Toxins: Individual Energy Toxins

Individual Energy Toxins:

March 12 2023:
Our bodies are made up of a chemical composition. Water, hydrogen, proteins, etc. Biology and chemistry science classes super fascinating to learn about our bodies.

When I started out taking energy balancing courses, one of the early classes I took was on Energy Toxins. Absolutely eye opening in learning about substances in our environment that can affect our health and wellbeing detrimentally. These substances can be in the foods we eat and ingest, the air we breathe, topical substances on our skin which all may be our choices, but we can also be affected by all sorts of substances that we do not necessarily realize are affecting us. For example, household cleaners, toiletries and personal care items, art supplies, renovation materials, smog, and anything else that is in our environments.

In understanding individual energy toxins, we need to understand that the energy composition of a substance may not be compatible with the energy composition of our bodies. This is a similar idea to how allergies develop, but different on an energetic level, and this can be the root cause of an issue.

Regardless if a food is deemed healthy or not, the energy composition and compatibility with our unique body composition will be the underlying reason why certain foods are good for us vs. those that are not.
When we consider that we are each unique individually with experiences, traumas, ancestral DNA memories, etc., we realize that investigating toxins and their effects on our health and wellness is an extensive undertaking. Thankfully energy balancing sessions can find the root issues quickly and non invasively.

“The Pulse Test” by Arthur Coca. This was a recommended reading for my toxin courses years ago. It is a very old book but excellent basis information to understand how toxins affect our bodies.

“In 1956, Arthur F. Coca, M. D., published a book that described a simple way to test for hidden causes for many health conditions. The method was the result of a serendipitous improvement from a problem his wife had experienced. He then experimented with the method on his patients and found many other conditions that improved. His conclusion was that these conditions were actually symptoms of true food allergies or hidden food sensitivities.
His method was simple, check your pulse rate at precise times several times before and after digesting a single food item and look for an increase in pulse rate. This could be a long process to test all possible offending foods”.
The Pulse Test, PDF download:

For our toxin course, we learned about “Individual Energy Toxins” through the morning. Then we went for a buffet lunch. Personally, I love food and try everything. This is the point of the buffet lunch.
When we returned from lunch, our instructors watched for people exhibiting symptoms of toxins.
For example: Burping, hiccups, flatulence, sensitivities to light and sound, bloating, irritability, and feeling sleepy are all signs of toxicities.

Personally, I used to take 2 teaspoons of white sugar in my tea. Of course, I had tea with my lunch that day. I was dozing a bit and our instructor called me to the front. We checked and tested (applied kinesiology muscle testing) what I had ingested for lunch. White sugar failed. We corrected this toxin and I felt wide awake and bright lights around me.
That is just one example.

We watched a video from Dr Doris Rapp called “Five Allergic Kids”. It was all about kids with simple allergies to dairy, wheat, nuts etc. It was informative and very interesting to learn how the energetic toxins attribute to behavior issues. Their demeanor changed like a night and day difference. One young boy went from sitting quietly to having to be held down by 6 adults because he was flailing and screaming so much. That one was upsetting to watch, but it is a memorable example of how toxins can affect us.

We learned that out of our five favorite foods, it is likely that three of them are energetically toxic for us. When the body is flooded with toxins, our receptors are imbalanced and we actually crave our toxins. Once corrected and avoided, the body can balance back into natural homeostasis.

Because toxins highly affect our energy system, they can also highly affect the heart. Information here:
Thought Field Therapy (TFT) And Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | Dr. Roger Callahan
The Heart of Health: Prevent Heart Problems with TFT and Heart Rate Variability

Also from toxin course, we learned that not a single person tests ok for 4 major brands of laundry detergent and air fresheners, whether scented or unscented. There are base chemicals in those products that imbalance absolutely everyone. Get them right out of your home. Knowing this information all these years, I have noticed when some people have excessive anxiety, depression, and ongoing health issues, their laundry detergent and air fresheners have tested as the culprit. Once removed, health and issues have improved.
We learned that just because a substance is “healthy” or “not healthy” has no bearing on it being an Individual Energy Toxin. One instructor had cases where a client tested ok for chewing tobacco and another tested not ok for an organic carrot.

Having a basis knowledge of toxins, we can learn to muscle test for ourselves for any potential purchases.

We have polarities all thru our body. Your energy can be “reversed” from ingesting or being exposed to these individual energy toxins. There are many ways to correct reversals.
This 3-point tapping sequence is actually a polarity reversal sequence:

Here is a video where I explain overcoming digestive issues:
The book is Allergies: Disease in Disguise by Carolee Bateman Koch

I finally put together all this concept by combining knowledge from several courses, books, and tying it all together with an Abnormal Psych class epiphany.
Our sympathetic system activates the Fight/flight/ freeze/ fawn response. This is a normal and necessary system to activate adrenaline and shuts down digestion so we can get out of dangerous or uncomfortable situations. It is supposed to work that way, but when you have too much ongoing stress, and keep eating when stomach shut down, it causes digestive issues. In Abnormal psych class, they explained that the sympathetic system breaks down with too much trauma and gets stuck in a high anxiety state. Knowing this explains a lot of what I see in all sorts of my own experiences and client cases.

Stress Bucket: Our energy’s first priority is to keep our blood PH balanced. If it is just a few points either side of balanced, it creates convulsions or coma. Our body is supposed to work like a machine. Toxicities, stresses, live events, trauma, etc. all adds to our “stress bucket”. Once this figurative bucket overflows, imbalances are much more noticeable and prevalent.
We need to take actions to lessen and or cope through the issues that overflow our stress bucket.

Toxins: How to Identify and Neutralize What is Harming You. Online class with Joanne Callahan. I took my diagnostic level TFT training with Joanne back in 2010. The barrel effect is an interesting concept and one I have referred to continuously in my work with clients.

From experience with client cases, I had a situation with a young child presenting with elimination issues. It turned out to be a toxin overload issue of eating way too much of their favorite fruit. Once we corrected the toxin, and they avoid the fruit for a while, the body was able to get back into balance and the issues subsided.

I have many stories and examples of correcting toxins with my own family over the years. Here are a few: 
My son was nauseous after going for a bike ride. Turned out to be car exhaust.
My grandson was power spewing each dose of needed medicine. We corrected the toxicity of each dose so he could keep the medicine down so it could work for him.
Alcohol is not necessarily a toxin for everyone, but different kinds may be. My daughter enjoys Sangrias which are usually made with rum. She had quite a sickly reaction to vodka but we managed to correct that toxin quickly.

I took an Abnormal Psych class which was downright frustrating for me having taken so many energy balancing courses beforehand. Basically, if you have a certain list of traits, you get a diagnosis of the associated disorder, and a prescription pill.
The original DISM 1 was an inch thick. They’re on DISM 6 now and it’s about 5 inches thick. What does that tell you of the psychology system?
Through holistic learning, I can tell you that anxiety can have many causes and roots but balancing the gut and getting proper sleep relieves the majority of it. Addressing Individual Energy Toxins can be an essential first approach to relieving many medical and mental health issues.

Medical Medium, Anthony Williams: Advanced holistic knowledge of the effects our daily food has on our bodies and how disease develops. The first book has a 28 day cleanse that can get the body back on track.
The Facebook page can be a valuable resource with extensive explanation posts for every topic imaginable.

I particularly love the Medical Medium Heavy Metal cleanse smoothie:
wild blueberries (more anti-oxidants in wild),
1 cup of cilantro which is an amazing detox ingredient on its own,
a few tablespoons orange juice
and Atlantic Dulse (seaweed)

I’m one of those observers that love to scan surroundings and “people watch”. Human nature is fascinating. I remember sitting with a mentor years ago while he described strangers by what he observed. One thing stuck out for them then. He pointed out one person and said that one is a smoker. I asked how can you tell from across the cafe. A smoker’s skin is dull and you can see this clearly when the sunlight shines on them.
These days I can “read” their energy instead. Always fascinating.

In a Tucson Dowsers webinar with Sandee Mac, we learned all about energetic allergies. I have found this in my own family and clients. Allergies to a another person, to money, to air and water. Fascinating. Watch the replay here:
Zoom Presentation featuring Sandee Mac: Let’s Clear Those Allergies!

Physical toxins can wreak havoc on our bodies. I was a skinny mini all my life until after a nasty divorce, an ulcer, and a chemical imbalance caused me to gain weight. I have learned so much about the emotional causes of weight gain, and I have addressed that in any way I can.
An ulcer was thought to have been caused by stress, but in 1982, a scientist discovered that it is actually a bacteria called H. Pylori that causes ulcers. Stress and toxins just aggravate the conditions.

Toxins though, I learned the hard way and far too late, don’t always flush from our systems, especially when we keep ingesting toxins without realizing their effects.
For about 10 years I had been drinking a brand name cappuccino drink. I do remember it used to upset my stomach, so I switched to powdered form and a bit more diluted than the coffee shop. Unfortunately, it was only after 10 years that I realized an ingredient was “asulphame potassium”, which is a similar artificial chemical sweetener like aspartame.

When we have toxins in our bodies, fat cells form around the toxins in attempts to protect your body. This is why pretty much every method of detoxing promotes flushing toxins in order to flush the reason for fat cells. This works great in theory, as long as you can cut out the offending toxin as well.
I am still a work in progress on the weight issue.

From Ayurvedic teachings:
People often think that they have allergies because they have various symptoms like feeling heavy after eating, heartburn, burping, bloating and just feeling off in general. It’s true you might have food allergies or sensitivities but more often than not what you have is toxicity in your digestive tract.
If you feel heavy after eating then you have phlegm in your stomach,
If you have heartburn within an hour of eating then you suffer from either low stomach acid or high stomach acid
If you have bloating or gas 3 to 4 hours after eating then you have toxicity in your colon.
How can you tell if you have toxicity in your digestive tract?
Well, by the above symptoms but also by looking at your tongue in the mirror!
Your tongue should have a pinkish reddish colour and not be coated.
If you see a white or yellowish or greenish coating on your tongue then you have toxicity in your digestive tract.

Compassion, Kindness, Appreciation: The Immune System of the Self. Steven Stosny


Fears can affect how our body processes toxins. A little amusing anecdote:
A guy fell off a construction building. Serious and near fatal. Before going under for surgery, the doc asked if he was allergic to anything. Seeing the grim looks in their faces he said yes: Gravity. That lightened the mood and he pulled thru.

Discussion from practitioner forum:
Kate Æ Strong March 8 2016
in working through my PTSD, and making really big headway in the last week on my hypervigilance which of course is great for intuitive work but ultimately not sustainable, taxes the endocrine system something bad.
I opened my emails this morning and saw the usual slew of advice about magnesium deficiency or needing this vitamin or that etc. I have so many vitamins and stuff, so many books and manuals which I started to sell because I just wasn’t using anything.
It got me thinking, in what ways do I think about what I take in? Like do I always feel that I have to take this or that because I’m deficient? I mean the world would tell you we are deficient, but what if its our thinking that’s the issue, and the lack doesn’t come from vitamins but is the way we approach life?
I have to take new homeopathies today because I’m working on a slow detox to get my mercury fillings out, and I was bracing myself for the effects, and I thought, what if these drops are going to make me feel awesome, what if they are supporting me? Why am I fearing this? Why am I cagey about taking this in?
I mean look at Anita Moorjani, she had all that radiation and chemo in her body and it wasn’t an issue. I always come back to her. That’s how I healed my scalp condition, my fear of using regular old shampoo for fear of chemicals and toxins. When I went back to good old regular shampoo and stopped fearing the effects of the world on my body it healed.
So, my need to be healthy can be the problem. Its fear based. I just wanted to say what if we weren’t deficient? What if its our beliefs that’s the issue?

Jackie N. Rioux: Yes, I would agree fear based. And searching outside ourselves for answers? The thing I have issue with supplements and medicines of all types is some of the marketing behind it. We are all unique and have individuals needs, as well as our own individual energy toxins which can be anything whether healthy or not.
While some supplements and medicines are beneficial, I feel we need to do our own research and ‘testing’ to see if it is something that we actually need or can benefit from, or are we blindly following marketing hype?
If your intuition is as honed as most practitioners are, perhaps listening to these doubts is a sign that it is NOT good for you or an intuitive heads up there may be a reaction that needs clearing for the benefits to come thru? In TFT there is a toxin fix for times when a medicine is needed but is ‘toxic’. The fix clears the toxin so the benefit can come thru.


My own celery juice experience
January 14 2019
Celery juice. I little rant and a rave. Through some of my practitioner forums, I was introduced to Medical Medium, and Anthony Williams back in 2017. I bought some of his books. Fall of 2017 I tried the 28 day reset detox. I lasted about 14 days before I just got too hungry. I actually cheated a lot, but did continue with the absolute basic “16 oz celery juice on empty stomach in the morning”. I shed 11 lbs then. Fast forward to now. I invested in a juicer in December and have been drinking 16 oz of celery juice most mornings. I am not sticking with the entire detox reset, just the celery juice and not even every day. But, for the most part, I have been doing this “most” mornings for about the past month.
My rant and rave? OMIGOSH!!! The idea behind celery juice is that it resets your stomach acid. Your stomach, in energetic terms, is your other brain. Your nutrition and digestion are the absolute basis of how everything in your body works! It is your fuel! I have some basic biology and chemistry knowledge, as well as all my energy practitioner trainings. So the celery juice idea actually makes sense to me, no matter what anyone out there tries to debunk. Know what? I, like so many others concerned with health and nutrition, have spent wayyy too much money on supplements and dietary programs and “superfoods” etc and while they can help, nothing seems to have the same effect as what I have found with (inexpensive!) celery juice!!! (All these companies are choked that they are losing money when people find this simple low cost method works way better! Just celery juice and conscious clean eating otherwise.
The mornings I have celery juice, I find that I have more energy, my body seems to work properly (digestion and energy) and no more brain fog! My body “feels” clean, and my skin is softer.
I have tried a few “name brand” protein shakes programs, keto, and other remedies as well. None so far have given me the same effects as plain old celery juice. And it costs wayyy less and not much effort. So, that is MY experience with celery juice. I have shared some of Medical Medium’s videos and other information regarding the benefits of celery juice. For me it works! and I would highly recommend it to anyone else to try as well.


Jackie N Rioux: January 1 2020: Happy New Year! I usually have not made New Year’s Resolutions other than to just be a better person than I was last year.
This year I AM making a resolution for my own health. I just had an intuitive reading the other day and was given a very stern warning. I have done much energetic balancing in my own personal growth and physical health but this warning pointed out that I have had a physical habit that is extremely detrimental to my health. “Stop now or you’re going to end up in the hospital!”
What is this physical habit? My Timmies French Vanilla “addiction”. What ever is wrong with my Timmies? Can’t we have just one guilty pleasure? I don’t drink alcohol much at all. I dont do drugs. My diet isn’t that bad with processed foods etc. Just my FV, especially out on errands, or road trips etc.
To be honest, this fave drink used to upset my tummy years ago. That should have been a red flag?? But no…
I took a toxin course years ago. I can check toxins for everyone else, but why didn’t I check my FV before?? Ugh.
What’s the ingredients? Coffee Whitener (Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Corn Syrup Solids, Sodium Caseinate (Milk), Dipotassium Phosphate, Mono- and Diglycerides, Silicon Dioxide, Soy Lecithin), Sugar, Corn Syrup, Instant Coffee Extract, Modified Corn Starch, Dipotassium Phosphate, Natural and Artificial Flavours, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Carrageenan. 45 mg Sucralose and 45 mg Acesulfame Potassium per 14 g Serving.
What are the dangers of acesulfame potassium?
Acesulfame K contains the carcinogen methylene chloride. Long-term exposure to methylene chloride can cause headaches, depression, nausea, mental confusion, liver effects, kidney effects, visual disturbances, and cancer in humans.
Yup, that is the one that my body doesn’t like. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I hate aspartame. Well guess what acesulfame potassium is? Aspartame under a different name, and obviously a different taste than the obvious taste in pop that I normally avoid.
What does our body do with toxins? forms fat cells around the offending toxin. Anyone notice I have packed on the pounds in the last few years? I sure have.
So, this is the long form of no more FV for me. Back to just tea, and lemon water, or actually reading the ingredients and finding a healthier choice of drink.
Happy New Year!! Here’s to good health!

Pamela Wentrot Kratt: I’ve had so many clients that the issue was something they drank and after many questions found it to be the coffee flavoring to be the culprit causing their health issues. After finding four or five people with it being the culprit I check sooner now!
Denise Homer-Goodwin: Good for you! Godspeed to your renewed health plan!
Mary Woodthorpe: I also find that anything that has glyphosate is seriously damaging the intestines. Meat can contain the because it’s in their feed.
Marsha Greene: It’s even in our rainwater. I use a product called “Restore” before each meal. Helps the glyphosate reduce its impact on your intestinal walls creating leaky gut. Another lovely side affect of toxins – floods our bodies with poisons. Good for you my dear. I do raw foods, animal protein, good fats. Got a little off over holidays and stiffness and pulled muscles reared their ugly heads. Feeling better now. Love your focus.


From a social media post:
Cole Woolley, PhD:
SAY NO to Synthetic Fragrance – Scented Room Fragrances
The first thing you should consider after starting your journey with all-natural, genuine essential oils is to “SAY NO to Synthetic Fragrances”. As a chemist I know where to find them.
I know that lots of people “love” scented products. Scented candles, scented perfumes, scented shampoos, and scented laundry detergents to name a few. They ALL (and I reiterate ALL) contain synthetic fragrances. About 85% of the world population love fragranced products.
The other 15% prefer no Synthetic Fragrance. That is why companies now make “unscented products” for their customers. That’s where you need to go – towards UNSCENTED PRODUCTS.
People always ask me WHY synthetic fragrances are BAD. I tell them, “It’s not the main fragrance, it’s the synthetic by-products that come with every synthetic fragrance.
Every chemical reaction produces by-products. There are 3 different levels of the synthetic by-products in every synthetic fragrance – 1%, 5% and 10%+. These by-products are the CULPRIT.
Synthetic by-products are toxic, carcinogenic, allergens, and harmful. USA law does not require companies to list the names of synthetic fragrances in scented products. YES, you heard me right. All they have to list is the word “Fragrance” on the label. Since they don’t list each synthetic fragrance by name, then they don’t need to identify the HARMFUL SYNTHETIC BY-PRODUCTS.
So, let’s start by you SAYING NO to commercial Room & Car air fresheners:
Say No to Scented Candles
Say No to Scented Wax Melts
Say No to Fragrance Wax Warmers
Say No to Scented Room Plug-ins
Say No to Fragrance hangers on cars
Say No to Scented Room Sprays
GET rid of them. Throw them in the trash. Don’t give them to anyone you love.
REPLACE them with all-natural, Genuine Grade essential oil solutions. Detoxify your body starting today. Do the same for your family. Cole Woolley, PhD. #colewoolleyphd


Another social media post worth sharing. Energy toxins can be in our environment in many ways:
1. Objects You No Longer Use or need.
2. Anything broken or soiled or dead plants
3. Sad memory objects

1. Health gets better.
2. Creativity grows.
3. Relationships get better.
4. There is greater reasoning capacity.
5. Improved mood.

– Why am I saving that?
– Is it about me today?
– How will I feel if I release that?

Separate and classify:
1. To donate.
2. To throw.
3. To sell.

1. Avoid extreme noises.
2. Less strong lights.
3. Less saturated colors.
4. Less chemical odors.
5. Less sad memories.
6. Finish unfinished projects.
7. Cultivate positive energy in your home.

Do a general cleaning and use boxes for organization. Start with drawers and cabinets and conclude each piece, do everything at your pace…

a) Trash.
b) Arrangements.
c) Recycling.
d) In doubt.
e) Gifts.
(f) Donation.
g) Sell.

As you CLEANSE, watch what changes in you.
As we clean our physical house, we also place order to our mind and heart.
Practice detachment with material things that just fill your space and you’ll see how you’ll slowly be able to do the same with more momentous situations.
Blessed be for you always
Author is not me. But thanks to whoever wrote this

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***