Remember to sign up now:
December 16 2022
I went through my entire Acuity client contact list to send out an invite to those who have not booked an appointment in over 6 months. You’re welcome to share this page with anyone new that you’d like to invite to this free weekly sessions offer.
May I have your attention? We’ve been missing you!
Dear Friend,
Our records show that it has been more than a month since your last scheduled appointment with Ladybug Wellness.
Perhaps you only ever had one session, and that’s ok. There is no obligation to continue. However, due to lack of engagement and to keep out records current, your information will be archived and or removed from our system as we ring in the new year of 2023.
I really would rather not lose the connection with those who could really benefit from Ladybug Wellness services.
Energy balancing is all about clearing out the negative energetic blocks that hinder us from a happy healthy life and also prevent vibrational alignment with our dreams and goals. Ladybug Wellness invites you to invest in yourself!
Today I am reaching out to you to offer to join the FREE weekly remote group sessions that have been an ongoing offer since March 2020. Did you participate in one or more of these sessions then forgot to renew? That happens. Life gets busy. I get it.
Besides, I originally only offered these sessions a few months at a time because I had no idea how popular and appreciated this offer would be.
Now, you can sign up for an entire year! Yes, that’s right. All of 2023!
Life just gets busy and perhaps you feel like you don’t have time for much needed self-care. I hear you! This is the perfect solution for busy people. There is no need to connect on Zoom, phone, or in person. Just sign up, putting your name on the list and know you’ll be receiving relaxing, rejuvenating, Reiki healing energies while you sleep. Yes, it is that simple. And that amazing too!
This is a sampling of all of Ladybug Wellness energetic services combined into one general session.
Just sign up, and yes you can just “forget about it”. You will receive weekly reminder and follow up emails which may be of interest. Quite often I get messages on Monday mornings that someone completely forgot about the session, yet had a wonderfully restful sleep and then realized why when they received the email.
Of course, there are many more people who look forward to these sessions as the highlight of their week, and use this time to amplify and manifest their dreams and intentions.
What have people been saying about the free weekly energy balancing sessions? Better sleep, calmer household, and more peaceful atmosphere in their mind, body, and soul. More clarity and focus.
We can all use some of that!
Some have even reported that chronic aches and pains have subsided over time.
More feedback here:
This is the best offer around for some general energetic maintenance every week. We have a physical shower to keep our personal hygiene in check, but often our energetic hygiene gets neglected, leaving us vulnerable to daily triggers and upsets. Step into the world of synchronicity and inner peace with this Ladybug Wellness offer.
Sign up for just one date, or checkmark to be added to the whole year. Take a moment right now to sign up. Remember to add your family and pets.
Invite your friends and loved ones so you can have the peace of mind that you have offered the precious gift of self-care and energy balancing. The more participants we have in this remote group, the more amplified the group energy will be for everyone! Simply forward this message to your favorite contacts.
More information about this remote group offer:
BONUS: As a participant in this free weekly offer, you will have access to a discount code that can be used as often as you like for full individual sessions.
Still have a few minutes?
The Ladybug Wellness website is your empowerment resource with inspiration and enlightenment to awaken your path, as well as extensive information on the energy balancing services Jackie offers to assist you in your healing journey. Reiki Grand Master Teacher and Emotion Code practitioner are just two of the certifications in Jackie’s unique collection of modalities which she has used effectively to overcome her own PTSD (post-traumatic stress), and now uses to empower her clients to find their own self-actualization and aspirations.
If you are committed to living a life of integrity, empowerment, and authenticity, book in now to clear the blocks hindering your success! Energy balancing can assist in alleviating the daily stresses we experience so we can fully enjoy conscious awareness and inner peace throughout the year.
The Ladybug Wellness Website is now organized into an easy to navigate site map so you can find your topics of interest quickly and efficiently. Bookmark this website to come back time and again!
Go here to see the latest posts and pages:
There is even a whole section of Do it Yourself suggested energy techniques that you can use for yourself and loved ones.
Remember to sign up now:
If this offer just isn’t your cup of tea right now, that’s ok too. Your information will be archived or removed from our system. Reach out again any time you would like to connect again.