My Psychology Classes Journey:

For your entertainment, some of the pondering thoughts through my experience of juggling full time work, family obligations, and going back to school in my 40s, for fun and interest. Ya right lol.

My Psychology Classes Journey:

September 29 2011: I’m doing 4 courses that all involve brain function of some sort. I just read a (leisure) book about neuroplasticity and brain function. Today, the Steve Chandler club sent me a book from the club… all about brain/mind connection LOL! Talk about picking my brain!! C’est la vie… now back to Bio text reading…. I just happen to like science, particularly Biology. The human body is fascinating in how it is a machine that can do sooo much. The brain, mind, heart is what runs it all. And… it is the basis of all the energy healing stuff I do as well.

December 21 2011: Got my grades: Social Psych: B+, and the course that I was having trouble with… Bio Psych… I passed!! Got a C. Good thing I am mainly doing school just for me… as long as I am passing and learning, it’s all good. History last term, and this C are my lowest grades since I started back to school… So… that’s good. trying to stay positive here. I have the same instructor in Psych Research Methods this next term as I had for Bio Psych this term. That’s a required course for bachelors… so hoping to do well in that one.

February 11 2012: It is amazing how much better the mental field feels after a good night’s rest. Still kicking myself for taking Bio 12 by correspondence, but it didn’t fit into schedule otherwise. How the **** do some people handle a full course load??? Let’s see how much I can get done today. What really bugs me is that 10 years ago I was working full time, had a second part time job, (both NIGHT shifts!) and 4 kids in various activities …dance, gymnastics, cadets, modeling, swimming?… can’t remember now… but I seemed to manage then. Now I have one part time job, business, 2 CNC courses and one correspondence course, plus running business and I feel behind and lost most of the time when I don’t think I am quite as busy as I used to be. Eons ago when I sold Avon my district manager was impressed with me because I was juggling managing a motel, finishing grade 12, marriage, and a kid plus helping her recruit and sell. She told me something I have never forgotten: “the more you do, the more you can do!” Served me well

March 22 2012: Midterm exam question: what is the preferred term for schizophrenic? Hmm… Cerebrally vocal? I’m thinking that was not the correct answer, but it is an answer nonetheless….

March 31 2012: Alright Master Procrastinator. it is crunch time! 4-6 page research essay on Picasso plus creative project due Tuesday evening. Time to buckle down and choke on a frog for breakfast. Some froggies taste better than others? LOL! It’s an analogy that if you do the biggest thing on your list first, the day can’t get any worse after that. So, if you eat a frog for breakfast, that is the worst thing first I think I need to fry it up with some bacon though. The essay is my frog this morning and so far, I think I’m only as far as the hind legs. Wrong end.

September 6 2012: Summer and vacations all done, back to classes today. Human behavior and physiology, and developmental psych. Me gettin edjumacated

September 11 2012: Why is it that as soon as I start classes I get brain drain?? omg. At least I think I have figured out where and when classes are … especially after Monday walking into wrong (poetry?) class. Human Anatomy lecture tonight was filled with terminology of body systems and structures… I’m thinking a sledgehammer might help to get it all into brain? Developmental Psych has 12-page essay due Dec 5. Gotta choose an argument related to course and present two sides plus my own thoughts. (I think I better focus a bit better before exposing my thoughts at the present moment…). I felt so bad .. I yawned in class tonight and instructor called for break time. I told her to expect that as my usual sleepy state in her class cuz I work at 6 am 🙁 I much prefer the 3 hour lecture eve classes to the daytime scattered time classes of one hour each… Very interesting stuff tonight but VERY HEAVY brain stuff… omg. Good thing much is similar to other courses I have taken, just more in depth so I may have some hope…

September 13 2012: Alrighty then… We have been informed tonight that taking a first level Russian language course would be easier than learning the terminology required in this course. Is it possible for my brain to explode? Maybe not… All that extra brain space needed has fallen down around my ass…. Does that also mean I am full of ****?
(This was Human Anatomy and Physiology class. You must pass lab to pass course. Required course for nurses. I loved the class lectures. Could not grasp the exams to save my life. Ended up auditing this course. Much more respect for nurses who have passed this course.)

October 11 2012: Just finished a dev psych midterm essay on procreation, women’s autonomy with male dominated societal values. Ha ha ha!! Should be interesting what kind of mark I get on that one…. I was talking out my butt for sure…

October 18 2012: So, that midterm essay from last week…I wrote on procreation, the autonomy of women in male dominated society. I got 29/30!!! Holy crap…

October 22 2012: I need to do a presentation in class for developmental psych. The article I’ve chosen is on abortion and this author is showing a feminist view but presenting both sides. Very touchy subject for me considering I was a teen mom as well as other experiences that leave me torn on the definites of yay or nay. I didn’t get abortions because I also believe it is murder, yet I also have experienced the hardships of struggling to finish school, being on welfare, poor relationships etc. etc. My sister is developmentally challenged. What would the choice be in her case if she had been raped? Or if anyone was raped? What about technology finding that a baby would be born with severe abnormalities? So many factors… I wondering how to present the article without getting too worked up. True there are cases where women and children are better off choosing abortion, but where do we draw the line? Should a woman be forced to endure pregnancy until many reasons of duress? And another point not in the article… What about a father’s rights to his offspring? I know a few men who have been devastated to find out their child was aborted and they would have been a good parent, unlike the mother. There are ethical, religious, feminist, and probably many other umbrellas that could argue yes or no here. I feel two people should take the responsibility of their actions. This article also presents the side of male dominance and women’s oppression. And that because a woman has the body vessel for reproduction, she ultimately shoulders the responsibility. As for decisions made lightly, there are cases where women are coerced into abortion or not educated in facts and suffers infertility, or emotional and even physical repercussions for the rest of her life. I read something somewhere about abortion choice… A child destined for problems and poverty, and a child from affluent supported family which would you choose to end? One was Einstein, one was Hitler. I don’t think we should ever play God yet there are such trying circumstances where I wonder if abortion is allowable for the health and welfare of both mother and child. Yet again, where do we draw the line? Religious beliefs make this subject even more touchy. Religion is based in doctrines of the chosen faith and people can be pretty opinionated there. Respect for all is needed because yet again, we can’t play God. Spirituality, morals, conscience all can play a part on either side as well though. Religion is a set of doctrines to go with whatever faith u believe in. Spirituality is the belief in a higher power. In medieval times church and state were the same. It is when they separated that freedoms and laws changed so much to include so many other circumstances. Religion and its doctrines are where so many people get stuck in rigidity. Core beliefs fall more under spirituality which is different and unique for everyone and should be individually respected as well.

October 24 2012: Anyone here with Biology/anatomy education know of an easy way to remember the differences between these tissues??? squamous epithelium cuboidal epithelium columnar epithelium pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. I have always been able to guess at most answers by breaking down words into their root meanings and prefix/ suffix. I have enough Latin/Greek etc roots to figure out simple stuff… this is getting complex.

Jessi Lynn Bell: squamous epithelial cells look like cornflakes (under a microscope anyway) because they are “squashed” and are on the surface of tissues, i.e. a protective layer, because they are flat and cover more surface area (i.e. for skin and outer surfaces like the lining of the urinary tract) and anything that is ciliated moves stuff along – like the intestine and the nasal sinuses (which move mucus along) anything that is pseudo-stratified columnar is sort of columnar in that they are long but they alternately wider and narrow at the deep and superficial aspects to create a kind of interlocking pattern. I can’t really remember what the function/location of the middle two are but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with cells that are excretory. Been a long time since I studied any histology, I forget most of it LOL

November 8 2012: Essay midterm at 1pm. What emotions do men suppress to keep their power and privilege in society? How do these suppressed emotions cause them, or others, pain? Wish me luck… I’m pretty sure I got it right in what men suppress… Empathy, compassion, pain, reciprocity, and from my emotion code work when I have worked with male clients, the most common trapped emotions I see come up are worthless, unworthy, failure, low self esteem, and love unreceived.

November 30 2012: I have had an assignment since beginning of term for Developmental Psych. 8-12 page argumentive essay covering anything in the course. I chose ADHD as a topic but it is due Dec 5 and I am JUST NOW getting down to doing anything with it… grr… Typical of me stressing last minute. On a better note my mommy is coming to visit for a few days Sunday eve. Better get a good start on essay before then… 8-12 pages means… 250 words per page… So…2000-3000 words. I’m usually a chatterbox and I can write lots too… but when it comes to essays that I have to write my brain shuts off.
Isn’t procrastination part of ADHD? Why do u think I chose this topic?? I was never diagnosed but I have several traits…Alright, I’ve got just over 1000 words so far of my ADHD ramblings talking out my butt and haven’t added any academic journal supportive claims yet. Doing ok methinks. An educated friend told me that PhD stands for Piled High n Deep. How fitting. *cerebral sparkle lightning storm* 1500 words and at a standstill. Time to sleep on it and hope inspiration and ideas come later. So glad I started this NOW rather than the night before due date…

December 10 2012: So glad that course is over with! Just finished exam and wrote two impromptu essays. One on welfare stereotypes, one on custody. Wayy too emotionally charged!!! Grr! On a better note, instructor said she enjoyed my lengthy ADHD essay. Get it back Friday…

December 28 2012: Ok, so I am on the LAST section of my course… on male anatomy… and this is what is says: “The epididymis is a coiled duct located on the outer surface of each testis. It acts as the site for maturation of sperm and where sperm become capable of effective propulsion (swimming lessons?).” And I am supposed to get through this with a straight face??? So, the female anatomy section starts off with: “Ovarian and Uterine Cycles, The female is much more complicated than the male.” Well, no S*** Sherlock… damn rights we’re more complicated LMAO!

April 2 2013: Got home just in time to get to midterm. Guessed at everything cuz I didn’t study. My original goal was to go for a psych degree. A bachelors which is 40 courses. I’m thinking now I might settle for just an associate of arts degree in psych which is 20 courses. That means just 4 more after this term. What are the official letters I get behind my name with that? Can I just be an Ass? I’m a smart ass with a cute ass? Yup that fits lol.
I think I’m gonna stick with my prerogative to change my mind and goals. The original reason to go back to school was because I had an interest in psych. Classes were fun and interesting. I’ve been going slow since 2008 juggling life with school. It’s not fun anymore. And my direction changed too in that I started my own business branching into energy psychology. Working with clients has been so rewarding and I’m thinking this goal of a degree is still and degree of sorts, that’s good enough for my bucket list. I’m done with formal education in that sense though. My path has led me to where I want to be and I want to take more courses in that direction not necessarily in a school setting. You know what PhD stands for? Piled high n deep. I want to tailor my learning specifically to my interests and needs.

April 17 2013: My HK 127 final is tomorrow 1130 am, NOT the time or day that class usually was. Please don’t let me forget to go to my final exam… I can just see me going on auto pilot on the way home from work and totally forgetting…. Got my phone alarm set to remind me but my scatterbrain might still miss it. I can have a list of to do things all lined up, get in my van and find myself at home a few minutes later unless I get a cattle prod to jolt me off auto pilot… Everybody text Jackie at 11 to make sure I get to my exam… Hey wait… maybe I should put it on vibrate first 😛 that could be interesting…

April 23 2013: Commerce 222 final all done. That concludes this semester. Now to focus on promoting Ladybug Wellness through some upcoming fairs and appearances, and make time for backyard BBQ n fire evenings

April 23 2013: The Tao of Pooh. Trying to explain abstract thinking to simple minded Pooh. Lmfao!!!! I laughed out loud at one part: “Rabbit’s clever, and he has a brain” said Pooh thoughtfully. “Yes, Rabbit’s clever and he has a brain”, agreed Piglet. Long silence. “I suppose,” said Pooh, “that is why he never understands anything”. “Pooh hasn’t much Brain, but he never comes to any harm. He does silly things and they turn out right”. Love it!! I love how so simple-minded Pooh is in all the intellectual babble… But it makes sense…lol

May 5 2013 On the topic of integrity, individuality, uniqueness and perceptions…. Many years ago, I had a conversation with a friend who said something extremely unsettling to drive home a point in understanding others failings. He said “How can a p*dophile be considered wrong in his actions if he has never known or been taught that his actions are wrong?”. Pretty disturbing concept for most normal people. Consider also the 10 year old boys in war torn countries who carry guns and kill. They grew into this kind of life. Of course, we can argue the idea of innate conscience, but still to this day that conversation unsettles me, yet provides and bit of insight into the criminal mind. A course I took years ago explained that the lack of early maternal bonding, lack of father figure or mentor in life, and the presence of a trauma before age 6 are key points in most criminals’ background as well. Pretty sad.
Consider also that when a child is neglected, there are effects suffered in their basic human nature, and animal instinct. Consider as well that when a person suffers a trauma, and for whatever reason does not process the emotions or effects of that trauma, they are often developmentally and emotionally ‘stuck’ in that stage of personal growth. Now consider many adults in society who are treated as adults because of their appearance in biological growth yet their mental growth is not developed. Makes for an interesting observation in empathetic responses to many people in society as well as the effect on communication with such individuals. Much of my musings come from experiences, the courses I have taken have made more sense and given perspective to experiences

July 19 2013: Seek to understand before seeking to be understood. Currently reading a chapter from Stephen Covey book on resolving conflicts. It is only when we come to understand another person’s perception, whether we think it to be right or wrong, that we can understand their view. It is also human nature to have preconceived judgments based on our own experiences which interfere with having an open heart and mind to understand another person. Rigid perceptions are the biggest downfall in effective communication. We all think we are right according to our own views, and we are entitled to our own opinions but to interact in society we must at least be respectful that another person may have a difference of opinion without jeopardizing interaction. Friendships and all kinds of relationships are about appreciating similarities yet respecting differences.

August 16 2014: Criminal minds reruns. “Restoration” is the best episode by far. Subject matter that hits close to home, and as Agent Derek Morgan says, “It makes you want to spend your life protecting others”.

December 5 2016: Woohoo!! Just got notice that my Psych 207 class schedule got changed… And it works out even better for me now YAY!

February 13 2016: When I was taking all my psych courses a few years ago, my (energy work) mentor told me to sleep with my text books under my pillow with the intention that I would absorb any information I needed for my essays and exams. This is a way to tap into ‘morphic resonance’ and the conscious collective. I wonder if this would work with my frequencies manual…. Hmmm…. Gonna try it

October 6 2016: What’s the letters I earn with Associate of Arts degree in psychology? I get to be an Ass. of something…?
I suppose a further level would be a “Piled high n Deep”….

November 5 2016: Funky. Training today deals with memories stored in the amygdala, as does most of my energy work … Releasing traumas. Tonight, I watched Butterfly Effect movie. It’s been a while and sure a refresher.
I love energy psychology…

November 26 2016: Two months of nonstop courses and learning. I so need to hibernate with my books and reading. Catch up and process everything. Expanding my poor little brain here lol.
I love learning though… Soak up like a sponge

January 4 2017: Buckling down for first day back to classes. Abnormal psych. Goal to get associate of arts degree in psych for spring 2018. Just need a couple courses to finish. Oh, and geology 202. Learning about rock formations and land masses. I love learning… I’ve got a few practitioner courses on the go as well. All more knowledge and techniques to better serve my Ladybug Wellness clients. I love psych and human nature stuff… And energy stuff. All fascinating and intriguing.

January 4 2017: Well, that’s a good start… Right classroom Wrong time. My class is at 4 today. Oops

February 10 2017: Dear Jackie brain: please retain, comprehend, and present in order all necessary information for Geology 202 midterm today. The past protocol of confusing terms and second guessing does not work well for exams. Thank you… I skimmed my psych 207 exam the other day. Had a few answers that I had guessed right but changed it. Love the subjects just exams and details are not my strength. Good thing I’m just doing school for ‘fun’ lol

February 23 2017: Watching my geography seminar videos. He keeps using food as visual examples. No wonder I keep snacking while doing homework

March 16 2017: Jackie N. Rioux is feeling perplexed. Hoping I can keep my brain from running off on holiday without me until I get thru the next couple weeks. 2 midterms, quiz, full weekend of labs, this weekend. Next 2 weekends are booked with courses, essay due, then CNC courses finish up beginning of April.
Love learning. Not so fond of deadlines and exams. I love the subjects, I have a bit of self discipline issue with taking on too much at once, then cramming. Dozing off while trying to read textbooks is not helping lol. I will get there.
On top of all this. A dream is coming true. A little upheaval first tho. Details and pics later. Kitchen renos.

March 16 2017: I wonder if I should be concerned that the current area of study in my Abnormal Psych class, anxiety/stress/somatic and dissociative disorders, are all actually pretty “normal” and familiar to me. Fascinating area of study.

March 26 2017: Finished PAL courses today. Now next deadline…who else leaves a 1500 word geography essay to the last night besides me??? And how did I do courses and essays etc when I was working full time???
Warming up leftovers in the microwave in the living room then buckle down to write lots.

April 3 2017: One more week to cram homework and get 2 courses finished and exams done and under my belt. Still can’t figure out how I did this while working full time and raising kids. Almost done. Breathe…. I seem to take on everything at once, then get myself worked up over deadlines when really… I did it to myself and I have all the time in the world lol
I seriously cannot understand people who accomplish master’s degrees while maintaining work and family obligations. I’m nowhere near that.

April 9 2017: Yup. I am at the end of the course using an online digital textbook and I just figured out I am about as bright as a burnt-out light bulb. I found the right page and chapter by clicking rather than scrolling. Yup. Sunshine here… Coulda used that time previously lol… Oh well. It’s crunch time now getting essay done, finals this week and writing my biography chapter. Buckling down here…

April 11 2017: Absolutely loved the 2 courses I’ve taken this semester. Abnormal psych and geography 202 land formations. Yet I am so glad to be done with both courses!! Classes, deadlines and due dates. Ugh! Geo final today. Psych on Thursday. Then I can focus on writing my biography chapter. After that I’ll probably be confused that I’m not busy enough lol.
Perpetual student here. Oh ya.. Two more day-courses lined up April 30th as well. Gooooo me!!!

May 19 2017: Just took abnormal psych class where we learned about brain imbalances and the use of drugs to compensate. This can be the end result. In all the knowledge I have under my belt now, I wish there was more support and education to overcome childhood upsets, long before anyone takes drugs of any kind. Thankful for the work I do now in hopes that others avoid this kind of fate. Article: CCHR International: Rolling Stone—Chris Cornell’s Wife Issues Statement, Blames Anxiety Medicine for Suicide

May 19 2017: Jackie N. Rioux was watching The Shadow Effect. Watched a few years ago and watched again this evening.
“If we don’t deal with our shadow, it will deal with us”. Good refresher. Pivotal and transformational.

October 5 2017: A rant, a rave, and a HAPPY dance!

Thank you to everyone who gave me some feedback on my frustrations the other day about the meteorology course. I went back to school for fun, decided on a goal and I left the math requirements to the end because that part really isn’t “fun” for me.
I talked to a different career counselor and found out a couple things. 1, if I drop the course now, it doesn’t affect my GPA, but I am past the cut off for a refund. 2, they JUST recently changed the Associate of Arts requirements so I can take 2 more PSYCH related courses and my degree will actually say “Associate of Arts IN PSYCHOLOGY”. YAY!!!!!!!!! That is exactly what I wanted!
SOOOOO I am now signed up for next semester Psych stats (still a math, but more psych related), and Cognitive Psych. — right down my alley!!! Plus, I took off the pressure of the confusing Greek symbols calculations crap. I feel light a 1000 lb weight of stress lifted there.
Now… for my practitioner friends, and anyone else who understands the concepts of trapped energies and how it ties to events in our past… All my frustrations coming up now was just more stuff to clear. Thank you, Vicki and Amy Jo, for your assistance and insights here. My frustrations and upset tied back to an incident in Grade 12 Algebra that I dropped, and my stubbornness to stay in this class longer than I should have ties back to an incident in Grade 3 where I got caught skipping class and got in so much trouble, I never illegitimately skipped school again even in high school!! Holy wow!! I had forgotten about that stuff, at least on a conscious level lol. Love Emotion/ Body Code and Court of Atonement!! Raising vibrations here and happy dancing.

January 4 2018: Right on track… Starting psych stats and cognitive psych for this semester then I can grad and be done with formal school goals

January 29 2018: This is a suggestion from Cognitive class. Some pretty “quirky” stuff here. We watched a few videos in class.

January 29 2018: The calendar went wayyyy too fast this month. Midterms already tonight and tomorrow. Ugh.
On a better note, finishing these courses and my grad goal in April is on the horizon. In some ways it feels like an accomplishment, then again, my degree is *only* 20 courses associate of arts degree over the last 10 years. I did juggle work and business too just taking a course or two here and there and paying as I went. I’m thankful to know I can inspire others; it really is never too late to follow your dreams! As for my degree, I was telling daughter Melissa Rioux the other day that she can come to my graduation and see mom graduate with half of what she’s done. She has a bachelor’s in history.
Her response? Well, you did half as much cuz you’re twice my age. Lol…
First question on the exam… My brain went on holiday. Just talked about stuff in class as review and had a cerebral sparkle moment. Meh… I think i did ok. ❤ I’m sure he’ll get a kick out of at least one of my fluffy written answers.

February 25 2018: Psych stats: means, distribution, variance, population, samples, Greek symbols, formulas… I think my head is ready to explode. I set a goal for myself to get a psych degree. The end is on the horizon… I just have to get thru this course. Almost there yet having a momentary frustration wondering how the heck some people get bachelor’s and master’s degrees and wrap their brains around downright confusing stuff. Redhead will get there tho. Associate of Arts degree in Psychology. I’ll definitely be an “ass” of something lol. Ugh. I have a tutor lined up this week before second midterm next week. My brain keeps running away off in the corner… Sadistics. That is quite the appropriate play on words!! I’ve been clearing all sorts of energy around this. Fascinating actually. I’m getting there all in divine synchronistic timing. Grasping sadisitics is not just me. My brain is so far over in the English, psych, emotional, side of the brain that anything numbers and math concepts is foreign territory. I’m dog paddling here… But above water. Every one of my frustrations is a new learning curve in using my energy toolbox and creating the right shifts to get me thru.

March 24 2018: Got my 1000 words/ 4 pages together for Cognitive psych critical analysis paper. Now to turn it into something academically coherent and APA format… Break time first…

March 26 2018: This was from class this evening.
Also, from previous class:
The old man the ships.
The horse raced past the barn fell.
Yes, those are correct sentences.
This is why psychology is mass confusion and why my theme song is Quiet Riot “Bang Your Head”.

April 3 2018: I love psychology so it started out as my happy place. I love the lectures and learning. Exams and essays notsomuch. But redhead decided on a degree and stats is requirement. Not fun at all.

April 5 2018: I have often been complimented on my writing skills, usually when I have written passionately from the heart on a subject dear to me.
Those writing skills elude me when it is a required essay for a course I am taking. Right now, a “critical analysis of a psychological study”. How to make sense of the jumbled mess of notes in front of me and turn it into an academically accepted masterpiece…. Having some serious cerebral sparkle moments here…

April 11 2018: Feeling like the dam is about to blow… Tomorrow 3 pm is the psych stats final and the key to whether I will graduate and walk across stage June 2 convocation. Everything riding on passing this course. Dear Lord what is this tongue twister brain boggling crap??? Ugh. My instructor seems to have faith in me. He says i have a PhD in kids and life, just need to apply a little bit of that to stats. People. English. Philosophy. Energy psychology. Public speaking. Anything… Just not math and formulas. Stats class is just this little unmentionable blip of a stepping stone. I seriously asked the instructor in class if he went to tongue twister school.
Its needed to design and understand psychological studies. Requirement for psych degree. I’m thankful for the basic knowledge but not going into the research end of it. It helps understanding the 10 page study I had to read for Cognitive class though.

April 21 2018: Marks are posted! … *drum roll* … I PASSED STATS!!!!! MAY BE BY THE SKIN OF MY TEETH BUT I PASSED STATS!!! omg… Ok now I can breathe again and graduate.
If I ever get the bright idea to do any more formal education — especially anything math related–, my dearest friends please beat some sense into me! No more of that kind of stress for this chickie!
And huge huge thank you hugs to Amy Jo Ellis Pamela Wentrot Kratt Eddie Masters and Barbara Loutzenhiser Goggins
for keeping me somewhat sane and grounded these last few months!
And Christine Okiku Anderson-Thomas and Janet Angela Thornton I am really blessed with some amazing people in my friend circle!
I completely bombed the written formulas part and the midterms. I managed to figure out the computer stuff and that is seriously the only thing that got me a passing grade, barely. But it’s still a pass
Cognitive I did fine… That wasn’t the worry. Stats tho… Sadistics is a good name for it. I feel like a 1000 lb weight just got lifted off me. I was under 50% after 3rd midterm… So pretty stressed out.
It’s not a very popular course that’s for sure. First day we were asked why we were taking course. Every single person: “because it’s required to graduate”. Next challenge is to catch up a bunch of stuff in my website and then compile all my notes and memories into a book. All my crazy road trips and wild concert trips… All the funnies with my family. Gotta turn it all into a book.
Now I get to cross the stage and receive my certificate: Associate of Arts degree in Psychology
What’s next? Ladybug clients Reiki students and enjoying retirement

May 22 2018: JUST received!!! Thank God!! One less stress. I had everything all ready and then there was a discrepancy, but ALL OFFICIALLY good to go now!!! WOOOHOOO!! Convocation here I come for my Associate of Arts Degree in Psychology. Crossed off Bucket List
“Hi Jackie Just a quick FYI that your application to graduate has been approved …. congratulations you’re good to go!
cheers, Cat & Brenda”

March 3 2019: After taking a “research Methods” course, I don’t trust much of what I read anyway. What are the data samples? Data can be skewed so easily to support any reports either way.

June 2 2019: Along with all my psychology interests, years ago I took a course on psychopaths and serial killers. Around that time, I read 3 books and watched a movie about Ted Bundy, one of the most “charming” and brazenly evil serial killers ever.
Today Jared and I spent the afternoon watching “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile” a new NetFlix movie with Zac Efron as Bundy (and James Hetfield from Metallica plays a cop!). Pretty good movie as it shows a different side of the charming Bundy and how his charm was key in gas-lighting his girlfriends and many other young women. How easily he captivated his prey. Kinda scary in that he was a law student and had the brains to really warp everything so much. He was also a volunteer on a crisis line. That’s what made him so scary. He was not the typical monster, but your typical nice guy next door. Wolf in sheep’s clothing for sure.

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***