Lesser Self. Time to change that.” ~ Story Athlete GRIT

THIS COMMUNITY Is One Of The Most Transformative Programs Ever Devised.
Hard(er) To Kill; Mentally, Physically, Financially

Story Athlete GRIT: The Destruction of the Lesser Self. 28 days of Transformation.
“I am defined by the story I tell myself. I play the game of IODs (Impact of the Day). I travel the 1% journey. I am on a mission to defeat my lesser self. I choose to live a challenge-based life. I am becoming harder to kill every day. I AM A STORY ATHLETE.

Who is Ryan Fletcher?:

We have a targeted workout each day, and then a context writing. This process, along with the no excuses philosophy is what keeps us encouraged to keep going each and every day. Our only competition is ourselves. It is the Lesser Self that is likely to give up on ourselves, but the Heroic Self won’t give up on our team mates!

This is the 1% journey of doing a little bit every day, continuously. In this way. our progress is compounded drastically over time. I am investing in myself, because that way I get the best returns!

Why do I share such personal stories and put myself out there for the world to see?

Life is a journey to becoming our true authentic selves. Do we choose to coast along through life at the mercy of external events, reacting as we go. Or do we take the bull by the horns so to speak, step into our own power, and encourage others to do the same?

I learned many years ago that my life purpose is to inspire others through sharing how I overcame the traumas of my past. The more I have stepped into this role, the better my personal life has become with miracles unfolding around me. This has been the original purpose of the Ladybug Wellness website.

I had no idea what I was getting into when I joined Story Athlete in April of 2020. I continue to renew my membership there because the connections made through this self improvement program have been integral to my own personal growth and well being.   

We create an integration between Mind, Body, Business/ Personal Growth, and Relationships. Like the 4 wheels of a vehicle, if one aspect is imbalanced, the rest do not work well. We correct that balance through the challenge of BECOMING our Heroic self!

Again, why do I share my personal stories so publicly?

Accountability: By sharing my musings with you, I am driven to remain accountable to my own goals and writings. 

Personal Growth: By sharing publicly, I shine a fog light on myself to show me where I need to grow and to address my own issues. If you have followed my daily GRIT writings, you may have noticed that my writings and my outlook have improved from my first day until now.

Connection: Through sharing publicly, I am able to connect with kindred spirits. If I can overcome and triumph in my own life, others may feel that they also can step into their own power as well. My musings also serve as a filter for those who may not feel they resonate with me. Nonetheless, I cherish each connection I make. (See words of encouragement above).    

My daily context writings have become somewhat of a blog during the time I have been in the Story Athlete community. Please see the Ladybug Wellness site map for my collection of daily context writings, categorized by the months I participated in the monthly GRIT challenge.

Jackie’s Testimonial:
May 24 2020
Most of you know that I joined StoryAthlete GRIT April 4 2020.
Many of you also know that I have managed to get over my camera fears enough to work with clients on video, and to be on camera on webinars, but I still have been frozen in trying to do “selfie” type videos.
Well, Ryan requested some testimonials for GRIT, with video! I managed to step up and do a selfie type video. This is the unedited video that I submitted, along with a written testimonial as well.
If you are interested in joining, please message me!!! It is amazing!
“What does StoryAthlete mean to me? Community! I am likely to give up on myself, but with my GRIT warrior tribe, I have felt encouraged, inspired, and driven to come through for my team! It doesn’t matter our age, weight, or background; as long as we have GRIT integrity, we’re all in! The diversity in our experiences brings different perspectives to our daily context writing, and I find this is a valuable source of encouragement and learning.
What Body transformation are you most proud of? Although I have not shed any weight yet, I have gained muscle tone and a better feeling of myself overall in being hopeful that this is the right track for me to get back to my ideal weight. As an energy practitioner, I have already extensively worked on the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of myself. My physical self has been severely misaligned since retiring from a physically exhausting job four year ago. I am a work in progress and I am appreciating this 1% journey. My physical well being had fallen behind, but I am now in my second round of GRIT and loving the transformation so far.
What Mind transformation are you most proud of? Renewed hope. I had been so down on myself when I first started GRIT that my first day was a whole lot of swearing and berating myself. I now have a renewed sense of hope that I can and will return to my ideal weight!
What Business transformation are you most proud of? As an energy practitioner, I am my own walking testimony. To be an example to my clients, I want to be fully aligned on all levels of my being. Story Athlete GRIT addresses Mind + Body + Business + Relationships in a balance that is sustainable for the long term and this makes me feel much better about the example I am setting in my wellness business.
What Relationship transformation are you most proud of? Realizing I found my tribe in the GRIT community. These are people who are dedicated to their own personal growth and are dedicated to encouraging others through their stories of becoming their Heroic Self. This has been my path, and now I have a community of dear souls on the same path!

Beth Foley: Looking great xxx
Kim Wilkin: Love you , your looking beautiful ❤
Nataša Martinec: Yaay Jackie, well done!!!
Kirsta Scranton: Beautiful.
Carmen Der Kinderen: You go girl! I’ve been on the same page as you, and just starting on a program today!💜
Lesley Hill: You go girl! So happy for you, well done!
Brenda Lainof: Excellent Jackie!
Jeana Locke: powerful…inspiring…great post.
Janet Riganti: Go girl!!
Ruth Kent: So very pround of YOU. Bravo Sweet Lady
Judy Anaka: good on you hun !! motivation is the toughest!!
Marsha Greene: Awesome Jackie
Barbara Loutzenhiser Goggins: Awe you are so pretty Jackie! Love you!
Paula Hamer: Good job girl!
Denise Homer-Goodwin: Yea.! You go girl❤ You’re Awesome!
Jill Tracy Sutter: Great job, Jackie!
Ad Dav: GIF BOOM!!
Jackie N. Rioux: Perfect! Gettin er DONE!!
Lana Eide: Even more beautiful than you were in high school Jackie ! Miss that face !! ❤

May 26 2020
Guadalupe Guerrero Haselmeyer
Who remembers Lou? This is his oldest daughter Jacqueline
Marissa Bretado Guerrero: Si se parece a el./ If it looks just like him.
Guadalupe Guerrero Haselmeyer: Si se parece mucho , aunque a Lou lo conocimos sin pelo, había sido pelirrojo como ella./ If it’s much alike, even though we knew Lou without hair, he had been a ginger like her.

Laura Guerrero: Se parece mucho a él, en sus gestos sobre todo/ Looks a lot like him, in his gestures above all
Guadalupe Guerrero Haselmeyer: Es una gran persona/ He is a great person
Vanessa De Ruiz: Si está igualita a el/ Yes it looks just like him

November 29 2021
My very first video was a testimonial for Story Athlete GRIT. I have been in this amazing program membership since April of 2020. I have grown and changed in that time, so here is another video testimonial.

This program is an integration of Mind, Body, Business (personal growth) and Relationships. Like four wheels on a car, if one tire goes flat, the car is screwed. Your only competition is yourself. You may give up on yourself, but having an encouraging team to cheer you on team keeps us accountable. A story athlete finds a way.

This truly is an incredible community and I have determined I will be ALL IN for the long haul!

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***