Low times and crappy experiences can turn around quickly when we work on ourselves…. I am my own walking testimony….
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #1 of 28
METRICS: (FoF)- Trigger Happy Guns (Ignition Sets) F2 Finisher (4MOD)- Fireman Phobia (Ladder Up Reps)
CONTEXT: A Story Athlete Finds a Way…
I ended January GRIT on a pretty sour note. To be honest, I have not been sleeping well for months on end. My phone app shows an average of 6 hour 19 minutes per night for the last year. I have tried everything of my energy balancing skills and still sleep eludes me most nights. Sleep time is healing time, it is restorative time, like a human defrag. So, when I don’t get enough sleep, I tend to get cranky. I do cope through most days just fine, and I think most things in my life are going ok, so there is no justified reason for these sleep issues.
We have had the “usual” Prince George Northern Canada weather with some deep freezes and dumps of snow. Not a big deal when I don’t have to go out or work in this mess, but when we need to get our driveway plowed, and I have not been able to find someone reliable with decent business ethics… ugh!!! In SA GRIT I am surrounded by entrepreneurs with ethical and effective business standards. I hold similar standards in my every day life so dealing with the average world out there can be downright disappointing.
Over three days we had almost 20 inches of snow dumped, and with our long narrow driveway, there is nowhere to shovel it. The city plows are overworked and all the roads in town are treacherous right now.
Yes, I got cranky, and this redhead went full tilt ragey the other day with all the lack of sleep and easily triggered frustration. I should be setting good examples with being an energy healer, but I am human and I get some low days too.
Turning this experience into a positive lesson, here is my example:
Any time we do energy balancing, we are always working on what is activated in a person. When there are imbalances and upsets trapped from the past, we can get easily triggered, but this is also opportune time to get to the root of the activated issues! Also, we PROJECT energies whether we understand that concept or not!!
Meaning… If I was so pissy the other day, and so frustrated with not finding a reliable plow service, it is not likely I would find anyone when I am projecting such angry vibes. Kinda counter productive…
I allowed myself to feel the rage for a little bit to let it out, trying not to take it out on anyone else around me, except for my rant filled GRIT post. Then I got busy and did an energy balancing session on myself releasing and transmuting all that anger and frustration into more positive calming energies.
I balanced my hormones which makes a HUGE difference in wellbeing because hormones run everything in the body. I actually slept 8.5 hours that night and felt much better and more productive the next day.
Then, I took some time to just veg out reading the past months GRIT posts from everyone else. I find that quite encouraging to reset my mental wellbeing.
Guess what? Lo and behold, we did find a great guy who seems pretty decent and reliable to plow the driveway regularly.
Do I want to jump into GRIT again this month. Meh… not really, to be honest. I am not fond of the daily commitment but I also know I need the comradery of my SA GRIT community and the daily accountability to keep my personal and business progress on track.
I am committing to check my hormones every night before bed from now on because it really makes that much of a difference in my mental state. I have some projects I have been meaning to get done so I have an Atomic Habits tracker template to keep track of daily progress.
I may keep my GRIT posts short and sweet with more focus on the projects til I feel more caught up. I will find a way…
Lisa Tucker: Jackie Rioux, at my age the sleepless (or near sleepless) nights were becoming the norm. I’m finding magnesium pre-bed and DIM (diindolylmethane) are making a world of difference, better than the OTC sleep aid and melatonin combo I was trying before. Glad you’re feeling better and got a solid night’s sleep!
Jackie Rioux: Lisa Tucker yes magnesium makes a huge difference. I balanced melatonin hormone along with thyroid and stomach hormones.
Energetically I still need to balance more to have consistent restful sleep. This is just part of energetic self care.
Linda Ipaye: Lisa Tucker Jackie Rioux Ladies, Love that you got some sleep Jackie and Lisa! I muscle tested both of you. Your bodies would like you to put 2 drops of lavender oil on the bottoms of your feet when you get into bed! Sweet Dreams!
Jackie Rioux: Linda Ipaye Thank you. I may have some lavender around here.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux we don’t mind the rants in here especially if it helps to bring you to center. center.
Just like when a toddler throws a fit on the floor of the store, they have completely forgotten about it five minutes later…..
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger My inner child was definitely having a tantrum LOL 😛
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux heck I still have an Inner Adult trying to get out…….
During my daughter’s Archery flight today, I managed to extremely embarrass her.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #2 of 28
METRICS: “I Operate with Transparency…”
CONTEXT: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
I always say I am good for entertainment and after all I have been through in life, there is not a heck of a lot that embarrasses me anymore.
My website has been my outlet since 1998. Everything that has ever helped me in life is in there.
As for transparency, I am pretty sure taking a couple of my most embarrassing moments, turning them into stories and sharing them in my website for all the world to see, qualifies as transparency.
Come on, laugh with me 😛
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #3 of 28
CONTEXT: I Choose a Different Path…
At age 23 I got a good government job at the post office. I had been on welfare too many times as a single mom and with a husband that could not hold any decent job to support us. I had it made! Or so I thought.
It was a great job with a steady income that supported me and my kids through two divorces and a move away from our home town to the big city for more opportunities to expand our horizons.
In my home town, my coworkers were like family. My job was the only stable thing in my life when the rest of my world was in shambles. After moving to the big city 6 hours down the highway, management was different, and toxic. I kept my nose to the grindstone and made the best of it. Then I had a breakdown April 23 2008. Yup, the former doormat quiet Jackie unleashed the simmering redhead. I woke up and got busy on Plan B going back to school, getting edjumacated and S-M-R-T. It took a few years but on June 22 2016, employee 1704664 walked out of the building for the last time and never looked back.
Take one step in the right direction of your dreams and the universe will conspire FOR you in miraculous ways. I chose a different path and now live my passion as an energy balancing practitioner. Life is Beautiful!
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #4 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – Balls to the Wall- Accumulation F2 4 MOL Modified
CONTEXT: “I Identify My Lies…”
Yes, hidden beliefs are lies that can detrimentally affect us. I learned how to address that issue years ago energetically and I continue to find those pesky lies and balance regularly.
What other lies do I tell myself?
I don’t have enough time. I definitely have an issue with time management but that does not mean I don’t have enough time. Did you know it takes under two minutes to unload a dishwasher? I remember reading about that years ago. Time yourself. It is true. Time yourself with other menial tasks and you’ll find the same that necessary menial tasks are not a time waster if you organize yourself effectively.
So what is my problem? Social media. A few weeks ago, my phone notified me of time on social media in the past week. Embarrassing number of hours. Yes HOURS. I have been consciously reducing that time and my last notice this past Sunday recorded a significant reduction. (YAY!).
I have managed to get some other projects done this week as well.
But… I do still allow myself some mental breaks especially for funny animal videos and jokes. Laughter is the best medicine.
I watched a funny video last night and … although funny, it was calling me out as well.
Procrasti-working means doing all sorts of other work except the project you are supposed to be doing.
Yikes. So me. Time to address that issue too. Identify then conquer.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux just seen a clip today that mentioned a “5 second rule”
When you think of a thought, you have 5 seconds to take action on it which in turn helps to rewire the brain.
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger Yes I know allll about Mel Robbins and 5 second rule. I am still training my Scrat brain. Ongoing process… 🙂
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #5 of 28
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Know It Takes What It Takes…”
Life is full of challenges. That is all part of the human experience and our soul evolution. At a leadership conference, a point was made about challenges through life:
We are either going into a challenge, in a challenge, or coming out of a challenge.
That has stuck with me and this is the reason I know anything in life is just doing whatever works to get through the current challenge.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux very true and the challenges make for better stories…….
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #6 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- Rear View Mirror – EMOM F2
CONTEXT: “I Know How to Sell…”
My entrepreneurial skills started early with a paper route, selling Regal and Avon, and being the neighborhood babysitter all by the time I was 15 years old. More recently, I was involved with an MLM type jarred spices line of products which honestly, I did more for myself than trying to sell to others.
Despite all this, I have never considered myself “good” at “selling” anything.
I am not really fond of writing advertisements for anything or trying the usual marketing tactics to sell anything.
However, I have had many times someone compliment me on my writing skills. When I get in the mood for writing, or get passionate about a topic, that can easily come out in my writing. Key point: when I am in the mood.
In school, I would often leave essays to the last minute because my mind would be blank and useless.
I like the SA GRIT philosophy of writing to influence, and in that way a roundabout, more authentic way of selling my ideas and invitation to my business services.
I “know” how to sell. I have taken many courses and followed many leadership influencers. I just need a lot of work on my application of sales.
It does help that I was in Girl Guides eons ago and our motto was “always be prepared”. I do my best to make sure I am at the ready for unexpected events because you just never know what may come up.
Last night my daughter let me know that we had an appointment today for some project a friend is working on. Turns out that I had an impromptu video interview for a commercial project showcasing small businesses. I was nervous and put on the spot, but I talked my way through it and they said I did fine.
This evening, I led a webinar on overcoming childhood sexual abuse. That is a pretty heavy topic. I just shared my story and some resources, and how I overcame this abusive past to become the person I am today. I have turned tragedy into triumph.
I may not think that I am very good at “selling” but I am very good at sharing my stories and assisting others in their life journey of healing the past.
I know I do know “how to sell” because I already have a couple appointments coming through from the webinar attendees.
(Thank you!!)
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #7 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – King Kong’s Revenge (Hub Spoke) F2 Finisher- 4MOD- Achy Breaky Butt
CONTEXT: “I Hunt Leverage…”
Quite often I have felt like a broken record repeating the same things to each and every client. This takes up time, and honestly is kinda boring. I also run the risk of seeming and sounding too complacent and detached in my work.
As I have become busier with more clients and more appointments, time is a precious commodity. Time is always a precious commodity though. We only have one life to live.
One of the most important lessons I have learned within this SA entrepreneurial community is all about leverage and creating reusable assets. ROTI: Return on Time and Investment, a conscious awareness is so important to success.
My website has been a valuable asset in attracting clients and offering a plethora of appreciated information for many years.
I started a YouTube channel back in 2020 which has proven to be a valuable collection of video assets.
I can easily direct clients and others to these videos to explain aspects of energy balancing that previously I would have had to repeat constantly. This has freed up so much time for me and made room for more clients and appointments.
Most recently I now have 2 webinar videos to share on heavy topics of interest.
Also, I have been working with a local radio and other production type personnel that have been assisting me in creating more reusable assets. I am learning to appreciate this kind of leverage that brings more exposure to my business.
Brett Wininger Jackie Rioux sounds like you have the makings of a great email series where people get to learn more about your Journey as you document it
Jackie Rioux Brett Wininger, I have a peeve about emails piling up, so I only do a monthly email newsletter. I post a lot to my website and always direct everyone there so they can choose to read what interests them.
I am in the process of collecting stories to create a memoir book for my kids. We’ll see if that ever gets shared publicly.
Jackie Rioux Brett Wininger Adding to this though, I do have auto emails from my scheduler that have some directive information in each one that I can update and clients get those as reminders and follow ups to their appointments.
This often includes links to read more in website.
Brett Wininger Jackie Rioux glad to heard you are using tools to increase your impact.
Jackie Rioux Brett Wininger That has been my biggest benefit being in SA GRIT community: open-source mentors
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #8 of 28
CONTEXT: I See the Advantage in Simplicity.
A tourist visited a Sufi.
He was astonished to see that the Sufi’s home was a simple room. The only furniture was a mat and a kerosene lamp.
Tourist: “Sufi, where’s your furniture?”
Sufi: “Where is yours?”
Tourist: “Mine? But I’m only a visitor here.”
Sufi: “So am I!”
Considering that everything is energy, and everything carries a vibration, I am selective as to what or who I allow in my personal environment. I prefer to keep things simple, minimal, and practical.
Brian Trainum: love me some Rumi. Can’t find it now but something like “when you feel your feathers burning, he is opening your wings”
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
METRICS: Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Know There Will Be Pain…”
The other day, one of our local radio stations had an engagement type post asking “What do you take for pain?”.
My comment: Jackie N. Rioux: I balance my hormones and do energy balancing. Works like a charm and weirds out my doctors.
Of course, outside of my practitioner forums and energy balancing groups, some people get a little curious on how easy I deal with pain with my energy balancing skills. From this comment, I did have a few inquiries and someone signed up for my free Sunday sessions.
The thing to realize with pain, is that it is a messenger to alert us of danger zones and imbalances. I have learned that all the “Cort” type hormones indicate pain somewhere in the body. When I can find the imbalance and correct that, then we can alleviate the pain by balancing the hormone flow as well. Life is all about challenges, and yes, some pain as well. But when I learn to recognize the messenger, I can then address the issues and alleviate the pain.
Bob Saadai: Jackie Rioux wish you were closer to me so I could use your skills for my wife.
Jackie Rioux: Bob Saadai i have clients all over the world. Just like Glenn, i can work distance. Its amazing!
Show wife my site ladybugwellness .ca
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #10 of 28
CONTEXT: I Never Count Myself Out…
Self improvement is really the new niche these days. There has been quite a surge of couches, counselors, and practitioners springing up for every kind of modality out there.
Because this is the new niche, there are greedy people who want in on the action, thinking that they can just put up a sign and start a business in helping others.
The issue I have with this, is when people are in a position to want and need help especially when it comes to wellbeing and wellness, they are often in a vulnerable position.
So…. Do you really want to work with just anyone for such personal issues? I always promote working with someone that you feel comfortable with.
Someone with some experience and knowledge in key areas is essential. And someone who walks their talk.
Do you really want to work with someone who hasn’t got their own shit together?
One of the most important factors that I look for in working with another practitioner, is someone who takes care of themselves in booking their own wellness appointments.
Personally, I have a few trusted practitioners that I work with for myself to keep me in a good frame of mind to be able to work with my own clients effectively.
I never count myself out on my own self care, and I expect the same of others that I place my trust in to work with me.
Scott Mendell: This is so true for every industry where there is a growth spurt. Real estate from 2008 to 2011 was just he professionals because it seemed hard to make money. Then the ramp up came in 2013,14, & 15 and suddenly every real estate school in the area was sold out for 18 months. That created a bunch of untrained and unethical agents flooding the market. It never changes anywhere and people are still gullible sheep if they think they can save a dime, or they are promised a miracle. As P.T. Barnum said, “There’s one born every minute…”
Jackie Rioux: Scott Mendell I’ve been at this enough time to have some of my own experiences and then i really notice some doozies out there.
Yes I am sure every industry is like this… and when it comes to your industry turn it is sooo frustrating.
But people make their own choices and learn…
Scott Mendell: LOL I finally got so fed up with mine I quit, and started my new path. 🙂
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #11 of 28
CONTEXT: “I’m Willing to Ask for Help…”
“If you’re going to do something, just make sure to do it right the first time”.
“If you’re gonna complain about it, you might as well do it yourself”.
“Do it once, do it right”.
“There’s no ‘I’ in ‘Team’”.
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”. Henry Ford
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
I was raised having to do a lot myself. It has taken a long time for me to realize the benefits of delegation and asking for assistance when needed. It has also taken a long time for me to be able to attract reliable people into my life that I can count on to give me a hand. Whether it is just to lighten the load or to share their skills and expertise, I am becoming more willing to ask for help.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #12 of 28
WEDNESDAY – February 15th, 2023
METRICS: 5K Day Finisher- 4MOD- AMRAP (More Sh*t No One Wants outside today so tunes and dancing around the house to get my steps in).
CONTEXT: “I Embrace the Suck…”
I have gotten awfully bitchy and particular in my old age. I spent enough of my life busting my butt to get where I am today. Life sucked for a long time, but I got through it to embrace my life now as I created it.
These days, I know I can get through pretty much anything life throws my way. (Dear Universe: That is not meant as a challenge!). I know I can consciously choose to not place myself in those situations anymore unless some lofty goal requires some not so fun steps. I’ll make that choice when I get there and bring out my redhead determination if need be.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #13 of 28
METRICS: 12 MOL (FoF) Finisher- Rear View Mirror – EMOM F2
CONTEXT: “I Know Happiness Is Not a Future Destination…”
I have had many milestones in my life and learned through my years that there is no big fanfare arriving at any perceived destination. It is up to me to make the journey worthwhile, to embrace the happiness and fun along the way.
Celebrating mini milestones and small accomplishments makes like worth living.
Swimming with dolphins and stingrays, driving a race car, learning to play drums, riding an elephant, holding snake, scuba diving, zip-lining… These are just a few accomplishments I have enjoyed crossing off my ongoing Bucket List.
Tomorrow is never promised. As long as I wake up on the right side of the daisies each day, I am going to enjoy happiness here and now.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux that’s quite a list of accomplishments, well done.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #14 of 28
METRICS: (FoF) – King Kong’s Revenge (Hub Spoke) F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Learn From Every Experience…”
I have learned that many of my poor choices early in life were just repeated patterns of dysfunctional behavior. Once I learned how to find and heal those patterns, many of those poor choices were no longer an attraction.
Everything we do is a choice. Sometimes a choice works out well. Sometimes it doesn’t. We can blame a poor choice on lack of knowledge the first time. After that, it becomes a conscious choice. Some conscious choices become lessons, and some are fun to repeat just because they add to the zest of life in new experiences.
These days I do try to be more conscious of any possible detrimental outcomes of my choices. Other times I close my eyes, say a prayer and jump! Life is much more interesting and enjoyable when I grab my Taurus self by the horns and live life to the fullest. The more experiences I have, the more learning I can add to my life’s knowledge bank.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #15 of 28
CONTEXT: “My End Game Is True Fans…”
Effective communication makes life so much easier. But, just like a radio dial frequency, if someone else is not on the same wavelength, on the same energetic radio dial type frequency, communication will often fall on deaf ears with rampant misunderstandings.
Energy balancing and personal growth services is not something you can just cold call people to offer and make yourself known. People tend to get a little weirded out and or offended when they have no understanding.
For this reason, I just live my life purposefully like an open book sharing myself through my website and forums.
I am blessed to have a wonderful list of clients who are authentically “true fans”.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #16 of 28
METRICS: February 19th 2023 Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: I Decide What’s Realistic
My son is a gamer. He has graphics on his games that look so real that it looks like a real life movie. I have often shared with him my experience in Grade 7 when my best friend’s brother got a new Atari game system. We had been so excited to play Space Invaders which was a series of little icons and a shooting mechanism of lines for bullets to pop the icons.
Having had this as my first impression of video games, it is hard to wrap my head around how far graphics have come in making games look so real life.
But this is the way of the world now with CGI graphics and unrealistic stunts in movies. Everything looks so real that it is easy to fool any untrained eyes.
With social media being the new MetaVerse where real life experiences are duplicated online, it is even more appealing to gullible people.
Some days I am one of those gullible people. I have had a bad habit lately of getting caught up in watching silly animal and comedy videos altogether too much. I know I am consciously avoiding a pile of tax paperwork with these mindless distractions.
It is only me, though, who can take responsibility and accountability for these unnecessary habits. Procrasti-working doesn’t serve me well. I am a work in progress though. Some mindless distractions are ok as my form of meditation and brain reset breaks, but I also need to curb it and get back to reality more often.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #17 of 28
METRICS: TUESDAY – February 21st 2023 (FoF) – Balls to the Wall- Accumulation F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Don’t Let My Intelligence Get in My Way…”
I have gone through phases in my life’s development. At one time I am sure I came off quite abruptly as a know it all. I have learned that this is a stage of trauma recovery. It was also because I was projecting energies.
Since I made a point of particularly clearing that energy from myself a few years ago, many people interact with me differently, and better.
I had a client a few days ago tell me that when I connect on Zoom, she says that I exude a quiet, humble “master” type energy. A confidence that appears that I know my stuff yet not overbearing about it.
It is nice to know that I come across that way to her, and apparently to others as well. When I get out of my own way, I can work more effectively with my clients.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux we shall now refer to you as “Jackie the Wise……”
Jackie Rioux: Brett Wininger oh dear….. you know that wisdom comes from poor experiences… and poor experiences come from stupid decisions….? I’m more a wise a** than a wise
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #18 of 28
METRICS: MONDAY- February 20th, 2023 12MOL (FoF) Finisher F2 (got my days backwards… posted after 7 pm last night, after new post was up).
CONTEXT: I Think Like an Investor…
Math and numbers are not my strong suit at all so “investor” hasn’t always sat right with me either. Through my time in this Story Athlete community, I have become more acutely aware of ROTI (Return on Time and Investment).
While most may still focus on monetary wealth and investing, I leave that up to my awesome financial guys.
For myself, I refer to Fletcher’s ideas about how his bookshelves are his most valuable resource because this represents his mindset.
In my minimalist collection of possessions, I have the most in books, and rocks. I go through phases of reading books through my life. Each time it is like I level up in knowledge and gained shared experiences. This is my kind of thinking like an investor. I invest in myself because this brings the greatest returns.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #19 of 28
METRICS: WEDNESDAY – February 22nd, 2023 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Eliminate Inefficiencies…”
Email overkill and repetitive marketing is a huge peeve for me. I just cannot keep up with it and I actually shut down and delete instead of even attempting to read a mile long marketing campaign. I appreciate client emails and personal communication. Marketing emails are the bane of my inbox.
For some advertisers, they seem to say the same bullet points in every email, just slightly different each time they bombard you with another reminder or whatever program, product or service they are conniving you to purchase.
With AI becoming the way of the future, I am pretty sure I will be unsubscribing from more and more newsletters. I appreciate the Story Athlete method of just sharing our stories and attracting an authentic audience with engaging and interesting personal content.
This is my way of eliminating inefficiencies that are an unnecessary distraction and inconvenience for me.
Tim Kelly: Jackie Rioux I couldn’t agree more. Like most people, I get more junk email than actual correspondence.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #20 of 28
METRICS: THURSDAY– February 23rd, 2023 12MOD (FoF) Finisher F2
CONTEXT: “I Don’t Negotiate…”
One of my favorite quotes representing todays context is “If a man stands for nothing, he will fall for anything”.
It is super important to keep my boundaries strong especially when I work with clients so much. I am human though and I still have times that I fail, but overall I keep my circles small and in high vibration integrity.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #21 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Am Willing to Pay the Price…”
Raising kids on social assistance and then on limited income, I learned to be awfully resourceful. Also learned quality over quantity. Sure, buying in bulk or on sale may be a way to save some dollars, but quality lasts longer and is a better purchase in the long run.
I do compare prices and read the fine print for warranties and extras as well. Consumer education back in high school classes taught us about the supply and demand concept. Marketing strategies target human nature and the masses. I am not one to run out and buy every new fangled item on the market. I will wait until the glitches are worked out and get a better deal later.
I am willing to pay more for quality and customer service is a great bonus as well. I am to offer my clients a little more value in my services in going the extra mile with attention to their needs.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #22 of 28
METRICS: Reiki class then shoveling and more shoveling Snowmageddon yet again.
CONTEXT: “I Commit to My Everest…”
I had to laugh at “Everest” today. Sometimes we think we’re doing just great and other days we take a tumble down the mountain in a hell of a reality check showing where I still need to balance myself. Reiki class was great today. Student wonderful. Just other things gone sideways that I really hope will pan out ok in the end. Everest seems a little far today.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #23 of 28
METRICS: February 26th 2023 Sunday-Stretch-a-Palooza
CONTEXT: “I Build a Strong Foundation…”
We have several levels of consciousness: Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. Everything in our lives manifests first in our aura, then emotions, and then down to the physical reality.
Unresolved traumatic events repeat as dysfunctional patterns. Through energy balancing we can erase the patterns and create happier healthier lives for ourselves.
For me, balancing my energy daily is like a personal hygiene shower each day which continuously builds a strong foundation overall for my life.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #24 of 28
METRICS: MONDAY- February 27th, 2023 12MOD Finisher: Shoveling, still….
CONTEXT: I’m Not Afraid to Raise Expectations…
Back home there are two main bridges that cross the Skeena River. Many people “walk the bridges” in a huge loop around town. Years ago, a friend invited me to go walking. I quite enjoyed it and wanted to go more often. But that friend and other friends were not always available. I finally resorted to going walking alone and it became quite an enjoyable habit for me. I soon learned to not count on my friends for company and went solo on these walking excursions.
Soon I was taking road trips and going to events like concerts alone. I learned to dance to the beat of my own drum which means I don’t have to be concerned of anyone else’s expectations and I can set my own bar to any height I choose.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #25 of 28
METRICS: TUESDAY – February 28th 2023 (FoF) – Balls to the Wall- Accumulation F2 Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Pursue Non-Consensus…”
“Be in the world but not of the world”. I don’t even remember where that phrase is in the Bible, but it is something that has stuck with me all my life since church youth group days.
The idea here for me in understanding this concept is that Jesus ate with the tax collectors. These people in today’s terms would be called low life’s, and general consensus people you don’t associate with.
I tend to shine my light and be my bubbly little self no matter where I am or who I am with. Maybe someday I will inadvertently influence someone else to see life in a more positive way and maybe even change the course of their life towards something better and more positive for them.
I seem to be doing ok with this philosophy. Sometimes fate allows people or situations to come into your life to be able to see the influence I had one someone many years before.
This is probably one of the most gratifying feelings in all of life and I am grateful for those who have allowed me to know that I was a “forget me not” for them.
Forget me not flowers are part of my logo for this reason. A dear friend years ago told me I am a forget me not flower in that I leave an impression on everyone I meet.
This is part of my logo because in the work I do, we do not forget the past, but we can release the emotional charge to the upsets of the past and move forward with the soul lessons we were intended to learn in our human experience.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #26 of 28
METRICS: WEDNESDAY – March 1st 2023 5K Day Finisher- 4MOL
CONTEXT: “I Seek to Understand…”
One of the signs of emotional maturity is to seek to understand those who have hurt you in the past and to embrace diversity of opinions in the present.
My interest in behavioral psychology and human nature is rooted in my past experiences. It is only when I could understand the other side and the reasons behind the actions of the perpetrators I have had in my life, that I could finally let go and forgive them. Forgiveness and moving on into my own emotional maturity does not make any of their actions acceptable, right, or less hurtful, but it does disconnect the emotional charge of the upsets which allows me to move on.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #27 of 28
METRICS: THURSDAY– March 2nd 2023 12MOD (FoF) Finisher F2
CONTEXT: “I Reflect on My Results…”
Time to look back on the month and see where I progressed and where I need to continue to improve. Honestly, I thought things were going well this month but the last few days went sideways and I am feeling scattered and panicky. I am often too much in my head because working with clients and keeping myself energetically balanced requires that I am in tune with myself at all times. I need to work on balancing my priority tasks. This is an ongoing issue with me. I have courses to do, content to write, stuff to organize, books to read, home responsibilities, business responsibilities, etc. Sometimes I write a list and then just shut down and freeze not knowing where to start. So many friends think I have accomplished so much. Maybe I have but I am still human and, yup, I freeze and go do something else to procrastinate. I love that word “Procrasti-working”. I do continue balancing myself continuously and then get spurts of getting things done. That is the important part, continuous progress in the dance of life. Two steps back and then move forward more steps.
We had a little fiasco here the other day. My son noticed the washer drain wasn’t draining properly. I called one of my go to guys who does some plumbing work for me but this wasn’t his area of expertise so I called Roto Rooter. The bill was $280.35 for the approximately half hour this guy was here to snake it out.
This pissy part is that when my son came home from camp two weeks ago, he had ordered a gamer bean bag chair on recommendation from a friend. Amazon delivered 2 huge boxes of mini styrobeads, one cracked opened and omg everywhere. He had used a plastic cup to fill the chair then we figured out a more efficient filling system. Unfortunately, that plastic cup had ended up in the sink and some of those godforsaken beads got flushed down the sink.
Jared loves this chair. It is nice, but the beads experience was atrocious. My daughter is always washing towels for her reflexology client care, so I imagine some towel fuzz got in the drain too. The plumber said there was Styrofoam, hair, and debris in there. Anyways… it is all clear now, but that bill. Holy F. I was not expecting quite that much for a service call.
My son feels bad and initially paid for it, but we’re splitting between us three.
I just had my van in for an oil change and inspection. $260. Now I need to get front and back brakes done asap before my Vancouver trip March 20 week. The shop estimated about $2500. Yikes. Praying it will be less cost somehow. Feeling I should do the FCOA money book again…
I also talked to my accountant yesterday. Looking over 2022 taxes totals, I am going to have to register for a GST number and start charging clients this stupid Goods and Services tax because I went over the threshold income. Blessing in disguise I am hoping. This means a helluva lot more paperwork (did I mention I despise paperwork?) but it also means I won’t have a ceiling on my small business income anymore.
We got yet another dump of snow yesterday… only a few inches but may need another plow before daughter’s Sunday clients. Thankfully I have a new reliable plow guy now.
Some good news is that the Court of Atonement certification program finally launched and as Amy Jo’s original promoter, I am in the six-week program. I need to buckle down to get through the videos and homework this month.
I led two webinars recently and having completed those, I now have some ideas for more videos for my own YouTube channel content.
Those gastrointestinal scans and probes I did recently all have come back healthy and fine. Thankfully no stressors there.
Relationships this month. Not even gonna go there. Suffice to say I need to do some more work on myself to handle unexpected surprises.
As always, I know I can handle whatever comes my way and I have the skills to balance my energy and manifest a better future for myself… it is just that some days feel like they suck until I get my bearings again.
Brett Wininger: Jackie Rioux you’ve had a very busy but allover productive month.
Often when we heard other’s challenges, we realize ours isn’t so bad……
Jackie Rioux Brett Wininger very true. Thank you.
JACKIE RIOUX Day of GRIT: #28 of 28
METRICS: FRIDAY– March 3rd 2023 FEB 2023 Final Workout
CONTEXT: “I Expect the Unexpected…”
I usually pride myself on being able to handle the unexpected, but when some unexpected things pop up in life, I can still get thrown for a loop until I get my bearings. Each unexpected event is an opportunity to level up.
I got triggered recently and a whole lot of dormant feelings came up. I think I have gotten my bearings again just in time to go through the FCOA certification. Already just going through the first day module, I am noticing some spectacular energy shifts.
See, when we work with energy balancing, we are always working on what is activated… so.. this recent upset was actually a blessing in disguise preparing me for what is to come. All good now.
I had an expected invitation to do two webinars recently that has now given me the confidence to do more of that kind of thing. Perhaps that will be my signature talk.
I just had some feedback last night from someone who watched those videos. She said I “easily light up a room and make a difficult topic seem easy to talk about”.
Quite humbling, yet so appreciated to have confirmation that I really have turned my past into my gift to assist others in their soul journey.
Another unexpected invitation is that I am going to be co-hosting admin on a large meeting webinar for the Tucson Dowsers tomorrow. They had noticed my participation and support in past meetings from the sidelines and have asked me to step up to assist in a greater capacity.
Here’s to learning more and leveling up my skills which will in turn assist me in upgrading my own business as well.
I am sitting out of March GRIT challenge as I am going to focus on FCOA certification, and will be out of service area/ closed during March 20 week for a road trip with my mom. I am manifesting having my brakes done less expensively than what was quoted to me last week… to be taken care of before my trip. *Prayers*
Maybe back in GRIT for April, we’ll see what happens before then… Thank you for reading this far, I appreciate you.