Grounding Technique | Mary Woodthorpe


This was written by a dear practitioner friend Mary Woodthorpe. I have taken a couple courses with Mary. She is full of practical and useful wisdom.

Grounding Technique:

Try this process for yourself

How to quickly change your feelings from fear to love.

The rapidly changing events that we have been coping with in the last few months in particular have created within many people very subtle enhancements of fear and insecurity. Uncertainty and distrust are everywhere. This condition has many repercussions, the most significant of which is our willingness to give our integrity, self-knowing and confidence away preferring to turn like a child turns to its’ parents for approval, support and assistance. This is not healthy for us and I am showing you a really simple process to immediately start to turn this around and get you back on your feet.


Bring to mind all the things that have been going on these last few months that have changed the way you live your life. Then just say to these thoughts, “Show me the fear and the love” (you must use the whole sentence, not just love then fear or the other way around.) Keep repeating this phrase allowing discomforts to surface, your eyes may water, you may yawn, and your nervous system may cause your body to shake a little as the energetic patterns of fear dissolve away. When no more discomfort surfaces you are left with a peaceful very tangible calm. Go back to those memories and repeat the process as long as any discomfort is still there. When you only feel calm and peaceful in relation to these memories you will have finished.

Write this simple recovery phrase on a piece of paper or card and place it in a handy place such as a wallet, much used pocket, so you have it to hand whenever you may need it. Place it in a prominent position on your desk to use every morning before starting work so that you can clear any misgivings about the day ahead, it will change your day!

You can focus on anything that bothers you even the slightest bit and quickly restore it to a loving state this way.

No need to know the reasons for any upset and discomfort. This is a very quickly transformative and very helpful process anyone can do for themselves at any time.

Why does this work so effectively?. Because fear is the lack of love, and when you introduce two opposites they cancel each other out.

Please take full self-responsibility for any processes listed here. Enjoy and let me know how you get on.


Mary Woodthorpe: Thank you for those kind words Jackie.

This is such a simple technique and it can make a huge difference in how you feel in seconds. Show it to your friends, your clients and especially your children, they really need it right now. Let’s give loving humanity a chance!

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is not
intended to replace traditional medical care.
It can, however, enhance traditional medical care.
Please see your medical professional for serious health concerns.***