My Garlic Cleanse Adventure

My Garlic Cleanse Adventure:

This is definitely a look into the not so bright, but oh so entertaining, side of Jackie. I saw a video on social media promoting the effects of a garlic cleanse. I decided to try it and to post my adventure over 3 days of posts. I had no idea of the reactions coming. Sharing here now for all to enjoy. Thank you to all my friends for all the funny reactions to my plight.

Enjoy. But please either do not try this, or at least try at your own risk. By the way, I have not done this again since this episode.
(Who am I kidding. I love garlic, and I still overdo it years later….). 

This is the video I shared: Eating 6 roasted garlic cloves, will heal your body just in 24 hours

October 31 2020
I doubt I’m gonna have any goblins coming around my house tonight. I decided to try this. Omg my house… My eyes are watering like crazy lol. Sage the house? Nope.. Let’s just roast garlic and stink up the whole freaking neighborhood.

Jackie N. Rioux: holy molitas… if there was any bad bugs in my body before now, I am pretty sure they have been decimated with garlic now. The inside of my ears are feeling pretty warm lol. Good thing I am alll by myself today


Sherry: Jackie, how much did you eat???? Lol

Jackie N. Rioux: I baked 7 and ate 3 at once.

Kirsta: Jackie – roast them with black olives and eat them together. It’s wonderful.

Jackie N. Rioux: Oooohhhh yum

Doina: you only ate 7 cloves though not 7 heads of garlic?

Jackie N. Rioux: I baked 7 bulbs, ate 3 bulbs

Doina: it didnt sound like you were supposed to eat 3 whole bulbs Jackie , cloves and bulbs arent same thing

Jackie N. Rioux: Doina lol… How long have you known me? Do I ever follow rules properly? Somebody home but the lights aren’t always on here lol

Doina: I hope you’re feeling ok now sometimes less really is more.

Amanda: Jackie N. Rioux indeed! Like, if less is more, then imagine how much more more will be! (Can’t take credit for that line…heard it on tv or Read it somewhere)

Jackie N. Rioux: I’m actually feeling really good.

Cathy: There otta be a law that everyone eats garlic at the same time

Jackie N. Rioux: Meh… good way to social distance .. way more than 6 feet lol

Paula: what time of day did you eat the garlic? Was it on an empty stomach ?

Jackie N. Rioux: Paula, Not totally empty.. had a salad first and 1st time was after lunch, second time dinner time

November 1 2020
Update on Garlic (instant) detox. Warning this is not a dignified lady kind of post.

Yesterday I posted a video about eating roasted garlic and all the benefits gained within 24 hours. The video suggested roasting 6. I roasted 7 whole garlic bulbs. My house aroma soon became the best deterrent for any night crawler vampires.

Roasted garlic loses the strong pungent taste of raw and develops a soft nutty taste, yet retains its beneficial health properties. I managed to eat 3 full bulbs of roasted garlic before my eyes started watering like crazy and the insides of my ears were burning a bit. Pretty sure I was giving off steam actually. My tummy took a vacation without me to the equator. Internal combustion central. Complete with a sporadic and intermittent breeze that would rival the local pulp mill on clear days.

Nothing really eventful all day, until bedtime. I didn’t actually sleep much til some odd time in the morning. I tossed and turned with the covers on and off for hours. The room was cool but my tummy was still really warm. Thankfully not in an uncomfortable way though.

I don’t know if I developed some sort of animal instinct because all three cats were glued to me most of the night as well. I am pretty sure no human would love me right now.

I feel pretty good this morning. Tummy feels considerably deflated. Last time I weighed myself was last Wednesday. I gotta say I am impressed that I am down 8 lbs since then. Not sure if that was all effects from last night because I had no idea that air weighed so much.

I have the rest of the baked garlic from yesterday to consume today. Garlic was on sale so I bought a whole bunch. I am not sure how often I am going to try this again, but seems to be somewhat effective. I am certainly doing my part on the social distancing, that is for sure. It is a good thing I am all by myself and my kitties love me.

That is my update. Try this method at your own risk lol.


Janet: Keep us posted!

Vicki: Tears are running down my cheeks! Haha!

Elaine: Seriously, is this for real???!!!

Jackie N. Rioux: Elaine, yup.. you were warned lol.

Sonya: LOL!!! Jackie…you are just the best story teller.

Amy: I bought a huge bag of garlic… some to roast and some to plant… I plan on putting the roasted garlic in a glass bottle with EVOO… and then keeping it in the fridge for salads, etc… I think I’ll pass on the eating whole cloves thing until someday when Rusty will be gone several day… lol. You made my day!!! Ha ha ha Cats are so forgiving!!! Lol lol lol

Lee: LOVE this

Amanda: Wow. You are brave. I cannot stand garlic!!

Nataša: You should do stand up comedy Jackie!

Denise: Spice Girl! Ha!

Cindy: Well this is very well written. Stay healthy

Valerie: I feel so invested in your story now I need to know how it plays out.

Jackie N. Rioux: So far so good… Feeling pretty good. Got the next round warmed up but having a salad first and bracing for the next round

Christine: I have always wanted to try this but have not in fear of what it may do

Jackie N. Rioux: Well… It is kinda like burning your insides out from stem to stern, fumigation style. Its not that uncomfortable. You might wanna do it with hubby, or have him gone a few days before you try it though lol

Jackie N. Rioux: I actually feel really good today, surprisingly lol

Christine: Jackie N. Rioux I can imagine it really cleans u out

Lena: I love garlic and so does my hubby. BUT we both work with clients daily. Maybe next Friday night.

Kirsta: I feel this needs to be celebrated. Love this post.

Maxine: lol!! You go Girl!!

Jackie N. Rioux: Maxine, So is anything wafting across the road?? lol

Maxine: lol!! Not yet!!

Jackie N. Rioux: UPDATE: 6 pm. the other 4 BULBS of roasted garlic have now been consumed. Now we wait…. My cats seem to be rolling their eyes at me with disturbed looks of anticipation… I seem to have shed another 2 lbs. That wasn’t air. I just would like to Thank God right now that all my dear clients this week are online…At least I am good for entertainment….


Amanda: Jackie, is there a world record for the amount of garlic consumed in a certain period of time??? You are probably in the running!!

Jackie N. Rioux: I dunno. You’d think there is a record where someone got sick or died so they have a “limit” of sorts. I’m feeling pretty good actually.

Amanda: Jackie N. Rioux I googled and did not find any death by garlic cases. But I did find an article that said you should not leave chopped garlic lying around because it can grow botulism. ( Ew!)

Jackie N. Rioux: Amanda,makes sense. Onions are good detoxifiers when you leave cut ones around the house. Toss in the morning.

Amanda: Jackie N. Rioux yuck! I hate onions. I am starting my own detox tomorrow: 7 day water fast. (Well, ok, cheating and allowing coffee too. Apparently it isn’t a true fast if you allow coffee but no Way I’m going without food OR coffee .)

Jackie N. Rioux: I’ve known a few people that have done a water fast. I’m hesitant I’d starve. Let me know how it goes for you.

Amanda: I have done them before. Longest is 20 days. That time I got a little sick and had to get an iv of potassium and some other thing, but it was no big deal. I do get really hungry, but the thing is I am ALWAYS hungry. I can eat a full day’s worth of food and then 9:30pm sets in and it literally Feels like I have not eaten all day. So fasting doesn’t feel that much different than usual. I think the biggest benefits for me are my skin, mental clarity, and weight loss.

Tammy: I LOVE garlic but it does not love me. If I ate that much garlic I would for sure feel dehydrated and headachey for days. And I hold the smell for DAYS – it emanates out of my pores.

Jackie N. Rioux: Well if I go out in my back yard, I could be an “air freshener” for the neighborhood as you are just over my back fence LOL

Tammy : true

Lorena: Jackie N. Rioux LOL. I need to move there! You guys are having way too much fun…where I am…just 2 grumpy adult boys around.

Dianne: Oh my Jackie. One can have too much of a good thing; even too much water can be detrimental to optimal health as it depletes the balance of sodium in the body and predisposes one to potential seizure activity as a result. Too much garlic can imbalance the brain so would be good to test how much and how often would be best for you. Love the story and the way you’ve worded it though hehee.

Jackie N. Rioux:  I’m a redhead… I am quite well known to overdo things when it comes to me lol. And pretty sure my brain was imbalanced a lonnng time ago

Janet: Great writing. Great descriptions Jackie. Very entertaining, if not educational. ha ha

Jackie N. Rioux: An example of what not to do lol… At least I am good for entertainment lol

Lorena: You ought to be an author LOL. Love your stories

Jackie N. Rioux: Lorena, I did publish “my story” a few years ago. And there’s a few stories in my website. I keep saying a book is coming of my adventures with road trips and raising kids

Lorena: What is it called. I bet it would be an awesome read

Jackie N. Rioux: Heal Thy Self Book – Ladybug Wellness

Julie: I enjoyed reading this so much! The idea, the action, the tension, the result…….amazing

Marsha: Oh my dear that was wonderfully written, I definitely will not be trying this at this level. LOL.

Jackie N. Rioux: But I feel pretty good…

Jackie N. Rioux: Since you all enjoyed reading this… I’ll mention one more humorous thing that happened the second night…Ebony felt the need to console me all night by snuggling and cuddling… but… Midnight felt the need to “attack” and pounce on the source of the all night trumpeting… Ya… that was fun.

Janet: Thoroughly enjoyable, and fun to hear your story Jackie, but would you recommend it?

Jackie N. Rioux: Well, if you like garlic, sure. It is certainly a whole lot better than a bottle of magnesium citrate.. cuz trust me, that method is NOT fun. Other than fumigating my insides from stem to stern, the garlic method ain’t that bad at all. And I do feel really good now. Weight hasn’t changed a whole lot, but skin seems softer. Head feels clear. and roasted garlic is a good appetizer. I just overdosed on purpose lol

Janet: Ok! I bought 8 heads of garlic yesterday. Might wait for my roommate to leave for a few days….thanks to your meticulous description!

November 11 2020: Let’s try this again… 4 whole bulbs of roasted garlic mixed into a salad. I wonder what kind of effects we’ll have this time. My cats sure love me… Down one gullet, past one lung, hello tummy, here I come


Pamela: Sounds like my kind of salad.

Annette: stinky skunk lol

Peter: Still…..???

Jackie N. Rioux: What? I don’t mind garlic actually.. felt pretty good last time. Might as well do it again. I realized I bought 3 bags x 20 bulbs. Wanna come visit??????

Lee: Eagerly awaiting the next installment…

Jackie N. Rioux: Lee, I had no idea my garlic adventures would be so popular lol. I am never gonna live this down. I got on FCOA class the other day and 3 people asked me about garlic LMAO!!!!!!!

Kirsta: Look into garlic honey

Amanda: Better you than me, that’s all I can say!

Jackie N. Rioux: Seems to have worked. Not quite as entertaining with subsequent tries lol. Great way to fumigate your insides from one end to the other lol


May 3 2021: FYI for all those who were so entertained with my garlic cleanse adventure a few months ago… I wasn’t about to try that again and I still had two big bags of garlic sitting in the fridge that started to sprout. I posted the garlic on Freecycle thinking someone else can have some fun and maybe plant them.
Sure enough a lady picked up and was quite happy to add them to her gardening. She said she has received items from me in the past on Freecycle so she wanted to gift me something in return… a few jars of her home canning pickles! The pickled beets and carrots disappeared quickly.
The pickled garlic I opened this morning. Tasty and goes down easy, but boy oh boy my tummy is gurgling something fierce. Let’s see where this experience goes….
Janet: Here we go again….keep us posted!
Rhonda: I adore your antics
Jackie N. Rioux: Rhonda, Ya I know.. I am good for entertainment at least
Rhonda: Jackie N. Rioux: Endorphins are essential!!
Jackie N. Rioux: Rhonda, Laughter is the best medicine. Just doing my part to add some laughs at my own expense
Barbara: Not laughing at you! You should get a good clean out. There is sulfur in garlic.
Jackie N. Rioux: Barbara, I leave that to literary implications, but yes you are right lol… Feeling pretty de-fumigated again this afternoon
Barbara: Hugs❤
Ken: I think I know where it’s going.
Lee: Love your posts Jackie N. Rioux
Vicki: BTW garlic shouldn’t be stored in the fridge. You can also plant them to grow them


February 12 2022
Day of GRIT: #9 of 28
CONTEXT: “I Break Free From Old Patterns… “
I could go on and on about how I have broken past dysfunctional patterns in my life and that my life has changed for the better in so many ways. But no, today I proved yet again that I miss some lessons in life and keep repeating them.
Today’s lesson was regarding my nemesis garlic. Most of my friends remember my experience with baked garlic back in October 2020. What I learned then is that baked garlic does take the pungentness down quite a bit so you can eat way more and get much more of the cleansing effects. I had overdone it then and paid the price of fumigating myself inside out.
A few months later, I had someone gift me a jar of canned pickled garlic. Oh my gosh that stuff was yummy. But again, it does cleanse your insides like a scrub brush. I am sucker for punishment apparently.
Last week, my daughter was cleaning out the fridge and found we had quite a stash of garlic bulbs in there. She baked a few for herself, but I didn’t indulge this time. However, I did suggest putting some cloves in a jar with pickle juice, since I loved the pickled garlic previously.
Today my daughter and I went on a blitzing rampage through our home, cleaning the nooks and crannies and clearing out any fornicating dust bunnies in the corners. Our day was going well. We had pulled out the fridge and stove to clean behind there. That’s where all the cat toys were hiding!
Next we moved on to cleaning inside the fridge. There was the pickled garlic! I was sure it had been marinating long enough over several days so I pulled out a huge clove and munched it down quickly. Yum! Down one gullet, past one lung, hello tummy, here I come!
Within mere seconds I felt that hauntingly familiar burning sensation in my ear canals. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Make it stop!!
Too late. That clove was now sitting in my belly and the fumes were radiating all the way back up to my nostrils. My eyes were watering too. I had burned a passage from my mouth to my belly. A point of no return… I started swearing a blue streak and trying to breathe through it. I actually sent a message to my other kids to start preparing my eulogy.
My gosh I was feeling warm from the inside out. Melissa looked up home remedies to lessen the burning sensation and offered a banana. I settled to chug a glass of milk. It took probably half an hour before I was ready to tackle the house again. Melissa says I still reek like garlic. Good think skunks aren’t bothered by their own scent?
I have learned that canned pickled garlic must lose some of the sting of the fresh cloves. Have I broken free of old patterns? With lots of other things in my life, yeah. But not garlic. There is a full jar of fresh pickled garlic in the fridge, with my name on it, still waiting to plan my demise at any time. I have always told my kids I want to go out with a bang so please cremate me with some popcorn or firecrackers. I am not fond of this idea of burning myself from the inside out though.
I guess the bonus here is that Valentine’s day is in a couple days and I won’t be attracting any vampires.

Jackie N. Rioux
February 16 2023
Sucker for punishment here…
The other night I did a bunch of energy balancing on myself before sleep. Had errands including groceries in the morning.
Got a burst of motivation, tore apart fridge and scrubbed it out before putting groceries away.
Found a bulb of garlic in clean out. Yup you know where this is going…
Yesterday I made up some bone broth and veggies and tossed in the bulb of garlic.
F*cking hell… yup I ate it all thru the day.
My insides are sure warm. Its almost 3 am and I’m still awake. .
Why do I do this to myself?
Our cat Midnight is awful cuddly….
Prayers appreciated…
I definitely have a Love/ Hate relationship with garlic…

Sherry: Send me some of your energy lol.
Jackie N. Rioux: I pulled out the “raising our levels” FCOA class. I redid it last night intending for my Sunday group. 😁😁😁

Ingrid: I hear you I was up at 3 am doing laundry. But did nap from 5 to 7.

Cathy: Brave Midnight, cuddling with the garlic factory!
Jackie N. Rioux: good thing cuz no one else loves me lol
Cathy: there otta be a law that everyone eats garlic at the same time.
Jackie N. Rioux: I’m alone and neighbors far away… all good … I think.

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intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***